path: root/meta/3rd
diff options
authorcarsakiller <>2023-10-27 20:42:06 -0400
committercarsakiller <>2023-10-27 20:42:06 -0400
commitd288cd1e6d0bb9fd4c05e6afa3e26bb7e0658839 (patch)
tree880f19aba4af55508874028df47c515d80b4874f /meta/3rd
parent1536fa32dc84f386663035ab5d51db6af2cff5e8 (diff)
refactor: replace Cocos4.0 with LuaCATS submodule
Diffstat (limited to 'meta/3rd')
455 files changed, 0 insertions, 28717 deletions
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0 b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0
new file mode 160000
+Subproject c0b2259e0d367561fd4563ae114b029b4dfe3a8
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/config.json b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/config.json
deleted file mode 100644
index a967b6ff..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/config.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
- "name": "Cocos",
- "files": ["cocos"],
- "settings": {
- "Lua.runtime.version": "LuaJIT"
- }
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Action.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Action.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c41651f..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Action.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Action :cc.Ref
-local Action={ }
----* Called before the action start. It will also set the target. <br>
----* param target A certain target.
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function Action:startWithTarget (target) end
----* Set the original target, since target can be nil.<br>
----* Is the target that were used to run the action. Unless you are doing something complex, like ActionManager, you should NOT call this method.<br>
----* The target is 'assigned', it is not 'retained'.<br>
----* since v0.8.2<br>
----* param originalTarget Is 'assigned', it is not 'retained'.
----@param originalTarget cc.Node
----@return self
-function Action:setOriginalTarget (originalTarget) end
----* Returns a clone of action.<br>
----* return A clone action.
----@return self
-function Action:clone () end
----* Return a original Target. <br>
----* return A original Target.
----@return cc.Node
-function Action:getOriginalTarget () end
----* Called after the action has finished. It will set the 'target' to nil.<br>
----* IMPORTANT: You should never call "Action::stop()" manually. Instead, use: "target->stopAction(action);".
----@return self
-function Action:stop () end
----* Called once per frame. time a value between 0 and 1.<br>
----* For example:<br>
----* - 0 Means that the action just started.<br>
----* - 0.5 Means that the action is in the middle.<br>
----* - 1 Means that the action is over.<br>
----* param time A value between 0 and 1.
----@param time float
----@return self
-function Action:update (time) end
----* Return certain target.<br>
----* return A certain target.
----@return cc.Node
-function Action:getTarget () end
----* Returns a flag field that is used to group the actions easily.<br>
----* return A tag.
----@return unsigned_int
-function Action:getFlags () end
----* Called every frame with it's delta time, dt in seconds. DON'T override unless you know what you are doing. <br>
----* param dt In seconds.
----@param dt float
----@return self
-function Action:step (dt) end
----* Changes the tag that is used to identify the action easily. <br>
----* param tag Used to identify the action easily.
----@param tag int
----@return self
-function Action:setTag (tag) end
----* Changes the flag field that is used to group the actions easily.<br>
----* param flags Used to group the actions easily.
----@param flags unsigned_int
----@return self
-function Action:setFlags (flags) end
----* Returns a tag that is used to identify the action easily. <br>
----* return A tag.
----@return int
-function Action:getTag () end
----* The action will modify the target properties. <br>
----* param target A certain target.
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function Action:setTarget (target) end
----* Return true if the action has finished. <br>
----* return Is true if the action has finished.
----@return boolean
-function Action:isDone () end
----* Returns a new action that performs the exact reverse of the action. <br>
----* return A new action that performs the exact reverse of the action.<br>
----* js NA
----@return self
-function Action:reverse () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ActionCamera.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ActionCamera.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 2333d79d..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ActionCamera.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.ActionCamera :cc.ActionInterval
-local ActionCamera={ }
----@overload fun(float:float,float:float,float:float):self
----@overload fun(float0:vec3_table):self
----@param x float
----@param y float
----@param z float
----@return self
-function ActionCamera:setEye (x,y,z) end
----@return vec3_table
-function ActionCamera:getEye () end
----@param up vec3_table
----@return self
-function ActionCamera:setUp (up) end
----@return vec3_table
-function ActionCamera:getCenter () end
----@param center vec3_table
----@return self
-function ActionCamera:setCenter (center) end
----@return vec3_table
-function ActionCamera:getUp () end
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function ActionCamera:startWithTarget (target) end
----@return self
-function ActionCamera:clone () end
----@return self
-function ActionCamera:reverse () end
----* js ctor<br>
----* lua new
----@return self
-function ActionCamera:ActionCamera () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ActionEase.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ActionEase.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index e07b8924..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ActionEase.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.ActionEase :cc.ActionInterval
-local ActionEase={ }
----* brief Initializes the action.<br>
----* return Return true when the initialization success, otherwise return false.
----@param action cc.ActionInterval
----@return boolean
-function ActionEase:initWithAction (action) end
----* brief Get the pointer of the inner action.<br>
----* return The pointer of the inner action.
----@return cc.ActionInterval
-function ActionEase:getInnerAction () end
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function ActionEase:startWithTarget (target) end
----@return self
-function ActionEase:stop () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function ActionEase:update (time) end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ActionFloat.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ActionFloat.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 861e1805..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ActionFloat.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.ActionFloat :cc.ActionInterval
-local ActionFloat={ }
----@param duration float
----@param from float
----@param to float
----@param callback function
----@return boolean
-function ActionFloat:initWithDuration (duration,from,to,callback) end
----* Creates FloatAction with specified duration, from value, to value and callback to report back<br>
----* results<br>
----* param duration of the action<br>
----* param from value to start from<br>
----* param to value to be at the end of the action<br>
----* param callback to report back result<br>
----* return An autoreleased ActionFloat object
----@param duration float
----@param from float
----@param to float
----@param callback function
----@return self
-function ActionFloat:create (duration,from,to,callback) end
----* Overridden ActionInterval methods
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function ActionFloat:startWithTarget (target) end
----@return self
-function ActionFloat:clone () end
----@param delta float
----@return self
-function ActionFloat:update (delta) end
----@return self
-function ActionFloat:reverse () end
----@return self
-function ActionFloat:ActionFloat () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ActionInstant.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ActionInstant.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c523c62..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ActionInstant.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.ActionInstant :cc.FiniteTimeAction
-local ActionInstant={ }
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function ActionInstant:startWithTarget (target) end
----@return self
-function ActionInstant:reverse () end
----@return self
-function ActionInstant:clone () end
----* param time In seconds.
----@param time float
----@return self
-function ActionInstant:update (time) end
----* param dt In seconds.
----@param dt float
----@return self
-function ActionInstant:step (dt) end
----@return boolean
-function ActionInstant:isDone () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ActionInterval.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ActionInterval.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index feea7eef..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ActionInterval.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.ActionInterval :cc.FiniteTimeAction
-local ActionInterval={ }
----* Gets the amplitude rate, extension in GridAction<br>
----* return The amplitude rate.
----@return float
-function ActionInterval:getAmplitudeRate () end
----* initializes the action
----@param d float
----@return boolean
-function ActionInterval:initWithDuration (d) end
----* Sets the amplitude rate, extension in GridAction<br>
----* param amp The amplitude rate.
----@param amp float
----@return self
-function ActionInterval:setAmplitudeRate (amp) end
----* How many seconds had elapsed since the actions started to run.<br>
----* return The seconds had elapsed since the actions started to run.
----@return float
-function ActionInterval:getElapsed () end
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function ActionInterval:startWithTarget (target) end
----* param dt in seconds
----@param dt float
----@return self
-function ActionInterval:step (dt) end
----@return self
-function ActionInterval:clone () end
----@return self
-function ActionInterval:reverse () end
----@return boolean
-function ActionInterval:isDone () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ActionManager.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ActionManager.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 12a08c48..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ActionManager.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.ActionManager :cc.Ref
-local ActionManager={ }
----* Gets an action given its tag an a target.<br>
----* param tag The action's tag.<br>
----* param target A certain target.<br>
----* return The Action the with the given tag.
----@param tag int
----@param target cc.Node
----@return cc.Action
-function ActionManager:getActionByTag (tag,target) end
----* Removes an action given its tag and the target.<br>
----* param tag The action's tag.<br>
----* param target A certain target.
----@param tag int
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function ActionManager:removeActionByTag (tag,target) end
----* Removes all actions matching at least one bit in flags and the target.<br>
----* param flags The flag field to match the actions' flags based on bitwise AND.<br>
----* param target A certain target.<br>
----* js NA
----@param flags unsigned_int
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function ActionManager:removeActionsByFlags (flags,target) end
----* Removes all actions from all the targets.
----@return self
-function ActionManager:removeAllActions () end
----* Adds an action with a target. <br>
----* If the target is already present, then the action will be added to the existing target.<br>
----* If the target is not present, a new instance of this target will be created either paused or not, and the action will be added to the newly created target.<br>
----* When the target is paused, the queued actions won't be 'ticked'.<br>
----* param action A certain action.<br>
----* param target The target which need to be added an action.<br>
----* param paused Is the target paused or not.
----@param action cc.Action
----@param target cc.Node
----@param paused boolean
----@return self
-function ActionManager:addAction (action,target,paused) end
----* Resumes the target. All queued actions will be resumed.<br>
----* param target A certain target.
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function ActionManager:resumeTarget (target) end
----* Returns the numbers of actions that are running in all targets.<br>
----* return The numbers of actions that are running in all target.<br>
----* js NA
----@return int
-function ActionManager:getNumberOfRunningActions () end
----* Pauses the target: all running actions and newly added actions will be paused.<br>
----* param target A certain target.
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function ActionManager:pauseTarget (target) end
----* Returns the numbers of actions that are running in a certain target. <br>
----* Composable actions are counted as 1 action. Example:<br>
----* - If you are running 1 Sequence of 7 actions, it will return 1.<br>
----* - If you are running 7 Sequences of 2 actions, it will return 7.<br>
----* param target A certain target.<br>
----* return The numbers of actions that are running in a certain target.<br>
----* js NA
----@param target cc.Node
----@return int
-function ActionManager:getNumberOfRunningActionsInTarget (target) end
----* Removes all actions from a certain target.<br>
----* All the actions that belongs to the target will be removed.<br>
----* param target A certain target.
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function ActionManager:removeAllActionsFromTarget (target) end
----* Resume a set of targets (convenience function to reverse a pauseAllRunningActions call).<br>
----* param targetsToResume A set of targets need to be resumed.
----@param targetsToResume array_table
----@return self
-function ActionManager:resumeTargets (targetsToResume) end
----* Removes an action given an action reference.<br>
----* param action A certain target.
----@param action cc.Action
----@return self
-function ActionManager:removeAction (action) end
----* Pauses all running actions, returning a list of targets whose actions were paused.<br>
----* return A list of targets whose actions were paused.
----@return array_table
-function ActionManager:pauseAllRunningActions () end
----* Main loop of ActionManager.<br>
----* param dt In seconds.
----@param dt float
----@return self
-function ActionManager:update (dt) end
----* Removes all actions given its tag and the target.<br>
----* param tag The actions' tag.<br>
----* param target A certain target.<br>
----* js NA
----@param tag int
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function ActionManager:removeAllActionsByTag (tag,target) end
----* Returns the numbers of actions that are running in a<br>
----* certain target with a specific tag.<br>
----* Like getNumberOfRunningActionsInTarget Composable actions<br>
----* are counted as 1 action. Example:<br>
----* - If you are running 1 Sequence of 7 actions, it will return 1.<br>
----* - If you are running 7 Sequences of 2 actions, it will return 7.<br>
----* param target A certain target.<br>
----* param tag Tag that will be searched.<br>
----* return The numbers of actions that are running in a certain target<br>
----* with a specific tag.<br>
----* see getNumberOfRunningActionsInTarget<br>
----* js NA
----@param target cc.Node
----@param tag int
----@return unsigned_int
-function ActionManager:getNumberOfRunningActionsInTargetByTag (target,tag) end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function ActionManager:ActionManager () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ActionTween.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ActionTween.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ee28f6e..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ActionTween.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.ActionTween :cc.ActionInterval
-local ActionTween={ }
----* brief Initializes the action with the property name (key), and the from and to parameters.<br>
----* param duration The duration of the ActionTween. It's a value in seconds.<br>
----* param key The key of property which should be updated.<br>
----* param from The value of the specified property when the action begin.<br>
----* param to The value of the specified property when the action end.<br>
----* return If the initialization success, return true; otherwise, return false.
----@param duration float
----@param key string
----@param from float
----@param to float
----@return boolean
-function ActionTween:initWithDuration (duration,key,from,to) end
----* brief Create and initializes the action with the property name (key), and the from and to parameters.<br>
----* param duration The duration of the ActionTween. It's a value in seconds.<br>
----* param key The key of property which should be updated.<br>
----* param from The value of the specified property when the action begin.<br>
----* param to The value of the specified property when the action end.<br>
----* return If the creation success, return a pointer of ActionTween; otherwise, return nil.
----@param duration float
----@param key string
----@param from float
----@param to float
----@return self
-function ActionTween:create (duration,key,from,to) end
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function ActionTween:startWithTarget (target) end
----@return self
-function ActionTween:clone () end
----@param dt float
----@return self
-function ActionTween:update (dt) end
----@return self
-function ActionTween:reverse () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/AmbientLight.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/AmbientLight.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index b607f61f..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/AmbientLight.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.AmbientLight :cc.BaseLight
-local AmbientLight={ }
----* Creates a ambient light.<br>
----* param color The light's color.<br>
----* return The new ambient light.
----@param color color3b_table
----@return self
-function AmbientLight:create (color) end
----@return int
-function AmbientLight:getLightType () end
----@return self
-function AmbientLight:AmbientLight () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Animate.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Animate.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index a57e8045..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Animate.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Animate :cc.ActionInterval
-local Animate={ }
----* initializes the action with an Animation and will restore the original frame when the animation is over
----@param animation cc.Animation
----@return boolean
-function Animate:initWithAnimation (animation) end
----@overload fun():self
----@overload fun():self
----@return cc.Animation
-function Animate:getAnimation () end
----* Gets the index of sprite frame currently displayed.<br>
----* return int the index of sprite frame currently displayed.
----@return int
-function Animate:getCurrentFrameIndex () end
----* Sets the Animation object to be animated <br>
----* param animation certain animation.
----@param animation cc.Animation
----@return self
-function Animate:setAnimation (animation) end
----* Creates the action with an Animation and will restore the original frame when the animation is over.<br>
----* param animation A certain animation.<br>
----* return An autoreleased Animate object.
----@param animation cc.Animation
----@return self
-function Animate:create (animation) end
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function Animate:startWithTarget (target) end
----@return self
-function Animate:clone () end
----@return self
-function Animate:stop () end
----@return self
-function Animate:reverse () end
----* param t In seconds.
----@param t float
----@return self
-function Animate:update (t) end
----@return self
-function Animate:Animate () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Animate3D.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Animate3D.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index ec8b2cfd..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Animate3D.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Animate3D :cc.ActionInterval
-local Animate3D={ }
----@param keyFrame int
----@param userInfo map_table
----@return self
-function Animate3D:setKeyFrameUserInfo (keyFrame,userInfo) end
----* get & set speed, negative speed means playing reverse
----@return float
-function Animate3D:getSpeed () end
----* set animate quality
----@param quality int
----@return self
-function Animate3D:setQuality (quality) end
----@param weight float
----@return self
-function Animate3D:setWeight (weight) end
----@return self
-function Animate3D:removeFromMap () end
----@param animation cc.Animation3D
----@param startFrame int
----@param endFrame int
----@param frameRate float
----@return boolean
-function Animate3D:initWithFrames (animation,startFrame,endFrame,frameRate) end
----@return float
-function Animate3D:getOriginInterval () end
----@param speed float
----@return self
-function Animate3D:setSpeed (speed) end
----@overload fun(cc.Animation3D:cc.Animation3D,float:float,float:float):self
----@overload fun(cc.Animation3D:cc.Animation3D):self
----@param animation cc.Animation3D
----@param fromTime float
----@param duration float
----@return boolean
-function Animate3D:init (animation,fromTime,duration) end
----* get & set origin interval
----@param interval float
----@return self
-function Animate3D:setOriginInterval (interval) end
----* get & set blend weight, weight must positive
----@return float
-function Animate3D:getWeight () end
----* get animate quality
----@return int
-function Animate3D:getQuality () end
----@overload fun(cc.Animation3D:cc.Animation3D,float:float,float:float):self
----@overload fun(cc.Animation3D:cc.Animation3D):self
----@param animation cc.Animation3D
----@param fromTime float
----@param duration float
----@return self
-function Animate3D:create (animation,fromTime,duration) end
----* get animate transition time between 3d animations
----@return float
-function Animate3D:getTransitionTime () end
----* create Animate3D by frame section, [startFrame, endFrame)<br>
----* param animation used to generate animate3D<br>
----* param startFrame<br>
----* param endFrame<br>
----* param frameRate default is 30 per second<br>
----* return Animate3D created using animate
----@param animation cc.Animation3D
----@param startFrame int
----@param endFrame int
----@param frameRate float
----@return self
-function Animate3D:createWithFrames (animation,startFrame,endFrame,frameRate) end
----* set animate transition time between 3d animations
----@param transTime float
----@return self
-function Animate3D:setTransitionTime (transTime) end
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function Animate3D:startWithTarget (target) end
----@return self
-function Animate3D:reverse () end
----@return self
-function Animate3D:clone () end
----@return self
-function Animate3D:stop () end
----@param t float
----@return self
-function Animate3D:update (t) end
----@param dt float
----@return self
-function Animate3D:step (dt) end
----@return self
-function Animate3D:Animate3D () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Animation.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Animation.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f3624a6..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Animation.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Animation :cc.Ref
-local Animation={ }
----* Gets the times the animation is going to loop. 0 means animation is not animated. 1, animation is executed one time, ... <br>
----* return The times the animation is going to loop.
----@return unsigned_int
-function Animation:getLoops () end
----* Adds a SpriteFrame to a Animation.<br>
----* param frame The frame will be added with one "delay unit".
----@param frame cc.SpriteFrame
----@return self
-function Animation:addSpriteFrame (frame) end
----* Sets whether to restore the original frame when animation finishes. <br>
----* param restoreOriginalFrame Whether to restore the original frame when animation finishes.
----@param restoreOriginalFrame boolean
----@return self
-function Animation:setRestoreOriginalFrame (restoreOriginalFrame) end
----@return self
-function Animation:clone () end
----* Gets the duration in seconds of the whole animation. It is the result of totalDelayUnits * delayPerUnit.<br>
----* return Result of totalDelayUnits * delayPerUnit.
----@return float
-function Animation:getDuration () end
----* Initializes a Animation with AnimationFrame.<br>
----* since v2.0
----@param arrayOfAnimationFrameNames array_table
----@param delayPerUnit float
----@param loops unsigned_int
----@return boolean
-function Animation:initWithAnimationFrames (arrayOfAnimationFrameNames,delayPerUnit,loops) end
----* Initializes a Animation.
----@return boolean
-function Animation:init () end
----* Sets the array of AnimationFrames. <br>
----* param frames The array of AnimationFrames.
----@param frames array_table
----@return self
-function Animation:setFrames (frames) end
----* Gets the array of AnimationFrames.<br>
----* return The array of AnimationFrames.
----@return array_table
-function Animation:getFrames () end
----* Sets the times the animation is going to loop. 0 means animation is not animated. 1, animation is executed one time, ... <br>
----* param loops The times the animation is going to loop.
----@param loops unsigned_int
----@return self
-function Animation:setLoops (loops) end
----* Sets the delay in seconds of the "delay unit".<br>
----* param delayPerUnit The delay in seconds of the "delay unit".
----@param delayPerUnit float
----@return self
-function Animation:setDelayPerUnit (delayPerUnit) end
----* Adds a frame with an image filename. Internally it will create a SpriteFrame and it will add it.<br>
----* The frame will be added with one "delay unit".<br>
----* Added to facilitate the migration from v0.8 to v0.9.<br>
----* param filename The path of SpriteFrame.
----@param filename string
----@return self
-function Animation:addSpriteFrameWithFile (filename) end
----* Gets the total Delay units of the Animation. <br>
----* return The total Delay units of the Animation.
----@return float
-function Animation:getTotalDelayUnits () end
----* Gets the delay in seconds of the "delay unit".<br>
----* return The delay in seconds of the "delay unit".
----@return float
-function Animation:getDelayPerUnit () end
----* Initializes a Animation with frames and a delay between frames.<br>
----* since v0.99.5
----@param arrayOfSpriteFrameNames array_table
----@param delay float
----@param loops unsigned_int
----@return boolean
-function Animation:initWithSpriteFrames (arrayOfSpriteFrameNames,delay,loops) end
----* Checks whether to restore the original frame when animation finishes. <br>
----* return Restore the original frame when animation finishes.
----@return boolean
-function Animation:getRestoreOriginalFrame () end
----* Adds a frame with a texture and a rect. Internally it will create a SpriteFrame and it will add it.<br>
----* The frame will be added with one "delay unit".<br>
----* Added to facilitate the migration from v0.8 to v0.9.<br>
----* param pobTexture A frame with a texture.<br>
----* param rect The Texture of rect.
----@param pobTexture cc.Texture2D
----@param rect rect_table
----@return self
-function Animation:addSpriteFrameWithTexture (pobTexture,rect) end
----@overload fun(array_table:array_table,float:float,unsigned_int:unsigned_int):self
----@overload fun():self
----@param arrayOfAnimationFrameNames array_table
----@param delayPerUnit float
----@param loops unsigned_int
----@return self
-function Animation:create (arrayOfAnimationFrameNames,delayPerUnit,loops) end
----@param arrayOfSpriteFrameNames array_table
----@param delay float
----@param loops unsigned_int
----@return self
-function Animation:createWithSpriteFrames (arrayOfSpriteFrameNames,delay,loops) end
----@return self
-function Animation:Animation () end \ No newline at end of file
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index 1cae2328..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Animation3D.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Animation3D :cc.Ref
-local Animation3D={ }
----* init Animation3D with file name and animation name
----@param filename string
----@param animationName string
----@return boolean
-function Animation3D:initWithFile (filename,animationName) end
----* init Animation3D from bundle data
----@param data cc.Animation3DData
----@return boolean
-function Animation3D:init (data) end
----* get duration
----@return float
-function Animation3D:getDuration () end
----* read all animation or only the animation with given animationName? animationName == "" read the first.
----@param filename string
----@param animationName string
----@return self
-function Animation3D:create (filename,animationName) end
----@return self
-function Animation3D:Animation3D () end \ No newline at end of file
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index 14469d9e..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/AnimationCache.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.AnimationCache :cc.Ref
-local AnimationCache={ }
----* Returns a Animation that was previously added.<br>
----* If the name is not found it will return nil.<br>
----* You should retain the returned copy if you are going to use it.<br>
----* return A Animation that was previously added. If the name is not found it will return nil.
----@param name string
----@return cc.Animation
-function AnimationCache:getAnimation (name) end
----* Adds a Animation with a name.<br>
----* param animation An animation.<br>
----* param name The name of animation.
----@param animation cc.Animation
----@param name string
----@return self
-function AnimationCache:addAnimation (animation,name) end
----@return boolean
-function AnimationCache:init () end
----* Adds an animation from an NSDictionary.<br>
----* Make sure that the frames were previously loaded in the SpriteFrameCache.<br>
----* param dictionary An NSDictionary.<br>
----* param plist The path of the relative file,it use to find the plist path for load SpriteFrames.<br>
----* since v1.1<br>
----* js NA
----@param dictionary map_table
----@param plist string
----@return self
-function AnimationCache:addAnimationsWithDictionary (dictionary,plist) end
----* Deletes a Animation from the cache.<br>
----* param name The name of animation.
----@param name string
----@return self
-function AnimationCache:removeAnimation (name) end
----* Adds an animation from a plist file.<br>
----* Make sure that the frames were previously loaded in the SpriteFrameCache.<br>
----* since v1.1<br>
----* js addAnimations<br>
----* lua addAnimations<br>
----* param plist An animation from a plist file.
----@param plist string
----@return self
-function AnimationCache:addAnimationsWithFile (plist) end
----* Purges the cache. It releases all the Animation objects and the shared instance.<br>
----* js NA
----@return self
-function AnimationCache:destroyInstance () end
----* Returns the shared instance of the Animation cache <br>
----* js NA
----@return self
-function AnimationCache:getInstance () end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function AnimationCache:AnimationCache () end \ No newline at end of file
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index be1a8e8b..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/AnimationFrame.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.AnimationFrame :cc.Ref
-local AnimationFrame={ }
----* Set the SpriteFrame.<br>
----* param frame A SpriteFrame will be used.
----@param frame cc.SpriteFrame
----@return self
-function AnimationFrame:setSpriteFrame (frame) end
----@overload fun():self
----@overload fun():self
----@return map_table
-function AnimationFrame:getUserInfo () end
----* Sets the units of time the frame takes.<br>
----* param delayUnits The units of time the frame takes.
----@param delayUnits float
----@return self
-function AnimationFrame:setDelayUnits (delayUnits) end
----@return self
-function AnimationFrame:clone () end
----* Return a SpriteFrameName to be used.<br>
----* return a SpriteFrameName to be used.
----@return cc.SpriteFrame
-function AnimationFrame:getSpriteFrame () end
----* Gets the units of time the frame takes.<br>
----* return The units of time the frame takes.
----@return float
-function AnimationFrame:getDelayUnits () end
----* Sets user information.<br>
----* param userInfo A dictionary as UserInfo.
----@param userInfo map_table
----@return self
-function AnimationFrame:setUserInfo (userInfo) end
----* initializes the animation frame with a spriteframe, number of delay units and a notification user info
----@param spriteFrame cc.SpriteFrame
----@param delayUnits float
----@param userInfo map_table
----@return boolean
-function AnimationFrame:initWithSpriteFrame (spriteFrame,delayUnits,userInfo) end
----* Creates the animation frame with a spriteframe, number of delay units and a notification user info.<br>
----* param spriteFrame The animation frame with a spriteframe.<br>
----* param delayUnits Number of delay units.<br>
----* param userInfo A notification user info.<br>
----* since 3.0
----@param spriteFrame cc.SpriteFrame
----@param delayUnits float
----@param userInfo map_table
----@return self
-function AnimationFrame:create (spriteFrame,delayUnits,userInfo) end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function AnimationFrame:AnimationFrame () end \ No newline at end of file
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--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Application.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Application
-local Application={ }
----* brief Get target platform
----@return int
-function Application:getTargetPlatform () end
----* brief Get current language config<br>
----* return Current language config
----@return int
-function Application:getCurrentLanguage () end
----* brief Get current language iso 639-1 code<br>
----* return Current language iso 639-1 code
----@return char
-function Application:getCurrentLanguageCode () end
----* brief Open url in default browser<br>
----* param String with url to open.<br>
----* return true if the resource located by the URL was successfully opened; otherwise false.
----@param url string
----@return boolean
-function Application:openURL (url) end
----* brief Get application version.
----@return string
-function Application:getVersion () end
----* brief Callback by Director to limit FPS.<br>
----* param interval The time, expressed in seconds, between current frame and next.
----@param interval float
----@return self
-function Application:setAnimationInterval (interval) end
----* brief Get current application instance.<br>
----* return Current application instance pointer.
----@return self
-function Application:getInstance () end \ No newline at end of file
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index 3bef0d79..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/AssetsManager.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.AssetsManager :cc.Node
-local AssetsManager={ }
----@param storagePath char
----@return self
-function AssetsManager:setStoragePath (storagePath) end
----@param packageUrl char
----@return self
-function AssetsManager:setPackageUrl (packageUrl) end
----@return boolean
-function AssetsManager:checkUpdate () end
----@return char
-function AssetsManager:getStoragePath () end
----@return self
-function AssetsManager:update () end
----* @brief Sets connection time out in seconds
----@param timeout unsigned_int
----@return self
-function AssetsManager:setConnectionTimeout (timeout) end
----@param versionFileUrl char
----@return self
-function AssetsManager:setVersionFileUrl (versionFileUrl) end
----@return char
-function AssetsManager:getPackageUrl () end
----* @brief Gets connection time out in seconds
----@return unsigned_int
-function AssetsManager:getConnectionTimeout () end
----@return string
-function AssetsManager:getVersion () end
----@return char
-function AssetsManager:getVersionFileUrl () end
----@return self
-function AssetsManager:deleteVersion () end
----@param packageUrl char
----@param versionFileUrl char
----@param storagePath char
----@param errorCallback function
----@param progressCallback function
----@param successCallback function
----@return self
-function AssetsManager:create (packageUrl,versionFileUrl,storagePath,errorCallback,progressCallback,successCallback) end
----@return self
-function AssetsManager:AssetsManager () end \ No newline at end of file
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index 8830fa4f..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/AssetsManagerEx.lua
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@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.AssetsManagerEx :cc.Ref
-local AssetsManagerEx={ }
----* @brief Gets the current update state.
----@return int
-function AssetsManagerEx:getState () end
----* @brief Function for retrieving the max concurrent task count
----@return int
-function AssetsManagerEx:getMaxConcurrentTask () end
----* @brief Check out if there is a new version of manifest.<br>
----* You may use this method before updating, then let user determine whether<br>
----* he wants to update resources.
----@return self
-function AssetsManagerEx:checkUpdate () end
----* @brief Set the verification function for checking whether downloaded asset is correct, e.g. using md5 verification<br>
----* param callback The verify callback function
----@param callback function
----@return self
-function AssetsManagerEx:setVerifyCallback (callback) end
----* @brief Gets storage path.
----@return string
-function AssetsManagerEx:getStoragePath () end
----* @brief Update with the current local manifest.
----@return self
-function AssetsManagerEx:update () end
----* @brief Set the handle function for comparing manifests versions<br>
----* param handle The compare function
----@param handle function
----@return self
-function AssetsManagerEx:setVersionCompareHandle (handle) end
----* @brief Function for setting the max concurrent task count
----@param max int
----@return self
-function AssetsManagerEx:setMaxConcurrentTask (max) end
----* @brief Function for retrieving the local manifest object
----@return cc.Manifest
-function AssetsManagerEx:getLocalManifest () end
----* @brief Function for retrieving the remote manifest object
----@return cc.Manifest
-function AssetsManagerEx:getRemoteManifest () end
----* @brief Reupdate all failed assets under the current AssetsManagerEx context
----@return self
-function AssetsManagerEx:downloadFailedAssets () end
----* @brief Create function for creating a new AssetsManagerEx<br>
----* param manifestUrl The url for the local manifest file<br>
----* param storagePath The storage path for downloaded assets<br>
----* warning The cached manifest in your storage path have higher priority and will be searched first,<br>
----* only if it doesn't exist, AssetsManagerEx will use the given manifestUrl.
----@param manifestUrl string
----@param storagePath string
----@return self
-function AssetsManagerEx:create (manifestUrl,storagePath) end
----@param manifestUrl string
----@param storagePath string
----@return self
-function AssetsManagerEx:AssetsManagerEx (manifestUrl,storagePath) end \ No newline at end of file
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index 9fc6c67d..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/AsyncTaskPool.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.AsyncTaskPool
-local AsyncTaskPool={ }
----@overload fun(int:int,function:function):self
----@overload fun(int:int,function:function,void:void,function:function):self
----@param type int
----@param callback function
----@param callbackParam void
----@param task function
----@return self
-function AsyncTaskPool:enqueue (type,callback,callbackParam,task) end
----* Stop tasks.<br>
----* param type Task type you want to stop.
----@param type int
----@return self
-function AsyncTaskPool:stopTasks (type) end
----* Destroys the async task pool.
----@return self
-function AsyncTaskPool:destroyInstance () end
----* Returns the shared instance of the async task pool.
----@return self
-function AsyncTaskPool:getInstance () end
----@return self
-function AsyncTaskPool:AsyncTaskPool () end \ No newline at end of file
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index 914e3baf..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/AtlasNode.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.AtlasNode :cc.Node@all parent class: Node,TextureProtocol
-local AtlasNode={ }
----* lua NA
----@return cc.BlendFunc
-function AtlasNode:getBlendFunc () end
----* Initializes an AtlasNode with an Atlas file the width and height of each item and the quantity of items to render
----@param tile string
----@param tileWidth int
----@param tileHeight int
----@param itemsToRender int
----@return boolean
-function AtlasNode:initWithTileFile (tile,tileWidth,tileHeight,itemsToRender) end
----* code<br>
----* When this function bound into js or lua,the parameter will be changed<br>
----* In js: var setBlendFunc(var src, var dst)<br>
----* endcode<br>
----* lua NA
----@param blendFunc cc.BlendFunc
----@return self
-function AtlasNode:setBlendFunc (blendFunc) end
----* Set an buffer manager of the texture vertex.
----@param textureAtlas cc.TextureAtlas
----@return self
-function AtlasNode:setTextureAtlas (textureAtlas) end
----@return cc.Texture2D
-function AtlasNode:getTexture () end
----* Return the buffer manager of the texture vertex. <br>
----* return Return A TextureAtlas.
----@return cc.TextureAtlas
-function AtlasNode:getTextureAtlas () end
----* updates the Atlas (indexed vertex array).<br>
----* Shall be overridden in subclasses.
----@return self
-function AtlasNode:updateAtlasValues () end
----@param texture cc.Texture2D
----@return self
-function AtlasNode:setTexture (texture) end
----* Initializes an AtlasNode with a texture the width and height of each item measured in points and the quantity of items to render
----@param texture cc.Texture2D
----@param tileWidth int
----@param tileHeight int
----@param itemsToRender int
----@return boolean
-function AtlasNode:initWithTexture (texture,tileWidth,tileHeight,itemsToRender) end
----@return unsigned_int
-function AtlasNode:getQuadsToDraw () end
----@param quadsToDraw int
----@return self
-function AtlasNode:setQuadsToDraw (quadsToDraw) end
----* creates a AtlasNode with an Atlas file the width and height of each item and the quantity of items to render.<br>
----* param filename The path of Atlas file.<br>
----* param tileWidth The width of the item.<br>
----* param tileHeight The height of the item.<br>
----* param itemsToRender The quantity of items to render.
----@param filename string
----@param tileWidth int
----@param tileHeight int
----@param itemsToRender int
----@return self
-function AtlasNode:create (filename,tileWidth,tileHeight,itemsToRender) end
----@param renderer cc.Renderer
----@param transform mat4_table
----@param flags unsigned_int
----@return self
-function AtlasNode:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end
----@return boolean
-function AtlasNode:isOpacityModifyRGB () end
----@param color color3b_table
----@return self
-function AtlasNode:setColor (color) end
----@return color3b_table
-function AtlasNode:getColor () end
----@param isOpacityModifyRGB boolean
----@return self
-function AtlasNode:setOpacityModifyRGB (isOpacityModifyRGB) end
----@param opacity unsigned_char
----@return self
-function AtlasNode:setOpacity (opacity) end
----@return self
-function AtlasNode:AtlasNode () end \ No newline at end of file
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index 185931a8..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/AttachNode.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.AttachNode :cc.Node
-local AttachNode={ }
----* creates an AttachNode<br>
----* param attachBone The bone to which the AttachNode is going to attach, the attacheBone must be a bone of the AttachNode's parent
----@param attachBone cc.Bone3D
----@return self
-function AttachNode:create (attachBone) end
----@param renderer cc.Renderer
----@param parentTransform mat4_table
----@param parentFlags unsigned_int
----@return self
-function AttachNode:visit (renderer,parentTransform,parentFlags) end
----@return mat4_table
-function AttachNode:getWorldToNodeTransform () end
----@return mat4_table
-function AttachNode:getNodeToWorldTransform () end
----@return mat4_table
-function AttachNode:getNodeToParentTransform () end
----@return self
-function AttachNode:AttachNode () end \ No newline at end of file
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index a43c9e2b..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/AudioEngine.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.AudioEngine
-local AudioEngine={ }
----@return boolean
-function AudioEngine:lazyInit () end
----* Sets the current playback position of an audio instance.<br>
----* param audioID An audioID returned by the play2d function.<br>
----* param sec The offset in seconds from the start to seek to.<br>
----* return
----@param audioID int
----@param sec float
----@return boolean
-function AudioEngine:setCurrentTime (audioID,sec) end
----* Gets the volume value of an audio instance.<br>
----* param audioID An audioID returned by the play2d function.<br>
----* return Volume value (range from 0.0 to 1.0).
----@param audioID int
----@return float
-function AudioEngine:getVolume (audioID) end
----* Uncache the audio data from internal buffer.<br>
----* AudioEngine cache audio data on ios,mac, and win32 platform.<br>
----* warning This can lead to stop related audio first.<br>
----* param filePath Audio file path.
----@param filePath string
----@return self
-function AudioEngine:uncache (filePath) end
----* Resume all suspended audio instances.
----@return self
-function AudioEngine:resumeAll () end
----* Stop all audio instances.
----@return self
-function AudioEngine:stopAll () end
----* Pause an audio instance.<br>
----* param audioID An audioID returned by the play2d function.
----@param audioID int
----@return self
-function AudioEngine:pause (audioID) end
----* Gets the maximum number of simultaneous audio instance of AudioEngine.
----@return int
-function AudioEngine:getMaxAudioInstance () end
----* Check whether AudioEngine is enabled.
----@return boolean
-function AudioEngine:isEnabled () end
----* Gets the current playback position of an audio instance.<br>
----* param audioID An audioID returned by the play2d function.<br>
----* return The current playback position of an audio instance.
----@param audioID int
----@return float
-function AudioEngine:getCurrentTime (audioID) end
----* Sets the maximum number of simultaneous audio instance for AudioEngine.<br>
----* param maxInstances The maximum number of simultaneous audio instance.
----@param maxInstances int
----@return boolean
-function AudioEngine:setMaxAudioInstance (maxInstances) end
----* Checks whether an audio instance is loop.<br>
----* param audioID An audioID returned by the play2d function.<br>
----* return Whether or not an audio instance is loop.
----@param audioID int
----@return boolean
-function AudioEngine:isLoop (audioID) end
----* Pause all playing audio instances.
----@return self
-function AudioEngine:pauseAll () end
----* Uncache all audio data from internal buffer.<br>
----* warning All audio will be stopped first.
----@return self
-function AudioEngine:uncacheAll () end
----* Sets volume for an audio instance.<br>
----* param audioID An audioID returned by the play2d function.<br>
----* param volume Volume value (range from 0.0 to 1.0).
----@param audioID int
----@param volume float
----@return self
-function AudioEngine:setVolume (audioID,volume) end
----@overload fun(string:string,function:function):self
----@overload fun(string:string):self
----@param filePath string
----@param callback function
----@return self
-function AudioEngine:preload (filePath,callback) end
----* Whether to enable playing audios<br>
----* note If it's disabled, current playing audios will be stopped and the later 'preload', 'play2d' methods will take no effects.
----@param isEnabled boolean
----@return self
-function AudioEngine:setEnabled (isEnabled) end
----* Play 2d sound.<br>
----* param filePath The path of an audio file.<br>
----* param loop Whether audio instance loop or not.<br>
----* param volume Volume value (range from 0.0 to 1.0).<br>
----* param profile A profile for audio instance. When profile is not specified, default profile will be used.<br>
----* return An audio ID. It allows you to dynamically change the behavior of an audio instance on the fly.<br>
----* see `AudioProfile`
----@param filePath string
----@param loop boolean
----@param volume float
----@param profile cc.AudioProfile
----@return int
-function AudioEngine:play2d (filePath,loop,volume,profile) end
----* Returns the state of an audio instance.<br>
----* param audioID An audioID returned by the play2d function.<br>
----* return The status of an audio instance.
----@param audioID int
----@return int
-function AudioEngine:getState (audioID) end
----* Resume an audio instance.<br>
----* param audioID An audioID returned by the play2d function.
----@param audioID int
----@return self
-function AudioEngine:resume (audioID) end
----* Stop an audio instance.<br>
----* param audioID An audioID returned by the play2d function.
----@param audioID int
----@return self
-function AudioEngine:stop (audioID) end
----* Release objects relating to AudioEngine.<br>
----* warning It must be called before the application exit.<br>
----* lua endToLua
----@return self
-function AudioEngine:endToLua () end
----* Gets the duration of an audio instance.<br>
----* param audioID An audioID returned by the play2d function.<br>
----* return The duration of an audio instance.
----@param audioID int
----@return float
-function AudioEngine:getDuration (audioID) end
----* Sets whether an audio instance loop or not.<br>
----* param audioID An audioID returned by the play2d function.<br>
----* param loop Whether audio instance loop or not.
----@param audioID int
----@param loop boolean
----@return self
-function AudioEngine:setLoop (audioID,loop) end
----* Gets the default profile of audio instances.<br>
----* return The default profile of audio instances.
----@return cc.AudioProfile
-function AudioEngine:getDefaultProfile () end
----@overload fun(int0:string):self
----@overload fun(int:int):self
----@param audioID int
----@return cc.AudioProfile
-function AudioEngine:getProfile (audioID) end
----* Gets playing audio count.
----@return int
-function AudioEngine:getPlayingAudioCount () end \ No newline at end of file
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index d2503ccd..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/AudioProfile.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.AudioProfile
-local AudioProfile={ }
----* Default constructor<br>
----* lua new
----@return self
-function AudioProfile:AudioProfile () end \ No newline at end of file
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index 6aa221dd..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/AutoPolygon.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.AutoPolygon
-local AutoPolygon={ }
----* create an AutoPolygon and initialize it with an image file<br>
----* the image must be a 32bit PNG for current version 3.7<br>
----* param filename a path to image file, e.g., "scene1/monster.png".<br>
----* return an AutoPolygon object;
----@param filename string
----@return self
-function AutoPolygon:AutoPolygon (filename) end \ No newline at end of file
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--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/BaseLight.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.BaseLight :cc.Node
-local BaseLight={ }
----* light enabled getter and setter.
----@param enabled boolean
----@return self
-function BaseLight:setEnabled (enabled) end
----* intensity getter and setter
----@return float
-function BaseLight:getIntensity () end
----@return boolean
-function BaseLight:isEnabled () end
----* Get the light type,light type MUST be one of LightType::DIRECTIONAL ,<br>
----* LightType::POINT, LightType::SPOT, LightType::AMBIENT.
----@return int
-function BaseLight:getLightType () end
----@param flag int
----@return self
-function BaseLight:setLightFlag (flag) end
----@param intensity float
----@return self
-function BaseLight:setIntensity (intensity) end
----* light flag getter and setter
----@return int
-function BaseLight:getLightFlag () end \ No newline at end of file
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--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/BezierBy.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.BezierBy :cc.ActionInterval
-local BezierBy={ }
----* initializes the action with a duration and a bezier configuration<br>
----* param t in seconds
----@param t float
----@param c cc._ccBezierConfig
----@return boolean
-function BezierBy:initWithDuration (t,c) end
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function BezierBy:startWithTarget (target) end
----@return self
-function BezierBy:clone () end
----@return self
-function BezierBy:reverse () end
----* param time In seconds.
----@param time float
----@return self
-function BezierBy:update (time) end
----@return self
-function BezierBy:BezierBy () end \ No newline at end of file
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index 5ff279ea..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/BezierTo.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.BezierTo :cc.BezierBy
-local BezierTo={ }
----* param t In seconds.
----@param t float
----@param c cc._ccBezierConfig
----@return boolean
-function BezierTo:initWithDuration (t,c) end
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function BezierTo:startWithTarget (target) end
----@return self
-function BezierTo:clone () end
----@return self
-function BezierTo:reverse () end
----@return self
-function BezierTo:BezierTo () end \ No newline at end of file
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--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/BillBoard.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.BillBoard :cc.Sprite
-local BillBoard={ }
----* Get the billboard rotation mode.
----@return int
-function BillBoard:getMode () end
----* Set the billboard rotation mode.
----@param mode int
----@return self
-function BillBoard:setMode (mode) end
----@overload fun(string:string,rect_table1:int):self
----@overload fun(string0:int):self
----@overload fun(string:string,rect_table:rect_table,int:int):self
----@param filename string
----@param rect rect_table
----@param mode int
----@return self
-function BillBoard:create (filename,rect,mode) end
----* Creates a BillBoard with a Texture2D object.<br>
----* After creation, the rect will be the size of the texture, and the offset will be (0,0).<br>
----* param texture A pointer to a Texture2D object.<br>
----* return An autoreleased BillBoard object
----@param texture cc.Texture2D
----@param mode int
----@return self
-function BillBoard:createWithTexture (texture,mode) end
----* update billboard's transform and turn it towards camera
----@param renderer cc.Renderer
----@param parentTransform mat4_table
----@param parentFlags unsigned_int
----@return self
-function BillBoard:visit (renderer,parentTransform,parentFlags) end
----@return self
-function BillBoard:BillBoard () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Blink.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Blink.lua
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index 8b90aede..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Blink.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Blink :cc.ActionInterval
-local Blink={ }
----* initializes the action <br>
----* param duration in seconds
----@param duration float
----@param blinks int
----@return boolean
-function Blink:initWithDuration (duration,blinks) end
----* Creates the action.<br>
----* param duration Duration time, in seconds.<br>
----* param blinks Blink times.<br>
----* return An autoreleased Blink object.
----@param duration float
----@param blinks int
----@return self
-function Blink:create (duration,blinks) end
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function Blink:startWithTarget (target) end
----@return self
-function Blink:clone () end
----@return self
-function Blink:stop () end
----@return self
-function Blink:reverse () end
----* param time In seconds.
----@param time float
----@return self
-function Blink:update (time) end
----@return self
-function Blink:Blink () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Bundle3D.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Bundle3D.lua
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index 918a6770..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Bundle3D.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Bundle3D
-local Bundle3D={ }
----* load a file. You must load a file first, then call loadMeshData, loadSkinData, and so on<br>
----* param path File to be loaded<br>
----* return result of load
----@param path string
----@return boolean
-function Bundle3D:load (path) end
----* load skin data from bundle<br>
----* param id The ID of the skin, load the first Skin in the bundle if it is empty
----@param id string
----@param skindata cc.SkinData
----@return boolean
-function Bundle3D:loadSkinData (id,skindata) end
----@return self
-function Bundle3D:clear () end
----@param materialdatas cc.MaterialDatas
----@return boolean
-function Bundle3D:loadMaterials (materialdatas) end
----@param nodedatas cc.NodeDatas
----@return boolean
-function Bundle3D:loadNodes (nodedatas) end
----* load material data from bundle<br>
----* param id The ID of the animation, load the first animation in the bundle if it is empty
----@param id string
----@param animationdata cc.Animation3DData
----@return boolean
-function Bundle3D:loadAnimationData (id,animationdata) end
----* get define data type<br>
----* param str The type in string
----@param str string
----@return int
-function Bundle3D:parseSamplerAddressMode (str) end
----@param bundle cc.Bundle3D
----@return self
-function Bundle3D:destroyBundle (bundle) end
----* create a new bundle, destroy it when finish using it
----@return self
-function Bundle3D:createBundle () end
----* get define data type<br>
----* param str The type in string
----@param str string
----@param size int
----@return int
-function Bundle3D:parseGLDataType (str,size) end
----@return self
-function Bundle3D:Bundle3D () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CSLoader.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CSLoader.lua
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index ae7c4138..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CSLoader.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.CSLoader
-local CSLoader={ }
----@param filename string
----@return cc.Node
-function CSLoader:createNodeFromJson (filename) end
----@param filename string
----@return cc.Node
-function CSLoader:createNodeWithFlatBuffersFile (filename) end
----@param fileName string
----@return cc.Node
-function CSLoader:loadNodeWithFile (fileName) end
----@param callbackName string
----@param callbackType string
----@param sender ccui.Widget
----@param handler cc.Node
----@return boolean
-function CSLoader:bindCallback (callbackName,callbackType,sender,handler) end
----@param jsonPath string
----@return self
-function CSLoader:setJsonPath (jsonPath) end
----@return self
-function CSLoader:init () end
----@param content string
----@return cc.Node
-function CSLoader:loadNodeWithContent (content) end
----@return boolean
-function CSLoader:isRecordJsonPath () end
----@return string
-function CSLoader:getJsonPath () end
----@param record boolean
----@return self
-function CSLoader:setRecordJsonPath (record) end
----@param filename string
----@return cc.Node
-function CSLoader:createNodeWithFlatBuffersForSimulator (filename) end
----@return self
-function CSLoader:destroyInstance () end
----@overload fun(string:string,function:function):self
----@overload fun(string:string):self
----@param filename string
----@param callback function
----@return cc.Node
-function CSLoader:createNodeWithVisibleSize (filename,callback) end
----@return self
-function CSLoader:getInstance () end
----@return self
-function CSLoader:CSLoader () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CallFunc.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CallFunc.lua
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index 07c43c84..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CallFunc.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.CallFunc :cc.ActionInstant
-local CallFunc={ }
----* Executes the callback.
----@return self
-function CallFunc:execute () end
----@return self
-function CallFunc:clone () end
----* param time In seconds.
----@param time float
----@return self
-function CallFunc:update (time) end
----@return self
-function CallFunc:reverse () end
----@return self
-function CallFunc:CallFunc () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Camera.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Camera.lua
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index e2403576..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Camera.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Camera :cc.Node
-local Camera={ }
----* get depth, camera with larger depth is drawn on top of camera with smaller depth, the depth of camera with CameraFlag::DEFAULT is 0, user defined camera is -1 by default
----@return char
-function Camera:getDepth () end
----* get view projection matrix
----@return mat4_table
-function Camera:getViewProjectionMatrix () end
----@return self
-function Camera:applyViewport () end
----* set the background brush. See CameraBackgroundBrush for more information.<br>
----* param clearBrush Brush used to clear the background
----@param clearBrush cc.CameraBackgroundBrush
----@return self
-function Camera:setBackgroundBrush (clearBrush) end
----* Make Camera looks at target<br>
----* param target The target camera is point at<br>
----* param up The up vector, usually it's Y axis
----@param target vec3_table
----@param up vec3_table
----@return self
-function Camera:lookAt (target,up) end
----* Apply the FBO, RenderTargets and viewport.
----@return self
-function Camera:apply () end
----* Get clear brush
----@return cc.CameraBackgroundBrush
-function Camera:getBackgroundBrush () end
----* Gets the camera's projection matrix.<br>
----* return The camera projection matrix.
----@return mat4_table
-function Camera:getProjectionMatrix () end
----@return boolean
-function Camera:isBrushValid () end
----* Get object depth towards camera
----@param transform mat4_table
----@return float
-function Camera:getDepthInView (transform) end
----* Before rendering scene with this camera, the background need to be cleared. It clears the depth buffer with max depth by default. Use setBackgroundBrush to modify the default behavior
----@return self
-function Camera:clearBackground () end
----* set additional matrix for the projection matrix, it multiplies mat to projection matrix when called, used by WP8
----@param mat mat4_table
----@return self
-function Camera:setAdditionalProjection (mat) end
----* init camera
----@return boolean
-function Camera:initDefault () end
----* get & set Camera flag
----@return int
-function Camera:getCameraFlag () end
----* Gets the type of camera.<br>
----* return The camera type.
----@return int
-function Camera:getType () end
----@param zoomX float
----@param zoomY float
----@param nearPlane float
----@param farPlane float
----@return boolean
-function Camera:initOrthographic (zoomX,zoomY,nearPlane,farPlane) end
----* get rendered order
----@return int
-function Camera:getRenderOrder () end
----* Is this aabb visible in frustum
----@param aabb cc.AABB
----@return boolean
-function Camera:isVisibleInFrustum (aabb) end
----* set depth, camera with larger depth is drawn on top of camera with smaller depth, the depth of camera with CameraFlag::DEFAULT is 0, user defined camera is -1 by default
----@param depth char
----@return self
-function Camera:setDepth (depth) end
----* Set the scene,this method shall not be invoke manually
----@param scene cc.Scene
----@return self
-function Camera:setScene (scene) end
----@param src vec3_table
----@return vec2_table
-function Camera:projectGL (src) end
----* Gets the camera's view matrix.<br>
----* return The camera view matrix.
----@return mat4_table
-function Camera:getViewMatrix () end
----* Get the frustum's near plane.
----@return float
-function Camera:getNearPlane () end
----@param src vec3_table
----@return vec2_table
-function Camera:project (src) end
----@param flag int
----@return self
-function Camera:setCameraFlag (flag) end
----* Get the frustum's far plane.
----@return float
-function Camera:getFarPlane () end
----* Whether or not the viewprojection matrix was updated since the last frame.<br>
----* return True if the viewprojection matrix was updated since the last frame.
----@return boolean
-function Camera:isViewProjectionUpdated () end
----@param fieldOfView float
----@param aspectRatio float
----@param nearPlane float
----@param farPlane float
----@return boolean
-function Camera:initPerspective (fieldOfView,aspectRatio,nearPlane,farPlane) end
----* Creates an orthographic camera.<br>
----* param zoomX The zoom factor along the X-axis of the orthographic projection (the width of the ortho projection).<br>
----* param zoomY The zoom factor along the Y-axis of the orthographic projection (the height of the ortho projection).<br>
----* param nearPlane The near plane distance.<br>
----* param farPlane The far plane distance.
----@param zoomX float
----@param zoomY float
----@param nearPlane float
----@param farPlane float
----@return self
-function Camera:createOrthographic (zoomX,zoomY,nearPlane,farPlane) end
----* Get the visiting camera , the visiting camera shall be set on Scene::render
----@return self
-function Camera:getVisitingCamera () end
----* create default camera, the camera type depends on Director::getProjection, the depth of the default camera is 0
----@return self
-function Camera:create () end
----* Creates a perspective camera.<br>
----* param fieldOfView The field of view for the perspective camera (normally in the range of 40-60 degrees).<br>
----* param aspectRatio The aspect ratio of the camera (normally the width of the viewport divided by the height of the viewport).<br>
----* param nearPlane The near plane distance.<br>
----* param farPlane The far plane distance.
----@param fieldOfView float
----@param aspectRatio float
----@param nearPlane float
----@param farPlane float
----@return self
-function Camera:createPerspective (fieldOfView,aspectRatio,nearPlane,farPlane) end
----@return cc.Viewport
-function Camera:getDefaultViewport () end
----@param vp cc.Viewport
----@return self
-function Camera:setDefaultViewport (vp) end
----* Get the default camera of the current running scene.
----@return self
-function Camera:getDefaultCamera () end
----@param renderer cc.Renderer
----@param parentTransform mat4_table
----@param parentFlags unsigned_int
----@return self
-function Camera:visit (renderer,parentTransform,parentFlags) end
----@return self
-function Camera:Camera () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CameraBackgroundBrush.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CameraBackgroundBrush.lua
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index 77d38214..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CameraBackgroundBrush.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.CameraBackgroundBrush :cc.Ref
-local CameraBackgroundBrush={ }
----* get brush type<br>
----* return BrushType
----@return int
-function CameraBackgroundBrush:getBrushType () end
----* draw the background
----@param a cc.Camer
----@return self
-function CameraBackgroundBrush:drawBackground (a) end
----@return boolean
-function CameraBackgroundBrush:init () end
----@return boolean
-function CameraBackgroundBrush:isValid () end
----* Creates a Skybox brush with 6 textures.<br>
----* param positive_x texture for the right side of the texture cube face.<br>
----* param negative_x texture for the up side of the texture cube face.<br>
----* param positive_y texture for the top side of the texture cube face<br>
----* param negative_y texture for the bottom side of the texture cube face<br>
----* param positive_z texture for the forward side of the texture cube face.<br>
----* param negative_z texture for the rear side of the texture cube face.<br>
----* return A new brush inited with given parameters.
----@param positive_x string
----@param negative_x string
----@param positive_y string
----@param negative_y string
----@param positive_z string
----@param negative_z string
----@return cc.CameraBackgroundSkyBoxBrush
-function CameraBackgroundBrush:createSkyboxBrush (positive_x,negative_x,positive_y,negative_y,positive_z,negative_z) end
----* Creates a color brush<br>
----* param color Color of brush<br>
----* param depth Depth used to clear depth buffer<br>
----* return Created brush
----@param color color4f_table
----@param depth float
----@return cc.CameraBackgroundColorBrush
-function CameraBackgroundBrush:createColorBrush (color,depth) end
----* Creates a none brush, it does nothing when clear the background<br>
----* return Created brush.
----@return self
-function CameraBackgroundBrush:createNoneBrush () end
----* Creates a depth brush, which clears depth buffer with a given depth.<br>
----* param depth Depth used to clear depth buffer<br>
----* return Created brush
----@return cc.CameraBackgroundDepthBrush
-function CameraBackgroundBrush:createDepthBrush () end
----@return self
-function CameraBackgroundBrush:CameraBackgroundBrush () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CameraBackgroundColorBrush.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CameraBackgroundColorBrush.lua
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index 541f7d01..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CameraBackgroundColorBrush.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.CameraBackgroundColorBrush :cc.CameraBackgroundDepthBrush
-local CameraBackgroundColorBrush={ }
----* Set clear color<br>
----* param color Color used to clear the color buffer
----@param color color4f_table
----@return self
-function CameraBackgroundColorBrush:setColor (color) end
----* Create a color brush<br>
----* param color Color used to clear the color buffer<br>
----* param depth Depth used to clear the depth buffer<br>
----* return Created brush
----@param color color4f_table
----@param depth float
----@return self
-function CameraBackgroundColorBrush:create (color,depth) end
----* Get brush type. Should be BrushType::COLOR<br>
----* return brush type
----@return int
-function CameraBackgroundColorBrush:getBrushType () end
----* Draw background
----@param camera cc.Camera
----@return self
-function CameraBackgroundColorBrush:drawBackground (camera) end
----@return boolean
-function CameraBackgroundColorBrush:init () end
----@return self
-function CameraBackgroundColorBrush:CameraBackgroundColorBrush () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CameraBackgroundDepthBrush.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CameraBackgroundDepthBrush.lua
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index 79ec5b3e..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CameraBackgroundDepthBrush.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.CameraBackgroundDepthBrush :cc.CameraBackgroundBrush
-local CameraBackgroundDepthBrush={ }
----* Set depth<br>
----* param depth Depth used to clear depth buffer
----@param depth float
----@return self
-function CameraBackgroundDepthBrush:setDepth (depth) end
----* Create a depth brush<br>
----* param depth Depth used to clear the depth buffer<br>
----* return Created brush
----@param depth float
----@return self
-function CameraBackgroundDepthBrush:create (depth) end
----* Get brush type. Should be BrushType::DEPTH<br>
----* return brush type
----@return int
-function CameraBackgroundDepthBrush:getBrushType () end
----* Draw background
----@param camera cc.Camera
----@return self
-function CameraBackgroundDepthBrush:drawBackground (camera) end
----@return boolean
-function CameraBackgroundDepthBrush:init () end
----@return self
-function CameraBackgroundDepthBrush:CameraBackgroundDepthBrush () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CameraBackgroundSkyBoxBrush.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CameraBackgroundSkyBoxBrush.lua
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index 59e531d0..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CameraBackgroundSkyBoxBrush.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.CameraBackgroundSkyBoxBrush :cc.CameraBackgroundBrush
-local CameraBackgroundSkyBoxBrush={ }
----@param valid boolean
----@return self
-function CameraBackgroundSkyBoxBrush:setTextureValid (valid) end
----* Set skybox texture <br>
----* param texture Skybox texture
----@param texture cc.TextureCube
----@return self
-function CameraBackgroundSkyBoxBrush:setTexture (texture) end
----@param actived boolean
----@return self
-function CameraBackgroundSkyBoxBrush:setActived (actived) end
----@return boolean
-function CameraBackgroundSkyBoxBrush:isActived () end
----@overload fun():self
----@overload fun(string:string,string:string,string:string,string:string,string:string,string:string):self
----@param positive_x string
----@param negative_x string
----@param positive_y string
----@param negative_y string
----@param positive_z string
----@param negative_z string
----@return self
-function CameraBackgroundSkyBoxBrush:create (positive_x,negative_x,positive_y,negative_y,positive_z,negative_z) end
----* Get brush type. Should be BrushType::SKYBOX<br>
----* return brush type
----@return int
-function CameraBackgroundSkyBoxBrush:getBrushType () end
----* Draw background
----@param camera cc.Camera
----@return self
-function CameraBackgroundSkyBoxBrush:drawBackground (camera) end
----* init Skybox.
----@return boolean
-function CameraBackgroundSkyBoxBrush:init () end
----@return boolean
-function CameraBackgroundSkyBoxBrush:isValid () end
----@return self
-function CameraBackgroundSkyBoxBrush:CameraBackgroundSkyBoxBrush () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CardinalSplineBy.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CardinalSplineBy.lua
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index 03359cb9..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CardinalSplineBy.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.CardinalSplineBy :cc.CardinalSplineTo
-local CardinalSplineBy={ }
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function CardinalSplineBy:startWithTarget (target) end
----@return self
-function CardinalSplineBy:clone () end
----@param newPos vec2_table
----@return self
-function CardinalSplineBy:updatePosition (newPos) end
----@return self
-function CardinalSplineBy:reverse () end
----@return self
-function CardinalSplineBy:CardinalSplineBy () end \ No newline at end of file
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index f9f92d4e..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CardinalSplineTo.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.CardinalSplineTo :cc.ActionInterval
-local CardinalSplineTo={ }
----* Return a PointArray.<br>
----* return A PointArray.
----@return point_table
-function CardinalSplineTo:getPoints () end
----* It will update the target position and change the _previousPosition to newPos<br>
----* param newPos The new position.
----@param newPos vec2_table
----@return self
-function CardinalSplineTo:updatePosition (newPos) end
----* Initializes the action with a duration and an array of points.<br>
----* param duration In seconds.<br>
----* param points An PointArray.<br>
----* param tension Goodness of fit.
----@param duration float
----@param points point_table
----@param tension float
----@return boolean
-function CardinalSplineTo:initWithDuration (duration,points,tension) end
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function CardinalSplineTo:startWithTarget (target) end
----@return self
-function CardinalSplineTo:clone () end
----@return self
-function CardinalSplineTo:reverse () end
----* param time In seconds.
----@param time float
----@return self
-function CardinalSplineTo:update (time) end
----* js ctor<br>
----* lua NA
----@return self
-function CardinalSplineTo:CardinalSplineTo () end \ No newline at end of file
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index 89314338..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CatmullRomBy.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.CatmullRomBy :cc.CardinalSplineBy
-local CatmullRomBy={ }
----* Initializes the action with a duration and an array of points.<br>
----* param dt In seconds.<br>
----* param points An PointArray.
----@param dt float
----@param points point_table
----@return boolean
-function CatmullRomBy:initWithDuration (dt,points) end
----@return self
-function CatmullRomBy:clone () end
----@return self
-function CatmullRomBy:reverse () end \ No newline at end of file
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index 88e53310..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CatmullRomTo.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.CatmullRomTo :cc.CardinalSplineTo
-local CatmullRomTo={ }
----* Initializes the action with a duration and an array of points.<br>
----* param dt In seconds.<br>
----* param points An PointArray.
