path: root/script/vm/global.lua
diff options
authorAlexCai2019 <>2022-05-08 01:43:28 +0800
committerGitHub <>2022-05-08 01:43:28 +0800
commit0fd83c4ca9f82a02becab6c304a8a7de75098507 (patch)
treebe9790d9d4823fe728c5b36e94093fe5f42b7725 /script/vm/global.lua
parent89203efad8c9b5513e05ca4d5696107924865b10 (diff)
parent67b4c574849d1667e0ecb39c51aeed8e30b43056 (diff)
Merge branch 'sumneko:master' into master
Diffstat (limited to 'script/vm/global.lua')
1 files changed, 425 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/script/vm/global.lua b/script/vm/global.lua
index 1c46c9a3..a54ab552 100644
--- a/script/vm/global.lua
+++ b/script/vm/global.lua
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
-local util = require 'utility'
-local scope= require 'workspace.scope'
+local util = require 'utility'
+local scope = require 'workspace.scope'
+local guide = require ''
+local files = require 'files'
+---@class vm
+local vm = require 'vm.vm'
---@field gets parser.object[]
@@ -15,8 +19,6 @@ mt.__index = mt
mt.type = 'global' = ''
-local ID_SPLITE = '\x1F'
---@param uri uri
---@param source parser.object
function mt:addSet(uri, source)
@@ -106,7 +108,7 @@ end
---@return string
function mt:getKeyName()
- return'[^' .. ID_SPLITE .. ']+$')
+ return'[^' .. vm.ID_SPLITE .. ']+$')
---@return boolean
@@ -116,10 +118,427 @@ end
---@param cate
-return function (name, cate)
+local function createGlobal(name, cate)
return setmetatable({
name = name,
cate = cate,
links = util.multiTable(2),
}, mt)
+---@class parser.object
+---@field _globalNode
+---@type table<string,>
+local allGlobals = {}
+---@type table<uri, table<string, boolean>>
+local globalSubs = util.multiTable(2)
+local compileObject
+local compilerGlobalSwitch = util.switch()
+ : case 'local'
+ : call(function (source)
+ if source.special ~= '_G' then
+ return
+ end
+ if source.ref then
+ for _, ref in ipairs(source.ref) do
+ compileObject(ref)
+ end
+ end
+ end)
+ : case 'getlocal'
+ : call(function (source)
+ if source.special ~= '_G' then
+ return
+ end
+ if not then
+ return
+ end
+ compileObject(
+ end)
+ : case 'setglobal'
+ : call(function (source)
+ local uri = guide.getUri(source)
+ local name = guide.getKeyName(source)
+ local global = vm.declareGlobal('variable', name, uri)
+ global:addSet(uri, source)
+ source._globalNode = global
+ end)
+ : case 'getglobal'
+ : call(function (source)
+ local uri = guide.getUri(source)
+ local name = guide.getKeyName(source)
+ local global = vm.declareGlobal('variable', name, uri)
+ global:addGet(uri, source)
+ source._globalNode = global
+ local nxt =
+ if nxt then
+ compileObject(nxt)
+ end
+ end)
+ : case 'setfield'
+ : case 'setmethod'
+ : case 'setindex'
+ ---@param source parser.object
+ : call(function (source)
+ local name
+ local keyName = guide.getKeyName(source)
+ if not keyName then
+ return
+ end
+ if source.node._globalNode then
+ local parentName = source.node._globalNode:getName()
+ if parentName == '_G' then
+ name = keyName
+ else
+ name = ('%s%s%s'):format(parentName, vm.ID_SPLITE, keyName)
+ end
+ elseif source.node.special == '_G' then
+ name = keyName
+ end
+ if not name then
+ return
+ end
+ local uri = guide.getUri(source)
+ local global = vm.declareGlobal('variable', name, uri)
+ global:addSet(uri, source)
+ source._globalNode = global
+ end)
+ : case 'getfield'
+ : case 'getmethod'
+ : case 'getindex'
+ ---@param source parser.object
+ : call(function (source)
+ local name
+ local keyName = guide.getKeyName(source)
+ if not keyName then
+ return
+ end
+ if source.node._globalNode then
