path: root/script/parser/newparser.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'script/parser/newparser.lua')
1 files changed, 3623 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/script/parser/newparser.lua b/script/parser/newparser.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1b02a5d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/parser/newparser.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,3623 @@
+local tokens = require 'parser.tokens'
+local guide = require ''
+local sbyte = string.byte
+local sfind = string.find
+local smatch = string.match
+local sgsub = string.gsub
+local ssub = string.sub
+local schar = string.char
+local supper = string.upper
+local uchar = utf8.char
+local tconcat = table.concat
+local tinsert = table.insert
+local tointeger = math.tointeger
+local mtype = math.type
+local tonumber = tonumber
+local maxinteger = math.maxinteger
+local assert = assert
+local next = next
+_ENV = nil
+---@alias parser.position integer
+---@param str string
+---@return table<integer, boolean>
+local function stringToCharMap(str)
+ local map = {}
+ local pos = 1
+ while pos <= #str do
+ local byte = sbyte(str, pos, pos)
+ map[schar(byte)] = true
+ pos = pos + 1
+ if ssub(str, pos, pos) == '-'
+ and pos < #str then
+ pos = pos + 1
+ local byte2 = sbyte(str, pos, pos)
+ assert(byte < byte2)
+ for b = byte + 1, byte2 do
+ map[schar(b)] = true
+ end
+ pos = pos + 1
+ end
+ end
+ return map
+local CharMapNumber = stringToCharMap '0-9'
+local CharMapN16 = stringToCharMap 'xX'
+local CharMapN2 = stringToCharMap 'bB'
+local CharMapE10 = stringToCharMap 'eE'
+local CharMapE16 = stringToCharMap 'pP'
+local CharMapSign = stringToCharMap '+-'
+local CharMapSB = stringToCharMap 'ao|~&=<>.*/%^+-'
+local CharMapSU = stringToCharMap 'n#~!-'
+local CharMapSimple = stringToCharMap '.:([\'"{'
+local CharMapStrSH = stringToCharMap '\'"'
+local CharMapStrLH = stringToCharMap '['
+local CharMapTSep = stringToCharMap ',;'
+local CharMapWord = stringToCharMap '_a-zA-Z\x80-\xff'
+local EscMap = {
+ ['a'] = '\a',
+ ['b'] = '\b',
+ ['f'] = '\f',
+ ['n'] = '\n',
+ ['r'] = '\r',
+ ['t'] = '\t',
+ ['v'] = '\v',
+ ['\\'] = '\\',
+ ['\''] = '\'',
+ ['\"'] = '\"',
+local NLMap = {
+ ['\n'] = true,
+ ['\r'] = true,
+ ['\r\n'] = true,
+local LineMulti = 10000
+-- goto 单独处理
+local KeyWord = {
+ ['and'] = true,
+ ['break'] = true,
+ ['do'] = true,
+ ['else'] = true,
+ ['elseif'] = true,
+ ['end'] = true,
+ ['false'] = true,
+ ['for'] = true,
+ ['function'] = true,
+ ['if'] = true,
+ ['in'] = true,
+ ['local'] = true,
+ ['nil'] = true,
+ ['not'] = true,
+ ['or'] = true,
+ ['repeat'] = true,
+ ['return'] = true,
+ ['then'] = true,
+ ['true'] = true,
+ ['until'] = true,
+ ['while'] = true,
+local Specials = {
+ ['_G'] = true,
+ ['rawset'] = true,
+ ['rawget'] = true,
+ ['setmetatable'] = true,
+ ['require'] = true,
+ ['dofile'] = true,
+ ['loadfile'] = true,
+ ['pcall'] = true,
+ ['xpcall'] = true,
+ ['pairs'] = true,
+ ['ipairs'] = true,
+local UnarySymbol = {
+ ['not'] = 11,
+ ['#'] = 11,
+ ['~'] = 11,
+ ['-'] = 11,
+local BinarySymbol = {
+ ['or'] = 1,
+ ['and'] = 2,
+ ['<='] = 3,
+ ['>='] = 3,
+ ['<'] = 3,
+ ['>'] = 3,
+ ['~='] = 3,
+ ['=='] = 3,
+ ['|'] = 4,
+ ['~'] = 5,
+ ['&'] = 6,
+ ['<<'] = 7,
+ ['>>'] = 7,
+ ['..'] = 8,
+ ['+'] = 9,
+ ['-'] = 9,
+ ['*'] = 10,
+ ['//'] = 10,
+ ['/'] = 10,
+ ['%'] = 10,
+ ['^'] = 12,
+local BinaryAlias = {
+ ['&&'] = 'and',
+ ['||'] = 'or',
+ ['!='] = '~=',
+local BinaryActionAlias = {
+ ['='] = '==',
+local UnaryAlias = {
+ ['!'] = 'not',
+local SymbolForward = {
+ [01] = true,
+ [02] = true,
+ [03] = true,
+ [04] = true,
+ [05] = true,
+ [06] = true,
+ [07] = true,
+ [08] = false,
+ [09] = true,
+ [10] = true,
+ [11] = true,
+ [12] = false,
+local GetToSetMap = {
+ ['getglobal'] = 'setglobal',
+ ['getlocal'] = 'setlocal',
+ ['getfield'] = 'setfield',
+ ['getindex'] = 'setindex',
+ ['getmethod'] = 'setmethod',
+local ChunkFinishMap = {
+ ['end'] = true,
+ ['else'] = true,
+ ['elseif'] = true,
+ ['in'] = true,
+ ['then'] = true,
+ ['until'] = true,
+ [';'] = true,
+ [']'] = true,
+ [')'] = true,
+ ['}'] = true,
+local ListFinishMap = {
+ ['end'] = true,
+ ['else'] = true,
+ ['elseif'] = true,
+ ['in'] = true,
+ ['then'] = true,
+ ['do'] = true,
+ ['until'] = true,
+ ['for'] = true,
+ ['if'] = true,
+ ['local'] = true,
+ ['repeat'] = true,
+ ['return'] = true,
+ ['while'] = true,
+local State, Lua, Line, LineOffset, Chunk, Tokens, Index, LastTokenFinish, Mode, LocalCount
+local LocalLimit = 200
+local parseExp, parseAction
+local pushError
+local function addSpecial(name, obj)
+ if not State.specials then
+ State.specials = {}
+ end
+ if not State.specials[name] then
+ State.specials[name] = {}
+ end
+ State.specials[name][#State.specials[name]+1] = obj
+ obj.special = name
+---@param offset integer
+---@param leftOrRight '"left"'|'"right"'
+local function getPosition(offset, leftOrRight)
+ if not offset or offset > #Lua then
+ return LineMulti * Line + #Lua - LineOffset + 1
+ end
+ if leftOrRight == 'left' then
+ return LineMulti * Line + offset - LineOffset
+ else
+ return LineMulti * Line + offset - LineOffset + 1
+ end
+---@return string word
+---@return parser.position startPosition
+---@return parser.position finishPosition
+---@return integer newOffset
+local function peekWord()
+ local word = Tokens[Index + 1]
+ if not word then
+ return nil
+ end
+ if not CharMapWord[ssub(word, 1, 1)] then
+ return nil
+ end
+ local startPos = getPosition(Tokens[Index] , 'left')
+ local finishPos = getPosition(Tokens[Index] + #word - 1, 'right')
+ return word, startPos, finishPos
+local function lastRightPosition()
+ if Index < 2 then
+ return 0
+ end
+ local token = Tokens[Index - 1]
+ if NLMap[token] then
+ return LastTokenFinish
+ elseif token then
+ return getPosition(Tokens[Index - 2] + #token - 1, 'right')
+ else
+ return getPosition(#Lua, 'right')
+ end
+local function missSymbol(symbol, start, finish)
+ pushError {
+ type = 'MISS_SYMBOL',
+ start = start or lastRightPosition(),
+ finish = finish or start or lastRightPosition(),
+ info = {
+ symbol = symbol,
+ }
+ }
+local function missExp()
+ pushError {
+ type = 'MISS_EXP',
+ start = lastRightPosition(),
+ finish = lastRightPosition(),
+ }
+local function missName(pos)
+ pushError {
+ type = 'MISS_NAME',
+ start = pos or lastRightPosition(),
+ finish = pos or lastRightPosition(),
+ }
+local function missEnd(relatedStart, relatedFinish)
+ pushError {
+ type = 'MISS_SYMBOL',
+ start = lastRightPosition(),
+ finish = lastRightPosition(),
+ info = {
+ symbol = 'end',
+ related = {
+ {
+ start = relatedStart,
+ finish = relatedFinish,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pushError {
+ type = 'MISS_END',
+ start = relatedStart,
+ finish = relatedFinish,
+ }
+local function unknownSymbol(start, finish, word)
+ local token = word or Tokens[Index + 1]
+ if not token then
+ return false
+ end
+ pushError {
+ type = 'UNKNOWN_SYMBOL',
+ start = start or getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'left'),
+ finish = finish or getPosition(Tokens[Index] + #token - 1, 'right'),
+ info = {
+ symbol = token,
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+local function skipUnknownSymbol(stopSymbol)
+ if unknownSymbol() then
+ Index = Index + 2
+ return true
+ end
+ return false
+local function skipNL()
+ local token = Tokens[Index + 1]
+ if NLMap[token] then
+ if Index >= 2 and not NLMap[Tokens[Index - 1]] then
+ LastTokenFinish = getPosition(Tokens[Index - 2] + #Tokens[Index - 1] - 1, 'right')
+ end
+ Line = Line + 1
+ LineOffset = Tokens[Index] + #token
+ Index = Index + 2
+ State.lines[Line] = LineOffset
+ return true
+ end
+ return false
+local function fastForwardToken(offset)
+ while true do
+ local myOffset = Tokens[Index]
+ if not myOffset
+ or myOffset >= offset then
+ break
+ end
+ local token = Tokens[Index + 1]
+ if NLMap[token] then
+ Line = Line + 1
+ LineOffset = Tokens[Index] + #token
+ State.lines[Line] = LineOffset
+ end
+ Index = Index + 2
+ end
+local function resolveLongString(finishMark)
+ skipNL()
+ local miss
+ local start = Tokens[Index]
+ local finishOffset = sfind(Lua, finishMark, start, true)
+ if not finishOffset then
+ finishOffset = #Lua + 1
+ miss = true
+ end
+ local stringResult = ssub(Lua, start, finishOffset - 1)
+ local lastLN = stringResult:find '[\r\n][^\r\n]*$'
+ if lastLN then
+ local result = stringResult
+ : gsub('\r\n?', '\n')
+ stringResult = result
+ end
+ fastForwardToken(finishOffset + #finishMark)
+ if miss then
+ local pos = getPosition(finishOffset - 1, 'right')
+ pushError {
+ type = 'MISS_SYMBOL',
+ start = pos,
+ finish = pos,
+ info = {
+ symbol = finishMark,
+ },
+ fix = {
+ title = 'ADD_LSTRING_END',
+ {
+ start = pos,
+ finish = pos,
+ text = finishMark,
+ }
+ },
+ }
+ end
+ return stringResult, getPosition(finishOffset + #finishMark - 1, 'right')
+local function parseLongString()
+ local start, finish, mark = sfind(Lua, '^(%[%=*%[)', Tokens[Index])
+ if not mark then
+ return nil
+ end
+ fastForwardToken(finish + 1)
+ local startPos = getPosition(start, 'left')
+ local finishMark = sgsub(mark, '%[', ']')
+ local stringResult, finishPos = resolveLongString(finishMark)
+ return {
+ type = 'string',
+ start = startPos,
+ finish = finishPos,
+ [1] = stringResult,
+ [2] = mark,
+ }
+local function pushCommentHeadError(left)
+ if State.options.nonstandardSymbol and State.options.nonstandardSymbol['//'] then
+ return
+ end
+ pushError {
+ start = left,
+ finish = left + 2,
+ fix = {
+ {
+ start = left,
+ finish = left + 2,
+ text = '--',
+ },
+ }
+ }
+local function pushLongCommentError(left, right)