----@param dt float
----@param points point_table
----@return boolean
-function CatmullRomTo:initWithDuration (dt,points) end
----@return self
-function CatmullRomTo:clone () end
----@return self
-function CatmullRomTo:reverse () end \ No newline at end of file
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index b21396a2..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ClippingNode.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.ClippingNode :cc.Node
-local ClippingNode={ }
----* If stencil has no children it will not be drawn.<br>
----* If you have custom stencil-based node with stencil drawing mechanics other then children-based,<br>
----* then this method should return true every time you wish stencil to be visited.<br>
----* By default returns true if has any children attached.<br>
----* return If you have custom stencil-based node with stencil drawing mechanics other then children-based,<br>
----* then this method should return true every time you wish stencil to be visited.<br>
----* By default returns true if has any children attached.<br>
----* js NA
----@return boolean
-function ClippingNode:hasContent () end
----* Set the ClippingNode whether or not invert.<br>
----* param inverted A bool Type,to set the ClippingNode whether or not invert.
----@param inverted boolean
----@return self
-function ClippingNode:setInverted (inverted) end
----* Set the Node to use as a stencil to do the clipping.<br>
----* param stencil The Node to use as a stencil to do the clipping.
----@param stencil cc.Node
----@return self
-function ClippingNode:setStencil (stencil) end
----* The alpha threshold.<br>
----* The content is drawn only where the stencil have pixel with alpha greater than the alphaThreshold.<br>
----* Should be a float between 0 and 1.<br>
----* This default to 1 (so alpha test is disabled).<br>
----* return The alpha threshold value,Should be a float between 0 and 1.
----@return float
-function ClippingNode:getAlphaThreshold () end
----* Initializes a clipping node with an other node as its stencil.<br>
----* The stencil node will be retained, and its parent will be set to this clipping node.
----@param stencil cc.Node
----@return boolean
-function ClippingNode:init (stencil) end
----* The Node to use as a stencil to do the clipping.<br>
----* The stencil node will be retained.<br>
----* This default to nil.<br>
----* return The stencil node.
----@return cc.Node
-function ClippingNode:getStencil () end
----* Set the alpha threshold. <br>
----* param alphaThreshold The alpha threshold.
----@param alphaThreshold float
----@return self
-function ClippingNode:setAlphaThreshold (alphaThreshold) end
----* Inverted. If this is set to true,<br>
----* the stencil is inverted, so the content is drawn where the stencil is NOT drawn.<br>
----* This default to false.<br>
----* return If the clippingNode is Inverted, it will be return true.
----@return boolean
-function ClippingNode:isInverted () end
----@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node):self
----@overload fun():self
----@param stencil cc.Node
----@return self
-function ClippingNode:create (stencil) end
----@param mask unsigned short
----@param applyChildren boolean
----@return self
-function ClippingNode:setCameraMask (mask,applyChildren) end
----@param renderer cc.Renderer
----@param parentTransform mat4_table
----@param parentFlags unsigned_int
----@return self
-function ClippingNode:visit (renderer,parentTransform,parentFlags) end
----* Initializes a clipping node without a stencil.
----@return boolean
-function ClippingNode:init () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ClippingRectangleNode.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ClippingRectangleNode.lua
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index 0f15c0cb..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ClippingRectangleNode.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.ClippingRectangleNode :cc.Node
-local ClippingRectangleNode={ }
----* brief Get whether the clipping is enabled or not.<br>
----* return Whether the clipping is enabled or not. Default is true.
----@return boolean
-function ClippingRectangleNode:isClippingEnabled () end
----* brief Enable/Disable the clipping.<br>
----* param enabled Pass true to enable clipping. Pass false to disable clipping.
----@param enabled boolean
----@return self
-function ClippingRectangleNode:setClippingEnabled (enabled) end
----* brief Get the clipping rectangle.<br>
----* return The clipping rectangle.
----@return rect_table
-function ClippingRectangleNode:getClippingRegion () end
----* brief Set the clipping rectangle.<br>
----* param clippingRegion Specify the clipping rectangle.
----@param clippingRegion rect_table
----@return self
-function ClippingRectangleNode:setClippingRegion (clippingRegion) end
----@overload fun():self
----@overload fun(rect_table:rect_table):self
----@param clippingRegion rect_table
----@return self
-function ClippingRectangleNode:create (clippingRegion) end
----@param renderer cc.Renderer
----@param parentTransform mat4_table
----@param parentFlags unsigned_int
----@return self
-function ClippingRectangleNode:visit (renderer,parentTransform,parentFlags) end \ No newline at end of file
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index feed6e83..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Component.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Component :cc.Ref
-local Component={ }
----@param enabled boolean
----@return self
-function Component:setEnabled (enabled) end
----@return self
-function Component:onRemove () end
----@param name string
----@return self
-function Component:setName (name) end
----@return boolean
-function Component:isEnabled () end
----@param delta float
----@return self
-function Component:update (delta) end
----@return cc.Node
-function Component:getOwner () end
----@return boolean
-function Component:init () end
----@param owner cc.Node
----@return self
-function Component:setOwner (owner) end
----@return string
-function Component:getName () end
----@return self
-function Component:onAdd () end
----@return self
-function Component:create () end \ No newline at end of file
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index 7abc184b..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ComponentLua.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.ComponentLua :cc.Component
-local ComponentLua={ }
----* This function is used to be invoked from lua side to get the corresponding script object of this component.
----@return void
-function ComponentLua:getScriptObject () end
----@param dt float
----@return self
-function ComponentLua:update (dt) end
----@param scriptFileName string
----@return self
-function ComponentLua:create (scriptFileName) end
----@param scriptFileName string
----@return self
-function ComponentLua:ComponentLua (scriptFileName) end \ No newline at end of file
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index 14bb7c0a..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Console.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Console :cc.Ref
-local Console={ }
----* starts listening to specified TCP port
----@param port int
----@return boolean
-function Console:listenOnTCP (port) end
----* log something in the console
----@param buf char
----@return self
-function Console:log (buf) end
----* delete custom command
----@param cmdName string
----@return self
-function Console:delCommand (cmdName) end
----* stops the Console. 'stop' will be called at destruction time as well
----@return self
-function Console:stop () end
----* starts listening to specified file descriptor
----@param fd int
----@return boolean
-function Console:listenOnFileDescriptor (fd) end
----@param var char
----@return self
-function Console:setCommandSeparator (var) end
----* set bind address<br>
----* address :
----@param address string
----@return self
-function Console:setBindAddress (address) end
----* Checks whether the server for console is bound with ipv6 address
----@return boolean
-function Console:isIpv6Server () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Control.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Control.lua
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index 3e86c06b..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Control.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Control :cc.Layer
-local Control={ }
----* Tells whether the control is enabled.
----@param bEnabled boolean
----@return self
-function Control:setEnabled (bEnabled) end
----@return int
-function Control:getState () end
----* Sends action messages for the given control events.<br>
----* param controlEvents A bitmask whose set flags specify the control events for<br>
----* which action messages are sent. See "CCControlEvent" for bitmask constants.
----@param controlEvents int
----@return self
-function Control:sendActionsForControlEvents (controlEvents) end
----* A Boolean value that determines the control selected state.
----@param bSelected boolean
----@return self
-function Control:setSelected (bSelected) end
----@return boolean
-function Control:isEnabled () end
----* Updates the control layout using its current internal state.
----@return self
-function Control:needsLayout () end
----@return boolean
-function Control:hasVisibleParents () end
----@return boolean
-function Control:isSelected () end
----* Returns a boolean value that indicates whether a touch is inside the bounds<br>
----* of the receiver. The given touch must be relative to the world.<br>
----* param touch A Touch object that represents a touch.<br>
----* return Whether a touch is inside the receiver's rect.
----@param touch cc.Touch
----@return boolean
-function Control:isTouchInside (touch) end
----* A Boolean value that determines whether the control is highlighted.
----@param bHighlighted boolean
----@return self
-function Control:setHighlighted (bHighlighted) end
----* Returns a point corresponding to the touch location converted into the<br>
----* control space coordinates.<br>
----* param touch A Touch object that represents a touch.
----@param touch cc.Touch
----@return vec2_table
-function Control:getTouchLocation (touch) end
----@return boolean
-function Control:isHighlighted () end
----* Creates a Control object
----@return self
-function Control:create () end
----@param touch cc.Touch
----@param event cc.Event
----@return self
-function Control:onTouchMoved (touch,event) end
----@return boolean
-function Control:isOpacityModifyRGB () end
----@param bOpacityModifyRGB boolean
----@return self
-function Control:setOpacityModifyRGB (bOpacityModifyRGB) end
----@param touch cc.Touch
----@param event cc.Event
----@return self
-function Control:onTouchCancelled (touch,event) end
----@return boolean
-function Control:init () end
----@param touch cc.Touch
----@param event cc.Event
----@return self
-function Control:onTouchEnded (touch,event) end
----@param touch cc.Touch
----@param event cc.Event
----@return boolean
-function Control:onTouchBegan (touch,event) end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function Control:Control () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ControlButton.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ControlButton.lua
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index 81e70b39..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ControlButton.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.ControlButton :cc.Control
-local ControlButton={ }
----@return boolean
-function ControlButton:isPushed () end
----* Sets the title label to use for the specified state.<br>
----* If a property is not specified for a state, the default is to use<br>
----* the ButtonStateNormal value.<br>
----* param label The title label to use for the specified state.<br>
----* param state The state that uses the specified title. The values are described<br>
----* in "CCControlState".
----@param label cc.Node
----@param state int
----@return self
-function ControlButton:setTitleLabelForState (label,state) end
----@param adjustBackgroundImage boolean
----@return self
-function ControlButton:setAdjustBackgroundImage (adjustBackgroundImage) end
----* Sets the title string to use for the specified state.<br>
----* If a property is not specified for a state, the default is to use<br>
----* the ButtonStateNormal value.<br>
----* param title The title string to use for the specified state.<br>
----* param state The state that uses the specified title. The values are described<br>
----* in "CCControlState".
----@param title string
----@param state int
----@return self
-function ControlButton:setTitleForState (title,state) end
----@param var vec2_table
----@return self
-function ControlButton:setLabelAnchorPoint (var) end
----@return vec2_table
-function ControlButton:getLabelAnchorPoint () end
----@param sprite ccui.Scale9Sprite
----@return boolean
-function ControlButton:initWithBackgroundSprite (sprite) end
----@param state int
----@return float
-function ControlButton:getTitleTTFSizeForState (state) end
----@param fntFile string
----@param state int
----@return self
-function ControlButton:setTitleTTFForState (fntFile,state) end
----@param size float
----@param state int
----@return self
-function ControlButton:setTitleTTFSizeForState (size,state) end
----@param var cc.Node
----@return self
-function ControlButton:setTitleLabel (var) end
----@param var size_table
----@return self
-function ControlButton:setPreferredSize (var) end
----@return color3b_table
-function ControlButton:getCurrentTitleColor () end
----@param var boolean
----@return self
-function ControlButton:setZoomOnTouchDown (var) end
----@param var ccui.Scale9Sprite
----@return self
-function ControlButton:setBackgroundSprite (var) end
----* Returns the background sprite used for a state.<br>
----* param state The state that uses the background sprite. Possible values are<br>
----* described in "CCControlState".
----@param state int
----@return ccui.Scale9Sprite
-function ControlButton:getBackgroundSpriteForState (state) end
----@return int
-function ControlButton:getHorizontalOrigin () end
----@param title string
----@param fontName string
----@param fontSize float
----@return boolean
-function ControlButton:initWithTitleAndFontNameAndFontSize (title,fontName,fontSize) end
----* Sets the font of the label, changes the label to a BMFont if necessary.<br>
----* param fntFile The name of the font to change to<br>
----* param state The state that uses the specified fntFile. The values are described<br>
----* in "CCControlState".
----@param fntFile string
----@param state int
----@return self
-function ControlButton:setTitleBMFontForState (fntFile,state) end
----@return float
-function ControlButton:getScaleRatio () end
----@param state int
----@return string
-function ControlButton:getTitleTTFForState (state) end
----@return ccui.Scale9Sprite
-function ControlButton:getBackgroundSprite () end
----* Returns the title color used for a state.<br>
----* param state The state that uses the specified color. The values are described<br>
----* in "CCControlState".<br>
----* return The color of the title for the specified state.
----@param state int
----@return color3b_table
-function ControlButton:getTitleColorForState (state) end
----* Sets the color of the title to use for the specified state.<br>
----* param color The color of the title to use for the specified state.<br>
----* param state The state that uses the specified color. The values are described<br>
----* in "CCControlState".
----@param color color3b_table
----@param state int
----@return self
-function ControlButton:setTitleColorForState (color,state) end
----* Adjust the background image. YES by default. If the property is set to NO, the<br>
----* background will use the preferred size of the background image.
----@return boolean
-function ControlButton:doesAdjustBackgroundImage () end
----* Sets the background spriteFrame to use for the specified button state.<br>
----* param spriteFrame The background spriteFrame to use for the specified state.<br>
----* param state The state that uses the specified image. The values are described<br>
----* in "CCControlState".
----@param spriteFrame cc.SpriteFrame
----@param state int
----@return self
-function ControlButton:setBackgroundSpriteFrameForState (spriteFrame,state) end
----* Sets the background sprite to use for the specified button state.<br>
----* param sprite The background sprite to use for the specified state.<br>
----* param state The state that uses the specified image. The values are described<br>
----* in "CCControlState".
----@param sprite ccui.Scale9Sprite
----@param state int
----@return self
-function ControlButton:setBackgroundSpriteForState (sprite,state) end
----@param var float
----@return self
-function ControlButton:setScaleRatio (var) end
----@param state int
----@return string
-function ControlButton:getTitleBMFontForState (state) end
----@return cc.Node
-function ControlButton:getTitleLabel () end
----@return size_table
-function ControlButton:getPreferredSize () end
----@return int
-function ControlButton:getVerticalMargin () end
----* Returns the title label used for a state.<br>
----* param state The state that uses the title label. Possible values are described<br>
----* in "CCControlState".
----@param state int
----@return cc.Node
-function ControlButton:getTitleLabelForState (state) end
----@param marginH int
----@param marginV int
----@return self
-function ControlButton:setMargins (marginH,marginV) end
----@overload fun():self
----@overload fun():self
----@return string
-function ControlButton:getCurrentTitle () end
----@param label cc.Node
----@param backgroundSprite ccui.Scale9Sprite
----@param adjustBackGroundSize boolean
----@return boolean
-function ControlButton:initWithLabelAndBackgroundSprite (label,backgroundSprite,adjustBackGroundSize) end
----@return boolean
-function ControlButton:getZoomOnTouchDown () end
----* Returns the title used for a state.<br>
----* param state The state that uses the title. Possible values are described in<br>
----* "CCControlState".<br>
----* return The title for the specified state.
----@param state int
----@return string
-function ControlButton:getTitleForState (state) end
----@overload fun(cc.Node0:ccui.Scale9Sprite):self
----@overload fun():self
----@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,ccui.Scale9Sprite:ccui.Scale9Sprite):self
----@overload fun(cc.Node0:string,ccui.Scale9Sprite1:string,boolean2:float):self
----@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,ccui.Scale9Sprite:ccui.Scale9Sprite,boolean:boolean):self
----@param label cc.Node
----@param backgroundSprite ccui.Scale9Sprite
----@param adjustBackGroundSize boolean
----@return self
-function ControlButton:create (label,backgroundSprite,adjustBackGroundSize) end
----@param enabled boolean
----@return self
-function ControlButton:setEnabled (enabled) end
----@param touch cc.Touch
----@param event cc.Event
----@return self
-function ControlButton:onTouchEnded (touch,event) end
----@param e color3b_tabl
----@return self
-function ControlButton:setColor (e) end
----@param touch cc.Touch
----@param event cc.Event
----@return self
-function ControlButton:onTouchMoved (touch,event) end
----@param enabled boolean
----@return self
-function ControlButton:setSelected (enabled) end
----@param touch cc.Touch
----@param event cc.Event
----@return self
-function ControlButton:onTouchCancelled (touch,event) end
----@return self
-function ControlButton:needsLayout () end
----@param touch cc.Touch
----@param event cc.Event
----@return boolean
-function ControlButton:onTouchBegan (touch,event) end
----@param parentOpacity unsigned_char
----@return self
-function ControlButton:updateDisplayedOpacity (parentOpacity) end
----@return boolean
-function ControlButton:init () end
----@param enabled boolean
----@return self
-function ControlButton:setHighlighted (enabled) end
----@param parentColor color3b_table
----@return self
-function ControlButton:updateDisplayedColor (parentColor) end
----@param var unsigned_char
----@return self
-function ControlButton:setOpacity (var) end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function ControlButton:ControlButton () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ControlColourPicker.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ControlColourPicker.lua
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index d3690c6c..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ControlColourPicker.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.ControlColourPicker :cc.Control
-local ControlColourPicker={ }
----@param sender cc.Ref
----@param controlEvent int
----@return self
-function ControlColourPicker:hueSliderValueChanged (sender,controlEvent) end
----@return cc.ControlHuePicker
-function ControlColourPicker:getHuePicker () end
----@return cc.ControlSaturationBrightnessPicker
-function ControlColourPicker:getcolourPicker () end
----@param var cc.Sprite
----@return self
-function ControlColourPicker:setBackground (var) end
----@param var cc.ControlSaturationBrightnessPicker
----@return self
-function ControlColourPicker:setcolourPicker (var) end
----@param sender cc.Ref
----@param controlEvent int
----@return self
-function ControlColourPicker:colourSliderValueChanged (sender,controlEvent) end
----@param var cc.ControlHuePicker
----@return self
-function ControlColourPicker:setHuePicker (var) end
----@return cc.Sprite
-function ControlColourPicker:getBackground () end
----@return self
-function ControlColourPicker:create () end
----@param bEnabled boolean
----@return self
-function ControlColourPicker:setEnabled (bEnabled) end
----@return boolean
-function ControlColourPicker:init () end
----@param colorValue color3b_table
----@return self
-function ControlColourPicker:setColor (colorValue) end
----* js ctor<br>
----* lua new
----@return self
-function ControlColourPicker:ControlColourPicker () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ControlHuePicker.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ControlHuePicker.lua
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index 8b4451d3..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ControlHuePicker.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.ControlHuePicker :cc.Control
-local ControlHuePicker={ }
----@param target cc.Node
----@param pos vec2_table
----@return boolean
-function ControlHuePicker:initWithTargetAndPos (target,pos) end
----@param val float
----@return self
-function ControlHuePicker:setHue (val) end
----@return vec2_table
-function ControlHuePicker:getStartPos () end
----@return float
-function ControlHuePicker:getHue () end
----@return cc.Sprite
-function ControlHuePicker:getSlider () end
----@param var cc.Sprite
----@return self
-function ControlHuePicker:setBackground (var) end
----@param val float
----@return self
-function ControlHuePicker:setHuePercentage (val) end
----@return cc.Sprite
-function ControlHuePicker:getBackground () end
----@return float
-function ControlHuePicker:getHuePercentage () end
----@param var cc.Sprite
----@return self
-function ControlHuePicker:setSlider (var) end
----@param target cc.Node
----@param pos vec2_table
----@return self
-function ControlHuePicker:create (target,pos) end
----@param enabled boolean
----@return self
-function ControlHuePicker:setEnabled (enabled) end
----@param pTouch cc.Touch
----@param pEvent cc.Event
----@return self
-function ControlHuePicker:onTouchMoved (pTouch,pEvent) end
----@param touch cc.Touch
----@param pEvent cc.Event
----@return boolean
-function ControlHuePicker:onTouchBegan (touch,pEvent) end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function ControlHuePicker:ControlHuePicker () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ControlPotentiometer.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ControlPotentiometer.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 21dcac5e..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ControlPotentiometer.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.ControlPotentiometer :cc.Control
-local ControlPotentiometer={ }
----@param var vec2_table
----@return self
-function ControlPotentiometer:setPreviousLocation (var) end
----@param value float
----@return self
-function ControlPotentiometer:setValue (value) end
----@return cc.ProgressTimer
-function ControlPotentiometer:getProgressTimer () end
----@return float
-function ControlPotentiometer:getMaximumValue () end
----* Returns the angle in degree between line1 and line2.
----@param beginLineA vec2_table
----@param endLineA vec2_table
----@param beginLineB vec2_table
----@param endLineB vec2_table
----@return float
-function ControlPotentiometer:angleInDegreesBetweenLineFromPoint_toPoint_toLineFromPoint_toPoint (beginLineA,endLineA,beginLineB,endLineB) end
----* Factorize the event dispatch into these methods.
----@param location vec2_table
----@return self
-function ControlPotentiometer:potentiometerBegan (location) end
----@param maximumValue float
----@return self
-function ControlPotentiometer:setMaximumValue (maximumValue) end
----@return float
-function ControlPotentiometer:getMinimumValue () end
----@param var cc.Sprite
----@return self
-function ControlPotentiometer:setThumbSprite (var) end
----@return float
-function ControlPotentiometer:getValue () end
----* Returns the distance between the point1 and point2.
----@param point1 vec2_table
----@param point2 vec2_table
----@return float
-function ControlPotentiometer:distanceBetweenPointAndPoint (point1,point2) end
----@param location vec2_table
----@return self
-function ControlPotentiometer:potentiometerEnded (location) end
----@return vec2_table
-function ControlPotentiometer:getPreviousLocation () end
----@param var cc.ProgressTimer
----@return self
-function ControlPotentiometer:setProgressTimer (var) end
----@param minimumValue float
----@return self
-function ControlPotentiometer:setMinimumValue (minimumValue) end
----@return cc.Sprite
-function ControlPotentiometer:getThumbSprite () end
----* Initializes a potentiometer with a track sprite and a progress bar.<br>
----* param trackSprite Sprite, that is used as a background.<br>
----* param progressTimer ProgressTimer, that is used as a progress bar.
----@param trackSprite cc.Sprite
----@param progressTimer cc.ProgressTimer
----@param thumbSprite cc.Sprite
----@return boolean
-function ControlPotentiometer:initWithTrackSprite_ProgressTimer_ThumbSprite (trackSprite,progressTimer,thumbSprite) end
----@param location vec2_table
----@return self
-function ControlPotentiometer:potentiometerMoved (location) end
----* Creates potentiometer with a track filename and a progress filename.
----@param backgroundFile char
----@param progressFile char
----@param thumbFile char
----@return self
-function ControlPotentiometer:create (backgroundFile,progressFile,thumbFile) end
----@param touch cc.Touch
----@return boolean
-function ControlPotentiometer:isTouchInside (touch) end
----@param enabled boolean
----@return self
-function ControlPotentiometer:setEnabled (enabled) end
----@param pTouch cc.Touch
----@param pEvent cc.Event
----@return self
-function ControlPotentiometer:onTouchMoved (pTouch,pEvent) end
----@param pTouch cc.Touch
----@param pEvent cc.Event
----@return self
-function ControlPotentiometer:onTouchEnded (pTouch,pEvent) end
----@param pTouch cc.Touch
----@param pEvent cc.Event
----@return boolean
-function ControlPotentiometer:onTouchBegan (pTouch,pEvent) end
----* js ctor<br>
----* lua new
----@return self
-function ControlPotentiometer:ControlPotentiometer () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ControlSaturationBrightnessPicker.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ControlSaturationBrightnessPicker.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 27b931ba..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ControlSaturationBrightnessPicker.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.ControlSaturationBrightnessPicker :cc.Control
-local ControlSaturationBrightnessPicker={ }
----@return cc.Sprite
-function ControlSaturationBrightnessPicker:getShadow () end
----@param target cc.Node
----@param pos vec2_table
----@return boolean
-function ControlSaturationBrightnessPicker:initWithTargetAndPos (target,pos) end
----@return vec2_table
-function ControlSaturationBrightnessPicker:getStartPos () end
----@return cc.Sprite
-function ControlSaturationBrightnessPicker:getOverlay () end
----@return cc.Sprite
-function ControlSaturationBrightnessPicker:getSlider () end
----@return cc.Sprite
-function ControlSaturationBrightnessPicker:getBackground () end
----@return float
-function ControlSaturationBrightnessPicker:getSaturation () end
----@return float
-function ControlSaturationBrightnessPicker:getBrightness () end
----@param target cc.Node
----@param pos vec2_table
----@return self
-function ControlSaturationBrightnessPicker:create (target,pos) end
----@param enabled boolean
----@return self
-function ControlSaturationBrightnessPicker:setEnabled (enabled) end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function ControlSaturationBrightnessPicker:ControlSaturationBrightnessPicker () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ControlSlider.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ControlSlider.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 071954e7..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ControlSlider.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.ControlSlider :cc.Control
-local ControlSlider={ }
----@return float
-function ControlSlider:getMaximumAllowedValue () end
----@overload fun(cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite):self
----@overload fun(cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite):self
----@param backgroundSprite cc.Sprite
----@param progressSprite cc.Sprite
----@param thumbSprite cc.Sprite
----@param selectedThumbSprite cc.Sprite
----@return boolean
-function ControlSlider:initWithSprites (backgroundSprite,progressSprite,thumbSprite,selectedThumbSprite) end
----@return float
-function ControlSlider:getMinimumAllowedValue () end
----@return float
-function ControlSlider:getMaximumValue () end
----@return cc.Sprite
-function ControlSlider:getSelectedThumbSprite () end
----@param var cc.Sprite
----@return self
-function ControlSlider:setProgressSprite (var) end
----@param val float
----@return self
-function ControlSlider:setMaximumValue (val) end
----@return float
-function ControlSlider:getMinimumValue () end
----@param var cc.Sprite
----@return self
-function ControlSlider:setThumbSprite (var) end
----@return float
-function ControlSlider:getValue () end
----@return cc.Sprite
-function ControlSlider:getBackgroundSprite () end
----@return cc.Sprite
-function ControlSlider:getThumbSprite () end
----@param val float
----@return self
-function ControlSlider:setValue (val) end
----@param touch cc.Touch
----@return vec2_table
-function ControlSlider:locationFromTouch (touch) end
----@param val float
----@return self
-function ControlSlider:setMinimumValue (val) end
----@param var float
----@return self
-function ControlSlider:setMinimumAllowedValue (var) end
----@return cc.Sprite
-function ControlSlider:getProgressSprite () end
----@param var cc.Sprite
----@return self
-function ControlSlider:setSelectedThumbSprite (var) end
----@param var cc.Sprite
----@return self
-function ControlSlider:setBackgroundSprite (var) end
----@param var float
----@return self
-function ControlSlider:setMaximumAllowedValue (var) end
----@overload fun(cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite):self
----@overload fun(cc.Sprite0:char,cc.Sprite1:char,cc.Sprite2:char):self
----@overload fun(cc.Sprite0:char,cc.Sprite1:char,cc.Sprite2:char,cc.Sprite3:char):self
----@overload fun(cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite):self
----@param backgroundSprite cc.Sprite
----@param pogressSprite cc.Sprite
----@param thumbSprite cc.Sprite
----@param selectedThumbSprite cc.Sprite
----@return self
-function ControlSlider:create (backgroundSprite,pogressSprite,thumbSprite,selectedThumbSprite) end
----@param touch cc.Touch
----@return boolean
-function ControlSlider:isTouchInside (touch) end
----@param enabled boolean
----@return self
-function ControlSlider:setEnabled (enabled) end
----@return self
-function ControlSlider:needsLayout () end
----* js ctor<br>
----* lua new
----@return self
-function ControlSlider:ControlSlider () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ControlStepper.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ControlStepper.lua
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index ef7a6dc2..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ControlStepper.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.ControlStepper :cc.Control
-local ControlStepper={ }
----@return cc.Sprite
-function ControlStepper:getMinusSprite () end
----@param value double
----@return self
-function ControlStepper:setValue (value) end
----@param stepValue double
----@return self
-function ControlStepper:setStepValue (stepValue) end
----@param minusSprite cc.Sprite
----@param plusSprite cc.Sprite
----@return boolean
-function ControlStepper:initWithMinusSpriteAndPlusSprite (minusSprite,plusSprite) end
----* Set the numeric value of the stepper. If send is true, the Control::EventType::VALUE_CHANGED is sent.
----@param value double
----@param send boolean
----@return self
-function ControlStepper:setValueWithSendingEvent (value,send) end
----@param maximumValue double
----@return self
-function ControlStepper:setMaximumValue (maximumValue) end
----@return cc.Label
-function ControlStepper:getMinusLabel () end
----@return cc.Label
-function ControlStepper:getPlusLabel () end
----@param wraps boolean
----@return self
-function ControlStepper:setWraps (wraps) end
----@param var cc.Label
----@return self
-function ControlStepper:setMinusLabel (var) end
----* Start the autorepeat increment/decrement.
----@return self
-function ControlStepper:startAutorepeat () end
----* Update the layout of the stepper with the given touch location.
----@param location vec2_table
----@return self
-function ControlStepper:updateLayoutUsingTouchLocation (location) end
----@return boolean
-function ControlStepper:isContinuous () end
----* Stop the autorepeat.
----@return self
-function ControlStepper:stopAutorepeat () end
----@param minimumValue double
----@return self
-function ControlStepper:setMinimumValue (minimumValue) end
----@param var cc.Label
----@return self
-function ControlStepper:setPlusLabel (var) end
----@return double
-function ControlStepper:getValue () end
----@return cc.Sprite
-function ControlStepper:getPlusSprite () end
----@param var cc.Sprite
----@return self
-function ControlStepper:setPlusSprite (var) end
----@param var cc.Sprite
----@return self
-function ControlStepper:setMinusSprite (var) end
----@param minusSprite cc.Sprite
----@param plusSprite cc.Sprite
----@return self
-function ControlStepper:create (minusSprite,plusSprite) end
----@param pTouch cc.Touch
----@param pEvent cc.Event
----@return self
-function ControlStepper:onTouchMoved (pTouch,pEvent) end
----@param pTouch cc.Touch
----@param pEvent cc.Event
----@return self
-function ControlStepper:onTouchEnded (pTouch,pEvent) end
----@param dt float
----@return self
-function ControlStepper:update (dt) end
----@param pTouch cc.Touch
----@param pEvent cc.Event
----@return boolean
-function ControlStepper:onTouchBegan (pTouch,pEvent) end
----* js ctor<br>
----* lua new
----@return self
-function ControlStepper:ControlStepper () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ControlSwitch.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ControlSwitch.lua
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index 28b927e7..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ControlSwitch.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.ControlSwitch :cc.Control
-local ControlSwitch={ }
----@overload fun(boolean:boolean):self
----@overload fun(boolean:boolean,boolean:boolean):self
----@param isOn boolean
----@param animated boolean
----@return self
-function ControlSwitch:setOn (isOn,animated) end
----@param touch cc.Touch
----@return vec2_table
-function ControlSwitch:locationFromTouch (touch) end
----@return boolean
-function ControlSwitch:isOn () end
----@overload fun(cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,cc.Label:cc.Label,cc.Label:cc.Label):self
----@overload fun(cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite):self
----@param maskSprite cc.Sprite
----@param onSprite cc.Sprite
----@param offSprite cc.Sprite
----@param thumbSprite cc.Sprite
----@param onLabel cc.Label
----@param offLabel cc.Label
----@return boolean
-function ControlSwitch:initWithMaskSprite (maskSprite,onSprite,offSprite,thumbSprite,onLabel,offLabel) end
----@return boolean
-function ControlSwitch:hasMoved () end
----@overload fun(cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite):self
----@overload fun(cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,cc.Label:cc.Label,cc.Label:cc.Label):self
----@param maskSprite cc.Sprite
----@param onSprite cc.Sprite
----@param offSprite cc.Sprite
----@param thumbSprite cc.Sprite
----@param onLabel cc.Label
----@param offLabel cc.Label
----@return self
-function ControlSwitch:create (maskSprite,onSprite,offSprite,thumbSprite,onLabel,offLabel) end
----@param enabled boolean
----@return self
-function ControlSwitch:setEnabled (enabled) end
----@param pTouch cc.Touch
----@param pEvent cc.Event
----@return self
-function ControlSwitch:onTouchMoved (pTouch,pEvent) end
----@param pTouch cc.Touch
----@param pEvent cc.Event
----@return self
-function ControlSwitch:onTouchEnded (pTouch,pEvent) end
----@param pTouch cc.Touch
----@param pEvent cc.Event
----@return self
-function ControlSwitch:onTouchCancelled (pTouch,pEvent) end
----@param pTouch cc.Touch
----@param pEvent cc.Event
----@return boolean
-function ControlSwitch:onTouchBegan (pTouch,pEvent) end
----* js ctor<br>
----* lua new
----@return self
-function ControlSwitch:ControlSwitch () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Controller.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Controller.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ed4b19c..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Controller.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Controller
-local Controller={ }
----* Activate receives key event from external key. e.g. back,menu.<br>
----* Controller receives only standard key which contained within enum Key by default.<br>
----* warning The API only work on the android platform for support diversified game controller.<br>
----* param externalKeyCode External key code.<br>
----* param receive True if external key event on this controller should be receive, false otherwise.
----@param externalKeyCode int
----@param receive boolean
----@return self
-function Controller:receiveExternalKeyEvent (externalKeyCode,receive) end
----* Gets the name of this Controller object.
----@return string
-function Controller:getDeviceName () end
----* Indicates whether the Controller is connected.
----@return boolean
-function Controller:isConnected () end
----* Gets the Controller id.
----@return int
-function Controller:getDeviceId () end
----* Changes the tag that is used to identify the controller easily.<br>
----* param tag A integer that identifies the controller.
----@param tag int
----@return self
-function Controller:setTag (tag) end
----* Returns a tag that is used to identify the controller easily.<br>
----* return An integer that identifies the controller.
----@return int
-function Controller:getTag () end
----* Start discovering new controllers.<br>
----* warning The API has an empty implementation on Android.
----@return self
-function Controller:startDiscoveryController () end
----* Stop the discovery process.<br>
----* warning The API has an empty implementation on Android.
----@return self
-function Controller:stopDiscoveryController () end
----* Gets a Controller object with device ID.<br>
----* param deviceId A unique identifier to find the controller.<br>
----* return A Controller object.
----@param deviceId int
----@return self
-function Controller:getControllerByDeviceId (deviceId) end
----* Gets a Controller object with tag.<br>
----* param tag An identifier to find the controller.<br>
----* return A Controller object.
----@param tag int
----@return self
-function Controller:getControllerByTag (tag) end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/DelayTime.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/DelayTime.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index fd9e5d28..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/DelayTime.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.DelayTime :cc.ActionInterval
-local DelayTime={ }
----* Creates the action.<br>
----* param d Duration time, in seconds.<br>
----* return An autoreleased DelayTime object.
----@param d float
----@return self
-function DelayTime:create (d) end
----@return self
-function DelayTime:clone () end
----* param time In seconds.
----@param time float
----@return self
-function DelayTime:update (time) end
----@return self
-function DelayTime:reverse () end
----@return self
-function DelayTime:DelayTime () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Device.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Device.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 2458b36e..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Device.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Device
-local Device={ }
----* To enable or disable accelerometer.
----@param isEnabled boolean
----@return self
-function Device:setAccelerometerEnabled (isEnabled) end
----* Sets the interval of accelerometer.
----@param interval float
----@return self
-function Device:setAccelerometerInterval (interval) end
----* Controls whether the screen should remain on.<br>
----* param keepScreenOn One flag indicating that the screen should remain on.
----@param keepScreenOn boolean
----@return self
-function Device:setKeepScreenOn (keepScreenOn) end
----* Vibrate for the specified amount of time.<br>
----* If vibrate is not supported, then invoking this method has no effect.<br>
----* Some platforms limit to a maximum duration of 5 seconds.<br>
----* Duration is ignored on iOS due to API limitations.<br>
----* param duration The duration in seconds.
----@param duration float
----@return self
-function Device:vibrate (duration) end
----* Gets the DPI of device<br>
----* return The DPI of device.
----@return int
-function Device:getDPI () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/DirectionLight.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/DirectionLight.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index e47abc2c..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/DirectionLight.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.DirectionLight :cc.BaseLight
-local DirectionLight={ }
----* Returns the Direction in parent.
----@return vec3_table
-function DirectionLight:getDirection () end
----* Returns direction in world.
----@return vec3_table
-function DirectionLight:getDirectionInWorld () end
----* Sets the Direction in parent.<br>
----* param dir The Direction in parent.
----@param dir vec3_table
----@return self
-function DirectionLight:setDirection (dir) end
----* Creates a direction light.<br>
----* param direction The light's direction<br>
----* param color The light's color.<br>
----* return The new direction light.
----@param direction vec3_table
----@param color color3b_table
----@return self
-function DirectionLight:create (direction,color) end
----@return int
-function DirectionLight:getLightType () end
----@return self
-function DirectionLight:DirectionLight () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Director.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Director.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 24593ac5..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Director.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,309 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Director
-local Director={ }
----* Pauses the running scene.<br>
----* The running scene will be _drawed_ but all scheduled timers will be paused.<br>
----* While paused, the draw rate will be 4 FPS to reduce CPU consumption.
----@return self
-function Director:pause () end
----* Sets the EventDispatcher associated with this director.<br>
----* since v3.0<br>
----* js NA
----@param dispatcher cc.EventDispatcher
----@return self
-function Director:setEventDispatcher (dispatcher) end
----* The size in pixels of the surface. It could be different than the screen size.<br>
----* High-res devices might have a higher surface size than the screen size.<br>
----* Only available when compiled using SDK >= 4.0.<br>
----* since v0.99.4
----@param scaleFactor float
----@return self
-function Director:setContentScaleFactor (scaleFactor) end
----@return float
-function Director:getDeltaTime () end
----* Gets content scale factor.<br>
----* see Director::setContentScaleFactor()
----@return float
-function Director:getContentScaleFactor () end
----* Returns the size of the OpenGL view in pixels.
----@return size_table
-function Director:getWinSizeInPixels () end
----* Returns safe area rectangle of the OpenGL view in points.
----@return rect_table
-function Director:getSafeAreaRect () end
----* Sets the OpenGL default values.<br>
----* It will enable alpha blending, disable depth test.<br>
----* js NA
----@return self
-function Director:setGLDefaultValues () end
----* Sets the ActionManager associated with this director.<br>
----* since v2.0
----@param actionManager cc.ActionManager
----@return self
-function Director:setActionManager (actionManager) end
----* Pops out all scenes from the stack until the root scene in the queue.<br>
----* This scene will replace the running one.<br>
----* Internally it will call `popToSceneStackLevel(1)`.
----@return self
-function Director:popToRootScene () end
----* Adds a matrix to the top of specified type of matrix stack.<br>
----* param type Matrix type.<br>
----* param mat The matrix that to be added.<br>
----* js NA
----@param type int
----@param mat mat4_table
----@return self
-function Director:loadMatrix (type,mat) end
----* This object will be visited after the main scene is visited.<br>
----* This object MUST implement the "visit" function.<br>
----* Useful to hook a notification object, like Notifications (<br>
----* since v0.99.5
----@return cc.Node
-function Director:getNotificationNode () end
----* Returns the size of the OpenGL view in points.
----@return size_table
-function Director:getWinSize () end
----@return cc.TextureCache
-function Director:getTextureCache () end
----* Whether or not the replaced scene will receive the cleanup message.<br>
----* If the new scene is pushed, then the old scene won't receive the "cleanup" message.<br>
----* If the new scene replaces the old one, the it will receive the "cleanup" message.<br>
----* since v0.99.0
----@return boolean
-function Director:isSendCleanupToScene () end
----* Returns visible origin coordinate of the OpenGL view in points.
----@return vec2_table
-function Director:getVisibleOrigin () end
----@overload fun(float:float):self
----@overload fun():self
----@param dt float
----@return self
-function Director:mainLoop (dt) end
----* Gets Frame Rate.<br>
----* js NA
----@return float
-function Director:getFrameRate () end
----* Get seconds per frame.
----@return float
-function Director:getSecondsPerFrame () end
----* Clear all types of matrix stack, and add identity matrix to these matrix stacks.<br>
----* js NA
----@return self
-function Director:resetMatrixStack () end
----* Converts an OpenGL coordinate to a screen coordinate.<br>
----* Useful to convert node points to window points for calls such as glScissor.
----@param point vec2_table
----@return vec2_table
-function Director:convertToUI (point) end
----* Clones a specified type matrix and put it to the top of specified type of matrix stack.<br>
----* js NA
----@param type int
----@return self
-function Director:pushMatrix (type) end
----* Sets the default values based on the Configuration info.
----@return self
-function Director:setDefaultValues () end
----@return boolean
-function Director:init () end
----* Sets the Scheduler associated with this director.<br>
----* since v2.0
----@param scheduler cc.Scheduler
----@return self
-function Director:setScheduler (scheduler) end
----* Gets the top matrix of specified type of matrix stack.<br>
----* js NA
----@param type int
----@return mat4_table
-function Director:getMatrix (type) end
----* returns whether or not the Director is in a valid state
----@return boolean
-function Director:isValid () end
----* The main loop is triggered again.<br>
----* Call this function only if [stopAnimation] was called earlier.<br>
----* warning Don't call this function to start the main loop. To run the main loop call runWithScene.
----@return self
-function Director:startAnimation () end
----* Returns the Renderer associated with this director.<br>
----* since v3.0
----@return cc.Renderer
-function Director:getRenderer () end
----* Get the GLView.<br>
----* lua NA
----@return cc.GLView
-function Director:getOpenGLView () end
----* Gets current running Scene. Director can only run one Scene at a time.
----@return cc.Scene
-function Director:getRunningScene () end
----* Sets the glViewport.
----@return self
-function Director:setViewport () end
----* Stops the animation. Nothing will be drawn. The main loop won't be triggered anymore.<br>
----* If you don't want to pause your animation call [pause] instead.
----@return self
-function Director:stopAnimation () end
----* Pops out all scenes from the stack until it reaches `level`.<br>
----* If level is 0, it will end the director.<br>
----* If level is 1, it will pop all scenes until it reaches to root scene.<br>
----* If level is <= than the current stack level, it won't do anything.
----@param level int
----@return self
-function Director:popToSceneStackLevel (level) end
----* Resumes the paused scene.<br>
----* The scheduled timers will be activated again.<br>
----* The "delta time" will be 0 (as if the game wasn't paused).
----@return self
-function Director:resume () end
----* Whether or not `_nextDeltaTimeZero` is set to 0.
----@return boolean
-function Director:isNextDeltaTimeZero () end
----* Sets clear values for the color buffers,<br>
----* value range of each element is [0.0, 1.0].<br>
----* js NA
----@param clearColor color4f_table
----@return self
-function Director:setClearColor (clearColor) end
----* Ends the execution, releases the running scene.<br>
----* lua endToLua
----@return self
-function Director:endToLua () end
----* Sets the GLView. <br>
----* lua NA
----@param openGLView cc.GLView
----@return self
-function Director:setOpenGLView (openGLView) end
----* Converts a screen coordinate to an OpenGL coordinate.<br>
----* Useful to convert (multi) touch coordinates to the current layout (portrait or landscape).
----@param point vec2_table
----@return vec2_table
-function Director:convertToGL (point) end
----* Removes all cocos2d cached data.<br>
----* It will purge the TextureCache, SpriteFrameCache, LabelBMFont cache<br>
----* since v0.99.3
----@return self
-function Director:purgeCachedData () end
----* How many frames were called since the director started
----@return unsigned_int
-function Director:getTotalFrames () end
----* Enters the Director's main loop with the given Scene.<br>
----* Call it to run only your FIRST scene.<br>
----* Don't call it if there is already a running scene.<br>
----* It will call pushScene: and then it will call startAnimation<br>
----* js NA
----@param scene cc.Scene
----@return self
-function Director:runWithScene (scene) end
----* Sets the notification node.<br>
----* see Director::getNotificationNode()
----@param node cc.Node
----@return self
-function Director:setNotificationNode (node) end
----* Draw the scene.<br>
----* This method is called every frame. Don't call it manually.
----@return self
-function Director:drawScene () end
----@return self
-function Director:restart () end
----* Pops out a scene from the stack.<br>
----* This scene will replace the running one.<br>
----* The running scene will be deleted. If there are no more scenes in the stack the execution is terminated.<br>
----* ONLY call it if there is a running scene.
----@return self
-function Director:popScene () end
----* Adds an identity matrix to the top of specified type of matrix stack.<br>
----* js NA
----@param type int
----@return self
-function Director:loadIdentityMatrix (type) end
----* Whether or not displaying the FPS on the bottom-left corner of the screen.
----@return boolean
-function Director:isDisplayStats () end
----* Sets OpenGL projection.
----@param projection int
----@return self
-function Director:setProjection (projection) end
----* Returns the Console associated with this director.<br>
----* since v3.0<br>
----* js NA
----@return cc.Console
-function Director:getConsole () end
----* Multiplies a matrix to the top of specified type of matrix stack.<br>
----* param type Matrix type.<br>
----* param mat The matrix that to be multiplied.<br>
----* js NA
----@param type int
----@param mat mat4_table
----@return self
-function Director:multiplyMatrix (type,mat) end
----* Gets the distance between camera and near clipping frame.<br>
----* It is correct for default camera that near clipping frame is same as the screen.
----@return float
-function Director:getZEye () end
----* Sets the delta time between current frame and next frame is 0.<br>
----* This value will be used in Schedule, and will affect all functions that are using frame delta time, such as Actions.<br>
----* This value will take effect only one time.
----@param nextDeltaTimeZero boolean
----@return self
-function Director:setNextDeltaTimeZero (nextDeltaTimeZero) end
----* Pops the top matrix of the specified type of matrix stack.<br>
----* js NA
----@param type int
----@return self
-function Director:popMatrix (type) end
----* Returns visible size of the OpenGL view in points.<br>
----* The value is equal to `Director::getWinSize()` if don't invoke `GLView::setDesignResolutionSize()`.
----@return size_table
-function Director:getVisibleSize () end
----* Gets the Scheduler associated with this director.<br>
----* since v2.0
----@return cc.Scheduler
-function Director:getScheduler () end
----* Suspends the execution of the running scene, pushing it on the stack of suspended scenes.<br>
----* The new scene will be executed.<br>
----* Try to avoid big stacks of pushed scenes to reduce memory allocation. <br>
----* ONLY call it if there is a running scene.
----@param scene cc.Scene
----@return self
-function Director:pushScene (scene) end
----* Gets the FPS value.
----@return float
-function Director:getAnimationInterval () end
----* Whether or not the Director is paused.
----@return boolean
-function Director:isPaused () end
----* Display the FPS on the bottom-left corner of the screen.
----@param displayStats boolean
----@return self
-function Director:setDisplayStats (displayStats) end
----* Gets the EventDispatcher associated with this director.<br>
----* since v3.0<br>
----* js NA
----@return cc.EventDispatcher
-function Director:getEventDispatcher () end
----* Replaces the running scene with a new one. The running scene is terminated.<br>
----* ONLY call it if there is a running scene.<br>
----* js NA
----@param scene cc.Scene
----@return self
-function Director:replaceScene (scene) end
----* Sets the FPS value. FPS = 1/interval.
----@param interval float
----@return self
-function Director:setAnimationInterval (interval) end
----* Gets the ActionManager associated with this director.<br>
----* since v2.0
----@return cc.ActionManager
-function Director:getActionManager () end
----* Returns a shared instance of the director. <br>
----* js _getInstance
----@return self
-function Director:getInstance () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/DrawNode.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/DrawNode.lua
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index b8c419d6..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/DrawNode.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.DrawNode :cc.Node
-local DrawNode={ }
----* Draw an line from origin to destination with color. <br>
----* param origin The line origin.<br>
----* param destination The line destination.<br>
----* param color The line color.<br>
----* js NA
----@param origin vec2_table
----@param destination vec2_table
----@param color color4f_table
----@return self
-function DrawNode:drawLine (origin,destination,color) end
----* When isolated is set, the position of the node is no longer affected by parent nodes.<br>
----* Which means it will be drawn just like a root node.
----@param isolated boolean
----@return self
-function DrawNode:setIsolated (isolated) end
----@overload fun(vec2_table:vec2_table,vec2_table:vec2_table,vec2_table:vec2_table,vec2_table:vec2_table,color4f_table:color4f_table):self
----@overload fun(vec2_table:vec2_table,vec2_table:vec2_table,vec2_table2:color4f_table):self
----@param p1 vec2_table
----@param p2 vec2_table
----@param p3 vec2_table
----@param p4 vec2_table
----@param color color4f_table
----@return self
-function DrawNode:drawRect (p1,p2,p3,p4,color) end
----@overload fun(vec2_table:vec2_table,float:float,float:float,unsigned_int:unsigned_int,float4:color4f_table):self
----@overload fun(vec2_table:vec2_table,float:float,float:float,unsigned_int:unsigned_int,float:float,float:float,color4f_table:color4f_table):self
----@param center vec2_table
----@param radius float
----@param angle float
----@param segments unsigned_int
----@param scaleX float
----@param scaleY float
----@param color color4f_table
----@return self
-function DrawNode:drawSolidCircle (center,radius,angle,segments,scaleX,scaleY,color) end
----@param lineWidth float
----@return self
-function DrawNode:setLineWidth (lineWidth) end
----* draw a dot at a position, with a given radius and color. <br>
----* param pos The dot center.<br>
----* param radius The dot radius.<br>
----* param color The dot color.
----@param pos vec2_table
----@param radius float
----@param color color4f_table
----@return self
-function DrawNode:drawDot (pos,radius,color) end
----* draw a segment with a radius and color. <br>
----* param from The segment origin.<br>
----* param to The segment destination.<br>
----* param radius The segment radius.<br>
----* param color The segment color.
----@param from vec2_table
----@param to vec2_table
----@param radius float
----@param color color4f_table
----@return self
-function DrawNode:drawSegment (from,to,radius,color) end
----* Get the color mixed mode.<br>
----* lua NA
----@return cc.BlendFunc
-function DrawNode:getBlendFunc () end
----@overload fun(vec2_table:vec2_table,float:float,float:float,unsigned_int:unsigned_int,boolean:boolean,float5:color4f_table):self
----@overload fun(vec2_table:vec2_table,float:float,float:float,unsigned_int:unsigned_int,boolean:boolean,float:float,float:float,color4f_table:color4f_table):self
----@param center vec2_table
----@param radius float
----@param angle float
----@param segments unsigned_int
----@param drawLineToCenter boolean
----@param scaleX float
----@param scaleY float
----@param color color4f_table
----@return self
-function DrawNode:drawCircle (center,radius,angle,segments,drawLineToCenter,scaleX,scaleY,color) end
----* Draws a quad bezier path.<br>
----* param origin The origin of the bezier path.<br>
----* param control The control of the bezier path.<br>
----* param destination The destination of the bezier path.<br>
----* param segments The number of segments.<br>
----* param color Set the quad bezier color.
----@param origin vec2_table
----@param control vec2_table
----@param destination vec2_table
----@param segments unsigned_int
----@param color color4f_table
----@return self
-function DrawNode:drawQuadBezier (origin,control,destination,segments,color) end
----* draw a triangle with color. <br>
----* param p1 The triangle vertex point.<br>
----* param p2 The triangle vertex point.<br>
----* param p3 The triangle vertex point.<br>
----* param color The triangle color.<br>
----* js NA
----@param p1 vec2_table
----@param p2 vec2_table
----@param p3 vec2_table
----@param color color4f_table
----@return self
-function DrawNode:drawTriangle (p1,p2,p3,color) end
----* Set the color mixed mode.<br>
----* code<br>
----* When this function bound into js or lua,the parameter will be changed<br>
----* In js: var setBlendFunc(var src, var dst)<br>
----* endcode<br>
----* lua NA
----@param blendFunc cc.BlendFunc
----@return self
-function DrawNode:setBlendFunc (blendFunc) end
----* Clear the geometry in the node's buffer.
----@return self
-function DrawNode:clear () end
----* Draws a solid rectangle given the origin and destination point measured in points.<br>
----* The origin and the destination can not have the same x and y coordinate.<br>
----* param origin The rectangle origin.<br>
----* param destination The rectangle destination.<br>
----* param color The rectangle color.<br>
----* js NA
----@param origin vec2_table
----@param destination vec2_table
----@param color color4f_table
----@return self
-function DrawNode:drawSolidRect (origin,destination,color) end
----@return float
-function DrawNode:getLineWidth () end
----* Draw a point.<br>
----* param point A Vec2 used to point.<br>
----* param pointSize The point size.<br>
----* param color The point color.<br>
----* js NA
----@param point vec2_table
----@param pointSize float
----@param color color4f_table
----@return self
-function DrawNode:drawPoint (point,pointSize,color) end
----@return boolean
-function DrawNode:isIsolated () end
----* Draw a cubic bezier curve with color and number of segments<br>
----* param origin The origin of the bezier path.<br>
----* param control1 The first control of the bezier path.<br>
----* param control2 The second control of the bezier path.<br>
----* param destination The destination of the bezier path.<br>
----* param segments The number of segments.<br>
----* param color Set the cubic bezier color.
----@param origin vec2_table
----@param control1 vec2_table
----@param control2 vec2_table
----@param destination vec2_table
----@param segments unsigned_int
----@param color color4f_table
----@return self
-function DrawNode:drawCubicBezier (origin,control1,control2,destination,segments,color) end
----* creates and initialize a DrawNode node.<br>
----* return Return an autorelease object.
----@return self
-function DrawNode:create () end
----@param renderer cc.Renderer
----@param transform mat4_table
----@param flags unsigned_int
----@return self
-function DrawNode:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end
----@param renderer cc.Renderer
----@param parentTransform mat4_table
----@param parentFlags unsigned_int
----@return self
-function DrawNode:visit (renderer,parentTransform,parentFlags) end
----@return boolean
-function DrawNode:init () end
----@return self
-function DrawNode:DrawNode () end \ No newline at end of file
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index 9f9543e5..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseBackIn.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EaseBackIn :cc.ActionEase
-local EaseBackIn={ }
----@param action cc.ActionInterval
----@return self
-function EaseBackIn:create (action) end
----@return self
-function EaseBackIn:clone () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function EaseBackIn:update (time) end
----@return cc.ActionEase
-function EaseBackIn:reverse () end
----@return self
-function EaseBackIn:EaseBackIn () end \ No newline at end of file
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index 83a9200d..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseBackInOut.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EaseBackInOut :cc.ActionEase
-local EaseBackInOut={ }
----@param action cc.ActionInterval
----@return self
-function EaseBackInOut:create (action) end
----@return self
-function EaseBackInOut:clone () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function EaseBackInOut:update (time) end
----@return cc.ActionEase
-function EaseBackInOut:reverse () end
----@return self
-function EaseBackInOut:EaseBackInOut () end \ No newline at end of file
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index b40fd0bd..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseBackOut.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EaseBackOut :cc.ActionEase
-local EaseBackOut={ }
----@param action cc.ActionInterval
----@return self
-function EaseBackOut:create (action) end
----@return self
-function EaseBackOut:clone () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function EaseBackOut:update (time) end
----@return cc.ActionEase
-function EaseBackOut:reverse () end
----@return self
-function EaseBackOut:EaseBackOut () end \ No newline at end of file
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index f1e44116..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseBezierAction.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EaseBezierAction :cc.ActionEase
-local EaseBezierAction={ }
----* brief Set the bezier parameters.
----@param p0 float
----@param p1 float
----@param p2 float
----@param p3 float
----@return self
-function EaseBezierAction:setBezierParamer (p0,p1,p2,p3) end
----* brief Create the action with the inner action.<br>
----* param action The pointer of the inner action.<br>
----* return A pointer of EaseBezierAction action. If creation failed, return nil.
----@param action cc.ActionInterval
----@return self
-function EaseBezierAction:create (action) end
----@return self
-function EaseBezierAction:clone () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function EaseBezierAction:update (time) end
----@return self
-function EaseBezierAction:reverse () end
----@return self
-function EaseBezierAction:EaseBezierAction () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseBounce.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseBounce.lua
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index 341dc7e4..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseBounce.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EaseBounce :cc.ActionEase
-local EaseBounce={ }
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseBounceIn.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseBounceIn.lua
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index 877e9cd0..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseBounceIn.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EaseBounceIn :cc.ActionEase
-local EaseBounceIn={ }
----@param action cc.ActionInterval
----@return self
-function EaseBounceIn:create (action) end
----@return self
-function EaseBounceIn:clone () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function EaseBounceIn:update (time) end
----@return cc.ActionEase
-function EaseBounceIn:reverse () end
----@return self
-function EaseBounceIn:EaseBounceIn () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseBounceInOut.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseBounceInOut.lua
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index 2072de5d..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseBounceInOut.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EaseBounceInOut :cc.ActionEase
-local EaseBounceInOut={ }
----@param action cc.ActionInterval
----@return self
-function EaseBounceInOut:create (action) end
----@return self
-function EaseBounceInOut:clone () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function EaseBounceInOut:update (time) end
----@return cc.ActionEase
-function EaseBounceInOut:reverse () end
----@return self
-function EaseBounceInOut:EaseBounceInOut () end \ No newline at end of file
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index d4ec0f6a..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseBounceOut.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EaseBounceOut :cc.ActionEase
-local EaseBounceOut={ }
----@param action cc.ActionInterval
----@return self
-function EaseBounceOut:create (action) end
----@return self
-function EaseBounceOut:clone () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function EaseBounceOut:update (time) end
----@return cc.ActionEase
-function EaseBounceOut:reverse () end
----@return self
-function EaseBounceOut:EaseBounceOut () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseCircleActionIn.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseCircleActionIn.lua
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index c4b1cf18..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseCircleActionIn.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EaseCircleActionIn :cc.ActionEase
-local EaseCircleActionIn={ }
----@param action cc.ActionInterval
----@return self
-function EaseCircleActionIn:create (action) end
----@return self
-function EaseCircleActionIn:clone () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function EaseCircleActionIn:update (time) end
----@return cc.ActionEase
-function EaseCircleActionIn:reverse () end
----@return self
-function EaseCircleActionIn:EaseCircleActionIn () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseCircleActionInOut.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseCircleActionInOut.lua
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index ad8aaa92..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseCircleActionInOut.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EaseCircleActionInOut :cc.ActionEase
-local EaseCircleActionInOut={ }
----@param action cc.ActionInterval
----@return self
-function EaseCircleActionInOut:create (action) end
----@return self
-function EaseCircleActionInOut:clone () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function EaseCircleActionInOut:update (time) end
----@return cc.ActionEase
-function EaseCircleActionInOut:reverse () end
----@return self
-function EaseCircleActionInOut:EaseCircleActionInOut () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseCircleActionOut.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseCircleActionOut.lua
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index e5f8b481..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseCircleActionOut.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EaseCircleActionOut :cc.ActionEase
-local EaseCircleActionOut={ }
----@param action cc.ActionInterval
----@return self
-function EaseCircleActionOut:create (action) end
----@return self
-function EaseCircleActionOut:clone () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function EaseCircleActionOut:update (time) end
----@return cc.ActionEase
-function EaseCircleActionOut:reverse () end
----@return self
-function EaseCircleActionOut:EaseCircleActionOut () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseCubicActionIn.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseCubicActionIn.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index d3e714f5..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseCubicActionIn.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EaseCubicActionIn :cc.ActionEase
-local EaseCubicActionIn={ }
----@param action cc.ActionInterval
----@return self
-function EaseCubicActionIn:create (action) end
----@return self
-function EaseCubicActionIn:clone () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function EaseCubicActionIn:update (time) end
----@return cc.ActionEase
-function EaseCubicActionIn:reverse () end
----@return self
-function EaseCubicActionIn:EaseCubicActionIn () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseCubicActionInOut.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseCubicActionInOut.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 38f58f18..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseCubicActionInOut.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EaseCubicActionInOut :cc.ActionEase
-local EaseCubicActionInOut={ }
----@param action cc.ActionInterval
----@return self
-function EaseCubicActionInOut:create (action) end
----@return self
-function EaseCubicActionInOut:clone () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function EaseCubicActionInOut:update (time) end
----@return cc.ActionEase
-function EaseCubicActionInOut:reverse () end
----@return self
-function EaseCubicActionInOut:EaseCubicActionInOut () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseCubicActionOut.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseCubicActionOut.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 76ff12db..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseCubicActionOut.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EaseCubicActionOut :cc.ActionEase
-local EaseCubicActionOut={ }
----@param action cc.ActionInterval
----@return self
-function EaseCubicActionOut:create (action) end
----@return self
-function EaseCubicActionOut:clone () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function EaseCubicActionOut:update (time) end
----@return cc.ActionEase
-function EaseCubicActionOut:reverse () end
----@return self
-function EaseCubicActionOut:EaseCubicActionOut () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseElastic.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseElastic.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 9be9bdc9..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseElastic.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EaseElastic :cc.ActionEase
-local EaseElastic={ }
----* brief Set period of the wave in radians.<br>
----* param fPeriod The value will be set.
----@param fPeriod float
----@return self
-function EaseElastic:setPeriod (fPeriod) end
----* brief Initializes the action with the inner action and the period in radians.<br>
----* param action The pointer of the inner action.<br>
----* param period Period of the wave in radians. Default is 0.3.<br>
----* return Return true when the initialization success, otherwise return false.
----@param action cc.ActionInterval
----@param period float
----@return boolean
-function EaseElastic:initWithAction (action,period) end
----* brief Get period of the wave in radians. Default value is 0.3.<br>
----* return Return the period of the wave in radians.
