path: root/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri
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Diffstat (limited to 'script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri')
18 files changed, 1137 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/_login.lua b/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/_login.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4e9e6844
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/_login.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+local M = { _NAME = "uri._login" }
+local Util = require "uri._util"
+local URI = require "uri"
+Util.subclass_of(M, URI)
+-- Generic terminal logins. This is used as a base class for 'telnet' and
+-- 'ftp' URL schemes.
+local function _valid_userinfo (userinfo)
+ if userinfo then
+ local colon = userinfo:find(":")
+ if colon and userinfo:find(":", colon + 1) then
+ return nil, "only one colon allowed in userinfo"
+ end
+ end
+ return true
+-- TODO - this is a bit of a hack because currently subclasses are required
+-- to know whether their superclass has one of these that needs calling.
+-- It should be called from 'init' before anything more specific is done,
+-- and it has the same calling convention.
+-- According to RFC 1738 there should be at most one colon in the userinfo.
+-- I apply that restriction for schemes where it's used for a username/password
+-- pair.
+function M.init_base (self)
+ local host = self:host()
+ if not host or host == "" then
+ return nil, "host missing from login URI"
+ end
+ local ok, err = _valid_userinfo(self:userinfo())
+ if not ok then return nil, err end
+ return self
+function M.userinfo (self, ...)
+ if select("#", ...) > 0 then
+ local ok, err = _valid_userinfo(...)
+ if not ok then error("invalid userinfo value (" .. err .. ")") end
+ end
+ return M._SUPER.userinfo(self, ...)
+function M.username (self, ...)
+ local info = M._SUPER.userinfo(self)
+ local old, colon
+ if info then
+ local colon = info and info:find(":")
+ old = colon and info:sub(1, colon - 1) or info
+ old = Util.uri_decode(old)
+ end
+ if select('#', ...) > 0 then
+ local pass = colon and info:sub(colon) or "" -- includes colon
+ local new = ...
+ if not new then
+ M._SUPER.userinfo(self, nil)
+ else
+ -- Escape anything that's not allowed in a userinfo, and also
+ -- colon, because that indicates the end of the username.
+ new = Util.uri_encode(new, "^A-Za-z0-9%-._~!$&'()*+,;=")
+ M._SUPER.userinfo(self, new .. pass)
+ end
+ end
+ return old
+function M.password (self, ...)
+ local info = M._SUPER.userinfo(self)
+ local old, colon
+ if info then
+ colon = info and info:find(":")
+ old = colon and info:sub(colon + 1) or nil
+ if old then old = Util.uri_decode(old) end
+ end
+ if select('#', ...) > 0 then
+ local new = ...
+ local user = colon and info:sub(1, colon - 1) or info
+ if not new then
+ M._SUPER.userinfo(self, user)
+ else
+ if not user then user = "" end
+ new = Util.uri_encode(new, "^A-Za-z0-9%-._~!$&'()*+,;=")
+ M._SUPER.userinfo(self, user .. ":" .. new)
+ end
+ end
+ return old
+return M
+-- vi:ts=4 sw=4 expandtab
diff --git a/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/_relative.lua b/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/_relative.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8cd53ca7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/_relative.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+local M = { _NAME = "uri._relative" }
+local Util = require "uri._util"
+local URI = require "uri"
+Util.subclass_of(M, URI)
+-- There needs to be an 'init' method in this class, to because the base-class
+-- one expects there to be a 'scheme' value.
+function M.init (self)
+ return self
+function M.scheme (self, ...)
+ if select("#", ...) > 0 then
+ error("relative URI references can't have a scheme, perhaps you" ..
+ " need to resolve this against an absolute URI instead")
+ end
+ return nil
+function M.is_relative () return true end
+-- This implements the algorithm from RFC 3986 section 5.2.3
+-- Note that this takes an additional argument which appears to be required
+-- by the algorithm, but isn't shown when it is used in the RFC.
