path: root/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/ccui.Layout.lua
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1 files changed, 219 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/ccui.Layout.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/ccui.Layout.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1b4ae970
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/ccui.Layout.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+---@class ccui.Layout :ccui.Widget@all parent class: Widget,LayoutProtocol
+local Layout={ }
+---* Sets background color vector for layout.<br>
+---* This setting only take effect when layout's color type is BackGroundColorType::GRADIENT<br>
+---* param vector The color vector in `Vec2`.
+---@param vector vec2_table
+---@return self
+function Layout:setBackGroundColorVector (vector) end
+---* Change the clipping type of layout.<br>
+---* On default, the clipping type is `ClippingType::STENCIL`.<br>
+---* see `ClippingType`<br>
+---* param type The clipping type of layout.
+---@param type int
+---@return self
+function Layout:setClippingType (type) end
+---* Sets Color Type for layout's background<br>
+---* param type @see `BackGroundColorType`
+---@param type int
+---@return self
+function Layout:setBackGroundColorType (type) end
+---* If a layout is loop focused which means that the focus movement will be inside the layout<br>
+---* param loop pass true to let the focus movement loop inside the layout
+---@param loop boolean
+---@return self
+function Layout:setLoopFocus (loop) end
+---* Set layout's background image color.<br>
+---* param color Background color value in `Color3B`.
+---@param color color3b_table
+---@return self
+function Layout:setBackGroundImageColor (color) end
+---* Get the layout's background color vector.<br>
+---* return Background color vector.
+---@return vec2_table
+function Layout:getBackGroundColorVector () end
+---* see `setClippingType(ClippingType)`
+---@return int
+function Layout:getClippingType () end
+---@return cc.ResourceData
+function Layout:getRenderFile () end
+---* return If focus loop is enabled, then it will return true, otherwise it returns false. The default value is false.
+---@return boolean
+function Layout:isLoopFocus () end
+---* Remove the background image of layout.
+---@return self
+function Layout:removeBackGroundImage () end
+---* Get the layout's background color opacity.<br>
+---* return Background color opacity value.
+---@return unsigned_char
+function Layout:getBackGroundColorOpacity () end
+---* Gets if layout is clipping enabled.<br>
+---* return if layout is clipping enabled.
+---@return boolean
+function Layout:isClippingEnabled () end
+---* Set opacity of background image.<br>
+---* param opacity Background image opacity in GLubyte.
+---@param opacity unsigned_char
+---@return self
+function Layout:setBackGroundImageOpacity (opacity) end
+---* Sets a background image for layout.<br>
+---* param fileName image file path.<br>
+---* param texType @see TextureResType.
+---@param fileName string
+---@param texType int
+---@return self
+function Layout:setBackGroundImage (fileName,texType) end
+---@overload fun(color3b_table:color3b_table,color3b_table:color3b_table):self
+---@overload fun(color3b_table:color3b_table):self
+---@param startColor color3b_table
+---@param endColor color3b_table
+---@return self
+function Layout:setBackGroundColor (startColor,endColor) end
+---* request to refresh widget layout
+---@return self
+function Layout:requestDoLayout () end
+---* Query background image's capInsets size.<br>
+---* return The background image capInsets.
+---@return rect_table
+function Layout:getBackGroundImageCapInsets () end
+---* Query the layout's background color.<br>
+---* return Background color in Color3B.
+---@return color3b_table
+function Layout:getBackGroundColor () end
+---* Toggle layout clipping.<br>
+---* If you do need clipping, you pass true to this function.<br>
+---* param enabled Pass true to enable clipping, false otherwise.
+---@param enabled boolean
+---@return self
+function Layout:setClippingEnabled (enabled) end
+---* Get color of layout's background image.<br>
+---* return Layout's background image color.
+---@return color3b_table
+function Layout:getBackGroundImageColor () end
+---* Query background image scale9 enable status.<br>
+---* return Whether background image is scale9 enabled or not.
+---@return boolean
+function Layout:isBackGroundImageScale9Enabled () end
+---* Query the layout's background color type.<br>
+---* return The layout's background color type.
+---@return int
+function Layout:getBackGroundColorType () end
+---* Get the gradient background end color.<br>
+---* return Gradient background end color value.
