path: root/test/definition
diff options
author最萌小汐 <>2019-11-23 00:05:30 +0800
committer最萌小汐 <>2019-11-23 00:05:30 +0800
commit6da2b175e20ed3c03b0dfcfc9046de1e0e5d4444 (patch)
treefdc22d78150fd1c5edc46732c8b151ccfefb519f /test/definition
parentd0ff66c9abe9d6abbca12fd811e0c3cb69c1033a (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'test/definition')
10 files changed, 816 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/definition/arg.lua b/test/definition/arg.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9e88b2bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/definition/arg.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+TEST [[
+local function xx (<!xx!>)
+ <?xx?>()
+TEST [[
+local <!mt!>
+function mt:x()
+ <?self?>()
+TEST [[
+function mt:x(<!self!>)
+ <?self?>()
diff --git a/test/definition/bug.lua b/test/definition/bug.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1d3ab02c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/definition/bug.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+TEST [[
+local <!x!>
+function _(x)
+function _()
+ <?x?>()
+TEST [[
+function _(<!x!>)
+ do return end
+ <?x?>()
+TEST [[
+local <!a!>
+function a:b()
+ a:b()
+ <?self?>()
+TEST [[
+function _(...)
+ function _()
+ print(<?...?>)
+ end
+TEST [[
+local <!a!>
+(<?a?> / b)()
+TEST [[
+local <!args!>
+io.load(root / <?args?>.source / 'API' / path)
+TEST [[
+obj[#<?obj?>+1] = {}
+TEST [[
+self = {
+ results = {
+ <!labels!> = {},
+ }
+self[self.results.<?labels?>] = lbl
+TEST [[
+local mt = {}
+function mt:<!x!>()
+TEST [[
+local function func(<!a!>)
+ x = {
+ xx(),
+ <?a?>,
+ }
+TEST [[
+local <!x!>
+local t = {
+ ...,
+ <?x?>,
+TEST [[
+local a
+local <!b!>
+return f(), <?b?>
+TEST [[
+local a = os.clock()
+local <?<!b!>?> = os.clock()
diff --git a/test/definition/emmy.lua b/test/definition/emmy.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ee8fa6a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/definition/emmy.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+TEST [[
+---@class <!A!>
+---@class B : <?A?>
+TEST [[
+---@class <!A!>
+---@type B|<?A?>
+TEST [[
+---@class A
+local mt = {}
+function mt:<!cast!>()
+---@type A
+local obj
+TEST [[
+---@class A
+local <!mt!> = {}
+function mt:cast()
+---@type A
+local <!obj!>
+TEST [[
+---@type A
+local <?<!obj!>?>
+---@class A
+local <!mt!>
+TEST [[
+---@type A
+local obj
+---@class A
+local mt
+function mt:<!func!>()
+TEST [[
+---@type A
+local obj
+local mt = {}
+mt.__index = mt
+function mt:<!func!>()
+---@class A
+local obj = setmetatable({}, mt)
+TEST [[
+---@alias <!B A!>
+---@type <?B?>
+TEST [[
+---@class <!Class!>
+---@param a <?Class?>
+TEST [[
+---@class Class
+---@field <!name string!>
+---@field id integer
+local mt = {}
+TEST [[
+---@class loli
+local unit
+function unit:<!pants!>()
+---@see loli#<?pants?>
diff --git a/test/definition/function.lua b/test/definition/function.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ce20f50b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/definition/function.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+TEST [[
+function <!x!> () end
+TEST [[
+local function <!x!> () end
+TEST [[
+local x
+local function <!x!> ()
+ <?x?>()
+TEST [[
+local <!x!>
+function <!x!>()
diff --git a/test/definition/init.lua b/test/definition/init.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..022b1d3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/definition/init.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+local core = require 'core'
+local parser = require 'parser'
+local buildVM = require 'vm'
+rawset(_G, 'TEST', true)
+local function catch_target(script)
+ local list = {}
+ local cur = 1
+ while true do
+ local start, finish = script:find('<!.-!>', cur)
+ if not start then
+ break
+ end
+ list[#list+1] = { start + 2, finish - 2 }
+ cur = finish + 1
+ end
+ return list
+local function founded(targets, results)
+ if #targets ~= #results then
+ return false
+ end
+ for _, target in ipairs(targets) do
+ for _, result in ipairs(results) do
+ if target[1] == result[1] and target[2] == result[2] then
+ goto NEXT
+ end
+ end
+ do return false end
+ ::NEXT::
+ end
+ return true
+function TEST(script)
+ local target = catch_target(script)
+ local start = script:find('<?', 1, true)
+ local finish = script:find('?>', 1, true)
+ local pos = (start + finish) // 2 + 1
+ local new_script = script:gsub('<[!?]', ' '):gsub('[!?]>', ' ')
+ local ast = parser:parse(new_script, 'lua', 'Lua 5.3')
+ assert(ast)
+ local vm = buildVM(ast)
+ assert(vm)
+ local positions = core.definition(vm, pos, 'definition')
+ if positions then
+ assert(founded(target, positions))
+ else
+ assert(#target == 0)
+ end
+require 'definition.set'
+require 'definition.local'
+require 'definition.arg'
+require 'definition.function'
+require 'definition.table'
+require 'definition.method'
+require 'definition.label'