+local function _merge_paths (base, r, base_has_auth)
+ if base_has_auth and base == "" then
+ return "/" .. r
+ end
+ return base:gsub("[^/]+$", "", 1) .. r
+local function _do_resolve (self, base)
+ if type(base) == "string" then base = assert(URI:new(base)) end
+ setmetatable(self, URI)
+ if self:host() or self:userinfo() or self:port() then
+ -- network path reference, just needs a scheme
+ self:path(Util.remove_dot_segments(self:path()))
+ self:scheme(base:scheme())
+ return
+ end
+ local path = self:path()
+ if path == "" then
+ self:path(base:path())
+ if not self:query() then self:query(base:query()) end
+ else
+ if path:find("^/") then
+ self:path(Util.remove_dot_segments(path))
+ else
+ local base_has_auth = base:host() or base:userinfo() or base:port()
+ local merged = _merge_paths(base:path(), path, base_has_auth)
+ self:path(Util.remove_dot_segments(merged))
+ end
+ end
+ self:host(base:host())
+ self:userinfo(base:userinfo())
+ self:port(base:port())
+ self:scheme(base:scheme())
+function M.resolve (self, base)
+ local orig = tostring(self)
+ local ok, result = pcall(_do_resolve, self, base)
+ if ok then return end
+ -- If the resolving causes an exception, it means that the resulting URI
+ -- would be invalid, so we restore self to its original state and rethrow
+ -- the exception.
+ local restored = assert(URI:new(orig))
+ for k in pairs(self) do self[k] = nil end
+ for k, v in pairs(restored) do self[k] = v end
+ setmetatable(self, getmetatable(restored))
+ error("resolved URI reference would be invalid: " .. result)
+function M.relativize (self, base) end -- already relative
+return M
+-- vi:ts=4 sw=4 expandtab
diff --git a/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/_util.lua b/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/_util.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..16a3b289
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/_util.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+local M = { _NAME = "uri._util" }
+-- Build a char->hex map
+local escapes = {}
+for i = 0, 255 do
+ escapes[string.char(i)] = string.format("%%%02X", i)
+function M.uri_encode (text, patn)
+ if not text then return end
+ if not patn then
+ -- Default unsafe characters. RFC 2732 ^(uric - reserved)
+ -- TODO - this should be updated to the latest RFC.
+ patn = "^A-Za-z0-9%-_.!~*'()"
+ end
+ return (text:gsub("([" .. patn .. "])",
+ function (chr) return escapes[chr] end))
+function M.uri_decode (str, patn)
+ -- Note from RFC1630: "Sequences which start with a percent sign
+ -- but are not followed by two hexadecimal characters are reserved
+ -- for future extension"
+ if not str then return end
+ if patn then patn = "[" .. patn .. "]" end
+ return (str:gsub("%%(%x%x)", function (hex)
+ local char = string.char(tonumber(hex, 16))
+ return (patn and not char:find(patn)) and "%" .. hex or char
+ end))
+-- This is the remove_dot_segments algorithm from RFC 3986 section 5.2.4.
+-- The input buffer is 's', the output buffer 'path'.
+function M.remove_dot_segments (s)
+ local path = ""
+ while s ~= "" do
+ if s:find("^%.%.?/") then -- A
+ s = s:gsub("^%.%.?/", "", 1)
+ elseif s:find("^/%./") or s == "/." then -- B
+ s = s:gsub("^/%./?", "/", 1)
+ elseif s:find("^/%.%./") or s == "/.." then -- C
+ s = s:gsub("^/%.%./?", "/", 1)
+ if path:find("/") then
+ path = path:gsub("/[^/]*$", "", 1)
+ else
+ path = ""
+ end
+ elseif s == "." or s == ".." then -- D
+ s = ""
+ else -- E
+ local _, p, seg = s:find("^(/?[^/]*)")
+ s = s:sub(p + 1)
+ path = path .. seg
+ end
+ end
+ return path
+-- TODO - wouldn't this be better as a method on string? s:split(patn)
+function M.split (patn, s, max)
+ if s == "" then return {} end
+ local i, j = 1, string.find(s, patn)
+ if not j then return { s } end
+ local list = {}
+ while true do
+ if #list + 1 == max then list[max] = s:sub(i); return list end
+ list[#list + 1] = s:sub(i, j - 1)
+ i = j + 1
+ j = string.find(s, patn, i)
+ if not j then
+ list[#list + 1] = s:sub(i)
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ return list
+function M.attempt_require (modname)
+ local ok, result = pcall(require, modname)
+ if ok then
+ return result
+ elseif type(result) == "string" and
+ result:find("module '.*' not found") then
+ return nil
+ else
+ error(result)
+ end
+function M.subclass_of (class, baseclass)
+ class.__index = class
+ class.__tostring = baseclass.__tostring
+ class._SUPER = baseclass
+ setmetatable(class, baseclass)
+function M.do_class_changing_change (uri, baseclass, changedesc, newvalue,
+ changefunc)
+ local tmpuri = {}
+ setmetatable(tmpuri, baseclass)
+ for k, v in pairs(uri) do tmpuri[k] = v end
+ changefunc(tmpuri, newvalue)
+ tmpuri._uri = nil
+ local foo, err = tmpuri:init()
+ if not foo then
+ error("URI not valid after " .. changedesc .. " changed to '" ..
