path: root/script/workspace.lua
diff options
author最萌小汐 <>2020-11-20 21:55:41 +0800
committer最萌小汐 <>2020-11-20 21:55:41 +0800
commitc63b2e404d8d2bb984afe3678a5ba2b2836380cc (patch)
treea70661effacc7a29caa8d49583673ac4be2faaf5 /script/workspace.lua
parent85c5a4210e4447422cd5677369ae740ed65725a0 (diff)
remove the old version
Diffstat (limited to 'script/workspace.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 468 deletions
diff --git a/script/workspace.lua b/script/workspace.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 0795877c..00000000
--- a/script/workspace.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,468 +0,0 @@
-local fs = require 'bee.filesystem'
-local async = require 'async'
-local config = require 'config'
-local ll = require 'lpeglabel'
-local platform = require 'bee.platform'
-local glob = require 'glob'
-local uric = require 'uri'
-local fn = require 'filename'
---- @class Workspace
-local mt = {}
-mt.__index = mt
-function mt:listenLoadFile()
- self._loadFileRequest ='loadfile', nil, function (filename, mode, buf)
- local path = fs.path(filename)
- local name = fn.getFileName(path)
- local uri = uric.encode(path)
- self.files[name] = uri
- if mode == 'workspace' then
- self.lsp:readText(self, uri, path, buf, self._currentScanCompiled)
- elseif mode == 'library' then
- self.lsp:readLibrary(self, uri, path, buf, self._currentScanCompiled)
- else
- error('Unknown mode:' .. tostring(mode))
- end
- end)
-function mt:buildScanPattern()
- local pattern = {}
- -- config.workspace.ignoreDir
- for path in pairs(config.config.workspace.ignoreDir) do
- pattern[#pattern+1] = path
- end
- -- config.files.exclude
- for path, ignore in pairs(config.other.exclude) do
- if ignore then
- pattern[#pattern+1] = path
- end
- end
- -- config.workspace.ignoreSubmodules
- if config.config.workspace.ignoreSubmodules then
- local buf = io.load(self.root / '.gitmodules')
- if buf then
- for path in buf:gmatch('path = ([^\r\n]+)') do
-'忽略子模块:', path)
- pattern[#pattern+1] = path
- end
- end
- end
- -- config.workspace.useGitIgnore
- if config.config.workspace.useGitIgnore then
- local buf = io.load(self.root / '.gitignore')
- if buf then
- for line in buf:gmatch '[^\r\n]+' do
- pattern[#pattern+1] = line
- end
- end
- buf = io.load(self.root / '.git' / 'info' / 'exclude' )
- if buf then
- for line in buf:gmatch '[^\r\n]+' do
- pattern[#pattern+1] = line
- end
- end
- end
- -- config.workspace.library
- for path in pairs(config.config.workspace.library) do
- pattern[#pattern+1] = path
- end
- return pattern
----@param options table
-function mt:buildLibraryRequests(options)
- local requests = {}
- for path, pattern in pairs(config.config.workspace.library) do
- requests[#requests+1] = {
- mode = 'library',
- root = fs.absolute(fs.path(path)):string(),
- pattern = pattern,
- options = options,
- }
- end
- return table.unpack(requests)
-function mt:scanFiles()
- if self._scanRequest then
-'Break scan.')
- self._scanRequest:push('stop')
- self._scanRequest = nil
- self._complete = false
- self:reset()
- end
- local pattern = self:buildScanPattern()
- local options = {
- ignoreCase = platform.OS == 'Windows',
- }
- self.gitignore = glob.gitignore(pattern, options)
- self._currentScanCompiled = {}
- local count = 0
- self._scanRequest ='scanfiles', {
- {
- mode = 'workspace',
- root = self.root:string(),
- pattern = pattern,
- options = options,
- },
- self:buildLibraryRequests(options),
- }, function (mode, ...)
- if mode == 'ok' then
-'Scan finish, got', count, 'files.')
- self._complete = true
- self._scanRequest = nil
- self:reset()
- return true
- elseif mode == 'log' then
- log.debug(...)
- elseif mode == 'workspace' then
- local path = fs.path(...)
