path: root/script
diff options
author最萌小汐 <>2022-04-21 23:25:57 +0800
committer最萌小汐 <>2022-04-21 23:25:57 +0800
commit629e8e052e444c51fb00e9d3af5a8c2a5ee371f8 (patch)
treeee897e42186a459bffc4b34a05ccc21ba4d62143 /script
parent55b656d980d91b942f8920dc9bd9f30bb0b90d5c (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'script')
2 files changed, 291 insertions, 290 deletions
diff --git a/script/parser/luadoc.lua b/script/parser/luadoc.lua
index b90077d1..a5b84fe1 100644
--- a/script/parser/luadoc.lua
+++ b/script/parser/luadoc.lua
@@ -452,6 +452,296 @@ local function parseFunction(parent)
+local function parseTypeUnitArray(parent, node)
+ if not checkToken('symbol', '[]', 1) then
+ return nil
+ end
+ nextToken()
+ local result = {
+ type = 'doc.type.array',
+ start = node.start,
+ finish = getFinish(),
+ node = node,
+ parent = parent,
+ }
+ node.parent = result
+ return result
+local function parseTypeUnitSign(parent, node)
+ if not checkToken('symbol', '<', 1) then
+ return nil
+ end
+ nextToken()
+ local result = {
+ type = 'doc.type.sign',
+ start = node.start,
+ finish = getFinish(),
+ node = node,
+ parent = parent,
+ signs = {},
+ }
+ node.parent = result
+ while true do
+ local sign = parseType(result)
+ if not sign then
+ pushWarning {
+ type = 'LUA_DOC_MISS_SIGN',
+ start = getFinish(),
+ finish = getFinish(),
+ }
+ break
+ end
+ result.signs[#result.signs+1] = sign
+ if checkToken('symbol', ',', 1) then
+ nextToken()
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ nextSymbolOrError '>'
+ result.finish = getFinish()
+ return result
+local function parseString(parent)
+ local tp, content = peekToken()
+ if not tp or tp ~= 'string' then
+ return nil
+ end
+ nextToken()
+ local mark = getMark()
+ -- compatibility
+ if content:sub(1, 1) == '"'
+ or content:sub(1, 1) == "'" then
+ if content:sub(1, 1) == content:sub(-1, -1) then
+ mark = content:sub(1, 1)
+ content = content:sub(2, -2)
+ end
+ end
+ local str = {
+ type = 'doc.type.string',
+ start = getStart(),
+ finish = getFinish(),
+ parent = parent,
+ [1] = content,
+ [2] = mark,
+ }
+ return str
+local function parseInteger(parent)
+ local tp, content = peekToken()
+ if not tp or tp ~= 'integer' then
+ return nil
+ end
+ nextToken()
+ local integer = {
+ type = 'doc.type.integer',
+ start = getStart(),
+ finish = getFinish(),
+ parent = parent,
+ [1] = content,
+ }
+ return integer
+local function parseBoolean(parent)
+ local tp, content = peekToken()
+ if not tp
+ or tp ~= 'name'
+ or (content ~= 'true' and content ~= 'false') then
+ return nil
+ end
+ nextToken()
+ local boolean = {
+ type = 'doc.type.boolean',
+ start = getStart(),
+ finish = getFinish(),
+ parent = parent,
+ [1] = content == 'true' and true or false,
+ }
+ return boolean
+local function parseParen(parent)
+ if not checkToken('symbol', '(', 1) then
+ return
+ end
+ nextToken()
+ local tp = parseType(parent)
+ nextSymbolOrError(')')
+ return tp
+function parseTypeUnit(parent)
+ local result = parseFunction(parent)
+ or parseTable(parent)
+ or parseString(parent)
+ or parseInteger(parent)
+ or parseBoolean(parent)
+ or parseDots('', parent)
+ or parseParen(parent)
+ if not result then
+ local literal = checkToken('symbol', '`', 1)
+ if literal then
+ nextToken()
+ end
+ result = parseName('', parent)
+ if not result then
+ return nil
+ end
+ if literal then
+ result.literal = true
+ nextSymbolOrError '`'
+ end
+ end
+ while true do
+ local newResult = parseTypeUnitSign(parent, result)
+ if not newResult then
+ break
+ end
+ result = newResult
+ end
+ while true do
+ local newResult = parseTypeUnitArray(parent, result)
+ if not newResult then
+ break
+ end
+ result = newResult
+ end
+ return result
+local function parseResume(parent)
+ local default, additional
+ if checkToken('symbol', '>', 1) then
+ nextToken()
+ default = true
+ end
+ if checkToken('symbol', '+', 1) then
+ nextToken()
+ additional = true
+ end
+ local result = parseTypeUnit(parent)
+ if result then
+ result.default = default
+ result.additional = additional
+ end
+ return result
+function parseType(parent)
+ local result = {
+ type = 'doc.type',
+ parent = parent,