----@return float
-function EaseElastic:getPeriod () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseElasticIn.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseElasticIn.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index a14a0cde..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseElasticIn.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EaseElasticIn :cc.EaseElastic
-local EaseElasticIn={ }
----@param action cc.ActionInterval
----@param rate float
----@return self
-function EaseElasticIn:create (action,rate) end
----@return self
-function EaseElasticIn:clone () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function EaseElasticIn:update (time) end
----@return cc.EaseElastic
-function EaseElasticIn:reverse () end
----@return self
-function EaseElasticIn:EaseElasticIn () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseElasticInOut.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseElasticInOut.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index c4f9feb8..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseElasticInOut.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EaseElasticInOut :cc.EaseElastic
-local EaseElasticInOut={ }
----@param action cc.ActionInterval
----@param rate float
----@return self
-function EaseElasticInOut:create (action,rate) end
----@return self
-function EaseElasticInOut:clone () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function EaseElasticInOut:update (time) end
----@return cc.EaseElastic
-function EaseElasticInOut:reverse () end
----@return self
-function EaseElasticInOut:EaseElasticInOut () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseElasticOut.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseElasticOut.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ea63ffc..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseElasticOut.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EaseElasticOut :cc.EaseElastic
-local EaseElasticOut={ }
----@param action cc.ActionInterval
----@param rate float
----@return self
-function EaseElasticOut:create (action,rate) end
----@return self
-function EaseElasticOut:clone () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function EaseElasticOut:update (time) end
----@return cc.EaseElastic
-function EaseElasticOut:reverse () end
----@return self
-function EaseElasticOut:EaseElasticOut () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseExponentialIn.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseExponentialIn.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index fc96859d..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseExponentialIn.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EaseExponentialIn :cc.ActionEase
-local EaseExponentialIn={ }
----@param action cc.ActionInterval
----@return self
-function EaseExponentialIn:create (action) end
----@return self
-function EaseExponentialIn:clone () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function EaseExponentialIn:update (time) end
----@return cc.ActionEase
-function EaseExponentialIn:reverse () end
----@return self
-function EaseExponentialIn:EaseExponentialIn () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseExponentialInOut.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseExponentialInOut.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 652983ce..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseExponentialInOut.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EaseExponentialInOut :cc.ActionEase
-local EaseExponentialInOut={ }
----@param action cc.ActionInterval
----@return self
-function EaseExponentialInOut:create (action) end
----@return self
-function EaseExponentialInOut:clone () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function EaseExponentialInOut:update (time) end
----@return cc.ActionEase
-function EaseExponentialInOut:reverse () end
----@return self
-function EaseExponentialInOut:EaseExponentialInOut () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseExponentialOut.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseExponentialOut.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 55499805..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseExponentialOut.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EaseExponentialOut :cc.ActionEase
-local EaseExponentialOut={ }
----@param action cc.ActionInterval
----@return self
-function EaseExponentialOut:create (action) end
----@return self
-function EaseExponentialOut:clone () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function EaseExponentialOut:update (time) end
----@return cc.ActionEase
-function EaseExponentialOut:reverse () end
----@return self
-function EaseExponentialOut:EaseExponentialOut () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseIn.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseIn.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 0cd1fff3..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseIn.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EaseIn :cc.EaseRateAction
-local EaseIn={ }
----@param action cc.ActionInterval
----@param rate float
----@return self
-function EaseIn:create (action,rate) end
----@return self
-function EaseIn:clone () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function EaseIn:update (time) end
----@return cc.EaseRateAction
-function EaseIn:reverse () end
----@return self
-function EaseIn:EaseIn () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseInOut.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseInOut.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f47567e..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseInOut.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EaseInOut :cc.EaseRateAction
-local EaseInOut={ }
----@param action cc.ActionInterval
----@param rate float
----@return self
-function EaseInOut:create (action,rate) end
----@return self
-function EaseInOut:clone () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function EaseInOut:update (time) end
----@return cc.EaseRateAction
-function EaseInOut:reverse () end
----@return self
-function EaseInOut:EaseInOut () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseOut.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseOut.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index b786c607..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseOut.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EaseOut :cc.EaseRateAction
-local EaseOut={ }
----@param action cc.ActionInterval
----@param rate float
----@return self
-function EaseOut:create (action,rate) end
----@return self
-function EaseOut:clone () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function EaseOut:update (time) end
----@return cc.EaseRateAction
-function EaseOut:reverse () end
----@return self
-function EaseOut:EaseOut () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuadraticActionIn.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuadraticActionIn.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index afdbf7b6..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuadraticActionIn.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EaseQuadraticActionIn :cc.ActionEase
-local EaseQuadraticActionIn={ }
----@param action cc.ActionInterval
----@return self
-function EaseQuadraticActionIn:create (action) end
----@return self
-function EaseQuadraticActionIn:clone () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function EaseQuadraticActionIn:update (time) end
----@return cc.ActionEase
-function EaseQuadraticActionIn:reverse () end
----@return self
-function EaseQuadraticActionIn:EaseQuadraticActionIn () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuadraticActionInOut.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuadraticActionInOut.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 3638a1db..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuadraticActionInOut.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EaseQuadraticActionInOut :cc.ActionEase
-local EaseQuadraticActionInOut={ }
----@param action cc.ActionInterval
----@return self
-function EaseQuadraticActionInOut:create (action) end
----@return self
-function EaseQuadraticActionInOut:clone () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function EaseQuadraticActionInOut:update (time) end
----@return cc.ActionEase
-function EaseQuadraticActionInOut:reverse () end
----@return self
-function EaseQuadraticActionInOut:EaseQuadraticActionInOut () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuadraticActionOut.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuadraticActionOut.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c252fce..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuadraticActionOut.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EaseQuadraticActionOut :cc.ActionEase
-local EaseQuadraticActionOut={ }
----@param action cc.ActionInterval
----@return self
-function EaseQuadraticActionOut:create (action) end
----@return self
-function EaseQuadraticActionOut:clone () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function EaseQuadraticActionOut:update (time) end
----@return cc.ActionEase
-function EaseQuadraticActionOut:reverse () end
----@return self
-function EaseQuadraticActionOut:EaseQuadraticActionOut () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuarticActionIn.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuarticActionIn.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 97c4152e..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuarticActionIn.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EaseQuarticActionIn :cc.ActionEase
-local EaseQuarticActionIn={ }
----@param action cc.ActionInterval
----@return self
-function EaseQuarticActionIn:create (action) end
----@return self
-function EaseQuarticActionIn:clone () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function EaseQuarticActionIn:update (time) end
----@return cc.ActionEase
-function EaseQuarticActionIn:reverse () end
----@return self
-function EaseQuarticActionIn:EaseQuarticActionIn () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuarticActionInOut.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuarticActionInOut.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 96a619dd..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuarticActionInOut.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EaseQuarticActionInOut :cc.ActionEase
-local EaseQuarticActionInOut={ }
----@param action cc.ActionInterval
----@return self
-function EaseQuarticActionInOut:create (action) end
----@return self
-function EaseQuarticActionInOut:clone () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function EaseQuarticActionInOut:update (time) end
----@return cc.ActionEase
-function EaseQuarticActionInOut:reverse () end
----@return self
-function EaseQuarticActionInOut:EaseQuarticActionInOut () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuarticActionOut.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuarticActionOut.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index e96994b4..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuarticActionOut.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EaseQuarticActionOut :cc.ActionEase
-local EaseQuarticActionOut={ }
----@param action cc.ActionInterval
----@return self
-function EaseQuarticActionOut:create (action) end
----@return self
-function EaseQuarticActionOut:clone () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function EaseQuarticActionOut:update (time) end
----@return cc.ActionEase
-function EaseQuarticActionOut:reverse () end
----@return self
-function EaseQuarticActionOut:EaseQuarticActionOut () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuinticActionIn.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuinticActionIn.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index f913a19a..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuinticActionIn.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EaseQuinticActionIn :cc.ActionEase
-local EaseQuinticActionIn={ }
----@param action cc.ActionInterval
----@return self
-function EaseQuinticActionIn:create (action) end
----@return self
-function EaseQuinticActionIn:clone () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function EaseQuinticActionIn:update (time) end
----@return cc.ActionEase
-function EaseQuinticActionIn:reverse () end
----@return self
-function EaseQuinticActionIn:EaseQuinticActionIn () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuinticActionInOut.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuinticActionInOut.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 65640609..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuinticActionInOut.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EaseQuinticActionInOut :cc.ActionEase
-local EaseQuinticActionInOut={ }
----@param action cc.ActionInterval
----@return self
-function EaseQuinticActionInOut:create (action) end
----@return self
-function EaseQuinticActionInOut:clone () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function EaseQuinticActionInOut:update (time) end
----@return cc.ActionEase
-function EaseQuinticActionInOut:reverse () end
----@return self
-function EaseQuinticActionInOut:EaseQuinticActionInOut () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuinticActionOut.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuinticActionOut.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index d6ffd022..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuinticActionOut.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EaseQuinticActionOut :cc.ActionEase
-local EaseQuinticActionOut={ }
----@param action cc.ActionInterval
----@return self
-function EaseQuinticActionOut:create (action) end
----@return self
-function EaseQuinticActionOut:clone () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function EaseQuinticActionOut:update (time) end
----@return cc.ActionEase
-function EaseQuinticActionOut:reverse () end
----@return self
-function EaseQuinticActionOut:EaseQuinticActionOut () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseRateAction.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseRateAction.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 554b31d9..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseRateAction.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EaseRateAction :cc.ActionEase
-local EaseRateAction={ }
----* brief Set the rate value for the ease rate action.<br>
----* param rate The value will be set.
----@param rate float
----@return self
-function EaseRateAction:setRate (rate) end
----* brief Initializes the action with the inner action and the rate parameter.<br>
----* param pAction The pointer of the inner action.<br>
----* param fRate The value of the rate parameter.<br>
----* return Return true when the initialization success, otherwise return false.
----@param pAction cc.ActionInterval
----@param fRate float
----@return boolean
-function EaseRateAction:initWithAction (pAction,fRate) end
----* brief Get the rate value of the ease rate action.<br>
----* return Return the rate value of the ease rate action.
----@return float
-function EaseRateAction:getRate () end
----@param action cc.ActionInterval
----@param rate float
----@return self
-function EaseRateAction:create (action,rate) end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseSineIn.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseSineIn.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b1f42fc..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseSineIn.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EaseSineIn :cc.ActionEase
-local EaseSineIn={ }
----@param action cc.ActionInterval
----@return self
-function EaseSineIn:create (action) end
----@return self
-function EaseSineIn:clone () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function EaseSineIn:update (time) end
----@return cc.ActionEase
-function EaseSineIn:reverse () end
----@return self
-function EaseSineIn:EaseSineIn () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseSineInOut.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseSineInOut.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index dd445835..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseSineInOut.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EaseSineInOut :cc.ActionEase
-local EaseSineInOut={ }
----@param action cc.ActionInterval
----@return self
-function EaseSineInOut:create (action) end
----@return self
-function EaseSineInOut:clone () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function EaseSineInOut:update (time) end
----@return cc.ActionEase
-function EaseSineInOut:reverse () end
----@return self
-function EaseSineInOut:EaseSineInOut () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseSineOut.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseSineOut.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 62e678b0..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseSineOut.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EaseSineOut :cc.ActionEase
-local EaseSineOut={ }
----@param action cc.ActionInterval
----@return self
-function EaseSineOut:create (action) end
----@return self
-function EaseSineOut:clone () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function EaseSineOut:update (time) end
----@return cc.ActionEase
-function EaseSineOut:reverse () end
----@return self
-function EaseSineOut:EaseSineOut () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Event.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Event.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 7055f7a0..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Event.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Event :cc.Ref
-local Event={ }
----* Checks whether the event has been stopped.<br>
----* return True if the event has been stopped.
----@return boolean
-function Event:isStopped () end
----* Gets the event type.<br>
----* return The event type.
----@return int
-function Event:getType () end
----* Gets current target of the event.<br>
----* return The target with which the event associates.<br>
----* note It's only available when the event listener is associated with node.<br>
----* It returns 0 when the listener is associated with fixed priority.
----@return cc.Node
-function Event:getCurrentTarget () end
----* Stops propagation for current event.
----@return self
-function Event:stopPropagation () end
----* Constructor
----@param type int
----@return self
-function Event:Event (type) end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventAcceleration.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventAcceleration.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index a85af2d3..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventAcceleration.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EventAcceleration :cc.Event
-local EventAcceleration={ }
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventAssetsManagerEx.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventAssetsManagerEx.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 952a5ae8..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventAssetsManagerEx.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EventAssetsManagerEx :cc.EventCustom
-local EventAssetsManagerEx={ }
----@return cc.AssetsManagerEx
-function EventAssetsManagerEx:getAssetsManagerEx () end
----@return string
-function EventAssetsManagerEx:getAssetId () end
----@return int
-function EventAssetsManagerEx:getCURLECode () end
----@return string
-function EventAssetsManagerEx:getMessage () end
----@return int
-function EventAssetsManagerEx:getCURLMCode () end
----@return float
-function EventAssetsManagerEx:getPercentByFile () end
----@return int
-function EventAssetsManagerEx:getEventCode () end
----@return float
-function EventAssetsManagerEx:getPercent () end
----* Constructor
----@param eventName string
----@param manager cc.AssetsManagerEx
----@param code int
----@param percent float
----@param percentByFile float
----@param assetId string
----@param message string
----@param curle_code int
----@param curlm_code int
----@return self
-function EventAssetsManagerEx:EventAssetsManagerEx (eventName,manager,code,percent,percentByFile,assetId,message,curle_code,curlm_code) end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventController.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventController.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ce0a942..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventController.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EventController :cc.Event
-local EventController={ }
----* Gets the event type of the controller.<br>
----* return The event type of the controller.
----@return int
-function EventController:getControllerEventType () end
----* Sets the connect status.<br>
----* param True if it's connected.
----@param isConnected boolean
----@return self
-function EventController:setConnectStatus (isConnected) end
----* Gets the connect status.<br>
----* return True if it's connected.
----@return boolean
-function EventController:isConnected () end
----@param keyCode int
----@return self
-function EventController:setKeyCode (keyCode) end
----@return cc.Controller
-function EventController:getController () end
----* Gets the key code of the controller.<br>
----* return The key code of the controller.
----@return int
-function EventController:getKeyCode () end
----@overload fun(int:int,cc.Controller:cc.Controller,int2:boolean):self
----@overload fun(int:int,cc.Controller:cc.Controller,int:int):self
----@param type int
----@param controller cc.Controller
----@param keyCode int
----@return self
-function EventController:EventController (type,controller,keyCode) end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventCustom.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventCustom.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 68cde923..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventCustom.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EventCustom :cc.Event
-local EventCustom={ }
----* Gets event name.<br>
----* return The name of the event.
----@return string
-function EventCustom:getEventName () end
----* Constructor.<br>
----* param eventName A given name of the custom event.<br>
----* js ctor
----@param eventName string
----@return self
-function EventCustom:EventCustom (eventName) end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventDispatcher.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventDispatcher.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index c8298080..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventDispatcher.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EventDispatcher :cc.Ref
-local EventDispatcher={ }
----* Pauses all listeners which are associated the specified target.<br>
----* param target A given target node.<br>
----* param recursive True if pause recursively, the default value is false.
----@param target cc.Node
----@param recursive boolean
----@return self
-function EventDispatcher:pauseEventListenersForTarget (target,recursive) end
----* Adds a event listener for a specified event with the priority of scene graph.<br>
----* param listener The listener of a specified event.<br>
----* param node The priority of the listener is based on the draw order of this node.<br>
----* note The priority of scene graph will be fixed value 0. So the order of listener item<br>
----* in the vector will be ' <0, scene graph (0 priority), >0'.
----@param listener cc.EventListener
----@param node cc.Node
----@return self
-function EventDispatcher:addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority (listener,node) end
----* Whether to enable dispatching events.<br>
----* param isEnabled True if enable dispatching events.
----@param isEnabled boolean
----@return self
-function EventDispatcher:setEnabled (isEnabled) end
----* Adds a event listener for a specified event with the fixed priority.<br>
----* param listener The listener of a specified event.<br>
----* param fixedPriority The fixed priority of the listener.<br>
----* note A lower priority will be called before the ones that have a higher value.<br>
----* 0 priority is forbidden for fixed priority since it's used for scene graph based priority.
----@param listener cc.EventListener
----@param fixedPriority int
----@return self
-function EventDispatcher:addEventListenerWithFixedPriority (listener,fixedPriority) end
----* Remove a listener.<br>
----* param listener The specified event listener which needs to be removed.
----@param listener cc.EventListener
----@return self
-function EventDispatcher:removeEventListener (listener) end
----* Dispatches a Custom Event with a event name an optional user data.<br>
----* param eventName The name of the event which needs to be dispatched.<br>
----* param optionalUserData The optional user data, it's a void*, the default value is nullptr.
----@param eventName string
----@param optionalUserData void
----@return self
-function EventDispatcher:dispatchCustomEvent (eventName,optionalUserData) end
----* Resumes all listeners which are associated the specified target.<br>
----* param target A given target node.<br>
----* param recursive True if resume recursively, the default value is false.
----@param target cc.Node
----@param recursive boolean
----@return self
-function EventDispatcher:resumeEventListenersForTarget (target,recursive) end
----* Removes all listeners which are associated with the specified target.<br>
----* param target A given target node.<br>
----* param recursive True if remove recursively, the default value is false.
----@param target cc.Node
----@param recursive boolean
----@return self
-function EventDispatcher:removeEventListenersForTarget (target,recursive) end
----* Sets listener's priority with fixed value.<br>
----* param listener A given listener.<br>
----* param fixedPriority The fixed priority value.
----@param listener cc.EventListener
----@param fixedPriority int
----@return self
-function EventDispatcher:setPriority (listener,fixedPriority) end
----* Adds a Custom event listener.<br>
----* It will use a fixed priority of 1.<br>
----* param eventName A given name of the event.<br>
----* param callback A given callback method that associated the event name.<br>
----* return the generated event. Needed in order to remove the event from the dispatcher
----@param eventName string
----@param callback function
----@return cc.EventListenerCustom
-function EventDispatcher:addCustomEventListener (eventName,callback) end
----* Dispatches the event.<br>
----* Also removes all EventListeners marked for deletion from the<br>
----* event dispatcher list.<br>
----* param event The event needs to be dispatched.
----@param event cc.Event
----@return self
-function EventDispatcher:dispatchEvent (event) end
----* Query whether the specified event listener id has been added.<br>
----* param listenerID The listenerID of the event listener id.<br>
----* return True if dispatching events is exist
----@param listenerID string
----@return boolean
-function EventDispatcher:hasEventListener (listenerID) end
----* Removes all listeners.
----@return self
-function EventDispatcher:removeAllEventListeners () end
----* Removes all custom listeners with the same event name.<br>
----* param customEventName A given event listener name which needs to be removed.
----@param customEventName string
----@return self
-function EventDispatcher:removeCustomEventListeners (customEventName) end
----* Checks whether dispatching events is enabled.<br>
----* return True if dispatching events is enabled.
----@return boolean
-function EventDispatcher:isEnabled () end
----* Removes all listeners with the same event listener type.<br>
----* param listenerType A given event listener type which needs to be removed.
----@param listenerType int
----@return self
-function EventDispatcher:removeEventListenersForType (listenerType) end
----* Constructor of EventDispatcher.
----@return self
-function EventDispatcher:EventDispatcher () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventFocus.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventFocus.lua
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index 17265e0a..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventFocus.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EventFocus :cc.Event
-local EventFocus={ }
----* Constructor.<br>
----* param widgetLoseFocus The widget which lose focus.<br>
----* param widgetGetFocus The widget which get focus.<br>
----* js ctor
----@param widgetLoseFocus ccui.Widget
----@param widgetGetFocus ccui.Widget
----@return self
-function EventFocus:EventFocus (widgetLoseFocus,widgetGetFocus) end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventKeyboard.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventKeyboard.lua
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index 06ef6db5..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventKeyboard.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EventKeyboard :cc.Event
-local EventKeyboard={ }
----* Constructor.<br>
----* param keyCode A given keycode.<br>
----* param isPressed True if the key is pressed.<br>
----* js ctor
----@param keyCode int
----@param isPressed boolean
----@return self
-function EventKeyboard:EventKeyboard (keyCode,isPressed) end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListener.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListener.lua
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index eb3cc6a5..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListener.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EventListener :cc.Ref
-local EventListener={ }
----* Enables or disables the listener.<br>
----* note Only listeners with `enabled` state will be able to receive events.<br>
----* When an listener was initialized, it's enabled by default.<br>
----* An event listener can receive events when it is enabled and is not paused.<br>
----* paused state is always false when it is a fixed priority listener.<br>
----* param enabled True if enables the listener.
----@param enabled boolean
----@return self
-function EventListener:setEnabled (enabled) end
----* Checks whether the listener is enabled.<br>
----* return True if the listener is enabled.
----@return boolean
-function EventListener:isEnabled () end
----* Clones the listener, its subclasses have to override this method.
----@return self
-function EventListener:clone () end
----* Checks whether the listener is available.<br>
----* return True if the listener is available.
----@return boolean
-function EventListener:checkAvailable () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerAcceleration.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerAcceleration.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index a162ebe8..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerAcceleration.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EventListenerAcceleration :cc.EventListener
-local EventListenerAcceleration={ }
----@param callback function
----@return boolean
-function EventListenerAcceleration:init (callback) end
----* / Overrides
----@return self
-function EventListenerAcceleration:clone () end
----@return boolean
-function EventListenerAcceleration:checkAvailable () end
----@return self
-function EventListenerAcceleration:EventListenerAcceleration () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerAssetsManagerEx.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerAssetsManagerEx.lua
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index 55e37f25..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerAssetsManagerEx.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EventListenerAssetsManagerEx :cc.EventListenerCustom
-local EventListenerAssetsManagerEx={ }
----* Initializes event with type and callback function
----@param AssetsManagerEx cc.AssetsManagerEx
----@param callback function
----@return boolean
-function EventListenerAssetsManagerEx:init (AssetsManagerEx,callback) end
----@return self
-function EventListenerAssetsManagerEx:clone () end
----* / Overrides
----@return boolean
-function EventListenerAssetsManagerEx:checkAvailable () end
----* Constructor
----@return self
-function EventListenerAssetsManagerEx:EventListenerAssetsManagerEx () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerController.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerController.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 81db209f..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerController.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EventListenerController :cc.EventListener
-local EventListenerController={ }
----* Create a controller event listener.<br>
----* return An autoreleased EventListenerController object.
----@return self
-function EventListenerController:create () end
----@return self
-function EventListenerController:clone () end
----* / Overrides
----@return boolean
-function EventListenerController:checkAvailable () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerCustom.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerCustom.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index d553d212..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerCustom.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EventListenerCustom :cc.EventListener
-local EventListenerCustom={ }
----@return self
-function EventListenerCustom:clone () end
----* / Overrides
----@return boolean
-function EventListenerCustom:checkAvailable () end
----* Constructor
----@return self
-function EventListenerCustom:EventListenerCustom () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerFocus.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerFocus.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 1cb7cda8..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerFocus.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EventListenerFocus :cc.EventListener
-local EventListenerFocus={ }
----@return boolean
-function EventListenerFocus:init () end
----* / Overrides
----@return self
-function EventListenerFocus:clone () end
----@return boolean
-function EventListenerFocus:checkAvailable () end
----@return self
-function EventListenerFocus:EventListenerFocus () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerKeyboard.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerKeyboard.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f1102ba..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerKeyboard.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EventListenerKeyboard :cc.EventListener
-local EventListenerKeyboard={ }
----@return boolean
-function EventListenerKeyboard:init () end
----* / Overrides
----@return self
-function EventListenerKeyboard:clone () end
----@return boolean
-function EventListenerKeyboard:checkAvailable () end
----@return self
-function EventListenerKeyboard:EventListenerKeyboard () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerMouse.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerMouse.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 0de14fd0..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerMouse.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EventListenerMouse :cc.EventListener
-local EventListenerMouse={ }
----@return boolean
-function EventListenerMouse:init () end
----* / Overrides
----@return self
-function EventListenerMouse:clone () end
----@return boolean
-function EventListenerMouse:checkAvailable () end
----@return self
-function EventListenerMouse:EventListenerMouse () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerPhysicsContact.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerPhysicsContact.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 42722cff..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerPhysicsContact.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EventListenerPhysicsContact :cc.EventListenerCustom
-local EventListenerPhysicsContact={ }
----* Create the listener.
----@return self
-function EventListenerPhysicsContact:create () end
----* Clone an object from this listener.
----@return self
-function EventListenerPhysicsContact:clone () end
----* Check the listener is available.<br>
----* return True if there's one available callback function at least, false if there's no one.
----@return boolean
-function EventListenerPhysicsContact:checkAvailable () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerPhysicsContactWithBodies.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerPhysicsContactWithBodies.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index ec64ae38..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerPhysicsContactWithBodies.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EventListenerPhysicsContactWithBodies :cc.EventListenerPhysicsContact
-local EventListenerPhysicsContactWithBodies={ }
----@param shapeA cc.PhysicsShape
----@param shapeB cc.PhysicsShape
----@return boolean
-function EventListenerPhysicsContactWithBodies:hitTest (shapeA,shapeB) end
----* Create the listener.
----@param bodyA cc.PhysicsBody
----@param bodyB cc.PhysicsBody
----@return self
-function EventListenerPhysicsContactWithBodies:create (bodyA,bodyB) end
----@return self
-function EventListenerPhysicsContactWithBodies:clone () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerPhysicsContactWithGroup.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerPhysicsContactWithGroup.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 259bc1f4..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerPhysicsContactWithGroup.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EventListenerPhysicsContactWithGroup :cc.EventListenerPhysicsContact
-local EventListenerPhysicsContactWithGroup={ }
----@param shapeA cc.PhysicsShape
----@param shapeB cc.PhysicsShape
----@return boolean
-function EventListenerPhysicsContactWithGroup:hitTest (shapeA,shapeB) end
----* Create the listener.
----@param group int
----@return self
-function EventListenerPhysicsContactWithGroup:create (group) end
----@return self
-function EventListenerPhysicsContactWithGroup:clone () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerPhysicsContactWithShapes.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerPhysicsContactWithShapes.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index b1c619df..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerPhysicsContactWithShapes.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EventListenerPhysicsContactWithShapes :cc.EventListenerPhysicsContact
-local EventListenerPhysicsContactWithShapes={ }
----@param shapeA cc.PhysicsShape
----@param shapeB cc.PhysicsShape
----@return boolean
-function EventListenerPhysicsContactWithShapes:hitTest (shapeA,shapeB) end
----* Create the listener.
----@param shapeA cc.PhysicsShape
----@param shapeB cc.PhysicsShape
----@return self
-function EventListenerPhysicsContactWithShapes:create (shapeA,shapeB) end
----@return self
-function EventListenerPhysicsContactWithShapes:clone () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 70fece9f..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce :cc.EventListener
-local EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce={ }
----@return boolean
-function EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce:init () end
----* / Overrides
----@return self
-function EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce:clone () end
----@return boolean
-function EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce:checkAvailable () end
----@return self
-function EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce:EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerTouchOneByOne.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerTouchOneByOne.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f2fc78a..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerTouchOneByOne.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EventListenerTouchOneByOne :cc.EventListener
-local EventListenerTouchOneByOne={ }
----* Is swall touches or not.<br>
----* return True if needs to swall touches.
----@return boolean
-function EventListenerTouchOneByOne:isSwallowTouches () end
----* Whether or not to swall touches.<br>
----* param needSwallow True if needs to swall touches.
----@param needSwallow boolean
----@return self
-function EventListenerTouchOneByOne:setSwallowTouches (needSwallow) end
----@return boolean
-function EventListenerTouchOneByOne:init () end
----* / Overrides
----@return self
-function EventListenerTouchOneByOne:clone () end
----@return boolean
-function EventListenerTouchOneByOne:checkAvailable () end
----@return self
-function EventListenerTouchOneByOne:EventListenerTouchOneByOne () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventMouse.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventMouse.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index f611c342..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventMouse.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EventMouse :cc.Event
-local EventMouse={ }
----* Returns the previous touch location in screen coordinates.<br>
----* return The previous touch location in screen coordinates.<br>
----* js NA
----@return vec2_table
-function EventMouse:getPreviousLocationInView () end
----* Returns the current touch location in OpenGL coordinates.<br>
----* return The current touch location in OpenGL coordinates.
----@return vec2_table
-function EventMouse:getLocation () end
----* Get mouse button.<br>
----* return The mouse button.<br>
----* js getButton
----@return int
-function EventMouse:getMouseButton () end
----* Returns the previous touch location in OpenGL coordinates.<br>
----* return The previous touch location in OpenGL coordinates.<br>
----* js NA
----@return vec2_table
-function EventMouse:getPreviousLocation () end
----* Returns the delta of 2 current touches locations in screen coordinates.<br>
----* return The delta of 2 current touches locations in screen coordinates.
----@return vec2_table
-function EventMouse:getDelta () end
----* Set mouse scroll data.<br>
----* param scrollX The scroll data of x axis.<br>
----* param scrollY The scroll data of y axis.
----@param scrollX float
----@param scrollY float
----@return self
-function EventMouse:setScrollData (scrollX,scrollY) end
----* Returns the start touch location in screen coordinates.<br>
----* return The start touch location in screen coordinates.<br>
----* js NA
----@return vec2_table
-function EventMouse:getStartLocationInView () end
----* Returns the start touch location in OpenGL coordinates.<br>
----* return The start touch location in OpenGL coordinates.<br>
----* js NA
----@return vec2_table
-function EventMouse:getStartLocation () end
----* Set mouse button.<br>
----* param button a given mouse button.<br>
----* js setButton
----@param button int
----@return self
-function EventMouse:setMouseButton (button) end
----* Returns the current touch location in screen coordinates.<br>
----* return The current touch location in screen coordinates.
----@return vec2_table
-function EventMouse:getLocationInView () end
----* Get mouse scroll data of y axis.<br>
----* return The scroll data of y axis.
----@return float
-function EventMouse:getScrollY () end
----* Get mouse scroll data of x axis.<br>
----* return The scroll data of x axis.
----@return float
-function EventMouse:getScrollX () end
----* Get the cursor position of x axis.<br>
----* return The x coordinate of cursor position.<br>
----* js getLocationX
----@return float
-function EventMouse:getCursorX () end
----* Get the cursor position of y axis.<br>
----* return The y coordinate of cursor position.<br>
----* js getLocationY
----@return float
-function EventMouse:getCursorY () end
----* Set the cursor position.<br>
----* param x The x coordinate of cursor position.<br>
----* param y The y coordinate of cursor position.<br>
----* js setLocation
----@param x float
----@param y float
----@return self
-function EventMouse:setCursorPosition (x,y) end
----* Constructor.<br>
----* param mouseEventCode A given mouse event type.<br>
----* js ctor
----@param mouseEventCode int
----@return self
-function EventMouse:EventMouse (mouseEventCode) end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventTouch.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventTouch.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 78eb0007..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventTouch.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EventTouch :cc.Event
-local EventTouch={ }
----* Get event code.<br>
----* return The code of the event.
----@return int
-function EventTouch:getEventCode () end
----* Set the event code.<br>
----* param eventCode A given EventCode.
----@param eventCode int
----@return self
-function EventTouch:setEventCode (eventCode) end
----* Constructor.<br>
----* js NA
----@return self
-function EventTouch:EventTouch () end \ No newline at end of file
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index adad8d33..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FadeIn.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.FadeIn :cc.FadeTo
-local FadeIn={ }
----* js NA
----@param ac cc.FadeTo
----@return self
-function FadeIn:setReverseAction (ac) end
----* Creates the action.<br>
----* param d Duration time, in seconds.<br>
----* return An autoreleased FadeIn object.
----@param d float
----@return self
-function FadeIn:create (d) end
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function FadeIn:startWithTarget (target) end
----@return self
-function FadeIn:clone () end
----@return cc.FadeTo
-function FadeIn:reverse () end
----@return self
-function FadeIn:FadeIn () end \ No newline at end of file
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index 1162eef2..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FadeOut.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.FadeOut :cc.FadeTo
-local FadeOut={ }
----* js NA
----@param ac cc.FadeTo
----@return self
-function FadeOut:setReverseAction (ac) end
----* Creates the action.<br>
----* param d Duration time, in seconds.
----@param d float
----@return self
-function FadeOut:create (d) end
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function FadeOut:startWithTarget (target) end
----@return self
-function FadeOut:clone () end
----@return cc.FadeTo
-function FadeOut:reverse () end
----@return self
-function FadeOut:FadeOut () end \ No newline at end of file
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index c053df86..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FadeOutBLTiles.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.FadeOutBLTiles :cc.FadeOutTRTiles
-local FadeOutBLTiles={ }
----* brief Create the action with the grid size and the duration.<br>
----* param duration Specify the duration of the FadeOutBLTiles action. It's a value in seconds.<br>
----* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.<br>
----* return If the creation success, return a pointer of FadeOutBLTiles action; otherwise, return nil.
----@param duration float
----@param gridSize size_table
----@return self
-function FadeOutBLTiles:create (duration,gridSize) end
----@return self
-function FadeOutBLTiles:clone () end
----@param pos size_table
----@param time float
----@return float
-function FadeOutBLTiles:testFunc (pos,time) end
----@return self
-function FadeOutBLTiles:FadeOutBLTiles () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FadeOutDownTiles.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FadeOutDownTiles.lua
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index 59b76c4f..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FadeOutDownTiles.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.FadeOutDownTiles :cc.FadeOutUpTiles
-local FadeOutDownTiles={ }
----* brief Create the action with the grid size and the duration.<br>
----* param duration Specify the duration of the FadeOutDownTiles action. It's a value in seconds.<br>
----* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.<br>
----* return If the creation success, return a pointer of FadeOutDownTiles action; otherwise, return nil.
----@param duration float
----@param gridSize size_table
----@return self
-function FadeOutDownTiles:create (duration,gridSize) end
----@return self
-function FadeOutDownTiles:clone () end
----@param pos size_table
----@param time float
----@return float
-function FadeOutDownTiles:testFunc (pos,time) end
----@return self
-function FadeOutDownTiles:FadeOutDownTiles () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FadeOutTRTiles.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FadeOutTRTiles.lua
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index c753534b..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FadeOutTRTiles.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.FadeOutTRTiles :cc.TiledGrid3DAction
-local FadeOutTRTiles={ }
----* brief Show the tile at specified position.<br>
----* param pos The position index of the tile should be shown.
----@param pos vec2_table
----@return self
-function FadeOutTRTiles:turnOnTile (pos) end
----* brief Hide the tile at specified position.<br>
----* param pos The position index of the tile should be hide.
----@param pos vec2_table
----@return self
-function FadeOutTRTiles:turnOffTile (pos) end
----* brief Show part of the tile.<br>
----* param pos The position index of the tile should be shown.<br>
----* param distance The percentage that the tile should be shown.
----@param pos vec2_table
----@param distance float
----@return self
-function FadeOutTRTiles:transformTile (pos,distance) end
----* brief Calculate the percentage a tile should be shown.<br>
----* param pos The position index of the tile.<br>
----* param time The current percentage of the action.<br>
----* return Return the percentage the tile should be shown.
----@param pos size_table
----@param time float
----@return float
-function FadeOutTRTiles:testFunc (pos,time) end
----* brief Create the action with the grid size and the duration.<br>
----* param duration Specify the duration of the FadeOutTRTiles action. It's a value in seconds.<br>
----* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.<br>
----* return If the creation success, return a pointer of FadeOutTRTiles action; otherwise, return nil.
----@param duration float
----@param gridSize size_table
----@return self
-function FadeOutTRTiles:create (duration,gridSize) end
----@return self
-function FadeOutTRTiles:clone () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function FadeOutTRTiles:update (time) end
----@return self
-function FadeOutTRTiles:FadeOutTRTiles () end \ No newline at end of file
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index 2e5f8389..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FadeOutUpTiles.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.FadeOutUpTiles :cc.FadeOutTRTiles
-local FadeOutUpTiles={ }
----* brief Create the action with the grid size and the duration.<br>
----* param duration Specify the duration of the FadeOutUpTiles action. It's a value in seconds.<br>
----* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.<br>
----* return If the creation success, return a pointer of FadeOutUpTiles action; otherwise, return nil.
----@param duration float
----@param gridSize size_table
----@return self
-function FadeOutUpTiles:create (duration,gridSize) end
----@return self
-function FadeOutUpTiles:clone () end
----@param pos vec2_table
----@param distance float
----@return self
-function FadeOutUpTiles:transformTile (pos,distance) end
----@param pos size_table
----@param time float
----@return float
-function FadeOutUpTiles:testFunc (pos,time) end
----@return self
-function FadeOutUpTiles:FadeOutUpTiles () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FadeTo.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FadeTo.lua
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index 0e775a6c..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FadeTo.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.FadeTo :cc.ActionInterval
-local FadeTo={ }
----* initializes the action with duration and opacity <br>
----* param duration in seconds
----@param duration float
----@param opacity unsigned_char
----@return boolean
-function FadeTo:initWithDuration (duration,opacity) end
----* Creates an action with duration and opacity.<br>
----* param duration Duration time, in seconds.<br>
----* param opacity A certain opacity, the range is from 0 to 255.<br>
----* return An autoreleased FadeTo object.
----@param duration float
----@param opacity unsigned_char
----@return self
-function FadeTo:create (duration,opacity) end
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function FadeTo:startWithTarget (target) end
----@return self
-function FadeTo:clone () end
----@return self
-function FadeTo:reverse () end
----* param time In seconds.
----@param time float
----@return self
-function FadeTo:update (time) end
----@return self
-function FadeTo:FadeTo () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FastTMXLayer.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FastTMXLayer.lua
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index 1abec899..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FastTMXLayer.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.FastTMXLayer :cc.Node
-local FastTMXLayer={ }
----* Returns the position in points of a given tile coordinate.<br>
----* param tileCoordinate The tile Coordinate.<br>
----* return The position in points of a given tile coordinate.
----@param tileCoordinate vec2_table
----@return vec2_table
-function FastTMXLayer:getPositionAt (tileCoordinate) end
----* Set Layer orientation, which is the same as the map orientation. <br>
----* param orientation Layer orientation, which is the same as the map orientation.
----@param orientation int
----@return self
-function FastTMXLayer:setLayerOrientation (orientation) end
----* Size of the layer in tiles.<br>
----* return Size of the layer in tiles.
----@return size_table
-function FastTMXLayer:getLayerSize () end
----* Set the size of the map's tile. <br>
----* param size The new size of the map's tile.
----@param size size_table
----@return self
-function FastTMXLayer:setMapTileSize (size) end
----* Layer orientation, which is the same as the map orientation.<br>
----* return Layer orientation, which is the same as the map orientation.
----@return int
-function FastTMXLayer:getLayerOrientation () end
----* Set the properties to the layer.<br>
----* param properties The properties to the layer.
----@param properties map_table
----@return self
-function FastTMXLayer:setProperties (properties) end
----* Set the tile layer name.<br>
----* param layerName The new layer name.
----@param layerName string
----@return self
-function FastTMXLayer:setLayerName (layerName) end
----* Removes a tile at given tile coordinate.<br>
----* param tileCoordinate The tile Coordinate.
----@param tileCoordinate vec2_table
----@return self
-function FastTMXLayer:removeTileAt (tileCoordinate) end
----@overload fun():self
----@overload fun():self
----@return map_table
-function FastTMXLayer:getProperties () end
----* Creates the tiles.
----@return self
-function FastTMXLayer:setupTiles () end
----* Set an sprite to the tile,with the tile coordinate and gid.<br>
----* param sprite A Sprite.<br>
----* param pos The tile coordinate.<br>
----* param gid The tile gid.
----@param sprite cc.Sprite
----@param pos vec2_table
----@param gid unsigned_int
----@return self
-function FastTMXLayer:setupTileSprite (sprite,pos,gid) end
----@overload fun(int:int,vec2_table:vec2_table,int:int):self
----@overload fun(int:int,vec2_table:vec2_table):self
----@param gid int
----@param tileCoordinate vec2_table
----@param flags int
----@return self
-function FastTMXLayer:setTileGID (gid,tileCoordinate,flags) end
----* Size of the map's tile (could be different from the tile's size).<br>
----* return Size of the map's tile (could be different from the tile's size).
----@return size_table
-function FastTMXLayer:getMapTileSize () end
----* Return the value for the specific property name.<br>
----* param propertyName The value for the specific property name.<br>
----* return The value for the specific property name.
----@param propertyName string
----@return cc.Value
-function FastTMXLayer:getProperty (propertyName) end
----* Set the size of the layer in tiles. <br>
----* param size The new size of the layer in tiles.
----@param size size_table
----@return self
-function FastTMXLayer:setLayerSize (size) end
----* Get the tile layer name.<br>
----* return The tile layer name.
----@return string
-function FastTMXLayer:getLayerName () end
----* Set the tileset information for the layer. <br>
----* param info The new tileset information for the layer.
----@param info cc.TMXTilesetInfo
----@return self
-function FastTMXLayer:setTileSet (info) end
----* Tileset information for the layer.<br>
----* return Tileset information for the layer.
----@return cc.TMXTilesetInfo
-function FastTMXLayer:getTileSet () end
----* Returns the tile (Sprite) at a given a tile coordinate.<br>
----* The returned Sprite will be already added to the TMXLayer. Don't add it again.<br>
----* The Sprite can be treated like any other Sprite: rotated, scaled, translated, opacity, color, etc.<br>
----* You can remove either by calling:<br>
----* - layer->removeChild(sprite, cleanup);<br>
----* return Returns the tile (Sprite) at a given a tile coordinate.
----@param tileCoordinate vec2_table
----@return cc.Sprite
-function FastTMXLayer:getTileAt (tileCoordinate) end
----* Creates a FastTMXLayer with an tileset info, a layer info and a map info.<br>
----* param tilesetInfo An tileset info.<br>
----* param layerInfo A layer info.<br>
----* param mapInfo A map info.<br>
----* return Return an autorelease object.
----@param tilesetInfo cc.TMXTilesetInfo
----@param layerInfo cc.TMXLayerInfo
----@param mapInfo cc.TMXMapInfo
----@return self
-function FastTMXLayer:create (tilesetInfo,layerInfo,mapInfo) end
----@param child cc.Node
----@param cleanup boolean
----@return self
-function FastTMXLayer:removeChild (child,cleanup) end
----@param renderer cc.Renderer
----@param transform mat4_table
----@param flags unsigned_int
----@return self
-function FastTMXLayer:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end
----@return string
-function FastTMXLayer:getDescription () end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function FastTMXLayer:FastTMXLayer () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FastTMXTiledMap.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FastTMXTiledMap.lua
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index a35cf02c..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FastTMXTiledMap.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.FastTMXTiledMap :cc.Node
-local FastTMXTiledMap={ }
----* Set object groups. <br>
----* param groups An object groups.
----@param groups array_table
----@return self
-function FastTMXTiledMap:setObjectGroups (groups) end
----* Return the value for the specific property name.<br>
----* return Return the value for the specific property name.
----@param propertyName string
----@return cc.Value
-function FastTMXTiledMap:getProperty (propertyName) end
----* Set the map's size property measured in tiles.<br>
----* param mapSize The map's size property measured in tiles.
----@param mapSize size_table
----@return self
-function FastTMXTiledMap:setMapSize (mapSize) end
----* Return the TMXObjectGroup for the specific group. <br>
----* return Return the TMXObjectGroup for the specific group.
----@param groupName string
----@return cc.TMXObjectGroup
-function FastTMXTiledMap:getObjectGroup (groupName) end
----@overload fun():self
----@overload fun():self
----@return array_table
-function FastTMXTiledMap:getObjectGroups () end
----* The tiles's size property measured in pixels.<br>
----* return The tiles's size property measured in pixels.
----@return size_table
-function FastTMXTiledMap:getTileSize () end
----* The map's size property measured in tiles. <br>
----* return The map's size property measured in tiles.
----@return size_table
-function FastTMXTiledMap:getMapSize () end
----* Get properties.<br>
----* return Properties.
----@return map_table
-function FastTMXTiledMap:getProperties () end
----* Return properties dictionary for tile GID.<br>
----* return Return properties dictionary for tile GID.
----@param GID int
----@return cc.Value
-function FastTMXTiledMap:getPropertiesForGID (GID) end
----* Set the tiles's size property measured in pixels. <br>
----* param tileSize The tiles's size property measured in pixels.
----@param tileSize size_table
----@return self
-function FastTMXTiledMap:setTileSize (tileSize) end
----* Set properties. <br>
----* param properties An ValueMap Properties.
----@param properties map_table
----@return self
-function FastTMXTiledMap:setProperties (properties) end
----* Return the FastTMXLayer for the specific layer. <br>
----* return Return the FastTMXLayer for the specific layer.
----@param layerName string
----@return cc.FastTMXLayer
-function FastTMXTiledMap:getLayer (layerName) end
----* Get map orientation. <br>
----* return The map orientation.
----@return int
-function FastTMXTiledMap:getMapOrientation () end
----* Set map orientation. <br>
----* param mapOrientation The map orientation.
----@param mapOrientation int
----@return self
-function FastTMXTiledMap:setMapOrientation (mapOrientation) end
----* Creates a TMX Tiled Map with a TMX file.<br>
----* return An autorelease object.
----@param tmxFile string
----@return self
-function FastTMXTiledMap:create (tmxFile) end
----* Initializes a TMX Tiled Map with a TMX formatted XML string and a path to TMX resources. <br>
----* param tmxString A TMX formatted XML string.<br>
----* param resourcePath A path to TMX resources.<br>
----* return An autorelease object.
----@param tmxString string
----@param resourcePath string
----@return self
-function FastTMXTiledMap:createWithXML (tmxString,resourcePath) end
----@return string
-function FastTMXTiledMap:getDescription () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FileUtils.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FileUtils.lua
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index 290756c3..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FileUtils.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,343 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.FileUtils
-local FileUtils={ }
----* Returns the fullpath for a given filename.<br>
----* First it will try to get a new filename from the "filenameLookup" dictionary.<br>
----* If a new filename can't be found on the dictionary, it will use the original filename.<br>
----* Then it will try to obtain the full path of the filename using the FileUtils search rules: resolutions, and search paths.<br>
----* The file search is based on the array element order of search paths and resolution directories.<br>
----* For instance:<br>
----* We set two elements("/mnt/sdcard/", "internal_dir/") to search paths vector by setSearchPaths,<br>
----* and set three elements("resources-ipadhd/", "resources-ipad/", "resources-iphonehd")<br>
----* to resolutions vector by setSearchResolutionsOrder. The "internal_dir" is relative to "Resources/".<br>
----* If we have a file named 'sprite.png', the mapping in fileLookup dictionary contains `key: sprite.png -> value: sprite.pvr.gz`.<br>
----* Firstly, it will replace 'sprite.png' with 'sprite.pvr.gz', then searching the file sprite.pvr.gz as follows:<br>
----* /mnt/sdcard/resources-ipadhd/sprite.pvr.gz (if not found, search next)<br>
----* /mnt/sdcard/resources-ipad/sprite.pvr.gz (if not found, search next)<br>
----* /mnt/sdcard/resources-iphonehd/sprite.pvr.gz (if not found, search next)<br>
----* /mnt/sdcard/sprite.pvr.gz (if not found, search next)<br>
----* internal_dir/resources-ipadhd/sprite.pvr.gz (if not found, search next)<br>
----* internal_dir/resources-ipad/sprite.pvr.gz (if not found, search next)<br>
----* internal_dir/resources-iphonehd/sprite.pvr.gz (if not found, search next)<br>
----* internal_dir/sprite.pvr.gz (if not found, return "sprite.png")<br>
----* If the filename contains relative path like "gamescene/uilayer/sprite.png",<br>
----* and the mapping in fileLookup dictionary contains `key: gamescene/uilayer/sprite.png -> value: gamescene/uilayer/sprite.pvr.gz`.<br>
----* The file search order will be:<br>
----* /mnt/sdcard/gamescene/uilayer/resources-ipadhd/sprite.pvr.gz (if not found, search next)<br>
----* /mnt/sdcard/gamescene/uilayer/resources-ipad/sprite.pvr.gz (if not found, search next)<br>
----* /mnt/sdcard/gamescene/uilayer/resources-iphonehd/sprite.pvr.gz (if not found, search next)<br>
----* /mnt/sdcard/gamescene/uilayer/sprite.pvr.gz (if not found, search next)<br>
----* internal_dir/gamescene/uilayer/resources-ipadhd/sprite.pvr.gz (if not found, search next)<br>
----* internal_dir/gamescene/uilayer/resources-ipad/sprite.pvr.gz (if not found, search next)<br>
----* internal_dir/gamescene/uilayer/resources-iphonehd/sprite.pvr.gz (if not found, search next)<br>
----* internal_dir/gamescene/uilayer/sprite.pvr.gz (if not found, return "gamescene/uilayer/sprite.png")<br>
----* If the new file can't be found on the file system, it will return the parameter filename directly.<br>
----* This method was added to simplify multiplatform support. Whether you are using cocos2d-js or any cross-compilation toolchain like StellaSDK or Apportable,<br>
----* you might need to load different resources for a given file in the different platforms.<br>
----* since v2.1
----@param filename string
----@return string
-function FileUtils:fullPathForFilename (filename) end
----@overload fun(string:string,function:function):self
----@overload fun(string:string):self
----@param path string
----@param callback function
----@return self
-function FileUtils:getStringFromFile (path,callback) end
----* Sets the filenameLookup dictionary.<br>
----* param filenameLookupDict The dictionary for replacing filename.<br>
----* since v2.1
----@param filenameLookupDict map_table
----@return self
-function FileUtils:setFilenameLookupDictionary (filenameLookupDict) end
----@overload fun(string:string,function:function):self
----@overload fun(string:string):self
----@param filepath string
----@param callback function
----@return self
-function FileUtils:removeFile (filepath,callback) end
----* List all files recursively in a directory, async off the main cocos thread.<br>
----* param dirPath The path of the directory, it could be a relative or an absolute path.<br>
----* param callback The callback to be called once the list operation is complete. <br>
----* Will be called on the main cocos thread.<br>
----* js NA<br>
----* lua NA
----@param dirPath string
----@param callback function
----@return self
-function FileUtils:listFilesRecursivelyAsync (dirPath,callback) end
----* Checks whether the path is an absolute path.<br>
----* note On Android, if the parameter passed in is relative to "assets/", this method will treat it as an absolute path.<br>
----* Also on Blackberry, path starts with "app/native/Resources/" is treated as an absolute path.<br>
----* param path The path that needs to be checked.<br>
----* return True if it's an absolute path, false if not.
----@param path string
----@return boolean
-function FileUtils:isAbsolutePath (path) end
----@overload fun(string:string,string:string,string:string,function:function):self
----@overload fun(string:string,string:string,string:string):self
----@overload fun(string:string,string:string):self
----@overload fun(string:string,string:string,string2:function):self
----@param path string
----@param oldname string
----@param name string
----@param callback function
----@return self
-function FileUtils:renameFile (path,oldname,name,callback) end
----* Get default resource root path.
----@return string
-function FileUtils:getDefaultResourceRootPath () end
----* Loads the filenameLookup dictionary from the contents of a filename.<br>
----* note The plist file name should follow the format below:<br>
----* code<br>
----* <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><br>
----* <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-AppleDTD PLIST 1.0EN" ""><br>
----* <plist version="1.0"><br>
----* <dict><br>
----* <key>filenames</key><br>
----* <dict><br>
----* <key>sounds/click.wav</key><br>
----* <string>sounds/click.caf</string><br>
----* <key>sounds/endgame.wav</key><br>
----* <string>sounds/endgame.caf</string><br>
----* <key>sounds/gem-0.wav</key><br>
----* <string>sounds/gem-0.caf</string><br>
----* </dict><br>
----* <key>metadata</key><br>
----* <dict><br>
----* <key>version</key><br>
----* <integer>1</integer><br>
----* </dict><br>
----* </dict><br>
----* </plist><br>
----* endcode<br>
----* param filename The plist file name.<br>
----* since v2.1<br>
----* js loadFilenameLookup<br>
----* lua loadFilenameLookup
----@param filename string
----@return self
-function FileUtils:loadFilenameLookupDictionaryFromFile (filename) end
----* Checks whether to pop up a message box when failed to load an image.<br>
----* return True if pop up a message box when failed to load an image, false if not.
----@return boolean
-function FileUtils:isPopupNotify () end
----@param filename string
----@return array_table
-function FileUtils:getValueVectorFromFile (filename) end
----* Gets the array of search paths.<br>
----* return The array of search paths which may contain the prefix of default resource root path. <br>
----* note In best practise, getter function should return the value of setter function passes in.<br>
----* But since we should not break the compatibility, we keep using the old logic. <br>
----* Therefore, If you want to get the original search paths, please call 'getOriginalSearchPaths()' instead.<br>
----* see fullPathForFilename(const char*).<br>
----* lua NA
----@return array_table
-function FileUtils:getSearchPaths () end
----* write a ValueMap into a plist file<br>
----* param dict the ValueMap want to save<br>
----* param fullPath The full path to the file you want to save a string<br>
----* return bool
----@param dict map_table
----@param fullPath string
----@return boolean
-function FileUtils:writeToFile (dict,fullPath) end
----* Gets the original search path array set by 'setSearchPaths' or 'addSearchPath'.<br>
----* return The array of the original search paths
----@return array_table
-function FileUtils:getOriginalSearchPaths () end
----* Gets the new filename from the filename lookup dictionary.<br>
----* It is possible to have a override names.<br>
----* param filename The original filename.<br>
----* return The new filename after searching in the filename lookup dictionary.<br>
----* If the original filename wasn't in the dictionary, it will return the original filename.
----@param filename string
----@return string
-function FileUtils:getNewFilename (filename) end
----* List all files in a directory.<br>
----* param dirPath The path of the directory, it could be a relative or an absolute path.<br>
----* return File paths in a string vector
----@param dirPath string
----@return array_table
-function FileUtils:listFiles (dirPath) end
----* Converts the contents of a file to a ValueMap.<br>
----* param filename The filename of the file to gets content.<br>
----* return ValueMap of the file contents.<br>
----* note This method is used internally.
----@param filename string
----@return map_table
-function FileUtils:getValueMapFromFile (filename) end
----@overload fun(string:string,function:function):self
----@overload fun(string:string):self
----@param filepath string
----@param callback function
----@return self
-function FileUtils:getFileSize (filepath,callback) end
----* Converts the contents of a file to a ValueMap.<br>
----* This method is used internally.
----@param filedata char
----@param filesize int
----@return map_table
-function FileUtils:getValueMapFromData (filedata,filesize) end
----@overload fun(string:string,function:function):self
----@overload fun(string:string):self
----@param dirPath string
----@param callback function
----@return self
-function FileUtils:removeDirectory (dirPath,callback) end
----* Sets the array of search paths.<br>
----* You can use this array to modify the search path of the resources.<br>
----* If you want to use "themes" or search resources in the "cache", you can do it easily by adding new entries in this array.<br>
----* note This method could access relative path and absolute path.<br>
----* If the relative path was passed to the vector, FileUtils will add the default resource directory before the relative path.<br>
----* For instance:<br>
----* On Android, the default resource root path is "assets/".<br>
----* If "/mnt/sdcard/" and "resources-large" were set to the search paths vector,<br>
----* "resources-large" will be converted to "assets/resources-large" since it was a relative path.<br>
----* param searchPaths The array contains search paths.<br>
----* see fullPathForFilename(const char*)<br>
----* since v2.1<br>
----* In js:var setSearchPaths(var jsval);<br>
----* lua NA
----@param searchPaths array_table
----@return self
-function FileUtils:setSearchPaths (searchPaths) end
----@overload fun(string:string,string:string,function:function):self
----@overload fun(string:string,string:string):self
----@param dataStr string
----@param fullPath string
----@param callback function
----@return self
-function FileUtils:writeStringToFile (dataStr,fullPath,callback) end
----* Sets the array that contains the search order of the resources.<br>
----* param searchResolutionsOrder The source array that contains the search order of the resources.<br>
----* see getSearchResolutionsOrder(), fullPathForFilename(const char*).<br>
----* since v2.1<br>
----* In js:var setSearchResolutionsOrder(var jsval)<br>
----* lua NA
----@param searchResolutionsOrder array_table
----@return self
-function FileUtils:setSearchResolutionsOrder (searchResolutionsOrder) end
----* Append search order of the resources.<br>
----* see setSearchResolutionsOrder(), fullPathForFilename().<br>
----* since v2.1
----@param order string
----@param front boolean
----@return self
-function FileUtils:addSearchResolutionsOrder (order,front) end
----* Add search path.<br>
----* since v2.1
----@param path string
----@param front boolean
----@return self
-function FileUtils:addSearchPath (path,front) end
----@overload fun(array_table:array_table,string:string,function:function):self
----@overload fun(array_table:array_table,string:string):self
----@param vecData array_table
----@param fullPath string
----@param callback function
----@return self
-function FileUtils:writeValueVectorToFile (vecData,fullPath,callback) end
----@overload fun(string:string,function:function):self
----@overload fun(string:string):self
----@param filename string
----@param callback function
----@return self
-function FileUtils:isFileExist (filename,callback) end
----* Purges full path caches.
----@return self
-function FileUtils:purgeCachedEntries () end
----* Gets full path from a file name and the path of the relative file.<br>
----* param filename The file name.<br>
----* param relativeFile The path of the relative file.<br>
----* return The full path.<br>
----* e.g. filename: hello.png, pszRelativeFile: /User/path1/path2/hello.plist<br>
----* Return: /User/path1/path2/hello.pvr (If there a a key(hello.png)-value(hello.pvr) in FilenameLookup dictionary. )
----@param filename string
----@param relativeFile string
----@return string
-function FileUtils:fullPathFromRelativeFile (filename,relativeFile) end
----* Windows fopen can't support UTF-8 filename<br>
----* Need convert all parameters fopen and other 3rd-party libs<br>
----* param filenameUtf8 std::string name file for conversion from utf-8<br>
----* return std::string ansi filename in current locale
----@param filenameUtf8 string
----@return string
-function FileUtils:getSuitableFOpen (filenameUtf8) end
----@overload fun(map_table:map_table,string:string,function:function):self
----@overload fun(map_table:map_table,string:string):self
----@param dict map_table
----@param fullPath string
----@param callback function
----@return self
-function FileUtils:writeValueMapToFile (dict,fullPath,callback) end
----* Gets filename extension is a suffix (separated from the base filename by a dot) in lower case.<br>
----* Examples of filename extensions are .png, .jpeg, .exe, .dmg and .txt.<br>
----* param filePath The path of the file, it could be a relative or absolute path.<br>
----* return suffix for filename in lower case or empty if a dot not found.
----@param filePath string
----@return string
-function FileUtils:getFileExtension (filePath) end
----* Sets writable path.
----@param writablePath string
----@return self
-function FileUtils:setWritablePath (writablePath) end
----* Sets whether to pop-up a message box when failed to load an image.
----@param notify boolean
----@return self
-function FileUtils:setPopupNotify (notify) end
----@overload fun(string:string,function:function):self
----@overload fun(string:string):self
----@param fullPath string
----@param callback function
----@return self
-function FileUtils:isDirectoryExist (fullPath,callback) end
----* Set default resource root path.
----@param path string
----@return self
-function FileUtils:setDefaultResourceRootPath (path) end
----* Gets the array that contains the search order of the resources.<br>
----* see setSearchResolutionsOrder(const std::vector<std::string>&), fullPathForFilename(const char*).<br>
----* since v2.1<br>
----* lua NA
----@return array_table
-function FileUtils:getSearchResolutionsOrder () end
----@overload fun(string:string,function:function):self
----@overload fun(string:string):self
----@param dirPath string
----@param callback function
----@return self
-function FileUtils:createDirectory (dirPath,callback) end
----* List all files in a directory async, off of the main cocos thread.<br>
----* param dirPath The path of the directory, it could be a relative or an absolute path.<br>
----* param callback The callback to be called once the list operation is complete. Will be called on the main cocos thread.<br>
----* js NA<br>
----* lua NA
----@param dirPath string
----@param callback function
----@return self
-function FileUtils:listFilesAsync (dirPath,callback) end
----* Gets the writable path.<br>
----* return The path that can be write/read a file in
----@return string
-function FileUtils:getWritablePath () end
----* List all files recursively in a directory.<br>
----* param dirPath The path of the directory, it could be a relative or an absolute path.<br>
----* return File paths in a string vector
----@param dirPath string
----@param files array_table
----@return self
-function FileUtils:listFilesRecursively (dirPath,files) end
----* Destroys the instance of FileUtils.
----@return self
-function FileUtils:destroyInstance () end
----* Gets the instance of FileUtils.
----@return self
-function FileUtils:getInstance () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FiniteTimeAction.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FiniteTimeAction.lua
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index d5a1a356..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FiniteTimeAction.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.FiniteTimeAction :cc.Action
-local FiniteTimeAction={ }
----* Set duration in seconds of the action. <br>
----* param duration In seconds of the action.
----@param duration float
----@return self
-function FiniteTimeAction:setDuration (duration) end
----* Get duration in seconds of the action. <br>
----* return The duration in seconds of the action.
----@return float
-function FiniteTimeAction:getDuration () end
----@return self
-function FiniteTimeAction:clone () end
----@return self
-function FiniteTimeAction:reverse () end \ No newline at end of file
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index 97adb228..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FlipX.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.FlipX :cc.ActionInstant
-local FlipX={ }
----* init the action
----@param x boolean
----@return boolean
-function FlipX:initWithFlipX (x) end
----* Create the action.<br>
----* param x Flips the sprite horizontally if true.<br>
----* return An autoreleased FlipX object.
----@param x boolean
----@return self
-function FlipX:create (x) end
----@return self
-function FlipX:clone () end
----* param time In seconds.
----@param time float
----@return self
-function FlipX:update (time) end
----@return self
-function FlipX:reverse () end
----@return self
-function FlipX:FlipX () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FlipX3D.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FlipX3D.lua
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index a782d5d4..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FlipX3D.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.FlipX3D :cc.Grid3DAction
-local FlipX3D={ }
----* brief Initializes an action with duration and grid size.<br>
----* param gridSize Specify the grid size of the FlipX3D action.<br>
----* param duration Specify the duration of the FlipX3D action. It's a value in seconds.<br>
----* return If the initialization success, return true; otherwise, return false.
----@param gridSize size_table
----@param duration float
----@return boolean
-function FlipX3D:initWithSize (gridSize,duration) end
----* brief Initializes an action with duration.<br>
----* param duration Specify the duration of the FlipX3D action. It's a value in seconds.<br>
----* return If the initialization success, return true; otherwise, return false.
----@param duration float
----@return boolean
-function FlipX3D:initWithDuration (duration) end
----* brief Create the action with duration.<br>
----* param duration Specify the duration of the FilpX3D action. It's a value in seconds.<br>
----* return If the creation success, return a pointer of FilpX3D action; otherwise, return nil.
----@param duration float
----@return self
-function FlipX3D:create (duration) end
----@return self
-function FlipX3D:clone () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function FlipX3D:update (time) end
----@return self
-function FlipX3D:FlipX3D () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FlipY.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FlipY.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 107ba69f..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FlipY.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.FlipY :cc.ActionInstant
-local FlipY={ }
----* init the action
----@param y boolean
----@return boolean
-function FlipY:initWithFlipY (y) end
----* Create the action.<br>
----* param y Flips the sprite vertically if true.<br>
----* return An autoreleased FlipY object.
----@param y boolean
----@return self
-function FlipY:create (y) end
----@return self
-function FlipY:clone () end
----* param time In seconds.
----@param time float
----@return self
-function FlipY:update (time) end
----@return self
-function FlipY:reverse () end
----@return self
-function FlipY:FlipY () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FlipY3D.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FlipY3D.lua
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index 97f30896..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FlipY3D.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.FlipY3D :cc.FlipX3D
-local FlipY3D={ }
----* brief Create the action with duration.<br>
----* param duration Specify the duration of the FlipY3D action. It's a value in seconds.<br>
----* return If the creation success, return a pointer of FlipY3D action; otherwise, return nil.
----@param duration float
----@return self
-function FlipY3D:create (duration) end
----@return self
-function FlipY3D:clone () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function FlipY3D:update (time) end
----@return self
-function FlipY3D:FlipY3D () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Follow.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Follow.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 88ab9fb7..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Follow.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Follow :cc.Action
-local Follow={ }
----* Alter behavior - turn on/off boundary. <br>
----* param value Turn on/off boundary.
----@param value boolean
----@return self
-function Follow:setBoundarySet (value) end
----* Initializes the action with a set boundary or with no boundary.<br>
----* param followedNode The node to be followed.<br>
----* param rect The boundary. If \p rect is equal to Rect::ZERO, it'll work<br>
----* with no boundary.
