path: root/meta/3rd
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author最萌小汐 <>2022-06-07 20:31:46 +0800
committer最萌小汐 <>2022-06-07 20:31:46 +0800
commit85d497ac617dcb629b991defc23540e9bfa34cbc (patch)
tree13a6f56fe09de0163ff94506c392e5d07de03f53 /meta/3rd
parent67815046d2345924123d290e2b0c01fb15a9a6bb (diff)
build 3rd metas
Diffstat (limited to 'meta/3rd')
3 files changed, 98 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr.headset.lua b/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr.headset.lua
index 419a8180..fd6e9d63 100644
--- a/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr.headset.lua
+++ b/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr.headset.lua
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
---Note that all units are reported in meters.
----Position `(0, 0, 0)` is the center of the play area.
+---Position `(0, 0, 0)` is on the floor in the center of the play area.
---@class lovr.headset
lovr.headset = {}
@@ -123,6 +123,12 @@ function lovr.headset.getClipDistance() end
function lovr.headset.getDisplayDimensions() end
+---Returns a table with all the refresh rates supported by the headset display, in Hz.
+---@return table frequencies # A flat table of the refresh rates supported by the headset display, nil if not supported.
+function lovr.headset.getDisplayFrequencies() end
---Returns the refresh rate of the headset display, in Hz.
---@return number frequency # The frequency of the display, or `nil` if I have no idea what it is.
@@ -569,6 +575,17 @@ function lovr.headset.renderTo(callback) end
function lovr.headset.setClipDistance(near, far) end
+---Sets the display refresh rate, in Hz.
+---### NOTE:
+---Changing the display refresh-rate also changes the frequency of lovr.update() and lovr.draw() as they depend on the display frequency.
+---@param frequency number # The new refresh rate, in Hz.
+---@return boolean success # Whether the display refresh rate was successfully set.
+function lovr.headset.setDisplayFrequency(frequency) end
---Causes the device to vibrate with a custom strength, duration, and frequency, if possible.
diff --git a/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr.math.lua b/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr.math.lua
index c53ffac2..43a6004e 100644
--- a/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr.math.lua
+++ b/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr.math.lua
@@ -50,6 +50,12 @@ function lovr.math.linearToGamma(lr, lg, lb) end
---This function takes the same arguments as `Mat4:set`.
+---@overload fun(n: lovr.mat4):lovr.Mat4
+---@overload fun(position?: lovr.Vec3, scale?: lovr.Vec3, rotation?: lovr.Quat):lovr.Mat4
+---@overload fun(position?: lovr.Vec3, rotation?: lovr.Quat):lovr.Mat4
+---@overload fun(...):lovr.Mat4
+---@overload fun(d: number):lovr.Mat4
+---@return lovr.Mat4 m # The new matrix.
function lovr.math.mat4() end
@@ -69,6 +75,12 @@ function lovr.math.newCurve(x, y, z, ...) end
---This function takes the same arguments as `Mat4:set`.
+---@overload fun(n: lovr.mat4):lovr.Mat4
+---@overload fun(position?: lovr.Vec3, scale?: lovr.Vec3, rotation?: lovr.Quat):lovr.Mat4
+---@overload fun(position?: lovr.Vec3, rotation?: lovr.Quat):lovr.Mat4
+---@overload fun(...):lovr.Mat4
+---@overload fun(d: number):lovr.Mat4
+---@return lovr.Mat4 m # The new matrix.
function lovr.math.newMat4() end
@@ -76,7 +88,18 @@ function lovr.math.newMat4() end
---This function takes the same arguments as `Quat:set`.
-function lovr.math.newQuat() end
+---@overload fun(r: lovr.quat):lovr.quat
+---@overload fun(v: lovr.vec3):lovr.quat
+---@overload fun(v: lovr.vec3, u: lovr.vec3):lovr.quat
+---@overload fun(m: lovr.mat4):lovr.quat
+---@overload fun():lovr.quat
+---@param angle? any # An angle to use for the rotation, in radians.
+---@param ax? number # The x component of the axis of rotation.
+---@param ay? number # The y component of the axis of rotation.
+---@param az? number # The z component of the axis of rotation.
+---@param raw? boolean # Whether the components should be interpreted as raw `(x, y, z, w)` components.
+---@return lovr.quat q # The new quaternion.
+function lovr.math.newQuat(angle, ax, ay, az, raw) end
---Creates a new `RandomGenerator`, which can be used to generate random numbers. If you just want some random numbers, you can use `lovr.math.random`. Individual RandomGenerator objects are useful if you need more control over the random sequence used or need a random generator isolated from other instances.
@@ -91,21 +114,37 @@ function lovr.math.newRandomGenerator() end
---This function takes the same arguments as `Vec2:set`.
-function lovr.math.newVec2() end
+---@overload fun(u: lovr.Vec2):lovr.Vec2
+---@param x? number # The x value of the vector.
+---@param y? number # The y value of the vector.
+---@return lovr.Vec2 v # The new vector.
+function lovr.math.newVec2(x, y) end
---Creates a new 3D vector.
---This function takes the same arguments as `Vec3:set`.
-function lovr.math.newVec3() end
+---@overload fun(u: lovr.Vec3):lovr.Vec3
+---@overload fun(m: lovr.Mat4):lovr.Vec3
+---@param x? number # The x value of the vector.
+---@param y? number # The y value of the vector.