+ newvalue .. "': " .. err)
+ end
+ setmetatable(uri, getmetatable(tmpuri))
+ for k in pairs(uri) do uri[k] = nil end
+ for k, v in pairs(tmpuri) do uri[k] = v end
+function M.uri_part_not_allowed (class, method)
+ class[method] = function (self, new)
+ if new then error(method .. " not allowed on this kind of URI") end
+ return self["_" .. method]
+ end
+return M
+-- vi:ts=4 sw=4 expandtab
diff --git a/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/data.lua b/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/data.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c425621a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/data.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+local M = { _NAME = "" }
+local Util = require "uri._util"
+local URI = require "uri"
+Util.subclass_of(M, URI)
+-- This implements the 'data' scheme defined in RFC 2397.
+local Filter = Util.attempt_require("datafilter")
+local function _valid_base64 (data) return data:find("^[0-9a-zA-Z/+]*$") end
+local function _split_path (path)
+ local _, _, mediatype, data = path:find("^([^,]*),(.*)")
+ if not mediatype then return "must have comma in path" end
+ local base64 = false
+ if mediatype:find(";base64$") then
+ base64 = true
+ mediatype = mediatype:sub(1, -8)
+ end
+ if base64 and not _valid_base64(data) then
+ return "illegal character in base64 encoding"
+ end
+ return nil, mediatype, base64, data
+function M.init (self)
+ if then
+ return nil, "data URIs may not have authority parts"
+ end
+ local err, mediatype, base64, data = _split_path(M._SUPER.path(self))
+ if err then return nil, "invalid data URI (" .. err .. ")" end
+ return self
+function M.data_media_type (self, ...)
+ local _, old, base64, data = _split_path(M._SUPER.path(self))
+ if select('#', ...) > 0 then
+ local new = ... or ""
+ new = Util.uri_encode(new, "^A-Za-z0-9%-._~!$&'()*+;=:@/")
+ if base64 then new = new .. ";base64" end
+ M._SUPER.path(self, new .. "," .. data)
+ end
+ if old ~= "" then
+ if old:find("^;") then old = "text/plain" .. old end
+ return Util.uri_decode(old)
+ else
+ return "text/plain;charset=US-ASCII" -- default type
+ end
+local function _urienc_len (s)
+ local num_unsafe_chars = s:gsub("[A-Za-z0-9%-._~!$&'()*+,;=:@/]", ""):len()
+ local num_safe_chars = s:len() - num_unsafe_chars
+ return num_safe_chars + num_unsafe_chars * 3
+local function _base64_len (s)
+ local num_blocks = (s:len() + 2) / 3
+ num_blocks = num_blocks - num_blocks % 1
+ return num_blocks * 4
+ + 7 -- because of ";base64" marker
+local function _do_filter (algorithm, input)
+ return Filter[algorithm](input)
+function M.data_bytes (self, ...)
+ local _, mediatype, base64, old = _split_path(M._SUPER.path(self))
+ if base64 then
+ if not Filter then
+ error("'datafilter' Lua module required to decode base64 data")
+ end
+ old = _do_filter("base64_decode", old)
+ else
+ old = Util.uri_decode(old)
+ end
+ if select('#', ...) > 0 then
+ local new = ... or ""
+ local urienc_len = _urienc_len(new)
+ local base64_len = _base64_len(new)
+ if base64_len < urienc_len and Filter then
+ mediatype = mediatype .. ";base64"
+ new = _do_filter("base64_encode", new)
+ else
+ new = new:gsub("%%", "%%25")
+ end
+ M._SUPER.path(self, mediatype .. "," .. new)
+ end
+ return old
+function M.path (self, ...)
+ local old = M._SUPER.path(self)
+ if select('#', ...) > 0 then
+ local new = ...
+ if not new then error("there must be a path in a data URI") end
+ local err = _split_path(new)
+ if err then error("invalid data URI (" .. err .. ")") end
+ M._SUPER.path(self, new)
+ end
+ return old
+Util.uri_part_not_allowed(M, "userinfo")
+Util.uri_part_not_allowed(M, "host")
+Util.uri_part_not_allowed(M, "port")
+return M
+-- vi:ts=4 sw=4 expandtab
diff --git a/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/file.lua b/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/file.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..271cb3ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/file.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+local M = { _NAME = "uri.file" }
+local Util = require "uri._util"
+local URI = require "uri"
+Util.subclass_of(M, URI)
+function M.init (self)
+ if self:userinfo() or self:port() then
+ return nil, "usernames and passwords are not allowed in HTTP URIs"
+ end
+ local host = self:host()
+ local path = self:path()
+ if host then
+ if host:lower() == "localhost" then self:host("") end
+ else
+ if not path:find("^/") then
+ return nil, "file URIs must contain a host, even if it's empty"
+ end
+ self:host("")
+ end
+ if path == "" then self:path("/") end
+ return self
+function (self, ...)
