path: root/script/vm/emmy.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'script/vm/emmy.lua')
1 files changed, 372 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/script/vm/emmy.lua b/script/vm/emmy.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9342a851
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/vm/emmy.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
+local functionMgr = require 'vm.function'
+local library = require 'vm.library'
+local mt = require 'vm.manager'
+function mt:clearEmmy()
+ self._emmy = nil
+ self._emmyParams = nil
+ self._emmyReturns = nil
+ self._emmyGeneric = nil
+ self._emmyComment = nil
+ self._emmyOverLoads = nil
+function mt:doEmmy(action)
+ local tp = action.type
+ if tp == 'emmyClass' then
+ self:doEmmyClass(action)
+ elseif tp == 'emmyType' then
+ self:doEmmyType(action)
+ elseif tp == 'emmyAlias' then
+ self:doEmmyAlias(action)
+ elseif tp == 'emmyParam' then
+ self:doEmmyParam(action)
+ elseif tp == 'emmyReturn' then
+ self:doEmmyReturn(action)
+ elseif tp == 'emmyField' then
+ self:doEmmyField(action)
+ elseif tp == 'emmyGeneric' then
+ self:doEmmyGeneric(action)
+ elseif tp == 'emmyVararg' then
+ self:doEmmyVararg(action)
+ elseif tp == 'emmyLanguage' then
+ elseif tp == 'emmyArrayType' then
+ self:doEmmyArrayType(action)
+ elseif tp == 'emmyTableType' then
+ self:doEmmyTableType(action)
+ elseif tp == 'emmyFunctionType' then
+ self:doEmmyFunctionType(action)
+ elseif tp == 'emmySee' then
+ self:doEmmySee(action)
+ elseif tp == 'emmyOverLoad' then
+ self:doEmmyOverLoad(action)
+ elseif tp == 'emmyIncomplete' then
+ self:doEmmyIncomplete(action)
+ elseif tp == 'emmyComment' then
+ self:doEmmyComment(action)
+ end
+function mt:getEmmy()
+ local emmy = self._emmy
+ self._emmy = nil
+ return emmy
+function mt:addEmmyParam(param)
+ if not self._emmyParams then
+ self._emmyParams = {}
+ end
+ self._emmyParams[#self._emmyParams+1] = param
+function mt:addEmmyReturn(rtn)
+ if not self._emmyReturns then
+ self._emmyReturns = {}
+ end
+ self._emmyReturns[#self._emmyReturns+1] = rtn
+function mt:addEmmyOverLoad(funcObj)
+ if not self._emmyOverLoads then
+ self._emmyOverLoads = {}
+ end
+ self._emmyOverLoads[#self._emmyOverLoads+1] = funcObj
+function mt:getEmmyParams()
+ local params = self._emmyParams
+ self._emmyParams = nil
+ return params
+function mt:getEmmyReturns()
+ local returns = self._emmyReturns
+ self._emmyReturns = nil
+ return returns
+function mt:getEmmyOverLoads()
+ local overLoads = self._emmyOverLoads
+ self._emmyOverLoads = nil
+ return overLoads
+function mt:getEmmyGeneric()
+ local generic = self._emmyGeneric
+ self._emmyGeneric = nil
+ return generic
+---@return string
+function mt:getEmmyComment()
+ local comment = self._emmyComment
+ self._emmyComment = nil
+ return comment
+function mt:doEmmyClass(action)
+ ---@type emmyMgr
+ local emmyMgr = self.emmyMgr
+ self:instantSource(action)
+ self:instantSource(action[1])
+ local class = emmyMgr:addClass(action)
+ action:set('emmy class', class:getName())
+ action[1]:set('emmy class', class:getName())
+ local extends = action[2]
+ if extends then
+ self:instantSource(extends)
+ extends:set('emmy class', extends[1])
+ end
+ self._emmy = class
+ action:set('emmy.class', class)
+ if self.lsp then
+ end
+function mt:buildEmmyType(action)
+ ---@type emmyMgr
+ local emmyMgr = self.emmyMgr
+ self:instantSource(action)
+ for _, obj in ipairs(action) do
+ self:instantSource(obj)
+ obj:set('emmy class', obj[1])
+ end
+ local type = emmyMgr:addType(action)
+ return type
+function mt:doEmmyType(action)
+ local type = self:buildEmmyType(action)
+ self._emmy = type
+ if self.lsp then
+ end
+ return type
+function mt:doEmmyAlias(action)
+ ---@type emmyMgr
+ local emmyMgr = self.emmyMgr
+ self:instantSource(action)
+ self:instantSource(action[1])
+ local type = self:buildEmmyAnyType(action[2])
+ local alias = emmyMgr:addAlias(action, type)
+ action:set('emmy.alias', alias)
+ action[1]:set('emmy class', alias:getName())
+ self._emmy = type
+ if self.lsp then
+ end
+function mt:getGenericByType(type)
+ local generics = self._emmyGeneric
+ if not generics then
+ return
+ end
+ if #type > 1 then
+ return
+ end
+ local name = type[1][1]
+ for _, generic in ipairs(generics) do
+ if generic:getName() == name then
+ return generic
+ end
+ end
+ return nil
+function mt:doEmmyParam(action)
+ ---@type emmyMgr
+ local emmyMgr = self.emmyMgr
+ self:instantSource(action)
+ self:instantSource(action[1])
+ local type = self:getGenericByType(action[2]) or self:buildEmmyAnyType(action[2])
+ local param = emmyMgr:addParam(action, type)