----@param followedNode cc.Node
----@param rect rect_table
----@return boolean
-function Follow:initWithTarget (followedNode,rect) end
----* Initializes the action with a set boundary or with no boundary with offsets.<br>
----* param followedNode The node to be followed.<br>
----* param rect The boundary. If \p rect is equal to Rect::ZERO, it'll work<br>
----* with no boundary.<br>
----* param xOffset The horizontal offset from the center of the screen from which the<br>
----* node is to be followed.It can be positive,negative or zero.If<br>
----* set to zero the node will be horizontally centered followed.<br>
----* param yOffset The vertical offset from the center of the screen from which the<br>
----* node is to be followed.It can be positive,negative or zero.<br>
----* If set to zero the node will be vertically centered followed.<br>
----* If both xOffset and yOffset are set to zero,then the node will be horizontally and vertically centered followed.
----@param followedNode cc.Node
----@param xOffset float
----@param yOffset float
----@param rect rect_table
----@return boolean
-function Follow:initWithTargetAndOffset (followedNode,xOffset,yOffset,rect) end
----* Return boundarySet.<br>
----* return Return boundarySet.
----@return boolean
-function Follow:isBoundarySet () end
----* Creates the action with a set boundary or with no boundary.<br>
----* param followedNode The node to be followed.<br>
----* param rect The boundary. If \p rect is equal to Rect::ZERO, it'll work<br>
----* with no boundary.
----@param followedNode cc.Node
----@param rect rect_table
----@return self
-function Follow:create (followedNode,rect) end
----* Creates the action with a set boundary or with no boundary with offsets.<br>
----* param followedNode The node to be followed.<br>
----* param rect The boundary. If \p rect is equal to Rect::ZERO, it'll work<br>
----* with no boundary.<br>
----* param xOffset The horizontal offset from the center of the screen from which the<br>
----* node is to be followed.It can be positive,negative or zero.If<br>
----* set to zero the node will be horizontally centered followed.<br>
----* param yOffset The vertical offset from the center of the screen from which the<br>
----* node is to be followed.It can be positive,negative or zero.<br>
----* If set to zero the node will be vertically centered followed.<br>
----* If both xOffset and yOffset are set to zero,then the node will be horizontally and vertically centered followed.
----@param followedNode cc.Node
----@param xOffset float
----@param yOffset float
----@param rect rect_table
----@return self
-function Follow:createWithOffset (followedNode,xOffset,yOffset,rect) end
----* param dt in seconds.<br>
----* js NA
----@param dt float
----@return self
-function Follow:step (dt) end
----@return self
-function Follow:clone () end
----@return self
-function Follow:stop () end
----@return self
-function Follow:reverse () end
----@return boolean
-function Follow:isDone () end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function Follow:Follow () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/GLView.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/GLView.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a00dc41..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/GLView.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.GLView :cc.Ref
-local GLView={ }
----* Set the frame size of EGL view.<br>
----* param width The width of the fram size.<br>
----* param height The height of the fram size.
----@param width float
----@param height float
----@return self
-function GLView:setFrameSize (width,height) end
----* Get the opengl view port rectangle.<br>
----* return Return the opengl view port rectangle.
----@return rect_table
-function GLView:getViewPortRect () end
----* Get scale factor of the vertical direction.<br>
----* return Scale factor of the vertical direction.
----@return float
-function GLView:getScaleY () end
----* Only works on ios platform. Set Content Scale of the Factor.
----@param t floa
----@return boolean
-function GLView:setContentScaleFactor (t) end
----* Only works on ios platform. Get Content Scale of the Factor.
----@return float
-function GLView:getContentScaleFactor () end
----* Open or close IME keyboard , subclass must implement this method. <br>
----* param open Open or close IME keyboard.
----@param open boolean
----@return self
-function GLView:setIMEKeyboardState (open) end
----* Gets safe area rectangle
----@return rect_table
-function GLView:getSafeAreaRect () end
----* Set Scissor rectangle with points.<br>
----* param x Set the points of x.<br>
----* param y Set the points of y.<br>
----* param w Set the width of the view port<br>
----* param h Set the Height of the view port.
----@param x float
----@param y float
----@param w float
----@param h float
----@return self
-function GLView:setScissorInPoints (x,y,w,h) end
----* Get the view name.<br>
----* return The view name.
----@return string
-function GLView:getViewName () end
----* Get whether opengl render system is ready, subclass must implement this method.
----@return boolean
-function GLView:isOpenGLReady () end
----* Hide or Show the mouse cursor if there is one.<br>
----* param isVisible Hide or Show the mouse cursor if there is one.
----@param l boo
----@return self
-function GLView:setCursorVisible (l) end
----* Get the frame size of EGL view.<br>
----* In general, it returns the screen size since the EGL view is a fullscreen view.<br>
----* return The frame size of EGL view.
----@return size_table
-function GLView:getFrameSize () end
----* Set default window icon (implemented for windows and linux).<br>
----* On windows it will use icon from .exe file (if included).<br>
----* On linux it will use default window icon.
----@return self
-function GLView:setDefaultIcon () end
----* Get scale factor of the horizontal direction.<br>
----* return Scale factor of the horizontal direction.
----@return float
-function GLView:getScaleX () end
----* Get the visible origin point of opengl viewport.<br>
----* return The visible origin point of opengl viewport.
----@return vec2_table
-function GLView:getVisibleOrigin () end
----* Set zoom factor for frame. This methods are for<br>
----* debugging big resolution ( ipad) app on desktop.<br>
----* param zoomFactor The zoom factor for frame.
----@param t floa
----@return self
-function GLView:setFrameZoomFactor (t) end
----* Get zoom factor for frame. This methods are for<br>
----* debugging big resolution ( ipad) app on desktop.<br>
----* return The zoom factor for frame.
----@return float
-function GLView:getFrameZoomFactor () end
----* Get design resolution size.<br>
----* Default resolution size is the same as 'getFrameSize'.<br>
----* return The design resolution size.
----@return size_table
-function GLView:getDesignResolutionSize () end
----@overload fun(string0:array_table):self
----@overload fun(string:string):self
----@param filename string
----@return self
-function GLView:setIcon (filename) end
----* When the window is closed, it will return false if the platforms is Ios or Android.<br>
----* If the platforms is windows or Mac,it will return true.<br>
----* return In ios and android it will return false,if in windows or Mac it will return true.
----@return boolean
-function GLView:windowShouldClose () end
----* Exchanges the front and back buffers, subclass must implement this method.
----@return self
-function GLView:swapBuffers () end
----* Set the design resolution size.<br>
----* param width Design resolution width.<br>
----* param height Design resolution height.<br>
----* param resolutionPolicy The resolution policy desired, you may choose:<br>
----* [1] EXACT_FIT Fill screen by stretch-to-fit: if the design resolution ratio of width to height is different from the screen resolution ratio, your game view will be stretched.<br>
----* [2] NO_BORDER Full screen without black border: if the design resolution ratio of width to height is different from the screen resolution ratio, two areas of your game view will be cut.<br>
----* [3] SHOW_ALL Full screen with black border: if the design resolution ratio of width to height is different from the screen resolution ratio, two black borders will be shown.
----@param width float
----@param height float
----@param resolutionPolicy int
----@return self
-function GLView:setDesignResolutionSize (width,height,resolutionPolicy) end
----* Returns the current Resolution policy.<br>
----* return The current Resolution policy.
----@return int
-function GLView:getResolutionPolicy () end
----* Force destroying EGL view, subclass must implement this method. <br>
----* lua endToLua
----@return self
-function GLView:endToLua () end
----* Returns whether or not the view is in Retina Display mode.<br>
----* return Returns whether or not the view is in Retina Display mode.
----@return boolean
-function GLView:isRetinaDisplay () end
----* Renders a Scene with a Renderer<br>
----* This method is called directly by the Director
----@param scene cc.Scene
----@param renderer cc.Renderer
----@return self
-function GLView:renderScene (scene,renderer) end
----* Set opengl view port rectangle with points.<br>
----* param x Set the points of x.<br>
----* param y Set the points of y.<br>
----* param w Set the width of the view port<br>
----* param h Set the Height of the view port.
----@param x float
----@param y float
----@param w float
----@param h float
----@return self
-function GLView:setViewPortInPoints (x,y,w,h) end
----* Get the current scissor rectangle.<br>
----* return The current scissor rectangle.
----@return rect_table
-function GLView:getScissorRect () end
----* Get retina factor.<br>
----* return The retina factor.
----@return int
-function GLView:getRetinaFactor () end
----* Set the view name. <br>
----* param viewname A string will be set to the view as name.
----@param viewname string
----@return self
-function GLView:setViewName (viewname) end
----* Get the visible rectangle of opengl viewport.<br>
----* return The visible rectangle of opengl viewport.
----@return rect_table
-function GLView:getVisibleRect () end
----* Get the visible area size of opengl viewport.<br>
----* return The visible area size of opengl viewport.
----@return size_table
-function GLView:getVisibleSize () end
----* Get whether GL_SCISSOR_TEST is enable.<br>
----* return Whether GL_SCISSOR_TEST is enable.
----@return boolean
-function GLView:isScissorEnabled () end
----* Polls the events.
----@return self
-function GLView:pollEvents () end
----* Static method and member so that we can modify it on all platforms before create OpenGL context. <br>
----* param glContextAttrs The OpenGL context attrs.
----@param glContextAttrs GLContextAttrs
----@return self
-function GLView:setGLContextAttrs (glContextAttrs) end
----* Return the OpenGL context attrs. <br>
----* return Return the OpenGL context attrs.
----@return GLContextAttrs
-function GLView:getGLContextAttrs () end \ No newline at end of file
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index 12937390..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/GLViewImpl.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.GLViewImpl :cc.GLView
-local GLViewImpl={ }
----@param viewName string
----@param rect rect_table
----@param frameZoomFactor float
----@return self
-function GLViewImpl:createWithRect (viewName,rect,frameZoomFactor) end
----@param viewname string
----@return self
-function GLViewImpl:create (viewname) end
----@param viewName string
----@return self
-function GLViewImpl:createWithFullScreen (viewName) end
----@param bOpen boolean
----@return self
-function GLViewImpl:setIMEKeyboardState (bOpen) end
----@return boolean
-function GLViewImpl:isOpenGLReady () end
----@return rect_table
-function GLViewImpl:getSafeAreaRect () end \ No newline at end of file
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index 0bfdadd9..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Grid3D.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Grid3D :cc.GridBase
-local Grid3D={ }
----@return boolean
-function Grid3D:getNeedDepthTestForBlit () end
----* Getter and Setter for depth test state when blit.<br>
----* js NA
----@param neededDepthTest boolean
----@return self
-function Grid3D:setNeedDepthTestForBlit (neededDepthTest) end
----@overload fun(size_table:size_table,cc.Texture2D1:rect_table):self
----@overload fun(size_table:size_table):self
----@overload fun(size_table:size_table,cc.Texture2D:cc.Texture2D,boolean:boolean):self
----@overload fun(size_table:size_table,cc.Texture2D:cc.Texture2D,boolean:boolean,rect_table:rect_table):self
----@param gridSize size_table
----@param texture cc.Texture2D
----@param flipped boolean
----@param rect rect_table
----@return self
-function Grid3D:create (gridSize,texture,flipped,rect) end
----@return self
-function Grid3D:calculateVertexPoints () end
----* Implementations for interfaces in base class.
----@return self
-function Grid3D:beforeBlit () end
----@return self
-function Grid3D:afterBlit () end
----@return self
-function Grid3D:reuse () end
----@return self
-function Grid3D:blit () end
----* Constructor.<br>
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function Grid3D:Grid3D () end \ No newline at end of file
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index cb6e30ab..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Grid3DAction.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Grid3DAction :cc.GridAction
-local Grid3DAction={ }
----* brief Get the effect grid rect.<br>
----* return Return the effect grid rect.
----@return rect_table
-function Grid3DAction:getGridRect () end
----@return self
-function Grid3DAction:clone () end
----@return cc.GridBase
-function Grid3DAction:getGrid () end \ No newline at end of file
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index c74cdb17..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/GridAction.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.GridAction :cc.ActionInterval
-local GridAction={ }
----* brief Get the pointer of GridBase.<br>
----* return The pointer of GridBase.
----@return cc.GridBase
-function GridAction:getGrid () end
----* brief Initializes the action with size and duration.<br>
----* param duration The duration of the GridAction. It's a value in seconds.<br>
----* param gridSize The size of the GridAction should be.<br>
----* return Return true when the initialization success, otherwise return false.
----@param duration float
----@param gridSize size_table
----@return boolean
-function GridAction:initWithDuration (duration,gridSize) end
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function GridAction:startWithTarget (target) end
----@return self
-function GridAction:clone () end
----@return self
-function GridAction:reverse () end \ No newline at end of file
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index 285484c2..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/GridBase.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.GridBase :cc.Ref
-local GridBase={ }
----* Set the size of the grid.
----@param gridSize size_table
----@return self
-function GridBase:setGridSize (gridSize) end
----* brief Set the effect grid rect.<br>
----* param rect The effect grid rect.
----@param rect rect_table
----@return self
-function GridBase:setGridRect (rect) end
----* Interface, Calculate the vertices used for the blit.
----@return self
-function GridBase:calculateVertexPoints () end
----* Interface, Reuse the grid vertices.
----@return self
-function GridBase:reuse () end
----* Init and reset the status when render effects by using the grid.
----@return self
-function GridBase:beforeDraw () end
----* brief Get the effect grid rect.<br>
----* return Return the effect grid rect.
----@return rect_table
-function GridBase:getGridRect () end
----* is texture flipped.
----@return boolean
-function GridBase:isTextureFlipped () end
----* Size of the grid.
----@return size_table
-function GridBase:getGridSize () end
----@return self
-function GridBase:afterBlit () end
----* Change projection to 2D for grabbing.
----@return self
-function GridBase:set2DProjection () end
----* Pixels between the grids.
----@return vec2_table
-function GridBase:getStep () end
----* Get the pixels between the grids.
----@param step vec2_table
----@return self
-function GridBase:setStep (step) end
----* Set the texture flipped or not.
----@param flipped boolean
----@return self
-function GridBase:setTextureFlipped (flipped) end
----* Interface used to blit the texture with grid to screen.
----@return self
-function GridBase:blit () end
----@param active boolean
----@return self
-function GridBase:setActive (active) end
----* Get number of times that the grid will be reused.
----@return int
-function GridBase:getReuseGrid () end
----@overload fun(size_table:size_table,cc.Texture2D1:rect_table):self
----@overload fun(size_table:size_table):self
----@overload fun(size_table:size_table,cc.Texture2D:cc.Texture2D,boolean:boolean):self
----@overload fun(size_table:size_table,cc.Texture2D:cc.Texture2D,boolean:boolean,rect_table:rect_table):self
----@param gridSize size_table
----@param texture cc.Texture2D
----@param flipped boolean
----@param rect rect_table
----@return boolean
-function GridBase:initWithSize (gridSize,texture,flipped,rect) end
----* Interface for custom action when before or after draw.<br>
----* js NA
----@return self
-function GridBase:beforeBlit () end
----* Set number of times that the grid will be reused.
----@param reuseGrid int
----@return self
-function GridBase:setReuseGrid (reuseGrid) end
----* Getter and setter of the active state of the grid.
----@return boolean
-function GridBase:isActive () end
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function GridBase:afterDraw (target) end \ No newline at end of file
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index d22972cd..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Hide.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Hide :cc.ActionInstant
-local Hide={ }
----* Allocates and initializes the action.<br>
----* return An autoreleased Hide object.
----@return self
-function Hide:create () end
----@return self
-function Hide:clone () end
----* param time In seconds.
----@param time float
----@return self
-function Hide:update (time) end
----@return cc.ActionInstant
-function Hide:reverse () end
----@return self
-function Hide:Hide () end \ No newline at end of file
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index e1c28616..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Image.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Image :cc.Ref
-local Image={ }
----@return boolean
-function Image:hasPremultipliedAlpha () end
----@return self
-function Image:reversePremultipliedAlpha () end
----@return boolean
-function Image:isCompressed () end
----@return boolean
-function Image:hasAlpha () end
----@return int
-function Image:getPixelFormat () end
----@return int
-function Image:getHeight () end
----@return self
-function Image:premultiplyAlpha () end
----* brief Load the image from the specified path.<br>
----* param path the absolute file path.<br>
----* return true if loaded correctly.
----@param path string
----@return boolean
-function Image:initWithImageFile (path) end
----@return int
-function Image:getWidth () end
----@return int
-function Image:getBitPerPixel () end
----@return int
-function Image:getFileType () end
----@return string
-function Image:getFilePath () end
----@return int
-function Image:getNumberOfMipmaps () end
----* brief Save Image data to the specified file, with specified format.<br>
----* param filePath the file's absolute path, including file suffix.<br>
----* param isToRGB whether the image is saved as RGB format.
----@param filename string
----@param isToRGB boolean
----@return boolean
-function Image:saveToFile (filename,isToRGB) end
----* treats (or not) PVR files as if they have alpha premultiplied.<br>
----* Since it is impossible to know at runtime if the PVR images have the alpha channel premultiplied, it is<br>
----* possible load them as if they have (or not) the alpha channel premultiplied.<br>
----* By default it is disabled.
----@param haveAlphaPremultiplied boolean
----@return self
-function Image:setPVRImagesHavePremultipliedAlpha (haveAlphaPremultiplied) end
----* Enables or disables premultiplied alpha for PNG files.<br>
----* param enabled (default: true)
----@param enabled boolean
----@return self
-function Image:setPNGPremultipliedAlphaEnabled (enabled) end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function Image:Image () end \ No newline at end of file
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index 9122cb5f..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/JumpBy.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.JumpBy :cc.ActionInterval
-local JumpBy={ }
----* initializes the action<br>
----* param duration in seconds
----@param duration float
----@param position vec2_table
----@param height float
----@param jumps int
----@return boolean
-function JumpBy:initWithDuration (duration,position,height,jumps) end
----* Creates the action.<br>
----* param duration Duration time, in seconds.<br>
----* param position The jumping distance.<br>
----* param height The jumping height.<br>
----* param jumps The jumping times.<br>
----* return An autoreleased JumpBy object.
----@param duration float
----@param position vec2_table
----@param height float
----@param jumps int
----@return self
-function JumpBy:create (duration,position,height,jumps) end
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function JumpBy:startWithTarget (target) end
----@return self
-function JumpBy:clone () end
----@return self
-function JumpBy:reverse () end
----* param time In seconds.
----@param time float
----@return self
-function JumpBy:update (time) end
----@return self
-function JumpBy:JumpBy () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/JumpTiles3D.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/JumpTiles3D.lua
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index f19233b2..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/JumpTiles3D.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.JumpTiles3D :cc.TiledGrid3DAction
-local JumpTiles3D={ }
----* brief Set the amplitude rate of the effect.<br>
----* param amplitudeRate The value of amplitude rate will be set.
----@param amplitudeRate float
----@return self
-function JumpTiles3D:setAmplitudeRate (amplitudeRate) end
----* brief Initializes the action with the number of jumps, the sin amplitude, the grid size and the duration.<br>
----* param duration Specify the duration of the JumpTiles3D action. It's a value in seconds.<br>
----* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.<br>
----* param numberOfJumps Specify the jump tiles count.<br>
----* param amplitude Specify the amplitude of the JumpTiles3D action.<br>
----* return If the initialization success, return true; otherwise, return false.
----@param duration float
----@param gridSize size_table
----@param numberOfJumps unsigned_int
----@param amplitude float
----@return boolean
-function JumpTiles3D:initWithDuration (duration,gridSize,numberOfJumps,amplitude) end
----* brief Get the amplitude of the effect.<br>
----* return Return the amplitude of the effect.
----@return float
-function JumpTiles3D:getAmplitude () end
----* brief Get the amplitude rate of the effect.<br>
----* return Return the amplitude rate of the effect.
----@return float
-function JumpTiles3D:getAmplitudeRate () end
----* brief Set the amplitude to the effect.<br>
----* param amplitude The value of amplitude will be set.
----@param amplitude float
----@return self
-function JumpTiles3D:setAmplitude (amplitude) end
----* brief Create the action with the number of jumps, the sin amplitude, the grid size and the duration.<br>
----* param duration Specify the duration of the JumpTiles3D action. It's a value in seconds.<br>
----* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.<br>
----* param numberOfJumps Specify the jump tiles count.<br>
----* param amplitude Specify the amplitude of the JumpTiles3D action.<br>
----* return If the creation success, return a pointer of JumpTiles3D action; otherwise, return nil.
----@param duration float
----@param gridSize size_table
----@param numberOfJumps unsigned_int
----@param amplitude float
----@return self
-function JumpTiles3D:create (duration,gridSize,numberOfJumps,amplitude) end
----@return self
-function JumpTiles3D:clone () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function JumpTiles3D:update (time) end
----@return self
-function JumpTiles3D:JumpTiles3D () end \ No newline at end of file
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index d0590271..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/JumpTo.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.JumpTo :cc.JumpBy
-local JumpTo={ }
----* initializes the action<br>
----* param duration In seconds.
----@param duration float
----@param position vec2_table
----@param height float
----@param jumps int
----@return boolean
-function JumpTo:initWithDuration (duration,position,height,jumps) end
----* Creates the action.<br>
----* param duration Duration time, in seconds.<br>
----* param position The jumping destination position.<br>
----* param height The jumping height.<br>
----* param jumps The jumping times.<br>
----* return An autoreleased JumpTo object.
----@param duration float
----@param position vec2_table
----@param height float
----@param jumps int
----@return self
-function JumpTo:create (duration,position,height,jumps) end
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function JumpTo:startWithTarget (target) end
----@return self
-function JumpTo:clone () end
----@return self
-function JumpTo:reverse () end
----@return self
-function JumpTo:JumpTo () end \ No newline at end of file
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index 4fd8684d..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Label.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,400 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Label :cc.Node@all parent class: Node,LabelProtocol,BlendProtocol
-local Label={ }
----@return boolean
-function Label:isClipMarginEnabled () end
----* Enable shadow effect to Label.<br>
----* todo Support blur for shadow effect.
----@return self
-function Label:enableShadow () end
----* Sets the untransformed size of the Label in a more efficient way.
----@param width float
----@param height float
----@return self
-function Label:setDimensions (width,height) end
----@return float
-function Label:getWidth () end
----* Return the text the Label is currently displaying.
----@return string
-function Label:getString () end
----@return float
-function Label:getHeight () end
----@overload fun(int:int):self
----@overload fun():self
----@param effect int
----@return self
-function Label:disableEffect (effect) end
----* Sets a new TTF configuration to Label.<br>
----* see `TTFConfig`
----@param ttfConfig cc._ttfConfig
----@return boolean
-function Label:setTTFConfig (ttfConfig) end
----* Returns type of label<br>
----* warning Not support system font.<br>
----* return the type of label<br>
----* since v3.18.0
----@return int
-function Label:getLabelType () end
----* Returns the text color of the Label.
----@return color4b_table
-function Label:getTextColor () end
----@return cc.BlendFunc
-function Label:getBlendFunc () end
----* Toggle wrap option of the label.<br>
----* Note: System font doesn't support manually toggle wrap.<br>
----* param enable Set true to enable wrap and false to disable wrap.
----@param enable boolean
----@return self
-function Label:enableWrap (enable) end
----* Makes the Label exactly this untransformed width.<br>
----* The Label's width be used for text align if the value not equal zero.
----@param width float
----@return self
-function Label:setWidth (width) end
----* Returns the additional kerning of the Label.<br>
----* warning Not support system font.<br>
----* since v3.2.0
----@return float
-function Label:getAdditionalKerning () end
----* Return the user define BMFont size.<br>
----* return The BMFont size in float value.
----@return float
-function Label:getBMFontSize () end
----@return float
-function Label:getMaxLineWidth () end
----* Returns the Label's text horizontal alignment.
----@return int
-function Label:getHorizontalAlignment () end
----* Return shadow effect offset value.
----@return size_table
-function Label:getShadowOffset () end
----@return float
-function Label:getLineSpacing () end
----* Clips upper and lower margin to reduce height of Label.
----@param clipEnabled boolean
----@return self
-function Label:setClipMarginEnabled (clipEnabled) end
----* Sets the text that this Label is to display.
----@param text string
----@return self
-function Label:setString (text) end
----* Sets a new system font to Label.<br>
----* param font A font file or a font family name.<br>
----* warning
----@param font string
----@return self
-function Label:setSystemFontName (font) end
----* Query the wrap is enabled or not.<br>
----* Note: System font will always return true.
----@return boolean
-function Label:isWrapEnabled () end
----* Return the outline effect size value.
----@return float
-function Label:getOutlineSize () end
----* Sets a new bitmap font to Label
----@param bmfontFilePath string
----@param imageOffset vec2_table
----@param fontSize float
----@return boolean
-function Label:setBMFontFilePath (bmfontFilePath,imageOffset,fontSize) end
----@overload fun(string0:cc._ttfConfig,string:string,float2:int,size_table3:int):self
----@overload fun(string:string,string:string,float:float,size_table:size_table,int:int,int:int):self
----@param text string
----@param fontFilePath string
----@param fontSize float
----@param dimensions size_table
----@param hAlignment int
----@param vAlignment int
----@return boolean
-function Label:initWithTTF (text,fontFilePath,fontSize,dimensions,hAlignment,vAlignment) end
----@return cc.FontAtlas
-function Label:getFontAtlas () end
----* Sets the line height of the Label.<br>
----* warning Not support system font.<br>
----* since v3.2.0
----@param height float
----@return self
-function Label:setLineHeight (height) end
----@param fontSize float
----@return self
-function Label:setSystemFontSize (fontSize) end
----* Change the label's Overflow type, currently only TTF and BMFont support all the valid Overflow type.<br>
----* Char Map font supports all the Overflow type except for SHRINK, because we can't measure it's font size.<br>
----* System font only support Overflow::Normal and Overflow::RESIZE_HEIGHT.<br>
----* param overflow see `Overflow`
----@param overflow int
----@return self
-function Label:setOverflow (overflow) end
----* Enables strikethrough.<br>
----* Underline and Strikethrough cannot be enabled at the same time.<br>
----* Strikethrough is like an underline but at the middle of the glyph
----@return self
-function Label:enableStrikethrough () end
----* Update content immediately.
----@return self
-function Label:updateContent () end
----* Return length of string.
----@return int
-function Label:getStringLength () end
----* Specify what happens when a line is too long for Label.<br>
----* param breakWithoutSpace Lines are automatically broken between words if this value is false.
----@param breakWithoutSpace boolean
----@return self
-function Label:setLineBreakWithoutSpace (breakWithoutSpace) end
----* Return the number of lines of text.
----@return int
-function Label:getStringNumLines () end
----* Enable outline effect to Label.<br>
----* warning Limiting use to only when the Label created with true type font or system font.
----@param outlineColor color4b_table
----@param outlineSize int
----@return self
-function Label:enableOutline (outlineColor,outlineSize) end
----* Return the shadow effect blur radius.
----@return float
-function Label:getShadowBlurRadius () end
----* Return current effect color value.
----@return color4f_table
-function Label:getEffectColor () end
----@param cleanup boolean
----@return self
-function Label:removeAllChildrenWithCleanup (cleanup) end
----@overload fun(string0:cc.Texture2D,int:int,int:int,int:int):self
----@overload fun(string:string,int:int,int:int,int:int):self
----@overload fun(string:string):self
----@param charMapFile string
----@param itemWidth int
----@param itemHeight int
----@param startCharMap int
----@return boolean
-function Label:setCharMap (charMapFile,itemWidth,itemHeight,startCharMap) end
----@return size_table
-function Label:getDimensions () end
----* Makes the Label at most this line untransformed width.<br>
----* The Label's max line width be used for force line breaks if the value not equal zero.
----@param maxLineWidth float
----@return self
-function Label:setMaxLineWidth (maxLineWidth) end
----* Returns the system font used by the Label.
----@return string
-function Label:getSystemFontName () end
----* Sets the Label's text vertical alignment.
----@param vAlignment int
----@return self
-function Label:setVerticalAlignment (vAlignment) end
----@param height float
----@return self
-function Label:setLineSpacing (height) end
----* Returns font size
----@return float
-function Label:getRenderingFontSize () end
----* Returns the line height of this Label.<br>
----* warning Not support system font.<br>
----* since v3.2.0
----@return float
-function Label:getLineHeight () end
----* Return the shadow effect color value.
----@return color4f_table
-function Label:getShadowColor () end
----* Returns the TTF configuration object used by the Label.<br>
----* see `TTFConfig`
----@return cc._ttfConfig
-function Label:getTTFConfig () end
----* Enable italics rendering
----@return self
-function Label:enableItalics () end
----* Sets the text color of Label.<br>
----* The text color is different from the color of Node.<br>
----* warning Limiting use to only when the Label created with true type font or system font.
----@param color color4b_table
----@return self
-function Label:setTextColor (color) end
----* Provides a way to treat each character like a Sprite.<br>
----* warning No support system font.
----@param lettetIndex int
----@return cc.Sprite
-function Label:getLetter (lettetIndex) end
----* Makes the Label exactly this untransformed height.<br>
----* The Label's height be used for text align if the value not equal zero.<br>
----* The text will display incomplete if the size of Label is not large enough to display all text.
----@param height float
----@return self
-function Label:setHeight (height) end
----* Return whether the shadow effect is enabled.
----@return boolean
-function Label:isShadowEnabled () end
----* Enable glow effect to Label.<br>
----* warning Limiting use to only when the Label created with true type font.
----@param glowColor color4b_table
----@return self
-function Label:enableGlow (glowColor) end
----* Query the label's Overflow type.<br>
----* return see `Overflow`
----@return int
-function Label:getOverflow () end
----* Returns the Label's text vertical alignment.
----@return int
-function Label:getVerticalAlignment () end
----* Sets the additional kerning of the Label.<br>
----* warning Not support system font.<br>
----* since v3.2.0
----@param space float
----@return self
-function Label:setAdditionalKerning (space) end
----* Returns the bitmap font path used by the Label.
----@return float
-function Label:getSystemFontSize () end
----@param blendFunc cc.BlendFunc
----@return self
-function Label:setBlendFunc (blendFunc) end
----* Returns the Label's text horizontal alignment.
----@return int
-function Label:getTextAlignment () end
----* Returns the bitmap font used by the Label.
----@return string
-function Label:getBMFontFilePath () end
----* Sets the Label's text horizontal alignment.
----@param hAlignment int
----@return self
-function Label:setHorizontalAlignment (hAlignment) end
----* Enable bold rendering
----@return self
-function Label:enableBold () end
----* Enable underline
----@return self
-function Label:enableUnderline () end
----* Return current effect type.
----@return int
-function Label:getLabelEffectType () end
----@overload fun(int:int,int:int):self
----@overload fun(int:int):self
----@param hAlignment int
----@param vAlignment int
----@return self
-function Label:setAlignment (hAlignment,vAlignment) end
----* warning This method is not recommended for game developers.
----@return self
-function Label:requestSystemFontRefresh () end
----* Change font size of label type BMFONT<br>
----* Note: This function only scale the BMFONT letter to mimic the font size change effect.<br>
----* param fontSize The desired font size in float.
----@param fontSize float
----@return self
-function Label:setBMFontSize (fontSize) end
----* Allocates and initializes a Label, with a bitmap font file.<br>
----* param bmfontPath A bitmap font file, it's a FNT format.<br>
----* param text The initial text.<br>
----* param hAlignment Text horizontal alignment.<br>
----* param maxLineWidth The max line width.<br>
----* param imageOffset<br>
----* return An automatically released Label object.<br>
----* see setBMFontFilePath setMaxLineWidth
----@param bmfontPath string
----@param text string
----@param hAlignment int
----@param maxLineWidth int
----@param imageOffset vec2_table
----@return self
-function Label:createWithBMFont (bmfontPath,text,hAlignment,maxLineWidth,imageOffset) end
----* Allocates and initializes a Label, with default settings.<br>
----* return An automatically released Label object.
----@return self
-function Label:create () end
----@overload fun(string0:cc.Texture2D,int:int,int:int,int:int):self
----@overload fun(string:string,int:int,int:int,int:int):self
----@overload fun(string:string):self
----@param charMapFile string
----@param itemWidth int
----@param itemHeight int
----@param startCharMap int
----@return self
-function Label:createWithCharMap (charMapFile,itemWidth,itemHeight,startCharMap) end
----* Allocates and initializes a Label, base on platform-dependent API.<br>
----* param text The initial text.<br>
----* param font A font file or a font family name.<br>
----* param fontSize The font size. This value must be > 0.<br>
----* param dimensions<br>
----* param hAlignment The text horizontal alignment.<br>
----* param vAlignment The text vertical alignment.<br>
----* warning It will generate texture by the platform-dependent code.<br>
----* return An automatically released Label object.
----@param text string
----@param font string
----@param fontSize float
----@param dimensions size_table
----@param hAlignment int
----@param vAlignment int
----@return self
-function Label:createWithSystemFont (text,font,fontSize,dimensions,hAlignment,vAlignment) end
----@param renderer cc.Renderer
----@param transform mat4_table
----@param flags unsigned_int
----@return self
-function Label:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end
----@return boolean
-function Label:isOpacityModifyRGB () end
----@param mask unsigned short
----@param applyChildren boolean
----@return self
-function Label:setCameraMask (mask,applyChildren) end
----@param child cc.Node
----@param cleanup boolean
----@return self
-function Label:removeChild (child,cleanup) end
----@param renderer cc.Renderer
----@param parentTransform mat4_table
----@param parentFlags unsigned_int
----@return self
-function Label:visit (renderer,parentTransform,parentFlags) end
----@return string
-function Label:getDescription () end
----@param isOpacityModifyRGB boolean
----@return self
-function Label:setOpacityModifyRGB (isOpacityModifyRGB) end
----@param parentOpacity unsigned_char
----@return self
-function Label:updateDisplayedOpacity (parentOpacity) end
----* set ProgramState of current render command
----@param programState cc.backend.ProgramState
----@return self
-function Label:setProgramState (programState) end
----@return size_table
-function Label:getContentSize () end
----@return rect_table
-function Label:getBoundingBox () end
----@param parentColor color3b_table
----@return self
-function Label:updateDisplayedColor (parentColor) end
----@param globalZOrder float
----@return self
-function Label:setGlobalZOrder (globalZOrder) end \ No newline at end of file
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--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/LabelAtlas.lua
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----@class cc.LabelAtlas :cc.AtlasNode@all parent class: AtlasNode,LabelProtocol
-local LabelAtlas={ }
----@param label string
----@return self
-function LabelAtlas:setString (label) end
----@overload fun(string:string,cc.Texture2D1:string):self
----@overload fun(string:string,cc.Texture2D1:string,int:int,int:int,int:int):self
----@overload fun(string:string,cc.Texture2D:cc.Texture2D,int:int,int:int,int:int):self
----@param string string
----@param texture cc.Texture2D
----@param itemWidth int
----@param itemHeight int
----@param startCharMap int
----@return boolean
-function LabelAtlas:initWithString (string,texture,itemWidth,itemHeight,startCharMap) end
----@return string
-function LabelAtlas:getString () end
----@overload fun(string:string,string:string,int:int,int:int,int:int):self
----@overload fun():self
----@overload fun(string:string,string:string):self
----@param string string
----@param charMapFile string
----@param itemWidth int
----@param itemHeight int
----@param startCharMap int
----@return self
-function LabelAtlas:create (string,charMapFile,itemWidth,itemHeight,startCharMap) end
----@return self
-function LabelAtlas:updateAtlasValues () end
----* js NA
----@return string
-function LabelAtlas:getDescription () end
----@return self
-function LabelAtlas:LabelAtlas () end \ No newline at end of file
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--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Layer.lua
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----@class cc.Layer :cc.Node
-local Layer={ }
----* Creates a fullscreen black layer.<br>
----* return An autoreleased Layer object.
----@return self
-function Layer:create () end
----@return boolean
-function Layer:init () end
----@return string
-function Layer:getDescription () end
----@return self
-function Layer:Layer () end \ No newline at end of file
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----@class cc.LayerColor :cc.Layer@all parent class: Layer,BlendProtocol
-local LayerColor={ }
----* Change width and height in Points.<br>
----* param w The width of layer.<br>
----* param h The Height of layer.<br>
----* since v0.8
----@param w float
----@param h float
----@return self
-function LayerColor:changeWidthAndHeight (w,h) end
----* BlendFunction. Conforms to BlendProtocol protocol <br>
----* lua NA
----@return cc.BlendFunc
-function LayerColor:getBlendFunc () end
----* code<br>
----* When this function bound into js or lua,the parameter will be changed<br>
----* In js: var setBlendFunc(var src, var dst)<br>
----* In lua: local setBlendFunc(local src, local dst)<br>
----* endcode
----@param blendFunc cc.BlendFunc
----@return self
-function LayerColor:setBlendFunc (blendFunc) end
----* Change width in Points.<br>
----* param w The width of layer.
----@param w float
----@return self
-function LayerColor:changeWidth (w) end
----@overload fun(color4b_table:color4b_table):self
----@overload fun(color4b_table:color4b_table,float:float,float:float):self
----@param color color4b_table
----@param width float
----@param height float
----@return boolean
-function LayerColor:initWithColor (color,width,height) end
----* Change height in Points.<br>
----* param h The height of layer.
----@param h float
----@return self
-function LayerColor:changeHeight (h) end
----@overload fun(color4b_table:color4b_table,float:float,float:float):self
----@overload fun():self
----@overload fun(color4b_table:color4b_table):self
----@param color color4b_table
----@param width float
----@param height float
----@return self
-function LayerColor:create (color,width,height) end
----@param renderer cc.Renderer
----@param transform mat4_table
----@param flags unsigned_int
----@return self
-function LayerColor:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end
----@return boolean
-function LayerColor:init () end
----@param var size_table
----@return self
-function LayerColor:setContentSize (var) end
----@return self
-function LayerColor:LayerColor () end \ No newline at end of file
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--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/LayerGradient.lua
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@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.LayerGradient :cc.LayerColor
-local LayerGradient={ }
----* Returns the start color of the gradient.<br>
----* return The start color.
----@return color3b_table
-function LayerGradient:getStartColor () end
----* Get the compressedInterpolation<br>
----* return The interpolation will be compressed if true.
----@return boolean
-function LayerGradient:isCompressedInterpolation () end
----* Returns the start opacity of the gradient.<br>
----* return The start opacity.
----@return unsigned_char
-function LayerGradient:getStartOpacity () end
----* Sets the directional vector that will be used for the gradient.<br>
----* The default value is vertical direction (0,-1). <br>
----* param alongVector The direction of gradient.
----@param alongVector vec2_table
----@return self
-function LayerGradient:setVector (alongVector) end
----* Returns the start opacity of the gradient.<br>
----* param startOpacity The start opacity, from 0 to 255.
----@param startOpacity unsigned_char
----@return self
-function LayerGradient:setStartOpacity (startOpacity) end
----* Whether or not the interpolation will be compressed in order to display all the colors of the gradient both in canonical and non canonical vectors.<br>
----* Default: true.<br>
----* param compressedInterpolation The interpolation will be compressed if true.
----@param compressedInterpolation boolean
----@return self
-function LayerGradient:setCompressedInterpolation (compressedInterpolation) end
----* Returns the end opacity of the gradient.<br>
----* param endOpacity The end opacity, from 0 to 255.
----@param endOpacity unsigned_char
----@return self
-function LayerGradient:setEndOpacity (endOpacity) end
----* Returns the directional vector used for the gradient.<br>
----* return The direction of gradient.
----@return vec2_table
-function LayerGradient:getVector () end
----* Sets the end color of the gradient.<br>
----* param endColor The end color.
----@param endColor color3b_table
----@return self
-function LayerGradient:setEndColor (endColor) end
----@overload fun(color4b_table:color4b_table,color4b_table:color4b_table,vec2_table:vec2_table):self
----@overload fun(color4b_table:color4b_table,color4b_table:color4b_table):self
----@param start color4b_table
----@param _end color4b_table
----@param v vec2_table
----@return boolean
-function LayerGradient:initWithColor (start,_end,v) end
----* Returns the end color of the gradient.<br>
----* return The end color.
----@return color3b_table
-function LayerGradient:getEndColor () end
----* Returns the end opacity of the gradient.<br>
----* return The end opacity.
----@return unsigned_char
-function LayerGradient:getEndOpacity () end
----* Sets the start color of the gradient.<br>
----* param startColor The start color.
----@param startColor color3b_table
----@return self
-function LayerGradient:setStartColor (startColor) end
----@overload fun(color4b_table:color4b_table,color4b_table:color4b_table):self
----@overload fun():self
----@overload fun(color4b_table:color4b_table,color4b_table:color4b_table,vec2_table:vec2_table):self
----@param start color4b_table
----@param _end color4b_table
----@param v vec2_table
----@return self
-function LayerGradient:create (start,_end,v) end
----@return boolean
-function LayerGradient:init () end
----@return string
-function LayerGradient:getDescription () end
----@return self
-function LayerGradient:LayerGradient () end \ No newline at end of file
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--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/LayerMultiplex.lua
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@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.LayerMultiplex :cc.Layer
-local LayerMultiplex={ }
----* initializes a MultiplexLayer with an array of layers<br>
----* since v2.1
----@param arrayOfLayers array_table
----@return boolean
-function LayerMultiplex:initWithArray (arrayOfLayers) end
----* release the current layer and switches to another layer indexed by n.<br>
----* The current (old) layer will be removed from it's parent with 'cleanup=true'.<br>
----* param n The layer indexed by n will display.
----@param n int
----@return self
-function LayerMultiplex:switchToAndReleaseMe (n) end
----* Add a certain layer to LayerMultiplex.<br>
----* param layer A layer need to be added to the LayerMultiplex.
----@param layer cc.Layer
----@return self
-function LayerMultiplex:addLayer (layer) end
----@overload fun(int:int,boolean:boolean):self
----@overload fun(int:int):self
----@param n int
----@param cleanup boolean
----@return self
-function LayerMultiplex:switchTo (n,cleanup) end
----@return boolean
-function LayerMultiplex:init () end
----@return string
-function LayerMultiplex:getDescription () end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function LayerMultiplex:LayerMultiplex () end \ No newline at end of file
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--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/LayerRadialGradient.lua
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----@class cc.LayerRadialGradient :cc.Layer
-local LayerRadialGradient={ }
----@return color4b_table
-function LayerRadialGradient:getStartColor () end
----@return cc.BlendFunc
-function LayerRadialGradient:getBlendFunc () end
----@return color3b_table
-function LayerRadialGradient:getStartColor3B () end
----@return unsigned_char
-function LayerRadialGradient:getStartOpacity () end
----@param center vec2_table
----@return self
-function LayerRadialGradient:setCenter (center) end
----@return color4b_table
-function LayerRadialGradient:getEndColor () end
----@param opacity unsigned_char
----@return self
-function LayerRadialGradient:setStartOpacity (opacity) end
----@return vec2_table
-function LayerRadialGradient:getCenter () end
----@param opacity unsigned_char
----@return self
-function LayerRadialGradient:setEndOpacity (opacity) end
----@param expand float
----@return self
-function LayerRadialGradient:setExpand (expand) end
----@return unsigned_char
-function LayerRadialGradient:getEndOpacity () end
----@param startColor color4b_table
----@param endColor color4b_table
----@param radius float
----@param center vec2_table
----@param expand float
----@return boolean
-function LayerRadialGradient:initWithColor (startColor,endColor,radius,center,expand) end
----@overload fun(color3b_table0:color4b_table):self
----@overload fun(color3b_table:color3b_table):self
----@param color color3b_table
----@return self
-function LayerRadialGradient:setEndColor (color) end
----@return color3b_table
-function LayerRadialGradient:getEndColor3B () end
----@param radius float
----@return self
-function LayerRadialGradient:setRadius (radius) end
----@overload fun(color3b_table0:color4b_table):self
----@overload fun(color3b_table:color3b_table):self
----@param color color3b_table
----@return self
-function LayerRadialGradient:setStartColor (color) end
----@return float
-function LayerRadialGradient:getExpand () end
----@param blendFunc cc.BlendFunc
----@return self
-function LayerRadialGradient:setBlendFunc (blendFunc) end
----@return float
-function LayerRadialGradient:getRadius () end
----@overload fun():self
----@overload fun(color4b_table:color4b_table,color4b_table:color4b_table,float:float,vec2_table:vec2_table,float:float):self
----@param startColor color4b_table
----@param endColor color4b_table
----@param radius float
----@param center vec2_table
----@param expand float
----@return self
-function LayerRadialGradient:create (startColor,endColor,radius,center,expand) end
----@param renderer cc.Renderer
----@param transform mat4_table
----@param flags unsigned_int
----@return self
-function LayerRadialGradient:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end
----@param size size_table
----@return self
-function LayerRadialGradient:setContentSize (size) end
----@return self
-function LayerRadialGradient:LayerRadialGradient () end \ No newline at end of file
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--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Lens3D.lua
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@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Lens3D :cc.Grid3DAction
-local Lens3D={ }
----* brief Set whether lens is concave.<br>
----* param concave Whether lens is concave.
----@param concave boolean
----@return self
-function Lens3D:setConcave (concave) end
----* brief Initializes the action with center position, radius, grid size and duration.<br>
----* param duration Specify the duration of the Lens3D action. It's a value in seconds.<br>
----* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.<br>
----* param position Specify the center position of the lens effect.<br>
----* param radius Specify the radius of the lens effect.<br>
----* return If the initialization success, return true; otherwise, return false.
----@param duration float
----@param gridSize size_table
----@param position vec2_table
----@param radius float
----@return boolean
-function Lens3D:initWithDuration (duration,gridSize,position,radius) end
----* brief Set the value of lens effect.<br>
----* param lensEffect The value of lens effect will be set.
----@param lensEffect float
----@return self
-function Lens3D:setLensEffect (lensEffect) end
----* brief Get the value of lens effect. Default value is 0.7.<br>
----* return The value of lens effect.
----@return float
-function Lens3D:getLensEffect () end
----* brief Set the center position of lens effect.<br>
----* param position The center position will be set.
----@param position vec2_table
----@return self
-function Lens3D:setPosition (position) end
----* brief Get the center position of lens effect.<br>
----* return The center position of lens effect.
----@return vec2_table
-function Lens3D:getPosition () end
----* brief Create the action with center position, radius, a grid size and duration.<br>
----* param duration Specify the duration of the Lens3D action. It's a value in seconds.<br>
----* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.<br>
----* param position Specify the center position of the lens.<br>
----* param radius Specify the radius of the lens.<br>
----* return If the creation success, return a pointer of Lens3D action; otherwise, return nil.
----@param duration float
----@param gridSize size_table
----@param position vec2_table
----@param radius float
----@return self
-function Lens3D:create (duration,gridSize,position,radius) end
----@return self
-function Lens3D:clone () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function Lens3D:update (time) end
----@return self
-function Lens3D:Lens3D () end \ No newline at end of file
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--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Liquid.lua
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@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Liquid :cc.Grid3DAction
-local Liquid={ }
----* brief Set the amplitude rate of the effect.<br>
----* param amplitudeRate The value of amplitude rate will be set.
----@param amplitudeRate float
----@return self
-function Liquid:setAmplitudeRate (amplitudeRate) end
----* brief Initializes the action with amplitude, grid size, waves count and duration.<br>
----* param duration Specify the duration of the Liquid action. It's a value in seconds.<br>
----* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.<br>
----* param waves Specify the waves count of the Liquid action.<br>
----* param amplitude Specify the amplitude of the Liquid action.<br>
----* return If the initialization success, return true; otherwise, return false.
----@param duration float
----@param gridSize size_table
----@param waves unsigned_int
----@param amplitude float
----@return boolean
-function Liquid:initWithDuration (duration,gridSize,waves,amplitude) end
----* brief Get the amplitude of the effect.<br>
----* return Return the amplitude of the effect.
----@return float
-function Liquid:getAmplitude () end
----* brief Get the amplitude rate of the effect.<br>
----* return Return the amplitude rate of the effect.
----@return float
-function Liquid:getAmplitudeRate () end
----* brief Set the amplitude to the effect.<br>
----* param amplitude The value of amplitude will be set.
----@param amplitude float
----@return self
-function Liquid:setAmplitude (amplitude) end
----* brief Create the action with amplitude, grid size, waves count and duration.<br>
----* param duration Specify the duration of the Liquid action. It's a value in seconds.<br>
----* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.<br>
----* param waves Specify the waves count of the Liquid action.<br>
----* param amplitude Specify the amplitude of the Liquid action.<br>
----* return If the creation success, return a pointer of Liquid action; otherwise, return nil.
----@param duration float
----@param gridSize size_table
----@param waves unsigned_int
----@param amplitude float
----@return self
-function Liquid:create (duration,gridSize,waves,amplitude) end
----@return self
-function Liquid:clone () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function Liquid:update (time) end
----@return self
-function Liquid:Liquid () end \ No newline at end of file
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--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Manifest.lua
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----@class cc.Manifest :cc.Ref
-local Manifest={ }
----* @brief Gets remote manifest file url.
----@return string
-function Manifest:getManifestFileUrl () end
----* @brief Check whether the version informations have been fully loaded
----@return boolean
-function Manifest:isVersionLoaded () end
----* @brief Check whether the manifest have been fully loaded
----@return boolean
-function Manifest:isLoaded () end
----* @brief Gets remote package url.
----@return string
-function Manifest:getPackageUrl () end
----* @brief Gets manifest version.
----@return string
-function Manifest:getVersion () end
----* @brief Gets remote version file url.
----@return string
-function Manifest:getVersionFileUrl () end
----* @brief Get the search paths list related to the Manifest.
----@return array_table
-function Manifest:getSearchPaths () end \ No newline at end of file
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index 2d5ed078..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Material.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Material :cc.Ref
-local Material={ }
----* returns a clone (deep-copy) of the material
----@return self
-function Material:clone () end
----@param meshCommand cc.MeshCommand
----@param globalZOrder float
----@param vertexBuffer cc.backend.Buffer
----@param indexBuffer cc.backend.Buffer
----@param primitive int
----@param indexFormat int
----@param indexCount unsigned_int
----@param modelView mat4_table
----@return self
-function Material:draw (meshCommand,globalZOrder,vertexBuffer,indexBuffer,primitive,indexFormat,indexCount,modelView) end
----@return cc.RenderState
-function Material:getRenderState () end
----* / sets the material name
----@param name string
----@return self
-function Material:setName (name) end
----* Returns a Technique by index. <br>
----* returns `nullptr` if the index is invalid.
----@param index int
----@return cc.Technique
-function Material:getTechniqueByIndex (index) end
----* / returns the material name
----@return string
-function Material:getName () end
----* Returns the list of Techniques
----@return array_table
-function Material:getTechniques () end
----* Returns the number of Techniques in the Material.
----@return int
-function Material:getTechniqueCount () end
----* Sets the current technique
----@param techniqueName string
----@return self
-function Material:setTechnique (techniqueName) end
----* Returns a Technique by its name.<br>
----* returns `nullptr` if the Technique can't be found.
----@param name string
----@return cc.Technique
-function Material:getTechniqueByName (name) end
----* Adds a Technique into the Material
----@param technique cc.Technique
----@return self
-function Material:addTechnique (technique) end
----* Returns the Technique used by the Material
----@return cc.Technique
-function Material:getTechnique () end
----* Creates a Material using the data from the Properties object defined at the specified URL,<br>
----* where the URL is of the format "<file-path>.<extension>#<namespace-id>/<namespace-id>/.../<namespace-id>"<br>
----* (and "#<namespace-id>/<namespace-id>/.../<namespace-id>" is optional).<br>
----* param url The URL pointing to the Properties object defining the material.<br>
----* return A new Material or NULL if there was an error.
----@param path string
----@return self
-function Material:createWithFilename (path) end
----* Creates a material from the specified properties object.<br>
----* param materialProperties The properties object defining the<br>
----* material (must have namespace equal to 'material').<br>
----* return A new Material.
----@param materialProperties cc.Properties
----@return self
-function Material:createWithProperties (materialProperties) end
----* Creates a Material with a GLProgramState.<br>
----* It will only contain one Technique and one Pass.<br>
----* Added in order to support legacy code.
----@param programState cc.backend.ProgramState
----@return self
-function Material:createWithProgramState (programState) end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Menu.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Menu.lua
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index 61d5ef51..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Menu.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Menu :cc.Layer
-local Menu={ }
----* initializes a Menu with a NSArray of MenuItem objects
----@param arrayOfItems array_table
----@return boolean
-function Menu:initWithArray (arrayOfItems) end
----* Set whether the menu is enabled. If set to false, interacting with the menu<br>
----* will have no effect.<br>
----* The default value is true, a menu is enabled by default.<br>
----* param value true if menu is to be enabled, false if menu is to be disabled.
----@param value boolean
----@return self
-function Menu:setEnabled (value) end
----* Align items vertically.
----@return self
-function Menu:alignItemsVertically () end
----* Determines if the menu is enabled.<br>
----* see `setEnabled(bool)`.<br>
----* return whether the menu is enabled or not.
----@return boolean
-function Menu:isEnabled () end
----* Align items horizontally.
----@return self
-function Menu:alignItemsHorizontally () end
----* Align items horizontally with padding.<br>
----* since v0.7.2
----@param padding float
----@return self
-function Menu:alignItemsHorizontallyWithPadding (padding) end
----* Align items vertically with padding.<br>
----* since v0.7.2
----@param padding float
----@return self
-function Menu:alignItemsVerticallyWithPadding (padding) end
----@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int):self
----@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node):self
----@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int,string2:int):self
----@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int,string:string):self
----@param child cc.Node
----@param zOrder int
----@param name string
----@return self
-function Menu:addChild (child,zOrder,name) end
----@return string
-function Menu:getDescription () end
----@param child cc.Node
----@param cleanup boolean
----@return self
-function Menu:removeChild (child,cleanup) end
----* initializes an empty Menu
----@return boolean
-function Menu:init () end
----@param value boolean
----@return self
-function Menu:setOpacityModifyRGB (value) end
----@return boolean
-function Menu:isOpacityModifyRGB () end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function Menu:Menu () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MenuItem.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MenuItem.lua
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index 8405b5a2..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MenuItem.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.MenuItem :cc.Node
-local MenuItem={ }
----* Enables or disables the item.
----@param value boolean
----@return self
-function MenuItem:setEnabled (value) end
----* Activate the item.
----@return self
-function MenuItem:activate () end
----* Returns whether or not the item is enabled.
----@return boolean
-function MenuItem:isEnabled () end
----* The item was selected (not activated), similar to "mouse-over".
----@return self
-function MenuItem:selected () end
----* Returns whether or not the item is selected.
----@return boolean
-function MenuItem:isSelected () end
----* The item was unselected.
----@return self
-function MenuItem:unselected () end
----* Returns the outside box.
----@return rect_table
-function MenuItem:rect () end
----* js NA
----@return string
-function MenuItem:getDescription () end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function MenuItem:MenuItem () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MenuItemAtlasFont.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MenuItemAtlasFont.lua
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index ce96ac83..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MenuItemAtlasFont.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.MenuItemAtlasFont :cc.MenuItemLabel
-local MenuItemAtlasFont={ }
----* Initializes a menu item from a string and atlas with a target/selector.
----@param value string
----@param charMapFile string
----@param itemWidth int
----@param itemHeight int
----@param startCharMap char
----@param callback function
----@return boolean
-function MenuItemAtlasFont:initWithString (value,charMapFile,itemWidth,itemHeight,startCharMap,callback) end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function MenuItemAtlasFont:MenuItemAtlasFont () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MenuItemFont.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MenuItemFont.lua
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index 5f45ef10..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MenuItemFont.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.MenuItemFont :cc.MenuItemLabel
-local MenuItemFont={ }
----* Returns the name of the Font.<br>
----* js getFontNameObj<br>
----* js NA
----@return string
-function MenuItemFont:getFontNameObj () end
----* Set the font name .<br>
----* c++ can not overload static and non-static member functions with the same parameter types.<br>
----* so change the name to setFontNameObj.<br>
----* js setFontName<br>
----* js NA
----@param name string
----@return self
-function MenuItemFont:setFontNameObj (name) end
----* Initializes a menu item from a string with a target/selector.
----@param value string
----@param callback function
----@return boolean
-function MenuItemFont:initWithString (value,callback) end
----* get font size .<br>
----* js getFontSize<br>
----* js NA
----@return int
-function MenuItemFont:getFontSizeObj () end
----* Set font size.<br>
----* c++ can not overload static and non-static member functions with the same parameter types.<br>
----* so change the name to setFontSizeObj.<br>
----* js setFontSize<br>
----* js NA
----@param size int
----@return self
-function MenuItemFont:setFontSizeObj (size) end
----* Set the default font name.
----@param name string
----@return self
-function MenuItemFont:setFontName (name) end
----* Get default font size.
----@return int
-function MenuItemFont:getFontSize () end
----* Get the default font name.
----@return string
-function MenuItemFont:getFontName () end
----* Set default font size.
----@param size int
----@return self
-function MenuItemFont:setFontSize (size) end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function MenuItemFont:MenuItemFont () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MenuItemImage.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MenuItemImage.lua
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index 4b0f3815..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MenuItemImage.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.MenuItemImage :cc.MenuItemSprite
-local MenuItemImage={ }
----* Sets the sprite frame for the disabled image.
----@param frame cc.SpriteFrame
----@return self
-function MenuItemImage:setDisabledSpriteFrame (frame) end
----* Sets the sprite frame for the selected image.
----@param frame cc.SpriteFrame
----@return self
-function MenuItemImage:setSelectedSpriteFrame (frame) end
----* Sets the sprite frame for the normal image.
----@param frame cc.SpriteFrame
----@return self
-function MenuItemImage:setNormalSpriteFrame (frame) end
----@return boolean
-function MenuItemImage:init () end
----* Initializes a menu item with a normal, selected and disabled image with a callable object.
----@param normalImage string
----@param selectedImage string
----@param disabledImage string
----@param callback function
----@return boolean
-function MenuItemImage:initWithNormalImage (normalImage,selectedImage,disabledImage,callback) end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function MenuItemImage:MenuItemImage () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MenuItemLabel.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MenuItemLabel.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 01061a05..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MenuItemLabel.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.MenuItemLabel :cc.MenuItem
-local MenuItemLabel={ }
----* Sets the label that is rendered.
----@param node cc.Node
----@return self
-function MenuItemLabel:setLabel (node) end
----* Get the inner string of the inner label.
----@return string
-function MenuItemLabel:getString () end
----* Gets the color that will be used when the item is disabled.
----@return color3b_table
-function MenuItemLabel:getDisabledColor () end
----* Sets a new string to the inner label.
----@param label string
----@return self
-function MenuItemLabel:setString (label) end
----* Initializes a MenuItemLabel with a Label, target and selector.
----@param label cc.Node
----@param callback function
----@return boolean
-function MenuItemLabel:initWithLabel (label,callback) end
----* Sets the color that will be used when the item is disabled.
----@param color color3b_table
----@return self
-function MenuItemLabel:setDisabledColor (color) end
----* Gets the label that is rendered.
----@return cc.Node
-function MenuItemLabel:getLabel () end
----@param enabled boolean
----@return self
-function MenuItemLabel:setEnabled (enabled) end
----@return self
-function MenuItemLabel:activate () end
----@return self
-function MenuItemLabel:unselected () end
----@return self
-function MenuItemLabel:selected () end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function MenuItemLabel:MenuItemLabel () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MenuItemSprite.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MenuItemSprite.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 78a1f885..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MenuItemSprite.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.MenuItemSprite :cc.MenuItem
-local MenuItemSprite={ }
----* Enables or disables the item.
----@param bEnabled boolean
----@return self
-function MenuItemSprite:setEnabled (bEnabled) end
----* The item was selected (not activated), similar to "mouse-over".<br>
----* since v0.99.5
----@return self
-function MenuItemSprite:selected () end
----* Sets the image used when the item is not selected.
----@param image cc.Node
----@return self
-function MenuItemSprite:setNormalImage (image) end
----* Sets the image used when the item is disabled.
----@param image cc.Node
----@return self
-function MenuItemSprite:setDisabledImage (image) end
----* Initializes a menu item with a normal, selected and disabled image with a callable object.
----@param normalSprite cc.Node
----@param selectedSprite cc.Node
----@param disabledSprite cc.Node
----@param callback function
----@return boolean
-function MenuItemSprite:initWithNormalSprite (normalSprite,selectedSprite,disabledSprite,callback) end
----* Sets the image used when the item is selected.
----@param image cc.Node
----@return self
-function MenuItemSprite:setSelectedImage (image) end
----* Gets the image used when the item is disabled.
----@return cc.Node
-function MenuItemSprite:getDisabledImage () end
----* Gets the image used when the item is selected.
----@return cc.Node
-function MenuItemSprite:getSelectedImage () end
----* Gets the image used when the item is not selected.
----@return cc.Node
-function MenuItemSprite:getNormalImage () end
----* The item was unselected.
----@return self
-function MenuItemSprite:unselected () end
----@return self
-function MenuItemSprite:MenuItemSprite () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MenuItemToggle.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MenuItemToggle.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index db7cc146..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MenuItemToggle.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.MenuItemToggle :cc.MenuItem
-local MenuItemToggle={ }
----* Sets the array that contains the subitems.
----@param items array_table
----@return self
-function MenuItemToggle:setSubItems (items) end
----* Initializes a menu item with a item.
----@param item cc.MenuItem
----@return boolean
-function MenuItemToggle:initWithItem (item) end
----* Gets the index of the selected item.
----@return unsigned_int
-function MenuItemToggle:getSelectedIndex () end
----* Add more menu item.
----@param item cc.MenuItem
----@return self
-function MenuItemToggle:addSubItem (item) end
----* Return the selected item.
----@return cc.MenuItem
-function MenuItemToggle:getSelectedItem () end
----* Sets the index of the selected item.
----@param index unsigned_int
----@return self
-function MenuItemToggle:setSelectedIndex (index) end
----@param var boolean
----@return self
-function MenuItemToggle:setEnabled (var) end
----@return self
-function MenuItemToggle:cleanup () end
----@return self
-function MenuItemToggle:activate () end
----@return self
-function MenuItemToggle:unselected () end
----@return self
-function MenuItemToggle:selected () end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function MenuItemToggle:MenuItemToggle () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Mesh.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Mesh.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index eff1e527..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Mesh.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Mesh :cc.Ref
-local Mesh={ }
----* Returns the Material being used by the Mesh
----@return cc.Material
-function Mesh:getMaterial () end
----* get per vertex size in bytes
----@return int
-function Mesh:getVertexSizeInBytes () end
----* Sets a new ProgramState for the Mesh<br>
----* A new Material will be created for it
----@param programState cc.backend.ProgramState
----@return self
-function Mesh:setProgramState (programState) end
----* Sets a new Material to the Mesh
----@param material cc.Material
----@return self
-function Mesh:setMaterial (material) end
----* name getter
----@return string
-function Mesh:getName () end
----* get MeshVertexAttribute by index
----@param idx int
----@return cc.MeshVertexAttrib
-function Mesh:getMeshVertexAttribute (idx) end
----* calculate the AABB of the mesh<br>
----* note the AABB is in the local space, not the world space
----@return self
-function Mesh:calculateAABB () end
----@param renderer cc.Renderer
----@param globalZ float
----@param transform mat4_table
----@param flags unsigned_int
----@param lightMask unsigned_int
----@param color vec4_table
----@param forceDepthWrite boolean
----@return self
-function Mesh:draw (renderer,globalZ,transform,flags,lightMask,color,forceDepthWrite) end
----@return cc.BlendFunc
-function Mesh:getBlendFunc () end
----* name setter
----@param name string
----@return self
-function Mesh:setName (name) end
----* Mesh index data setter
----@param indexdata cc.MeshIndexData
----@return self
-function Mesh:setMeshIndexData (indexdata) end
----* get ProgramState<br>
----* lua NA
----@return cc.backend.ProgramState
-function Mesh:getProgramState () end
----* get mesh vertex attribute count
----@return int
-function Mesh:getMeshVertexAttribCount () end
----@param blendFunc cc.BlendFunc
----@return self
-function Mesh:setBlendFunc (blendFunc) end
----* force set this Sprite3D to 2D render queue
----@param force2D boolean
----@return self
-function Mesh:setForce2DQueue (force2D) end
----* skin setter
----@param skin cc.MeshSkin
----@return self
-function Mesh:setSkin (skin) end
----@return boolean
-function Mesh:isVisible () end
----* visible getter and setter
----@param visible boolean
----@return self
-function Mesh:setVisible (visible) end
----@return self
-function Mesh:Mesh () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MotionStreak.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MotionStreak.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 7aecbd2f..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MotionStreak.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.MotionStreak :cc.Node@all parent class: Node,TextureProtocol
-local MotionStreak={ }
----* Remove all living segments of the ribbon.