+ types = {},
+ }
+ while true do
+ local typeUnit = parseTypeUnit(result)
+ if not typeUnit then
+ break
+ end
+ result.types[#result.types+1] = typeUnit
+ if not result.start then
+ result.start = typeUnit.start
+ end
+ if not checkToken('symbol', '|', 1) then
+ break
+ end
+ nextToken()
+ end
+ if not result.start then
+ result.start = getFinish()
+ end
+ if checkToken('symbol', '?', 1) then
+ nextToken()
+ result.optional = true
+ end
+ result.finish = getFinish()
+ result.firstFinish = result.finish
+ local row = guide.rowColOf(result.finish)
+ local function pushResume()
+ local comments
+ for i = 0, 100 do
+ local nextComm = NextComment(i,'peek')
+ if not nextComm then
+ return false
+ end
+ local nextCommRow = guide.rowColOf(nextComm.start)
+ local currentRow = row + i + 1
+ if currentRow < nextCommRow then
+ return false
+ end
+ if nextComm.text:match '^%-%s*%@' then
+ return false
+ else
+ local resumeHead = nextComm.text:match '^%-%s*%|'
+ if resumeHead then
+ NextComment(i)
+ row = row + i + 1
+ local finishPos = nextComm.text:find('#', #resumeHead + 1) or #nextComm.text
+ parseTokens(nextComm.text:sub(#resumeHead + 1, finishPos), nextComm.start + #resumeHead + 1)
+ local resume = parseResume(result)
+ if resume then
+ if comments then
+ resume.comment = table.concat(comments, '\n')
+ else
+ resume.comment = nextComm.text:match('#%s*(.+)', #resumeHead + 1)
+ end
+ result.types[#result.types+1] = resume
+ result.finish = resume.finish
+ end
+ comments = nil
+ return true
+ else
+ if not comments then
+ comments = {}
+ end
+ comments[#comments+1] = nextComm.text:sub(2)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+ end
+ local checkResume = true
+ local nsymbol, ncontent = peekToken()
+ if nsymbol == 'symbol' then
+ if ncontent == ','
+ or ncontent == ':'
+ or ncontent == '|'
+ or ncontent == ')'
+ or ncontent == '}' then
+ checkResume = false
+ end
+ end
+ if checkResume then
+ while pushResume() do end
+ end
+ if #result.types == 0 then
+ pushWarning {
+ start = getFinish(),
+ finish = getFinish(),
+ }
+ return nil
+ end
+ return result
local docSwitch = util.switch()
: case 'class'
: call(function ()
@@ -903,295 +1193,6 @@ local docSwitch = util.switch()
-local function parseTypeUnitArray(parent, node)
- if not checkToken('symbol', '[]', 1) then
- return nil
- end
- nextToken()
- local result = {
- type = 'doc.type.array',
- start = node.start,
- finish = getFinish(),
- node = node,
- parent = parent,
- }
- node.parent = result
- return result
-local function parseTypeUnitSign(parent, node)
- if not checkToken('symbol', '<', 1) then
- return nil
- end
- nextToken()
- local result = {
- type = 'doc.type.sign',
- start = node.start,
- finish = getFinish(),
- node = node,
- parent = parent,
- signs = {},
- }
- node.parent = result
- while true do
- local sign = parseType(result)
- if not sign then
- pushWarning {
- type = 'LUA_DOC_MISS_SIGN',
- start = getFinish(),
- finish = getFinish(),
- }
- break
- end
- result.signs[#result.signs+1] = sign
- if checkToken('symbol', ',', 1) then
- nextToken()
- else
- break
- end
- end
- nextSymbolOrError '>'
- result.finish = getFinish()
- return result
-local function parseString(parent)
- local tp, content = peekToken()
- if not tp or tp ~= 'string' then
- return nil
- end
- nextToken()
- local mark = getMark()
- -- compatibility
- if content:sub(1, 1) == '"'
- or content:sub(1, 1) == "'" then
- if content:sub(1, 1) == content:sub(-1, -1) then
- mark = content:sub(1, 1)
- content = content:sub(2, -2)
- end
- end
- local str = {
- type = 'doc.type.string',
- start = getStart(),
- finish = getFinish(),
- parent = parent,
- [1] = content,
- [2] = mark,
- }
- return str
-local function parseInteger(parent)
- local tp, content = peekToken()
- if not tp or tp ~= 'integer' then
- return nil
- end
- nextToken()
- local integer = {
- type = 'doc.type.integer',
- start = getStart(),
- finish = getFinish(),
- parent = parent,
- [1] = content,
- }
- return integer
-local function parseBoolean(parent)
- local tp, content = peekToken()
- if not tp
- or tp ~= 'name'
- or (content ~= 'true' and content ~= 'false') then