+ if State.options.nonstandardSymbol and State.options.nonstandardSymbol['/**/'] then
+ return
+ end
+ pushError {
+ type = 'ERR_C_LONG_COMMENT',
+ start = left,
+ finish = right,
+ fix = {
+ title = 'FIX_C_LONG_COMMENT',
+ {
+ start = left,
+ finish = left + 2,
+ text = '--[[',
+ },
+ {
+ start = right - 2,
+ finish = right,
+ text = '--]]'
+ },
+ }
+ }
+local function skipComment(isAction)
+ local token = Tokens[Index + 1]
+ if token == '--'
+ or (token == '//' and isAction) then
+ local start = Tokens[Index]
+ local left = getPosition(start, 'left')
+ local chead = false
+ if token == '//' then
+ chead = true
+ pushCommentHeadError(left)
+ end
+ Index = Index + 2
+ local longComment = parseLongString()
+ if longComment then
+ longComment.type = 'comment.long'
+ longComment.text = longComment[1]
+ longComment[1] = nil
+ longComment[2] = nil
+ State.comms[#State.comms+1] = longComment
+ return true
+ end
+ while true do
+ local nl = Tokens[Index + 1]
+ if not nl or NLMap[nl] then
+ break
+ end
+ Index = Index + 2
+ end
+ State.comms[#State.comms+1] = {
+ type = chead and 'comment.cshort' or 'comment.short',
+ start = left,
+ finish = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'right'),
+ text = ssub(Lua, start + 2, Tokens[Index] and (Tokens[Index] - 1) or #Lua),
+ }
+ return true
+ end
+ if token == '/*' then
+ local start = Tokens[Index]
+ local left = getPosition(start, 'left')
+ Index = Index + 2
+ local result, right = resolveLongString '*/'
+ pushLongCommentError(left, right)
+ State.comms[#State.comms+1] = {
+ type = 'comment.long',
+ start = left,
+ finish = right,
+ text = result,
+ }
+ return true
+ end
+ return false
+local function skipSpace(isAction)
+ repeat until not skipNL()
+ and not skipComment(isAction)
+local function expectAssign()
+ local token = Tokens[Index + 1]
+ if token == '=' then
+ Index = Index + 2
+ return true
+ end
+ if token == '==' then
+ local left = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'left')
+ local right = getPosition(Tokens[Index] + #token - 1, 'right')
+ pushError {
+ type = 'ERR_ASSIGN_AS_EQ',
+ start = left,
+ finish = right,
+ fix = {
+ title = 'FIX_ASSIGN_AS_EQ',
+ {
+ start = left,
+ finish = right,
+ text = '=',
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Index = Index + 2
+ return true
+ end
+ return false
+local function parseLocalAttrs()
+ local attrs
+ while true do
+ skipSpace()
+ local token = Tokens[Index + 1]
+ if token ~= '<' then
+ break
+ end
+ if not attrs then
+ attrs = {}
+ end
+ local attr = {
+ type = 'localattr',
+ start = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'left'),
+ finish = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'right'),
+ }
+ attrs[#attrs+1] = attr
+ Index = Index + 2
+ skipSpace()
+ local word, wstart, wfinish = peekWord()
+ if word then
+ attr[1] = word
+ attr.finish = wfinish
+ Index = Index + 2
+ else
+ missName()
+ end
+ attr.finish = lastRightPosition()
+ skipSpace()
+ if Tokens[Index + 1] == '>' then
+ attr.finish = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'right')
+ Index = Index + 2
+ elseif Tokens[Index + 1] == '>=' then
+ attr.finish = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'right')
+ pushError {
+ start = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'left'),
+ finish = getPosition(Tokens[Index] + 1, 'right'),
+ }
+ Index = Index + 2
+ else
+ missSymbol '>'
+ end
+ if State.version ~= 'Lua 5.4' then
+ pushError {
+ start = attr.start,
+ finish = attr.finish,
+ version = 'Lua 5.4',
+ info = {
+ version = State.version
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ return attrs
+local function createLocal(obj, attrs)
+ if not obj then
+ return nil
+ end
+ obj.type = 'local'
+ obj.effect = obj.finish
+ if attrs then
+ obj.attrs = attrs
+ for i = 1, #attrs do
+ local attr = attrs[i]
+ attr.parent = obj
+ end
+ end
+ local chunk = Chunk[#Chunk]
+ if chunk then
+ local locals = chunk.locals
+ if not locals then
+ locals = {}
+ chunk.locals = locals
+ end
+ locals[#locals+1] = obj
+ LocalCount = LocalCount + 1
+ if LocalCount > LocalLimit then
+ pushError {
+ type = 'LOCAL_LIMIT',
+ start = obj.start,
+ finish = obj.finish,
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ return obj
+local function pushChunk(chunk)
+ Chunk[#Chunk+1] = chunk
+local function resolveLable(label, obj)
+ if not label.ref then
+ label.ref = {}
+ end
+ label.ref[#label.ref+1] = obj
+ obj.node = label
+ -- 如果有局部变量在 goto 与 label 之间声明,
+ -- 并在 label 之后使用,则算作语法错误
+ -- 如果 label 在 goto 之前声明,那么不会有中间声明的局部变量
+ if obj.start > label.start then
+ return
+ end
+ local block = guide.getBlock(obj)
+ local locals = block and block.locals
+ if not locals then
+ return
+ end
+ for i = 1, #locals do
+ local loc = locals[i]
+ -- 检查局部变量声明位置为 goto 与 label 之间
+ if loc.start < obj.start or loc.finish > label.finish then
+ end
+ -- 检查局部变量的使用位置在 label 之后
+ local refs = loc.ref
+ if not refs then
+ end
+ for j = 1, #refs do
+ local ref = refs[j]
+ if ref.finish > label.finish then
+ pushError {
+ type = 'JUMP_LOCAL_SCOPE',
+ start = obj.start,
+ finish = obj.finish,
+ info = {
+ loc = loc[1],
+ },
+ relative = {
+ {
+ start = label.start,
+ finish = label.finish,
+ },
+ {
+ start = loc.start,
+ finish = loc.finish,
+ }
+ },
+ }
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ end
+local function resolveGoTo(gotos)
+ for i = 1, #gotos do
+ local action = gotos[i]
+ local label = guide.getLabel(action, action[1])
+ if label then
+ resolveLable(label, action)
+ else
+ pushError {
+ type = 'NO_VISIBLE_LABEL',
+ start = action.start,
+ finish = action.finish,
+ info = {
+ label = action[1],
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ end
+local function popChunk()
+ local chunk = Chunk[#Chunk]
+ if chunk.gotos then
+ resolveGoTo(chunk.gotos)
+ chunk.gotos = nil
+ end
+ local lastAction = chunk[#chunk]
+ if lastAction then
+ chunk.finish = lastAction.finish
+ end
+ Chunk[#Chunk] = nil
+local function parseNil()
+ if Tokens[Index + 1] ~= 'nil' then
+ return nil
+ end
+ local offset = Tokens[Index]
+ Index = Index + 2
+ return {
+ type = 'nil',
+ start = getPosition(offset, 'left'),
+ finish = getPosition(offset + 2, 'right'),
+ }
+local function parseBoolean()
+ local word = Tokens[Index+1]
+ if word ~= 'true'
+ and word ~= 'false' then
+ return nil
+ end
+ local start = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'left')
+ local finish = getPosition(Tokens[Index] + #word - 1, 'right')
+ Index = Index + 2
+ return {
+ type = 'boolean',
+ start = start,
+ finish = finish,
+ [1] = word == 'true' and true or false,
+ }
+local function parseStringUnicode()
+ local offset = Tokens[Index] + 1
+ if ssub(Lua, offset, offset) ~= '{' then
+ local pos = getPosition(offset, 'left')
+ missSymbol('{', pos)
+ return nil, offset
+ end
+ local leftPos = getPosition(offset, 'left')
+ local x16 = smatch(Lua, '^%w*', offset + 1)
+ local rightPos = getPosition(offset + #x16, 'right')
+ offset = offset + #x16 + 1
+ if ssub(Lua, offset, offset) == '}' then
+ offset = offset + 1
+ rightPos = rightPos + 1
+ else
+ missSymbol('}', rightPos)
+ end
+ offset = offset + 1
+ if #x16 == 0 then
+ pushError {
+ type = 'UTF8_SMALL',
+ start = leftPos,
+ finish = rightPos,
+ }
+ return '', offset
+ end
+ if State.version ~= 'Lua 5.3'
+ and State.version ~= 'Lua 5.4'
+ and State.version ~= 'LuaJIT'
+ then
+ pushError {
+ type = 'ERR_ESC',
+ start = leftPos - 2,
+ finish = rightPos,
+ version = {'Lua 5.3', 'Lua 5.4', 'LuaJIT'},
+ info = {
+ version = State.version,
+ }
+ }
+ return nil, offset
+ end
+ local byte = tonumber(x16, 16)
+ if not byte then
+ for i = 1, #x16 do
+ if not tonumber(ssub(x16, i, i), 16) then
+ pushError {
+ type = 'MUST_X16',
+ start = leftPos + i,
+ finish = leftPos + i + 1,
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ return nil, offset
+ end
+ if State.version == 'Lua 5.4' then
+ if byte < 0 or byte > 0x7FFFFFFF then
+ pushError {
+ type = 'UTF8_MAX',
+ start = leftPos,
+ finish = rightPos,
+ info = {
+ min = '00000000',
+ max = '7FFFFFFF',
+ }
+ }
+ return nil, offset
+ end
+ else
+ if byte < 0 or byte > 0x10FFFF then
+ pushError {
+ type = 'UTF8_MAX',
+ start = leftPos,
+ finish = rightPos,
+ version = byte <= 0x7FFFFFFF and 'Lua 5.4' or nil,
+ info = {
+ min = '000000',
+ max = '10FFFF',
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ if byte >= 0 and byte <= 0x10FFFF then
+ return uchar(byte), offset
+ end
+ return '', offset
+local stringPool = {}
+local function parseShortString()
+ local mark = Tokens[Index+1]
+ local startOffset = Tokens[Index]
+ local startPos = getPosition(startOffset, 'left')
+ Index = Index + 2
+ -- empty string
+ if Tokens[Index+1] == mark then
+ local finishPos = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'right')
+ Index = Index + 2
+ return {
+ type = 'string',
+ start = startPos,
+ finish = finishPos,
+ [1] = '',
+ [2] = mark,
+ }
+ end
+ local stringIndex = 0
+ local currentOffset = startOffset + 1
+ while true do
+ local token = Tokens[Index + 1]
+ if token == mark then
+ stringIndex = stringIndex + 1
+ stringPool[stringIndex] = ssub(Lua, currentOffset, Tokens[Index] - 1)
+ Index = Index + 2
+ break
+ end
+ if NLMap[token] then
+ stringIndex = stringIndex + 1
+ stringPool[stringIndex] = ssub(Lua, currentOffset, Tokens[Index] - 1)
+ missSymbol(mark)
+ break
+ end
+ if not token then
+ stringIndex = stringIndex + 1
+ stringPool[stringIndex] = ssub(Lua, currentOffset)
+ missSymbol(mark)
+ break
+ end
+ if token == '\\' then
+ stringIndex = stringIndex + 1
+ stringPool[stringIndex] = ssub(Lua, currentOffset, Tokens[Index] - 1)
+ currentOffset = Tokens[Index]
+ Index = Index + 2
+ -- has space?