+ local parentName = source.node._globalNode:getName()
+ if parentName == '_G' then
+ name = keyName
+ else
+ name = ('%s%s%s'):format(parentName, vm.ID_SPLITE, keyName)
+ end
+ elseif source.node.special == '_G' then
+ name = keyName
+ end
+ local uri = guide.getUri(source)
+ local global = vm.declareGlobal('variable', name, uri)
+ global:addGet(uri, source)
+ source._globalNode = global
+ local nxt =
+ if nxt then
+ compileObject(nxt)
+ end
+ end)
+ : case 'call'
+ : call(function (source)
+ if source.node.special == 'rawset'
+ or source.node.special == 'rawget' then
+ if not source.args then
+ return
+ end
+ local g = source.args[1]
+ local key = source.args[2]
+ if g and key and g.special == '_G' then
+ local name = guide.getKeyName(key)
+ if name then
+ local uri = guide.getUri(source)
+ local global = vm.declareGlobal('variable', name, uri)
+ if source.node.special == 'rawset' then
+ global:addSet(uri, source)
+ source.value = source.args[3]
+ else
+ global:addGet(uri, source)
+ end
+ source._globalNode = global
+ local nxt =
+ if nxt then
+ compileObject(nxt)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end)
+ : case 'doc.class'
+ ---@param source parser.object
+ : call(function (source)
+ local uri = guide.getUri(source)
+ local name = guide.getKeyName(source)
+ local class = vm.declareGlobal('type', name, uri)
+ class:addSet(uri, source)
+ source._globalNode = class
+ if source.signs then
+ source._sign = vm.createSign()
+ for _, sign in ipairs(source.signs) do
+ source._sign:addSign(vm.compileNode(sign))
+ end
+ if source.extends then
+ for _, ext in ipairs(source.extends) do
+ if ext.type == 'doc.type.table' then
+ ext._generic = vm.createGeneric(ext, source._sign)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end)
+ : case 'doc.alias'
+ : call(function (source)
+ local uri = guide.getUri(source)
+ local name = guide.getKeyName(source)
+ local alias = vm.declareGlobal('type', name, uri)
+ alias:addSet(uri, source)
+ source._globalNode = alias
+ if source.signs then
+ source._sign = vm.createSign()
+ for _, sign in ipairs(source.signs) do
+ source._sign:addSign(vm.compileNode(sign))
+ end
+ source.extends._generic = vm.createGeneric(source.extends, source._sign)
+ end
+ end)
+ : case ''
+ : call(function (source)
+ local uri = guide.getUri(source)
+ local name = source[1]
+ local type = vm.declareGlobal('type', name, uri)
+ type:addGet(uri, source)
+ source._globalNode = type
+ end)
+ : case ''
+ : call(function (source)
+ local uri = guide.getUri(source)
+ local name = source[1]
+ local class = vm.declareGlobal('type', name, uri)
+ class:addGet(uri, source)
+ source._globalNode = class
+ end)
+---@alias '"variable"' | '"type"'
+---@param cate
+---@param name string
+---@param uri? uri
+function vm.declareGlobal(cate, name, uri)
+ local key = cate .. '|' .. name
+ if uri then
+ globalSubs[uri][key] = true
+ end
+ if not allGlobals[key] then
+ allGlobals[key] = createGlobal(name, cate)
+ end
+ return allGlobals[key]
+---@param cate
+---@param name string
+---@param field? string
+function vm.getGlobal(cate, name, field)
+ local key = cate .. '|' .. name
+ if field then
+ key = key .. vm.ID_SPLITE .. field
+ end
+ return allGlobals[key]
+---@param cate
+---@param name string
+function vm.getGlobalFields(cate, name)
+ local globals = {}
+ local key = cate .. '|' .. name
+ local clock = os.clock()
+ for gid, global in pairs(allGlobals) do
+ if gid ~= key
+ and util.stringStartWith(gid, key)
+ and gid:sub(#key + 1, #key + 1) == vm.ID_SPLITE
+ and not gid:find(vm.ID_SPLITE, #key + 2) then
+ globals[#globals+1] = global