+---@param z? number # The z value of the vector.
+---@return lovr.Vec3 v # The new vector.
+function lovr.math.newVec3(x, y, z) end
---Creates a new 4D vector.
---This function takes the same arguments as `Vec4:set`.
-function lovr.math.newVec4() end
+---@overload fun(u: lovr.Vec4):lovr.Vec4
+---@param x? number # The x value of the vector.
+---@param y? number # The y value of the vector.
+---@param z? number # The z value of the vector.
+---@param w? number # The w value of the vector.
+---@return lovr.Vec4 v # The new vector.
+function lovr.math.newVec4(x, y, z, w) end
---Returns a 1D, 2D, 3D, or 4D perlin noise value.
@@ -124,7 +163,18 @@ function lovr.math.noise(x) end
---This function takes the same arguments as `Quat:set`.
-function lovr.math.quat() end
+---@overload fun(r: lovr.quat):lovr.quat
+---@overload fun(v: lovr.vec3):lovr.quat
+---@overload fun(v: lovr.vec3, u: lovr.vec3):lovr.quat
+---@overload fun(m: lovr.mat4):lovr.quat
+---@overload fun():lovr.quat
+---@param angle? any # An angle to use for the rotation, in radians.
+---@param ax? number # The x component of the axis of rotation.
+---@param ay? number # The y component of the axis of rotation.
+---@param az? number # The z component of the axis of rotation.
+---@param raw? boolean # Whether the components should be interpreted as raw `(x, y, z, w)` components.
+---@return lovr.quat q # The new quaternion.
+function lovr.math.quat(angle, ax, ay, az, raw) end
---Returns a uniformly distributed pseudo-random number.
@@ -165,21 +215,37 @@ function lovr.math.setRandomSeed(seed) end
---This function takes the same arguments as `Vec2:set`.
-function lovr.math.vec2() end
+---@overload fun(u: lovr.Vec2):lovr.Vec2
+---@param x? number # The x value of the vector.
+---@param y? number # The y value of the vector.
+---@return lovr.Vec2 v # The new vector.
+function lovr.math.vec2(x, y) end
---Creates a temporary 3D vector.
---This function takes the same arguments as `Vec3:set`.
-function lovr.math.vec3() end
+---@overload fun(u: lovr.Vec3):lovr.Vec3
+---@overload fun(m: lovr.Mat4):lovr.Vec3
+---@param x? number # The x value of the vector.
+---@param y? number # The y value of the vector.
+---@param z? number # The z value of the vector.
+---@return lovr.Vec3 v # The new vector.
+function lovr.math.vec3(x, y, z) end
---Creates a temporary 4D vector.
---This function takes the same arguments as `Vec4:set`.
-function lovr.math.vec4() end
+---@overload fun(u: lovr.Vec4):lovr.Vec4
+---@param x? number # The x value of the vector.
+---@param y? number # The y value of the vector.
+---@param z? number # The z value of the vector.
+---@param w? number # The w value of the vector.
+---@return lovr.Vec4 v # The new vector.
+function lovr.math.vec4(x, y, z, w) end
---A Curve is an object that represents a Bézier curve in three dimensions.
@@ -434,7 +500,7 @@ function Mat4:set() end
---Sets a model transform matrix that moves to `from` and orients model towards `to` point.
----This is used when rendered model should always point torwards a point of interest. The resulting Mat4 object can be used as model pose.
+---This is used when rendered model should always point towards a point of interest. The resulting Mat4 object can be used as model pose.
---The target() function produces same result as lookAt() after matrix inversion.
@@ -1004,7 +1070,7 @@ function Vec4:equals(u) end
---### NOTE:
---The length is equivalent to this:
---- math.sqrt(v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y * v.z + v.z + v.w * v.w)
+--- math.sqrt(v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y + v.z * v.z + v.w * v.w)
---@return number length # The length of the vector.
function Vec4:length() end
diff --git a/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr.physics.lua b/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr.physics.lua
index d081d2f4..3373ceba 100644
--- a/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr.physics.lua
+++ b/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr.physics.lua
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ function Collider:applyForce(x, y, z) end
---### NOTE:
----If the Collider is asleep, it will need to be woken up with `Collider:setAwake` for this function to have any affect.
+---If the Collider is asleep, it will need to be woken up with `Collider:setAwake` for this function to have any effect.
---@param x number # The x component of the torque.
---@param y number # The y component of the torque.
@@ -1253,13 +1253,13 @@ local SphereShape = {}
---Returns the radius of the SphereShape.
---@return number radius # The radius of the sphere, in meters.
-function SphereShape:getDimensions() end
+function SphereShape:getRadius() end
---Sets the radius of the SphereShape.
---@param radius number # The radius of the sphere, in meters.
-function SphereShape:setDimensions(radius) end
+function SphereShape:setRadius(radius) end
---A World is an object that holds the colliders, joints, and shapes in a physics simulation.
@@ -1524,7 +1524,7 @@ function World:newSphereCollider(x, y, z, radius) end
---Returns an iterator that can be used to iterate over "overlaps", or potential collisions between pairs of shapes in the World.
----This should be called after using `World:detectOverlaps` to compute the list of overlaps. Usually this is called automatically by `World:update`.
+---This should be called after using `World:computeOverlaps` to compute the list of overlaps. Usually this is called automatically by `World:update`.
---@return function iterator # A Lua iterator, usable in a for loop.
function World:overlaps() end