- if not fn.isLuaFile(path) then
- return
- end
- self._loadFileRequest:push(path:string(), 'workspace')
- count = count + 1
- elseif mode == 'library' then
- local path = fs.path(...)
- if not fn.isLuaFile(path) then
- return
- end
- self._loadFileRequest:push(path:string(), 'library')
- count = count + 1
- elseif mode == 'stop' then
-'Scan stoped.')
- return false
- end
- end)
-function mt:init(rootUri)
- self.root = uric.decode(rootUri)
- self.uri = rootUri
- if not self.root then
- return
- end
-'Workspace inited, root: ', self.root)
-'Workspace inited, uri: ', rootUri)
- local logPath = ROOT / 'log' / (rootUri:gsub('[/:]+', '_') .. '.log')
-'Log path: ', logPath)
- log.init(ROOT, logPath)
-function mt:isComplete()
- return self._complete == true
-function mt:addFile(path)
- if not fn.isLuaFile(path) then
- return
- end
- local name = fn.getFileName(path)
- local uri = uric.encode(path)
- self.files[name] = uri
- self.lsp:readText(self, uri, path)
-function mt:removeFile(path)
- local name = fn.getFileName(path)
- if not self.files[name] then
- return
- end
- self.files[name] = nil
- local uri = uric.encode(path)
- self.lsp:removeText(uri)
-function mt:findPath(baseUri, searchers)
- local results = {}
- local basePath = uric.decode(baseUri)
- if not basePath then
- return nil
- end
- local baseName = fn.getFileName(basePath)
- for filename, uri in pairs(self.files) do
- if filename ~= baseName then
- for _, searcher in ipairs(searchers) do
- if filename:sub(-#searcher) == searcher then
- local sep = filename:sub(-#searcher-1, -#searcher-1)
- if sep == '/' or sep == '\\' then
- results[#results+1] = uri
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if #results == 0 then
- return nil
- end
- local uri
- if #results == 1 then
- uri = results[1]
- else
- table.sort(results, function (a, b)
- return fn.similarity(a, baseUri) > fn.similarity(b, baseUri)
- end)
- uri = results[1]
- end
- return uri
-function mt:createCompiler(str)
- local state = {
- 'Main',
- }
- local function push(c)
- if state.Main then
- state.Main = state.Main * c
- else
- state.Main = c
- end
- end
- local count = 0
- local function code()
- count = count + 1
- local name = 'C' .. tostring(count)
- local nextName = 'C' .. tostring(count + 1)
- state[name] = ll.P(1) * (#ll.V(nextName) + ll.V(name))
- return ll.V(name)
- end
- local function static(c)
- count = count + 1
- local name = 'C' .. tostring(count)
- local nextName = 'C' .. tostring(count + 1)
- local catch = #ll.V(nextName)
- if platform.OS == 'Windows' then
- for i = #c, 1, -1 do
- local char = c:sub(i, i)
- local u = char:upper()
- local l = char:lower()
- if u == l then
- catch = ll.P(char) * catch
- else
- catch = (ll.P(u) + ll.P(l)) * catch
- end
- end
- else
- catch = ll.P(c) * catch
- end
- state[name] = catch
- return ll.V(name)
- end
- local function eof()
- count = count + 1
- local name = 'C' .. tostring(count)
- state[name] = ll.Cmt(ll.P(1) + ll.Cp(), function (_, _, c)
- return type(c) == 'number'
- end)
- return ll.V(name)
- end
- local isFirstCode = true
- local firstCode
- local compiler = ll.P {
- 'Result',
- Result = (ll.V'Code' + ll.V'Static')^1,
- Code = ll.P'?' / function ()
- if isFirstCode then
- isFirstCode = false
- push(ll.Cmt(ll.C(code()), function (_, pos, code)
- firstCode = code
- return pos, code
- end))
- else
- push(ll.Cmt(
- ll.C(code()),
- function (_, _, me)
- return firstCode == me
- end
- ))
- end
- end,
- Static = (1 - ll.P'?')^1 / function (c)
- push(static(c))
- end,
- }
- compiler:match(str)
- push(eof())
- return ll.P(state)
-function mt:compileLuaPath()
- for i, luapath in ipairs(config.config.runtime.path) do
- self.pathMatcher[i] = self:createCompiler(luapath)
- end
-function mt:convertPathAsRequire(filename, start)
- local list
- for _, matcher in ipairs(self.pathMatcher) do
- local str = matcher:match(filename:sub(start))
- if str then
- if not list then
- list = {}
- end
- list[#list+1] = str:gsub('/', '.')