+ if Tokens[Index] - currentOffset > 1 then
+ pushError {
+ type = 'ERR_ESC',
+ start = getPosition(currentOffset, 'left'),
+ finish = getPosition(currentOffset + 1, 'right'),
+ }
+ end
+ local nextToken = ssub(Tokens[Index + 1], 1, 1)
+ if EscMap[nextToken] then
+ stringIndex = stringIndex + 1
+ stringPool[stringIndex] = EscMap[nextToken]
+ currentOffset = Tokens[Index] + #nextToken
+ Index = Index + 2
+ end
+ if nextToken == mark then
+ stringIndex = stringIndex + 1
+ stringPool[stringIndex] = mark
+ currentOffset = Tokens[Index] + #nextToken
+ Index = Index + 2
+ end
+ if nextToken == 'z' then
+ Index = Index + 2
+ repeat until not skipNL()
+ currentOffset = Tokens[Index]
+ end
+ if CharMapNumber[nextToken] then
+ local numbers = smatch(Tokens[Index + 1], '^%d+')
+ if #numbers > 3 then
+ numbers = ssub(numbers, 1, 3)
+ end
+ currentOffset = Tokens[Index] + #numbers
+ fastForwardToken(currentOffset)
+ local byte = tointeger(numbers)
+ if byte <= 255 then
+ stringIndex = stringIndex + 1
+ stringPool[stringIndex] = schar(byte)
+ else
+ -- TODO pushError
+ end
+ end
+ if nextToken == 'x' then
+ local left = getPosition(Tokens[Index] - 1, 'left')
+ local x16 = ssub(Tokens[Index + 1], 2, 3)
+ local byte = tonumber(x16, 16)
+ if byte then
+ currentOffset = Tokens[Index] + 3
+ stringIndex = stringIndex + 1
+ stringPool[stringIndex] = schar(byte)
+ else
+ currentOffset = Tokens[Index] + 1
+ pushError {
+ type = 'MISS_ESC_X',
+ start = getPosition(currentOffset, 'left'),
+ finish = getPosition(currentOffset + 1, 'right'),
+ }
+ end
+ if State.version == 'Lua 5.1' then
+ pushError {
+ type = 'ERR_ESC',
+ start = left,
+ finish = left + 4,
+ version = {'Lua 5.2', 'Lua 5.3', 'Lua 5.4', 'LuaJIT'},
+ info = {
+ version = State.version,
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ Index = Index + 2
+ end
+ if nextToken == 'u' then
+ local str, newOffset = parseStringUnicode()
+ if str then
+ stringIndex = stringIndex + 1
+ stringPool[stringIndex] = str
+ end
+ currentOffset = newOffset
+ fastForwardToken(currentOffset - 1)
+ end
+ if NLMap[nextToken] then
+ stringIndex = stringIndex + 1
+ stringPool[stringIndex] = '\n'
+ currentOffset = Tokens[Index] + #nextToken
+ skipNL()
+ end
+ pushError {
+ type = 'ERR_ESC',
+ start = getPosition(currentOffset, 'left'),
+ finish = getPosition(currentOffset + 1, 'right'),
+ }
+ end
+ Index = Index + 2
+ end
+ local stringResult = tconcat(stringPool, '', 1, stringIndex)
+ return {
+ type = 'string',
+ start = startPos,
+ finish = lastRightPosition(),
+ [1] = stringResult,
+ [2] = mark,
+ }
+local function parseString()
+ local c = Tokens[Index + 1]
+ if CharMapStrSH[c] then
+ return parseShortString()
+ end
+ if CharMapStrLH[c] then
+ return parseLongString()
+ end
+ return nil
+local function parseNumber10(start)
+ local integer = true
+ local integerPart = smatch(Lua, '^%d*', start)
+ local offset = start + #integerPart
+ -- float part
+ if ssub(Lua, offset, offset) == '.' then
+ local floatPart = smatch(Lua, '^%d*', offset + 1)
+ integer = false
+ offset = offset + #floatPart + 1
+ end
+ -- exp part
+ local echar = ssub(Lua, offset, offset)
+ if CharMapE10[echar] then
+ integer = false
+ offset = offset + 1
+ local nextChar = ssub(Lua, offset, offset)
+ if CharMapSign[nextChar] then
+ offset = offset + 1
+ end
+ local exp = smatch(Lua, '^%d*', offset)
+ offset = offset + #exp
+ if #exp == 0 then
+ pushError {
+ type = 'MISS_EXPONENT',
+ start = getPosition(offset - 1, 'right'),
+ finish = getPosition(offset - 1, 'right'),
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ return tonumber(ssub(Lua, start, offset - 1)), offset, integer
+local function parseNumber16(start)
+ local integerPart = smatch(Lua, '^[%da-fA-F]*', start)
+ local offset = start + #integerPart
+ local integer = true
+ -- float part
+ if ssub(Lua, offset, offset) == '.' then
+ local floatPart = smatch(Lua, '^[%da-fA-F]*', offset + 1)
+ integer = false
+ offset = offset + #floatPart + 1
+ if #integerPart == 0 and #floatPart == 0 then
+ pushError {
+ type = 'MUST_X16',
+ start = getPosition(offset - 1, 'right'),
+ finish = getPosition(offset - 1, 'right'),
+ }
+ end
+ else
+ if #integerPart == 0 then
+ pushError {
+ type = 'MUST_X16',
+ start = getPosition(offset - 1, 'right'),
+ finish = getPosition(offset - 1, 'right'),
+ }
+ return 0, offset
+ end
+ end
+ -- exp part
+ local echar = ssub(Lua, offset, offset)
+ if CharMapE16[echar] then
+ integer = false
+ offset = offset + 1
+ local nextChar = ssub(Lua, offset, offset)
+ if CharMapSign[nextChar] then
+ offset = offset + 1
+ end
+ local exp = smatch(Lua, '^%d*', offset)
+ offset = offset + #exp
+ end
+ local n = tonumber(ssub(Lua, start - 2, offset - 1))
+ return n, offset, integer
+local function parseNumber2(start)
+ local bins = smatch(Lua, '^[01]*', start)
+ local offset = start + #bins
+ if State.version ~= 'LuaJIT' then
+ pushError {
+ start = getPosition(start - 2, 'left'),
+ finish = getPosition(offset - 1, 'right'),
+ version = 'LuaJIT',
+ info = {
+ version = 'Lua 5.4',
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ return tonumber(bins, 2), offset
+local function dropNumberTail(offset, integer)
+ local _, finish, word = sfind(Lua, '^([%.%w_\x80-\xff]+)', offset)
+ if not finish then
+ return offset
+ end
+ if integer then
+ if supper(ssub(word, 1, 2)) == 'LL' then
+ if State.version ~= 'LuaJIT' then
+ pushError {
+ start = getPosition(offset, 'left'),
+ finish = getPosition(offset + 1, 'right'),
+ version = 'LuaJIT',
+ info = {
+ version = State.version,
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ offset = offset + 2
+ word = ssub(word, offset)
+ elseif supper(ssub(word, 1, 3)) == 'ULL' then
+ if State.version ~= 'LuaJIT' then
+ pushError {
+ start = getPosition(offset, 'left'),
+ finish = getPosition(offset + 2, 'right'),
+ version = 'LuaJIT',
+ info = {
+ version = State.version,
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ offset = offset + 3
+ word = ssub(word, offset)
+ end
+ end
+ if supper(ssub(word, 1, 1)) == 'I' then
+ if State.version ~= 'LuaJIT' then
+ pushError {
+ start = getPosition(offset, 'left'),
+ finish = getPosition(offset, 'right'),
+ version = 'LuaJIT',
+ info = {
+ version = State.version,
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ offset = offset + 1
+ word = ssub(word, offset)
+ end
+ if #word > 0 then
+ pushError {
+ start = getPosition(offset, 'left'),
+ finish = getPosition(finish, 'right'),
+ }
+ end
+ return finish + 1
+local function parseNumber()
+ local offset = Tokens[Index]
+ if not offset then
+ return nil
+ end
+ local startPos = getPosition(offset, 'left')
+ local neg
+ if ssub(Lua, offset, offset) == '-' then
+ neg = true
+ offset = offset + 1
+ end
+ local number, integer
+ local firstChar = ssub(Lua, offset, offset)
+ if firstChar == '.' then
+ number, offset = parseNumber10(offset)
+ integer = false
+ elseif firstChar == '0' then
+ local nextChar = ssub(Lua, offset + 1, offset + 1)
+ if CharMapN16[nextChar] then
+ number, offset, integer = parseNumber16(offset + 2)
+ elseif CharMapN2[nextChar] then
+ number, offset = parseNumber2(offset + 2)
+ integer = true
+ else
+ number, offset, integer = parseNumber10(offset)
+ end
+ elseif CharMapNumber[firstChar] then
+ number, offset, integer = parseNumber10(offset)
+ else
+ return nil
+ end
+ if not number then
+ number = 0
+ end
+ if neg then
+ number = - number
+ end
+ local result = {
+ type = integer and 'integer' or 'number',
+ start = startPos,
+ finish = getPosition(offset - 1, 'right'),
+ [1] = number,
+ }
+ offset = dropNumberTail(offset, integer)
+ fastForwardToken(offset)
+ return result
+local function isKeyWord(word)
+ if KeyWord[word] then
+ return true
+ end
+ if word == 'goto' then
+ return State.version ~= 'Lua 5.1'
+ end
+ return false
+local function parseName()
+ local word = peekWord()
+ if not word then
+ return nil
+ end
+ if ChunkFinishMap[word] then
+ return nil
+ end
+ local startPos = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'left')
+ local finishPos = getPosition(Tokens[Index] + #word - 1, 'right')
+ Index = Index + 2
+ if not State.options.unicodeName and word:find '[\x80-\xff]' then
+ pushError {
+ type = 'UNICODE_NAME',
+ start = startPos,
+ finish = finishPos,
+ }
+ end
+ if isKeyWord(word) then
+ pushError {
+ type = 'KEYWORD',
+ start = startPos,
+ finish = finishPos,
+ }
+ end
+ return {
+ type = 'name',
+ start = startPos,
+ finish = finishPos,
+ [1] = word,
+ }
+local function parseNameOrList()
+ local first = parseName()
+ if not first then
+ return nil
+ end
+ skipSpace()
+ local list
+ while true do
+ if Tokens[Index + 1] ~= ',' then
+ break
+ end
+ Index = Index + 2
+ skipSpace()
+ local name = parseName()
+ if not name then
+ missName()
+ break
+ end
+ if not list then
+ list = {
+ type = 'list',
+ start = first.start,
+ finish = first.finish,
+ [1] = first
+ }
+ end
+ list[#list+1] = name
+ list.finish = name.finish
+ end
+ return list or first
+local function dropTail()
+ local token = Tokens[Index + 1]
+ if token ~= '?'
