path: root/script
diff options
author最萌小汐 <>2021-11-26 21:05:42 +0800
committer最萌小汐 <>2021-11-26 21:05:42 +0800
commited27fb8fac021f77b4824f1a0068a97fe801c7bf (patch)
treefa92d03f6db380d46f454d5e0d0bd62f8a3d3a76 /script
parent999316d43551dabfe8fadafa017332e840099f90 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'script')
5 files changed, 151 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/script/config/config.lua b/script/config/config.lua
index 614c3029..3c9a6bba 100644
--- a/script/config/config.lua
+++ b/script/config/config.lua
@@ -214,22 +214,6 @@ local Template = {
['editor.acceptSuggestionOnEnter'] = Type.String >> 'on',
----@alias config.scope '"specified"'|'"folder"'|'"global"'
-local configs = {
- specified = {},
- ---@type {uri: uri, config: table}[]
- folder = {},
- global = {},
-local rawConfigs = {
- specified = {},
- ---@type {uri: uri, config: table}[]
- folder = {},
- global = {},
local config = {}
local rawConfig = {}
diff --git a/script/config/loader.lua b/script/config/loader.lua
index 072a9c71..69daf417 100644
--- a/script/config/loader.lua
+++ b/script/config/loader.lua
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ end
local m = {}
-function m.loadRCConfig(filename)
- local path = workspace.getAbsolutePath(filename)
+function m.loadRCConfig(uri, filename)
+ local path = workspace.getAbsolutePath(uri, filename)
if not path then
m.lastRCConfig = nil
return nil
@@ -75,27 +75,27 @@ function m.loadLocalConfig(filename)
-function m.loadClientConfig()
+function m.loadClientConfig(uri)
local configs = proto.awaitRequest('workspace/configuration', {
items = {
- scopeUri = workspace.rootUri,
+ scopeUri = uri,
section = 'Lua',
- scopeUri = workspace.rootUri,
+ scopeUri = uri,
section = 'files.associations',
- scopeUri = workspace.rootUri,
+ scopeUri = uri,
section = 'files.exclude',
- scopeUri = workspace.rootUri,
+ scopeUri = uri,
section = 'editor.semanticHighlighting.enabled',
- scopeUri = workspace.rootUri,
+ scopeUri = uri,
section = 'editor.acceptSuggestionOnEnter',
diff --git a/script/provider/provider.lua b/script/provider/provider.lua
index 44b63d00..7c453315 100644
--- a/script/provider/provider.lua
+++ b/script/provider/provider.lua
@@ -27,26 +27,28 @@ end
local function updateConfig()
- local baseConfig = {}
local cfg = cfgLoader.loadLocalConfig(CONFIGPATH)
if cfg then
log.debug('load config from local', CONFIGPATH)
-- watch directory'[^/\\]+$', ''))
- mergeConfig(baseConfig, cfg)
+ config.update('specified', nil, cfg)
- local rc = cfgLoader.loadRCConfig('.luarc.json')
- if rc then
- log.debug('load config from luarc')
- mergeConfig(baseConfig, rc)
- end
+ for _, folder in ipairs(workspace.folders) do
+ local uri = folder.uri
+ local folderConfig = {}
+ local rc = cfgLoader.loadRCConfig(uri, '.luarc.json')
+ if rc then
+ log.debug('load config from luarc')
+ mergeConfig(folderConfig, rc)
+ end
- local clientConfig = cfgLoader.loadClientConfig()
- if clientConfig then
- log.debug('load config from client')
- mergeConfig(baseConfig, clientConfig)
+ local clientConfig = cfgLoader.loadClientConfig(uri)
+ if clientConfig then
+ log.debug('load config from client')
+ mergeConfig(folderConfig, clientConfig)
+ end
for k, v in pairs(baseConfig) do
diff --git a/script/workspace/scope.lua b/script/workspace/scope.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..16c9500d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/workspace/scope.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+---@alias scope.type '"override"'|'"folder"'|'"fallback"'
+---@class scope
+---@field type scope.type
+---@field uri? uri
+---@field _links table<uri, boolean>
+---@field _data table<string, any>
+local mt = {}
+mt.__index = mt
+---@param uri uri
+function mt:addLink(uri)
+ self._links[uri] = true
+---@param uri uri
+function mt:removeLink(uri)
+ self._links[uri] = nil
+function mt:removeAllLinks()
+ self._links = {}
+---@param uri uri
+---@return boolean
+function mt:isLinkedUri(uri)
+ for linkUri in pairs(self._links) do
+ if uri:sub(1, #linkUri) == linkUri then
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+---@param k string
+---@param v any
+function mt:set(k, v)
+ self._data[k] = v
+---@param k string
+---@return any
+function mt:get(k)
+ return self._data[k]
+---@class scope.manager
+local m = {}
+---@type scope[]
+m.folders = {}
+---@type scope
+m.override = nil
+---@type scope
+m.fallback = nil
+---@param scopeType scope.type
+---@return scope
+local function createScope(scopeType)
+ local scope = setmetatable({
+ type = 'folder',
+ _links = {},
+ _data = {},
+ }, mt)
+ return scope
+---@param uri uri
+---@return scope
+function m.createFolder(uri)
+ local scope = createScope 'folder'
+ scope.uri = uri
+ local inserted = false
+ for i, otherScope in ipairs(m.folders) do
+ if #uri > #otherScope.uri then
+ table.insert(m.folders, i, scope)
+ inserted = true
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if not inserted then
+ table.insert(m.folders, scope)
+ end
+ return scope
+---@param uri uri
+---@return scope
+function m.getFolder(uri)
+ for _, scope in ipairs(m.folders) do
+ if not uri or scope.uri:sub(1, #uri) == uri then
+ return scope
+ end
+ end
+ return nil
+---@param uri uri
+---@return scope
+function m.getLinkedScope(uri)
+ if m.override and m.override:isLinkedUri(uri) then
+ return m.override
+ end
+ for _, scope in ipairs(m.folders) do
+ if scope:isLinkedUri(uri) then
+ return scope
+ end
+ end
+ if m.fallback:isLinkedUri(uri) then
+ return m.fallback
+ end
+m.fallback = createScope 'fallback'
+return m
diff --git a/script/workspace/workspace.lua b/script/workspace/workspace.lua
index 65b3b1ac..dbe2f346 100644
--- a/script/workspace/workspace.lua
+++ b/script/workspace/workspace.lua
@@ -507,16 +507,22 @@ function m.normalize(path)
---@return string
-function m.getAbsolutePath(path)
+function m.getAbsolutePath(folderUriOrPath, path)
if not path or path == '' then
return nil
path = m.normalize(path)
if fs.path(path):is_relative() then
- if not m.rootPath then
+ if not folderUriOrPath then
return nil
- path = m.normalize(m.rootPath .. '/' .. path)
+ local folderPath
+ if folderUriOrPath:sub(1, 5) == 'file:' then
+ folderPath = furi.decode(folderUriOrPath)
+ else
+ folderPath = folderUriOrPath
+ end
+ path = m.normalize(folderPath .. '/' .. path)
return path