+require 'definition.bug'
+require 'definition.emmy'
diff --git a/test/definition/label.lua b/test/definition/label.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4859d70e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/definition/label.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+TEST [[
+goto <?LABEL?>
+TEST [[
+goto <?LABEL?>
+TEST [[
+function _()
+ goto <?LABEL?>
+TEST [[
+ goto <?LABEL?>
+TEST [[
+goto <?LABEL?>
diff --git a/test/definition/local.lua b/test/definition/local.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4153bfa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/definition/local.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+TEST [[
+local <!x!>
+TEST [[
+local z, y, <!x!>
+TEST [[
+local <!x!> = 1
+TEST [[
+local z, y, <!x!> = 1
+TEST [[
+local x
+local <!x!>
+TEST [[
+local <!x!>
+ <?x?>()
+TEST [[
+local <!x!>
+ local x
+TEST [[
+local <!x!>
+if <?x?> then
+ local x
+TEST [[
+local <!x!>
+if x then
+ local x
+elseif <?x?> then
+ local x
+TEST [[
+local <!x!>
+if x then
+ local x
+elseif x then
+ local x
+ local x
+TEST [[
+local <!x!>
+if x then
+ <?x?>()
+elseif x then
+ local x
+ local x
+TEST [[
+local <!x!>
+for x = 1, 10 do
+TEST [[
+local x
+for <!x!> = 1, 10 do
+ <?x?>()
+TEST [[
+local <!x!>
+for x in x do
+TEST [[
+local <!x!>
+for x in <?x?> do
+TEST [[
+local x
+for <!x!> in x do
+ <?x?>()
+TEST [[
+local x
+for z, y, <!x!> in x do
+ <?x?>()
+TEST [[
+local <!x!>
+while <?x?> do
+TEST [[
+local <!x!>
+while x do
+ <?x?>()
+TEST [[
+local <!x!>
+while x do
+ local x
+TEST [[
+local <!x!>
+ <?x?>()
+until true
+TEST [[
+local <!x!>
+ local x
+until true
+TEST [[
+local <!x!>
+until <?x?>
+TEST [[
+local x
+ local <!x!>
+until <?x?>
+TEST [[
+local <!x!>
+function _()
+ local x
+TEST [[
+local <!x!>
+return function ()
+ <?x?>()
+TEST [[
+local <!x!>
+local x = function ()
+ <?x?>()
+TEST [[
+local <?<!x!>?>
diff --git a/test/definition/method.lua b/test/definition/method.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..08b56f61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/definition/method.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+TEST [[
+function mt:<!a!>()
+function mt:b()
+ mt:<?a?>()
+TEST [[
+function mt:<!m1!>()
+function mt:m2()
+ self:<?m1?>()
+TEST [[
+function mt:m3()
+ mt:<?m4?>()
+function mt:<!m4!>()
+TEST [[
+function mt:m3()
+ self:<?m4?>()
+function mt:<!m4!>()
+TEST [[
+local mt
+mt.__index = mt
+function mt:<!method1!>()
+local obj = setmetatable({}, mt)
+TEST [[
+local mt
+mt.__index = mt
+function mt:<!method1!>()
+local obj = setmetatable({}, mt)
+TEST [[
+local mt
+function mt:<!method1!>()
+local obj = setmetatable({}, { __index = mt })
+TEST [[
+local mt
+local api
+function mt:<!method1!>()
+setmetatable(api, { __index = mt })
+TEST [[
+local mt
+function mt:x()
+ self.<?init?>()
+local obj = setmetatable({}, { __index = mt })
+obj.<!init!> = 1
+TEST [[
+local mt
+function mt:x()
+ self.<?init?>()
+local obj = setmetatable({ <!init!> = 1 }, { __index = mt })
+TEST [[
+local mt
+function mt:x()
+ self.a.<?out?>()
+local obj = setmetatable({
+ a = {
+ <!out!> = 1,
+ }
+}, { __index = mt })
+TEST [[
+local sm = setmetatable
+local mt
+mt.__index = mt
+function mt:<!method1!>()
+local obj = sm({}, mt)
+TEST [[
+local mt = {}
+function mt:<!x!>()
+local obj = setmetatable({}, {__index = mt})
+function obj:x()
+TEST [[
+local mt = {}
+function mt:x()
+local obj = setmetatable({}, {__index = mt})
+function obj:<!x!>()
diff --git a/test/definition/set.lua b/test/definition/set.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..44277d33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/definition/set.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+TEST [[
+<!x!> = 1
+TEST [[
+ <!global!> = 1
+TEST [[
+<!x!> = 1
+ local x = 1
+TEST [[
+x = 1
+ local <!x!> = 1
+ do
+ <!x!> = 2
+ end
+ <?x?>()
+TEST [[
+<!x!> = 1
+if y then
+ <!x!> = 2
+ <!x!> = 3
+TEST [[
+_G.<!x!> = 1
+TEST [[
+rawset<!(_G, 'x', 1)!>
diff --git a/test/definition/table.lua b/test/definition/table.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..90e7926f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/definition/table.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+TEST [[
+local <!t!>
+a = {
+ <?t?>
+TEST [[
+local t
+t.<!x!> = 1
+TEST [[
+t.<!x!> = 1
+TEST [[
+local <!t!>
+t.x = 1
+<?t?>.x = 1
+TEST [[
+t.<!x!> = 1
+t.<?x?>.y = 1
+TEST [[
+local t
+t.<!x!> = 1
+TEST [[
+local t
+t[<!1!>] = 1
+TEST [[
+local t
+t[<!true!>] = 1
+TEST [[
+local t
+t[<!"method"!>] = 1
+TEST [[
+local t
+t[<!"longString"!>] = 1
+TEST [[
+local t
+t.<!x!> = 1
+TEST [[
+local t
+t.<!a!> = 1
+TEST [[
+local t
+local <!x!>
+local <!t!>
+local _ = {
+ _ = <?t?>
+local <!t!>
+t {
+ _ = <?t?>.x
+local t = {
+ <!insert!> = 1,
+--local t = {
+-- <!insert!> = 1,
+--local t = {
+-- <!insert!> = 1,
+--local y = {
+-- insert = 1,