+ and token ~= ':' then
+ return
+ end
+ local pl, pt, pp = 0, 0, 0
+ while true do
+ local token = Tokens[Index + 1]
+ if not token then
+ break
+ end
+ if NLMap[token] then
+ break
+ end
+ if token == ',' then
+ if pl > 0
+ or pt > 0
+ or pp > 0 then
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if token == '<' then
+ pl = pl + 1
+ end
+ if token == '{' then
+ pt = pt + 1
+ end
+ if token == '(' then
+ pp = pp + 1
+ end
+ if token == '>' then
+ if pl <= 0 then
+ break
+ end
+ pl = pl - 1
+ end
+ if token == '}' then
+ if pt <= 0 then
+ break
+ end
+ pt = pt - 1
+ end
+ if token == ')' then
+ if pp <= 0 then
+ break
+ end
+ pp = pp - 1
+ end
+ Index = Index + 2
+ end
+local function parseExpList(mini)
+ local list
+ local wantSep = false
+ while true do
+ skipSpace()
+ local token = Tokens[Index + 1]
+ if not token then
+ break
+ end
+ if ListFinishMap[token] then
+ break
+ end
+ if token == ',' then
+ local sepPos = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'right')
+ if not wantSep then
+ pushError {
+ start = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'left'),
+ finish = sepPos,
+ info = {
+ symbol = ',',
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ wantSep = false
+ Index = Index + 2
+ else
+ if mini then
+ if wantSep then
+ break
+ end
+ local nextToken = peekWord()
+ if isKeyWord(nextToken)
+ and nextToken ~= 'function'
+ and nextToken ~= 'true'
+ and nextToken ~= 'false'
+ and nextToken ~= 'nil'
+ and nextToken ~= 'not' then
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ local exp = parseExp()
+ if not exp then
+ break
+ end
+ dropTail()
+ if wantSep then
+ missSymbol(',', list[#list].finish, exp.start)
+ end
+ wantSep = true
+ if not list then
+ list = {
+ type = 'list',
+ start = exp.start,
+ }
+ end
+ list[#list+1] = exp
+ list.finish = exp.finish
+ exp.parent = list
+ end
+ end
+ if not list then
+ return nil
+ end
+ if not wantSep then
+ missExp()
+ end
+ return list
+local function parseIndex()
+ local start = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'left')
+ Index = Index + 2
+ skipSpace()
+ local exp = parseExp()
+ local index = {
+ type = 'index',
+ start = start,
+ finish = exp and exp.finish or (start + 1),
+ index = exp
+ }
+ if exp then
+ exp.parent = index
+ else
+ missExp()
+ end
+ skipSpace()
+ if Tokens[Index + 1] == ']' then
+ index.finish = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'right')
+ Index = Index + 2
+ else
+ missSymbol ']'
+ end
+ return index
+local function parseTable()
+ local tbl = {
+ type = 'table',
+ start = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'left'),
+ finish = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'right'),
+ }
+ Index = Index + 2
+ local index = 0
+ local wantSep = false
+ while true do
+ skipSpace()
+ local token = Tokens[Index + 1]
+ if token == '}' then
+ Index = Index + 2
+ break
+ end
+ if CharMapTSep[token] then
+ if not wantSep then
+ missExp()
+ end
+ wantSep = false
+ Index = Index + 2
+ end
+ local lastRight = lastRightPosition()
+ local exp = parseExp(true)
+ if exp then
+ if wantSep then
+ pushError {
+ type = 'MISS_SEP_IN_TABLE',
+ start = lastRight,
+ finish = exp.start,
+ }
+ end
+ wantSep = true
+ index = index + 1
+ if exp.type == 'varargs' then
+ tbl[index] = exp
+ exp.parent = tbl
+ end
+ if exp.type == 'getlocal'
+ or exp.type == 'getglobal' then
+ skipSpace()
+ if expectAssign() then
+ local eqRight = lastRightPosition()
+ skipSpace()
+ local fvalue = parseExp()
+ local tfield = {
+ type = 'tablefield',
+ start = exp.start,
+ finish = fvalue and fvalue.finish or eqRight,
+ parent = tbl,
+ field = exp,
+ value = fvalue,
+ }
+ exp.type = 'field'
+ exp.parent = tfield
+ if fvalue then
+ fvalue.parent = tfield
+ else
+ missExp()
+ end
+ tbl[index] = tfield
+ end
+ end
+ local texp = {
+ type = 'tableexp',
+ start = exp.start,
+ finish = exp.finish,
+ tindex = index,
+ parent = tbl,
+ value = exp,
+ }
+ exp.parent = texp
+ tbl[index] = texp
+ end
+ if token == '[' then
+ if wantSep then
+ pushError {
+ type = 'MISS_SEP_IN_TABLE',
+ start = lastRight,
+ finish = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'left'),
+ }
+ end
+ wantSep = true
+ index = index + 1
+ local tindex = parseIndex()
+ skipSpace()
+ if expectAssign() then
+ skipSpace()
+ local ivalue = parseExp()
+ tindex.type = 'tableindex'
+ tindex.parent = tbl
+ if ivalue then
+ ivalue.parent = tindex
+ tindex.finish = ivalue.finish
+ tindex.value = ivalue
+ else
+ missExp()
+ end
+ tbl[index] = tindex
+ else
+ missSymbol '='
+ end
+ end
+ missSymbol '}'
+ break
+ end
+ tbl.finish = getPosition(Tokens[Index - 2], 'right')
+ return tbl
+local function parseSimple(node, funcName)
+ local lastMethod
+ while true do
+ if lastMethod and node.node == lastMethod then
+ if node.type ~= 'call' then
+ missSymbol('(', node.node.finish, node.node.finish)
+ end
+ lastMethod = nil
+ end
+ skipSpace()
+ local token = Tokens[Index + 1]
+ if token == '.' then
+ local dot = {
+ type = token,
+ start = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'left'),
+ finish = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'right'),
+ }
+ Index = Index + 2
+ skipSpace()
+ local field = parseName()
+ local getfield = {
+ type = 'getfield',
+ start = node.start,
+ finish = lastRightPosition(),
+ node = node,
+ dot = dot,
+ field = field
+ }
+ if field then
+ field.parent = getfield
+ field.type = 'field'
+ else
+ pushError {
+ type = 'MISS_FIELD',
+ start = lastRightPosition(),
+ finish = lastRightPosition(),
+ }
+ end
+ node.parent = getfield
+ = getfield
+ node = getfield
+ elseif token == ':' then
+ local colon = {
+ type = token,
+ start = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'left'),
+ finish = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'right'),
+ }
+ Index = Index + 2
+ skipSpace()
+ local method = parseName()
+ local getmethod = {
+ type = 'getmethod',
+ start = node.start,
+ finish = lastRightPosition(),
+ node = node,
+ colon = colon,
+ method = method
+ }
+ if method then
+ method.parent = getmethod
+ method.type = 'method'
+ else
+ pushError {
+ type = 'MISS_METHOD',
+ start = lastRightPosition(),
+ finish = lastRightPosition(),
+ }
+ end
+ node.parent = getmethod
+ = getmethod
+ node = getmethod
+ if lastMethod then
+ missSymbol('(', node.node.finish, node.node.finish)
+ end
+ lastMethod = getmethod
+ elseif token == '(' then
+ if funcName then
+ break
+ end
+ local startPos = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'left')
+ local call = {
+ type = 'call',
+ start = node.start,
+ node = node,
+ }
+ Index = Index + 2
+ local args = parseExpList()
+ if Tokens[Index + 1] == ')' then
+ call.finish = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'right')
+ Index = Index + 2
+ else
+ call.finish = lastRightPosition()
+ missSymbol ')'
+ end
+ if args then
+ args.type = 'callargs'
+ args.start = startPos
+ args.finish = call.finish
+ args.parent = call
+ call.args = args
+ end
+ if node.type == 'getmethod' then
+ -- dummy param `self`
+ if not call.args then
+ call.args = {
+ type = 'callargs',