+---@return color3b_table
+function Layout:getBackGroundEndColor () end
+---* Sets background color opacity of layout.<br>
+---* param opacity The opacity in `GLubyte`.
+---@param opacity unsigned_char
+---@return self
+function Layout:setBackGroundColorOpacity (opacity) end
+---* Get the opacity of layout's background image.<br>
+---* return The opacity of layout's background image.
+---@return unsigned_char
+function Layout:getBackGroundImageOpacity () end
+---* return To query whether the layout will pass the focus to its children or not. The default value is true
+---@return boolean
+function Layout:isPassFocusToChild () end
+---* Sets a background image capinsets for layout, it only affects the scale9 enabled background image<br>
+---* param capInsets The capInsets in Rect.
+---@param capInsets rect_table
+---@return self
+function Layout:setBackGroundImageCapInsets (capInsets) end
+---* Gets background image texture size.<br>
+---* return background image texture size.
+---@return size_table
+function Layout:getBackGroundImageTextureSize () end
+---* force refresh widget layout
+---@return self
+function Layout:forceDoLayout () end
+---* Query layout type.<br>
+---* return Get the layout type.
+---@return int
+function Layout:getLayoutType () end
+---* param pass To specify whether the layout pass its focus to its child
+---@param pass boolean
+---@return self
+function Layout:setPassFocusToChild (pass) end
+---* Get the gradient background start color.<br>
+---* return Gradient background start color value.
+---@return color3b_table
+function Layout:getBackGroundStartColor () end
+---* Enable background image scale9 rendering.<br>
+---* param enabled True means enable scale9 rendering for background image, false otherwise.
+---@param enabled boolean
+---@return self
+function Layout:setBackGroundImageScale9Enabled (enabled) end
+---* Change the layout type.<br>
+---* param type Layout type.
+---@param type int
+---@return self
+function Layout:setLayoutType (type) end
+---* Create a empty layout.
+---@return self
+function Layout:create () end
+---@return cc.Ref
+function Layout:createInstance () end
+---@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int):self
+---@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node):self
+---@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int,string2:int):self
+---@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int,string:string):self
+---@param child cc.Node
+---@param localZOrder int
+---@param name string
+---@return self
+function Layout:addChild (child,localZOrder,name) end
+---* Returns the "class name" of widget.
+---@return string
+function Layout:getDescription () end
+---* Removes all children from the container, and do a cleanup to all running actions depending on the cleanup parameter.<br>
+---* param cleanup true if all running actions on all children nodes should be cleanup, false otherwise.<br>
+---* js removeAllChildren<br>
+---* lua removeAllChildren
+---@param cleanup boolean
+---@return self
+function Layout:removeAllChildrenWithCleanup (cleanup) end
+---* Removes all children from the container with a cleanup.<br>
+---* see `removeAllChildrenWithCleanup(bool)`
+---@return self
+function Layout:removeAllChildren () end
+---* When a widget is in a layout, you could call this method to get the next focused widget within a specified direction.<br>
+---* If the widget is not in a layout, it will return itself<br>
+---* param direction the direction to look for the next focused widget in a layout<br>
+---* param current the current focused widget<br>
+---* return the next focused widget in a layout
+---@param direction int
+---@param current ccui.Widget
+---@return ccui.Widget
+function Layout:findNextFocusedWidget (direction,current) end
+---@param child cc.Node
+---@param cleanup boolean
+---@return self
+function Layout:removeChild (child,cleanup) end
+---@return boolean
+function Layout:init () end
+---* Override function. Set camera mask, the node is visible by the camera whose camera flag & node's camera mask is true. <br>
+---* param mask Mask being set<br>
+---* param applyChildren If true call this function recursively from this node to its children.
+---@param mask unsigned short
+---@param applyChildren boolean
+---@return self
+function Layout:setCameraMask (mask,applyChildren) end
+---@param globalZOrder float
+---@return self
+function Layout:setGlobalZOrder (globalZOrder) end
+---* Default constructor<br>
+---* js ctor<br>
+---* lua new
+---@return self
+function Layout:Layout () end \ No newline at end of file