+ local old =
+ if select('#', ...) > 0 then
+ local new = ...
+ if not new then error("file URIs must have an authority part") end
+ if new:lower() == "localhost" then new = "" end
+, new)
+ end
+ return old
+function M.path (self, ...)
+ local old = M._SUPER.path(self)
+ if select('#', ...) > 0 then
+ local new = ...
+ if not new or new == "" then new = "/" end
+ M._SUPER.path(self, new)
+ end
+ return old
+local function _os_implementation (os)
+ local FileImpl = Util.attempt_require("uri.file." .. os:lower())
+ if not FileImpl then
+ error("no file URI implementation for operating system " .. os)
+ end
+ return FileImpl
+function M.filesystem_path (self, os)
+ return _os_implementation(os).filesystem_path(self)
+function M.make_file_uri (path, os)
+ return _os_implementation(os).make_file_uri(path)
+Util.uri_part_not_allowed(M, "userinfo")
+Util.uri_part_not_allowed(M, "port")
+return M
+-- vi:ts=4 sw=4 expandtab
diff --git a/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/file/unix.lua b/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/file/unix.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8bd4c942
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/file/unix.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+local M = { _NAME = "uri.file.unix" }
+local URI = require "uri"
+local Util = require "uri._util"
+function M.filesystem_path (uri)
+ if uri:host() ~= "" then
+ error("a file URI with a host name can't be converted to a Unix path")
+ end
+ local path = uri:path()
+ if path:find("%%00") or path:find("%%2F") then
+ error("Unix paths cannot contain encoded null bytes or slashes")
+ end
+ return Util.uri_decode(path)
+function M.make_file_uri (path)
+ if not path:find("^/") then
+ error("Unix relative paths can't be converted to file URIs")
+ end
+ path = path:gsub("//+", "/")
+ path = Util.uri_encode(path, "^A-Za-z0-9%-._~!$&'()*+,;=@/")
+ return assert(URI:new("file://" .. path))
+return M
+-- vi:ts=4 sw=4 expandtab
diff --git a/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/file/win32.lua b/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/file/win32.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d4e40243
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/file/win32.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+local M = { _NAME = "uri.file.win32" }
+local URI = require "uri"
+local Util = require "uri._util"
+function M.filesystem_path (uri)
+ local host = uri:host()
+ local path = Util.uri_decode(uri:path())
+ if host ~= "" then path = "//" .. host .. path end
+ if path:find("^/[A-Za-z]|/") or path:find("^/[A-Za-z]|$") then
+ path = path:gsub("|", ":", 1)
+ end
+ if path:find("^/[A-Za-z]:/") then
+ path = path:sub(2)
+ elseif path:find("^/[A-Za-z]:$") then
+ path = path:sub(2) .. "/"
+ end
+ path = path:gsub("/", "\\")
+ return path
+function M.make_file_uri (path)
+ path = path:gsub("\\", "/")
+ if path:find("^[A-Za-z]:$") then path = path .. "/" end
+ local _, _, host, hostpath = path:find("^//([A-Za-z0-9.]+)/(.*)$")
+ host = host or ""
+ hostpath = hostpath or path
+ hostpath = hostpath:gsub("//+", "/")
+ hostpath = Util.uri_encode(hostpath, "^A-Za-z0-9%-._~!$&'()*+,;=@/")
+ if not hostpath:find("^/") then hostpath = "/" .. hostpath end
+ return assert(URI:new("file://" .. host .. hostpath))
+return M
+-- vi:ts=4 sw=4 expandtab
diff --git a/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/ftp.lua b/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/ftp.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2d9e3f6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/ftp.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+local M = { _NAME = "uri.ftp" }
+local Util = require "uri._util"
+local LoginURI = require "uri._login"
+Util.subclass_of(M, LoginURI)
+function M.default_port () return 21 end
+function M.init (self)
+ self, err = M._SUPER.init_base(self)
+ if not self then return nil, err end
+ local host = self:host()
+ if not host or host == "" then
+ return nil, "FTP URIs must have a hostname"
+ end
+ -- I don't think there's any distinction in FTP URIs between empty path
+ -- and the root directory, so probably best to normalize as we do for HTTP.
+ if self:path() == "" then self:path("/") end
+ return self
+function M.path (self, ...)