----@return self
-function MotionStreak:reset () end
----* js NA<br>
----* lua NA
----@return cc.BlendFunc
-function MotionStreak:getBlendFunc () end
----* js NA<br>
----* lua NA
----@param blendFunc cc.BlendFunc
----@return self
-function MotionStreak:setBlendFunc (blendFunc) end
----* Color used for the tint.<br>
----* param colors The color used for the tint.
----@param colors color3b_table
----@return self
-function MotionStreak:tintWithColor (colors) end
----@return cc.Texture2D
-function MotionStreak:getTexture () end
----* Sets the starting position initialized or not.<br>
----* param bStartingPositionInitialized True if initialized the starting position.
----@param bStartingPositionInitialized boolean
----@return self
-function MotionStreak:setStartingPositionInitialized (bStartingPositionInitialized) end
----@param texture cc.Texture2D
----@return self
-function MotionStreak:setTexture (texture) end
----* Is the starting position initialized or not.<br>
----* return True if the starting position is initialized.
----@return boolean
-function MotionStreak:isStartingPositionInitialized () end
----* When fast mode is enabled, new points are added faster but with lower precision. <br>
----* return True if fast mode is enabled.
----@return boolean
-function MotionStreak:isFastMode () end
----* Get stroke.<br>
----* return float stroke.
----@return float
-function MotionStreak:getStroke () end
----@overload fun(float:float,float:float,float:float,color3b_table:color3b_table,string4:cc.Texture2D):self
----@overload fun(float:float,float:float,float:float,color3b_table:color3b_table,string:string):self
----@param fade float
----@param minSeg float
----@param stroke float
----@param color color3b_table
----@param path string
----@return boolean
-function MotionStreak:initWithFade (fade,minSeg,stroke,color,path) end
----* Sets fast mode or not.<br>
----* param bFastMode True if enabled fast mode.
----@param bFastMode boolean
----@return self
-function MotionStreak:setFastMode (bFastMode) end
----* Set stroke.<br>
----* param stroke The width of stroke.
----@param stroke float
----@return self
-function MotionStreak:setStroke (stroke) end
----@overload fun(float:float,float:float,float:float,color3b_table:color3b_table,string4:cc.Texture2D):self
----@overload fun(float:float,float:float,float:float,color3b_table:color3b_table,string:string):self
----@param timeToFade float
----@param minSeg float
----@param strokeWidth float
----@param strokeColor color3b_table
----@param imagePath string
----@return self
-function MotionStreak:create (timeToFade,minSeg,strokeWidth,strokeColor,imagePath) end
----@return boolean
-function MotionStreak:isOpacityModifyRGB () end
----@param opacity unsigned_char
----@return self
-function MotionStreak:setOpacity (opacity) end
----@param y float
----@return self
-function MotionStreak:setPositionY (y) end
----@param x float
----@return self
-function MotionStreak:setPositionX (x) end
----@return float
-function MotionStreak:getPositionY () end
----@return float
-function MotionStreak:getPositionX () end
----@return vec3_table
-function MotionStreak:getPosition3D () end
----@param value boolean
----@return self
-function MotionStreak:setOpacityModifyRGB (value) end
----@return unsigned_char
-function MotionStreak:getOpacity () end
----@overload fun(float:float,float:float):self
----@overload fun(float0:vec2_table):self
----@param x float
----@param y float
----@return self
-function MotionStreak:setPosition (x,y) end
----@overload fun(float:float,float:float):self
----@overload fun():self
----@param x float
----@param y float
----@return self
-function MotionStreak:getPosition (x,y) end
----@return self
-function MotionStreak:MotionStreak () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MotionStreak3D.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MotionStreak3D.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index fae595d9..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MotionStreak3D.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.MotionStreak3D :cc.Node@all parent class: Node,TextureProtocol
-local MotionStreak3D={ }
----* Remove all living segments of the ribbon.
----@return self
-function MotionStreak3D:reset () end
----@param texture cc.Texture2D
----@return self
-function MotionStreak3D:setTexture (texture) end
----@return cc.Texture2D
-function MotionStreak3D:getTexture () end
----* Color used for the tint.<br>
----* param colors The color used for the tint.
----@param colors color3b_table
----@return self
-function MotionStreak3D:tintWithColor (colors) end
----* Get the direction of sweeping line segment
----@return vec3_table
-function MotionStreak3D:getSweepAxis () end
----* js NA<br>
----* lua NA
----@param blendFunc cc.BlendFunc
----@return self
-function MotionStreak3D:setBlendFunc (blendFunc) end
----* Sets the starting position initialized or not.<br>
----* param bStartingPositionInitialized True if initialized the starting position.
----@param bStartingPositionInitialized boolean
----@return self
-function MotionStreak3D:setStartingPositionInitialized (bStartingPositionInitialized) end
----* js NA<br>
----* lua NA
----@return cc.BlendFunc
-function MotionStreak3D:getBlendFunc () end
----* Is the starting position initialized or not.<br>
----* return True if the starting position is initialized.
----@return boolean
-function MotionStreak3D:isStartingPositionInitialized () end
----* Get stroke.<br>
----* return float stroke.
----@return float
-function MotionStreak3D:getStroke () end
----@overload fun(float:float,float:float,float:float,color3b_table:color3b_table,string4:cc.Texture2D):self
----@overload fun(float:float,float:float,float:float,color3b_table:color3b_table,string:string):self
----@param fade float
----@param minSeg float
----@param stroke float
----@param color color3b_table
----@param path string
----@return boolean
-function MotionStreak3D:initWithFade (fade,minSeg,stroke,color,path) end
----* Set the direction of sweeping line segment.<br>
----* param sweepAxis Direction of sweeping line segment
----@param sweepAxis vec3_table
----@return self
-function MotionStreak3D:setSweepAxis (sweepAxis) end
----* Set stroke.<br>
----* param stroke The width of stroke.
----@param stroke float
----@return self
-function MotionStreak3D:setStroke (stroke) end
----@overload fun(float:float,float:float,float:float,color3b_table:color3b_table,string4:cc.Texture2D):self
----@overload fun(float:float,float:float,float:float,color3b_table:color3b_table,string:string):self
----@param fade float
----@param minSeg float
----@param stroke float
----@param color color3b_table
----@param path string
----@return self
-function MotionStreak3D:create (fade,minSeg,stroke,color,path) end
----* js NA<br>
----* lua NA
----@param renderer cc.Renderer
----@param transform mat4_table
----@param flags unsigned_int
----@return self
-function MotionStreak3D:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end
----@param value boolean
----@return self
-function MotionStreak3D:setOpacityModifyRGB (value) end
----@param y float
----@return self
-function MotionStreak3D:setPositionY (y) end
----@param rotation vec3_table
----@return self
-function MotionStreak3D:setRotation3D (rotation) end
----@param x float
----@return self
-function MotionStreak3D:setPositionX (x) end
----@param position vec3_table
----@return self
-function MotionStreak3D:setPosition3D (position) end
----@return float
-function MotionStreak3D:getPositionY () end
----@return float
-function MotionStreak3D:getPositionX () end
----@return vec3_table
-function MotionStreak3D:getPosition3D () end
----@param opacity unsigned_char
----@return self
-function MotionStreak3D:setOpacity (opacity) end
----* lua NA
----@param delta float
----@return self
-function MotionStreak3D:update (delta) end
----@param quat cc.Quaternion
----@return self
-function MotionStreak3D:setRotationQuat (quat) end
----@return unsigned_char
-function MotionStreak3D:getOpacity () end
----@overload fun(float:float,float:float):self
----@overload fun(float0:vec2_table):self
----@param x float
----@param y float
----@return self
-function MotionStreak3D:setPosition (x,y) end
----@overload fun(float:float,float:float):self
----@overload fun():self
----@param x float
----@param y float
----@return self
-function MotionStreak3D:getPosition (x,y) end
----@return boolean
-function MotionStreak3D:isOpacityModifyRGB () end
----@return self
-function MotionStreak3D:MotionStreak3D () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MoveBy.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MoveBy.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index a7eb9bed..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MoveBy.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.MoveBy :cc.ActionInterval
-local MoveBy={ }
----@overload fun(float:float,vec2_table1:vec3_table):self
----@overload fun(float:float,vec2_table:vec2_table):self
----@param duration float
----@param deltaPosition vec2_table
----@return boolean
-function MoveBy:initWithDuration (duration,deltaPosition) end
----@overload fun(float:float,vec2_table1:vec3_table):self
----@overload fun(float:float,vec2_table:vec2_table):self
----@param duration float
----@param deltaPosition vec2_table
----@return self
-function MoveBy:create (duration,deltaPosition) end
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function MoveBy:startWithTarget (target) end
----@return self
-function MoveBy:clone () end
----@return self
-function MoveBy:reverse () end
----* param time in seconds
----@param time float
----@return self
-function MoveBy:update (time) end
----@return self
-function MoveBy:MoveBy () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MoveTo.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MoveTo.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index bae3dfc3..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MoveTo.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.MoveTo :cc.MoveBy
-local MoveTo={ }
----@overload fun(float:float,vec2_table1:vec3_table):self
----@overload fun(float:float,vec2_table:vec2_table):self
----@param duration float
----@param position vec2_table
----@return boolean
-function MoveTo:initWithDuration (duration,position) end
----@overload fun(float:float,vec2_table1:vec3_table):self
----@overload fun(float:float,vec2_table:vec2_table):self
----@param duration float
----@param position vec2_table
----@return self
-function MoveTo:create (duration,position) end
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function MoveTo:startWithTarget (target) end
----@return self
-function MoveTo:clone () end
----@return self
-function MoveTo:reverse () end
----@return self
-function MoveTo:MoveTo () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/NavMesh.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/NavMesh.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index a78e8336..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/NavMesh.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.NavMesh :cc.Ref
-local NavMesh={ }
----* remove a obstacle from navmesh.
----@param obstacle cc.NavMeshObstacle
----@return self
-function NavMesh:removeNavMeshObstacle (obstacle) end
----* remove a agent from navmesh.
----@param agent cc.NavMeshAgent
----@return self
-function NavMesh:removeNavMeshAgent (agent) end
----* update navmesh.
----@param dt float
----@return self
-function NavMesh:update (dt) end
----* Check enabled debug draw.
----@return boolean
-function NavMesh:isDebugDrawEnabled () end
----* add a agent to navmesh.
----@param agent cc.NavMeshAgent
----@return self
-function NavMesh:addNavMeshAgent (agent) end
----* add a obstacle to navmesh.
----@param obstacle cc.NavMeshObstacle
----@return self
-function NavMesh:addNavMeshObstacle (obstacle) end
----* Enable debug draw or disable.
----@param enable boolean
----@return self
-function NavMesh:setDebugDrawEnable (enable) end
----* Internal method, the updater of debug drawing, need called each frame.
----@param renderer cc.Renderer
----@return self
-function NavMesh:debugDraw (renderer) end
----* Create navmesh<br>
----* param navFilePath The NavMesh File path.<br>
----* param geomFilePath The geometry File Path,include offmesh information,etc.
----@param navFilePath string
----@param geomFilePath string
----@return self
-function NavMesh:create (navFilePath,geomFilePath) end
----@return self
-function NavMesh:NavMesh () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/NavMeshAgent.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/NavMeshAgent.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index b00b2943..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/NavMeshAgent.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.NavMeshAgent :cc.Component
-local NavMeshAgent={ }
----* set maximal speed of agent
----@param maxSpeed float
----@return self
-function NavMeshAgent:setMaxSpeed (maxSpeed) end
----* synchronize parameter to node.
----@return self
-function NavMeshAgent:syncToNode () end
----* Traverse OffMeshLink manually
----@return self
-function NavMeshAgent:completeOffMeshLink () end
----* get separation weight
----@return float
-function NavMeshAgent:getSeparationWeight () end
----* Set automatic Traverse OffMeshLink
----@param isAuto boolean
----@return self
-function NavMeshAgent:setAutoTraverseOffMeshLink (isAuto) end
----* get current velocity
----@return vec3_table
-function NavMeshAgent:getCurrentVelocity () end
----* synchronize parameter to agent.
----@return self
-function NavMeshAgent:syncToAgent () end
----* Check agent arrived OffMeshLink
----@return boolean
-function NavMeshAgent:isOnOffMeshLink () end
----* set separation weight
----@param weight float
----@return self
-function NavMeshAgent:setSeparationWeight (weight) end
----* pause movement
----@return self
-function NavMeshAgent:pause () end
----@return void
-function NavMeshAgent:getUserData () end
----* Set automatic Orientation
----@param isAuto boolean
----@return self
-function NavMeshAgent:setAutoOrientation (isAuto) end
----* get agent height
----@return float
-function NavMeshAgent:getHeight () end
----* get maximal speed of agent
----@return float
-function NavMeshAgent:getMaxSpeed () end
----* Get current OffMeshLink information
----@return cc.OffMeshLinkData
-function NavMeshAgent:getCurrentOffMeshLinkData () end
----* get agent radius
----@return float
-function NavMeshAgent:getRadius () end
----* synchronization between node and agent is time consuming, you can skip some synchronization using this function
----@param flag int
----@return self
-function NavMeshAgent:setSyncFlag (flag) end
----@return int
-function NavMeshAgent:getSyncFlag () end
----* resume movement
----@return self
-function NavMeshAgent:resume () end
----* stop movement
----@return self
-function NavMeshAgent:stop () end
----* set maximal acceleration of agent
----@param maxAcceleration float
----@return self
-function NavMeshAgent:setMaxAcceleration (maxAcceleration) end
----* Set the reference axes of agent's orientation<br>
----* param rotRefAxes The value of reference axes in local coordinate system.
----@param rotRefAxes vec3_table
----@return self
-function NavMeshAgent:setOrientationRefAxes (rotRefAxes) end
----* get maximal acceleration of agent
----@return float
-function NavMeshAgent:getMaxAcceleration () end
----* set agent height
----@param height float
----@return self
-function NavMeshAgent:setHeight (height) end
----@param data void
----@return self
-function NavMeshAgent:setUserData (data) end
----* get obstacle avoidance type
----@return unsigned_char
-function NavMeshAgent:getObstacleAvoidanceType () end
----* get current velocity
----@return vec3_table
-function NavMeshAgent:getVelocity () end
----* set agent radius
----@param radius float
----@return self
-function NavMeshAgent:setRadius (radius) end
----* set obstacle avoidance type
----@param type unsigned_char
----@return self
-function NavMeshAgent:setObstacleAvoidanceType (type) end
----@return string
-function NavMeshAgent:getNavMeshAgentComponentName () end
----* Create agent<br>
----* param param The parameters of agent.
----@param param cc.NavMeshAgentParam
----@return self
-function NavMeshAgent:create (param) end
----@return self
-function NavMeshAgent:onEnter () end
----@return self
-function NavMeshAgent:onExit () end
----@return self
-function NavMeshAgent:NavMeshAgent () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/NavMeshObstacle.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/NavMeshObstacle.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 2923a9b0..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/NavMeshObstacle.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.NavMeshObstacle :cc.Component
-local NavMeshObstacle={ }
----@return int
-function NavMeshObstacle:getSyncFlag () end
----@param radius float
----@param height float
----@return boolean
-function NavMeshObstacle:initWith (radius,height) end
----* synchronize parameter to obstacle.
----@return self
-function NavMeshObstacle:syncToObstacle () end
----* synchronize parameter to node.
----@return self
-function NavMeshObstacle:syncToNode () end
----* Get height of obstacle
----@return float
-function NavMeshObstacle:getHeight () end
----* synchronization between node and obstacle is time consuming, you can skip some synchronization using this function
----@param flag int
----@return self
-function NavMeshObstacle:setSyncFlag (flag) end
----* Get radius of obstacle
----@return float
-function NavMeshObstacle:getRadius () end
----* Create obstacle, shape is cylinder<br>
----* param radius The radius of obstacle.<br>
----* param height The height of obstacle.
----@param radius float
----@param height float
----@return self
-function NavMeshObstacle:create (radius,height) end
----@return string
-function NavMeshObstacle:getNavMeshObstacleComponentName () end
----@return self
-function NavMeshObstacle:onEnter () end
----@return self
-function NavMeshObstacle:onExit () end
----@return self
-function NavMeshObstacle:NavMeshObstacle () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Node.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Node.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 498a49ba..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Node.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,805 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Node :cc.Ref
-local Node={ }
----@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int):self
----@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node):self
----@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int,string2:int):self
----@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int,string:string):self
----@param child cc.Node
----@param localZOrder int
----@param name string
----@return self
-function Node:addChild (child,localZOrder,name) end
----@overload fun(string0:cc.Component):self
----@overload fun(string:string):self
----@param name string
----@return boolean
-function Node:removeComponent (name) end
----@param physicsBody cc.PhysicsBody
----@return self
-function Node:setPhysicsBody (physicsBody) end
----* Get the callback of event ExitTransitionDidStart.<br>
----* return std::function<void()>
----@return function
-function Node:getOnExitTransitionDidStartCallback () end
----* Gets the description string. It makes debugging easier.<br>
----* return A string<br>
----* js NA<br>
----* lua NA
----@return string
-function Node:getDescription () end
----* Sets the Y rotation (angle) of the node in degrees which performs a vertical rotational skew.<br>
----* The difference between `setRotationalSkew()` and `setSkew()` is that the first one simulate Flash's skew functionality,<br>
----* while the second one uses the real skew function.<br>
----* 0 is the default rotation angle.<br>
----* Positive values rotate node clockwise, and negative values for anti-clockwise.<br>
----* param rotationY The Y rotation in degrees.<br>
----* warning The physics body doesn't support this.<br>
----* js setRotationY
----@param rotationY float
----@return self
-function Node:setRotationSkewY (rotationY) end
----* If you want the opacity affect the color property, then set to true.<br>
----* param value A boolean value.
----@param value boolean
----@return self
-function Node:setOpacityModifyRGB (value) end
----* Change node's cascadeOpacity property.<br>
----* param cascadeOpacityEnabled True to enable cascadeOpacity, false otherwise.
----@param cascadeOpacityEnabled boolean
----@return self
-function Node:setCascadeOpacityEnabled (cascadeOpacityEnabled) end
----@overload fun():self
----@overload fun():self
----@return array_table
-function Node:getChildren () end
----* Set the callback of event onExit.<br>
----* param callback A std::function<void()> callback.
----@param callback function
----@return self
-function Node:setOnExitCallback (callback) end
----* Sets the ActionManager object that is used by all actions.<br>
----* warning If you set a new ActionManager, then previously created actions will be removed.<br>
----* param actionManager A ActionManager object that is used by all actions.
----@param actionManager cc.ActionManager
----@return self
-function Node:setActionManager (actionManager) end
----* Converts a local Vec2 to world space coordinates.The result is in Points.<br>
----* treating the returned/received node point as anchor relative.<br>
----* param nodePoint A given coordinate.<br>
----* return A point in world space coordinates, anchor relative.
----@param nodePoint vec2_table
----@return vec2_table
-function Node:convertToWorldSpaceAR (nodePoint) end
----* Gets whether the anchor point will be (0,0) when you position this node.<br>
----* see `setIgnoreAnchorPointForPosition(bool)`<br>
----* return true if the anchor point will be (0,0) when you position this node.
----@return boolean
-function Node:isIgnoreAnchorPointForPosition () end
----* Gets a child from the container with its name.<br>
----* param name An identifier to find the child node.<br>
----* return a Node object whose name equals to the input parameter.<br>
----* since v3.2
----@param name string
----@return self
-function Node:getChildByName (name) end
----* Update the displayed opacity of node with it's parent opacity;<br>
----* param parentOpacity The opacity of parent node.
----@param parentOpacity unsigned_char
----@return self
-function Node:updateDisplayedOpacity (parentOpacity) end
----@return boolean
-function Node:init () end
----* get & set camera mask, the node is visible by the camera whose camera flag & node's camera mask is true
----@return unsigned short
-function Node:getCameraMask () end
----* Sets the rotation (angle) of the node in degrees.<br>
----* 0 is the default rotation angle.<br>
----* Positive values rotate node clockwise, and negative values for anti-clockwise.<br>
----* param rotation The rotation of the node in degrees.
----@param rotation float
----@return self
-function Node:setRotation (rotation) end
----* Changes the scale factor on Z axis of this node<br>
----* The Default value is 1.0 if you haven't changed it before.<br>
----* param scaleZ The scale factor on Z axis.<br>
----* warning The physics body doesn't support this.
----@param scaleZ float
----@return self
-function Node:setScaleZ (scaleZ) end
----* Sets the scale (y) of the node.<br>
----* It is a scaling factor that multiplies the height of the node and its children.<br>
----* param scaleY The scale factor on Y axis.<br>
----* warning The physics body doesn't support this.
----@param scaleY float
----@return self
-function Node:setScaleY (scaleY) end
----* Sets the scale (x) of the node.<br>
----* It is a scaling factor that multiplies the width of the node and its children.<br>
----* param scaleX The scale factor on X axis.<br>
----* warning The physics body doesn't support this.
----@param scaleX float
----@return self
-function Node:setScaleX (scaleX) end
----* Sets the X rotation (angle) of the node in degrees which performs a horizontal rotational skew.<br>
----* The difference between `setRotationalSkew()` and `setSkew()` is that the first one simulate Flash's skew functionality,<br>
----* while the second one uses the real skew function.<br>
----* 0 is the default rotation angle.<br>
----* Positive values rotate node clockwise, and negative values for anti-clockwise.<br>
----* param rotationX The X rotation in degrees which performs a horizontal rotational skew.<br>
----* warning The physics body doesn't support this.<br>
----* js setRotationX
----@param rotationX float
----@return self
-function Node:setRotationSkewX (rotationX) end
----* Removes all components
----@return self
-function Node:removeAllComponents () end
----@param z int
----@return self
-function Node:_setLocalZOrder (z) end
----* Modify the camera mask for current node.<br>
----* If applyChildren is true, then it will modify the camera mask of its children recursively.<br>
----* param mask A unsigned short bit for mask.<br>
----* param applyChildren A boolean value to determine whether the mask bit should apply to its children or not.
----@param mask unsigned short
----@param applyChildren boolean
----@return self
-function Node:setCameraMask (mask,applyChildren) end
----* Returns a tag that is used to identify the node easily.<br>
----* return An integer that identifies the node.<br>
----* Please use `getTag()` instead.
----@return int
-function Node:getTag () end
----@return cc.AffineTransform
-function Node:getNodeToWorldAffineTransform () end
----* Returns the world affine transform matrix. The matrix is in Pixels.<br>
----* return transformation matrix, in pixels.
----@return mat4_table
-function Node:getNodeToWorldTransform () end
----* Returns the position (X,Y,Z) in its parent's coordinate system.<br>
----* return The position (X, Y, and Z) in its parent's coordinate system.<br>
----* js NA
----@return vec3_table
-function Node:getPosition3D () end
----* Removes a child from the container. It will also cleanup all running actions depending on the cleanup parameter.<br>
----* param child The child node which will be removed.<br>
----* param cleanup True if all running actions and callbacks on the child node will be cleanup, false otherwise.
----@param child cc.Node
----@param cleanup boolean
----@return self
-function Node:removeChild (child,cleanup) end
----* Converts a Vec2 to world space coordinates. The result is in Points.<br>
----* param nodePoint A given coordinate.<br>
----* return A point in world space coordinates.
----@param nodePoint vec2_table
----@return vec2_table
-function Node:convertToWorldSpace (nodePoint) end
----* Returns the Scene that contains the Node.<br>
----* It returns `nullptr` if the node doesn't belong to any Scene.<br>
----* This function recursively calls parent->getScene() until parent is a Scene object. The results are not cached. It is that the user caches the results in case this functions is being used inside a loop.<br>
----* return The Scene that contains the node.
----@return cc.Scene
-function Node:getScene () end
----* Get the event dispatcher of scene.<br>
----* return The event dispatcher of scene.
----@return cc.EventDispatcher
-function Node:getEventDispatcher () end
----* Changes the X skew angle of the node in degrees.<br>
----* The difference between `setRotationalSkew()` and `setSkew()` is that the first one simulate Flash's skew functionality<br>
----* while the second one uses the real skew function.<br>
----* This angle describes the shear distortion in the X direction.<br>
----* Thus, it is the angle between the Y coordinate and the left edge of the shape<br>
----* The default skewX angle is 0. Positive values distort the node in a CW direction.<br>
----* param skewX The X skew angle of the node in degrees.<br>
----* warning The physics body doesn't support this.
----@param skewX float
----@return self
-function Node:setSkewX (skewX) end
----* Changes the Y skew angle of the node in degrees.<br>
----* The difference between `setRotationalSkew()` and `setSkew()` is that the first one simulate Flash's skew functionality<br>
----* while the second one uses the real skew function.<br>
----* This angle describes the shear distortion in the Y direction.<br>
----* Thus, it is the angle between the X coordinate and the bottom edge of the shape.<br>
----* The default skewY angle is 0. Positive values distort the node in a CCW direction.<br>
----* param skewY The Y skew angle of the node in degrees.<br>
----* warning The physics body doesn't support this.
----@param skewY float
----@return self
-function Node:setSkewY (skewY) end
----* Set the callback of event onEnter.<br>
----* param callback A std::function<void()> callback.
----@param callback function
----@return self
-function Node:setOnEnterCallback (callback) end
----* Removes all actions from the running action list by its flags.<br>
----* param flags A flag field that removes actions based on bitwise AND.
----@param flags unsigned_int
----@return self
-function Node:stopActionsByFlags (flags) end
----@param position vec2_table
----@return self
-function Node:setNormalizedPosition (position) end
----* convenience methods which take a Touch instead of Vec2.<br>
----* param touch A given touch.<br>
----* return A point in world space coordinates.
----@param touch cc.Touch
----@return vec2_table
-function Node:convertTouchToNodeSpace (touch) end
----@overload fun(boolean:boolean):self
----@overload fun():self
----@param cleanup boolean
----@return self
-function Node:removeAllChildrenWithCleanup (cleanup) end
----* Set the callback of event EnterTransitionDidFinish.<br>
----* param callback A std::function<void()> callback.
----@param callback function
----@return self
-function Node:setOnEnterTransitionDidFinishCallback (callback) end
----@param programState cc.backend.ProgramState
----@return self
-function Node:setProgramState (programState) end
----@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node):self
----@overload fun():self
----@param ancestor cc.Node
----@return cc.AffineTransform
-function Node:getNodeToParentAffineTransform (ancestor) end
----* Whether cascadeOpacity is enabled or not.<br>
----* return A boolean value.
----@return boolean
-function Node:isCascadeOpacityEnabled () end
----* Sets the parent node.<br>
----* param parent A pointer to the parent node.
----@param parent cc.Node
----@return self
-function Node:setParent (parent) end
----* Returns a string that is used to identify the node.<br>
----* return A string that identifies the node.<br>
----* since v3.2
----@return string
-function Node:getName () end
----* Resumes all scheduled selectors, actions and event listeners.<br>
----* This method is called internally by onEnter.
----@return self
-function Node:resume () end
----* Returns the rotation (X,Y,Z) in degrees.<br>
----* return The rotation of the node in 3d.<br>
----* js NA
----@return vec3_table
-function Node:getRotation3D () end
----@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node):self
----@overload fun():self
----@param ancestor cc.Node
----@return mat4_table
-function Node:getNodeToParentTransform (ancestor) end
----* converts a Touch (world coordinates) into a local coordinate. This method is AR (Anchor Relative).<br>
----* param touch A given touch.<br>
----* return A point in world space coordinates, anchor relative.
----@param touch cc.Touch
----@return vec2_table
-function Node:convertTouchToNodeSpaceAR (touch) end
----* Converts a Vec2 to node (local) space coordinates. The result is in Points.<br>
----* param worldPoint A given coordinate.<br>
----* return A point in node (local) space coordinates.
----@param worldPoint vec2_table
----@return vec2_table
-function Node:convertToNodeSpace (worldPoint) end
----* Sets the position (x,y) using values between 0 and 1.<br>
----* The positions in pixels is calculated like the following:<br>
----* code pseudo code<br>
----* void setNormalizedPosition(Vec2 pos) {<br>
----* Size s = getParent()->getContentSize();<br>
----* _position = pos * s;<br>
----* }<br>
----* endcode<br>
----* param position The normalized position (x,y) of the node, using value between 0 and 1.
----@param position vec2_table
----@return self
-function Node:setPositionNormalized (position) end
----* Pauses all scheduled selectors, actions and event listeners.<br>
----* This method is called internally by onExit.
----@return self
-function Node:pause () end
----* If node opacity will modify the RGB color value, then you should override this method and return true.<br>
----* return A boolean value, true indicates that opacity will modify color; false otherwise.
----@return boolean
-function Node:isOpacityModifyRGB () end
----@overload fun(float:float,float:float):self
----@overload fun(float0:vec2_table):self
----@param x float
----@param y float
----@return self
-function Node:setPosition (x,y) end
----* Removes an action from the running action list by its tag.<br>
----* param tag A tag that indicates the action to be removed.
----@param tag int
----@return self
-function Node:stopActionByTag (tag) end
----* Reorders a child according to a new z value.<br>
----* param child An already added child node. It MUST be already added.<br>
----* param localZOrder Z order for drawing priority. Please refer to setLocalZOrder(int).
----@param child cc.Node
----@param localZOrder int
----@return self
-function Node:reorderChild (child,localZOrder) end
----* Sets the 'z' coordinate in the position. It is the OpenGL Z vertex value.<br>
----* The OpenGL depth buffer and depth testing are disabled by default. You need to turn them on.<br>
----* In order to use this property correctly.<br>
----* `setPositionZ()` also sets the `setGlobalZValue()` with the positionZ as value.<br>
----* see `setGlobalZValue()`<br>
----* param positionZ OpenGL Z vertex of this node.<br>
----* js setVertexZ
----@param positionZ float
----@return self
-function Node:setPositionZ (positionZ) end
----* Sets the rotation (X,Y,Z) in degrees.<br>
----* Useful for 3d rotations.<br>
----* warning The physics body doesn't support this.<br>
----* param rotation The rotation of the node in 3d.<br>
----* js NA
----@param rotation vec3_table
----@return self
-function Node:setRotation3D (rotation) end
----* Gets/Sets x or y coordinate individually for position.<br>
----* These methods are used in Lua and Javascript Bindings<br>
----* Sets the x coordinate of the node in its parent's coordinate system.<br>
----* param x The x coordinate of the node.
----@param x float
----@return self
-function Node:setPositionX (x) end
----* Sets the transformation matrix manually.<br>
----* param transform A given transformation matrix.
----@param transform mat4_table
----@return self
-function Node:setNodeToParentTransform (transform) end
----* Returns the anchor point in percent.<br>
----* see `setAnchorPoint(const Vec2&)`<br>
----* return The anchor point of node.
----@return vec2_table
-function Node:getAnchorPoint () end
----* Returns the numbers of actions that are running plus the ones that are schedule to run (actions in actionsToAdd and actions arrays).<br>
----* Composable actions are counted as 1 action. Example:<br>
----* If you are running 1 Sequence of 7 actions, it will return 1.<br>
----* If you are running 7 Sequences of 2 actions, it will return 7.<br>
----* return The number of actions that are running plus the ones that are schedule to run.
----@return int
-function Node:getNumberOfRunningActions () end
----* Calls children's updateTransform() method recursively.<br>
----* This method is moved from Sprite, so it's no longer specific to Sprite.<br>
----* As the result, you apply SpriteBatchNode's optimization on your customed Node.<br>
----* e.g., `batchNode->addChild(myCustomNode)`, while you can only addChild(sprite) before.
----@return self
-function Node:updateTransform () end
----* Determines if the node is visible.<br>
----* see `setVisible(bool)`<br>
----* return true if the node is visible, false if the node is hidden.
----@return boolean
-function Node:isVisible () end
----* Returns the amount of children.<br>
----* return The amount of children.
----@return int
-function Node:getChildrenCount () end
----* Converts a Vec2 to node (local) space coordinates. The result is in Points.<br>
----* treating the returned/received node point as anchor relative.<br>
----* param worldPoint A given coordinate.<br>
----* return A point in node (local) space coordinates, anchor relative.
----@param worldPoint vec2_table
----@return vec2_table
-function Node:convertToNodeSpaceAR (worldPoint) end
----* Adds a component.<br>
----* param component A given component.<br>
----* return True if added success.
----@param component cc.Component
----@return boolean
-function Node:addComponent (component) end
----* Executes an action, and returns the action that is executed.<br>
----* This node becomes the action's target. Refer to Action::getTarget().<br>
----* warning Actions don't retain their target.<br>
----* param action An Action pointer.
----@param action cc.Action
----@return cc.Action
-function Node:runAction (action) end
----@overload fun():self
----@overload fun(cc.Renderer:cc.Renderer,mat4_table:mat4_table,unsigned_int:unsigned_int):self
----@param renderer cc.Renderer
----@param parentTransform mat4_table
----@param parentFlags unsigned_int
----@return self
-function Node:visit (renderer,parentTransform,parentFlags) end
----* Returns the rotation of the node in degrees.<br>
----* see `setRotation(float)`<br>
----* return The rotation of the node in degrees.
----@return float
-function Node:getRotation () end
----@return cc.PhysicsBody
-function Node:getPhysicsBody () end
----* Returns the anchorPoint in absolute pixels.<br>
----* warning You can only read it. If you wish to modify it, use anchorPoint instead.<br>
----* see `getAnchorPoint()`<br>
----* return The anchor point in absolute pixels.
----@return vec2_table
-function Node:getAnchorPointInPoints () end
----* Removes a child from the container by tag value. It will also cleanup all running actions depending on the cleanup parameter.<br>
----* param name A string that identifies a child node.<br>
----* param cleanup True if all running actions and callbacks on the child node will be cleanup, false otherwise.
----@param name string
----@param cleanup boolean
----@return self
-function Node:removeChildByName (name,cleanup) end
----* Sets a Scheduler object that is used to schedule all "updates" and timers.<br>
----* warning If you set a new Scheduler, then previously created timers/update are going to be removed.<br>
----* param scheduler A Scheduler object that is used to schedule all "update" and timers.
----@param scheduler cc.Scheduler
----@return self
-function Node:setScheduler (scheduler) end
----* Stops and removes all actions from the running action list .
----@return self
-function Node:stopAllActions () end
----* Returns the X skew angle of the node in degrees.<br>
----* see `setSkewX(float)`<br>
----* return The X skew angle of the node in degrees.
----@return float
-function Node:getSkewX () end
----* Returns the Y skew angle of the node in degrees.<br>
----* see `setSkewY(float)`<br>
----* return The Y skew angle of the node in degrees.
----@return float
-function Node:getSkewY () end
----* Get the callback of event EnterTransitionDidFinish.<br>
----* return std::function<void()>
----@return function
-function Node:getOnEnterTransitionDidFinishCallback () end
----* Query node's displayed color.<br>
----* return A Color3B color value.
----@return color3b_table
-function Node:getDisplayedColor () end
----* Gets an action from the running action list by its tag.<br>
----* see `setTag(int)`, `getTag()`.<br>
----* return The action object with the given tag.
----@param tag int
----@return cc.Action
-function Node:getActionByTag (tag) end
----* Changes the name that is used to identify the node easily.<br>
----* param name A string that identifies the node.<br>
----* since v3.2
----@param name string
----@return self
-function Node:setName (name) end
----* Update method will be called automatically every frame if "scheduleUpdate" is called, and the node is "live".<br>
----* param delta In seconds.
----@param delta float
----@return self
-function Node:update (delta) end
----* Return the node's display opacity.<br>
----* The difference between opacity and displayedOpacity is:<br>
----* The displayedOpacity is what's the final rendering opacity of node.<br>
----* return A GLubyte value.
----@return unsigned_char
-function Node:getDisplayedOpacity () end
----* Gets the local Z order of this node.<br>
----* see `setLocalZOrder(int)`<br>
----* return The local (relative to its siblings) Z order.
----@return int
-function Node:getLocalZOrder () end
----@overload fun():self
----@overload fun():self
----@return cc.Scheduler
-function Node:getScheduler () end
----@return cc.AffineTransform
-function Node:getParentToNodeAffineTransform () end
----* Returns the normalized position.<br>
----* return The normalized position.
----@return vec2_table
-function Node:getPositionNormalized () end
----* Change the color of node.<br>
----* param color A Color3B color value.
----@param color color3b_table
----@return self
-function Node:setColor (color) end
----* Returns whether or not the node is "running".<br>
----* If the node is running it will accept event callbacks like onEnter(), onExit(), update().<br>
----* return Whether or not the node is running.
----@return boolean
-function Node:isRunning () end
----@overload fun():self
----@overload fun():self
----@return self
-function Node:getParent () end
----* Gets position Z coordinate of this node.<br>
----* see setPositionZ(float)<br>
----* return The position Z coordinate of this node.<br>
----* js getVertexZ
----@return float
-function Node:getPositionZ () end
----* Gets the y coordinate of the node in its parent's coordinate system.<br>
----* return The y coordinate of the node.
----@return float
-function Node:getPositionY () end
----* Gets the x coordinate of the node in its parent's coordinate system.<br>
----* return The x coordinate of the node.
----@return float
-function Node:getPositionX () end
----* Removes a child from the container by tag value. It will also cleanup all running actions depending on the cleanup parameter.<br>
----* param tag An integer number that identifies a child node.<br>
----* param cleanup True if all running actions and callbacks on the child node will be cleanup, false otherwise.<br>
----* Please use `removeChildByName` instead.
----@param tag int
----@param cleanup boolean
----@return self
-function Node:removeChildByTag (tag,cleanup) end
----* Sets the y coordinate of the node in its parent's coordinate system.<br>
----* param y The y coordinate of the node.
----@param y float
----@return self
-function Node:setPositionY (y) end
----* Update node's displayed color with its parent color.<br>
----* param parentColor A Color3B color value.
----@param parentColor color3b_table
----@return self
-function Node:updateDisplayedColor (parentColor) end
----* Sets whether the node is visible.<br>
----* The default value is true, a node is default to visible.<br>
----* param visible true if the node is visible, false if the node is hidden.
----@param visible boolean
----@return self
-function Node:setVisible (visible) end
----* Returns the matrix that transform parent's space coordinates to the node's (local) space coordinates.<br>
----* The matrix is in Pixels.<br>
----* return The transformation matrix.
----@return mat4_table
-function Node:getParentToNodeTransform () end
----* Checks whether a lambda function is scheduled.<br>
----* param key key of the callback<br>
----* return Whether the lambda function selector is scheduled.<br>
----* js NA<br>
----* lua NA
----@param key string
----@return boolean
-function Node:isScheduled (key) end
----* Defines the order in which the nodes are renderer.<br>
----* Nodes that have a Global Z Order lower, are renderer first.<br>
----* In case two or more nodes have the same Global Z Order, the order is not guaranteed.<br>
----* The only exception if the Nodes have a Global Z Order == 0. In that case, the Scene Graph order is used.<br>
----* By default, all nodes have a Global Z Order = 0. That means that by default, the Scene Graph order is used to render the nodes.<br>
----* Global Z Order is useful when you need to render nodes in an order different than the Scene Graph order.<br>
----* Limitations: Global Z Order can't be used by Nodes that have SpriteBatchNode as one of their ancestors.<br>
----* And if ClippingNode is one of the ancestors, then "global Z order" will be relative to the ClippingNode.<br>
----* see `setLocalZOrder()`<br>
----* see `setVertexZ()`<br>
----* since v3.0<br>
----* param globalZOrder The global Z order value.
----@param globalZOrder float
----@return self
-function Node:setGlobalZOrder (globalZOrder) end
----@overload fun(float:float,float:float):self
----@overload fun(float:float):self
----@param scaleX float
----@param scaleY float
----@return self
-function Node:setScale (scaleX,scaleY) end
----* Gets a child from the container with its tag.<br>
----* param tag An identifier to find the child node.<br>
----* return a Node object whose tag equals to the input parameter.<br>
----* Please use `getChildByName()` instead.
----@param tag int
----@return self
-function Node:getChildByTag (tag) end
----* Returns the scale factor on Z axis of this node<br>
----* see `setScaleZ(float)`<br>
----* return The scale factor on Z axis.
----@return float
-function Node:getScaleZ () end
----* Returns the scale factor on Y axis of this node<br>
----* see `setScaleY(float)`<br>
----* return The scale factor on Y axis.
----@return float
-function Node:getScaleY () end
----* Returns the scale factor on X axis of this node<br>
----* see setScaleX(float)<br>
----* return The scale factor on X axis.
----@return float
-function Node:getScaleX () end
----* LocalZOrder is the 'key' used to sort the node relative to its siblings.<br>
----* The Node's parent will sort all its children based on the LocalZOrder value.<br>
----* If two nodes have the same LocalZOrder, then the node that was added first to the children's array will be in front of the other node in the array.<br>
----* Also, the Scene Graph is traversed using the "In-Order" tree traversal algorithm ( )<br>
----* And Nodes that have LocalZOrder values < 0 are the "left" subtree<br>
----* While Nodes with LocalZOrder >=0 are the "right" subtree.<br>
----* see `setGlobalZOrder`<br>
----* see `setVertexZ`<br>
----* param localZOrder The local Z order value.
----@param localZOrder int
----@return self
-function Node:setLocalZOrder (localZOrder) end
----@return cc.AffineTransform
-function Node:getWorldToNodeAffineTransform () end
----* If you want node's color affect the children node's color, then set it to true.<br>
----* Otherwise, set it to false.<br>
----* param cascadeColorEnabled A boolean value.
----@param cascadeColorEnabled boolean
----@return self
-function Node:setCascadeColorEnabled (cascadeColorEnabled) end
----* Change node opacity.<br>
----* param opacity A GLubyte opacity value.
----@param opacity unsigned_char
----@return self
-function Node:setOpacity (opacity) end
----* Stops all running actions and schedulers
----@return self
-function Node:cleanup () end
----* / @{/ @name component functions<br>
----* Gets a component by its name.<br>
----* param name A given name of component.<br>
----* return The Component by name.
----@param name string
----@return cc.Component
-function Node:getComponent (name) end
----* Returns the untransformed size of the node.<br>
----* see `setContentSize(const Size&)`<br>
----* return The untransformed size of the node.
----@return size_table
-function Node:getContentSize () end
----* Removes all actions from the running action list by its tag.<br>
----* param tag A tag that indicates the action to be removed.
----@param tag int
----@return self
-function Node:stopAllActionsByTag (tag) end
----* Query node's color value.<br>
----* return A Color3B color value.
----@return color3b_table
-function Node:getColor () end
----* Returns an AABB (axis-aligned bounding-box) in its parent's coordinate system.<br>
----* return An AABB (axis-aligned bounding-box) in its parent's coordinate system
----@return rect_table
-function Node:getBoundingBox () end
----* Sets whether the anchor point will be (0,0) when you position this node.<br>
----* This is an internal method, only used by Layer and Scene. Don't call it outside framework.<br>
----* The default value is false, while in Layer and Scene are true.<br>
----* param ignore true if anchor point will be (0,0) when you position this node.
----@param ignore boolean
----@return self
-function Node:setIgnoreAnchorPointForPosition (ignore) end
----* Set event dispatcher for scene.<br>
----* param dispatcher The event dispatcher of scene.
----@param dispatcher cc.EventDispatcher
----@return self
-function Node:setEventDispatcher (dispatcher) end
----* Returns the Node's Global Z Order.<br>
----* see `setGlobalZOrder(int)`<br>
----* return The node's global Z order
----@return float
-function Node:getGlobalZOrder () end
----@overload fun():self
----@overload fun(cc.Renderer:cc.Renderer,mat4_table:mat4_table,unsigned_int:unsigned_int):self
----@param renderer cc.Renderer
----@param transform mat4_table
----@param flags unsigned_int
----@return self
-function Node:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end
----* Returns a user assigned Object.<br>
----* Similar to UserData, but instead of holding a void* it holds an object.<br>
----* The UserObject will be retained once in this method,<br>
----* and the previous UserObject (if existed) will be released.<br>
----* The UserObject will be released in Node's destructor.<br>
----* param userObject A user assigned Object.
----@param userObject cc.Ref
----@return self
-function Node:setUserObject (userObject) end
----@overload fun(boolean:boolean):self
----@overload fun():self
----@param cleanup boolean
----@return self
-function Node:removeFromParentAndCleanup (cleanup) end
----* Sets the position (X, Y, and Z) in its parent's coordinate system.<br>
----* param position The position (X, Y, and Z) in its parent's coordinate system.<br>
----* js NA
----@param position vec3_table
----@return self
-function Node:setPosition3D (position) end
----* Returns the numbers of actions that are running plus the ones that are<br>
----* schedule to run (actions in actionsToAdd and actions arrays) with a<br>
----* specific tag.<br>
----* Composable actions are counted as 1 action. Example:<br>
----* If you are running 1 Sequence of 7 actions, it will return 1.<br>
----* If you are running 7 Sequences of 2 actions, it will return 7.<br>
----* param tag The tag that will be searched.<br>
----* return The number of actions that are running plus the<br>
----* ones that are schedule to run with specific tag.
----@param tag int
----@return int
-function Node:getNumberOfRunningActionsByTag (tag) end
----* Sorts the children array once before drawing, instead of every time when a child is added or reordered.<br>
----* This approach can improve the performance massively.<br>
----* note Don't call this manually unless a child added needs to be removed in the same frame.
----@return self
-function Node:sortAllChildren () end
----@return cc.backend.ProgramState
-function Node:getProgramState () end
----* Returns the inverse world affine transform matrix. The matrix is in Pixels.<br>
----* return The transformation matrix.
----@return mat4_table
-function Node:getWorldToNodeTransform () end
----* Gets the scale factor of the node, when X and Y have the same scale factor.<br>
----* warning Assert when `_scaleX != _scaleY`<br>
----* see setScale(float)<br>
----* return The scale factor of the node.
----@return float
-function Node:getScale () end
----* Return the node's opacity.<br>
----* return A GLubyte value.
----@return unsigned_char
-function Node:getOpacity () end
----* Sets the arrival order when this node has a same ZOrder with other children.<br>
----* A node which called addChild subsequently will take a larger arrival order,<br>
----* If two children have the same Z order, the child with larger arrival order will be drawn later.<br>
----* warning This method is used internally for localZOrder sorting, don't change this manually<br>
----* param orderOfArrival The arrival order.
----@return self
-function Node:updateOrderOfArrival () end
----@return vec2_table
-function Node:getNormalizedPosition () end
----* Set the callback of event ExitTransitionDidStart.<br>
----* param callback A std::function<void()> callback.
----@param callback function
----@return self
-function Node:setOnExitTransitionDidStartCallback (callback) end
----* Gets the X rotation (angle) of the node in degrees which performs a horizontal rotation skew.<br>
----* see `setRotationSkewX(float)`<br>
----* return The X rotation in degrees.<br>
----* js getRotationX
----@return float
-function Node:getRotationSkewX () end
----* Gets the Y rotation (angle) of the node in degrees which performs a vertical rotational skew.<br>
----* see `setRotationSkewY(float)`<br>
----* return The Y rotation in degrees.<br>
----* js getRotationY
----@return float
-function Node:getRotationSkewY () end
----* Changes the tag that is used to identify the node easily.<br>
----* Please refer to getTag for the sample code.<br>
----* param tag A integer that identifies the node.<br>
----* Please use `setName()` instead.
----@param tag int
----@return self
-function Node:setTag (tag) end
----* Query whether cascadeColor is enabled or not.<br>
----* return Whether cascadeColor is enabled or not.
----@return boolean
-function Node:isCascadeColorEnabled () end
----* Stops and removes an action from the running action list.<br>
----* param action The action object to be removed.
----@param action cc.Action
----@return self
-function Node:stopAction (action) end
----@overload fun():cc.ActionManager
----@overload fun():cc.ActionManager
----@return cc.ActionManager
-function Node:getActionManager () end
----* Allocates and initializes a node.<br>
----* return A initialized node which is marked as "autorelease".
----@return self
-function Node:create () end
----* Gets count of nodes those are attached to scene graph.
----@return int
-function Node:getAttachedNodeCount () end
----@return self
-function Node:Node () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/NodeGrid.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/NodeGrid.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 29bb8539..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/NodeGrid.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.NodeGrid :cc.Node
-local NodeGrid={ }
----* brief Set the effect grid rect.<br>
----* param gridRect The effect grid rect.
----@param gridRect rect_table
----@return self
-function NodeGrid:setGridRect (gridRect) end
----* Set the Grid Target. <br>
----* param target A Node is used to set the Grid Target.
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function NodeGrid:setTarget (target) end
----* Changes a grid object that is used when applying effects.<br>
----* param grid A Grid object that is used when applying effects.
----@param grid cc.GridBase
----@return self
-function NodeGrid:setGrid (grid) end
----@overload fun():cc.GridBase
----@overload fun():cc.GridBase
----@return cc.GridBase
-function NodeGrid:getGrid () end
----* brief Get the effect grid rect.<br>
----* return Return the effect grid rect.
----@return rect_table
-function NodeGrid:getGridRect () end
----@overload fun(rect_table:rect_table):self
----@overload fun():self
----@param rect rect_table
----@return self
-function NodeGrid:create (rect) end
----@param renderer cc.Renderer
----@param parentTransform mat4_table
----@param parentFlags unsigned_int
----@return self
-function NodeGrid:visit (renderer,parentTransform,parentFlags) end
----@return self
-function NodeGrid:NodeGrid () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/OrbitCamera.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/OrbitCamera.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 8114d7f8..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/OrbitCamera.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.OrbitCamera :cc.ActionCamera
-local OrbitCamera={ }
----* Initializes a OrbitCamera action with radius, delta-radius, z, deltaZ, x, deltaX.
----@param t float
----@param radius float
----@param deltaRadius float
----@param angleZ float
----@param deltaAngleZ float
----@param angleX float
----@param deltaAngleX float
----@return boolean
-function OrbitCamera:initWithDuration (t,radius,deltaRadius,angleZ,deltaAngleZ,angleX,deltaAngleX) end
----* Creates a OrbitCamera action with radius, delta-radius, z, deltaZ, x, deltaX. <br>
----* param t Duration in seconds.<br>
----* param radius The start radius.<br>
----* param deltaRadius The delta radius.<br>
----* param angleZ The start angle in Z.<br>
----* param deltaAngleZ The delta angle in Z.<br>
----* param angleX The start angle in X.<br>
----* param deltaAngleX The delta angle in X.<br>
----* return An OrbitCamera.
----@param t float
----@param radius float
----@param deltaRadius float
----@param angleZ float
----@param deltaAngleZ float
----@param angleX float
----@param deltaAngleX float
----@return self
-function OrbitCamera:create (t,radius,deltaRadius,angleZ,deltaAngleZ,angleX,deltaAngleX) end
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function OrbitCamera:startWithTarget (target) end
----@return self
-function OrbitCamera:clone () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function OrbitCamera:update (time) end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function OrbitCamera:OrbitCamera () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PUParticleSystem3D.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PUParticleSystem3D.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 037bd82b..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PUParticleSystem3D.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.PUParticleSystem3D :cc.ParticleSystem3D
-local PUParticleSystem3D={ }
----@param filePath string
----@return boolean
-function PUParticleSystem3D:initWithFilePath (filePath) end
----* Returns the velocity scale, defined in the particle system, but passed to the technique for convenience.
----@return float
-function PUParticleSystem3D:getParticleSystemScaleVelocity () end
----@param quota unsigned_int
----@return self
-function PUParticleSystem3D:setEmittedSystemQuota (quota) end
----* default particle depth
----@return float
-function PUParticleSystem3D:getDefaultDepth () end
----@return unsigned_int
-function PUParticleSystem3D:getEmittedSystemQuota () end
----@param filePath string
----@param materialPath string
----@return boolean
-function PUParticleSystem3D:initWithFilePathAndMaterialPath (filePath,materialPath) end
----@return self
-function PUParticleSystem3D:clearAllParticles () end
----@return string
-function PUParticleSystem3D:getMaterialName () end
----@return self
-function PUParticleSystem3D:calulateRotationOffset () end
----* Return the maximum velocity a particle can have, even if the velocity of the particle has been set higher (either by initialisation of the particle or by means of an affector).
----@return float
-function PUParticleSystem3D:getMaxVelocity () end
----@param delta float
----@return self
-function PUParticleSystem3D:forceUpdate (delta) end
----@return float
-function PUParticleSystem3D:getTimeElapsedSinceStart () end
----@return self
-function PUParticleSystem3D:removeAllBehaviourTemplate () end
----@return unsigned_int
-function PUParticleSystem3D:getEmittedEmitterQuota () end
----* Forces emission of particles.<br>
----* remarks The number of requested particles are the exact number that are emitted. No down-scaling is applied.
----@param emitter cc.PUEmitter
----@param requested unsigned_int
----@return self
-function PUParticleSystem3D:forceEmission (emitter,requested) end
----@param listener cc.PUListener
----@return self
-function PUParticleSystem3D:addListener (listener) end
----@return boolean
-function PUParticleSystem3D:isMarkedForEmission () end
----* default particle width
----@return float
-function PUParticleSystem3D:getDefaultWidth () end
----@param quota unsigned_int
----@return self
-function PUParticleSystem3D:setEmittedEmitterQuota (quota) end
----@param isMarked boolean
----@return self
-function PUParticleSystem3D:setMarkedForEmission (isMarked) end
----@return self
-function PUParticleSystem3D:clone () end
----* add particle affector
----@param emitter cc.PUEmitter
----@return self
-function PUParticleSystem3D:addEmitter (emitter) end
----@param behaviour cc.PUBehaviour
----@return self
-function PUParticleSystem3D:addBehaviourTemplate (behaviour) end
----@param width float
----@return self
-function PUParticleSystem3D:setDefaultWidth (width) end
----@param system cc.PUParticleSystem3D
----@return self
-function PUParticleSystem3D:copyAttributesTo (system) end
----@param name string
----@return self
-function PUParticleSystem3D:setMaterialName (name) end
----@return self
-function PUParticleSystem3D:getParentParticleSystem () end
----@param listener cc.PUListener
----@return self
-function PUParticleSystem3D:removeListener (listener) end
----* Set the maximum velocity a particle can have.
----@param maxVelocity float
----@return self
-function PUParticleSystem3D:setMaxVelocity (maxVelocity) end
----* default particle height
----@return float
-function PUParticleSystem3D:getDefaultHeight () end
----@return vec3_table
-function PUParticleSystem3D:getDerivedPosition () end
----* If the orientation of the particle system has been changed since the last update, the passed vector is rotated accordingly.
----@param pos vec3_table
----@return self
-function PUParticleSystem3D:rotationOffset (pos) end
----@return self
-function PUParticleSystem3D:removeAllEmitter () end
----@param scaleVelocity float
----@return self
-function PUParticleSystem3D:setParticleSystemScaleVelocity (scaleVelocity) end
----@return vec3_table
-function PUParticleSystem3D:getDerivedScale () end
----@param height float
----@return self
-function PUParticleSystem3D:setDefaultHeight (height) end
----@return self
-function PUParticleSystem3D:removeAllListener () end
----@param filePath string
----@return boolean
-function PUParticleSystem3D:initSystem (filePath) end
----@param particle cc.PUParticle3D
----@return boolean
-function PUParticleSystem3D:makeParticleLocal (particle) end
----@return self
-function PUParticleSystem3D:removerAllObserver () end
----@param depth float
----@return self
-function PUParticleSystem3D:setDefaultDepth (depth) end
----@param observer cc.PUObserver
----@return self
-function PUParticleSystem3D:addObserver (observer) end
----@overload fun(string:string):self
----@overload fun():self
----@overload fun(string:string,string:string):self
----@param filePath string
----@param materialPath string
----@return self
-function PUParticleSystem3D:create (filePath,materialPath) end
----@param renderer cc.Renderer
----@param transform mat4_table
----@param flags unsigned_int
----@return self
-function PUParticleSystem3D:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end
----* particle system play control
----@return self
-function PUParticleSystem3D:startParticleSystem () end
----* stop particle
----@return self
-function PUParticleSystem3D:stopParticleSystem () end
----@param delta float
----@return self
-function PUParticleSystem3D:update (delta) end
----* pause particle
----@return self
-function PUParticleSystem3D:pauseParticleSystem () end
----* resume particle
----@return self
-function PUParticleSystem3D:resumeParticleSystem () end
----@return int
-function PUParticleSystem3D:getAliveParticleCount () end
----@return self
-function PUParticleSystem3D:PUParticleSystem3D () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PageTurn3D.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PageTurn3D.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index fdf16d5f..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PageTurn3D.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.PageTurn3D :cc.Grid3DAction
-local PageTurn3D={ }
----* brief Create an action with duration, grid size.<br>
----* param duration Specify the duration of the PageTurn3D action. It's a value in seconds.<br>
----* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.<br>
----* return If the creation success, return a pointer of PageTurn3D action; otherwise, return nil.
----@param duration float
----@param gridSize size_table
----@return self
-function PageTurn3D:create (duration,gridSize) end
----@return self
-function PageTurn3D:clone () end
----* js NA
----@return cc.GridBase
-function PageTurn3D:getGrid () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function PageTurn3D:update (time) end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParallaxNode.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParallaxNode.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c795902..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParallaxNode.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.ParallaxNode :cc.Node
-local ParallaxNode={ }
----* Adds a child to the container with a local z-order, parallax ratio and position offset.<br>
----* param child A child node.<br>
----* param z Z order for drawing priority.<br>
----* param parallaxRatio A given parallax ratio.<br>
----* param positionOffset A given position offset.
----@param child cc.Node
----@param z int
----@param parallaxRatio vec2_table
----@param positionOffset vec2_table
----@return self
-function ParallaxNode:addChild (child,z,parallaxRatio,positionOffset) end
----@param cleanup boolean
----@return self
-function ParallaxNode:removeAllChildrenWithCleanup (cleanup) end
----* Create a Parallax node. <br>
----* return An autoreleased ParallaxNode object.
----@return self
-function ParallaxNode:create () end
----@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int,int2:string):self
----@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int,int:int):self
----@param child cc.Node
----@param zOrder int
----@param tag int
----@return self
-function ParallaxNode:addChild (child,zOrder,tag) end
----@param renderer cc.Renderer
----@param parentTransform mat4_table
----@param parentFlags unsigned_int
----@return self
-function ParallaxNode:visit (renderer,parentTransform,parentFlags) end
----@param child cc.Node
----@param cleanup boolean
----@return self
-function ParallaxNode:removeChild (child,cleanup) end
----* Adds a child to the container with a z-order, a parallax ratio and a position offset<br>
----* It returns self, so you can chain several addChilds.<br>
----* since v0.8<br>
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function ParallaxNode:ParallaxNode () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleBatchNode.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleBatchNode.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index a4235205..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleBatchNode.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.ParticleBatchNode :cc.Node@all parent class: Node,TextureProtocol
-local ParticleBatchNode={ }
----@param texture cc.Texture2D
----@return self
-function ParticleBatchNode:setTexture (texture) end
----* initializes the particle system with Texture2D, a capacity of particles
----@param tex cc.Texture2D
----@param capacity int
----@return boolean
-function ParticleBatchNode:initWithTexture (tex,capacity) end
----* Disables a particle by inserting a 0'd quad into the texture atlas.<br>
----* param particleIndex The index of the particle.
----@param particleIndex int
----@return self
-function ParticleBatchNode:disableParticle (particleIndex) end
----@return cc.Texture2D
-function ParticleBatchNode:getTexture () end
----* Sets the texture atlas used for drawing the quads.<br>
----* param atlas The texture atlas used for drawing the quads.
----@param atlas cc.TextureAtlas
----@return self
-function ParticleBatchNode:setTextureAtlas (atlas) end
----* initializes the particle system with the name of a file on disk (for a list of supported formats look at the Texture2D class), a capacity of particles
----@param fileImage string
----@param capacity int
----@return boolean
-function ParticleBatchNode:initWithFile (fileImage,capacity) end
----* code<br>
----* When this function bound into js or lua,the parameter will be changed<br>
----* In js: var setBlendFunc(var src, var dst)<br>
----* endcode<br>
----* lua NA
----@param blendFunc cc.BlendFunc
----@return self
-function ParticleBatchNode:setBlendFunc (blendFunc) end
----@param doCleanup boolean
----@return self
-function ParticleBatchNode:removeAllChildrenWithCleanup (doCleanup) end
----* Gets the texture atlas used for drawing the quads.<br>
----* return The texture atlas used for drawing the quads.
----@return cc.TextureAtlas
-function ParticleBatchNode:getTextureAtlas () end
----* js NA<br>
----* lua NA
----@return cc.BlendFunc
-function ParticleBatchNode:getBlendFunc () end
----* Inserts a child into the ParticleBatchNode.<br>
----* param system A given particle system.<br>
----* param index The insert index.
----@param system cc.ParticleSystem
----@param index int
----@return self
-function ParticleBatchNode:insertChild (system,index) end
----* Remove a child of the ParticleBatchNode.<br>
----* param index The index of the child.<br>
----* param doCleanup True if all actions and callbacks on this node should be removed, false otherwise.
----@param index int
----@param doCleanup boolean
----@return self
-function ParticleBatchNode:removeChildAtIndex (index,doCleanup) end
----* Create the particle system with the name of a file on disk (for a list of supported formats look at the Texture2D class), a capacity of particles.<br>
----* param fileImage A given file name.<br>
----* param capacity A capacity of particles.<br>
----* return An autoreleased ParticleBatchNode object.
