path: root/script/src/log.lua
diff options
author最萌小汐 <>2019-11-23 00:05:30 +0800
committer最萌小汐 <>2019-11-23 00:05:30 +0800
commit6da2b175e20ed3c03b0dfcfc9046de1e0e5d4444 (patch)
treefdc22d78150fd1c5edc46732c8b151ccfefb519f /script/src/log.lua
parentd0ff66c9abe9d6abbca12fd811e0c3cb69c1033a (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'script/src/log.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 116 deletions
diff --git a/script/src/log.lua b/script/src/log.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index d8e782c0..00000000
--- a/script/src/log.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-local fs = require 'bee.filesystem'
-local log = {}
-log.file = nil
-log.start_time = os.time() - os.clock()
-log.size = 0
-log.max_size = 100 * 1024 * 1024
-local function trim_src(src)
- src = src:sub(log.prefix_len + 3, -5)
- src = src:gsub('^[/\\]+', '')
- src = src:gsub('[\\/]+', '.')
- return src
-local function init_log_file()
- if not log.file then
- log.file =, 'w')
- if not log.file then
- return
- end
- log.file:write('')
- log.file:close()
- log.file =, 'ab')
- if not log.file then
- return
- end
- log.file:setvbuf 'no'
- end
-local function push_log(level, ...)
- if not log.path then
- return
- end
- if log.size > log.max_size then
- return
- end
- local t = table.pack(...)
- for i = 1, t.n do
- t[i] = tostring(t[i])
- end
- local str = table.concat(t, '\t', 1, t.n)
- if level == 'error' then
- str = str .. '\n' .. debug.traceback(nil, 3)
- io.stderr:write(str .. '\n')
- end
- init_log_file()
- if not log.file then
- return
- end
- local sec, ms = math.modf(log.start_time + os.clock())
- local timestr ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', sec)
- local info = debug.getinfo(3, 'Sl')
- local buf
- if info and info.currentline > 0 then
- buf = ('[%s.%03.f][%s]: [%s:%s]%s\n'):format(timestr, ms * 1000, level, trim_src(info.source), info.currentline, str)
- else
- buf = ('[%s.%03.f][%s]: %s\n'):format(timestr, ms * 1000, level, str)
- end
- log.file:write(buf)
- log.size = log.size + #buf
- if log.size > log.max_size then
- log.file:write('[REACH MAX SIZE]')
- end
- return str
- push_log('info', ...)
-function log.debug(...)
- push_log('debug', ...)
-function log.trace(...)
- push_log('trace', ...)
-function log.warn(...)
- push_log('warn', ...)
-function log.error(...)
- return push_log('error', ...)
-function log.init(root, path)
- local lastBuf
- if log.file then
- log.file:close()
- log.file = nil
- local file =, 'rb')
- if file then
- lastBuf = file:read 'a'
- file:close()
- end
- end
- log.path = path:string()
- log.prefix_len = #root:string()
- log.size = 0
- if not fs.exists(path:parent_path()) then
- fs.create_directories(path:parent_path())
- end
- if lastBuf then
- init_log_file()
- if log.file then
- log.file:write(lastBuf)
- log.size = log.size + #lastBuf
- end
- end
-return log