+ local old = M._SUPER.path(self)
+ if select("#", ...) > 0 then
+ local new = ...
+ if not new or new == "" then new = "/" end
+ M._SUPER.path(self, new)
+ end
+ return old
+function M.ftp_typecode (self, ...)
+ local path = M._SUPER.path(self)
+ local _, _, withouttype, old = path:find("^(.*);type=(.*)$")
+ if not withouttype then withouttype = path end
+ if old == "" then old = nil end
+ if select("#", ...) > 0 then
+ local new = ...
+ if not new then new = "" end
+ if new ~= "" then new = ";type=" .. new end
+ M._SUPER.path(self, withouttype .. new)
+ end
+ return old
+return M
+-- vi:ts=4 sw=4 expandtab
diff --git a/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/http.lua b/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/http.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..91f7a57f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/http.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+local M = { _NAME = "uri.http" }
+local Util = require "uri._util"
+local URI = require "uri"
+Util.subclass_of(M, URI)
+-- This implementation is based on RFC 2616 section 3.2 and RFC 1738
+-- section 3.3.
+-- An HTTP URI with a 'userinfo' field is considered invalid, because it isn't
+-- shown in the syntax given in RFC 2616, and is explicitly disallowed by
+-- RFC 1738.
+function M.default_port () return 80 end
+function M.init (self)
+ if self:userinfo() then
+ return nil, "usernames and passwords are not allowed in HTTP URIs"
+ end
+ -- RFC 2616 section 3.2.3 says that this is OK, but not that using the
+ -- redundant slash is canonical. I'm adding it because browsers tend to
+ -- treat the version with the extra slash as the normalized form, and
+ -- the initial slash is always present in an HTTP GET request.
+ if self:path() == "" then self:path("/") end
+ return self
+Util.uri_part_not_allowed(M, "userinfo")
+return M
+-- vi:ts=4 sw=4 expandtab
diff --git a/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/https.lua b/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/https.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0c4c8bc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/https.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+local M = { _NAME = "uri.https" }
+local Util = require "uri._util"
+local Http = require "uri.http"
+Util.subclass_of(M, Http)
+function M.default_port () return 443 end
+return M
+-- vi:ts=4 sw=4 expandtab
diff --git a/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/pop.lua b/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/pop.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e42d9d41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/pop.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+local M = { _NAME = "uri.pop" }
+local URI = require "uri"
+local Util = require "uri._util"
+Util.subclass_of(M, URI)
+-- This is the set of characters must be encoded in a POP userinfo, which
+-- unlike for other schemes includes the ';' character.
+local _POP_USERINFO_ENCODE = "^A-Za-z0-9%-._~%%!$&'()*+,=:"
+function M.default_port () return 110 end
+local function _update_userinfo (self, old, new)
+ if new then
+ local _, _, user, auth = new:find("^(.*);[Aa][Uu][Tt][Hh]=(.*)$")
+ if not user then user = new end
+ if user == "" then return "pop user name must not be empty" end
+ user = Util.uri_encode(user, _POP_USERINFO_ENCODE)
+ if auth then
+ if auth == "" then return "pop auth type must not be empty" end
+ if auth == "*" then auth = nil end
+ auth = Util.uri_encode(auth, _POP_USERINFO_ENCODE)
+ end
+ new = user .. (auth and ";auth=" .. auth or "")
+ end
+ if new ~= old then M._SUPER.userinfo(self, new) end
+ return nil
+function M.init (self)
+ if M._SUPER.path(self) ~= "" then
+ return nil, "pop URIs must have an empty path"
+ end
+ local userinfo = M._SUPER.userinfo(self)
+ local err = _update_userinfo(self, userinfo, userinfo)
+ if err then return nil, err end
+ return self
+function M.userinfo (self, ...)
+ local old = M._SUPER.userinfo(self)
+ if select('#', ...) > 0 then
+ local new = ...
+ local err = _update_userinfo(self, old, new)
+ if err then error(err) end
+ end
+ return old
+function M.path (self, new)
+ if new and new ~= "" then error("POP URIs must have an empty path") end
+ return ""
+local function _decode_userinfo (self)
+ local old = M._SUPER.userinfo(self)
+ if not old then return nil, nil end
+ local _, _, old_user, old_auth = old:find("^(.*);auth=(.*)$")
+ if not old_user then old_user = old end
+ return old_user, old_auth
+function M.pop_user (self, ...)
+ local old_user, old_auth = _decode_userinfo(self)
+ if select('#', ...) > 0 then
+ local new = ...