+ start = call.start,
+ finish = call.finish,
+ parent = call,
+ }
+ end
+ local newNode = {}
+ for k, v in next, call.node.node do
+ newNode[k] = v
+ end
+ newNode.mirror = call.node.node
+ newNode.dummy = true
+ newNode.parent = call.args
+ call.node.node.mirror = newNode
+ tinsert(call.args, 1, newNode)
+ end
+ node.parent = call
+ node = call
+ elseif token == '{' then
+ if funcName then
+ break
+ end
+ local tbl = parseTable()
+ local call = {
+ type = 'call',
+ start = node.start,
+ finish = tbl.finish,
+ node = node,
+ }
+ local args = {
+ type = 'callargs',
+ start = tbl.start,
+ finish = tbl.finish,
+ parent = call,
+ [1] = tbl,
+ }
+ call.args = args
+ tbl.parent = args
+ node.parent = call
+ node = call
+ elseif CharMapStrSH[token] then
+ if funcName then
+ break
+ end
+ local str = parseShortString()
+ local call = {
+ type = 'call',
+ start = node.start,
+ finish = str.finish,
+ node = node,
+ }
+ local args = {
+ type = 'callargs',
+ start = str.start,
+ finish = str.finish,
+ parent = call,
+ [1] = str,
+ }
+ call.args = args
+ str.parent = args
+ node.parent = call
+ node = call
+ elseif CharMapStrLH[token] then
+ local str = parseLongString()
+ if str then
+ if funcName then
+ break
+ end
+ local call = {
+ type = 'call',
+ start = node.start,
+ finish = str.finish,
+ node = node,
+ }
+ local args = {
+ type = 'callargs',
+ start = str.start,
+ finish = str.finish,
+ parent = call,
+ [1] = str,
+ }
+ call.args = args
+ str.parent = args
+ node.parent = call
+ node = call
+ else
+ local index = parseIndex()
+ local bstart = index.start
+ index.type = 'getindex'
+ index.start = node.start
+ index.node = node
+ = index
+ node.parent = index
+ node = index
+ if funcName then
+ pushError {
+ type = 'INDEX_IN_FUNC_NAME',
+ start = bstart,
+ finish = index.finish,
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if node.type == 'call'
+ and node.node == lastMethod then
+ lastMethod = nil
+ end
+ if node == lastMethod then
+ if funcName then
+ lastMethod = nil
+ end
+ end
+ if lastMethod then
+ missSymbol('(', lastMethod.finish)
+ end
+ return node
+local function parseVarargs()
+ local varargs = {
+ type = 'varargs',
+ start = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'left'),
+ finish = getPosition(Tokens[Index] + 2, 'right'),
+ }
+ Index = Index + 2
+ for i = #Chunk, 1, -1 do
+ local chunk = Chunk[i]
+ if chunk.vararg then
+ if not chunk.vararg.ref then
+ chunk.vararg.ref = {}
+ end
+ chunk.vararg.ref[#chunk.vararg.ref+1] = varargs
+ varargs.node = chunk.vararg
+ break
+ end
+ if chunk.type == 'function' then
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if not varargs.node
+ and Mode == 'Lua'
+ and Chunk[#Chunk].type ~= 'main' then
+ pushError {
+ type = 'UNEXPECT_DOTS',
+ start = varargs.start,
+ finish = varargs.finish,
+ }
+ end
+ return varargs
+local function parseParen()
+ local pl = Tokens[Index]
+ local paren = {
+ type = 'paren',
+ start = getPosition(pl, 'left'),
+ finish = getPosition(pl, 'right')
+ }
+ Index = Index + 2
+ skipSpace()
+ local exp = parseExp()
+ if exp then
+ paren.exp = exp
+ paren.finish = exp.finish
+ exp.parent = paren
+ else
+ missExp()
+ end
+ skipSpace()
+ if Tokens[Index + 1] == ')' then
+ paren.finish = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'right')
+ Index = Index + 2
+ else
+ missSymbol ')'
+ end
+ return paren
+local function getLocal(name, pos)
+ for i = #Chunk, 1, -1 do
+ local chunk = Chunk[i]
+ local locals = chunk.locals
+ if locals then
+ local res
+ for n = 1, #locals do
+ local loc = locals[n]
+ if loc.effect > pos then
+ break
+ end
+ if loc[1] == name then
+ if not res or res.effect < loc.effect then
+ res = loc
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if res then
+ return res
+ end
+ end
+ end
+local function resolveName(node)
+ if not node then
+ return nil
+ end
+ local loc = getLocal(node[1], node.start)
+ if loc then
+ node.type = 'getlocal'
+ node.node = loc
+ if not loc.ref then
+ loc.ref = {}
+ end
+ loc.ref[#loc.ref+1] = node
+ if loc.special then
+ addSpecial(loc.special, node)
+ end
+ else
+ node.type = 'getglobal'
+ local env = getLocal(State.ENVMode, node.start)
+ if env then
+ node.node = env
+ if not env.ref then
+ env.ref = {}
+ end
+ env.ref[#env.ref+1] = node
+ end
+ end
+ local name = node[1]
+ if Specials[name] then
+ addSpecial(name, node)
+ else
+ local ospeicals = State.options.special
+ if ospeicals and ospeicals[name] then
+ addSpecial(name, node)
+ end
+ end
+ return node
+local function isChunkFinishToken(token)
+ local currentChunk = Chunk[#Chunk]
+ if not currentChunk then
+ return false
+ end
+ local tp = currentChunk.type
+ if tp == 'main' then
+ return false
+ end
+ if tp == 'for'
+ or tp == 'in'
+ or tp == 'loop' then
+ return token == 'end'
+ end
+ if tp == 'if'
+ or tp == 'ifblock'
+ or tp == 'elseifblock'
+ or tp == 'elseblock' then
+ return token == 'then'
+ or token == 'end'
+ or token == 'else'
+ or token == 'elseif'
+ end
+ return true
+local function parseActions()
+ local rtn, last
+ while true do
+ skipSpace(true)
+ local token = Tokens[Index + 1]
+ if token == ';' then
+ Index = Index + 2
+ end
+ if ChunkFinishMap[token]
+ and isChunkFinishToken(token) then
+ break
+ end
+ local action, failed = parseAction()
+ if failed then
+ break
+ end
+ if action then
+ if action.type == 'return' then
+ rtn = action
+ end
+ last = action
+ end
+ end
+ if rtn and rtn ~= last then
+ pushError {
+ start = rtn.start,
+ finish = rtn.finish,
+ }
+ end
+local function parseParams(params)
+ local lastSep
+ local hasDots
+ while true do
+ skipSpace()
+ local token = Tokens[Index + 1]
+ if not token or token == ')' then
+ if lastSep then
+ missName()
+ end
+ break
+ end
+ if token == ',' then
+ if lastSep or lastSep == nil then
+ missName()
+ else
+ lastSep = true
+ end
+ Index = Index + 2
+ end
+ if token == '...' then
+ if lastSep == false then
+ missSymbol ','
+ end
+ lastSep = false
+ if not params then
+ params = {}
+ end
+ local vararg = {
+ type = '...',
+ start = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'left'),
+ finish = getPosition(Tokens[Index] + 2, 'right'),
+ parent = params,
+ }
+ local chunk = Chunk[#Chunk]
+ chunk.vararg = vararg
+ params[#params+1] = vararg
+ if hasDots then
+ pushError {
+ type = 'ARGS_AFTER_DOTS',
+ start = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'left'),
+ finish = getPosition(Tokens[Index] + 2, 'right'),
+ }
+ end
+ hasDots = true
+ Index = Index + 2
+ end
+ if CharMapWord[ssub(token, 1, 1)] then
+ if lastSep == false then
+ missSymbol ','
+ end
+ lastSep = false
+ if not params then
+ params = {}
+ end
+ params[#params+1] = createLocal {
+ start = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'left'),
+ finish = getPosition(Tokens[Index] + #token - 1, 'right'),
+ parent = params,
+ [1] = token,
+ }
+ if hasDots then
+ pushError {
+ type = 'ARGS_AFTER_DOTS',
+ start = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'left'),
+ finish = getPosition(Tokens[Index] + #token - 1, 'right'),
+ }
+ end
+ Index = Index + 2
+ end
+ skipUnknownSymbol '%,%)%.'