+ action:set('emmy.param', param)
+ self:addEmmyParam(param)
+ if self.lsp then
+ end
+function mt:doEmmyReturn(action)
+ ---@type emmyMgr
+ local emmyMgr = self.emmyMgr
+ self:instantSource(action)
+ local type = action[1] and (self:getGenericByType(action[1]) or self:buildEmmyAnyType(action[1]))
+ local name = action[2]
+ local rtn = emmyMgr:addReturn(action, type, name)
+ action:set('emmy.return', rtn)
+ self:addEmmyReturn(rtn)
+ if self.lsp then
+ end
+function mt:doEmmyField(action)
+ ---@type emmyMgr
+ local emmyMgr = self.emmyMgr
+ self:instantSource(action)
+ self:instantSource(action[2])
+ local type = self:buildEmmyAnyType(action[3])
+ local value = self:createValue('nil', action[2])
+ local field = emmyMgr:addField(action, type, value)
+ value:setEmmy(type)
+ action:set('emmy.field', field)
+ local class = self._emmy
+ if not self._emmy or self._emmy.type ~= 'emmy.class' then
+ return
+ end
+ class:addField(field)
+ action:set('target class', class)
+function mt:doEmmyGeneric(action)
+ ---@type emmyMgr
+ local emmyMgr = self.emmyMgr
+ self:instantSource(action)
+ local defs = {}
+ for i, obj in ipairs(action) do
+ defs[i] = {}
+ defs[i].name = self:instantSource(obj[1])
+ if obj[2] then
+ defs[i].type = self:buildEmmyAnyType(obj[2])
+ end
+ end
+ local generic = emmyMgr:addGeneric(defs)
+ self._emmyGeneric = generic
+function mt:doEmmyVararg(action)
+ ---@type emmyMgr
+ local emmyMgr = self.emmyMgr
+ self:instantSource(action)
+ local type = self:getGenericByType(action[1]) or self:buildEmmyAnyType(action[1])
+ local param = emmyMgr:addParam(action, type)
+ action:set('emmy.param', param)
+ self:addEmmyParam(param)
+ if self.lsp then
+ end
+function mt:buildEmmyArrayType(action)
+ ---@type emmyMgr
+ local emmyMgr = self.emmyMgr
+ self:instantSource(action)
+ for _, obj in ipairs(action) do
+ self:instantSource(obj)
+ action:set('emmy class', obj[1])
+ end
+ local type = emmyMgr:addArrayType(action)
+ return type
+function mt:doEmmyArrayType(action)
+ local type = self:buildEmmyArrayType(action)
+ self._emmy = type
+ if self.lsp then
+ end
+ return type
+function mt:buildEmmyTableType(action)
+ ---@type emmyMgr
+ local emmyMgr = self.emmyMgr
+ self:instantSource(action)
+ local keyType = self:buildEmmyAnyType(action[1])
+ local valueType = self:buildEmmyAnyType(action[2])
+ local type = emmyMgr:addTableType(action, keyType, valueType)
+ return type
+function mt:doEmmyTableType(action)
+ local type = self:buildEmmyTableType(action)
+ self._emmy = type
+ if self.lsp then
+ end
+ return type
+function mt:buildEmmyFunctionType(source)
+ ---@type emmyMgr
+ local emmyMgr = self.emmyMgr
+ self:instantSource(source)
+ local funcObj = emmyMgr:addFunctionType(source)
+ ---@type emmyFunction
+ local func = functionMgr.create(source)
+ local args = source.args
+ if args then
+ for i = 1, #args // 2 do
+ local nameSource = args[i*2-1]
+ local typeSource = args[i*2]
+ local paramType = self:buildEmmyAnyType(typeSource)
+ funcObj:addParam(nameSource[1], paramType)
+ local value = self:createValue(paramType:getType(), typeSource)
+ value:setEmmy(paramType)
+ self:instantSource(nameSource)
+ local arg = func:addArg(nameSource[1], nameSource, value)
+ arg:set('emmy arg', true)
+ end
+ end
+ local returns = source.returns
+ if returns then
+ for i = 1, #returns do
+ local returnSource = returns[i]
+ local returnType = self:buildEmmyAnyType(returnSource)
+ funcObj:addReturn(returnType)
+ local value = self:createValue(returnType:getType(), returnSource)
+ value:setEmmy(returnType)
+ func:setReturn(i, value)
+ end
+ end
+ funcObj:bindFunction(func)
+ return funcObj
+function mt:doEmmyFunctionType(action)
+ local funcObj = self:buildEmmyFunctionType(action)
+ self._emmy = funcObj
+ return funcObj
+function mt:buildEmmyAnyType(source)
+ if source.type == 'emmyType' then
+ return self:buildEmmyType(source)
+ elseif source.type == 'emmyArrayType' then
+ return self:buildEmmyArrayType(source)
+ elseif source.type == 'emmyTableType' then
+ return self:buildEmmyTableType(source)
+ elseif source.type == 'emmyFunctionType' then
+ return self:buildEmmyFunctionType(source)
+ else
+ error('Unknown emmy type: ' .. table.dump(source))
+ end
+function mt:doEmmyIncomplete(action)
+ self:instantSource(action)
+function mt:doEmmyComment(action)
+ self._emmyComment = action[1]
+function mt:doEmmySee(action)
+ self:instantSource(action)
+ self:instantSource(action[2])
+ action[2]:set('emmy see', action)
+function mt:doEmmyOverLoad(action)
+ local funcObj = self:buildEmmyFunctionType(action)
+ self:addEmmyOverLoad(funcObj)