+ if new == "" then error("pop user name must not be empty") end
+ if not new and old_auth then
+ error("pop user name required when an auth type is specified")
+ end
+ if new then
+ new = Util.uri_encode(new, _POP_USERINFO_ENCODE)
+ if old_auth then new = new .. ";auth=" .. old_auth end
+ end
+ M._SUPER.userinfo(self, new)
+ end
+ return Util.uri_decode(old_user)
+function M.pop_auth (self, ...)
+ local old_user, old_auth = _decode_userinfo(self)
+ if select('#', ...) > 0 then
+ local new = ...
+ if not new or new == ""
+ then error("pop auth type must not be empty")
+ end
+ if new == "*" then new = nil end
+ if new and not old_user then
+ error("pop auth type can't be specified without user name")
+ end
+ if new then
+ new = old_user .. ";auth=" ..
+ Util.uri_encode(new, _POP_USERINFO_ENCODE)
+ else
+ new = old_user
+ end
+ M._SUPER.userinfo(self, new)
+ end
+ return old_auth and Util.uri_decode(old_auth) or "*"
+return M
+-- vi:ts=4 sw=4 expandtab
diff --git a/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/rtsp.lua b/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/rtsp.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..03c71485
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/rtsp.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+local M = { _NAME = "uri.rtsp" }
+local Util = require "uri._util"
+local HttpURI = require "uri.http"
+Util.subclass_of(M, HttpURI)
+function M.default_port () return 554 end
+return M
+-- vi:ts=4 sw=4 expandtab
diff --git a/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/rtspu.lua b/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/rtspu.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..16f5e3ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/rtspu.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+local M = { _NAME = "uri.rtspu" }
+local Util = require "uri._util"
+local RtspURI = require "uri.rtsp"
+Util.subclass_of(M, RtspURI)
+return M
+-- vi:ts=4 sw=4 expandtab
diff --git a/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/telnet.lua b/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/telnet.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..339e21ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/telnet.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+local M = { _NAME = "uri.telnet" }
+local Util = require "uri._util"
+local LoginURI = require "uri._login"
+Util.subclass_of(M, LoginURI)
+function M.default_port () return 23 end
+function M.init (self)
+ self, err = M._SUPER.init_base(self)
+ if not self then return nil, err end
+ -- RFC 4248 does not discuss what a path longer than '/' might mean, and
+ -- there are no examples with anything significant in the path, so I'm
+ -- assuming that extra information in the path is not allowed.
+ local path = M._SUPER.path(self)
+ if path ~= "" and path ~= "/" then
+ return nil, "superfluous information in path of telnet URI"
+ end
+ -- RFC 4248 section 2 says that the '/' can be omitted. I chose to
+ -- normalize to having it there, since the example shown in the RFC has
+ -- it, and this is consistent with the way I treat HTTP URIs.
+ if path == "" then self:path("/") end
+ return self
+-- The path is always '/', so setting it won't do anything, but we do throw
+-- an exception on an attempt to set it to anything invalid.
+function M.path (self, new)
+ if new and new ~= "" and new ~= "/" then
+ error("invalid path for telnet URI")
+ end
+ return "/"
+return M
+-- vi:ts=4 sw=4 expandtab
diff --git a/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/urn.lua b/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/urn.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..aa4b1776
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/urn.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+local M = { _NAME = "uri.urn" }
+local Util = require "uri._util"
+local URI = require "uri"
+Util.subclass_of(M, URI)
+-- This implements RFC 2141, and attempts to change the class of the URI object
+-- to one of its subclasses for further validation and normalization of the
+-- namespace-specific string.
+-- Check NID syntax matches RFC 2141 section 2.1.
+local function _valid_nid (nid)
+ if nid == "" then return nil, "missing completely" end
+ if nid:len() > 32 then return nil, "too long" end
+ if not nid:find("^[A-Za-z0-9][-A-Za-z0-9]*$") then
+ return nil, "contains illegal character"
+ end
+ if nid:lower() == "urn" then return nil, "'urn' is reserved" end
+ return true
+-- Check NSS syntax matches RFC 2141 section 2.2.