----@param fileImage string
----@param capacity int
----@return self
-function ParticleBatchNode:create (fileImage,capacity) end
----* Create the particle system with Texture2D, a capacity of particles, which particle system to use.<br>
----* param tex A given texture.<br>
----* param capacity A capacity of particles.<br>
----* return An autoreleased ParticleBatchNode object.<br>
----* js NA
----@param tex cc.Texture2D
----@param capacity int
----@return self
-function ParticleBatchNode:createWithTexture (tex,capacity) end
----@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int,int2:string):self
----@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int,int:int):self
----@param child cc.Node
----@param zOrder int
----@param tag int
----@return self
-function ParticleBatchNode:addChild (child,zOrder,tag) end
----@param renderer cc.Renderer
----@param transform mat4_table
----@param flags unsigned_int
----@return self
-function ParticleBatchNode:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end
----@param renderer cc.Renderer
----@param parentTransform mat4_table
----@param parentFlags unsigned_int
----@return self
-function ParticleBatchNode:visit (renderer,parentTransform,parentFlags) end
----@param child cc.Node
----@param zOrder int
----@return self
-function ParticleBatchNode:reorderChild (child,zOrder) end
----@param child cc.Node
----@param cleanup boolean
----@return self
-function ParticleBatchNode:removeChild (child,cleanup) end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function ParticleBatchNode:ParticleBatchNode () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleData.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleData.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 663070b3..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleData.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.ParticleData
-local ParticleData={ }
----@return self
-function ParticleData:release () end
----@return unsigned_int
-function ParticleData:getMaxCount () end
----@param count int
----@return boolean
-function ParticleData:init (count) end
----@param p1 int
----@param p2 int
----@return self
-function ParticleData:copyParticle (p1,p2) end
----@return self
-function ParticleData:ParticleData () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleExplosion.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleExplosion.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d3cada5..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleExplosion.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.ParticleExplosion :cc.ParticleSystemQuad
-local ParticleExplosion={ }
----@return boolean
-function ParticleExplosion:init () end
----@param numberOfParticles int
----@return boolean
-function ParticleExplosion:initWithTotalParticles (numberOfParticles) end
----* Create a explosion particle system.<br>
----* return An autoreleased ParticleExplosion object.
----@return self
-function ParticleExplosion:create () end
----* Create a explosion particle system withe a fixed number of particles.<br>
----* param numberOfParticles A given number of particles.<br>
----* return An autoreleased ParticleExplosion object.<br>
----* js NA
----@param numberOfParticles int
----@return self
-function ParticleExplosion:createWithTotalParticles (numberOfParticles) end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function ParticleExplosion:ParticleExplosion () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleFire.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleFire.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 6574783d..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleFire.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.ParticleFire :cc.ParticleSystemQuad
-local ParticleFire={ }
----* Create a fire particle system.<br>
----* return An autoreleased ParticleFire object.
----@return self
-function ParticleFire:create () end
----* Create a fire particle system withe a fixed number of particles.<br>
----* param numberOfParticles A given number of particles.<br>
----* return An autoreleased ParticleFire object.<br>
----* js NA
----@param numberOfParticles int
----@return self
-function ParticleFire:createWithTotalParticles (numberOfParticles) end
----@return boolean
-function ParticleFire:init () end
----@param numberOfParticles int
----@return boolean
-function ParticleFire:initWithTotalParticles (numberOfParticles) end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function ParticleFire:ParticleFire () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleFireworks.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleFireworks.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 5254e088..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleFireworks.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.ParticleFireworks :cc.ParticleSystemQuad
-local ParticleFireworks={ }
----@return boolean
-function ParticleFireworks:init () end
----@param numberOfParticles int
----@return boolean
-function ParticleFireworks:initWithTotalParticles (numberOfParticles) end
----* Create a fireworks particle system.<br>
----* return An autoreleased ParticleFireworks object.
----@return self
-function ParticleFireworks:create () end
----* Create a fireworks particle system withe a fixed number of particles.<br>
----* param numberOfParticles A given number of particles.<br>
----* return An autoreleased ParticleFireworks object.<br>
----* js NA
----@param numberOfParticles int
----@return self
-function ParticleFireworks:createWithTotalParticles (numberOfParticles) end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function ParticleFireworks:ParticleFireworks () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleFlower.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleFlower.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index fafae8b9..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleFlower.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.ParticleFlower :cc.ParticleSystemQuad
-local ParticleFlower={ }
----@return boolean
-function ParticleFlower:init () end
----@param numberOfParticles int
----@return boolean
-function ParticleFlower:initWithTotalParticles (numberOfParticles) end
----* Create a flower particle system.<br>
----* return An autoreleased ParticleFlower object.
----@return self
-function ParticleFlower:create () end
----* Create a flower particle system withe a fixed number of particles.<br>
----* param numberOfParticles A given number of particles.<br>
----* return An autoreleased ParticleFlower object.<br>
----* js NA
----@param numberOfParticles int
----@return self
-function ParticleFlower:createWithTotalParticles (numberOfParticles) end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function ParticleFlower:ParticleFlower () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleGalaxy.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleGalaxy.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a323f4e..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleGalaxy.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.ParticleGalaxy :cc.ParticleSystemQuad
-local ParticleGalaxy={ }
----@return boolean
-function ParticleGalaxy:init () end
----@param numberOfParticles int
----@return boolean
-function ParticleGalaxy:initWithTotalParticles (numberOfParticles) end
----* Create a galaxy particle system.<br>
----* return An autoreleased ParticleGalaxy object.
----@return self
-function ParticleGalaxy:create () end
----* Create a galaxy particle system withe a fixed number of particles.<br>
----* param numberOfParticles A given number of particles.<br>
----* return An autoreleased ParticleGalaxy object.<br>
----* js NA
----@param numberOfParticles int
----@return self
-function ParticleGalaxy:createWithTotalParticles (numberOfParticles) end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function ParticleGalaxy:ParticleGalaxy () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleMeteor.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleMeteor.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 6752d6bb..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleMeteor.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.ParticleMeteor :cc.ParticleSystemQuad
-local ParticleMeteor={ }
----@return boolean
-function ParticleMeteor:init () end
----@param numberOfParticles int
----@return boolean
-function ParticleMeteor:initWithTotalParticles (numberOfParticles) end
----* Create a meteor particle system.<br>
----* return An autoreleased ParticleMeteor object.
----@return self
-function ParticleMeteor:create () end
----* Create a meteor particle system withe a fixed number of particles.<br>
----* param numberOfParticles A given number of particles.<br>
----* return An autoreleased ParticleMeteor object.<br>
----* js NA
----@param numberOfParticles int
----@return self
-function ParticleMeteor:createWithTotalParticles (numberOfParticles) end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function ParticleMeteor:ParticleMeteor () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleRain.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleRain.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index e851f3cb..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleRain.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.ParticleRain :cc.ParticleSystemQuad
-local ParticleRain={ }
----@return boolean
-function ParticleRain:init () end
----@param numberOfParticles int
----@return boolean
-function ParticleRain:initWithTotalParticles (numberOfParticles) end
----* Create a rain particle system.<br>
----* return An autoreleased ParticleRain object.
----@return self
-function ParticleRain:create () end
----* Create a rain particle system withe a fixed number of particles.<br>
----* param numberOfParticles A given number of particles.<br>
----* return An autoreleased ParticleRain object.<br>
----* js NA
----@param numberOfParticles int
----@return self
-function ParticleRain:createWithTotalParticles (numberOfParticles) end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function ParticleRain:ParticleRain () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleSmoke.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleSmoke.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index c342f9f7..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleSmoke.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.ParticleSmoke :cc.ParticleSystemQuad
-local ParticleSmoke={ }
----@return boolean
-function ParticleSmoke:init () end
----@param numberOfParticles int
----@return boolean
-function ParticleSmoke:initWithTotalParticles (numberOfParticles) end
----* Create a smoke particle system.<br>
----* return An autoreleased ParticleSmoke object.
----@return self
-function ParticleSmoke:create () end
----* Create a smoke particle system withe a fixed number of particles.<br>
----* param numberOfParticles A given number of particles.<br>
----* return An autoreleased ParticleSmoke object.<br>
----* js NA
----@param numberOfParticles int
----@return self
-function ParticleSmoke:createWithTotalParticles (numberOfParticles) end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function ParticleSmoke:ParticleSmoke () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleSnow.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleSnow.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 11c2327a..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleSnow.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.ParticleSnow :cc.ParticleSystemQuad
-local ParticleSnow={ }
----@return boolean
-function ParticleSnow:init () end
----@param numberOfParticles int
----@return boolean
-function ParticleSnow:initWithTotalParticles (numberOfParticles) end
----* Create a snow particle system.<br>
----* return An autoreleased ParticleSnow object.
----@return self
-function ParticleSnow:create () end
----* Create a snow particle system withe a fixed number of particles.<br>
----* param numberOfParticles A given number of particles.<br>
----* return An autoreleased ParticleSnow object.<br>
----* js NA
----@param numberOfParticles int
----@return self
-function ParticleSnow:createWithTotalParticles (numberOfParticles) end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function ParticleSnow:ParticleSnow () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleSpiral.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleSpiral.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index a6a80875..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleSpiral.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.ParticleSpiral :cc.ParticleSystemQuad
-local ParticleSpiral={ }
----@return boolean
-function ParticleSpiral:init () end
----@param numberOfParticles int
----@return boolean
-function ParticleSpiral:initWithTotalParticles (numberOfParticles) end
----* Create a spiral particle system.<br>
----* return An autoreleased ParticleSpiral object.
----@return self
-function ParticleSpiral:create () end
----* Create a spiral particle system withe a fixed number of particles.<br>
----* param numberOfParticles A given number of particles.<br>
----* return An autoreleased ParticleSpiral object.<br>
----* js NA
----@param numberOfParticles int
----@return self
-function ParticleSpiral:createWithTotalParticles (numberOfParticles) end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function ParticleSpiral:ParticleSpiral () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleSun.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleSun.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index f4347236..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleSun.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.ParticleSun :cc.ParticleSystemQuad
-local ParticleSun={ }
----@return boolean
-function ParticleSun:init () end
----@param numberOfParticles int
----@return boolean
-function ParticleSun:initWithTotalParticles (numberOfParticles) end
----* Create a sun particle system.<br>
----* return An autoreleased ParticleSun object.
----@return self
-function ParticleSun:create () end
----* Create a sun particle system withe a fixed number of particles.<br>
----* param numberOfParticles A given number of particles.<br>
----* return An autoreleased ParticleSun object.<br>
----* js NA
----@param numberOfParticles int
----@return self
-function ParticleSun:createWithTotalParticles (numberOfParticles) end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function ParticleSun:ParticleSun () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleSystem.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleSystem.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ef35e52..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleSystem.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,529 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.ParticleSystem :cc.Node@all parent class: Node,TextureProtocol,PlayableProtocol
-local ParticleSystem={ }
----* Gets the start size variance in pixels of each particle.<br>
----* return The start size variance in pixels of each particle.
----@return float
-function ParticleSystem:getStartSizeVar () end
----@return cc.Texture2D
-function ParticleSystem:getTexture () end
----* Whether or not the system is full.<br>
----* return True if the system is full.
----@return boolean
-function ParticleSystem:isFull () end
----* Gets the batch node.<br>
----* return The batch node.
----@return cc.ParticleBatchNode
-function ParticleSystem:getBatchNode () end
----* Gets the start color of each particle.<br>
----* return The start color of each particle.
----@return color4f_table
-function ParticleSystem:getStartColor () end
----* Gets the particles movement type: Free or Grouped.<br>
----* since v0.8<br>
----* return The particles movement type.
----@return int
-function ParticleSystem:getPositionType () end
----* Sets the position variance of the emitter.<br>
----* param pos The position variance of the emitter.
----@param pos vec2_table
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:setPosVar (pos) end
----* Gets the end spin of each particle.<br>
----* return The end spin of each particle.
----@return float
-function ParticleSystem:getEndSpin () end
----* Sets the rotate per second variance.<br>
----* param degrees The rotate per second variance.
----@param degrees float
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:setRotatePerSecondVar (degrees) end
----* / @} end of PlayableProtocol
----@param sourcePositionCompatible boolean
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:setSourcePositionCompatible (sourcePositionCompatible) end
----* Gets the start spin variance of each particle.<br>
----* return The start spin variance of each particle.
----@return float
-function ParticleSystem:getStartSpinVar () end
----* Gets the radial acceleration variance.<br>
----* return The radial acceleration variance.
----@return float
-function ParticleSystem:getRadialAccelVar () end
----* Gets the end size variance in pixels of each particle.<br>
----* return The end size variance in pixels of each particle.
----@return float
-function ParticleSystem:getEndSizeVar () end
----* Sets the tangential acceleration.<br>
----* param t The tangential acceleration.
----@param t float
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:setTangentialAccel (t) end
----* Gets the radial acceleration.<br>
----* return The radial acceleration.
----@return float
-function ParticleSystem:getRadialAccel () end
----* Sets the start radius.<br>
----* param startRadius The start radius.
----@param startRadius float
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:setStartRadius (startRadius) end
----* Sets the number of degrees to rotate a particle around the source pos per second.<br>
----* param degrees The number of degrees to rotate a particle around the source pos per second.
----@param degrees float
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:setRotatePerSecond (degrees) end
----* Sets the end size in pixels of each particle.<br>
----* param endSize The end size in pixels of each particle.
----@param endSize float
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:setEndSize (endSize) end
----* Gets the gravity.<br>
----* return The gravity.
----@return vec2_table
-function ParticleSystem:getGravity () end
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:resumeEmissions () end
----* Gets the tangential acceleration.<br>
----* return The tangential acceleration.
----@return float
-function ParticleSystem:getTangentialAccel () end
----* Sets the end radius.<br>
----* param endRadius The end radius.
----@param endRadius float
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:setEndRadius (endRadius) end
----* Gets the speed.<br>
----* return The speed.
----@return float
-function ParticleSystem:getSpeed () end
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:pauseEmissions () end
----* Gets the angle of each particle. <br>
----* return The angle of each particle.
----@return float
-function ParticleSystem:getAngle () end
----* Sets the end color and end color variation of each particle.<br>
----* param color The end color and end color variation of each particle.
----@param color color4f_table
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:setEndColor (color) end
----* Sets the start spin of each particle.<br>
----* param spin The start spin of each particle.
----@param spin float
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:setStartSpin (spin) end
----* Sets how many seconds the emitter will run. -1 means 'forever'.<br>
----* param duration The seconds that the emitter will run. -1 means 'forever'.
----@param duration float
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:setDuration (duration) end
----* Initializes a system with a fixed number of particles
----@param numberOfParticles int
----@return boolean
-function ParticleSystem:initWithTotalParticles (numberOfParticles) end
----@param count int
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:addParticles (count) end
----@param texture cc.Texture2D
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:setTexture (texture) end
----* Gets the position variance of the emitter.<br>
----* return The position variance of the emitter.
----@return vec2_table
-function ParticleSystem:getPosVar () end
----* Call the update method with no time..
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:updateWithNoTime () end
----* Whether or not the particle system is blend additive.<br>
----* return True if the particle system is blend additive.
----@return boolean
-function ParticleSystem:isBlendAdditive () end
----* Gets the speed variance.<br>
----* return The speed variance.
----@return float
-function ParticleSystem:getSpeedVar () end
----* Sets the particles movement type: Free or Grouped.<br>
----* since v0.8<br>
----* param type The particles movement type.
----@param type int
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:setPositionType (type) end
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:stopSystem () end
----* Gets the source position of the emitter.<br>
----* return The source position of the emitter.
----@return vec2_table
-function ParticleSystem:getSourcePosition () end
----* Sets the life variance of each particle.<br>
----* param lifeVar The life variance of each particle.
----@param lifeVar float
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:setLifeVar (lifeVar) end
----* Sets the maximum particles of the system.<br>
----* param totalParticles The maximum particles of the system.
----@param totalParticles int
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:setTotalParticles (totalParticles) end
----* Sets the end color variance of each particle.<br>
----* param color The end color variance of each particle.
----@param color color4f_table
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:setEndColorVar (color) end
----* Gets the index of system in batch node array.<br>
----* return The index of system in batch node array.
----@return int
-function ParticleSystem:getAtlasIndex () end
----* Gets the start size in pixels of each particle.<br>
----* return The start size in pixels of each particle.
----@return float
-function ParticleSystem:getStartSize () end
----* Sets the start spin variance of each particle.<br>
----* param pinVar The start spin variance of each particle.
----@param pinVar float
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:setStartSpinVar (pinVar) end
----* Kill all living particles.
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:resetSystem () end
----* Sets the index of system in batch node array.<br>
----* param index The index of system in batch node array.
----@param index int
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:setAtlasIndex (index) end
----* Sets the tangential acceleration variance.<br>
----* param t The tangential acceleration variance.
----@param t float
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:setTangentialAccelVar (t) end
----* Sets the end radius variance.<br>
----* param endRadiusVar The end radius variance.
----@param endRadiusVar float
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:setEndRadiusVar (endRadiusVar) end
----* Gets the end radius.<br>
----* return The end radius.
----@return float
-function ParticleSystem:getEndRadius () end
----* Whether or not the particle system is active.<br>
----* return True if the particle system is active.
----@return boolean
-function ParticleSystem:isActive () end
----* Sets the radial acceleration variance.<br>
----* param t The radial acceleration variance.
----@param t float
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:setRadialAccelVar (t) end
----* Sets the start size in pixels of each particle.<br>
----* param startSize The start size in pixels of each particle.
----@param startSize float
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:setStartSize (startSize) end
----* Sets the speed.<br>
----* param speed The speed.
----@param speed float
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:setSpeed (speed) end
----* Gets the start spin of each particle.<br>
----* return The start spin of each particle.
----@return float
-function ParticleSystem:getStartSpin () end
----@return string
-function ParticleSystem:getResourceFile () end
----* Gets the number of degrees to rotate a particle around the source pos per second.<br>
----* return The number of degrees to rotate a particle around the source pos per second.
----@return float
-function ParticleSystem:getRotatePerSecond () end
----* Sets the mode of the emitter.<br>
----* param mode The mode of the emitter.
----@param mode int
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:setEmitterMode (mode) end
----* Gets how many seconds the emitter will run. -1 means 'forever'.<br>
----* return The seconds that the emitter will run. -1 means 'forever'.
----@return float
-function ParticleSystem:getDuration () end
----* Sets the source position of the emitter.<br>
----* param pos The source position of the emitter.
----@param pos vec2_table
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:setSourcePosition (pos) end
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:stop () end
----* Update the verts position data of particle,<br>
----* should be overridden by subclasses.
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:updateParticleQuads () end
----* Gets the end spin variance of each particle.<br>
----* return The end spin variance of each particle.
----@return float
-function ParticleSystem:getEndSpinVar () end
----* Sets the particle system blend additive.<br>
----* param value True if the particle system is blend additive.
----@param value boolean
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:setBlendAdditive (value) end
----* Sets the life of each particle.<br>
----* param life The life of each particle.
----@param life float
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:setLife (life) end
----* Sets the angle variance of each particle.<br>
----* param angleVar The angle variance of each particle.
----@param angleVar float
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:setAngleVar (angleVar) end
----* Sets the rotation of each particle to its direction.<br>
----* param t True if the rotation is the direction.
----@param t boolean
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:setRotationIsDir (t) end
----* / @{/ @name implement Playable Protocol
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:start () end
----* Sets the end size variance in pixels of each particle.<br>
----* param sizeVar The end size variance in pixels of each particle.
----@param sizeVar float
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:setEndSizeVar (sizeVar) end
----* Sets the angle of each particle.<br>
----* param angle The angle of each particle.
----@param angle float
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:setAngle (angle) end
----* Sets the batch node.<br>
----* param batchNode The batch node.
----@param batchNode cc.ParticleBatchNode
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:setBatchNode (batchNode) end
----* Gets the tangential acceleration variance.<br>
----* return The tangential acceleration variance.
----@return float
-function ParticleSystem:getTangentialAccelVar () end
----* Switch between different kind of emitter modes:<br>
----* - kParticleModeGravity: uses gravity, speed, radial and tangential acceleration.<br>
----* - kParticleModeRadius: uses radius movement + rotation.<br>
----* return The mode of the emitter.
----@return int
-function ParticleSystem:getEmitterMode () end
----* Sets the end spin variance of each particle.<br>
----* param endSpinVar The end spin variance of each particle.
----@param endSpinVar float
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:setEndSpinVar (endSpinVar) end
----* initializes a ParticleSystem from a plist file.<br>
----* This plist files can be created manually or with Particle Designer:<br>
----* since v0.99.3
----@param plistFile string
----@return boolean
-function ParticleSystem:initWithFile (plistFile) end
----* Gets the angle variance of each particle.<br>
----* return The angle variance of each particle.
----@return float
-function ParticleSystem:getAngleVar () end
----* Sets the start color of each particle.<br>
----* param color The start color of each particle.
----@param color color4f_table
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:setStartColor (color) end
----* Gets the rotate per second variance.<br>
----* return The rotate per second variance.
----@return float
-function ParticleSystem:getRotatePerSecondVar () end
----* Gets the end size in pixels of each particle.<br>
----* return The end size in pixels of each particle.
----@return float
-function ParticleSystem:getEndSize () end
----* Gets the life of each particle.<br>
----* return The life of each particle.
----@return float
-function ParticleSystem:getLife () end
----* Are the emissions paused<br>
----* return True if the emissions are paused, else false
----@return boolean
-function ParticleSystem:isPaused () end
----* Sets the speed variance.<br>
----* param speed The speed variance.
----@param speed float
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:setSpeedVar (speed) end
----* Set the particle system auto removed it self on finish.<br>
----* param var True if the particle system removed self on finish.
----@param var boolean
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:setAutoRemoveOnFinish (var) end
----* Sets the gravity.<br>
----* param g The gravity.
----@param g vec2_table
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:setGravity (g) end
----* Update the VBO verts buffer which does not use batch node,<br>
----* should be overridden by subclasses.
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:postStep () end
----* Sets the emission rate of the particles.<br>
----* param rate The emission rate of the particles.
----@param rate float
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:setEmissionRate (rate) end
----* Gets the end color variance of each particle.<br>
----* return The end color variance of each particle.
----@return color4f_table
-function ParticleSystem:getEndColorVar () end
----* Whether or not the rotation of each particle to its direction.<br>
----* return True if the rotation is the direction.
----@return boolean
-function ParticleSystem:getRotationIsDir () end
----* Gets the emission rate of the particles.<br>
----* return The emission rate of the particles.
----@return float
-function ParticleSystem:getEmissionRate () end
----* Gets the end color and end color variation of each particle.<br>
----* return The end color and end color variation of each particle.
----@return color4f_table
-function ParticleSystem:getEndColor () end
----* Gets the life variance of each particle.<br>
----* return The life variance of each particle.
----@return float
-function ParticleSystem:getLifeVar () end
----* Sets the start size variance in pixels of each particle.<br>
----* param sizeVar The start size variance in pixels of each particle.
----@param sizeVar float
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:setStartSizeVar (sizeVar) end
----* Gets the start radius.<br>
----* return The start radius.
----@return float
-function ParticleSystem:getStartRadius () end
----* Gets the Quantity of particles that are being simulated at the moment.<br>
----* return The Quantity of particles that are being simulated at the moment.
----@return unsigned_int
-function ParticleSystem:getParticleCount () end
----* Gets the start radius variance.<br>
----* return The start radius variance.
----@return float
-function ParticleSystem:getStartRadiusVar () end
----* js NA<br>
----* lua NA
----@return cc.BlendFunc
-function ParticleSystem:getBlendFunc () end
----* Sets the start color variance of each particle.<br>
----* param color The start color variance of each particle.
----@param color color4f_table
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:setStartColorVar (color) end
----* Sets the end spin of each particle.<br>
----* param endSpin The end spin of each particle.
----@param endSpin float
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:setEndSpin (endSpin) end
----* Sets the radial acceleration.<br>
----* param t The radial acceleration.
----@param t float
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:setRadialAccel (t) end
----@overload fun(map_table:map_table,string:string):self
----@overload fun(map_table:map_table):self
----@param dictionary map_table
----@param dirname string
----@return boolean
-function ParticleSystem:initWithDictionary (dictionary,dirname) end
----* Whether or not the particle system removed self on finish.<br>
----* return True if the particle system removed self on finish.
----@return boolean
-function ParticleSystem:isAutoRemoveOnFinish () end
----@return boolean
-function ParticleSystem:isSourcePositionCompatible () end
----* Gets the maximum particles of the system.<br>
----* return The maximum particles of the system.
----@return int
-function ParticleSystem:getTotalParticles () end
----* Sets the start radius variance.<br>
----* param startRadiusVar The start radius variance.
----@param startRadiusVar float
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:setStartRadiusVar (startRadiusVar) end
----* code<br>
----* When this function bound into js or lua,the parameter will be changed<br>
----* In js: var setBlendFunc(var src, var dst)<br>
----* In lua: local setBlendFunc(local src, local dst)<br>
----* endcode
----@param blendFunc cc.BlendFunc
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:setBlendFunc (blendFunc) end
----* Gets the end radius variance.<br>
----* return The end radius variance.
----@return float
-function ParticleSystem:getEndRadiusVar () end
----* Gets the start color variance of each particle.<br>
----* return The start color variance of each particle.
----@return color4f_table
-function ParticleSystem:getStartColorVar () end
----* Creates an initializes a ParticleSystem from a plist file.<br>
----* This plist files can be created manually or with Particle Designer:<br>
----* since v2.0<br>
----* param plistFile Particle plist file name.<br>
----* return An autoreleased ParticleSystem object.
----@param plistFile string
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:create (plistFile) end
----* Create a system with a fixed number of particles.<br>
----* param numberOfParticles A given number of particles.<br>
----* return An autoreleased ParticleSystemQuad object.<br>
----* js NA
----@param numberOfParticles int
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:createWithTotalParticles (numberOfParticles) end
----* Gets all ParticleSystem references
----@return array_table
-function ParticleSystem:getAllParticleSystems () end
----@param newScaleY float
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:setScaleY (newScaleY) end
----@param newScaleX float
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:setScaleX (newScaleX) end
----@return boolean
-function ParticleSystem:isOpacityModifyRGB () end
----* does the alpha value modify color
----@param opacityModifyRGB boolean
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:setOpacityModifyRGB (opacityModifyRGB) end
----@param s float
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:setScale (s) end
----@param dt float
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:update (dt) end
----* initializes a ParticleSystem
----@return boolean
-function ParticleSystem:init () end
----@param newRotation float
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:setRotation (newRotation) end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem:ParticleSystem () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleSystem3D.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleSystem3D.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f5664a3..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleSystem3D.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.ParticleSystem3D :cc.Node@all parent class: Node,BlendProtocol
-local ParticleSystem3D={ }
----* remove affector by index
----@param index int
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem3D:removeAffector (index) end
----* resume particle
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem3D:resumeParticleSystem () end
----* remove all particle affector
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem3D:removeAllAffector () end
----* add particle affector
----@param affector cc.Particle3DAffector
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem3D:addAffector (affector) end
----* particle system play control
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem3D:startParticleSystem () end
----* is enabled
----@return boolean
-function ParticleSystem3D:isEnabled () end
----* return particle render
----@return cc.Particle3DRender
-function ParticleSystem3D:getRender () end
----* set emitter for particle system, can set your own particle emitter
----@param emitter cc.Particle3DEmitter
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem3D:setEmitter (emitter) end
----@return boolean
-function ParticleSystem3D:isKeepLocal () end
----* Enables or disables the system.
----@param enabled boolean
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem3D:setEnabled (enabled) end
----* get particle quota
----@return unsigned_int
-function ParticleSystem3D:getParticleQuota () end
----* override function
----@return cc.BlendFunc
-function ParticleSystem3D:getBlendFunc () end
----* pause particle
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem3D:pauseParticleSystem () end
----* get particle playing state
----@return int
-function ParticleSystem3D:getState () end
----* get alive particles count
----@return int
-function ParticleSystem3D:getAliveParticleCount () end
----* set particle quota
----@param quota unsigned_int
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem3D:setParticleQuota (quota) end
----* override function
----@param blendFunc cc.BlendFunc
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem3D:setBlendFunc (blendFunc) end
----* set particle render, can set your own particle render
----@param render cc.Particle3DRender
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem3D:setRender (render) end
----* stop particle
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem3D:stopParticleSystem () end
----@param keepLocal boolean
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem3D:setKeepLocal (keepLocal) end
----* override function
----@param renderer cc.Renderer
----@param transform mat4_table
----@param flags unsigned_int
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem3D:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end
----* override function
----@param delta float
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem3D:update (delta) end
----@return self
-function ParticleSystem3D:ParticleSystem3D () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleSystemQuad.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleSystemQuad.lua
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index a538e57c..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleSystemQuad.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.ParticleSystemQuad :cc.ParticleSystem
-local ParticleSystemQuad={ }
----* Sets a new SpriteFrame as particle.<br>
----* WARNING: this method is experimental. Use setTextureWithRect instead.<br>
----* param spriteFrame A given sprite frame as particle texture.<br>
----* since v0.99.4
----@param spriteFrame cc.SpriteFrame
----@return self
-function ParticleSystemQuad:setDisplayFrame (spriteFrame) end
----* Sets a new texture with a rect. The rect is in Points.<br>
----* since v0.99.4<br>
----* js NA<br>
----* lua NA<br>
----* param texture A given texture.<br>
----* 8 @param rect A given rect, in points.
----@param texture cc.Texture2D
----@param rect rect_table
----@return self
-function ParticleSystemQuad:setTextureWithRect (texture,rect) end
----* Listen the event that renderer was recreated on Android/WP8.<br>
----* js NA<br>
----* lua NA<br>
----* param event the event that renderer was recreated on Android/WP8.
----@param event cc.EventCustom
----@return self
-function ParticleSystemQuad:listenRendererRecreated (event) end
----@overload fun(map_table0:string):self
----@overload fun():self
----@overload fun(map_table:map_table):self
----@param dictionary map_table
----@return self
-function ParticleSystemQuad:create (dictionary) end
----* Creates a Particle Emitter with a number of particles.<br>
----* param numberOfParticles A given number of particles.<br>
----* return An autoreleased ParticleSystemQuad object.
----@param numberOfParticles int
----@return self
-function ParticleSystemQuad:createWithTotalParticles (numberOfParticles) end
----@return string
-function ParticleSystemQuad:getDescription () end
----* js NA<br>
----* lua NA
----@return self
-function ParticleSystemQuad:updateParticleQuads () end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function ParticleSystemQuad:ParticleSystemQuad () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Pass.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Pass.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index a1f36d49..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Pass.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Pass :cc.Ref
-local Pass={ }
----@param d voi
----@param t unsigned in
----@return self
-function Pass:setUniformPointLightPosition (d,t) end
----@param d voi
----@param t unsigned in
----@return self
-function Pass:setUniformDirLightDir (d,t) end
----@param technique cc.Technique
----@return self
-function Pass:setTechnique (technique) end
----* Returns the vertex attribute binding for this pass.<br>
----* return The vertex attribute binding for this pass.
----@return cc.VertexAttribBinding
-function Pass:getVertexAttributeBinding () end
----@param d voi
----@param t unsigned in
----@return self
-function Pass:setUniformSpotLightOuterAngleCos (d,t) end
----@param d voi
----@param t unsigned in
----@return self
-function Pass:setUniformSpotLightDir (d,t) end
----@param d voi
----@param t unsigned in
----@return self
-function Pass:setUniformMatrixPalette (d,t) end
----@param name string
----@return self
-function Pass:setName (name) end
----@return string
-function Pass:getName () end
----@param d voi
----@param t unsigned in
----@return self
-function Pass:setUniformSpotLightRangeInverse (d,t) end
----* Returns a clone (deep-copy) of this instance
----@return self
-function Pass:clone () end
----@param meshCommand cc.MeshCommand
----@param globalZOrder float
----@param vertexBuffer cc.backend.Buffer
----@param indexBuffer cc.backend.Buffer
----@param primitive int
----@param indexFormat int
----@param indexCount unsigned_int
----@param modelView mat4_table
----@return self
-function Pass:draw (meshCommand,globalZOrder,vertexBuffer,indexBuffer,primitive,indexFormat,indexCount,modelView) end
----@param d voi
----@param t unsigned in
----@return self
-function Pass:setUniformPointLightRangeInverse (d,t) end
----@param slot unsigned_int
----@param d cc.backend.TextureBacken
----@return self
-function Pass:setUniformNormTexture (slot,d) end
----@param modelView mat4_table
----@return self
-function Pass:updateMVPUniform (modelView) end
----* Returns the ProgramState
----@return cc.backend.ProgramState
-function Pass:getProgramState () end
----@param d voi
----@param t unsigned in
----@return self
-function Pass:setUniformSpotLightColor (d,t) end
----@param d voi
----@param t unsigned in
----@return self
-function Pass:setUniformAmbientLigthColor (d,t) end
----@param d voi
----@param t unsigned in
----@return self
-function Pass:setUniformDirLightColor (d,t) end
----@param d voi
----@param t unsigned in
----@return self
-function Pass:setUniformSpotLightPosition (d,t) end
----* Sets a vertex attribute binding for this pass.<br>
----* When a mesh binding is set, the VertexAttribBinding will be automatically<br>
----* bound when the bind() method is called for the pass.<br>
----* param binding The VertexAttribBinding to set (or NULL to remove an existing binding).
----@param binding cc.VertexAttribBinding
----@return self
-function Pass:setVertexAttribBinding (binding) end
----@param slot unsigned_int
----@param d cc.backend.TextureBacken
----@return self
-function Pass:setUniformTexture (slot,d) end
----@param d voi
----@param t unsigned in
----@return self
-function Pass:setUniformSpotLightInnerAngleCos (d,t) end
----@param d voi
----@param t unsigned in
----@return self
-function Pass:setUniformColor (d,t) end
----@param d voi
----@param t unsigned in
----@return self
-function Pass:setUniformPointLightColor (d,t) end
----* Creates a Pass with a GLProgramState.
----@param parent cc.Technique
----@param programState cc.backend.ProgramState
----@return self
-function Pass:createWithProgramState (parent,programState) end
----@param parent cc.Technique
----@return self
-function Pass:create (parent) end \ No newline at end of file
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index 7101db2d..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Physics3D6DofConstraint.lua
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@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Physics3D6DofConstraint :cc.Physics3DConstraint
-local Physics3D6DofConstraint={ }
----* set linear lower limit
----@param linearLower vec3_table
----@return self
-function Physics3D6DofConstraint:setLinearLowerLimit (linearLower) end
----* get linear lower limit
----@return vec3_table
-function Physics3D6DofConstraint:getLinearLowerLimit () end
----* get angular upper limit
----@return vec3_table
-function Physics3D6DofConstraint:getAngularUpperLimit () end
----* access for UseFrameOffset
----@return boolean
-function Physics3D6DofConstraint:getUseFrameOffset () end
----* get linear upper limit
----@return vec3_table
-function Physics3D6DofConstraint:getLinearUpperLimit () end
----* set angular lower limit
----@param angularLower vec3_table
----@return self
-function Physics3D6DofConstraint:setAngularLowerLimit (angularLower) end
----* is limited?<br>
----* param limitIndex first 3 are linear, next 3 are angular
----@param limitIndex int
----@return boolean
-function Physics3D6DofConstraint:isLimited (limitIndex) end
----* set use frame offset
----@param frameOffsetOnOff boolean
----@return self
-function Physics3D6DofConstraint:setUseFrameOffset (frameOffsetOnOff) end
----* set linear upper limit
----@param linearUpper vec3_table
----@return self
-function Physics3D6DofConstraint:setLinearUpperLimit (linearUpper) end
----* get angular lower limit
----@return vec3_table
-function Physics3D6DofConstraint:getAngularLowerLimit () end
----* set angular upper limit
----@param angularUpper vec3_table
----@return self
-function Physics3D6DofConstraint:setAngularUpperLimit (angularUpper) end
----@overload fun(cc.Physics3DRigidBody:cc.Physics3DRigidBody,cc.Physics3DRigidBody1:mat4_table,mat4_table2:boolean):self
----@overload fun(cc.Physics3DRigidBody:cc.Physics3DRigidBody,cc.Physics3DRigidBody:cc.Physics3DRigidBody,mat4_table:mat4_table,mat4_table:mat4_table,boolean:boolean):self
----@param rbA cc.Physics3DRigidBody
----@param rbB cc.Physics3DRigidBody
----@param frameInA mat4_table
----@param frameInB mat4_table
----@param useLinearReferenceFrameA boolean
----@return self
-function Physics3D6DofConstraint:create (rbA,rbB,frameInA,frameInB,useLinearReferenceFrameA) end
----@return self
-function Physics3D6DofConstraint:Physics3D6DofConstraint () end \ No newline at end of file
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index 62dc9de9..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Physics3DComponent.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Physics3DComponent :cc.Component
-local Physics3DComponent={ }
----* synchronize node transformation to physics
----@return self
-function Physics3DComponent:syncNodeToPhysics () end
----* add this component to physics world, called by scene
----@param world cc.Physics3DWorld
----@return self
-function Physics3DComponent:addToPhysicsWorld (world) end
----* synchronize physics transformation to node
----@return self
-function Physics3DComponent:syncPhysicsToNode () end
----* get physics object
----@return cc.Physics3DObject
-function Physics3DComponent:getPhysics3DObject () end
----* set Physics object to the component
----@param physicsObj cc.Physics3DObject
----@return self
-function Physics3DComponent:setPhysics3DObject (physicsObj) end
----* synchronization between node and physics is time consuming, you can skip some synchronization using this function
----@param syncFlag int
----@return self
-function Physics3DComponent:setSyncFlag (syncFlag) end
----* get the component name, it is used to find whether it is Physics3DComponent
----@return string
-function Physics3DComponent:getPhysics3DComponentName () end
----* set it enable or not
----@param b boolean
----@return self
-function Physics3DComponent:setEnabled (b) end
----@return boolean
-function Physics3DComponent:init () end
----@return self
-function Physics3DComponent:onEnter () end
----@return self
-function Physics3DComponent:onExit () end
----@return self
-function Physics3DComponent:Physics3DComponent () end \ No newline at end of file
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--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Physics3DConeTwistConstraint.lua
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@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Physics3DConeTwistConstraint :cc.Physics3DConstraint
-local Physics3DConeTwistConstraint={ }
----* get B's frame
----@return mat4_table
-function Physics3DConeTwistConstraint:getBFrame () end
----* set fix thresh
----@param fixThresh float
----@return self
-function Physics3DConeTwistConstraint:setFixThresh (fixThresh) end
----* get B's frame offset
----@return mat4_table
-function Physics3DConeTwistConstraint:getFrameOffsetB () end
----* get A's frame offset
----@return mat4_table
-function Physics3DConeTwistConstraint:getFrameOffsetA () end
----* get fix thresh
----@return float
-function Physics3DConeTwistConstraint:getFixThresh () end
----* get swing span2
----@return float
-function Physics3DConeTwistConstraint:getSwingSpan2 () end
----* get swing span1
----@return float
-function Physics3DConeTwistConstraint:getSwingSpan1 () end
----* set max motor impulse
----@param maxMotorImpulse float
----@return self
-function Physics3DConeTwistConstraint:setMaxMotorImpulse (maxMotorImpulse) end
----* set A and B's frame
----@param frameA mat4_table
----@param frameB mat4_table
----@return self
-function Physics3DConeTwistConstraint:setFrames (frameA,frameB) end
----* get twist angle
----@return float
-function Physics3DConeTwistConstraint:getTwistAngle () end
----* get point for angle
----@param fAngleInRadians float
----@param fLength float
----@return vec3_table
-function Physics3DConeTwistConstraint:GetPointForAngle (fAngleInRadians,fLength) end
----* set max motor impulse normalize
----@param maxMotorImpulse float
----@return self
-function Physics3DConeTwistConstraint:setMaxMotorImpulseNormalized (maxMotorImpulse) end
----* get twist span
----@return float
-function Physics3DConeTwistConstraint:getTwistSpan () end
----* set damping
----@param damping float
----@return self
-function Physics3DConeTwistConstraint:setDamping (damping) end
----* set limits<br>
----* param swingSpan1 swing span1<br>
----* param swingSpan2 swing span2<br>
----* param twistSpan twist span<br>
----* param softness 0->1, recommend ~0.8->1. Describes % of limits where movement is free. Beyond this softness %, the limit is gradually enforced until the "hard" (1.0) limit is reached.<br>
----* param biasFactor 0->1?, recommend 0.3 +/-0.3 or so. Strength with which constraint resists zeroth order (angular, not angular velocity) limit violation.<br>
----* param relaxationFactor 0->1, recommend to stay near 1. the lower the value, the less the constraint will fight velocities which violate the angular limits.
----@param swingSpan1 float
----@param swingSpan2 float
----@param twistSpan float
----@param softness float
----@param biasFactor float
----@param relaxationFactor float
----@return self
-function Physics3DConeTwistConstraint:setLimit (swingSpan1,swingSpan2,twistSpan,softness,biasFactor,relaxationFactor) end
----* get A's frame
----@return mat4_table
-function Physics3DConeTwistConstraint:getAFrame () end
----* enable motor
----@param b boolean
----@return self
-function Physics3DConeTwistConstraint:enableMotor (b) end
----@overload fun(cc.Physics3DRigidBody:cc.Physics3DRigidBody,cc.Physics3DRigidBody:cc.Physics3DRigidBody,mat4_table:mat4_table,mat4_table:mat4_table):self
----@overload fun(cc.Physics3DRigidBody:cc.Physics3DRigidBody,cc.Physics3DRigidBody1:mat4_table):self
----@param rbA cc.Physics3DRigidBody
----@param rbB cc.Physics3DRigidBody
----@param frameA mat4_table
----@param frameB mat4_table
----@return self
-function Physics3DConeTwistConstraint:create (rbA,rbB,frameA,frameB) end
----@return self
-function Physics3DConeTwistConstraint:Physics3DConeTwistConstraint () end \ No newline at end of file
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index 6c04127c..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Physics3DConstraint.lua
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@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Physics3DConstraint :cc.Ref
-local Physics3DConstraint={ }
----* set enable or not
----@param enabled boolean
----@return self
-function Physics3DConstraint:setEnabled (enabled) end
----* set the impulse that break the constraint
----@param impulse float
----@return self
-function Physics3DConstraint:setBreakingImpulse (impulse) end
----* get user data
----@return void
-function Physics3DConstraint:getUserData () end
----* get the impulse that break the constraint
----@return float
-function Physics3DConstraint:getBreakingImpulse () end
----* get rigid body a
----@return cc.Physics3DRigidBody
-function Physics3DConstraint:getBodyA () end
----* is it enabled
----@return boolean
-function Physics3DConstraint:isEnabled () end
----* get override number of solver iterations
----@return int
-function Physics3DConstraint:getOverrideNumSolverIterations () end
----* get rigid body b
----@return cc.Physics3DRigidBody
-function Physics3DConstraint:getBodyB () end
----* override the number of constraint solver iterations used to solve this constraint, -1 will use the default number of iterations, as specified in SolverInfo.m_numIterations
----@param overrideNumIterations int
----@return self
-function Physics3DConstraint:setOverrideNumSolverIterations (overrideNumIterations) end
----* get constraint type
----@return int
-function Physics3DConstraint:getConstraintType () end
----* get user data
----@param userData void
----@return self
-function Physics3DConstraint:setUserData (userData) end
----@return btTypedConstraint
-function Physics3DConstraint:getbtContraint () end \ No newline at end of file
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index 9ddd60bf..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Physics3DHingeConstraint.lua
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@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Physics3DHingeConstraint :cc.Physics3DConstraint
-local Physics3DHingeConstraint={ }
----@overload fun(mat4_table:mat4_table,mat4_table:mat4_table):self
----@overload fun():self
----@param transA mat4_table
----@param transB mat4_table
----@return float
-function Physics3DHingeConstraint:getHingeAngle (transA,transB) end
----* get motor target velocity
----@return float
-function Physics3DHingeConstraint:getMotorTargetVelosity () end
----* get rigid body A's frame offset
----@return mat4_table
-function Physics3DHingeConstraint:getFrameOffsetA () end
----* get rigid body B's frame offset
----@return mat4_table
-function Physics3DHingeConstraint:getFrameOffsetB () end
----* set max motor impulse
----@param maxMotorImpulse float
----@return self
-function Physics3DHingeConstraint:setMaxMotorImpulse (maxMotorImpulse) end
----* enable angular motor
----@param enableMotor boolean
----@param targetVelocity float
----@param maxMotorImpulse float
----@return self
-function Physics3DHingeConstraint:enableAngularMotor (enableMotor,targetVelocity,maxMotorImpulse) end
----* get upper limit
----@return float
-function Physics3DHingeConstraint:getUpperLimit () end
----* get max motor impulse
----@return float
-function Physics3DHingeConstraint:getMaxMotorImpulse () end
----* get lower limit
----@return float
-function Physics3DHingeConstraint:getLowerLimit () end
----* set use frame offset
----@param frameOffsetOnOff boolean
----@return self
-function Physics3DHingeConstraint:setUseFrameOffset (frameOffsetOnOff) end
----* get enable angular motor
----@return boolean
-function Physics3DHingeConstraint:getEnableAngularMotor () end
----@param enableMotor boolean
----@return self
-function Physics3DHingeConstraint:enableMotor (enableMotor) end
----* get B's frame
----@return mat4_table
-function Physics3DHingeConstraint:getBFrame () end
----* set frames for rigid body A and B
----@param frameA mat4_table
----@param frameB mat4_table
----@return self
-function Physics3DHingeConstraint:setFrames (frameA,frameB) end
----* access for UseFrameOffset
----@return boolean
-function Physics3DHingeConstraint:getUseFrameOffset () end
----* set angular only
----@param angularOnly boolean
----@return self
-function Physics3DHingeConstraint:setAngularOnly (angularOnly) end
----* set limit
----@param low float
----@param high float
----@param _softness float
----@param _biasFactor float
----@param _relaxationFactor float
----@return self
-function Physics3DHingeConstraint:setLimit (low,high,_softness,_biasFactor,_relaxationFactor) end
----* get angular only
----@return boolean
-function Physics3DHingeConstraint:getAngularOnly () end
----* set axis
----@param axisInA vec3_table
----@return self
-function Physics3DHingeConstraint:setAxis (axisInA) end
----* get A's frame
----@return mat4_table
-function Physics3DHingeConstraint:getAFrame () end
----@overload fun(cc.Physics3DRigidBody:cc.Physics3DRigidBody,cc.Physics3DRigidBody1:vec3_table,vec3_table:vec3_table,vec3_table3:boolean):self
----@overload fun(cc.Physics3DRigidBody:cc.Physics3DRigidBody,cc.Physics3DRigidBody1:mat4_table,vec3_table2:boolean):self
----@overload fun(cc.Physics3DRigidBody:cc.Physics3DRigidBody,cc.Physics3DRigidBody:cc.Physics3DRigidBody,vec3_table:vec3_table,vec3_table:vec3_table,vec3_table:vec3_table,vec3_table:vec3_table,boolean:boolean):self
----@overload fun(cc.Physics3DRigidBody:cc.Physics3DRigidBody,cc.Physics3DRigidBody:cc.Physics3DRigidBody,vec3_table2:mat4_table,vec3_table3:mat4_table,vec3_table4:boolean):self
----@param rbA cc.Physics3DRigidBody
----@param rbB cc.Physics3DRigidBody
----@param pivotInA vec3_table
----@param pivotInB vec3_table
----@param axisInA vec3_table
----@param axisInB vec3_table
----@param useReferenceFrameA boolean
----@return self
-function Physics3DHingeConstraint:create (rbA,rbB,pivotInA,pivotInB,axisInA,axisInB,useReferenceFrameA) end
----@return self
-function Physics3DHingeConstraint:Physics3DHingeConstraint () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Physics3DObject.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Physics3DObject.lua
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index 86fe2733..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Physics3DObject.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Physics3DObject :cc.Ref
-local Physics3DObject={ }
----* Set the user data.
----@param userData void
----@return self
-function Physics3DObject:setUserData (userData) end
----* Get the user data.
----@return void
-function Physics3DObject:getUserData () end
----* Get the Physics3DObject Type.
----@return int
-function Physics3DObject:getObjType () end
----* Internal method. Set the pointer of Physics3DWorld.
----@param world cc.Physics3DWorld
----@return self
-function Physics3DObject:setPhysicsWorld (world) end
----* Get the world matrix of Physics3DObject.
----@return mat4_table
-function Physics3DObject:getWorldTransform () end
----* Get the pointer of Physics3DWorld.
----@return cc.Physics3DWorld
-function Physics3DObject:getPhysicsWorld () end
----* Set the mask of Physics3DObject.
----@param mask unsigned_int
----@return self
-function Physics3DObject:setMask (mask) end
----* Get the collision callback function.
----@return function
-function Physics3DObject:getCollisionCallback () end
----* Get the mask of Physics3DObject.
----@return unsigned_int
-function Physics3DObject:getMask () end
----* Check has collision callback function.
----@return boolean
-function Physics3DObject:needCollisionCallback () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Physics3DPointToPointConstraint.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Physics3DPointToPointConstraint.lua
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index a891f045..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Physics3DPointToPointConstraint.lua
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@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Physics3DPointToPointConstraint :cc.Physics3DConstraint
-local Physics3DPointToPointConstraint={ }
----* get pivot point in A's local space
----@return vec3_table
-function Physics3DPointToPointConstraint:getPivotPointInA () end
----* get pivot point in B's local space
----@return vec3_table
-function Physics3DPointToPointConstraint:getPivotPointInB () end
----@overload fun(cc.Physics3DRigidBody:cc.Physics3DRigidBody,cc.Physics3DRigidBody:cc.Physics3DRigidBody,vec3_table:vec3_table,vec3_table:vec3_table):self
----@overload fun(cc.Physics3DRigidBody:cc.Physics3DRigidBody,cc.Physics3DRigidBody1:vec3_table):self
----@param rbA cc.Physics3DRigidBody
----@param rbB cc.Physics3DRigidBody
----@param pivotPointInA vec3_table
----@param pivotPointInB vec3_table
----@return boolean
-function Physics3DPointToPointConstraint:init (rbA,rbB,pivotPointInA,pivotPointInB) end
----* set pivot point in A's local space
----@param pivotA vec3_table
----@return self
-function Physics3DPointToPointConstraint:setPivotPointInA (pivotA) end
----* set pivot point in B's local space
----@param pivotB vec3_table
----@return self
-function Physics3DPointToPointConstraint:setPivotPointInB (pivotB) end
----@overload fun(cc.Physics3DRigidBody:cc.Physics3DRigidBody,cc.Physics3DRigidBody:cc.Physics3DRigidBody,vec3_table:vec3_table,vec3_table:vec3_table):self
----@overload fun(cc.Physics3DRigidBody:cc.Physics3DRigidBody,cc.Physics3DRigidBody1:vec3_table):self
----@param rbA cc.Physics3DRigidBody
----@param rbB cc.Physics3DRigidBody
----@param pivotPointInA vec3_table
----@param pivotPointInB vec3_table
----@return self
-function Physics3DPointToPointConstraint:create (rbA,rbB,pivotPointInA,pivotPointInB) end
----@return self
-function Physics3DPointToPointConstraint:Physics3DPointToPointConstraint () end \ No newline at end of file
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index 5c68569d..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Physics3DRigidBody.lua
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@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Physics3DRigidBody :cc.Physics3DObject
-local Physics3DRigidBody={ }
----* Set the acceleration.
----@param acceleration vec3_table
----@return self
-function Physics3DRigidBody:setGravity (acceleration) end
----* Get friction.
----@return float
-function Physics3DRigidBody:getFriction () end
----@overload fun(vec3_table0:float):self
----@overload fun(vec3_table:vec3_table):self
----@param angFac vec3_table
----@return self
-function Physics3DRigidBody:setAngularFactor (angFac) end
----@param constraint cc.Physics3DConstraint
----@return self
-function Physics3DRigidBody:addConstraint (constraint) end
----* Get the pointer of btRigidBody.
----@return btRigidBody
-function Physics3DRigidBody:getRigidBody () end
----* Get total force.
----@return vec3_table
-function Physics3DRigidBody:getTotalForce () end
----* Get the total number of constraints.
----@return unsigned_int
-function Physics3DRigidBody:getConstraintCount () end
----* Apply a central force.<br>
----* param force the value of the force
----@param force vec3_table
----@return self
-function Physics3DRigidBody:applyCentralForce (force) end
----* Set mass and inertia.
----@param mass float
----@param inertia vec3_table
----@return self
-function Physics3DRigidBody:setMassProps (mass,inertia) end
----* Set friction.
----@param frict float
----@return self
-function Physics3DRigidBody:setFriction (frict) end
----* Set kinematic object.
----@param kinematic boolean
----@return self
-function Physics3DRigidBody:setKinematic (kinematic) end
----* Set linear damping and angular damping.
----@param lin_damping float
----@param ang_damping float
----@return self
-function Physics3DRigidBody:setDamping (lin_damping,ang_damping) end
----* Apply a impulse.<br>
----* param impulse the value of the impulse<br>
----* param rel_pos the position of the impulse
----@param impulse vec3_table
----@param rel_pos vec3_table
----@return self
-function Physics3DRigidBody:applyImpulse (impulse,rel_pos) end
----* Check rigid body is kinematic object.
----@return boolean
-function Physics3DRigidBody:isKinematic () end
----* Apply a torque.<br>
----* param torque the value of the torque
----@param torque vec3_table
----@return self
-function Physics3DRigidBody:applyTorque (torque) end
----* Set motion threshold, don't do continuous collision detection if the motion (in one step) is less then ccdMotionThreshold
----@param ccdMotionThreshold float
----@return self
-function Physics3DRigidBody:setCcdMotionThreshold (ccdMotionThreshold) end
----* Set rolling friction.
----@param frict float
----@return self
-function Physics3DRigidBody:setRollingFriction (frict) end
----* Get motion threshold.
----@return float
-function Physics3DRigidBody:getCcdMotionThreshold () end
----* Get the linear factor.
----@return vec3_table
-function Physics3DRigidBody:getLinearFactor () end
----* Damps the velocity, using the given linearDamping and angularDamping.
----@param timeStep float
----@return self
-function Physics3DRigidBody:applyDamping (timeStep) end
----* Get the angular velocity.
----@return vec3_table
-function Physics3DRigidBody:getAngularVelocity () end
----@param info cc.Physics3DRigidBodyDes
----@return boolean
-function Physics3DRigidBody:init (info) end
----* Apply a torque impulse.<br>
----* param torque the value of the torque
----@param torque vec3_table
----@return self
-function Physics3DRigidBody:applyTorqueImpulse (torque) end
----* Active or inactive.
----@param active boolean
----@return self
-function Physics3DRigidBody:setActive (active) end
----* Set the linear factor.
----@param linearFactor vec3_table
----@return self
-function Physics3DRigidBody:setLinearFactor (linearFactor) end
----* Set the linear velocity.
----@param lin_vel vec3_table
----@return self
-function Physics3DRigidBody:setLinearVelocity (lin_vel) end
----* Get the linear velocity.
----@return vec3_table
-function Physics3DRigidBody:getLinearVelocity () end
----* Set swept sphere radius.
----@param radius float
----@return self
-function Physics3DRigidBody:setCcdSweptSphereRadius (radius) end
----* Apply a force.<br>
----* param force the value of the force<br>
----* param rel_pos the position of the force
----@param force vec3_table
----@param rel_pos vec3_table
----@return self
-function Physics3DRigidBody:applyForce (force,rel_pos) end
----* Set the angular velocity.
----@param ang_vel vec3_table
----@return self
-function Physics3DRigidBody:setAngularVelocity (ang_vel) end
----* Apply a central impulse.<br>
----* param impulse the value of the impulse
----@param impulse vec3_table
----@return self
-function Physics3DRigidBody:applyCentralImpulse (impulse) end
----* Get the acceleration.
----@return vec3_table
-function Physics3DRigidBody:getGravity () end
----* Get rolling friction.
----@return float
-function Physics3DRigidBody:getRollingFriction () end
----* Set the center of mass.
----@param xform mat4_table
----@return self
-function Physics3DRigidBody:setCenterOfMassTransform (xform) end
----* Set the inverse of local inertia.
----@param diagInvInertia vec3_table
----@return self
-function Physics3DRigidBody:setInvInertiaDiagLocal (diagInvInertia) end
----@overload fun(cc.Physics3DConstraint0:unsigned_int):self
----@overload fun(cc.Physics3DConstraint:cc.Physics3DConstraint):self
----@param constraint cc.Physics3DConstraint
----@return self
-function Physics3DRigidBody:removeConstraint (constraint) end
----* Get total torque.
----@return vec3_table
-function Physics3DRigidBody:getTotalTorque () end
----* Get inverse of mass.
----@return float
-function Physics3DRigidBody:getInvMass () end
----* Get constraint by index.
----@param idx unsigned_int
----@return cc.Physics3DConstraint
-function Physics3DRigidBody:getConstraint (idx) end
----* Get restitution.
----@return float
-function Physics3DRigidBody:getRestitution () end
----* Get swept sphere radius.
----@return float
-function Physics3DRigidBody:getCcdSweptSphereRadius () end
----* Get hit friction.
----@return float
-function Physics3DRigidBody:getHitFraction () end
----* Get angular damping.
----@return float
-function Physics3DRigidBody:getAngularDamping () end
----* Get the inverse of local inertia.
----@return vec3_table
-function Physics3DRigidBody:getInvInertiaDiagLocal () end
----* Get the center of mass.
----@return mat4_table
-function Physics3DRigidBody:getCenterOfMassTransform () end
----* Get the angular factor.
----@return vec3_table
-function Physics3DRigidBody:getAngularFactor () end
----* Set restitution.
----@param rest float
----@return self
-function Physics3DRigidBody:setRestitution (rest) end
----* Set hit friction.
----@param hitFraction float
----@return self
-function Physics3DRigidBody:setHitFraction (hitFraction) end
----* Get linear damping.
----@return float
-function Physics3DRigidBody:getLinearDamping () end
----* override.
----@return mat4_table
-function Physics3DRigidBody:getWorldTransform () end
----@return self
-function Physics3DRigidBody:Physics3DRigidBody () end \ No newline at end of file
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index 964783dd..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Physics3DShape.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Physics3DShape :cc.Ref
-local Physics3DShape={ }
----@return btCollisionShape
-function Physics3DShape:getbtShape () end
----@param radius float
----@return boolean
-function Physics3DShape:initSphere (radius) end
----@param ext vec3_table
----@return boolean
-function Physics3DShape:initBox (ext) end
----@param radius float
----@param height float
----@return boolean
-function Physics3DShape:initCapsule (radius,height) end
----@param radius float
----@param height float
----@return boolean
-function Physics3DShape:initCylinder (radius,height) end
----* get shape type
----@return int
-function Physics3DShape:getShapeType () end
----* create box shape<br>
----* param extent The extent of sphere.
----@param extent vec3_table
----@return self
-function Physics3DShape:createBox (extent) end
----* create cylinder shape<br>
----* param radius The radius of cylinder.<br>
----* param height The height.
----@param radius float
----@param height float
----@return self
-function Physics3DShape:createCylinder (radius,height) end
----* create convex hull<br>
----* param points The vertices of convex hull<br>
----* param numPoints The number of vertices.
----@param points vec3_table
----@param numPoints int
----@return self
-function Physics3DShape:createConvexHull (points,numPoints) end
----* create capsule shape<br>
----* param radius The radius of capsule.<br>
----* param height The height (cylinder part).
----@param radius float
----@param height float
----@return self
-function Physics3DShape:createCapsule (radius,height) end
----* create sphere shape<br>
----* param radius The radius of sphere.
----@param radius float
----@return self
-function Physics3DShape:createSphere (radius) end
----@return self
-function Physics3DShape:Physics3DShape () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Physics3DSliderConstraint.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Physics3DSliderConstraint.lua
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index 307c2e70..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Physics3DSliderConstraint.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Physics3DSliderConstraint :cc.Physics3DConstraint
-local Physics3DSliderConstraint={ }
----@param onOff boolean
----@return self
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setPoweredAngMotor (onOff) end
----@return float
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getDampingLimAng () end
----@param restitutionOrthoLin float
----@return self
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setRestitutionOrthoLin (restitutionOrthoLin) end
----@param restitutionDirLin float
----@return self
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setRestitutionDirLin (restitutionDirLin) end
----@return float
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getLinearPos () end
----* get A's frame offset
----@return mat4_table
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getFrameOffsetA () end
----* get B's frame offset
----@return mat4_table
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getFrameOffsetB () end
----@param onOff boolean
----@return self
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setPoweredLinMotor (onOff) end
----@return float
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getDampingDirAng () end
----@return float
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getRestitutionLimLin () end
----@return float
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getSoftnessOrthoAng () end
----@param softnessOrthoLin float
----@return self
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setSoftnessOrthoLin (softnessOrthoLin) end
----@param softnessLimLin float
----@return self
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setSoftnessLimLin (softnessLimLin) end
----@return float
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getAngularPos () end
----@param restitutionLimAng float
----@return self
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setRestitutionLimAng (restitutionLimAng) end
----* set upper linear limit
----@param upperLimit float
----@return self
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setUpperLinLimit (upperLimit) end
----@param dampingDirLin float
----@return self
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setDampingDirLin (dampingDirLin) end
----* get upper angular limit
----@return float
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getUpperAngLimit () end
----@return float
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getDampingDirLin () end
----@return float
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getSoftnessDirAng () end
----@return boolean
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getPoweredAngMotor () end
----* set lower angular limit
----@param lowerLimit float
----@return self
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setLowerAngLimit (lowerLimit) end
----* set upper angular limit
----@param upperLimit float
----@return self
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setUpperAngLimit (upperLimit) end
----@param targetLinMotorVelocity float
----@return self
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setTargetLinMotorVelocity (targetLinMotorVelocity) end
----@param dampingLimAng float
----@return self
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setDampingLimAng (dampingLimAng) end
----@return float
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getRestitutionLimAng () end
----* access for UseFrameOffset
----@return boolean
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getUseFrameOffset () end
----@return float
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getSoftnessOrthoLin () end
----@return float
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getDampingOrthoAng () end
----* set use frame offset
----@param frameOffsetOnOff boolean
----@return self
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setUseFrameOffset (frameOffsetOnOff) end
----* set lower linear limit
----@param lowerLimit float
----@return self
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setLowerLinLimit (lowerLimit) end
----@return float
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getRestitutionDirLin () end
----@return float
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getTargetLinMotorVelocity () end
----* get lower linear limit
----@return float
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getLowerLinLimit () end
----@return float
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getSoftnessLimLin () end
----@param dampingOrthoAng float
----@return self
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setDampingOrthoAng (dampingOrthoAng) end
----@param softnessDirAng float
----@return self
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setSoftnessDirAng (softnessDirAng) end
----@return boolean
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getPoweredLinMotor () end
----@param restitutionOrthoAng float
----@return self
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setRestitutionOrthoAng (restitutionOrthoAng) end
----@param dampingDirAng float
----@return self
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setDampingDirAng (dampingDirAng) end
----* set frames for rigid body A and B
----@param frameA mat4_table
----@param frameB mat4_table
----@return self
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setFrames (frameA,frameB) end
----@return float
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getRestitutionOrthoAng () end
----@return float
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getMaxAngMotorForce () end
----@return float
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getDampingOrthoLin () end
----* get upper linear limit
----@return float
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getUpperLinLimit () end
----@param maxLinMotorForce float
----@return self
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setMaxLinMotorForce (maxLinMotorForce) end
----@return float
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getRestitutionOrthoLin () end
----@param targetAngMotorVelocity float
----@return self
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setTargetAngMotorVelocity (targetAngMotorVelocity) end
----@return float
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getSoftnessLimAng () end
----@param restitutionDirAng float
----@return self
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setRestitutionDirAng (restitutionDirAng) end
----@return float
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getDampingLimLin () end
----* get lower angular limit
----@return float
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getLowerAngLimit () end
----@return float
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getRestitutionDirAng () end
----@return float
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getTargetAngMotorVelocity () end
----@param restitutionLimLin float
----@return self
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setRestitutionLimLin (restitutionLimLin) end
----@return float
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getMaxLinMotorForce () end
----@param dampingOrthoLin float
----@return self
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setDampingOrthoLin (dampingOrthoLin) end
----@param softnessOrthoAng float
----@return self
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setSoftnessOrthoAng (softnessOrthoAng) end
----@param dampingLimLin float
----@return self
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setDampingLimLin (dampingLimLin) end
----@param softnessDirLin float
----@return self
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setSoftnessDirLin (softnessDirLin) end
----@param maxAngMotorForce float
----@return self
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setMaxAngMotorForce (maxAngMotorForce) end
----@return float
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getSoftnessDirLin () end
----@param softnessLimAng float
----@return self
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setSoftnessLimAng (softnessLimAng) end
----* use A's frame as linear reference
----@return boolean
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getUseLinearReferenceFrameA () end
----* create slider constraint<br>
----* param rbA rigid body A<br>
----* param rbB rigid body B<br>
----* param frameInA frame in A's local space<br>
----* param frameInB frame in B's local space<br>
----* param useLinearReferenceFrameA use fixed frame A for linear limits
----@param rbA cc.Physics3DRigidBody
----@param rbB cc.Physics3DRigidBody
----@param frameInA mat4_table
----@param frameInB mat4_table
----@param useLinearReferenceFrameA boolean
----@return self
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:create (rbA,rbB,frameInA,frameInB,useLinearReferenceFrameA) end
----@return self
-function Physics3DSliderConstraint:Physics3DSliderConstraint () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Physics3DWorld.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Physics3DWorld.lua
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index 42e24fc0..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Physics3DWorld.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Physics3DWorld :cc.Ref
-local Physics3DWorld={ }
----* set gravity for the physics world
----@param gravity vec3_table
----@return self
-function Physics3DWorld:setGravity (gravity) end
----* Simulate one frame.