- return nil
- end
- nextToken()
- local boolean = {
- type = 'doc.type.boolean',
- start = getStart(),
- finish = getFinish(),
- parent = parent,
- [1] = content == 'true' and true or false,
- }
- return boolean
-local function parseParen(parent)
- if not checkToken('symbol', '(', 1) then
- return
- end
- nextToken()
- local tp = parseType(parent)
- nextSymbolOrError(')')
- return tp
-function parseTypeUnit(parent)
- local result = parseFunction(parent)
- or parseTable(parent)
- or parseString(parent)
- or parseInteger(parent)
- or parseBoolean(parent)
- or parseDots('', parent)
- or parseParen(parent)
- if not result then
- local literal = checkToken('symbol', '`', 1)
- if literal then
- nextToken()
- end
- result = parseName('', parent)
- if not result then
- return nil
- end
- if literal then
- result.literal = true
- nextSymbolOrError '`'
- end
- end
- while true do
- local newResult = parseTypeUnitSign(parent, result)
- if not newResult then
- break
- end
- result = newResult
- end
- while true do
- local newResult = parseTypeUnitArray(parent, result)
- if not newResult then
- break
- end
- result = newResult
- end
- return result
-local function parseResume(parent)
- local default, additional
- if checkToken('symbol', '>', 1) then
- nextToken()
- default = true
- end
- if checkToken('symbol', '+', 1) then
- nextToken()
- additional = true
- end
- local result = parseTypeUnit(parent)
- if result then
- result.default = default
- result.additional = additional
- end
- return result
-function parseType(parent)
- local result = {
- type = 'doc.type',
- parent = parent,
- types = {},
- }
- while true do
- local typeUnit = parseTypeUnit(result)
- if not typeUnit then
- break
- end
- result.types[#result.types+1] = typeUnit
- if not result.start then
- result.start = typeUnit.start
- end
- if not checkToken('symbol', '|', 1) then
- break
- end
- nextToken()
- end
- if not result.start then
- result.start = getFinish()
- end
- if checkToken('symbol', '?', 1) then
- nextToken()
- result.optional = true
- end
- result.finish = getFinish()
- result.firstFinish = result.finish
- local row = guide.rowColOf(result.finish)
- local function pushResume()
- local comments
- for i = 0, 100 do
- local nextComm = NextComment(i,'peek')
- if not nextComm then
- return false
- end
- local nextCommRow = guide.rowColOf(nextComm.start)
- local currentRow = row + i + 1
- if currentRow < nextCommRow then
- return false
- end
- if nextComm.text:match '^%-%s*%@' then
- return false
- else
- local resumeHead = nextComm.text:match '^%-%s*%|'
- if resumeHead then
- NextComment(i)
- row = row + i + 1
- local finishPos = nextComm.text:find('#', #resumeHead + 1) or #nextComm.text
- parseTokens(nextComm.text:sub(#resumeHead + 1, finishPos), nextComm.start + #resumeHead + 1)
- local resume = parseResume(result)
- if resume then
- if comments then
- resume.comment = table.concat(comments, '\n')
- else
- resume.comment = nextComm.text:match('#%s*(.+)', #resumeHead + 1)
- end
- result.types[#result.types+1] = resume
- result.finish = resume.finish
- end
- comments = nil
- return true
- else
- if not comments then
- comments = {}
- end
- comments[#comments+1] = nextComm.text:sub(2)
- end
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- local checkResume = true
- local nsymbol, ncontent = peekToken()
- if nsymbol == 'symbol' then
- if ncontent == ','
- or ncontent == ':'
- or ncontent == '|'
- or ncontent == ')'
- or ncontent == '}' then
- checkResume = false
- end
- end
- if checkResume then
- while pushResume() do end
- end
- if #result.types == 0 then
- pushWarning {
- start = getFinish(),
- finish = getFinish(),
- }
- return nil
- end
- return result
local function convertTokens()
local tp, text = nextToken()
diff --git a/script/vm/global-manager.lua b/script/vm/global-manager.lua
index 68e809cd..fbf12197 100644
--- a/script/vm/global-manager.lua
+++ b/script/vm/global-manager.lua
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ local localID = require 'vm.local-id'
local vm = require 'vm.vm'
---@class parser.object
----@field _globalNode
+---@field _globalNode?
local m = {}