+local function _valid_nss (nss)
+ if nss == "" then return nil, "can't be empty" end
+ if nss:find("[^A-Za-z0-9()+,%-.:=@;$_!*'/%%]") then
+ return nil, "contains illegal character"
+ end
+ return true
+local function _validate_and_normalize_path (path)
+ local _, _, nid, nss = path:find("^([^:]+):(.*)$")
+ if not nid then return nil, "illegal path syntax for URN" end
+ local ok, msg = _valid_nid(nid)
+ if not ok then
+ return nil, "invalid namespace identifier (" .. msg .. ")"
+ end
+ ok, msg = _valid_nss(nss)
+ if not ok then
+ return nil, "invalid namespace specific string (" .. msg .. ")"
+ end
+ return nid:lower() .. ":" .. nss
+-- TODO - this should check that percent-encoded bytes are valid UTF-8
+function M.init (self)
+ if M._SUPER.query(self) then
+ return nil, "URNs may not have query parts"
+ end
+ if then
+ return nil, "URNs may not have authority parts"
+ end
+ local path, msg = _validate_and_normalize_path(self:path())
+ if not path then return nil, msg end
+ M._SUPER.path(self, path)
+ local nid_class
+ = Util.attempt_require("uri.urn." .. self:nid():gsub("%-", "_"))
+ if nid_class then
+ setmetatable(self, nid_class)
+ if self.init ~= M.init then return self:init() end
+ end
+ return self
+function M.nid (self, new)
+ local _, _, old = self:path():find("^([^:]+)")
+ if new then
+ new = new:lower()
+ if new ~= old then
+ local ok, msg = _valid_nid(new)
+ if not ok then
+ error("invalid namespace identifier (" .. msg .. ")")
+ end
+ end
+ Util.do_class_changing_change(self, M, "NID", new, function (uri, new)
+ M._SUPER.path(uri, new .. ":" .. uri:nss())
+ end)
+ end
+ return old
+function M.nss (self, new)
+ local _, _, old = self:path():find(":(.*)")
+ if new and new ~= old then
+ local ok, msg = _valid_nss(new)
+ if not ok then
+ error("invalid namespace specific string (" .. msg .. ")")
+ end
+ M._SUPER.path(self, self:nid() .. ":" .. new)
+ end
+ return old
+function M.path (self, new)
+ local old = M._SUPER.path(self)
+ if new and new ~= old then
+ local path, msg = _validate_and_normalize_path(new)
+ if not path then
+ error("invalid path for URN '" .. new .. "' (" ..msg .. ")")
+ end
+ local _, _, newnid, newnss = path:find("^([^:]+):(.*)")
+ if not newnid then error("bad path for URN, no NID part found") end
+ local ok, msg = _valid_nid(newnid)
+ if not ok then error("invalid namespace identifier (" .. msg .. ")") end
+ if newnid:lower() == self:nid() then
+ self:nss(newnss)
+ else
+ Util.do_class_changing_change(self, M, "path", path,
+ function (uri, new) M._SUPER.path(uri, new) end)
+ end
+ end
+ return old
+Util.uri_part_not_allowed(M, "userinfo")
+Util.uri_part_not_allowed(M, "host")
+Util.uri_part_not_allowed(M, "port")
+Util.uri_part_not_allowed(M, "query")
+return M
+-- vi:ts=4 sw=4 expandtab
diff --git a/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/urn/isbn.lua b/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/urn/isbn.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5f0bdb69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/urn/isbn.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+local M = { _NAME = "uri.urn.isbn" }
+local Util = require "uri._util"
+local URN = require "uri.urn"
+Util.subclass_of(M, URN)
+-- This implements the 'isbn' NID defined in RFC 3187, and is consistent
+-- with the same NID suggested in RFC 2288.
+local function _valid_isbn (isbn)
+ if not isbn:find("^[-%d]+[%dXx]$") then return nil, "invalid character" end
+ local ISBN = Util.attempt_require("isbn")
+ if ISBN then return ISBN:new(isbn) end
+ return isbn
+local function _normalize_isbn (isbn)
+ isbn = isbn:gsub("%-", ""):upper()
+ local ISBN = Util.attempt_require("isbn")
+ if ISBN then return tostring(ISBN:new(isbn)) end
+ return isbn
+function M.init (self)
+ local nss = self:nss()
+ local ok, msg = _valid_isbn(nss)
+ if not ok then return nil, "invalid ISBN value (" .. msg .. ")" end
+ self:nss(_normalize_isbn(nss))
+ return self
+function M.nss (self, new)
+ local old = M._SUPER.nss(self)
+ if new then
+ local ok, msg = _valid_isbn(new)
+ if not ok then
+ error("bad ISBN value '" .. new .. "' (" .. msg .. ")")
+ end
+ M._SUPER.nss(self, _normalize_isbn(new))
+ end
+ return old
+function M.isbn_digits (self, new)
+ local old = self:nss():gsub("%-", "")
+ if new then