+ end
+ return params
+local function parseFunction(isLocal, isAction)
+ local funcLeft = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'left')
+ local funcRight = getPosition(Tokens[Index] + 7, 'right')
+ local func = {
+ type = 'function',
+ start = funcLeft,
+ finish = funcRight,
+ keyword = {
+ [1] = funcLeft,
+ [2] = funcRight,
+ },
+ }
+ Index = Index + 2
+ local LastLocalCount = LocalCount
+ LocalCount = 0
+ skipSpace()
+ local hasLeftParen = Tokens[Index + 1] == '('
+ if not hasLeftParen then
+ local name = parseName()
+ if name then
+ local simple = parseSimple(name, true)
+ if isLocal then
+ if simple == name then
+ createLocal(name)
+ else
+ resolveName(name)
+ pushError {
+ start = simple.start,
+ finish = simple.finish,
+ }
+ end
+ else
+ resolveName(name)
+ end
+ = simple
+ func.finish = simple.finish
+ if not isAction then
+ pushError {
+ start = simple.start,
+ finish = simple.finish,
+ }
+ end
+ skipSpace()
+ hasLeftParen = Tokens[Index + 1] == '('
+ end
+ end
+ pushChunk(func)
+ local params
+ if and == 'getmethod' then
+ if == 'getmethod' then
+ params = {}
+ params[1] = createLocal {
+ start = funcRight,
+ finish = funcRight,
+ method =,
+ parent = params,
+ tag = 'self',
+ dummy = true,
+ [1] = 'self',
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ if hasLeftParen then
+ local parenLeft = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'left')
+ Index = Index + 2
+ params = parseParams(params)
+ if params then
+ params.type = 'funcargs'
+ params.start = parenLeft
+ params.finish = lastRightPosition()
+ params.parent = func
+ func.args = params
+ end
+ skipSpace()
+ if Tokens[Index + 1] == ')' then
+ local parenRight = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'right')
+ func.finish = parenRight
+ if params then
+ params.finish = parenRight
+ end
+ Index = Index + 2
+ skipSpace()
+ else
+ func.finish = lastRightPosition()
+ if params then
+ params.finish = func.finish
+ end
+ missSymbol ')'
+ end
+ else
+ missSymbol '('
+ end
+ parseActions()
+ popChunk()
+ if Tokens[Index + 1] == 'end' then
+ local endLeft = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'left')
+ local endRight = getPosition(Tokens[Index] + 2, 'right')
+ func.keyword[3] = endLeft
+ func.keyword[4] = endRight
+ func.finish = endRight
+ Index = Index + 2
+ else
+ missEnd(funcLeft, funcRight)
+ end
+ LocalCount = LastLocalCount
+ return func
+local function parseExpUnit()
+ local token = Tokens[Index + 1]
+ if token == '(' then
+ local paren = parseParen()
+ return parseSimple(paren, false)
+ end
+ if token == '...' then
+ local varargs = parseVarargs()
+ return varargs
+ end
+ if token == '{' then
+ local table = parseTable()
+ return table
+ end
+ if CharMapStrSH[token] then
+ local string = parseShortString()
+ return string
+ end
+ if CharMapStrLH[token] then
+ local string = parseLongString()
+ return string
+ end
+ local number = parseNumber()
+ if number then
+ return number
+ end
+ if ChunkFinishMap[token] then
+ return nil
+ end
+ if token == 'nil' then
+ return parseNil()
+ end
+ if token == 'true'
+ or token == 'false' then
+ return parseBoolean()
+ end
+ if token == 'function' then
+ return parseFunction()
+ end
+ local node = parseName()
+ if node then
+ return parseSimple(resolveName(node), false)
+ end
+ return nil
+local function parseUnaryOP()
+ local token = Tokens[Index + 1]
+ local symbol = UnarySymbol[token] and token or UnaryAlias[token]
+ if not symbol then
+ return nil
+ end
+ local myLevel = UnarySymbol[symbol]
+ local op = {
+ type = symbol,
+ start = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'left'),
+ finish = getPosition(Tokens[Index] + #symbol - 1, 'right'),
+ }
+ Index = Index + 2
+ return op, myLevel
+---@param level integer # op level must greater than this level
+local function parseBinaryOP(asAction, level)
+ local token = Tokens[Index + 1]
+ local symbol = (BinarySymbol[token] and token)
+ or BinaryAlias[token]
+ or (not asAction and BinaryActionAlias[token])
+ if not symbol then
+ return nil
+ end
+ local myLevel = BinarySymbol[symbol]
+ if level and myLevel < level then
+ return nil
+ end
+ local op = {
+ type = symbol,
+ start = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'left'),
+ finish = getPosition(Tokens[Index] + #token - 1, 'right'),
+ }
+ if not asAction then
+ if token == '=' then
+ pushError {
+ type = 'ERR_EQ_AS_ASSIGN',
+ start = op.start,
+ finish = op.finish,
+ fix = {
+ title = 'FIX_EQ_AS_ASSIGN',
+ {
+ start = op.start,
+ finish = op.finish,
+ text = '==',
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ if BinaryAlias[token] then
+ if State.options.nonstandardSymbol and State.options.nonstandardSymbol[token] then
+ else
+ pushError {
+ start = op.start,
+ finish = op.finish,
+ info = {
+ symbol = symbol,
+ },
+ fix = {
+ symbol = symbol,
+ {
+ start = op.start,
+ finish = op.finish,
+ text = symbol,
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ if token == '//'
+ or token == '<<'
+ or token == '>>' then
+ if State.version ~= 'Lua 5.3'
+ and State.version ~= 'Lua 5.4' then
+ pushError {
+ version = {'Lua 5.3', 'Lua 5.4'},
+ start = op.start,
+ finish = op.finish,
+ info = {
+ version = State.version,
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ Index = Index + 2
+ return op, myLevel
+function parseExp(asAction, level)
+ local exp
+ local uop, uopLevel = parseUnaryOP()
+ if uop then
+ skipSpace()
+ local child = parseExp(asAction, uopLevel)
+ -- 预计算负数
+ if uop.type == '-'
+ and child
+ and (child.type == 'number' or child.type == 'integer') then
+ child.start = uop.start
+ child[1] = - child[1]
+ exp = child
+ else
+ exp = {
+ type = 'unary',
+ op = uop,
+ start = uop.start,
+ finish = child and child.finish or uop.finish,
+ [1] = child,
+ }
+ if child then
+ child.parent = exp
+ else
+ missExp()
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ exp = parseExpUnit()
+ if not exp then
+ return nil
+ end
+ end
+ while true do
+ skipSpace()
+ local bop, bopLevel = parseBinaryOP(asAction, level)
+ if not bop then
+ break
+ end
+ ::AGAIN::
+ skipSpace()
+ local isForward = SymbolForward[bopLevel]
+ local child = parseExp(asAction, isForward and (bopLevel + 0.5) or bopLevel)
+ if not child then
+ if skipUnknownSymbol() then
+ goto AGAIN
+ else
+ missExp()
+ end
+ end
+ local bin = {
+ type = 'binary',
+ start = exp.start,
+ finish = child and child.finish or bop.finish,
+ op = bop,
+ [1] = exp,
+ [2] = child
+ }
+ exp.parent = bin
+ if child then
+ child.parent = bin
+ end
+ exp = bin
+ end
+ return exp
+local function skipSeps()
+ while true do
+ skipSpace()
+ if Tokens[Index + 1] == ',' then
+ missExp()
+ Index = Index + 2
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ end
+---@return first
+---@return second
+---@return[] rest
+local function parseSetValues()
+ skipSpace()
+ local first = parseExp()
+ if not first then
+ return nil
+ end
+ skipSpace()
+ if Tokens[Index + 1] ~= ',' then
+ return first
+ end
+ Index = Index + 2
+ skipSeps()
+ local second = parseExp()
+ if not second then
+ missExp()
+ return first
+ end
+ skipSpace()
+ if Tokens[Index + 1] ~= ',' then
+ return first, second
+ end
+ Index = Index + 2
+ skipSeps()
+ local third = parseExp()
+ if not third then
+ missExp()
+ return first, second
+ end
+ local rest = { third }
+ while true do
+ skipSpace()
+ if Tokens[Index + 1] ~= ',' then
+ return first, second, rest
+ end
+ Index = Index + 2
+ skipSeps()
+ local exp = parseExp()
+ if not exp then
+ missExp()
+ return first, second, rest
+ end
+ rest[#rest+1] = exp
+ end
+local function pushActionIntoCurrentChunk(action)
+ local chunk = Chunk[#Chunk]
+ if chunk then
+ chunk[#chunk+1] = action
+ action.parent = chunk
+ end
+---@return second
+---@return[] rest
+local function parseVarTails(parser, isLocal)
+ if Tokens[Index + 1] ~= ',' then
+ return
+ end
+ Index = Index + 2
+ skipSpace()
+ local second = parser(true)
+ if not second then
+ missName()
+ return
+ end
+ if isLocal then
+ createLocal(second, parseLocalAttrs())
+ second.effect = maxinteger
+ end
+ skipSpace()
+ if Tokens[Index + 1] ~= ',' then
+ return second
+ end
+ Index = Index + 2
+ skipSeps()
+ local third = parser(true)
+ if not third then
+ missName()
+ return second
+ end
+ if isLocal then
+ createLocal(third, parseLocalAttrs())
+ third.effect = maxinteger
+ end
+ local rest = { third }
+ while true do
+ skipSpace()
+ if Tokens[Index + 1] ~= ',' then
+ return second, rest
+ end
+ Index = Index + 2
+ skipSeps()
+ local name = parser(true)
+ if not name then
+ missName()
+ return second, rest
+ end
+ if isLocal then
+ createLocal(name, parseLocalAttrs())
+ name.effect = maxinteger
+ end
+ rest[#rest+1] = name
+ end
+local function bindValue(n, v, index, lastValue, isLocal, isSet)
+ if isLocal then
+ n.effect = lastRightPosition()
+ if v and v.special then
+ addSpecial(v.special, n)
+ end
+ elseif isSet then
+ n.type = GetToSetMap[n.type] or n.type
+ if n.type == 'setlocal' then
+ local loc = n.node
+ if loc.attrs then
+ pushError {
+ type = 'SET_CONST',
+ start = n.start,
+ finish = n.finish,
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if not v and lastValue then
+ if lastValue.type == 'call'
+ or lastValue.type == 'varargs' then
+ v = lastValue
+ if not v.extParent then
+ v.extParent = {}
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if v then
+ if v.type == 'call'
+ or v.type == 'varargs' then
+ local select = {
+ type = 'select',
+ sindex = index,
+ start = v.start,
+ finish = v.finish,
+ vararg = v
+ }
+ if v.parent then
+ v.extParent[#v.extParent+1] = select
+ else
+ v.parent = select
+ end
+ v = select
+ end
+ n.value = v
+ n.range = v.finish
+ v.parent = n
+ if isLocal then
+ n.effect = lastRightPosition()
+ end
+ end
+local function parseMultiVars(n1, parser, isLocal)
+ local n2, nrest = parseVarTails(parser, isLocal)
+ skipSpace()
+ local v1, v2, vrest
+ local isSet
+ local max = 1
+ if expectAssign() then
+ v1, v2, vrest = parseSetValues()
+ isSet = true
+ if not v1 then
+ missExp()
+ end
+ end
+ bindValue(n1, v1, 1, nil, isLocal, isSet)
+ local lastValue = v1
+ if n2 then
+ max = 2
