path: root/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/cc.Scene.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/cc.Scene.lua')
1 files changed, 74 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/cc.Scene.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/cc.Scene.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2143375c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/cc.Scene.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+---@class cc.Scene :cc.Node
+local Scene={ }
+---@return boolean
+function Scene:initWithPhysics () end
+---@return self
+function Scene:setCameraOrderDirty () end
+---* Render the scene.<br>
+---* param renderer The renderer use to render the scene.<br>
+---* param eyeTransform The AdditionalTransform of camera.<br>
+---* param eyeProjection The projection matrix of camera.<br>
+---* js NA
+---@param renderer cc.Renderer
+---@param eyeTransform mat4_table
+---@param eyeProjection mat4_table
+---@return self
+function Scene:render (renderer,eyeTransform,eyeProjection) end
+---@param deltaTime float
+---@return self
+function Scene:stepPhysicsAndNavigation (deltaTime) end
+---@param event cc.EventCustom
+---@return self
+function Scene:onProjectionChanged (event) end
+---* Get the physics world of the scene.<br>
+---* return The physics world of the scene.<br>
+---* js NA
+---@return cc.PhysicsWorld
+function Scene:getPhysicsWorld () end
+---@param size size_table
+---@return boolean
+function Scene:initWithSize (size) end
+---* Get the default camera.<br>
+---* js NA<br>
+---* return The default camera of scene.
+---@return cc.Camera
+function Scene:getDefaultCamera () end
+---* Creates a new Scene object with a predefined Size. <br>
+---* param size The predefined size of scene.<br>
+---* return An autoreleased Scene object.<br>
+---* js NA
+---@param size size_table
+---@return self
+function Scene:createWithSize (size) end
+---* Creates a new Scene object. <br>
+---* return An autoreleased Scene object.
+---@return self
+function Scene:create () end
+---* Create a scene with physics.<br>
+---* return An autoreleased Scene object with physics.<br>
+---* js NA
+---@return self
+function Scene:createWithPhysics () end
+---@return boolean
+function Scene:init () end
+---@return string
+function Scene:getDescription () end
+---* override function
+---@return self
+function Scene:removeAllChildren () end
+---@return self
+function Scene:Scene () end \ No newline at end of file