+ local ok, msg = _valid_isbn(new)
+ if not ok then
+ error("bad ISBN value '" .. new .. "' (" .. msg .. ")")
+ end
+ self._SUPER.nss(self, _normalize_isbn(new))
+ end
+ return old
+function M.isbn (self, new)
+ local ISBN = require "isbn"
+ local old = ISBN:new(self:nss())
+ if new then self:nss(tostring(new)) end
+ return old
+return M
+-- vi:ts=4 sw=4 expandtab
diff --git a/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/urn/issn.lua b/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/urn/issn.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c5f37f8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/urn/issn.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+local M = { _NAME = "uri.urn.issn" }
+local Util = require "uri._util"
+local URN = require "uri.urn"
+Util.subclass_of(M, URN)
+local function _parse_issn (issn)
+ local _, _, nums1, nums2, checksum
+ = issn:find("^(%d%d%d%d)-?(%d%d%d)([%dxX])$")
+ if checksum == "x" then checksum = "X" end
+ return nums1, nums2, checksum
+local function _valid_issn (issn)
+ local nums1, nums2, actual_checksum = _parse_issn(issn)
+ if not nums1 then return nil, "invalid ISSN syntax" end
+ local nums = nums1 .. nums2
+ local expected_checksum = 0
+ for i = 1, 7 do
+ expected_checksum = expected_checksum + tonumber(nums:sub(i, i)) * (9 - i)
+ end
+ expected_checksum = (11 - expected_checksum % 11) % 11
+ expected_checksum = (expected_checksum == 10) and "X"
+ or tostring(expected_checksum)
+ if actual_checksum ~= expected_checksum then
+ return nil, "wrong checksum, expected " .. expected_checksum
+ end
+ return true
+local function _normalize_issn (issn)
+ local nums1, nums2, checksum = _parse_issn(issn)
+ return nums1 .. "-" .. nums2 .. checksum
+function M.init (self)
+ local nss = self:nss()
+ local ok, msg = _valid_issn(nss)
+ if not ok then return nil, "bad NSS value for ISSN URI (" .. msg .. ")" end
+ M._SUPER.nss(self, _normalize_issn(nss))
+ return self
+function M.nss (self, new)
+ local old = M._SUPER.nss(self)
+ if new then
+ local ok, msg = _valid_issn(new)
+ if not ok then
+ error("bad ISSN value '" .. new .. "' (" .. msg .. ")")
+ end
+ M._SUPER.nss(self, _normalize_issn(new))
+ end
+ return old
+function M.issn_digits (self, new)
+ local old = self:nss(new)
+ return old:sub(1, 4) .. old:sub(6, 9)
+return M
+-- vi:ts=4 sw=4 expandtab
diff --git a/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/urn/oid.lua b/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/urn/oid.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..37110cda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/src/3rd/lua-uri/uri/urn/oid.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+local M = { _NAME = "uri.urn.oid" }
+local Util = require "uri._util"
+local URN = require "uri.urn"
+Util.subclass_of(M, URN)
+-- This implements RFC 3061.
+local function _valid_oid (oid)
+ if oid == "" then return nil, "OID can't be zero-length" end
+ if not oid:find("^[.0-9]*$") then return nil, "bad character in OID" end
+ if oid:find("%.%.") then return nil, "missing number in OID" end
+ if oid:find("^0[^.]") or oid:find("%.0[^.]") then
+ return nil, "OID numbers shouldn't have leading zeros"
+ end
+ return true
+function M.init (self)
+ local nss = self:nss()
+ local ok, msg = _valid_oid(nss)
+ if not ok then return nil, "bad NSS value for OID URI (" .. msg .. ")" end
+ return self
+function M.nss (self, new)
+ local old = M._SUPER.nss(self)
+ if new then
+ local ok, msg = _valid_oid(new)
+ if not ok then
+ error("bad OID value '" .. new .. "' (" .. msg .. ")")
+ end
+ M._SUPER.nss(self, new)
+ end
+ return old
+function M.oid_numbers (self, new)
+ local old = Util.split("%.", self:nss())
+ for i = 1, #old do old[i] = tonumber(old[i]) end
+ if new then
+ if type(new) ~= "table" then error("expected array of numbers") end
+ local nss = ""
+ for _, n in ipairs(new) do
+ if type(n) == "string" and n:find("^%d+$") then n = tonumber(n) end
+ if type(n) ~= "number" then error("bad type for number in OID") end
+ n = n - n % 1
+ if n < 0 then error("negative numbers not allowed in OID") end
+ if nss ~= "" then nss = nss .. "." end
+ nss = nss .. n
+ end
+ if nss == "" then error("no numbers in new OID value") end
+ self:nss(nss)
+ end
+ return old
+return M
+-- vi:ts=4 sw=4 expandtab