+ bindValue(n2, v2, 2, lastValue, isLocal, isSet)
+ lastValue = v2 or lastValue
+ pushActionIntoCurrentChunk(n2)
+ end
+ if nrest then
+ for i = 1, #nrest do
+ local n = nrest[i]
+ local v = vrest and vrest[i]
+ max = i + 2
+ bindValue(n, v, max, lastValue, isLocal, isSet)
+ lastValue = v or lastValue
+ pushActionIntoCurrentChunk(n)
+ end
+ end
+ if v2 and not n2 then
+ v2.redundant = {
+ max = max,
+ passed = 2,
+ }
+ pushActionIntoCurrentChunk(v2)
+ end
+ if vrest then
+ for i = 1, #vrest do
+ local v = vrest[i]
+ if not nrest or not nrest[i] then
+ v.redundant = {
+ max = max,
+ passed = i + 2,
+ }
+ pushActionIntoCurrentChunk(v)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return n1, isSet
+local function compileExpAsAction(exp)
+ pushActionIntoCurrentChunk(exp)
+ if GetToSetMap[exp.type] then
+ skipSpace()
+ local action, isSet = parseMultiVars(exp, parseExp)
+ if isSet
+ or action.type == 'getmethod' then
+ return action
+ end
+ end
+ if exp.type == 'call' then
+ return exp
+ end
+ if exp.type == 'binary' then
+ if GetToSetMap[exp[1].type] then
+ local op = exp.op
+ if op.type == '==' then
+ pushError {
+ type = 'ERR_ASSIGN_AS_EQ',
+ start = op.start,
+ finish = op.finish,
+ fix = {
+ title = 'FIX_ASSIGN_AS_EQ',
+ {
+ start = op.start,
+ finish = op.finish,
+ text = '=',
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ pushError {
+ type = 'EXP_IN_ACTION',
+ start = exp.start,
+ finish = exp.finish,
+ }
+local function parseLocal()
+ Index = Index + 2
+ skipSpace()
+ local word = peekWord()
+ if not word then
+ missName()
+ return nil
+ end
+ if word == 'function' then
+ local func = parseFunction(true, true)
+ local name =
+ if name then
+ = nil
+ name.value = func
+ name.vstart = func.start
+ name.range = func.finish
+ func.parent = name
+ pushActionIntoCurrentChunk(name)
+ return name
+ else
+ missName(func.keyword[2])
+ pushActionIntoCurrentChunk(func)
+ return func
+ end
+ end
+ local name = parseName()
+ if not name then
+ missName()
+ return nil
+ end
+ local loc = createLocal(name, parseLocalAttrs())
+ loc.effect = maxinteger
+ pushActionIntoCurrentChunk(loc)
+ skipSpace()
+ parseMultiVars(loc, parseName, true)
+ loc.effect = lastRightPosition()
+ return loc
+local function parseDo()
+ local doLeft = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'left')
+ local doRight = getPosition(Tokens[Index] + 1, 'right')
+ local obj = {
+ type = 'do',
+ start = doLeft,
+ finish = doRight,
+ keyword = {
+ [1] = doLeft,
+ [2] = doRight,
+ },
+ }
+ Index = Index + 2
+ pushActionIntoCurrentChunk(obj)
+ pushChunk(obj)
+ parseActions()
+ popChunk()
+ if Tokens[Index + 1] == 'end' then
+ obj.finish = getPosition(Tokens[Index] + 2, 'right')
+ obj.keyword[3] = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'left')
+ obj.keyword[4] = getPosition(Tokens[Index] + 2, 'right')
+ Index = Index + 2
+ else
+ missEnd(doLeft, doRight)
+ end
+ if obj.locals then
+ LocalCount = LocalCount - #obj.locals
+ end
+ return obj
+local function parseReturn()
+ local returnLeft = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'left')
+ local returnRight = getPosition(Tokens[Index] + 5, 'right')
+ Index = Index + 2
+ skipSpace()
+ local rtn = parseExpList(true)
+ if rtn then
+ rtn.type = 'return'
+ rtn.start = returnLeft
+ else
+ rtn = {
+ type = 'return',
+ start = returnLeft,
+ finish = returnRight,
+ }
+ end
+ pushActionIntoCurrentChunk(rtn)
+ for i = #Chunk, 1, -1 do
+ local func = Chunk[i]
+ if func.type == 'function'
+ or func.type == 'main' then
+ if not func.returns then
+ func.returns = {}
+ end
+ func.returns[#func.returns+1] = rtn
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ return rtn
+local function parseLabel()
+ local left = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'left')
+ Index = Index + 2
+ skipSpace()
+ local label = parseName()
+ skipSpace()
+ if not label then
+ missName()
+ end
+ if Tokens[Index + 1] == '::' then
+ Index = Index + 2
+ else
+ if label then
+ missSymbol '::'
+ end
+ end
+ if not label then
+ return nil
+ end
+ label.type = 'label'
+ pushActionIntoCurrentChunk(label)
+ local block = guide.getBlock(label)
+ if block then
+ if not block.labels then
+ block.labels = {}
+ end
+ local name = label[1]
+ local olabel = guide.getLabel(block, name)
+ if olabel then
+ if State.version == 'Lua 5.4'
+ or block == guide.getBlock(olabel) then
+ pushError {
+ start = label.start,
+ finish = label.finish,
+ relative = {
+ {
+ olabel.start,
+ olabel.finish,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ block.labels[name] = label
+ end
+ if State.version == 'Lua 5.1' then
+ pushError {
+ start = left,
+ finish = lastRightPosition(),
+ version = {'Lua 5.2', 'Lua 5.3', 'Lua 5.4', 'LuaJIT'},
+ info = {
+ version = State.version,
+ }
+ }
+ return
+ end
+ return label
+local function parseGoTo()
+ Index = Index + 2
+ skipSpace()
+ local action = parseName()
+ if not action then
+ missName()
+ return nil
+ end
+ action.type = 'goto'
+ for i = #Chunk, 1, -1 do
+ local chunk = Chunk[i]
+ if chunk.type == 'function'
+ or chunk.type == 'main' then
+ if not chunk.gotos then
+ chunk.gotos = {}
+ end
+ chunk.gotos[#chunk.gotos+1] = action
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ pushActionIntoCurrentChunk(action)
+ return action
+local function parseIfBlock(parent)
+ local ifLeft = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'left')
+ local ifRight = getPosition(Tokens[Index] + 1, 'right')
+ Index = Index + 2
+ local ifblock = {
+ type = 'ifblock',
+ parent = parent,
+ start = ifLeft,
+ finish = ifRight,
+ keyword = {
+ [1] = ifLeft,
+ [2] = ifRight,
+ }
+ }
+ skipSpace()
+ local filter = parseExp()
+ if filter then
+ ifblock.filter = filter
+ ifblock.finish = filter.finish
+ filter.parent = ifblock
+ else
+ missExp()
+ end
+ skipSpace()
+ local thenToken = Tokens[Index + 1]
+ if thenToken == 'then'
+ or thenToken == 'do' then
+ ifblock.finish = getPosition(Tokens[Index] + #thenToken - 1, 'right')
+ ifblock.keyword[3] = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'left')
+ ifblock.keyword[4] = ifblock.finish
+ if thenToken == 'do' then
+ pushError {
+ type = 'ERR_THEN_AS_DO',
+ start = ifblock.keyword[3],
+ finish = ifblock.keyword[4],
+ fix = {
+ title = 'FIX_THEN_AS_DO',
+ {
+ start = ifblock.keyword[3],
+ finish = ifblock.keyword[4],
+ text = 'then',
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ Index = Index + 2
+ else
+ missSymbol 'then'
+ end
+ pushChunk(ifblock)
+ parseActions()
+ popChunk()
+ if ifblock.locals then
+ LocalCount = LocalCount - #ifblock.locals
+ end
+ return ifblock
+local function parseElseIfBlock(parent)
+ local ifLeft = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'left')
+ local ifRight = getPosition(Tokens[Index] + 5, 'right')
+ local elseifblock = {
+ type = 'elseifblock',
+ parent = parent,
+ start = ifLeft,
+ finish = ifRight,
+ keyword = {
+ [1] = ifLeft,
+ [2] = ifRight,
+ }
+ }
+ Index = Index + 2
+ skipSpace()
+ local filter = parseExp()
+ if filter then
+ elseifblock.filter = filter
+ elseifblock.finish = filter.finish
+ filter.parent = elseifblock
+ else
+ missExp()
+ end
+ skipSpace()
+ local thenToken = Tokens[Index + 1]
+ if thenToken == 'then'
+ or thenToken == 'do' then
+ elseifblock.finish = getPosition(Tokens[Index] + #thenToken - 1, 'right')
+ elseifblock.keyword[3] = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'left')
+ elseifblock.keyword[4] = elseifblock.finish
+ if thenToken == 'do' then
+ pushError {
+ type = 'ERR_THEN_AS_DO',
+ start = elseifblock.keyword[3],
+ finish = elseifblock.keyword[4],
+ fix = {
+ title = 'FIX_THEN_AS_DO',
+ {
+ start = elseifblock.keyword[3],
+ finish = elseifblock.keyword[4],
+ text = 'then',
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ Index = Index + 2
+ else
+ missSymbol 'then'
+ end
+ pushChunk(elseifblock)
+ parseActions()
+ popChunk()
+ if elseifblock.locals then
+ LocalCount = LocalCount - #elseifblock.locals
+ end
+ return elseifblock
+local function parseElseBlock(parent)
+ local ifLeft = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'left')
+ local ifRight = getPosition(Tokens[Index] + 3, 'right')
+ local elseblock = {
+ type = 'elseblock',
+ parent = parent,
+ start = ifLeft,
+ finish = ifRight,
+ keyword = {
+ [1] = ifLeft,
+ [2] = ifRight,
+ }
+ }
+ Index = Index + 2
+ skipSpace()
+ pushChunk(elseblock)
+ parseActions()
+ popChunk()
+ if elseblock.locals then
+ LocalCount = LocalCount - #elseblock.locals
+ end
+ return elseblock
+local function parseIf()
+ local token = Tokens[Index + 1]
+ local left = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'left')
+ local action = {
+ type = 'if',
+ start = left,
+ finish = getPosition(Tokens[Index] + #token - 1, 'right'),
+ }
+ pushActionIntoCurrentChunk(action)
+ if token ~= 'if' then
+ missSymbol('if', left, left)
+ end
+ local hasElse
+ while true do
+ local word = Tokens[Index + 1]
+ local child
+ if word == 'if' then
+ child = parseIfBlock(action)
+ elseif word == 'elseif' then
+ child = parseElseIfBlock(action)
+ elseif word == 'else' then
+ child = parseElseBlock(action)
+ end
+ if not child then
+ break
+ end
+ if hasElse then
+ pushError {
+ type = 'BLOCK_AFTER_ELSE',
+ start = child.start,
+ finish = child.finish,
+ }
+ end
+ if word == 'else' then
+ hasElse = true
+ end
+ action[#action+1] = child
+ action.finish = child.finish
+ skipSpace()
+ end
+ if Tokens[Index + 1] == 'end' then
+ action.finish = getPosition(Tokens[Index] + 2, 'right')
+ Index = Index + 2
+ else
+ missEnd(action[1].keyword[1], action[1].keyword[2])
+ end
+ return action
+local function parseFor()
+ local action = {
+ type = 'for',
+ start = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'left'),
+ finish = getPosition(Tokens[Index] + 2, 'right'),
+ keyword = {},
+ }
+ action.keyword[1] = action.start
+ action.keyword[2] = action.finish
+ Index = Index + 2
+ pushActionIntoCurrentChunk(action)
+ pushChunk(action)
+ skipSpace()
+ local nameOrList = parseNameOrList()
+ if not nameOrList then
+ missName()
+ end
+ skipSpace()
+ -- for i =
+ if expectAssign() then
+ action.type = 'loop'
+ skipSpace()
