path: root/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr.event.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr.event.lua')
1 files changed, 87 insertions, 86 deletions
diff --git a/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr.event.lua b/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr.event.lua
index f2e9509d..a515c1ab 100644
--- a/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr.event.lua
+++ b/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr.event.lua
@@ -48,7 +48,8 @@ function lovr.event.pump() end
---Only nil, booleans, numbers, strings, and LÖVR objects are supported types for event data.
---@param name string # The name of the event.
-function lovr.event.push(name) end
+---@vararg any # The arguments for the event. Currently, up to 4 are supported.
+function lovr.event.push(name, ...) end
---Pushes an event to quit.
@@ -90,340 +91,340 @@ function lovr.event.restart() end
---The A key.
----| '"a"'
+---| "a"
---The B key.
----| '"b"'
+---| "b"
---The C key.
----| '"c"'
+---| "c"
---The D key.
----| '"d"'
+---| "d"
---The E key.
----| '"e"'
+---| "e"
---The F key.
----| '"f"'
+---| "f"
---The G key.
----| '"g"'
+---| "g"
---The H key.
----| '"h"'
+---| "h"
---The I key.
----| '"i"'
+---| "i"
---The J key.
----| '"j"'
+---| "j"
---The K key.
----| '"k"'
+---| "k"
---The L key.
----| '"l"'
+---| "l"
---The M key.
----| '"m"'
+---| "m"
---The N key.
----| '"n"'
+---| "n"
---The O key.
----| '"o"'
+---| "o"
---The P key.
----| '"p"'
+---| "p"
---The Q key.
----| '"q"'
+---| "q"
---The R key.
----| '"r"'
+---| "r"
---The S key.
----| '"s"'
+---| "s"
---The T key.
----| '"t"'
+---| "t"
---The U key.
----| '"u"'
+---| "u"
---The V key.
----| '"v"'
+---| "v"
---The W key.
----| '"w"'
+---| "w"
---The X key.
----| '"x"'
+---| "x"
---The Y key.
----| '"y"'
+---| "y"
---The Z key.
----| '"z"'
+---| "z"
---The 0 key.
----| '"0"'
+---| "0"
---The 1 key.
----| '"1"'
+---| "1"
---The 2 key.
----| '"2"'
+---| "2"
---The 3 key.
----| '"3"'
+---| "3"
---The 4 key.
----| '"4"'
+---| "4"
---The 5 key.
----| '"5"'
+---| "5"
---The 6 key.
----| '"6"'
+---| "6"
---The 7 key.
----| '"7"'
+---| "7"
---The 8 key.
----| '"8"'
+---| "8"
---The 9 key.
----| '"9"'
+---| "9"
---The space bar.
----| '"space"'
+---| "space"
---The enter key.
----| '"return"'
+---| "return"
---The tab key.
----| '"tab"'
+---| "tab"
---The escape key.
----| '"escape"'
+---| "escape"
---The backspace key.
----| '"backspace"'
+---| "backspace"
---The up arrow key.
----| '"up"'
+---| "up"
---The down arrow key.
----| '"down"'
+---| "down"
---The left arrow key.
----| '"left"'
+---| "left"
---The right arrow key.
----| '"right"'
+---| "right"
---The home key.
----| '"home"'
+---| "home"
---The end key.
----| '"end"'
+---| "end"
---The page up key.
----| '"pageup"'
+---| "pageup"
---The page down key.
----| '"pagedown"'
+---| "pagedown"
---The insert key.
----| '"insert"'
+---| "insert"
---The delete key.
----| '"delete"'
+---| "delete"
---The F1 key.
----| '"f1"'
+---| "f1"
---The F2 key.
----| '"f2"'
+---| "f2"
---The F3 key.
----| '"f3"'
+---| "f3"
---The F4 key.
----| '"f4"'
+---| "f4"
---The F5 key.
----| '"f5"'
+---| "f5"
---The F6 key.
----| '"f6"'
+---| "f6"
---The F7 key.
----| '"f7"'
+---| "f7"
---The F8 key.
----| '"f8"'
+---| "f8"
---The F9 key.
----| '"f9"'
+---| "f9"
---The F10 key.
----| '"f10"'
+---| "f10"
---The F11 key.
----| '"f11"'
+---| "f11"
---The F12 key.
----| '"f12"'
+---| "f12"
---The backtick/backquote/grave accent key.
----| '"`"'
+---| "`"
---The dash/hyphen/minus key.
----| '"-"'
+---| "-"
---The equal sign key.
----| '"="'
+---| "="
---The left bracket key.
----| '"["'
+---| "["
---The right bracket key.
----| '"]"'
+---| "]"
---The backslash key.
----| '"\\"'
+---| "\\"
---The semicolon key.
----| '";"'
+---| ";"
---The single quote key.
----| '"\'"'
+---| "'"
---The comma key.
----| '","'
+---| ","
---The period key.
----| '"."'
+---| "."
---The slash key.
----| '"/"'
+---| "/"
---The left control key.
----| '"lctrl"'
+---| "lctrl"
---The left shift key.
----| '"lshift"'
+---| "lshift"
---The left alt key.
----| '"lalt"'
+---| "lalt"
---The left OS key (windows, command, super).
----| '"lgui"'
+---| "lgui"
---The right control key.
----| '"rctrl"'
+---| "rctrl"
---The right shift key.
----| '"rshift"'
+---| "rshift"
---The right alt key.
----| '"ralt"'
+---| "ralt"
---The right OS key (windows, command, super).
----| '"rgui"'
+---| "rgui"
---The caps lock key.
----| '"capslock"'
+---| "capslock"
---The scroll lock key.
----| '"scrolllock"'
+---| "scrolllock"
---The numlock key.
----| '"numlock"'
+---| "numlock"