+ end
+ end
+ local cost = os.clock() - clock
+ if cost > 0.1 then
+ log.warn('global-manager getFields cost %.3f', cost)
+ end
+ return globals
+---@param cate
+function vm.getGlobals(cate)
+ local globals = {}
+ local clock = os.clock()
+ for gid, global in pairs(allGlobals) do
+ if util.stringStartWith(gid, cate)
+ and not gid:find(vm.ID_SPLITE) then
+ globals[#globals+1] = global
+ end
+ end
+ local cost = os.clock() - clock
+ if cost > 0.1 then
+ log.warn('global-manager getGlobals cost %.3f', cost)
+ end
+ return globals
+---@param suri uri
+---@param cate
+---@return parser.object[]
+function vm.getGlobalSets(suri, cate)
+ local globals = vm.getGlobals(cate)
+ local result = {}
+ for _, global in ipairs(globals) do
+ local sets = global:getSets(suri)
+ for _, set in ipairs(sets) do
+ result[#result+1] = set
+ end
+ end
+ return result
+---@param suri uri
+---@param cate
+---@param name string
+---@return boolean
+function vm.hasGlobalSets(suri, cate, name)
+ local global = vm.getGlobal(cate, name)
+ if not global then
+ return false
+ end
+ local sets = global:getSets(suri)
+ if #sets == 0 then
+ return false
+ end
+ return true
+---@param source parser.object
+function compileObject(source)
+ if source._globalNode ~= nil then
+ return
+ end
+ source._globalNode = false
+ compilerGlobalSwitch(source.type, source)
+---@param source parser.object
+local function compileSelf(source)
+ if source.parent.type ~= 'funcargs' then
+ return
+ end
+ ---@type parser.object
+ local node = source.parent.parent and source.parent.parent.parent and source.parent.parent.parent.node
+ if not node then
+ return
+ end
+ local fields = vm.getLocalFields(source)
+ if not fields then
+ return
+ end
+ local nodeLocalID = vm.getLocalID(node)
+ local globalNode = node._globalNode
+ if not nodeLocalID and not globalNode then
+ return
+ end
+ for _, field in ipairs(fields) do
+ if field.type == 'setfield' then
+ local key = guide.getKeyName(field)
+ if key then
+ if nodeLocalID then
+ local myID = nodeLocalID .. vm.ID_SPLITE .. key
+ vm.insertLocalID(myID, field)
+ end
+ if globalNode then
+ local myID = globalNode:getName() .. vm.ID_SPLITE .. key
+ local myGlobal = vm.declareGlobal('variable', myID, guide.getUri(node))
+ myGlobal:addSet(guide.getUri(node), field)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+---@param source parser.object
+local function compileAst(source)
+ local env = guide.getENV(source)
+ if not env then
+ return
+ end
+ compileObject(env)
+ guide.eachSpecialOf(source, 'rawset', function (src)
+ compileObject(src.parent)
+ end)
+ guide.eachSpecialOf(source, 'rawget', function (src)
+ compileObject(src.parent)
+ end)
+ guide.eachSourceTypes(, {
+ 'doc.class',
+ 'doc.alias',
+ '',
+ '',
+ }, function (src)
+ compileObject(src)
+ end)
+ --[[
+ local mt
+ function mt:xxx()
+ self.a = 1
+ end
+ mt.a --> find this definition
+ ]]
+ guide.eachSourceType(source, 'self', function (src)
+ compileSelf(src)
+ end)
+---@param uri uri
+local function dropUri(uri)
+ local globalSub = globalSubs[uri]
+ globalSubs[uri] = nil
+ for key in pairs(globalSub) do
+ local global = allGlobals[key]
+ if global then
+ global:dropUri(uri)
+ if not global:isAlive() then
+ allGlobals[key] = nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
+for uri in files.eachFile() do
+ local state = files.getState(uri)
+ if state then
+ compileAst(state.ast)
+ end
+ (ev, uri)
+ if ev == 'update' then
+ dropUri(uri)
+ local state = files.getState(uri)
+ if state then
+ compileAst(state.ast)
+ end
+ end
+ if ev == 'remove' then
+ dropUri(uri)
+ end