+ local expList = parseExpList()
+ local name
+ if nameOrList then
+ if nameOrList.type == 'name' then
+ name = nameOrList
+ else
+ name = nameOrList[1]
+ end
+ end
+ if name then
+ local loc = createLocal(name)
+ loc.parent = action
+ action.finish = name.finish
+ action.loc = loc
+ end
+ if expList then
+ local value = expList[1]
+ if value then
+ value.parent = action
+ action.init = value
+ action.finish = expList[#expList].finish
+ end
+ local max = expList[2]
+ if max then
+ max.parent = action
+ action.max = max
+ action.finish = max.finish
+ else
+ pushError {
+ type = 'MISS_LOOP_MAX',
+ start = lastRightPosition(),
+ finish = lastRightPosition(),
+ }
+ end
+ local step = expList[3]
+ if step then
+ step.parent = action
+ action.step = step
+ action.finish = step.finish
+ end
+ else
+ pushError {
+ type = 'MISS_LOOP_MIN',
+ start = lastRightPosition(),
+ finish = lastRightPosition(),
+ }
+ end
+ if action.loc then
+ action.loc.effect = action.finish
+ end
+ elseif Tokens[Index + 1] == 'in' then
+ action.type = 'in'
+ local inLeft = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'left')
+ local inRight = getPosition(Tokens[Index] + 1, 'right')
+ Index = Index + 2
+ skipSpace()
+ local exps = parseExpList()
+ action.finish = inRight
+ action.keyword[3] = inLeft
+ action.keyword[4] = inRight
+ local list
+ if nameOrList and nameOrList.type == 'name' then
+ list = {
+ type = 'list',
+ start = nameOrList.start,
+ finish = nameOrList.finish,
+ [1] = nameOrList,
+ }
+ else
+ list = nameOrList
+ end
+ if exps then
+ local lastExp = exps[#exps]
+ if lastExp then
+ action.finish = lastExp.finish
+ end
+ action.exps = exps
+ for i = 1, #exps do
+ local exp = exps[i]
+ exp.parent = action
+ end
+ else
+ missExp()
+ end
+ if list then
+ local lastName = list[#list]
+ list.range = lastName and lastName.range or inRight
+ action.keys = list
+ for i = 1, #list do
+ local loc = createLocal(list[i])
+ loc.parent = action
+ loc.effect = action.finish
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ missSymbol 'in'
+ end
+ skipSpace()
+ local doToken = Tokens[Index + 1]
+ if doToken == 'do'
+ or doToken == 'then' then
+ local left = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'left')
+ local right = getPosition(Tokens[Index] + #doToken - 1, 'right')
+ action.finish = left
+ action.keyword[#action.keyword+1] = left
+ action.keyword[#action.keyword+1] = right
+ if doToken == 'then' then
+ pushError {
+ type = 'ERR_DO_AS_THEN',
+ start = left,
+ finish = right,
+ fix = {
+ title = 'FIX_DO_AS_THEN',
+ {
+ start = left,
+ finish = right,
+ text = 'do',
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ Index = Index + 2
+ else
+ missSymbol 'do'
+ end
+ skipSpace()
+ parseActions()
+ popChunk()
+ skipSpace()
+ if Tokens[Index + 1] == 'end' then
+ action.finish = getPosition(Tokens[Index] + 2, 'right')
+ action.keyword[#action.keyword+1] = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'left')
+ action.keyword[#action.keyword+1] = action.finish
+ Index = Index + 2
+ else
+ missEnd(action.keyword[1], action.keyword[2])
+ end
+ if action.locals then
+ LocalCount = LocalCount - #action.locals
+ end
+ return action
+local function parseWhile()
+ local action = {
+ type = 'while',
+ start = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'left'),
+ finish = getPosition(Tokens[Index] + 4, 'right'),
+ keyword = {},
+ }
+ action.keyword[1] = action.start
+ action.keyword[2] = action.finish
+ Index = Index + 2
+ skipSpace()
+ local nextToken = Tokens[Index + 1]
+ local filter = nextToken ~= 'do'
+ and nextToken ~= 'then'
+ and parseExp()
+ if filter then
+ action.filter = filter
+ action.finish = filter.finish
+ filter.parent = action
+ else
+ missExp()
+ end
+ skipSpace()
+ local doToken = Tokens[Index + 1]
+ if doToken == 'do'
+ or doToken == 'then' then
+ local left = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'left')
+ local right = getPosition(Tokens[Index] + #doToken - 1, 'right')
+ action.finish = left
+ action.keyword[#action.keyword+1] = left
+ action.keyword[#action.keyword+1] = right
+ if doToken == 'then' then
+ pushError {
+ type = 'ERR_DO_AS_THEN',
+ start = left,
+ finish = right,
+ fix = {
+ title = 'FIX_DO_AS_THEN',
+ {
+ start = left,
+ finish = right,
+ text = 'do',
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ Index = Index + 2
+ else
+ missSymbol 'do'
+ end
+ pushActionIntoCurrentChunk(action)
+ pushChunk(action)
+ skipSpace()
+ parseActions()
+ popChunk()
+ skipSpace()
+ if Tokens[Index + 1] == 'end' then
+ action.finish = getPosition(Tokens[Index] + 2, 'right')
+ action.keyword[#action.keyword+1] = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'left')
+ action.keyword[#action.keyword+1] = action.finish
+ Index = Index + 2
+ else
+ missEnd(action.keyword[1], action.keyword[2])
+ end
+ if action.locals then
+ LocalCount = LocalCount - #action.locals
+ end
+ return action
+local function parseRepeat()
+ local action = {
+ type = 'repeat',
+ start = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'left'),
+ finish = getPosition(Tokens[Index] + 5, 'right'),
+ keyword = {},
+ }
+ action.keyword[1] = action.start
+ action.keyword[2] = action.finish
+ Index = Index + 2
+ pushActionIntoCurrentChunk(action)
+ pushChunk(action)
+ skipSpace()
+ parseActions()
+ skipSpace()
+ if Tokens[Index + 1] == 'until' then
+ action.finish = getPosition(Tokens[Index] + 4, 'right')
+ action.keyword[#action.keyword+1] = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'left')
+ action.keyword[#action.keyword+1] = action.finish
+ Index = Index + 2
+ skipSpace()
+ local filter = parseExp()
+ if filter then
+ action.filter = filter
+ filter.parent = action
+ else
+ missExp()
+ end
+ else
+ missSymbol 'until'
+ end
+ popChunk()
+ if action.filter then
+ action.finish = action.filter.finish
+ end
+ if action.locals then
+ LocalCount = LocalCount - #action.locals
+ end
+ return action
+local function parseBreak()
+ local returnLeft = getPosition(Tokens[Index], 'left')
+ local returnRight = getPosition(Tokens[Index] + 4, 'right')
+ Index = Index + 2
+ skipSpace()
+ local action = {
+ type = 'break',
+ start = returnLeft,
+ finish = returnRight,
+ }
+ local ok
+ for i = #Chunk, 1, -1 do
+ local chunk = Chunk[i]
+ if chunk.type == 'function' then
+ break
+ end
+ if chunk.type == 'while'
+ or chunk.type == 'in'
+ or chunk.type == 'loop'
+ or chunk.type == 'repeat'
+ or chunk.type == 'for' then
+ if not chunk.breaks then
+ chunk.breaks = {}
+ end
+ chunk.breaks[#chunk.breaks+1] = action
+ ok = true
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if not ok and Mode == 'Lua' then
+ pushError {
+ type = 'BREAK_OUTSIDE',
+ start = action.start,
+ finish = action.finish,
+ }
+ end
+ pushActionIntoCurrentChunk(action)
+ return action
+function parseAction()
+ local token = Tokens[Index + 1]
+ if token == '::' then
+ return parseLabel()
+ end
+ if token == 'local' then
+ return parseLocal()
+ end
+ if token == 'if'
+ or token == 'elseif'
+ or token == 'else' then
+ return parseIf()
+ end
+ if token == 'for' then
+ return parseFor()
+ end
+ if token == 'do' then
+ return parseDo()
+ end
+ if token == 'return' then
+ return parseReturn()
+ end
+ if token == 'break' then
+ return parseBreak()
+ end
+ if token == 'while' then
+ return parseWhile()
+ end
+ if token == 'repeat' then
+ return parseRepeat()
+ end
+ if token == 'goto' then
+ return parseGoTo()
+ end
+ if token == 'function' then
+ local exp = parseFunction(false, true)
+ local name =
+ if name then
+ = nil
+ name.type = GetToSetMap[name.type]
+ name.value = exp
+ name.vstart = exp.start
+ name.range = exp.finish
+ exp.parent = name
+ pushActionIntoCurrentChunk(name)
+ return name
+ else
+ pushActionIntoCurrentChunk(exp)
+ missName(exp.keyword[2])
+ return exp
+ end
+ end
+ local exp = parseExp(true)
+ if exp then
+ local action = compileExpAsAction(exp)
+ if action then
+ return action
+ end
+ end
+ return nil, true
+local function skipFirstComment()
+ if Tokens[Index + 1] ~= '#' then
+ return
+ end
+ while true do
+ Index = Index + 2
+ local token = Tokens[Index + 1]
+ if not token then
+ break
+ end
+ if NLMap[token] then
+ skipNL()
+ break
+ end
+ end
+local function parseLua()
+ local main = {
+ type = 'main',
+ start = 0,
+ finish = 0,
+ }
+ pushChunk(main)
+ createLocal{
+ type = 'local',
+ start = -1,
+ finish = -1,
+ effect = -1,
+ parent = main,
+ tag = '_ENV',
+ special= '_G',
+ [1] = State.ENVMode,
+ }
+ LocalCount = 0
+ skipFirstComment()
+ while true do
+ parseActions()
+ if Index <= #Tokens then
+ unknownSymbol()
+ Index = Index + 2
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ popChunk()
+ main.finish = getPosition(#Lua, 'right')
+ return main
+local function initState(lua, version, options)
+ Lua = lua
+ Line = 0
+ LineOffset = 1
+ LastTokenFinish = 0
+ LocalCount = 0
+ Chunk = {}
+ Tokens = tokens(lua)
+ Index = 1
+ local state = {
+ version = version,
+ lua = lua,
+ ast = {},
+ errs = {},
+ comms = {},
+ lines = {
+ [0] = 1,
+ },
+ options = options or {},
+ }
+ State = state
+ if version == 'Lua 5.1' or version == 'LuaJIT' then
+ state.ENVMode = '@fenv'
+ else
+ state.ENVMode = '_ENV'
+ end
+ pushError = function (err)
+ local errs = state.errs
+ if err.finish < err.start then
+ err.finish = err.start
+ end
+ local last = errs[#errs]
+ if last then
+ if last.start <= err.start and last.finish >= err.finish then
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ err.level = err.level or 'error'
+ errs[#errs+1] = err
+ return err
+ end
+ state.pushError = pushError
+return function (lua, mode, version, options)
+ Mode = mode
+ initState(lua, version, options)
+ skipSpace()
+ if mode == 'Lua' then
+ State.ast = parseLua()
+ elseif mode == 'Nil' then
+ State.ast = parseNil()
+ elseif mode == 'Boolean' then
+ State.ast = parseBoolean()
+ elseif mode == 'String' then
+ State.ast = parseString()
+ elseif mode == 'Number' then
+ State.ast = parseNumber()
+ elseif mode == 'Exp' then
+ State.ast = parseExp()
+ elseif mode == 'Action' then
+ State.ast = parseAction()
+ end
+ State.ast.state = State
+ return State