path: root/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/cc.RenderTexture.lua
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1 files changed, 168 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/cc.RenderTexture.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/cc.RenderTexture.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..57be11ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/cc.RenderTexture.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+---@class cc.RenderTexture :cc.Node
+local RenderTexture={ }
+---* Used for grab part of screen to a texture. <br>
+---* param rtBegin The position of renderTexture on the fullRect.<br>
+---* param fullRect The total size of screen.<br>
+---* param fullViewport The total viewportSize.
+---@param rtBegin vec2_table
+---@param fullRect rect_table
+---@param fullViewport rect_table
+---@return self
+function RenderTexture:setVirtualViewport (rtBegin,fullRect,fullViewport) end
+---* Clears the texture with a specified stencil value.<br>
+---* param stencilValue A specified stencil value.
+---@param stencilValue int
+---@return self
+function RenderTexture:clearStencil (stencilValue) end
+---* Value for clearDepth. Valid only when "autoDraw" is true. <br>
+---* return Value for clearDepth.
+---@return float
+function RenderTexture:getClearDepth () end
+---* Value for clear Stencil. Valid only when "autoDraw" is true.<br>
+---* return Value for clear Stencil.
+---@return int
+function RenderTexture:getClearStencil () end
+---* Set Value for clear Stencil.<br>
+---* param clearStencil Value for clear Stencil.
+---@param clearStencil int
+---@return self
+function RenderTexture:setClearStencil (clearStencil) end
+---* Sets the Sprite being used. <br>
+---* param sprite A Sprite.
+---@param sprite cc.Sprite
+---@return self
+function RenderTexture:setSprite (sprite) end
+---* Gets the Sprite being used. <br>
+---* return A Sprite.
+---@return cc.Sprite
+function RenderTexture:getSprite () end
+---* When enabled, it will render its children into the texture automatically. Disabled by default for compatibility reasons.<br>
+---* Will be enabled in the future.<br>
+---* return Return the autoDraw value.
+---@return boolean
+function RenderTexture:isAutoDraw () end
+---@overload fun(string:string,int:int,boolean:boolean,function:function):self
+---@overload fun(string:string,int1:boolean,boolean2:function):self
+---@param fileName string
+---@param format int
+---@param isRGBA boolean
+---@param callback function
+---@return boolean
+function RenderTexture:saveToFileAsNonPMA (fileName,format,isRGBA,callback) end
+---* Flag: Use stack matrix computed from scene hierarchy or generate new modelView and projection matrix.<br>
+---* param keepMatrix Whether or not use stack matrix computed from scene hierarchy or generate new modelView and projection matrix.<br>
+---* js NA
+---@param keepMatrix boolean
+---@return self
+function RenderTexture:setKeepMatrix (keepMatrix) end
+---* Set flags.<br>
+---* param clearFlags set clear flags.
+---@param clearFlags int
+---@return self
+function RenderTexture:setClearFlags (clearFlags) end
+---* Starts grabbing.
+---@return self
+function RenderTexture:begin () end
+---@overload fun(string:string,int:int,boolean:boolean,function:function):self
+---@overload fun(string:string,int1:boolean,boolean2:function):self
+---@param filename string
+---@param format int
+---@param isRGBA boolean
+---@param callback function
+---@return boolean
+function RenderTexture:saveToFile (filename,format,isRGBA,callback) end
+---* Set a valve to control whether or not render its children into the texture automatically. <br>
+---* param isAutoDraw Whether or not render its children into the texture automatically.
+---@param isAutoDraw boolean
+---@return self
+function RenderTexture:setAutoDraw (isAutoDraw) end
+---* Set color value. <br>
+---* param clearColor Color value.
+---@param clearColor color4f_table
+---@return self
+function RenderTexture:setClearColor (clearColor) end
+---* Ends grabbing.<br>
+---* lua endToLua
+---@return self
+function RenderTexture:endToLua () end
+---@overload fun(float:float,float:float,float:float,float:float,float:float):self
+---@overload fun(float:float,float:float,float:float,float:float):self
+---@overload fun(float:float,float:float,float:float,float:float,float:float,int:int):self
+---@param r float
+---@param g float
+---@param b float
+---@param a float
+---@param depthValue float
+---@param stencilValue int
+---@return self
+function RenderTexture:beginWithClear (r,g,b,a,depthValue,stencilValue) end
+---* Clears the texture with a specified depth value. <br>
+---* param depthValue A specified depth value.
+---@param depthValue float
+---@return self
+function RenderTexture:clearDepth (depthValue) end
+---* Clear color value. Valid only when "autoDraw" is true. <br>
+---* return Color value.
+---@return color4f_table
+function RenderTexture:getClearColor () end
+---* Clears the texture with a color. <br>
+---* param r Red.<br>
+---* param g Green.<br>
+---* param b Blue.<br>
+---* param a Alpha.
+---@param r float
+---@param g float
+---@param b float
+---@param a float
+---@return self
+function RenderTexture:clear (r,g,b,a) end
+---* Valid when "autoDraw" is true.<br>
+---* return Clear flags.
+---@return int
+function RenderTexture:getClearFlags () end
+---* Set Value for clearDepth.<br>
+---* param clearDepth Value for clearDepth.
+---@param clearDepth float
+---@return self
+function RenderTexture:setClearDepth (clearDepth) end
+---@overload fun(int:int,int:int,int:int,int:int):self
+---@overload fun(int:int,int:int,int:int):self
+---@param w int
+---@param h int
+---@param format int
+---@param depthStencilFormat int
+---@return boolean
+function RenderTexture:initWithWidthAndHeight (w,h,format,depthStencilFormat) end
+---@overload fun(int:int,int:int,int:int):self
+---@overload fun(int:int,int:int,int:int,int:int):self
+---@overload fun(int:int,int:int):self
+---@param w int
+---@param h int
+---@param format int
+---@param depthStencilFormat int
+---@return self
+function RenderTexture:create (w,h,format,depthStencilFormat) end
+---@param renderer cc.Renderer
+---@param transform mat4_table
+---@param flags unsigned_int
+---@return self
+function RenderTexture:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end
+---@param renderer cc.Renderer
+---@param parentTransform mat4_table
+---@param parentFlags unsigned_int
+---@return self
+function RenderTexture:visit (renderer,parentTransform,parentFlags) end
+---* FIXME: should be protected.<br>
+---* but due to a bug in PowerVR + Android,<br>
+---* the constructor is public again.<br>
+---* js ctor
+---@return self
+function RenderTexture:RenderTexture () end \ No newline at end of file