----@param dt float
----@return self
-function Physics3DWorld:stepSimulate (dt) end
----@return boolean
-function Physics3DWorld:needCollisionChecking () end
----@return self
-function Physics3DWorld:collisionChecking () end
----@return self
-function Physics3DWorld:setGhostPairCallback () end
----* Remove all Physics3DObjects.
----@return self
-function Physics3DWorld:removeAllPhysics3DObjects () end
----* Check debug drawing is enabled.
----@return boolean
-function Physics3DWorld:isDebugDrawEnabled () end
----* Remove all Physics3DConstraint.
----@return self
-function Physics3DWorld:removeAllPhysics3DConstraints () end
----* get current gravity
----@return vec3_table
-function Physics3DWorld:getGravity () end
----* Remove a Physics3DConstraint.
----@param constraint cc.Physics3DConstraint
----@return self
-function Physics3DWorld:removePhysics3DConstraint (constraint) end
----* Add a Physics3DObject.
----@param physicsObj cc.Physics3DObject
----@return self
-function Physics3DWorld:addPhysics3DObject (physicsObj) end
----* Enable or disable debug drawing.
----@param enableDebugDraw boolean
----@return self
-function Physics3DWorld:setDebugDrawEnable (enableDebugDraw) end
----* Remove a Physics3DObject.
----@param physicsObj cc.Physics3DObject
----@return self
-function Physics3DWorld:removePhysics3DObject (physicsObj) end
----* Add a Physics3DConstraint.
----@param constraint cc.Physics3DConstraint
----@param disableCollisionsBetweenLinkedObjs boolean
----@return self
-function Physics3DWorld:addPhysics3DConstraint (constraint,disableCollisionsBetweenLinkedObjs) end
----* Internal method, the updater of debug drawing, need called each frame.
----@param renderer cc.Renderer
----@return self
-function Physics3DWorld:debugDraw (renderer) end
----@return self
-function Physics3DWorld:Physics3DWorld () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsBody.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsBody.lua
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index 27ada7ac..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsBody.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,338 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.PhysicsBody :cc.Component
-local PhysicsBody={ }
----* Whether this physics body is affected by the physics world's gravitational force.
----@return boolean
-function PhysicsBody:isGravityEnabled () end
----* reset all the force applied to body.
----@return self
-function PhysicsBody:resetForces () end
----* get the max of velocity
----@return float
-function PhysicsBody:getVelocityLimit () end
----* Set the group of body.<br>
----* Collision groups let you specify an integral group index. You can have all fixtures with the same group index always collide (positive index) or never collide (negative index).<br>
----* It have high priority than bit masks.
----@param group int
----@return self
-function PhysicsBody:setGroup (group) end
----* Get the body mass.
----@return float
-function PhysicsBody:getMass () end
----* Return bitmask of first shape.<br>
----* return If there is no shape in body, return default value.(0xFFFFFFFF)
----@return int
-function PhysicsBody:getCollisionBitmask () end
----* set the body rotation offset
----@return float
-function PhysicsBody:getRotationOffset () end
----* get the body rotation.
----@return float
-function PhysicsBody:getRotation () end
----* Get the body moment of inertia.
----@return float
-function PhysicsBody:getMoment () end
----* Applies a immediate force to body.<br>
----* param impulse The impulse is applies to this body.<br>
----* param offset A Vec2 object, it is the offset from the body's center of gravity in world coordinates.
----@param impulse vec2_table
----@param offset vec2_table
----@return self
-function PhysicsBody:applyImpulse (impulse,offset) end
----* set body rotation offset, it's the rotation witch relative to node
----@param rotation float
----@return self
-function PhysicsBody:setRotationOffset (rotation) end
----* Applies a continuous force to body.<br>
----* param force The force is applies to this body.<br>
----* param offset A Vec2 object, it is the offset from the body's center of gravity in world coordinates.
----@param force vec2_table
----@param offset vec2_table
----@return self
-function PhysicsBody:applyForce (force,offset) end
----* brief Add a shape to body.<br>
----* param shape The shape to be added.<br>
----* param addMassAndMoment If this is true, the shape's mass and moment will be added to body. The default is true.<br>
----* return This shape's pointer if added success or nullptr if failed.
----@param shape cc.PhysicsShape
----@param addMassAndMoment boolean
----@return cc.PhysicsShape
-function PhysicsBody:addShape (shape,addMassAndMoment) end
----* Applies a torque force to body.<br>
----* param torque The torque is applies to this body.
----@param torque float
----@return self
-function PhysicsBody:applyTorque (torque) end
----* get the max of angular velocity
----@return float
-function PhysicsBody:getAngularVelocityLimit () end
----* set the max of angular velocity
----@param limit float
----@return self
-function PhysicsBody:setAngularVelocityLimit (limit) end
----* Get the velocity of a body.
----@return vec2_table
-function PhysicsBody:getVelocity () end
----* get linear damping.
----@return float
-function PhysicsBody:getLinearDamping () end
----* Remove all shapes.<br>
----* param reduceMassAndMoment If this is true, the body mass and moment will be reduced by shape. The default is true.
----@return self
-function PhysicsBody:removeAllShapes () end
----* Set angular damping.<br>
----* It is used to simulate fluid or air friction forces on the body.<br>
----* param damping The value is 0.0f to 1.0f.
----@param damping float
----@return self
-function PhysicsBody:setAngularDamping (damping) end
----* set the max of velocity
----@param limit float
----@return self
-function PhysicsBody:setVelocityLimit (limit) end
----* set body to rest
----@param rest boolean
----@return self
-function PhysicsBody:setResting (rest) end
----* get body position offset.
----@return vec2_table
-function PhysicsBody:getPositionOffset () end
----* A mask that defines which categories this physics body belongs to.<br>
----* Every physics body in a scene can be assigned to up to 32 different categories, each corresponding to a bit in the bit mask. You define the mask values used in your game. In conjunction with the collisionBitMask and contactTestBitMask properties, you define which physics bodies interact with each other and when your game is notified of these interactions.<br>
----* param bitmask An integer number, the default value is 0xFFFFFFFF (all bits set).
----@param bitmask int
----@return self
-function PhysicsBody:setCategoryBitmask (bitmask) end
----* get the world body added to.
----@return cc.PhysicsWorld
-function PhysicsBody:getWorld () end
----* get the angular velocity of a body
----@return float
-function PhysicsBody:getAngularVelocity () end
----* get the body position.
----@return vec2_table
-function PhysicsBody:getPosition () end
----* Set the body is affected by the physics world's gravitational force or not.
----@param enable boolean
----@return self
-function PhysicsBody:setGravityEnable (enable) end
----* Return group of first shape.<br>
----* return If there is no shape in body, return default value.(0)
----@return int
-function PhysicsBody:getGroup () end
----* brief Set the body moment of inertia.<br>
----* note If you need add/subtract moment to body, don't use setMoment(getMoment() +/- moment), because the moment of body may be equal to PHYSICS_INFINITY, it will cause some unexpected result, please use addMoment() instead.
----@param moment float
----@return self
-function PhysicsBody:setMoment (moment) end
----* Get the body's tag.
----@return int
-function PhysicsBody:getTag () end
----* Convert the local point to world.
----@param point vec2_table
----@return vec2_table
-function PhysicsBody:local2World (point) end
----* Return bitmask of first shape.<br>
----* return If there is no shape in body, return default value.(0xFFFFFFFF)
----@return int
-function PhysicsBody:getCategoryBitmask () end
----* brief Set dynamic to body.<br>
----* A dynamic body will effect with gravity.
----@param dynamic boolean
----@return self
-function PhysicsBody:setDynamic (dynamic) end
----* Get the first shape of the body shapes.<br>
----* return The first shape in this body.
----@return cc.PhysicsShape
-function PhysicsBody:getFirstShape () end
----* Get the body shapes.<br>
----* return A Vector<PhysicsShape*> object contains PhysicsShape pointer.
----@return array_table
-function PhysicsBody:getShapes () end
----* Return bitmask of first shape.<br>
----* return If there is no shape in body, return default value.(0x00000000)
----@return int
-function PhysicsBody:getContactTestBitmask () end
----* Set the angular velocity of a body.<br>
----* param velocity The angular velocity is set to this body.
----@param velocity float
----@return self
-function PhysicsBody:setAngularVelocity (velocity) end
----* Convert the world point to local.
----@param point vec2_table
----@return vec2_table
-function PhysicsBody:world2Local (point) end
----@overload fun(cc.PhysicsShape0:int,boolean:boolean):self
----@overload fun(cc.PhysicsShape:cc.PhysicsShape,boolean:boolean):self
----@param shape cc.PhysicsShape
----@param reduceMassAndMoment boolean
----@return self
-function PhysicsBody:removeShape (shape,reduceMassAndMoment) end
----* brief Set the body mass.<br>
----* attention If you need add/subtract mass to body, don't use setMass(getMass() +/- mass), because the mass of body may be equal to PHYSICS_INFINITY, it will cause some unexpected result, please use addMass() instead.
----@param mass float
----@return self
-function PhysicsBody:setMass (mass) end
----* brief Add moment of inertia to body.<br>
----* param moment If _moment(moment of the body) == PHYSICS_INFINITY, it remains.<br>
----* if moment == PHYSICS_INFINITY, _moment will be PHYSICS_INFINITY.<br>
----* if moment == -PHYSICS_INFINITY, _moment will not change.<br>
----* if moment + _moment <= 0, _moment will equal to MASS_DEFAULT(1.0)<br>
----* other wise, moment = moment + _moment;
----@param moment float
----@return self
-function PhysicsBody:addMoment (moment) end
----* Set the velocity of a body.<br>
----* param velocity The velocity is set to this body.
----@param velocity vec2_table
----@return self
-function PhysicsBody:setVelocity (velocity) end
----* Set linear damping.<br>
----* it is used to simulate fluid or air friction forces on the body.<br>
----* param damping The value is 0.0f to 1.0f.
----@param damping float
----@return self
-function PhysicsBody:setLinearDamping (damping) end
----* A mask that defines which categories of physics bodies can collide with this physics body.<br>
----* When two physics bodies contact each other, a collision may occur. This body's collision mask is compared to the other body's category mask by performing a logical AND operation. If the result is a non-zero value, then this body is affected by the collision. Each body independently chooses whether it wants to be affected by the other body. For example, you might use this to avoid collision calculations that would make negligible changes to a body's velocity.<br>
----* param bitmask An integer number, the default value is 0xFFFFFFFF (all bits set).
----@param bitmask int
----@return self
-function PhysicsBody:setCollisionBitmask (bitmask) end
----* set body position offset, it's the position witch relative to node
----@param position vec2_table
----@return self
-function PhysicsBody:setPositionOffset (position) end
----* Set the body is allow rotation or not
----@param enable boolean
----@return self
-function PhysicsBody:setRotationEnable (enable) end
----* Whether the body can rotation.
----@return boolean
-function PhysicsBody:isRotationEnabled () end
----* Get the rigid body of chipmunk.
----@return cpBody
-function PhysicsBody:getCPBody () end
----* Get angular damping.
----@return float
-function PhysicsBody:getAngularDamping () end
----* Get the angular velocity of a body at a local point.
----@param point vec2_table
----@return vec2_table
-function PhysicsBody:getVelocityAtLocalPoint (point) end
----* Whether the body is at rest.
----@return boolean
-function PhysicsBody:isResting () end
----* brief Add mass to body.<br>
----* param mass If _mass(mass of the body) == PHYSICS_INFINITY, it remains.<br>
----* if mass == PHYSICS_INFINITY, _mass will be PHYSICS_INFINITY.<br>
----* if mass == -PHYSICS_INFINITY, _mass will not change.<br>
----* if mass + _mass <= 0, _mass will equal to MASS_DEFAULT(1.0)<br>
----* other wise, mass = mass + _mass;
----@param mass float
----@return self
-function PhysicsBody:addMass (mass) end
----* get the shape of the body.<br>
----* param tag An integer number that identifies a PhysicsShape object.<br>
----* return A PhysicsShape object pointer or nullptr if no shapes were found.
----@param tag int
----@return cc.PhysicsShape
-function PhysicsBody:getShape (tag) end
----* set the body's tag.
----@param tag int
----@return self
-function PhysicsBody:setTag (tag) end
----* get the angular velocity of a body at a world point
----@param point vec2_table
----@return vec2_table
-function PhysicsBody:getVelocityAtWorldPoint (point) end
----* A mask that defines which categories of bodies cause intersection notifications with this physics body.<br>
----* When two bodies share the same space, each body's category mask is tested against the other body's contact mask by performing a logical AND operation. If either comparison results in a non-zero value, an PhysicsContact object is created and passed to the physics world’s delegate. For best performance, only set bits in the contacts mask for interactions you are interested in.<br>
----* param bitmask An integer number, the default value is 0x00000000 (all bits cleared).
----@param bitmask int
----@return self
-function PhysicsBody:setContactTestBitmask (bitmask) end
----* remove the body from the world it added to
----@return self
-function PhysicsBody:removeFromWorld () end
----* brief Test the body is dynamic or not.<br>
----* A dynamic body will effect with gravity.
----@return boolean
-function PhysicsBody:isDynamic () end
----* get the node the body set to.
----@return cc.Node
-function PhysicsBody:getNode () end
----* Create a body contains a box shape.<br>
----* param size Size contains this box's width and height.<br>
----* param material A PhysicsMaterial object, the default value is PHYSICSSHAPE_MATERIAL_DEFAULT.<br>
----* param offset A Vec2 object, it is the offset from the body's center of gravity in body local coordinates.<br>
----* return An autoreleased PhysicsBody object pointer.
----@param size size_table
----@param material cc.PhysicsMaterial
----@param offset vec2_table
----@return self
-function PhysicsBody:createBox (size,material,offset) end
----* Create a body contains a EdgeSegment shape.<br>
----* param a It's the edge's begin position.<br>
----* param b It's the edge's end position.<br>
----* param material A PhysicsMaterial object, the default value is PHYSICSSHAPE_MATERIAL_DEFAULT.<br>
----* param border It's a edge's border width.<br>
----* return An autoreleased PhysicsBody object pointer.
----@param a vec2_table
----@param b vec2_table
----@param material cc.PhysicsMaterial
----@param border float
----@return self
-function PhysicsBody:createEdgeSegment (a,b,material,border) end
----@overload fun(float:float):self
----@overload fun():self
----@overload fun(float:float,float:float):self
----@param mass float
----@param moment float
----@return self
-function PhysicsBody:create (mass,moment) end
----* Create a body contains a EdgeBox shape.<br>
----* param size Size contains this box's width and height.<br>
----* param material A PhysicsMaterial object, the default value is PHYSICSSHAPE_MATERIAL_DEFAULT.<br>
----* param border It's a edge's border width.<br>
----* param offset A Vec2 object, it is the offset from the body's center of gravity in body local coordinates.<br>
----* return An autoreleased PhysicsBody object pointer.
----@param size size_table
----@param material cc.PhysicsMaterial
----@param border float
----@param offset vec2_table
----@return self
-function PhysicsBody:createEdgeBox (size,material,border,offset) end
----* Create a body contains a circle.<br>
----* param radius A float number, it is the circle's radius.<br>
----* param material A PhysicsMaterial object, the default value is PHYSICSSHAPE_MATERIAL_DEFAULT.<br>
----* param offset A Vec2 object, it is the offset from the body's center of gravity in body local coordinates.<br>
----* return An autoreleased PhysicsBody object pointer.
----@param radius float
----@param material cc.PhysicsMaterial
----@param offset vec2_table
----@return self
-function PhysicsBody:createCircle (radius,material,offset) end
----* Set the enable value.<br>
----* If the body it isn't enabled, it will not has simulation by world.
----@param enable boolean
----@return self
-function PhysicsBody:setEnabled (enable) end
----@return self
-function PhysicsBody:onRemove () end
----@return self
-function PhysicsBody:onEnter () end
----@return self
-function PhysicsBody:onExit () end
----@return self
-function PhysicsBody:onAdd () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsContact.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsContact.lua
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index d5855b65..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsContact.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.PhysicsContact :cc.EventCustom
-local PhysicsContact={ }
----* Get contact data.
----@return cc.PhysicsContactData
-function PhysicsContact:getContactData () end
----* Get the event code
----@return int
-function PhysicsContact:getEventCode () end
----* Get previous contact data
----@return cc.PhysicsContactData
-function PhysicsContact:getPreContactData () end
----* Get contact shape A.
----@return cc.PhysicsShape
-function PhysicsContact:getShapeA () end
----* Get contact shape B.
----@return cc.PhysicsShape
-function PhysicsContact:getShapeB () end \ No newline at end of file
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index 7aff2b1e..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsContactPostSolve.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.PhysicsContactPostSolve
-local PhysicsContactPostSolve={ }
----* Get friction between two bodies.
----@return float
-function PhysicsContactPostSolve:getFriction () end
----* Get surface velocity between two bodies.
----@return vec2_table
-function PhysicsContactPostSolve:getSurfaceVelocity () end
----* Get restitution between two bodies.
----@return float
-function PhysicsContactPostSolve:getRestitution () end \ No newline at end of file
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index ab3b6b43..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsContactPreSolve.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.PhysicsContactPreSolve
-local PhysicsContactPreSolve={ }
----* Get friction between two bodies.
----@return float
-function PhysicsContactPreSolve:getFriction () end
----* Get restitution between two bodies.
----@return float
-function PhysicsContactPreSolve:getRestitution () end
----* Set the friction.
----@param friction float
----@return self
-function PhysicsContactPreSolve:setFriction (friction) end
----* Ignore the rest of the contact presolve and postsolve callbacks.
----@return self
-function PhysicsContactPreSolve:ignore () end
----* Get surface velocity between two bodies.
----@return vec2_table
-function PhysicsContactPreSolve:getSurfaceVelocity () end
----* Set the surface velocity.
----@param velocity vec2_table
----@return self
-function PhysicsContactPreSolve:setSurfaceVelocity (velocity) end
----* Set the restitution.
----@param restitution float
----@return self
-function PhysicsContactPreSolve:setRestitution (restitution) end \ No newline at end of file
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index 4655e156..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJoint.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.PhysicsJoint
-local PhysicsJoint={ }
----* Get physics body a connected to this joint.
----@return cc.PhysicsBody
-function PhysicsJoint:getBodyA () end
----* Get physics body b connected to this joint.
----@return cc.PhysicsBody
-function PhysicsJoint:getBodyB () end
----* Get the max force setting.
----@return float
-function PhysicsJoint:getMaxForce () end
----* Set the max force between two bodies.
----@param force float
----@return self
-function PhysicsJoint:setMaxForce (force) end
----* Determines if the joint is enable.
----@return boolean
-function PhysicsJoint:isEnabled () end
----* Enable/Disable the joint.
----@param enable boolean
----@return self
-function PhysicsJoint:setEnable (enable) end
----* Enable/disable the collision between two bodies.
----@param enable boolean
----@return self
-function PhysicsJoint:setCollisionEnable (enable) end
----* Get the physics world.
----@return cc.PhysicsWorld
-function PhysicsJoint:getWorld () end
----* Set this joint's tag.<br>
----* param tag An integer number that identifies a PhysicsJoint.
----@param tag int
----@return self
-function PhysicsJoint:setTag (tag) end
----* Remove the joint from the world.
----@return self
-function PhysicsJoint:removeFormWorld () end
----* Determines if the collision is enable.
----@return boolean
-function PhysicsJoint:isCollisionEnabled () end
----* Get this joint's tag.<br>
----* return An integer number.
----@return int
-function PhysicsJoint:getTag () end \ No newline at end of file
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index d8d8461f..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointDistance.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.PhysicsJointDistance :cc.PhysicsJoint
-local PhysicsJointDistance={ }
----@return boolean
-function PhysicsJointDistance:createConstraints () end
----* Set the distance of the anchor points.
----@param distance float
----@return self
-function PhysicsJointDistance:setDistance (distance) end
----* Get the distance of the anchor points.
----@return float
-function PhysicsJointDistance:getDistance () end
----* Create a fixed distance joint.<br>
----* param a A is the body to connect.<br>
----* param b B is the body to connect.<br>
----* param anchr1 Anchr1 is the anchor point on body a.<br>
----* param anchr2 Anchr2 is the anchor point on body b.<br>
----* return A object pointer.
----@param a cc.PhysicsBody
----@param b cc.PhysicsBody
----@param anchr1 vec2_table
----@param anchr2 vec2_table
----@return self
-function PhysicsJointDistance:construct (a,b,anchr1,anchr2) end \ No newline at end of file
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index 1dc195a2..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointFixed.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.PhysicsJointFixed :cc.PhysicsJoint
-local PhysicsJointFixed={ }
----@return boolean
-function PhysicsJointFixed:createConstraints () end
----* Create a fixed joint.<br>
----* param a A is the body to connect.<br>
----* param b B is the body to connect.<br>
----* param anchr It's the pivot position.<br>
----* return A object pointer.
----@param a cc.PhysicsBody
----@param b cc.PhysicsBody
----@param anchr vec2_table
----@return self
-function PhysicsJointFixed:construct (a,b,anchr) end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointGear.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointGear.lua
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index e8c0330b..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointGear.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.PhysicsJointGear :cc.PhysicsJoint
-local PhysicsJointGear={ }
----* Set the ratio.
----@param ratchet float
----@return self
-function PhysicsJointGear:setRatio (ratchet) end
----* Get the angular offset of the two bodies.
----@return float
-function PhysicsJointGear:getPhase () end
----* Set the angular offset of the two bodies.
----@param phase float
----@return self
-function PhysicsJointGear:setPhase (phase) end
----@return boolean
-function PhysicsJointGear:createConstraints () end
----* Get the ratio.
----@return float
-function PhysicsJointGear:getRatio () end
----* Create a gear joint.<br>
----* param a A is the body to connect.<br>
----* param b B is the body to connect.<br>
----* param phase Phase is the initial angular offset of the two bodies.<br>
----* param ratio Ratio is always measured in absolute terms.<br>
----* return A object pointer.
----@param a cc.PhysicsBody
----@param b cc.PhysicsBody
----@param phase float
----@param ratio float
----@return self
-function PhysicsJointGear:construct (a,b,phase,ratio) end \ No newline at end of file
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index f88b37f4..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointGroove.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.PhysicsJointGroove :cc.PhysicsJoint
-local PhysicsJointGroove={ }
----* Set the anchor point on body b.
----@param anchr2 vec2_table
----@return self
-function PhysicsJointGroove:setAnchr2 (anchr2) end
----* Set the line begin position
----@param grooveA vec2_table
----@return self
-function PhysicsJointGroove:setGrooveA (grooveA) end
----* Set the line end position
----@param grooveB vec2_table
----@return self
-function PhysicsJointGroove:setGrooveB (grooveB) end
----* Get the line begin position
----@return vec2_table
-function PhysicsJointGroove:getGrooveA () end
----* Get the line end position
----@return vec2_table
-function PhysicsJointGroove:getGrooveB () end
----* Get the anchor point on body b.
----@return vec2_table
-function PhysicsJointGroove:getAnchr2 () end
----@return boolean
-function PhysicsJointGroove:createConstraints () end
----* Create a groove joint.<br>
----* param a A is the body to connect.<br>
----* param b B is the body to connect.<br>
----* param grooveA The line begin position.<br>
----* param grooveB The line end position.<br>
----* param anchr2 Anchr2 is the anchor point on body b.<br>
----* return A object pointer.
----@param a cc.PhysicsBody
----@param b cc.PhysicsBody
----@param grooveA vec2_table
----@param grooveB vec2_table
----@param anchr2 vec2_table
----@return self
-function PhysicsJointGroove:construct (a,b,grooveA,grooveB,anchr2) end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointLimit.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointLimit.lua
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index 6c4475ef..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointLimit.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.PhysicsJointLimit :cc.PhysicsJoint
-local PhysicsJointLimit={ }
----* Set the anchor point on body b.
----@param anchr2 vec2_table
----@return self
-function PhysicsJointLimit:setAnchr2 (anchr2) end
----* Set the anchor point on body a.
----@param anchr1 vec2_table
----@return self
-function PhysicsJointLimit:setAnchr1 (anchr1) end
----* Set the max distance of the anchor points.
----@param max float
----@return self
-function PhysicsJointLimit:setMax (max) end
----* Get the anchor point on body b.
----@return vec2_table
-function PhysicsJointLimit:getAnchr2 () end
----* Get the anchor point on body a.
----@return vec2_table
-function PhysicsJointLimit:getAnchr1 () end
----@return boolean
-function PhysicsJointLimit:createConstraints () end
----* Get the allowed min distance of the anchor points.
----@return float
-function PhysicsJointLimit:getMin () end
----* Get the allowed max distance of the anchor points.
----@return float
-function PhysicsJointLimit:getMax () end
----* Set the min distance of the anchor points.
----@param min float
----@return self
-function PhysicsJointLimit:setMin (min) end
----@overload fun(cc.PhysicsBody:cc.PhysicsBody,cc.PhysicsBody:cc.PhysicsBody,vec2_table:vec2_table,vec2_table:vec2_table,float:float,float:float):self
----@overload fun(cc.PhysicsBody:cc.PhysicsBody,cc.PhysicsBody:cc.PhysicsBody,vec2_table:vec2_table,vec2_table:vec2_table):self
----@param a cc.PhysicsBody
----@param b cc.PhysicsBody
----@param anchr1 vec2_table
----@param anchr2 vec2_table
----@param min float
----@param max float
----@return self
-function PhysicsJointLimit:construct (a,b,anchr1,anchr2,min,max) end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointMotor.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointMotor.lua
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index 77e79241..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointMotor.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.PhysicsJointMotor :cc.PhysicsJoint
-local PhysicsJointMotor={ }
----* Set the relative angular velocity.
----@param rate float
----@return self
-function PhysicsJointMotor:setRate (rate) end
----* Get the relative angular velocity.
----@return float
-function PhysicsJointMotor:getRate () end
----@return boolean
-function PhysicsJointMotor:createConstraints () end
----* Create a motor joint.<br>
----* param a A is the body to connect.<br>
----* param b B is the body to connect.<br>
----* param rate Rate is the desired relative angular velocity.<br>
----* return A object pointer.
----@param a cc.PhysicsBody
----@param b cc.PhysicsBody
----@param rate float
----@return self
-function PhysicsJointMotor:construct (a,b,rate) end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointPin.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointPin.lua
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index d19d23fd..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointPin.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.PhysicsJointPin :cc.PhysicsJoint
-local PhysicsJointPin={ }
----@return boolean
-function PhysicsJointPin:createConstraints () end
----@overload fun(cc.PhysicsBody:cc.PhysicsBody,cc.PhysicsBody:cc.PhysicsBody,vec2_table:vec2_table,vec2_table:vec2_table):self
----@overload fun(cc.PhysicsBody:cc.PhysicsBody,cc.PhysicsBody:cc.PhysicsBody,vec2_table:vec2_table):self
----@param a cc.PhysicsBody
----@param b cc.PhysicsBody
----@param anchr1 vec2_table
----@param anchr2 vec2_table
----@return self
-function PhysicsJointPin:construct (a,b,anchr1,anchr2) end \ No newline at end of file
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index be8033b4..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointRatchet.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.PhysicsJointRatchet :cc.PhysicsJoint
-local PhysicsJointRatchet={ }
----* Get the ratchet angle.
----@return float
-function PhysicsJointRatchet:getAngle () end
----* Set the ratchet angle.
----@param angle float
----@return self
-function PhysicsJointRatchet:setAngle (angle) end
----@return boolean
-function PhysicsJointRatchet:createConstraints () end
----* Set the initial offset.
----@param phase float
----@return self
-function PhysicsJointRatchet:setPhase (phase) end
----* Get the initial offset.
----@return float
-function PhysicsJointRatchet:getPhase () end
----* Set the distance between "clicks".
----@param ratchet float
----@return self
-function PhysicsJointRatchet:setRatchet (ratchet) end
----* Get the distance between "clicks".
----@return float
-function PhysicsJointRatchet:getRatchet () end
----* Create a ratchet joint.<br>
----* param a A is the body to connect.<br>
----* param b B is the body to connect.<br>
----* param phase Phase is the initial offset to use when deciding where the ratchet angles are.<br>
----* param ratchet Ratchet is the distance between "clicks".<br>
----* return A object pointer.
----@param a cc.PhysicsBody
----@param b cc.PhysicsBody
----@param phase float
----@param ratchet float
----@return self
-function PhysicsJointRatchet:construct (a,b,phase,ratchet) end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointRotaryLimit.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointRotaryLimit.lua
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index 467f0887..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointRotaryLimit.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.PhysicsJointRotaryLimit :cc.PhysicsJoint
-local PhysicsJointRotaryLimit={ }
----* Get the max rotation limit.
----@return float
-function PhysicsJointRotaryLimit:getMax () end
----@return boolean
-function PhysicsJointRotaryLimit:createConstraints () end
----* Set the min rotation limit.
----@param min float
----@return self
-function PhysicsJointRotaryLimit:setMin (min) end
----* Set the max rotation limit.
----@param max float
----@return self
-function PhysicsJointRotaryLimit:setMax (max) end
----* Get the min rotation limit.
----@return float
-function PhysicsJointRotaryLimit:getMin () end
----@overload fun(cc.PhysicsBody:cc.PhysicsBody,cc.PhysicsBody:cc.PhysicsBody):self
----@overload fun(cc.PhysicsBody:cc.PhysicsBody,cc.PhysicsBody:cc.PhysicsBody,float:float,float:float):self
----@param a cc.PhysicsBody
----@param b cc.PhysicsBody
----@param min float
----@param max float
----@return self
-function PhysicsJointRotaryLimit:construct (a,b,min,max) end \ No newline at end of file
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index 94884149..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointRotarySpring.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.PhysicsJointRotarySpring :cc.PhysicsJoint
-local PhysicsJointRotarySpring={ }
----* Get the spring soft constant.
----@return float
-function PhysicsJointRotarySpring:getDamping () end
----* Set the relative angle in radians from the body a to b.
----@param restAngle float
----@return self
-function PhysicsJointRotarySpring:setRestAngle (restAngle) end
----* Get the spring constant.
----@return float
-function PhysicsJointRotarySpring:getStiffness () end
----@return boolean
-function PhysicsJointRotarySpring:createConstraints () end
----* Set the spring constant.
----@param stiffness float
----@return self
-function PhysicsJointRotarySpring:setStiffness (stiffness) end
----* Set the spring soft constant.
----@param damping float
----@return self
-function PhysicsJointRotarySpring:setDamping (damping) end
----* Get the relative angle in radians from the body a to b.
----@return float
-function PhysicsJointRotarySpring:getRestAngle () end
----* Create a damped rotary spring joint.<br>
----* param a A is the body to connect.<br>
----* param b B is the body to connect.<br>
----* param stiffness It's the spring constant.<br>
----* param damping It's how soft to make the damping of the spring.<br>
----* return A object pointer.
----@param a cc.PhysicsBody
----@param b cc.PhysicsBody
----@param stiffness float
----@param damping float
----@return self
-function PhysicsJointRotarySpring:construct (a,b,stiffness,damping) end \ No newline at end of file
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index 3cd52cdb..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointSpring.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.PhysicsJointSpring :cc.PhysicsJoint
-local PhysicsJointSpring={ }
----* Set the anchor point on body b.
----@param anchr2 vec2_table
----@return self
-function PhysicsJointSpring:setAnchr2 (anchr2) end
----* Set the anchor point on body a.
----@param anchr1 vec2_table
----@return self
-function PhysicsJointSpring:setAnchr1 (anchr1) end
----* Get the spring soft constant.
----@return float
-function PhysicsJointSpring:getDamping () end
----* Set the spring constant.
----@param stiffness float
----@return self
-function PhysicsJointSpring:setStiffness (stiffness) end
----* Get the distance of the anchor points.
----@return float
-function PhysicsJointSpring:getRestLength () end
----* Get the anchor point on body b.
----@return vec2_table
-function PhysicsJointSpring:getAnchr2 () end
----* Get the anchor point on body a.
----@return vec2_table
-function PhysicsJointSpring:getAnchr1 () end
----* Get the spring constant.
----@return float
-function PhysicsJointSpring:getStiffness () end
----@return boolean
-function PhysicsJointSpring:createConstraints () end
----* Set the distance of the anchor points.
----@param restLength float
----@return self
-function PhysicsJointSpring:setRestLength (restLength) end
----* Set the spring soft constant.
----@param damping float
----@return self
-function PhysicsJointSpring:setDamping (damping) end
----* Create a fixed distance joint.<br>
----* param a A is the body to connect.<br>
----* param b B is the body to connect.<br>
----* param anchr1 Anchr1 is the anchor point on body a.<br>
----* param anchr2 Anchr2 is the anchor point on body b.<br>
----* param stiffness It's the spring constant.<br>
----* param damping It's how soft to make the damping of the spring.<br>
----* return A object pointer.
----@param a cc.PhysicsBody
----@param b cc.PhysicsBody
----@param anchr1 vec2_table
----@param anchr2 vec2_table
----@param stiffness float
----@param damping float
----@return self
-function PhysicsJointSpring:construct (a,b,anchr1,anchr2,stiffness,damping) end \ No newline at end of file
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index 372bc765..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsShape.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.PhysicsShape :cc.Ref
-local PhysicsShape={ }
----* Get this shape's friction.<br>
----* return A float number.
----@return float
-function PhysicsShape:getFriction () end
----* Set the group of body.<br>
----* Collision groups let you specify an integral group index. You can have all fixtures with the same group index always collide (positive index) or never collide (negative index).<br>
----* param group An integer number, it have high priority than bit masks.
----@param group int
----@return self
-function PhysicsShape:setGroup (group) end
----* Set this shape's density.<br>
----* It will change the body's mass this shape attaches.<br>
----* param density A float number.
----@param density float
----@return self
-function PhysicsShape:setDensity (density) end
----* Get the mass of this shape.<br>
----* return A float number.
----@return float
-function PhysicsShape:getMass () end
----* Get this shape's PhysicsMaterial object.<br>
----* return A PhysicsMaterial object reference.
----@return cc.PhysicsMaterial
-function PhysicsShape:getMaterial () end
----@param sensor boolean
----@return self
-function PhysicsShape:setSensor (sensor) end
----* Get a mask that defines which categories of physics bodies can collide with this physics body.<br>
----* return An integer number.
----@return int
-function PhysicsShape:getCollisionBitmask () end
----* Return this shape's area.<br>
----* return A float number.
----@return float
-function PhysicsShape:getArea () end
----* Set a mask that defines which categories this physics body belongs to.<br>
----* Every physics body in a scene can be assigned to up to 32 different categories, each corresponding to a bit in the bit mask. You define the mask values used in your game. In conjunction with the collisionBitMask and contactTestBitMask properties, you define which physics bodies interact with each other and when your game is notified of these interactions.<br>
----* param bitmask An integer number, the default value is 0xFFFFFFFF (all bits set).
----@param bitmask int
----@return self
-function PhysicsShape:setCategoryBitmask (bitmask) end
----* Get the group of body.<br>
----* return An integer number.
----@return int
-function PhysicsShape:getGroup () end
----* Set this shape's moment.<br>
----* It will change the body's moment this shape attaches.<br>
----* param moment A float number.
----@param moment float
----@return self
-function PhysicsShape:setMoment (moment) end
----* Test point is inside this shape or not.<br>
----* param point A Vec2 object.<br>
----* return A bool object.
----@param point vec2_table
----@return boolean
-function PhysicsShape:containsPoint (point) end
----* Get a mask that defines which categories this physics body belongs to.<br>
----* return An integer number.
----@return int
-function PhysicsShape:getCategoryBitmask () end
----@return boolean
-function PhysicsShape:isSensor () end
----* Return this shape's type.<br>
----* return A Type object.
----@return int
-function PhysicsShape:getType () end
----* Get a mask that defines which categories of bodies cause intersection notifications with this physics body.<br>
----* return An integer number.
----@return int
-function PhysicsShape:getContactTestBitmask () end
----* Get this shape's center position.<br>
----* This function should be overridden in inherit classes.<br>
----* return A Vec2 object.
----@return vec2_table
-function PhysicsShape:getCenter () end
----* Get this shape's density.<br>
----* return A float number.
----@return float
-function PhysicsShape:getDensity () end
----* Set this shape's mass.<br>
----* It will change the body's mass this shape attaches.<br>
----* param mass A float number.
----@param mass float
----@return self
-function PhysicsShape:setMass (mass) end
----* Get this shape's tag.<br>
----* return An integer number.
----@return int
-function PhysicsShape:getTag () end
----* Calculate the default moment value.<br>
----* This function should be overridden in inherit classes.<br>
----* return A float number, equals 0.0.
----@return float
-function PhysicsShape:calculateDefaultMoment () end
----* A mask that defines which categories of physics bodies can collide with this physics body.<br>
----* When two physics bodies contact each other, a collision may occur. This body's collision mask is compared to the other body's category mask by performing a logical AND operation. If the result is a non-zero value, then this body is affected by the collision. Each body independently chooses whether it wants to be affected by the other body. For example, you might use this to avoid collision calculations that would make negligible changes to a body's velocity.<br>
----* param bitmask An integer number, the default value is 0xFFFFFFFF (all bits set).
----@param bitmask int
----@return self
-function PhysicsShape:setCollisionBitmask (bitmask) end
----* Get this shape's moment.<br>
----* return A float number.
----@return float
-function PhysicsShape:getMoment () end
----* Get this shape's position offset.<br>
----* This function should be overridden in inherit classes.<br>
----* return A Vec2 object.
----@return vec2_table
-function PhysicsShape:getOffset () end
----* Get this shape's restitution.<br>
----* return A float number.
----@return float
-function PhysicsShape:getRestitution () end
----* Set this shape's friction.<br>
----* It will change the shape's friction.<br>
----* param friction A float number.
----@param friction float
----@return self
-function PhysicsShape:setFriction (friction) end
----* Set this shape's material.<br>
----* It will change the shape's mass, elasticity and friction.<br>
----* param material A PhysicsMaterial object.
----@param material cc.PhysicsMaterial
----@return self
-function PhysicsShape:setMaterial (material) end
----* Set this shape's tag.<br>
----* param tag An integer number that identifies a shape object.
----@param tag int
----@return self
-function PhysicsShape:setTag (tag) end
----* A mask that defines which categories of bodies cause intersection notifications with this physics body.<br>
----* When two bodies share the same space, each body's category mask is tested against the other body's contact mask by performing a logical AND operation. If either comparison results in a non-zero value, an PhysicsContact object is created and passed to the physics world’s delegate. For best performance, only set bits in the contacts mask for interactions you are interested in.<br>
----* param bitmask An integer number, the default value is 0x00000000 (all bits cleared).
----@param bitmask int
----@return self
-function PhysicsShape:setContactTestBitmask (bitmask) end
----* Set this shape's restitution.<br>
----* It will change the shape's elasticity.<br>
----* param restitution A float number.
----@param restitution float
----@return self
-function PhysicsShape:setRestitution (restitution) end
----* Get the body that this shape attaches.<br>
----* return A PhysicsBody object pointer.
----@return cc.PhysicsBody
-function PhysicsShape:getBody () end \ No newline at end of file
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index 818a6a62..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsShapeBox.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.PhysicsShapeBox :cc.PhysicsShapePolygon
-local PhysicsShapeBox={ }
----* Get this box's width and height.<br>
----* return An Size object.
----@return size_table
-function PhysicsShapeBox:getSize () end
----* Creates a PhysicsShapeBox with specified value.<br>
----* param size Size contains this box's width and height.<br>
----* param material A PhysicsMaterial object, the default value is PHYSICSSHAPE_MATERIAL_DEFAULT.<br>
----* param offset A Vec2 object, it is the offset from the body's center of gravity in body local coordinates.<br>
----* return An autoreleased PhysicsShapeBox object pointer.
----@param size size_table
----@param material cc.PhysicsMaterial
----@param offset vec2_table
----@param radius float
----@return self
-function PhysicsShapeBox:create (size,material,offset,radius) end
----* Get this box's position offset.<br>
----* return A Vec2 object.
----@return vec2_table
-function PhysicsShapeBox:getOffset () end \ No newline at end of file
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index c8bfc811..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsShapeCircle.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.PhysicsShapeCircle :cc.PhysicsShape
-local PhysicsShapeCircle={ }
----* Get the circle's radius.<br>
----* return A float number.
----@return float
-function PhysicsShapeCircle:getRadius () end
----* Creates a PhysicsShapeCircle with specified value.<br>
----* param radius A float number, it is the circle's radius.<br>
----* param material A PhysicsMaterial object, the default value is PHYSICSSHAPE_MATERIAL_DEFAULT.<br>
----* param offset A Vec2 object, it is the offset from the body's center of gravity in body local coordinates.<br>
----* return An autoreleased PhysicsShapeCircle object pointer.
----@param radius float
----@param material cc.PhysicsMaterial
----@param offset vec2_table
----@return self
-function PhysicsShapeCircle:create (radius,material,offset) end
----* Calculate the area of a circle with specified radius.<br>
----* param radius A float number<br>
----* return A float number
----@param radius float
----@return float
-function PhysicsShapeCircle:calculateArea (radius) end
----* Calculate the moment of a circle with specified value.<br>
----* param mass A float number<br>
----* param radius A float number<br>
----* param offset A Vec2 object, it is the offset from the body's center of gravity in body local coordinates.<br>
----* return A float number
----@param mass float
----@param radius float
----@param offset vec2_table
----@return float
-function PhysicsShapeCircle:calculateMoment (mass,radius,offset) end
----* Get this circle's position offset.<br>
----* return A Vec2 object.
----@return vec2_table
-function PhysicsShapeCircle:getOffset () end
----* Calculate the moment for a circle.<br>
----* return A float number.
----@return float
-function PhysicsShapeCircle:calculateDefaultMoment () end \ No newline at end of file
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index a48f9e6e..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsShapeEdgeBox.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.PhysicsShapeEdgeBox :cc.PhysicsShapeEdgePolygon
-local PhysicsShapeEdgeBox={ }
----* Creates a PhysicsShapeEdgeBox with specified value.<br>
----* param size Size contains this box's width and height.<br>
----* param material A PhysicsMaterial object, the default value is PHYSICSSHAPE_MATERIAL_DEFAULT.<br>
----* param border It's a edge's border width.<br>
----* param offset A Vec2 object, it is the offset from the body's center of gravity in body local coordinates.<br>
----* return An autoreleased PhysicsShapeEdgeBox object pointer.
----@param size size_table
----@param material cc.PhysicsMaterial
----@param border float
----@param offset vec2_table
----@return self
-function PhysicsShapeEdgeBox:create (size,material,border,offset) end
----* Get this box's position offset.<br>
----* return A Vec2 object.
----@return vec2_table
-function PhysicsShapeEdgeBox:getOffset () end \ No newline at end of file
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index d2c605ef..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsShapeEdgeChain.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.PhysicsShapeEdgeChain :cc.PhysicsShape
-local PhysicsShapeEdgeChain={ }
----* Get this chain's points array count.<br>
----* return An integer number.
----@return int
-function PhysicsShapeEdgeChain:getPointsCount () end
----* Get this chain's center position.<br>
----* return A Vec2 object.
----@return vec2_table
-function PhysicsShapeEdgeChain:getCenter () end \ No newline at end of file
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index 915e0f24..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsShapeEdgePolygon.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.PhysicsShapeEdgePolygon :cc.PhysicsShape
-local PhysicsShapeEdgePolygon={ }
----* Get this polygon's points array count.<br>
----* return An integer number.
----@return int
-function PhysicsShapeEdgePolygon:getPointsCount () end
----* Get this polygon's center position.<br>
----* return A Vec2 object.
----@return vec2_table
-function PhysicsShapeEdgePolygon:getCenter () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsShapeEdgeSegment.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsShapeEdgeSegment.lua
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index cea28126..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsShapeEdgeSegment.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.PhysicsShapeEdgeSegment :cc.PhysicsShape
-local PhysicsShapeEdgeSegment={ }
----* Get this edge's end position.<br>
----* return A Vec2 object.
----@return vec2_table
-function PhysicsShapeEdgeSegment:getPointB () end
----* Get this edge's begin position.<br>
----* return A Vec2 object.
----@return vec2_table
-function PhysicsShapeEdgeSegment:getPointA () end
----* Creates a PhysicsShapeEdgeSegment with specified value.<br>
----* param a It's the edge's begin position.<br>
----* param b It's the edge's end position.<br>
----* param material A PhysicsMaterial object, the default value is PHYSICSSHAPE_MATERIAL_DEFAULT.<br>
----* param border It's a edge's border width.<br>
----* return An autoreleased PhysicsShapeEdgeSegment object pointer.
----@param a vec2_table
----@param b vec2_table
----@param material cc.PhysicsMaterial
----@param border float
----@return self
-function PhysicsShapeEdgeSegment:create (a,b,material,border) end
----* Get this edge's center position.<br>
----* return A Vec2 object.
----@return vec2_table
-function PhysicsShapeEdgeSegment:getCenter () end \ No newline at end of file
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index 9bf3aa46..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsShapePolygon.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.PhysicsShapePolygon :cc.PhysicsShape
-local PhysicsShapePolygon={ }
----* Get this polygon's points array count.<br>
----* return An integer number.
----@return int
-function PhysicsShapePolygon:getPointsCount () end
----* Get a point of this polygon's points array.<br>
----* param i A index of this polygon's points array.<br>
----* return A point value.
----@param i int
----@return vec2_table
-function PhysicsShapePolygon:getPoint (i) end
----* Calculate the moment for a polygon.<br>
----* return A float number.
----@return float
-function PhysicsShapePolygon:calculateDefaultMoment () end
----* Get this polygon's center position.<br>
----* return A Vec2 object.
----@return vec2_table
-function PhysicsShapePolygon:getCenter () end \ No newline at end of file
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index d85d7f4f..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsSprite3D.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.PhysicsSprite3D :cc.Sprite3D
-local PhysicsSprite3D={ }
----* synchronize node transformation to physics.
----@return self
-function PhysicsSprite3D:syncNodeToPhysics () end
----* synchronize physics transformation to node.
----@return self
-function PhysicsSprite3D:syncPhysicsToNode () end
----* Get the Physics3DObject.
----@return cc.Physics3DObject
-function PhysicsSprite3D:getPhysicsObj () end
----* Set synchronization flag, see Physics3DComponent.
----@param syncFlag int
----@return self
-function PhysicsSprite3D:setSyncFlag (syncFlag) end
----@return self
-function PhysicsSprite3D:PhysicsSprite3D () end \ No newline at end of file
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index c46e5ef7..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsWorld.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.PhysicsWorld
-local PhysicsWorld={ }
----* set the gravity value of this physics world.<br>
----* param gravity A gravity value of this physics world.
----@param gravity vec2_table
----@return self
-function PhysicsWorld:setGravity (gravity) end
----* Get all the bodies that in this physics world.<br>
----* return A Vector<PhysicsBody*>& object contains all bodies in this physics world.
----@return array_table
-function PhysicsWorld:getAllBodies () end
----* set the number of update of the physics world in a second.<br>
----* 0 - disable fixed step system<br>
----* default value is 0
----@param updatesPerSecond int
----@return self
-function PhysicsWorld:setFixedUpdateRate (updatesPerSecond) end
----* set the number of substeps in an update of the physics world.<br>
----* One physics update will be divided into several substeps to increase its accuracy.<br>
----* param steps An integer number, default value is 1.
----@param steps int
----@return self
-function PhysicsWorld:setSubsteps (steps) end
----* To control the step of physics.<br>
----* If you want control it by yourself( fixed-timestep for example ), you can set this to false and call step by yourself.<br>
----* attention If you set auto step to false, setSpeed setSubsteps and setUpdateRate won't work, you need to control the time step by yourself.<br>
----* param autoStep A bool object, default value is true.
----@param autoStep boolean
----@return self
-function PhysicsWorld:setAutoStep (autoStep) end
----* Adds a joint to this physics world.<br>
----* This joint will be added to this physics world at next frame.<br>
----* attention If this joint is already added to another physics world, it will be removed from that world first and then add to this world.<br>
----* param joint A pointer to an existing PhysicsJoint object.
----@param joint cc.PhysicsJoint
----@return self
-function PhysicsWorld:addJoint (joint) end
----* Remove all joints from this physics world.<br>
----* attention This function is invoked in the destructor of this physics world, you do not use this api in common.<br>
----* param destroy true all joints will be destroyed after remove from this world, false otherwise.
----@return self
-function PhysicsWorld:removeAllJoints () end
----* Get the debug draw mask.<br>
----* return An integer number.
----@return int
-function PhysicsWorld:getDebugDrawMask () end
----* set the callback which invoked before update of each object in physics world.
----@param callback function
----@return self
-function PhysicsWorld:setPreUpdateCallback (callback) end
----* Get the auto step of this physics world.<br>
----* return A bool object.
----@return boolean
-function PhysicsWorld:isAutoStep () end
----* set the callback which invoked after update of each object in physics world.
----@param callback function
----@return self
-function PhysicsWorld:setPostUpdateCallback (callback) end
----@overload fun(cc.PhysicsBody0:int):self
----@overload fun(cc.PhysicsBody:cc.PhysicsBody):self
----@param body cc.PhysicsBody
----@return self
-function PhysicsWorld:removeBody (body) end
----* Remove a joint from this physics world.<br>
----* If this world is not locked, the joint is removed immediately, otherwise at next frame. <br>
----* If this joint is connected with a body, it will be removed from the body also.<br>
----* param joint A pointer to an existing PhysicsJoint object.<br>
----* param destroy true this joint will be destroyed after remove from this world, false otherwise.
----@param joint cc.PhysicsJoint
----@param destroy boolean
----@return self
-function PhysicsWorld:removeJoint (joint,destroy) end
----* Get physics shapes that contains the point. <br>
----* All shapes contains the point will be pushed in a Vector<PhysicsShape*> object.<br>
----* attention The point must lie inside a shape.<br>
----* param point A Vec2 object contains the position of the point.<br>
----* return A Vector<PhysicsShape*> object contains all found PhysicsShape pointer.
----@param point vec2_table
----@return array_table
-function PhysicsWorld:getShapes (point) end
----* The step for physics world.<br>
----* The times passing for simulate the physics.<br>
----* attention You need to setAutoStep(false) first before it can work.<br>
----* param delta A float number.
----@param delta float
----@return self
-function PhysicsWorld:step (delta) end
----* Set the debug draw mask of this physics world.<br>
----* This physics world will draw shapes and joints by DrawNode according to mask.<br>
----@param mask int
----@return self
-function PhysicsWorld:setDebugDrawMask (mask) end
----* Get the gravity value of this physics world.<br>
----* return A Vec2 object.
----@return vec2_table
-function PhysicsWorld:getGravity () end
----* Set the update rate of this physics world<br>
----* Update rate is the value of EngineUpdateTimes/PhysicsWorldUpdateTimes.<br>
----* Set it higher can improve performance, set it lower can improve accuracy of physics world simulation.<br>
----* attention if you setAutoStep(false), this won't work.<br>
----* param rate An integer number, default value is 1.0.
----@param rate int
----@return self
-function PhysicsWorld:setUpdateRate (rate) end
----* get the number of substeps
----@return int
-function PhysicsWorld:getFixedUpdateRate () end
----* Get the number of substeps of this physics world.<br>
----* return An integer number.
----@return int
-function PhysicsWorld:getSubsteps () end
----* Get the speed of this physics world.<br>
----* return A float number.
----@return float
-function PhysicsWorld:getSpeed () end
----* Get the update rate of this physics world.<br>
----* return An integer number.
----@return int
-function PhysicsWorld:getUpdateRate () end
----* Remove all bodies from physics world. <br>
----* If this world is not locked, those body are removed immediately, otherwise at next frame.
----@return self
-function PhysicsWorld:removeAllBodies () end
----* Set the speed of this physics world.<br>
----* attention if you setAutoStep(false), this won't work.<br>
----* param speed A float number. Speed is the rate at which the simulation executes. default value is 1.0.
----@param speed float
----@return self
-function PhysicsWorld:setSpeed (speed) end
----* Get the nearest physics shape that contains the point. <br>
----* Query this physics world at point and return the closest shape.<br>
----* param point A Vec2 object contains the position of the point.<br>
----* return A PhysicsShape object pointer or nullptr if no shapes were found
----@param point vec2_table
----@return cc.PhysicsShape
-function PhysicsWorld:getShape (point) end
----* Get a body by tag. <br>
----* param tag An integer number that identifies a PhysicsBody object. <br>
----* return A PhysicsBody object pointer or nullptr if no shapes were found.
----@param tag int
----@return cc.PhysicsBody
-function PhysicsWorld:getBody (tag) end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Place.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Place.lua
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index c97c1caf..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Place.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Place :cc.ActionInstant
-local Place={ }
----* Initializes a Place action with a position
----@param pos vec2_table
----@return boolean
-function Place:initWithPosition (pos) end
----* Creates a Place action with a position.<br>
----* param pos A certain position.<br>
----* return An autoreleased Place object.
----@param pos vec2_table
----@return self
-function Place:create (pos) end
----@return self
-function Place:clone () end
----* param time In seconds.
----@param time float
----@return self
-function Place:update (time) end
----@return self
-function Place:reverse () end
----@return self
-function Place:Place () end \ No newline at end of file
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index f041d240..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PointLight.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.PointLight :cc.BaseLight
-local PointLight={ }
----* get or set range
----@return float
-function PointLight:getRange () end
----@param range float
----@return point_table
-function PointLight:setRange (range) end
----* Creates a point light.<br>
----* param position The light's position<br>
----* param color The light's color.<br>
----* param range The light's range.<br>
----* return The new point light.
----@param position vec3_table
----@param color color3b_table
----@param range float
----@return point_table
-function PointLight:create (position,color,range) end
----@return int
-function PointLight:getLightType () end
----@return point_table
-function PointLight:PointLight () end \ No newline at end of file
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index 9a4cb3b2..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PolygonInfo.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.PolygonInfo
-local PolygonInfo={ }
----@return string
-function PolygonInfo:getFilename () end
----* get sum of all triangle area size<br>
----* return sum of all triangle area size
----@return float
-function PolygonInfo:getArea () end
----@return rect_table
-function PolygonInfo:getRect () end
----@param filename string
----@return self
-function PolygonInfo:setFilename (filename) end
----* set the data to be a pointer to a number of Quads<br>
----* the member verts will not be released when this PolygonInfo destructs<br>
----* as the verts memory are managed by other objects<br>
----* param quad a pointer to the V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad quads
----@param quads cc.V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad
----@param numberOfQuads int
----@return self
-function PolygonInfo:setQuads (quads,numberOfQuads) end
----* get vertex count<br>
----* return number of vertices
----@return unsigned_int
-function PolygonInfo:getVertCount () end
----* get triangles count<br>
----* return number of triangles
----@return unsigned_int
-function PolygonInfo:getTrianglesCount () end
----* set the data to be a pointer to a quad<br>
----* the member verts will not be released when this PolygonInfo destructs<br>
----* as the verts memory are managed by other objects<br>
----* param quad a pointer to the V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad object
----@param quad cc.V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad
----@return self
-function PolygonInfo:setQuad (quad) end
----* set the data to be a pointer to a triangles<br>
----* the member verts will not be released when this PolygonInfo destructs<br>
----* as the verts memory are managed by other objects<br>
----* param triangles a pointer to the TrianglesCommand::Triangles object
----@param triangles cc.TrianglesCommand.Triangles
----@return self
-function PolygonInfo:setTriangles (triangles) end
----@param rect rect_table
----@return self
-function PolygonInfo:setRect (rect) end
----* / @name Creators/ @{<br>
----* Creates an empty Polygon info<br>
----* memberof PolygonInfo<br>
----* return PolygonInfo object
----@return self
-function PolygonInfo:PolygonInfo () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ProgressFromTo.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ProgressFromTo.lua
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index c3235dca..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ProgressFromTo.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.ProgressFromTo :cc.ActionInterval
-local ProgressFromTo={ }
----* brief Initializes the action with a duration, a "from" percentage and a "to" percentage.<br>
----* param duration Specify the duration of the ProgressFromTo action. It's a value in seconds.<br>
----* param fromPercentage Specify the source percentage.<br>
----* param toPercentage Specify the destination percentage.<br>
----* return If the creation success, return true; otherwise, return false.
----@param duration float
----@param fromPercentage float
----@param toPercentage float
----@return boolean
-function ProgressFromTo:initWithDuration (duration,fromPercentage,toPercentage) end
----* brief Create and initializes the action with a duration, a "from" percentage and a "to" percentage.<br>
----* param duration Specify the duration of the ProgressFromTo action. It's a value in seconds.<br>
----* param fromPercentage Specify the source percentage.<br>
----* param toPercentage Specify the destination percentage.<br>
----* return If the creation success, return a pointer of ProgressFromTo action; otherwise, return nil.
----@param duration float
----@param fromPercentage float
----@param toPercentage float
----@return self
-function ProgressFromTo:create (duration,fromPercentage,toPercentage) end
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function ProgressFromTo:startWithTarget (target) end
----@return self
-function ProgressFromTo:clone () end
----@return self
-function ProgressFromTo:reverse () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function ProgressFromTo:update (time) end
----@return self
-function ProgressFromTo:ProgressFromTo () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ProgressTimer.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ProgressTimer.lua
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index a797081c..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ProgressTimer.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.ProgressTimer :cc.Node
-local ProgressTimer={ }
----* Initializes a progress timer with the sprite as the shape the timer goes through
----@param sp cc.Sprite
----@return boolean
-function ProgressTimer:initWithSprite (sp) end
----* Return the Reverse direction.<br>
----* return If the direction is Anti-clockwise,it will return true.
----@return boolean
-function ProgressTimer:isReverseDirection () end
----* This allows the bar type to move the component at a specific rate.<br>
----* Set the component to 0 to make sure it stays at 100%.<br>
----* For example you want a left to right bar but not have the height stay 100%.<br>
----* Set the rate to be Vec2(0,1); and set the midpoint to = Vec2(0,.5f).<br>
----* param barChangeRate A Vec2.
----@param barChangeRate vec2_table
----@return self
-function ProgressTimer:setBarChangeRate (barChangeRate) end
----* Percentages are from 0 to 100.<br>
----* return Percentages.
----@return float
-function ProgressTimer:getPercentage () end
----* Set the sprite as the shape. <br>
----* param sprite The sprite as the shape.
----@param sprite cc.Sprite
----@return self
-function ProgressTimer:setSprite (sprite) end
----* Change the percentage to change progress. <br>
----* return A Type
----@return int
-function ProgressTimer:getType () end
----* The image to show the progress percentage, retain. <br>
----* return A sprite.
----@return cc.Sprite
-function ProgressTimer:getSprite () end
----* Midpoint is used to modify the progress start position.<br>
----* If you're using radials type then the midpoint changes the center point.<br>
----* If you're using bar type then the midpoint changes the bar growth.<br>
----* it expands from the center but clamps to the sprites edge so:<br>
----* you want a left to right then set the midpoint all the way to Vec2(0,y).<br>
----* you want a right to left then set the midpoint all the way to Vec2(1,y).<br>
----* you want a bottom to top then set the midpoint all the way to Vec2(x,0).<br>
----* you want a top to bottom then set the midpoint all the way to Vec2(x,1).<br>
----* param point A Vec2 point.
----@param point vec2_table
----@return self
-function ProgressTimer:setMidpoint (point) end
----* Returns the BarChangeRate.<br>
----* return A barChangeRate.
----@return vec2_table
-function ProgressTimer:getBarChangeRate () end
----* Set the Reverse direction.<br>
----* param value If value is false it will clockwise,if is true it will Anti-clockwise.
----@param value boolean
----@return self
-function ProgressTimer:setReverseDirection (value) end
----* Returns the Midpoint. <br>
----* return A Vec2.
----@return vec2_table
-function ProgressTimer:getMidpoint () end
----* Set the initial percentage values. <br>
----* param percentage The initial percentage values.
----@param percentage float
----@return self
-function ProgressTimer:setPercentage (percentage) end
----* Set the ProgressTimer type. <br>
----* param type Is an Type.
----@param type int
----@return self
-function ProgressTimer:setType (type) end
----* Creates a progress timer with the sprite as the shape the timer goes through.<br>
----* param sp The sprite as the shape the timer goes through.<br>
----* return A ProgressTimer.
----@param sp cc.Sprite
----@return self
-function ProgressTimer:create (sp) end
----@param anchorPoint vec2_table
----@return self
-function ProgressTimer:setAnchorPoint (anchorPoint) end
----@param renderer cc.Renderer
----@param transform mat4_table
----@param flags unsigned_int
----@return self
-function ProgressTimer:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end
----@param color color3b_table
----@return self
-function ProgressTimer:setColor (color) end
----@return color3b_table
-function ProgressTimer:getColor () end
----@param opacity unsigned_char
----@return self
-function ProgressTimer:setOpacity (opacity) end
----@return unsigned_char
-function ProgressTimer:getOpacity () end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function ProgressTimer:ProgressTimer () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ProgressTo.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ProgressTo.lua
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index 9494199a..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ProgressTo.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.ProgressTo :cc.ActionInterval
-local ProgressTo={ }
----* brief Initializes with a duration and destination percentage. <br>
----* param duration Specify the duration of the ProgressTo action. It's a value in seconds.<br>
----* param percent Specify the destination percentage.<br>
----* return If the creation success, return true; otherwise, return false.