- end
- end
- return list
---- @param baseUri uri
---- @param input string
-function mt:matchPath(baseUri, input)
- local first = input:match '^[^%.]+'
- if not first then
- return nil
- end
- first = first:gsub('%W', '%%%1')
- local basePath = uric.decode(baseUri)
- if not basePath then
- return nil
- end
- local baseName = fn.getFileName(basePath)
- local rootLen = #self.root:string(basePath)
- local map = {}
- for filename in pairs(self.files) do
- if filename ~= baseName then
- local trueFilename = fn.getTrueName(filename)
- local start
- if platform.OS == 'Windows' then
- start = filename:find('[/\\]' .. first:lower(), rootLen + 1)
- else
- start = trueFilename:find('[/\\]' .. first, rootLen + 1)
- end
- if start then
- local list = self:convertPathAsRequire(trueFilename, start + 1)
- if list then
- for _, str in ipairs(list) do
- if #str >= #input and fn.fileNameEq(str:sub(1, #input), input) then
- if not map[str] then
- map[str] = trueFilename
- else
- local s1 = fn.similarity(trueFilename, baseName)
- local s2 = fn.similarity(map[str], baseName)
- if s1 > s2 then
- map[str] = trueFilename
- elseif s1 == s2 then
- if trueFilename < map[str] then
- map[str] = trueFilename
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local list = {}
- for str in pairs(map) do
- list[#list+1] = str
- map[str] = map[str]:sub(rootLen + 2)
- end
- if #list == 0 then
- return nil
- end
- table.sort(list, function (a, b)
- local sa = fn.similarity(map[a], baseName)
- local sb = fn.similarity(map[b], baseName)
- if sa == sb then
- return a < b
- else
- return sa > sb
- end
- end)
- return list, map
-function mt:searchPath(baseUri, str)
- str = fn.getFileName(fs.path(str))
- if self.searched[baseUri] and self.searched[baseUri][str] then
- return self.searched[baseUri][str]
- end
- str = str:gsub('%.', '/')
- :gsub('%%', '%%%%')
- local searchers = {}
- for i, luapath in ipairs(config.config.runtime.path) do
- searchers[i] = luapath:gsub('%?', str)
- end
- local uri = self:findPath(baseUri, searchers)
- if uri then
- if not self.searched[baseUri] then
- self.searched[baseUri] = {}
- end
- self.searched[baseUri][str] = uri
- end
- return uri
-function mt:loadPath(baseUri, str)
- local ok, relative = pcall(fs.relative, fs.absolute(self.root / str), self.root)
- if not ok then
- return nil
- end
- str = fn.getFileName(relative)
- if self.loaded[str] then
- return self.loaded[str]
- end
- local searchers = { str }
- local uri = self:findPath(baseUri, searchers)
- if uri then
- self.loaded[str] = uri
- end
- return uri
-function mt:reset()
- self.searched = {}
- self.loaded = {}
- self.lsp:reCompile()
----@param uri uri
----@return path
-function mt:relativePathByUri(uri)
- local path = uric.decode(uri)
- if not path then
- return nil
- end
- local relate = fs.relative(path, self.root)
- return relate
----@param uri uri
----@return path
-function mt:absolutePathByUri(uri)
- local path = uric.decode(uri)
- if not path then
- return nil
- end
- return fs.absolute(path)
---- @param lsp LSP
---- @param name string
---- @return Workspace
-return function (lsp, name)
- local workspace = setmetatable({
- lsp = lsp,
- name = name,
- files = {},
- searched = {},
- loaded = {},
- pathMatcher = {}
- }, mt)
- workspace:compileLuaPath()
- workspace:listenLoadFile()
- return workspace