path: root/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/cc.PhysicsWorld.lua
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diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/cc.PhysicsWorld.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/cc.PhysicsWorld.lua
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index 00000000..2fa5f5bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/cc.PhysicsWorld.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+---@class cc.PhysicsWorld
+local PhysicsWorld={ }
+---* set the gravity value of this physics world.<br>
+---* param gravity A gravity value of this physics world.
+---@param gravity vec2_table
+---@return self
+function PhysicsWorld:setGravity (gravity) end
+---* Get all the bodies that in this physics world.<br>
+---* return A Vector<PhysicsBody*>& object contains all bodies in this physics world.
+---@return array_table
+function PhysicsWorld:getAllBodies () end
+---* set the number of update of the physics world in a second.<br>
+---* 0 - disable fixed step system<br>
+---* default value is 0
+---@param updatesPerSecond int
+---@return self
+function PhysicsWorld:setFixedUpdateRate (updatesPerSecond) end
+---* set the number of substeps in an update of the physics world.<br>
+---* One physics update will be divided into several substeps to increase its accuracy.<br>
+---* param steps An integer number, default value is 1.
+---@param steps int
+---@return self
+function PhysicsWorld:setSubsteps (steps) end
+---* To control the step of physics.<br>
+---* If you want control it by yourself( fixed-timestep for example ), you can set this to false and call step by yourself.<br>
+---* attention If you set auto step to false, setSpeed setSubsteps and setUpdateRate won't work, you need to control the time step by yourself.<br>
+---* param autoStep A bool object, default value is true.
+---@param autoStep boolean
+---@return self
+function PhysicsWorld:setAutoStep (autoStep) end
+---* Adds a joint to this physics world.<br>
+---* This joint will be added to this physics world at next frame.<br>
+---* attention If this joint is already added to another physics world, it will be removed from that world first and then add to this world.<br>
+---* param joint A pointer to an existing PhysicsJoint object.
+---@param joint cc.PhysicsJoint
+---@return self
+function PhysicsWorld:addJoint (joint) end
+---* Remove all joints from this physics world.<br>
+---* attention This function is invoked in the destructor of this physics world, you do not use this api in common.<br>
+---* param destroy true all joints will be destroyed after remove from this world, false otherwise.
+---@return self
+function PhysicsWorld:removeAllJoints () end
+---* Get the debug draw mask.<br>
+---* return An integer number.
+---@return int
+function PhysicsWorld:getDebugDrawMask () end
+---* set the callback which invoked before update of each object in physics world.
+---@param callback function
+---@return self
+function PhysicsWorld:setPreUpdateCallback (callback) end
+---* Get the auto step of this physics world.<br>
+---* return A bool object.
+---@return boolean
+function PhysicsWorld:isAutoStep () end
+---* set the callback which invoked after update of each object in physics world.
+---@param callback function
+---@return self
+function PhysicsWorld:setPostUpdateCallback (callback) end
+---@overload fun(cc.PhysicsBody0:int):self
+---@overload fun(cc.PhysicsBody:cc.PhysicsBody):self
+---@param body cc.PhysicsBody
+---@return self
+function PhysicsWorld:removeBody (body) end
+---* Remove a joint from this physics world.<br>
+---* If this world is not locked, the joint is removed immediately, otherwise at next frame. <br>
+---* If this joint is connected with a body, it will be removed from the body also.<br>
+---* param joint A pointer to an existing PhysicsJoint object.<br>
+---* param destroy true this joint will be destroyed after remove from this world, false otherwise.
+---@param joint cc.PhysicsJoint
+---@param destroy boolean
+---@return self
+function PhysicsWorld:removeJoint (joint,destroy) end
+---* Get physics shapes that contains the point. <br>
+---* All shapes contains the point will be pushed in a Vector<PhysicsShape*> object.<br>
+---* attention The point must lie inside a shape.<br>
+---* param point A Vec2 object contains the position of the point.<br>
+---* return A Vector<PhysicsShape*> object contains all found PhysicsShape pointer.
+---@param point vec2_table
+---@return array_table
+function PhysicsWorld:getShapes (point) end
+---* The step for physics world.<br>
+---* The times passing for simulate the physics.<br>
+---* attention You need to setAutoStep(false) first before it can work.<br>
+---* param delta A float number.
+---@param delta float
+---@return self
+function PhysicsWorld:step (delta) end
+---* Set the debug draw mask of this physics world.<br>
+---* This physics world will draw shapes and joints by DrawNode according to mask.<br>
+---@param mask int
+---@return self
+function PhysicsWorld:setDebugDrawMask (mask) end
+---* Get the gravity value of this physics world.<br>
+---* return A Vec2 object.
+---@return vec2_table
+function PhysicsWorld:getGravity () end
+---* Set the update rate of this physics world<br>
+---* Update rate is the value of EngineUpdateTimes/PhysicsWorldUpdateTimes.<br>
+---* Set it higher can improve performance, set it lower can improve accuracy of physics world simulation.<br>
+---* attention if you setAutoStep(false), this won't work.<br>
+---* param rate An integer number, default value is 1.0.
+---@param rate int
+---@return self
+function PhysicsWorld:setUpdateRate (rate) end
+---* get the number of substeps
+---@return int
+function PhysicsWorld:getFixedUpdateRate () end
+---* Get the number of substeps of this physics world.<br>
+---* return An integer number.
+---@return int
+function PhysicsWorld:getSubsteps () end
+---* Get the speed of this physics world.<br>
+---* return A float number.
+---@return float
+function PhysicsWorld:getSpeed () end
+---* Get the update rate of this physics world.<br>
+---* return An integer number.
+---@return int
+function PhysicsWorld:getUpdateRate () end
+---* Remove all bodies from physics world. <br>
+---* If this world is not locked, those body are removed immediately, otherwise at next frame.
+---@return self
+function PhysicsWorld:removeAllBodies () end
+---* Set the speed of this physics world.<br>
+---* attention if you setAutoStep(false), this won't work.<br>
+---* param speed A float number. Speed is the rate at which the simulation executes. default value is 1.0.
+---@param speed float
+---@return self
+function PhysicsWorld:setSpeed (speed) end
+---* Get the nearest physics shape that contains the point. <br>
+---* Query this physics world at point and return the closest shape.<br>
+---* param point A Vec2 object contains the position of the point.<br>
+---* return A PhysicsShape object pointer or nullptr if no shapes were found
+---@param point vec2_table
+---@return cc.PhysicsShape
+function PhysicsWorld:getShape (point) end
+---* Get a body by tag. <br>
+---* param tag An integer number that identifies a PhysicsBody object. <br>
+---* return A PhysicsBody object pointer or nullptr if no shapes were found.
+---@param tag int
+---@return cc.PhysicsBody
+function PhysicsWorld:getBody (tag) end \ No newline at end of file