path: root/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/cc.Terrain.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/cc.Terrain.lua')
1 files changed, 110 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/cc.Terrain.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/cc.Terrain.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..470d4502
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/cc.Terrain.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+---@class cc.Terrain :cc.Node
+local Terrain={ }
+---* initialize heightMap data
+---@param heightMap string
+---@return boolean
+function Terrain:initHeightMap (heightMap) end
+---* set the MaxDetailAmount.
+---@param maxValue int
+---@return self
+function Terrain:setMaxDetailMapAmount (maxValue) end
+---* show the wireline instead of the surface,Debug Use only.<br>
+---* Note only support desktop platform
+---@param boolValue boolean
+---@return self
+function Terrain:setDrawWire (boolValue) end
+---* get the terrain's height data
+---@return array_table
+function Terrain:getHeightData () end
+---* set the Detail Map
+---@param index unsigned_int
+---@param detailMap cc.Terrain.DetailMap
+---@return self
+function Terrain:setDetailMap (index,detailMap) end
+---* reset the heightmap data.
+---@param heightMap string
+---@return self
+function Terrain:resetHeightMap (heightMap) end
+---* set directional light for the terrain<br>
+---* param lightDir The direction of directional light, Note that lightDir is in the terrain's local space. Most of the time terrain is placed at (0,0,0) and without rotation, so lightDir is also in the world space.
+---@param lightDir vec3_table
+---@return self
+function Terrain:setLightDir (lightDir) end
+---* set the alpha map
+---@param newAlphaMapTexture cc.Texture2D
+---@return self
+function Terrain:setAlphaMap (newAlphaMapTexture) end
+---* set the skirt height ratio
+---@param ratio float
+---@return self
+function Terrain:setSkirtHeightRatio (ratio) end
+---* Convert a world Space position (X,Z) to terrain space position (X,Z)
+---@param worldSpace vec2_table
+---@return vec2_table
+function Terrain:convertToTerrainSpace (worldSpace) end
+---* initialize alphaMap ,detailMaps textures
+---@return boolean
+function Terrain:initTextures () end
+---* initialize all Properties which terrain need
+---@return boolean
+function Terrain:initProperties () end
+---@param parameter cc.Terrain.TerrainData
+---@param fixedType int
+---@return boolean
+function Terrain:initWithTerrainData (parameter,fixedType) end
+---* Set threshold distance of each LOD level,must equal or greater than the chunk size<br>
+---* Note when invoke initHeightMap, the LOD distance will be automatic calculated.
+---@param lod1 float
+---@param lod2 float
+---@param lod3 float
+---@return self
+function Terrain:setLODDistance (lod1,lod2,lod3) end
+---* get the terrain's size
+---@return size_table
+function Terrain:getTerrainSize () end
+---* get the normal of the specified position in terrain<br>
+---* return the normal vector of the specified position of the terrain.<br>
+---* note the fast normal calculation may not get precise normal vector.
+---@param pixelX int
+---@param pixelY int
+---@return vec3_table
+function Terrain:getNormal (pixelX,pixelY) end
+---@return self
+function Terrain:reload () end
+---* get height from the raw height filed
+---@param pixelX int
+---@param pixelY int
+---@return float
+function Terrain:getImageHeight (pixelX,pixelY) end
+---* set light map texture
+---@param fileName string
+---@return self
+function Terrain:setLightMap (fileName) end
+---* Switch frustum Culling Flag<br>
+---* Note frustum culling will remarkable improve your terrain rendering performance.
+---@param boolValue boolean
+---@return self
+function Terrain:setIsEnableFrustumCull (boolValue) end
+---* get the terrain's minimal height.
+---@return float
+function Terrain:getMinHeight () end
+---* get the terrain's maximal height.
+---@return float
+function Terrain:getMaxHeight () end
+---@param renderer cc.Renderer
+---@param transform mat4_table
+---@param flags unsigned_int
+---@return self
+function Terrain:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end
+---@return self
+function Terrain:Terrain () end \ No newline at end of file