----@param duration float
----@param percent float
----@return boolean
-function ProgressTo:initWithDuration (duration,percent) end
----* brief Create and initializes with a duration and a destination percentage.<br>
----* param duration Specify the duration of the ProgressTo action. It's a value in seconds.<br>
----* param percent Specify the destination percentage.<br>
----* return If the creation success, return a pointer of ProgressTo action; otherwise, return nil.
----@param duration float
----@param percent float
----@return self
-function ProgressTo:create (duration,percent) end
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function ProgressTo:startWithTarget (target) end
----@return self
-function ProgressTo:clone () end
----@return self
-function ProgressTo:reverse () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function ProgressTo:update (time) end
----@return self
-function ProgressTo:ProgressTo () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Properties.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Properties.lua
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index 60882306..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Properties.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Properties
-local Properties={ }
----* Returns the value of a variable that is set in this Properties object.<br>
----* Variables take on the format ${name} and are inherited from parent Property objects.<br>
----* param name Name of the variable to get.<br>
----* param defaultValue Value to return if the variable is not found.<br>
----* return The value of the specified variable, or defaultValue if not found.
----@param name char
----@param defaultValue char
----@return char
-function Properties:getVariable (name,defaultValue) end
----* Get the value of the given property as a string. This can always be retrieved,<br>
----* whatever the intended type of the property.<br>
----* param name The name of the property to interpret, or NULL to return the current property's value.<br>
----* param defaultValue The default value to return if the specified property does not exist.<br>
----* return The value of the given property as a string, or the empty string if no property with that name exists.
----@return char
-function Properties:getString () end
----* Interpret the value of the given property as a long integer.<br>
----* If the property does not exist, zero will be returned.<br>
----* If the property exists but could not be scanned, an error will be logged and zero will be returned.<br>
----* param name The name of the property to interpret, or NULL to return the current property's value.<br>
----* return The value of the given property interpreted as a long.<br>
----* Zero if the property does not exist or could not be scanned.
----@return long
-function Properties:getLong () end
----@overload fun():self
----@overload fun(char:char,boolean:boolean,boolean:boolean):self
----@param id char
----@param searchNames boolean
----@param recurse boolean
----@return self
-function Properties:getNamespace (id,searchNames,recurse) end
----* Gets the file path for the given property if the file exists.<br>
----* This method will first search for the file relative to the working directory.<br>
----* If the file is not found then it will search relative to the directory the bundle file is in.<br>
----* param name The name of the property.<br>
----* param path The string to copy the path to if the file exists.<br>
----* return True if the property exists and the file exists, false otherwise.<br>
----* script{ignore}
----@param name char
----@param path string
----@return boolean
-function Properties:getPath (name,path) end
----* Interpret the value of the given property as a Matrix.<br>
----* If the property does not exist, out will be set to the identity matrix.<br>
----* If the property exists but could not be scanned, an error will be logged and out will be set<br>
----* to the identity matrix.<br>
----* param name The name of the property to interpret, or NULL to return the current property's value.<br>
----* param out The matrix to set to this property's interpreted value.<br>
----* return True on success, false if the property does not exist or could not be scanned.
----@param name char
----@param out mat4_table
----@return boolean
-function Properties:getMat4 (name,out) end
----* Check if a property with the given name is specified in this Properties object.<br>
----* param name The name of the property to query.<br>
----* return True if the property exists, false otherwise.
----@param name char
----@return boolean
-function Properties:exists (name) end
----* Sets the value of the property with the specified name.<br>
----* If there is no property in this namespace with the current name,<br>
----* one is added. Otherwise, the value of the first property with the<br>
----* specified name is updated.<br>
----* If name is NULL, the value current property (see getNextProperty) is<br>
----* set, unless there is no current property, in which case false<br>
----* is returned.<br>
----* param name The name of the property to set.<br>
----* param value The property value.<br>
----* return True if the property was set, false otherwise.
----@param name char
----@param value char
----@return boolean
-function Properties:setString (name,value) end
----* Get the ID of this Property's namespace. The ID should be a unique identifier,<br>
----* but its uniqueness is not enforced.<br>
----* return The ID of this Property's namespace.
----@return char
-function Properties:getId () end
----* Rewind the getNextProperty() and getNextNamespace() iterators<br>
----* to the beginning of the file.
----@return self
-function Properties:rewind () end
----* Sets the value of the specified variable.<br>
----* param name Name of the variable to set.<br>
----* param value The value to set.
----@param name char
----@param value char
----@return self
-function Properties:setVariable (name,value) end
----* Interpret the value of the given property as a boolean.<br>
----* param name The name of the property to interpret, or NULL to return the current property's value.<br>
----* param defaultValue the default value to return if the specified property does not exist within the properties file.<br>
----* return true if the property exists and its value is "true", otherwise false.
----@return boolean
-function Properties:getBool () end
----@overload fun(char:char,vec3_table1:vec4_table):self
----@overload fun(char:char,vec3_table:vec3_table):self
----@param name char
----@param out vec3_table
----@return boolean
-function Properties:getColor (name,out) end
----* Returns the type of a property.<br>
----* param name The name of the property to interpret, or NULL to return the current property's type.<br>
----* return The type of the property.
----@return int
-function Properties:getType () end
----* Get the next namespace.
----@return self
-function Properties:getNextNamespace () end
----* Interpret the value of the given property as an integer.<br>
----* If the property does not exist, zero will be returned.<br>
----* If the property exists but could not be scanned, an error will be logged and zero will be returned.<br>
----* param name The name of the property to interpret, or NULL to return the current property's value.<br>
----* return The value of the given property interpreted as an integer.<br>
----* Zero if the property does not exist or could not be scanned.
----@return int
-function Properties:getInt () end
----* Interpret the value of the given property as a Vector3.<br>
----* If the property does not exist, out will be set to Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f).<br>
----* If the property exists but could not be scanned, an error will be logged and out will be set<br>
----* to Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f).<br>
----* param name The name of the property to interpret, or NULL to return the current property's value.<br>
----* param out The vector to set to this property's interpreted value.<br>
----* return True on success, false if the property does not exist or could not be scanned.
----@param name char
----@param out vec3_table
----@return boolean
-function Properties:getVec3 (name,out) end
----* Interpret the value of the given property as a Vector2.<br>
----* If the property does not exist, out will be set to Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f).<br>
----* If the property exists but could not be scanned, an error will be logged and out will be set<br>
----* to Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f).<br>
----* param name The name of the property to interpret, or NULL to return the current property's value.<br>
----* param out The vector to set to this property's interpreted value.<br>
----* return True on success, false if the property does not exist or could not be scanned.
----@param name char
----@param out vec2_table
----@return boolean
-function Properties:getVec2 (name,out) end
----* Interpret the value of the given property as a Vector4.<br>
----* If the property does not exist, out will be set to Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f).<br>
----* If the property exists but could not be scanned, an error will be logged and out will be set<br>
----* to Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f).<br>
----* param name The name of the property to interpret, or NULL to return the current property's value.<br>
----* param out The vector to set to this property's interpreted value.<br>
----* return True on success, false if the property does not exist or could not be scanned.
----@param name char
----@param out vec4_table
----@return boolean
-function Properties:getVec4 (name,out) end
----* Get the name of the next property.<br>
----* If a valid next property is returned, the value of the property can be<br>
----* retrieved using any of the get methods in this class, passing NULL for the property name.<br>
----* return The name of the next property, or NULL if there are no properties remaining.
----@return char
-function Properties:getNextProperty () end
----* Interpret the value of the given property as a floating-point number.<br>
----* If the property does not exist, zero will be returned.<br>
----* If the property exists but could not be scanned, an error will be logged and zero will be returned.<br>
----* param name The name of the property to interpret, or NULL to return the current property's value.<br>
----* return The value of the given property interpreted as a float.<br>
----* Zero if the property does not exist or could not be scanned.
----@return float
-function Properties:getFloat () end
----* Interpret the value of the given property as a Quaternion specified as an axis angle.<br>
----* If the property does not exist, out will be set to Quaternion().<br>
----* If the property exists but could not be scanned, an error will be logged and out will be set<br>
----* to Quaternion().<br>
----* param name The name of the property to interpret, or NULL to return the current property's value.<br>
----* param out The quaternion to set to this property's interpreted value.<br>
----* return True on success, false if the property does not exist or could not be scanned.
----@param name char
----@param out cc.Quaternion
----@return boolean
-function Properties:getQuaternionFromAxisAngle (name,out) end
----@overload fun(char:char,vec3_table1:vec4_table):self
----@overload fun(char:char,vec3_table:vec3_table):self
----@param str char
----@param out vec3_table
----@return boolean
-function Properties:parseColor (str,out) end
----* Attempts to parse the specified string as a Vector3 value.<br>
----* On error, false is returned and the output is set to all zero values.<br>
----* param str The string to parse.<br>
----* param out The value to populate if successful.<br>
----* return True if a valid Vector3 was parsed, false otherwise.
----@param str char
----@param out vec3_table
----@return boolean
-function Properties:parseVec3 (str,out) end
----* Attempts to parse the specified string as an axis-angle value.<br>
----* The specified string is expected to contain four comma-separated<br>
----* values, where the first three values represents the axis and the<br>
----* fourth value represents the angle, in degrees.<br>
----* On error, false is returned and the output is set to all zero values.<br>
----* param str The string to parse.<br>
----* param out A Quaternion populated with the orientation of the axis-angle, if successful.<br>
----* return True if a valid axis-angle was parsed, false otherwise.
----@param str char
----@param out cc.Quaternion
----@return boolean
-function Properties:parseAxisAngle (str,out) end
----* Attempts to parse the specified string as a Vector2 value.<br>
----* On error, false is returned and the output is set to all zero values.<br>
----* param str The string to parse.<br>
----* param out The value to populate if successful.<br>
----* return True if a valid Vector2 was parsed, false otherwise.
----@param str char
----@param out vec2_table
----@return boolean
-function Properties:parseVec2 (str,out) end
----* Attempts to parse the specified string as a Vector4 value.<br>
----* On error, false is returned and the output is set to all zero values.<br>
----* param str The string to parse.<br>
----* param out The value to populate if successful.<br>
----* return True if a valid Vector4 was parsed, false otherwise.
----@param str char
----@param out vec4_table
----@return boolean
-function Properties:parseVec4 (str,out) end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ProtectedNode.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ProtectedNode.lua
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index c77f3f74..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ProtectedNode.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.ProtectedNode :cc.Node
-local ProtectedNode={ }
----@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int):self
----@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node):self
----@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int,int:int):self
----@param child cc.Node
----@param localZOrder int
----@param tag int
----@return self
-function ProtectedNode:addProtectedChild (child,localZOrder,tag) end
----@return self
-function ProtectedNode:disableCascadeColor () end
----* Removes a child from the container by tag value. It will also cleanup all running actions depending on the cleanup parameter.<br>
----* param tag An integer number that identifies a child node.<br>
----* param cleanup true if all running actions and callbacks on the child node will be cleanup, false otherwise.
----@param tag int
----@param cleanup boolean
----@return self
-function ProtectedNode:removeProtectedChildByTag (tag,cleanup) end
----* Reorders a child according to a new z value.<br>
----* param child An already added child node. It MUST be already added.<br>
----* param localZOrder Z order for drawing priority. Please refer to setLocalZOrder(int)
----@param child cc.Node
----@param localZOrder int
----@return self
-function ProtectedNode:reorderProtectedChild (child,localZOrder) end
----* Removes all children from the container, and do a cleanup to all running actions depending on the cleanup parameter.<br>
----* param cleanup true if all running actions on all children nodes should be cleanup, false otherwise.<br>
----* js removeAllChildren<br>
----* lua removeAllChildren
----@param cleanup boolean
----@return self
-function ProtectedNode:removeAllProtectedChildrenWithCleanup (cleanup) end
----@return self
-function ProtectedNode:disableCascadeOpacity () end
----* Sorts the children array once before drawing, instead of every time when a child is added or reordered.<br>
----* This approach can improves the performance massively.<br>
----* note Don't call this manually unless a child added needs to be removed in the same frame
----@return self
-function ProtectedNode:sortAllProtectedChildren () end
----* Gets a child from the container with its tag.<br>
----* param tag An identifier to find the child node.<br>
----* return a Node object whose tag equals to the input parameter.
----@param tag int
----@return cc.Node
-function ProtectedNode:getProtectedChildByTag (tag) end
----* Removes a child from the container. It will also cleanup all running actions depending on the cleanup parameter.<br>
----* param child The child node which will be removed.<br>
----* param cleanup true if all running actions and callbacks on the child node will be cleanup, false otherwise.
----@param child cc.Node
----@param cleanup boolean
----@return self
-function ProtectedNode:removeProtectedChild (child,cleanup) end
----* Removes all children from the container with a cleanup.<br>
----* see `removeAllChildrenWithCleanup(bool)`.
----@return self
-function ProtectedNode:removeAllProtectedChildren () end
----* Creates a ProtectedNode with no argument.<br>
----* return A instance of ProtectedNode.
----@return self
-function ProtectedNode:create () end
----@param mask unsigned short
----@param applyChildren boolean
----@return self
-function ProtectedNode:setCameraMask (mask,applyChildren) end
----@param globalZOrder float
----@return self
-function ProtectedNode:setGlobalZOrder (globalZOrder) end
----* js NA
----@param renderer cc.Renderer
----@param parentTransform mat4_table
----@param parentFlags unsigned_int
----@return self
-function ProtectedNode:visit (renderer,parentTransform,parentFlags) end
----@param parentOpacity unsigned_char
----@return self
-function ProtectedNode:updateDisplayedOpacity (parentOpacity) end
----@param parentColor color3b_table
----@return self
-function ProtectedNode:updateDisplayedColor (parentColor) end
----@return self
-function ProtectedNode:cleanup () end
----@return self
-function ProtectedNode:ProtectedNode () end \ No newline at end of file
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--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Ref.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Ref
-local Ref={ }
----* Releases the ownership immediately.<br>
----* This decrements the Ref's reference count.<br>
----* If the reference count reaches 0 after the decrement, this Ref is<br>
----* destructed.<br>
----* see retain, autorelease<br>
----* js NA
----@return self
-function Ref:release () end
----* Retains the ownership.<br>
----* This increases the Ref's reference count.<br>
----* see release, autorelease<br>
----* js NA
----@return self
-function Ref:retain () end
----* Returns the Ref's current reference count.<br>
----* returns The Ref's reference count.<br>
----* js NA
----@return unsigned_int
-function Ref:getReferenceCount () end \ No newline at end of file
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index c794a5e7..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/RemoveSelf.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.RemoveSelf :cc.ActionInstant
-local RemoveSelf={ }
----* init the action
----@param isNeedCleanUp boolean
----@return boolean
-function RemoveSelf:init (isNeedCleanUp) end
----* Create the action.<br>
----* param isNeedCleanUp Is need to clean up, the default value is true.<br>
----* return An autoreleased RemoveSelf object.
----@return self
-function RemoveSelf:create () end
----@return self
-function RemoveSelf:clone () end
----* param time In seconds.
----@param time float
----@return self
-function RemoveSelf:update (time) end
----@return self
-function RemoveSelf:reverse () end
----@return self
-function RemoveSelf:RemoveSelf () end \ No newline at end of file
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index 40c0dcec..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/RenderState.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.RenderState :cc.Ref
-local RenderState={ }
----@return string
-function RenderState:getName () end
----* Binds the render state for this RenderState and any of its parents, top-down,<br>
----* for the given pass.
----@param pass cc.Pass
----@param d cc.MeshComman
----@return self
-function RenderState:bindPass (pass,d) end \ No newline at end of file
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index 9b9a889b..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/RenderTexture.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.RenderTexture :cc.Node
-local RenderTexture={ }
----* Used for grab part of screen to a texture. <br>
----* param rtBegin The position of renderTexture on the fullRect.<br>
----* param fullRect The total size of screen.<br>
----* param fullViewport The total viewportSize.
----@param rtBegin vec2_table
----@param fullRect rect_table
----@param fullViewport rect_table
----@return self
-function RenderTexture:setVirtualViewport (rtBegin,fullRect,fullViewport) end
----* Clears the texture with a specified stencil value.<br>
----* param stencilValue A specified stencil value.
----@param stencilValue int
----@return self
-function RenderTexture:clearStencil (stencilValue) end
----* Value for clearDepth. Valid only when "autoDraw" is true. <br>
----* return Value for clearDepth.
----@return float
-function RenderTexture:getClearDepth () end
----* Value for clear Stencil. Valid only when "autoDraw" is true.<br>
----* return Value for clear Stencil.
----@return int
-function RenderTexture:getClearStencil () end
----* Set Value for clear Stencil.<br>
----* param clearStencil Value for clear Stencil.
----@param clearStencil int
----@return self
-function RenderTexture:setClearStencil (clearStencil) end
----* Sets the Sprite being used. <br>
----* param sprite A Sprite.
----@param sprite cc.Sprite
----@return self
-function RenderTexture:setSprite (sprite) end
----* Gets the Sprite being used. <br>
----* return A Sprite.
----@return cc.Sprite
-function RenderTexture:getSprite () end
----* When enabled, it will render its children into the texture automatically. Disabled by default for compatibility reasons.<br>
----* Will be enabled in the future.<br>
----* return Return the autoDraw value.
----@return boolean
-function RenderTexture:isAutoDraw () end
----@overload fun(string:string,int:int,boolean:boolean,function:function):self
----@overload fun(string:string,int1:boolean,boolean2:function):self
----@param fileName string
----@param format int
----@param isRGBA boolean
----@param callback function
----@return boolean
-function RenderTexture:saveToFileAsNonPMA (fileName,format,isRGBA,callback) end
----* Flag: Use stack matrix computed from scene hierarchy or generate new modelView and projection matrix.<br>
----* param keepMatrix Whether or not use stack matrix computed from scene hierarchy or generate new modelView and projection matrix.<br>
----* js NA
----@param keepMatrix boolean
----@return self
-function RenderTexture:setKeepMatrix (keepMatrix) end
----* Set flags.<br>
----* param clearFlags set clear flags.
----@param clearFlags int
----@return self
-function RenderTexture:setClearFlags (clearFlags) end
----* Starts grabbing.
----@return self
-function RenderTexture:begin () end
----@overload fun(string:string,int:int,boolean:boolean,function:function):self
----@overload fun(string:string,int1:boolean,boolean2:function):self
----@param filename string
----@param format int
----@param isRGBA boolean
----@param callback function
----@return boolean
-function RenderTexture:saveToFile (filename,format,isRGBA,callback) end
----* Set a valve to control whether or not render its children into the texture automatically. <br>
----* param isAutoDraw Whether or not render its children into the texture automatically.
----@param isAutoDraw boolean
----@return self
-function RenderTexture:setAutoDraw (isAutoDraw) end
----* Set color value. <br>
----* param clearColor Color value.
----@param clearColor color4f_table
----@return self
-function RenderTexture:setClearColor (clearColor) end
----* Ends grabbing.<br>
----* lua endToLua
----@return self
-function RenderTexture:endToLua () end
----@overload fun(float:float,float:float,float:float,float:float,float:float):self
----@overload fun(float:float,float:float,float:float,float:float):self
----@overload fun(float:float,float:float,float:float,float:float,float:float,int:int):self
----@param r float
----@param g float
----@param b float
----@param a float
----@param depthValue float
----@param stencilValue int
----@return self
-function RenderTexture:beginWithClear (r,g,b,a,depthValue,stencilValue) end
----* Clears the texture with a specified depth value. <br>
----* param depthValue A specified depth value.
----@param depthValue float
----@return self
-function RenderTexture:clearDepth (depthValue) end
----* Clear color value. Valid only when "autoDraw" is true. <br>
----* return Color value.
----@return color4f_table
-function RenderTexture:getClearColor () end
----* Clears the texture with a color. <br>
----* param r Red.<br>
----* param g Green.<br>
----* param b Blue.<br>
----* param a Alpha.
----@param r float
----@param g float
----@param b float
----@param a float
----@return self
-function RenderTexture:clear (r,g,b,a) end
----* Valid when "autoDraw" is true.<br>
----* return Clear flags.
----@return int
-function RenderTexture:getClearFlags () end
----* Set Value for clearDepth.<br>
----* param clearDepth Value for clearDepth.
----@param clearDepth float
----@return self
-function RenderTexture:setClearDepth (clearDepth) end
----@overload fun(int:int,int:int,int:int,int:int):self
----@overload fun(int:int,int:int,int:int):self
----@param w int
----@param h int
----@param format int
----@param depthStencilFormat int
----@return boolean
-function RenderTexture:initWithWidthAndHeight (w,h,format,depthStencilFormat) end
----@overload fun(int:int,int:int,int:int):self
----@overload fun(int:int,int:int,int:int,int:int):self
----@overload fun(int:int,int:int):self
----@param w int
----@param h int
----@param format int
----@param depthStencilFormat int
----@return self
-function RenderTexture:create (w,h,format,depthStencilFormat) end
----@param renderer cc.Renderer
----@param transform mat4_table
----@param flags unsigned_int
----@return self
-function RenderTexture:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end
----@param renderer cc.Renderer
----@param parentTransform mat4_table
----@param parentFlags unsigned_int
----@return self
-function RenderTexture:visit (renderer,parentTransform,parentFlags) end
----* FIXME: should be protected.<br>
----* but due to a bug in PowerVR + Android,<br>
----* the constructor is public again.<br>
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function RenderTexture:RenderTexture () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Renderer.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Renderer.lua
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index 0e00c762..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Renderer.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Renderer
-local Renderer={ }
----* Get winding mode.<br>
----* return The winding mode.
----@return int
-function Renderer:getWinding () end
----@return int
-function Renderer:getDrawnVertices () end
----* Renders into the GLView all the queued `RenderCommand` objects
----@return self
-function Renderer:render () end
----* Creates a render queue and returns its Id
----@return int
-function Renderer:createRenderQueue () end
----* Get whether stencil test is enabled or not.<br>
----* return true if stencil test is enabled, false otherwise.
----@return boolean
-function Renderer:getStencilTest () end
----* Get the render target flag.<br>
----* return The render target flag.
----@return int
-function Renderer:getRenderTargetFlag () end
----* Get the clear flag.<br>
----* return The clear flag.
----@return int
-function Renderer:getClearFlag () end
----* Get stencil reference value set by `setStencilCompareFunction`. <br>
----* return Stencil reference value.<br>
----* see `setStencilCompareFunction(backend::CompareFunction func, unsigned int ref, unsigned int readMask)`
----@return unsigned_int
-function Renderer:getStencilReferenceValue () end
----* Get stencil attachment.<br>
----* return Stencil attachment.
----@return cc.Texture2D
-function Renderer:getStencilAttachment () end
----* Fixed-function state<br>
----* param x The x coordinate of the upper-left corner of the viewport.<br>
----* param y The y coordinate of the upper-left corner of the viewport.<br>
----* param w The width of the viewport, in pixels.<br>
----* param h The height of the viewport, in pixels.
----@param x int
----@param y int
----@param w unsigned_int
----@param h unsigned_int
----@return self
-function Renderer:setViewPort (x,y,w,h) end
----* Get the stencil readMask.<br>
----* return Stencil read mask.<br>
----* see `setStencilCompareFunction(backend::CompareFunction func, unsigned int ref, unsigned int readMask)`
----@return unsigned_int
-function Renderer:getStencilReadMask () end
----* Get depth clear value.<br>
----* return Depth clear value.
----@return float
-function Renderer:getClearDepth () end
----* Set front and back function and reference value for stencil testing.<br>
----* param func Specifies the stencil test function.<br>
----* param ref Specifies the reference value for the stencil test. <br>
----* readMask Specifies a mask that is ANDed with both the reference value and the stored stencil value when the test is done.
----@param func int
----@param ref unsigned_int
----@param readMask unsigned_int
----@return self
-function Renderer:setStencilCompareFunction (func,ref,readMask) end
----* / Get viewport.
----@return cc.Viewport
-function Renderer:getViewport () end
----* Get the index when the stencil buffer is cleared. <br>
----* return The index used when the stencil buffer is cleared.
----@return unsigned_int
-function Renderer:getClearStencil () end
----* Enable/disable stencil test. <br>
----* param value true means enable stencil test, otherwise false.
----@param value boolean
----@return self
-function Renderer:setStencilTest (value) end
----* / Get the action to take when the stencil test fails.
----@return int
-function Renderer:getStencilFailureOperation () end
----* Get color attachment.<br>
----* return Color attachment.
----@return cc.Texture2D
-function Renderer:getColorAttachment () end
----@overload fun(cc.RenderCommand:cc.RenderCommand,int:int):self
----@overload fun(cc.RenderCommand:cc.RenderCommand):self
----@param command cc.RenderCommand
----@param renderQueueID int
----@return self
-function Renderer:addCommand (command,renderQueueID) end
----* Enable/disable depth test. <br>
----* param value true means enable depth test, otherwise false.
----@param value boolean
----@return self
-function Renderer:setDepthTest (value) end
----* Fixed-function state<br>
----* param x, y Specifies the lower left corner of the scissor box<br>
----* param wdith Specifies the width of the scissor box<br>
----* param height Specifies the height of the scissor box
----@param x float
----@param y float
----@param width float
----@param height float
----@return self
-function Renderer:setScissorRect (x,y,width,height) end
----* Get whether depth test state is enabled or disabled.<br>
----* return true if depth test is enabled, otherwise false.
----@return boolean
-function Renderer:getDepthTest () end
----@return self
-function Renderer:init () end
----* Enable/disable to update depth buffer. <br>
----* param value true means enable writing into the depth buffer, otherwise false.
----@param value boolean
----@return self
-function Renderer:setDepthWrite (value) end
----* / Get the stencil action when the stencil test passes, but the depth test fails.
----@return int
-function Renderer:getStencilPassDepthFailureOperation () end
----* Fixed-function state<br>
----* param mode Controls if primitives are culled when front facing, back facing, or not culled at all.
----@param mode int
----@return self
-function Renderer:setCullMode (mode) end
----* Pops a group from the render queue
----@return self
-function Renderer:popGroup () end
----* Pushes a group into the render queue
----@param renderQueueID int
----@return self
-function Renderer:pushGroup (renderQueueID) end
----@return cc.ScissorRect
-function Renderer:getScissorRect () end
----@return boolean
-function Renderer:getScissorTest () end
----* Get the stencil write mask.<br>
----* return Stencil write mask.<br>
----* see `setStencilWriteMask(unsigned int mask)`
----@return unsigned_int
-function Renderer:getStencilWriteMask () end
----@param number int
----@return self
-function Renderer:addDrawnBatches (number) end
----* returns whether or not a rectangle is visible or not
----@param transform mat4_table
----@param size size_table
----@return boolean
-function Renderer:checkVisibility (transform,size) end
----* Set front and back stencil test actions.<br>
----* param stencilFailureOp Specifies the action to take when the stencil test fails. <br>
----* param depthFailureOp Specifies the stencil action when the stencil test passes, but the depth test fails. <br>
----* param stencilDepthPassOp Specifies the stencil action when both the stencil test and the depth test pass, or when the stencil test passes and either there is no depth buffer or depth testing is not enabled.
----@param stencilFailureOp int
----@param depthFailureOp int
----@param stencilDepthPassOp int
----@return self
-function Renderer:setStencilOperation (stencilFailureOp,depthFailureOp,stencilDepthPassOp) end
----* Get whether writing to depth buffer is enabled or not.<br>
----* return true if enable writing into the depth buffer, false otherwise.
----@return boolean
-function Renderer:getDepthWrite () end
----* Get cull mode.<br>
----* return The cull mode.
----@return int
-function Renderer:getCullMode () end
----* / Get the stencil test function.
----@return int
-function Renderer:getStencilCompareFunction () end
----* Get color clear value.<br>
----* return Color clear value.
----@return color4f_table
-function Renderer:getClearColor () end
----* Set depth compare function.<br>
----* param func Specifies the value used for depth buffer comparisons.
----@param func int
----@return self
-function Renderer:setDepthCompareFunction (func) end
----* Control the front and back writing of individual bits in the stencil planes.<br>
----* param mask Specifies a bit mask to enable and disable writing of individual bits in the stencil planes.
----@param mask unsigned_int
----@return self
-function Renderer:setStencilWriteMask (mask) end
----* / Get the stencil action when both the stencil test and the depth test pass, or when the stencil test passes and either there is no depth buffer or depth testing is not enabled.
----@return int
-function Renderer:getStencilDepthPassOperation () end
----* Enable/disable scissor test. <br>
----* param enabled true if enable scissor test, false otherwise.
----@param enabled boolean
----@return self
-function Renderer:setScissorTest (enabled) end
----* Fixed-function state<br>
----* param winding The winding order of front-facing primitives.
----@param winding int
----@return self
-function Renderer:setWinding (winding) end
----* Set clear values for each attachment.<br>
----* flags Flags to indicate which attachment clear value to be modified.<br>
----* color The clear color value.<br>
----* depth The clear depth value.<br>
----* stencil The clear stencil value.
----@param flags int
----@param color color4f_table
----@param depth float
----@param stencil unsigned_int
----@param globalOrder float
----@return self
-function Renderer:clear (flags,color,depth,stencil,globalOrder) end
----* Set render targets. If not set, will use default render targets. It will effect all commands.<br>
----* flags Flags to indicate which attachment to be replaced.<br>
----* colorAttachment The value to replace color attachment, only one color attachment supported now.<br>
----* depthAttachment The value to repalce depth attachment.<br>
----* stencilAttachment The value to replace stencil attachment. Depth attachment and stencil attachment<br>
----* can be the same value.
----@param flags int
----@param colorAttachment cc.Texture2D
----@param depthAttachment cc.Texture2D
----@param stencilAttachment cc.Texture2D
----@return self
-function Renderer:setRenderTarget (flags,colorAttachment,depthAttachment,stencilAttachment) end
----* Get depth attachment.<br>
----* return Depth attachment.
----@return cc.Texture2D
-function Renderer:getDepthAttachment () end
----@param number int
----@return self
-function Renderer:addDrawnVertices (number) end
----* Cleans all `RenderCommand`s in the queue
----@return self
-function Renderer:clean () end
----@return int
-function Renderer:getDrawnBatches () end
----@return self
-function Renderer:clearDrawStats () end
----* Get depth compare function.<br>
----* return Depth compare function.
----@return int
-function Renderer:getDepthCompareFunction () end
----* Constructor.
----@return self
-function Renderer:Renderer () end \ No newline at end of file
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--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Repeat.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Repeat :cc.ActionInterval
-local Repeat={ }
----* Sets the inner action.<br>
----* param action The inner action.
----@param action cc.FiniteTimeAction
----@return self
-function Repeat:setInnerAction (action) end
----* initializes a Repeat action. Times is an unsigned integer between 1 and pow(2,30)
----@param pAction cc.FiniteTimeAction
----@param times unsigned_int
----@return boolean
-function Repeat:initWithAction (pAction,times) end
----* Gets the inner action.<br>
----* return The inner action.
----@return cc.FiniteTimeAction
-function Repeat:getInnerAction () end
----* Creates a Repeat action. Times is an unsigned integer between 1 and pow(2,30).<br>
----* param action The action needs to repeat.<br>
----* param times The repeat times.<br>
----* return An autoreleased Repeat object.
----@param action cc.FiniteTimeAction
----@param times unsigned_int
----@return self
-function Repeat:create (action,times) end
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function Repeat:startWithTarget (target) end
----@return self
-function Repeat:reverse () end
----@return self
-function Repeat:clone () end
----@return self
-function Repeat:stop () end
----* param dt In seconds.
----@param dt float
----@return self
-function Repeat:update (dt) end
----@return boolean
-function Repeat:isDone () end
----@return self
-function Repeat:Repeat () end \ No newline at end of file
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--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/RepeatForever.lua
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@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.RepeatForever :cc.ActionInterval
-local RepeatForever={ }
----* Sets the inner action.<br>
----* param action The inner action.
----@param action cc.ActionInterval
----@return self
-function RepeatForever:setInnerAction (action) end
----* initializes the action
----@param action cc.ActionInterval
----@return boolean
-function RepeatForever:initWithAction (action) end
----* Gets the inner action.<br>
----* return The inner action.
----@return cc.ActionInterval
-function RepeatForever:getInnerAction () end
----* Creates the action.<br>
----* param action The action need to repeat forever.<br>
----* return An autoreleased RepeatForever object.
----@param action cc.ActionInterval
----@return self
-function RepeatForever:create (action) end
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function RepeatForever:startWithTarget (target) end
----@return self
-function RepeatForever:clone () end
----@return boolean
-function RepeatForever:isDone () end
----@return self
-function RepeatForever:reverse () end
----* param dt In seconds.
----@param dt float
----@return self
-function RepeatForever:step (dt) end
----@return self
-function RepeatForever:RepeatForever () end \ No newline at end of file
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index 8b727e8f..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ReuseGrid.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.ReuseGrid :cc.ActionInstant
-local ReuseGrid={ }
----* brief Initializes an action with the number of times that the current grid will be reused.<br>
----* param times Specify times the grid will be reused.<br>
----* return If the initialization success, return true; otherwise, return false.
----@param times int
----@return boolean
-function ReuseGrid:initWithTimes (times) end
----* brief Create an action with the number of times that the current grid will be reused.<br>
----* param times Specify times the grid will be reused.<br>
----* return Return a pointer of ReuseGrid. When the creation failed, return nil.
----@param times int
----@return self
-function ReuseGrid:create (times) end
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function ReuseGrid:startWithTarget (target) end
----@return self
-function ReuseGrid:clone () end
----@return self
-function ReuseGrid:reverse () end
----@return self
-function ReuseGrid:ReuseGrid () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Ripple3D.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Ripple3D.lua
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index a49579c3..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Ripple3D.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Ripple3D :cc.Grid3DAction
-local Ripple3D={ }
----* brief Set the amplitude rate of ripple effect.<br>
----* param fAmplitudeRate The amplitude rate of ripple effect.
----@param fAmplitudeRate float
----@return self
-function Ripple3D:setAmplitudeRate (fAmplitudeRate) end
----* brief Initializes the action with center position, radius, number of waves, amplitude, a grid size and duration.<br>
----* param duration Specify the duration of the Ripple3D action. It's a value in seconds.<br>
----* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.<br>
----* param position Specify the center position of the ripple effect.<br>
----* param radius Specify the radius of the ripple effect.<br>
----* param waves Specify the waves count of the ripple effect.<br>
----* param amplitude Specify the amplitude of the ripple effect.<br>
----* return If the initialization success, return true; otherwise, return false.
----@param duration float
----@param gridSize size_table
----@param position vec2_table
----@param radius float
----@param waves unsigned_int
----@param amplitude float
----@return boolean
-function Ripple3D:initWithDuration (duration,gridSize,position,radius,waves,amplitude) end
----* brief Get the amplitude rate of ripple effect.<br>
----* return The amplitude rate of ripple effect.
----@return float
-function Ripple3D:getAmplitudeRate () end
----* brief Set the amplitude of ripple effect.<br>
----* param fAmplitude The amplitude of ripple effect.
----@param fAmplitude float
----@return self
-function Ripple3D:setAmplitude (fAmplitude) end
----* brief Get the amplitude of ripple effect.<br>
----* return The amplitude of ripple effect.
----@return float
-function Ripple3D:getAmplitude () end
----* brief Set the center position of ripple effect.<br>
----* param position The center position of ripple effect will be set.
----@param position vec2_table
----@return self
-function Ripple3D:setPosition (position) end
----* brief Get the center position of ripple effect.<br>
----* return The center position of ripple effect.
----@return vec2_table
-function Ripple3D:getPosition () end
----* brief Create the action with center position, radius, number of waves, amplitude, a grid size and duration.<br>
----* param duration Specify the duration of the Ripple3D action. It's a value in seconds.<br>
----* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.<br>
----* param position Specify the center position of the ripple effect.<br>
----* param radius Specify the radius of the ripple effect.<br>
----* param waves Specify the waves count of the ripple effect.<br>
----* param amplitude Specify the amplitude of the ripple effect.<br>
----* return If the creation success, return a pointer of Ripple3D action; otherwise, return nil.
----@param duration float
----@param gridSize size_table
----@param position vec2_table
----@param radius float
----@param waves unsigned_int
----@param amplitude float
----@return self
-function Ripple3D:create (duration,gridSize,position,radius,waves,amplitude) end
----@return self
-function Ripple3D:clone () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function Ripple3D:update (time) end
----@return self
-function Ripple3D:Ripple3D () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/RotateBy.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/RotateBy.lua
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index 1e4a156e..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/RotateBy.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.RotateBy :cc.ActionInterval
-local RotateBy={ }
----@overload fun(float:float,float:float,float:float):self
----@overload fun(float:float,float:float):self
----@overload fun(float:float,float1:vec3_table):self
----@param duration float
----@param deltaAngleZ_X float
----@param deltaAngleZ_Y float
----@return boolean
-function RotateBy:initWithDuration (duration,deltaAngleZ_X,deltaAngleZ_Y) end
----@overload fun(float:float,float:float,float:float):self
----@overload fun(float:float,float:float):self
----@overload fun(float:float,float1:vec3_table):self
----@param duration float
----@param deltaAngleZ_X float
----@param deltaAngleZ_Y float
----@return self
-function RotateBy:create (duration,deltaAngleZ_X,deltaAngleZ_Y) end
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function RotateBy:startWithTarget (target) end
----@return self
-function RotateBy:clone () end
----@return self
-function RotateBy:reverse () end
----* param time In seconds.
----@param time float
----@return self
-function RotateBy:update (time) end
----@return self
-function RotateBy:RotateBy () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/RotateTo.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/RotateTo.lua
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index ba78b870..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/RotateTo.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.RotateTo :cc.ActionInterval
-local RotateTo={ }
----@overload fun(float:float,float1:vec3_table):self
----@overload fun(float:float,float:float,float:float):self
----@param duration float
----@param dstAngleX float
----@param dstAngleY float
----@return boolean
-function RotateTo:initWithDuration (duration,dstAngleX,dstAngleY) end
----@overload fun(float:float,float:float):self
----@overload fun(float:float,float:float,float:float):self
----@overload fun(float:float,float1:vec3_table):self
----@param duration float
----@param dstAngleX float
----@param dstAngleY float
----@return self
-function RotateTo:create (duration,dstAngleX,dstAngleY) end
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function RotateTo:startWithTarget (target) end
----@return self
-function RotateTo:clone () end
----@return self
-function RotateTo:reverse () end
----* param time In seconds.
----@param time float
----@return self
-function RotateTo:update (time) end
----@return self
-function RotateTo:RotateTo () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ScaleBy.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ScaleBy.lua
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index 1913930e..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ScaleBy.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.ScaleBy :cc.ScaleTo
-local ScaleBy={ }
----@overload fun(float:float,float:float,float:float):self
----@overload fun(float:float,float:float):self
----@overload fun(float:float,float:float,float:float,float:float):self
----@param duration float
----@param sx float
----@param sy float
----@param sz float
----@return self
-function ScaleBy:create (duration,sx,sy,sz) end
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function ScaleBy:startWithTarget (target) end
----@return self
-function ScaleBy:clone () end
----@return self
-function ScaleBy:reverse () end
----@return self
-function ScaleBy:ScaleBy () end \ No newline at end of file
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index 3fc15b4f..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ScaleTo.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.ScaleTo :cc.ActionInterval
-local ScaleTo={ }
----@overload fun(float:float,float:float,float:float):self
----@overload fun(float:float,float:float):self
----@overload fun(float:float,float:float,float:float,float:float):self
----@param duration float
----@param sx float
----@param sy float
----@param sz float
----@return boolean
-function ScaleTo:initWithDuration (duration,sx,sy,sz) end
----@overload fun(float:float,float:float,float:float):self
----@overload fun(float:float,float:float):self
----@overload fun(float:float,float:float,float:float,float:float):self
----@param duration float
----@param sx float
----@param sy float
----@param sz float
----@return self
-function ScaleTo:create (duration,sx,sy,sz) end
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function ScaleTo:startWithTarget (target) end
----@return self
-function ScaleTo:clone () end
----@return self
-function ScaleTo:reverse () end
----* param time In seconds.
----@param time float
----@return self
-function ScaleTo:update (time) end
----@return self
-function ScaleTo:ScaleTo () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Scene.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Scene.lua
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index 0a44a14e..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Scene.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Scene :cc.Node
-local Scene={ }
----@return boolean
-function Scene:initWithPhysics () end
----@return self
-function Scene:setCameraOrderDirty () end
----* Render the scene.<br>
----* param renderer The renderer use to render the scene.<br>
----* param eyeTransform The AdditionalTransform of camera.<br>
----* param eyeProjection The projection matrix of camera.<br>
----* js NA
----@param renderer cc.Renderer
----@param eyeTransform mat4_table
----@param eyeProjection mat4_table
----@return self
-function Scene:render (renderer,eyeTransform,eyeProjection) end
----@param deltaTime float
----@return self
-function Scene:stepPhysicsAndNavigation (deltaTime) end
----@param event cc.EventCustom
----@return self
-function Scene:onProjectionChanged (event) end
----* Get the physics world of the scene.<br>
----* return The physics world of the scene.<br>
----* js NA
----@return cc.PhysicsWorld
-function Scene:getPhysicsWorld () end
----@param size size_table
----@return boolean
-function Scene:initWithSize (size) end
----* Get the default camera.<br>
----* js NA<br>
----* return The default camera of scene.
----@return cc.Camera
-function Scene:getDefaultCamera () end
----* Creates a new Scene object with a predefined Size. <br>
----* param size The predefined size of scene.<br>
----* return An autoreleased Scene object.<br>
----* js NA
----@param size size_table
----@return self
-function Scene:createWithSize (size) end
----* Creates a new Scene object. <br>
----* return An autoreleased Scene object.
----@return self
-function Scene:create () end
----* Create a scene with physics.<br>
----* return An autoreleased Scene object with physics.<br>
----* js NA
----@return self
-function Scene:createWithPhysics () end
----@return boolean
-function Scene:init () end
----@return string
-function Scene:getDescription () end
----* override function
----@return self
-function Scene:removeAllChildren () end
----@return self
-function Scene:Scene () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Scheduler.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Scheduler.lua
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index 93810725..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Scheduler.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Scheduler :cc.Ref
-local Scheduler={ }
----* Modifies the time of all scheduled callbacks.<br>
----* You can use this property to create a 'slow motion' or 'fast forward' effect.<br>
----* Default is 1.0. To create a 'slow motion' effect, use values below 1.0.<br>
----* To create a 'fast forward' effect, use values higher than 1.0.<br>
----* since v0.8<br>
----* warning It will affect EVERY scheduled selector / action.
----@param timeScale float
----@return self
-function Scheduler:setTimeScale (timeScale) end
----* Remove all pending functions queued to be performed with Scheduler::performFunctionInCocosThread<br>
----* Functions unscheduled in this manner will not be executed<br>
----* This function is thread safe<br>
----* since v3.14<br>
----* js NA
----@return self
-function Scheduler:removeAllFunctionsToBePerformedInCocosThread () end
----* Gets the time scale of schedule callbacks.<br>
----* see Scheduler::setTimeScale()
----@return float
-function Scheduler:getTimeScale () end
----* Constructor<br>
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function Scheduler:Scheduler () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Sequence.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Sequence.lua
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index 9624f70e..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Sequence.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Sequence :cc.ActionInterval
-local Sequence={ }
----@param arrayOfActions array_table
----@return boolean
-function Sequence:init (arrayOfActions) end
----* initializes the action
----@param pActionOne cc.FiniteTimeAction
----@param pActionTwo cc.FiniteTimeAction
----@return boolean
-function Sequence:initWithTwoActions (pActionOne,pActionTwo) end
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function Sequence:startWithTarget (target) end
----@return self
-function Sequence:reverse () end
----@return self
-function Sequence:clone () end
----@return self
-function Sequence:stop () end
----* param t In seconds.
----@param t float
----@return self
-function Sequence:update (t) end
----@return boolean
-function Sequence:isDone () end
----@return self
-function Sequence:Sequence () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ShaderCache.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ShaderCache.lua
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index e27a855b..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ShaderCache.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.ShaderCache :cc.Ref
-local ShaderCache={ }
----* Remove all unused shaders.
----@return cc.backend.ShaderCache
-function ShaderCache:removeUnusedShader () end
----* purges the cache. It releases the retained instance.
----@return cc.backend.ShaderCache
-function ShaderCache:destroyInstance () end
----* Create a vertex shader module and add it to cache.<br>
----* If it is created before, then just return the cached shader module.<br>
----* param shaderSource The source code of the shader.
----@param shaderSource string
----@return cc.backend.ShaderModule
-function ShaderCache:newVertexShaderModule (shaderSource) end
----* Create a fragment shader module.<br>
----* If it is created before, then just return the cached shader module.<br>
----* param shaderSource The source code of the shader.
----@param shaderSource string
----@return cc.backend.ShaderModule
-function ShaderCache:newFragmentShaderModule (shaderSource) end
----* returns the shared instance
----@return cc.backend.ShaderCache
-function ShaderCache:getInstance () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Shaky3D.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Shaky3D.lua
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index 187c10cd..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Shaky3D.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Shaky3D :cc.Grid3DAction
-local Shaky3D={ }
----* brief Initializes the action with a range, shake Z vertices, grid size and duration.<br>
----* param duration Specify the duration of the Shaky3D action. It's a value in seconds.<br>
----* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.<br>
----* param range Specify the range of the shaky effect.<br>
----* param shakeZ Specify whether shake on the z axis.<br>
----* return If the Initialization success, return true; otherwise, return false.
----@param duration float
----@param gridSize size_table
----@param range int
----@param shakeZ boolean
----@return boolean
-function Shaky3D:initWithDuration (duration,gridSize,range,shakeZ) end
----* brief Create the action with a range, shake Z vertices, a grid and duration.<br>
----* param initWithDuration Specify the duration of the Shaky3D action. It's a value in seconds.<br>
----* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.<br>
----* param range Specify the range of the shaky effect.<br>
----* param shakeZ Specify whether shake on the z axis.<br>
----* return If the creation success, return a pointer of Shaky3D action; otherwise, return nil.
----@param initWithDuration float
----@param gridSize size_table
----@param range int
----@param shakeZ boolean
----@return self
-function Shaky3D:create (initWithDuration,gridSize,range,shakeZ) end
----@return self
-function Shaky3D:clone () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function Shaky3D:update (time) end
----@return self
-function Shaky3D:Shaky3D () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ShakyTiles3D.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ShakyTiles3D.lua
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index bdc5cc37..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ShakyTiles3D.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.ShakyTiles3D :cc.TiledGrid3DAction
-local ShakyTiles3D={ }
----* brief Initializes the action with a range, shake Z vertices, grid size and duration.<br>
----* param duration Specify the duration of the ShakyTiles3D action. It's a value in seconds.<br>
----* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.<br>
----* param range Specify the range of the shaky effect.<br>
----* param shakeZ Specify whether shake on the z axis.<br>
----* return If the Initialization success, return true; otherwise, return false.
----@param duration float
----@param gridSize size_table
----@param range int
----@param shakeZ boolean
----@return boolean
-function ShakyTiles3D:initWithDuration (duration,gridSize,range,shakeZ) end
----* brief Create the action with a range, shake Z vertices, a grid and duration.<br>
----* param duration Specify the duration of the ShakyTiles3D action. It's a value in seconds.<br>
----* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.<br>
----* param range Specify the range of the shaky effect.<br>
----* param shakeZ Specify whether shake on the z axis.<br>
----* return If the creation success, return a pointer of ShakyTiles3D action; otherwise, return nil.
----@param duration float
----@param gridSize size_table
----@param range int
----@param shakeZ boolean
----@return self
-function ShakyTiles3D:create (duration,gridSize,range,shakeZ) end
----@return self
-function ShakyTiles3D:clone () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function ShakyTiles3D:update (time) end
----@return self
-function ShakyTiles3D:ShakyTiles3D () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ShatteredTiles3D.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ShatteredTiles3D.lua
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index 1fa5198e..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ShatteredTiles3D.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.ShatteredTiles3D :cc.TiledGrid3DAction
-local ShatteredTiles3D={ }
----* brief Initializes the action with a range, shatter Z vertices, grid size and duration.<br>
----* param duration Specify the duration of the ShatteredTiles3D action. It's a value in seconds.<br>
----* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.<br>
----* param range Specify the range of the shatter effect.<br>
----* param shatterZ Specify whether shake on the z axis.<br>
----* return If the Initialization success, return true; otherwise, return false.
----@param duration float
----@param gridSize size_table
----@param range int
----@param shatterZ boolean
----@return boolean
-function ShatteredTiles3D:initWithDuration (duration,gridSize,range,shatterZ) end
----* brief Create the action with a range, whether of not to shatter Z vertices, grid size and duration.<br>
----* param duration Specify the duration of the ShatteredTiles3D action. It's a value in seconds.<br>
----* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.<br>
----* param range Specify the range of the shatter effect.<br>
----* param shatterZ Specify whether shatter on the z axis.<br>
----* return If the creation success, return a pointer of ShatteredTiles3D action; otherwise, return nil.
----@param duration float
----@param gridSize size_table
----@param range int
----@param shatterZ boolean
----@return self
-function ShatteredTiles3D:create (duration,gridSize,range,shatterZ) end
----@return self
-function ShatteredTiles3D:clone () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function ShatteredTiles3D:update (time) end
----@return self
-function ShatteredTiles3D:ShatteredTiles3D () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Show.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Show.lua
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index 6f35e4f2..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Show.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Show :cc.ActionInstant
-local Show={ }
----* Allocates and initializes the action.<br>
----* return An autoreleased Show object.
----@return self
-function Show:create () end
----@return self
-function Show:clone () end
----* param time In seconds.
----@param time float
----@return self
-function Show:update (time) end
----@return cc.ActionInstant
-function Show:reverse () end
----@return self
-function Show:Show () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ShuffleTiles.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ShuffleTiles.lua
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index 1fa121a3..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ShuffleTiles.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.ShuffleTiles :cc.TiledGrid3DAction
-local ShuffleTiles={ }
----* brief Initializes the action with grid size, random seed and duration.<br>
----* param duration Specify the duration of the ShuffleTiles action. It's a value in seconds.<br>
----* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.<br>
----* param seed Specify the random seed.<br>
----* return If the Initialization success, return true; otherwise, return false.
----@param duration float
----@param gridSize size_table
----@param seed unsigned_int
----@return boolean
-function ShuffleTiles:initWithDuration (duration,gridSize,seed) end
----@param pos size_table
----@return size_table
-function ShuffleTiles:getDelta (pos) end
----* brief Create the action with grid size, random seed and duration.<br>
----* param duration Specify the duration of the ShuffleTiles action. It's a value in seconds.<br>
----* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.<br>
----* param seed Specify the random seed.<br>
----* return If the creation success, return a pointer of ShuffleTiles action; otherwise, return nil.
----@param duration float
----@param gridSize size_table
----@param seed unsigned_int
----@return self
-function ShuffleTiles:create (duration,gridSize,seed) end
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function ShuffleTiles:startWithTarget (target) end
----@return self
-function ShuffleTiles:clone () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function ShuffleTiles:update (time) end
----@return self
-function ShuffleTiles:ShuffleTiles () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Skeleton3D.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Skeleton3D.lua
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index c5bd2fe7..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Skeleton3D.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Skeleton3D :cc.Ref
-local Skeleton3D={ }
----* remove all bones
----@return self
-function Skeleton3D:removeAllBones () end
----* add bone
----@param bone cc.Bone3D
----@return self
-function Skeleton3D:addBone (bone) end
----@param id string
----@return cc.Bone3D
-function Skeleton3D:getBoneByName (id) end
----@param index int
----@return cc.Bone3D
-function Skeleton3D:getRootBone (index) end
----* refresh bone world matrix
----@return self
-function Skeleton3D:updateBoneMatrix () end
----* get bone
----@param index unsigned_int
----@return cc.Bone3D
-function Skeleton3D:getBoneByIndex (index) end
----* get & set root bone
----@return int
-function Skeleton3D:getRootCount () end
----* get bone index
----@param bone cc.Bone3D
----@return int
-function Skeleton3D:getBoneIndex (bone) end
----* get total bone count
----@return int
-function Skeleton3D:getBoneCount () end
----@return self
-function Skeleton3D:Skeleton3D () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/SkewBy.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/SkewBy.lua
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index 884969c6..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/SkewBy.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.SkewBy :cc.SkewTo
-local SkewBy={ }
----* param t In seconds.
----@param t float
----@param sx float
----@param sy float
----@return boolean
-function SkewBy:initWithDuration (t,sx,sy) end
----* Creates the action.<br>
----* param t Duration time, in seconds.<br>
----* param deltaSkewX Skew x delta angle.<br>
----* param deltaSkewY Skew y delta angle.<br>
----* return An autoreleased SkewBy object.
----@param t float
----@param deltaSkewX float
----@param deltaSkewY float
----@return self
-function SkewBy:create (t,deltaSkewX,deltaSkewY) end
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function SkewBy:startWithTarget (target) end
----@return self
-function SkewBy:clone () end
----@return self
-function SkewBy:reverse () end
----@return self
-function SkewBy:SkewBy () end \ No newline at end of file
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--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/SkewTo.lua
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----@class cc.SkewTo :cc.ActionInterval
-local SkewTo={ }
----* param t In seconds.
----@param t float
----@param sx float
----@param sy float
----@return boolean
-function SkewTo:initWithDuration (t,sx,sy) end
----* Creates the action.<br>
----* param t Duration time, in seconds.<br>
----* param sx Skew x angle.<br>
----* param sy Skew y angle.<br>
----* return An autoreleased SkewTo object.
----@param t float
----@param sx float
----@param sy float
----@return self
-function SkewTo:create (t,sx,sy) end
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function SkewTo:startWithTarget (target) end
----@return self
-function SkewTo:clone () end
----@return self
-function SkewTo:reverse () end
----* param time In seconds.
----@param time float
----@return self
-function SkewTo:update (time) end
----@return self
-function SkewTo:SkewTo () end \ No newline at end of file
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----@class cc.Skybox :cc.Node
-local Skybox={ }
----* reload sky box after GLESContext reconstructed.
----@return self
-function Skybox:reload () end
----* initialize with texture path
----@param positive_x string
----@param negative_x string
----@param positive_y string
----@param negative_y string
----@param positive_z string
----@param negative_z string
----@return boolean
-function Skybox:init (positive_x,negative_x,positive_y,negative_y,positive_z,negative_z) end
----* texture getter and setter
----@param e cc.TextureCub
----@return self
-function Skybox:setTexture (e) end
----@overload fun(string:string,string:string,string:string,string:string,string:string,string:string):self
----@overload fun():self
----@param positive_x string
----@param negative_x string
----@param positive_y string
----@param negative_y string
----@param positive_z string
----@param negative_z string
----@return self
-function Skybox:create (positive_x,negative_x,positive_y,negative_y,positive_z,negative_z) end
----* draw Skybox object
----@param renderer cc.Renderer
----@param transform mat4_table
----@param flags unsigned_int
----@return self
-function Skybox:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end
----* init Skybox.
----@return boolean
-function Skybox:init () end
----* Constructor.
----@return self
-function Skybox:Skybox () end \ No newline at end of file
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--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Spawn.lua
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----@class cc.Spawn :cc.ActionInterval
-local Spawn={ }
----@param arrayOfActions array_table
----@return boolean
-function Spawn:init (arrayOfActions) end
----* initializes the Spawn action with the 2 actions to spawn
----@param action1 cc.FiniteTimeAction
----@param action2 cc.FiniteTimeAction
----@return boolean
-function Spawn:initWithTwoActions (action1,action2) end
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function Spawn:startWithTarget (target) end
----@return self
-function Spawn:clone () end
----@return self
-function Spawn:stop () end
----@return self
-function Spawn:reverse () end
----* param time In seconds.
----@param time float
----@return self
-function Spawn:update (time) end
----@return self
-function Spawn:Spawn () end \ No newline at end of file
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--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Speed.lua
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----@class cc.Speed :cc.Action
-local Speed={ }
----* Replace the interior action.<br>
----* param action The new action, it will replace the running action.
----@param action cc.ActionInterval
----@return self
-function Speed:setInnerAction (action) end
----* Return the speed.<br>
----* return The action speed.
----@return float
-function Speed:getSpeed () end
----* Alter the speed of the inner function in runtime. <br>
----* param speed Alter the speed of the inner function in runtime.
----@param speed float
----@return self
-function Speed:setSpeed (speed) end
----* Initializes the action.
----@param action cc.ActionInterval
----@param speed float
----@return boolean
-function Speed:initWithAction (action,speed) end
----* Return the interior action.<br>
----* return The interior action.
----@return cc.ActionInterval
-function Speed:getInnerAction () end
----* Create the action and set the speed.<br>
----* param action An action.<br>
----* param speed The action speed.
----@param action cc.ActionInterval
----@param speed float
----@return self
-function Speed:create (action,speed) end
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function Speed:startWithTarget (target) end
----@return self
-function Speed:reverse () end
----@return self
-function Speed:clone () end
----@return self
-function Speed:stop () end
----* param dt in seconds.
----@param dt float
----@return self
-function Speed:step (dt) end
----* Return true if the action has finished.<br>
----* return Is true if the action has finished.
----@return boolean
-function Speed:isDone () end
----@return self
-function Speed:Speed () end \ No newline at end of file
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----@class cc.SplitCols :cc.TiledGrid3DAction
-local SplitCols={ }
----* brief Initializes the action with the number columns and the duration.<br>
----* param duration Specify the duration of the SplitCols action. It's a value in seconds.<br>
----* param cols Specify the columns count should be split.<br>
----* return If the creation success, return true; otherwise, return false.
----@param duration float
----@param cols unsigned_int
----@return boolean
-function SplitCols:initWithDuration (duration,cols) end
----* brief Create the action with the number of columns and the duration.<br>
----* param duration Specify the duration of the SplitCols action. It's a value in seconds.<br>
----* param cols Specify the columns count should be split.<br>
----* return If the creation success, return a pointer of SplitCols action; otherwise, return nil.
----@param duration float
----@param cols unsigned_int
----@return self
-function SplitCols:create (duration,cols) end
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function SplitCols:startWithTarget (target) end
----@return self
-function SplitCols:clone () end
----* param time in seconds
----@param time float
----@return self
-function SplitCols:update (time) end
----@return self
-function SplitCols:SplitCols () end \ No newline at end of file
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--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/SplitRows.lua
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@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.SplitRows :cc.TiledGrid3DAction
-local SplitRows={ }
----* brief Initializes the action with the number rows and the duration.<br>
----* param duration Specify the duration of the SplitRows action. It's a value in seconds.<br>
----* param rows Specify the rows count should be split.<br>
----* return If the creation success, return true; otherwise, return false.
----@param duration float
----@param rows unsigned_int
----@return boolean
-function SplitRows:initWithDuration (duration,rows) end
----* brief Create the action with the number of rows and the duration.<br>
----* param duration Specify the duration of the SplitRows action. It's a value in seconds.<br>
----* param rows Specify the rows count should be split.<br>
----* return If the creation success, return a pointer of SplitRows action; otherwise, return nil.
----@param duration float
----@param rows unsigned_int
----@return self
-function SplitRows:create (duration,rows) end
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function SplitRows:startWithTarget (target) end
----@return self
-function SplitRows:clone () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function SplitRows:update (time) end
----@return self
-function SplitRows:SplitRows () end \ No newline at end of file
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--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/SpotLight.lua
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----@class cc.SpotLight :cc.BaseLight
-local SpotLight={ }
----* Returns the range of point or spot light.<br>
----* return The range of the point or spot light.
----@return float
-function SpotLight:getRange () end
----* Sets the Direction in parent.<br>
----* param dir The Direction in parent.
----@param dir vec3_table
----@return self
-function SpotLight:setDirection (dir) end
----* get cos innerAngle
----@return float
-function SpotLight:getCosInnerAngle () end
----* Returns the outer angle of the spot light (in radians).
----@return float
-function SpotLight:getOuterAngle () end
----* Returns the inner angle the spot light (in radians).
----@return float
-function SpotLight:getInnerAngle () end
----* Returns the Direction in parent.
----@return vec3_table
-function SpotLight:getDirection () end
----* get cos outAngle
----@return float
-function SpotLight:getCosOuterAngle () end
----* Sets the outer angle of a spot light (in radians).<br>
----* param outerAngle The angle of spot light (in radians).
----@param outerAngle float
----@return self
-function SpotLight:setOuterAngle (outerAngle) end
----* Sets the inner angle of a spot light (in radians).<br>
----* param angle The angle of spot light (in radians).
----@param angle float
----@return self
-function SpotLight:setInnerAngle (angle) end
----* Returns direction in world.
----@return vec3_table
-function SpotLight:getDirectionInWorld () end
----* Sets the range of point or spot light.<br>
----* param range The range of point or spot light.
----@param range float
----@return self
-function SpotLight:setRange (range) end
----* Creates a spot light.<br>
----* param direction The light's direction<br>
----* param position The light's position<br>
----* param color The light's color.<br>
----* param innerAngle The light's inner angle (in radians).<br>
----* param outerAngle The light's outer angle (in radians).<br>
----* param range The light's range.<br>
----* return The new spot light.
----@param direction vec3_table
----@param position vec3_table
----@param color color3b_table
----@param innerAngle float
----@param outerAngle float
----@param range float
----@return self
-function SpotLight:create (direction,position,color,innerAngle,outerAngle,range) end
----@return int
-function SpotLight:getLightType () end
----@return self
-function SpotLight:SpotLight () end \ No newline at end of file
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--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Sprite.lua
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----@class cc.Sprite :cc.Node@all parent class: Node,TextureProtocol
-local Sprite={ }
----@overload fun(string0:cc.SpriteFrame):self
----@overload fun(string:string):self
----@param spriteFrameName string
----@return self
-function Sprite:setSpriteFrame (spriteFrameName) end
----@overload fun(string0:cc.Texture2D):self
----@overload fun(string:string):self
----@param filename string
----@return self
-function Sprite:setTexture (filename) end
----* Returns the Texture2D object used by the sprite.
----@return cc.Texture2D
-function Sprite:getTexture () end
----* Sets whether the sprite should be flipped vertically or not.<br>
----* param flippedY true if the sprite should be flipped vertically, false otherwise.
----@param flippedY boolean
----@return self
-function Sprite:setFlippedY (flippedY) end
----* Sets whether the sprite should be flipped horizontally or not.<br>
----* param flippedX true if the sprite should be flipped horizontally, false otherwise.
----@param flippedX boolean
----@return self
-function Sprite:setFlippedX (flippedX) end
----* / @}
----@return int
-function Sprite:getResourceType () end
----* / @{/ @name Animation methods<br>
----* Changes the display frame with animation name and index.<br>
----* The animation name will be get from the AnimationCache.
----@param animationName string
----@param frameIndex unsigned_int
----@return self
-function Sprite:setDisplayFrameWithAnimationName (animationName,frameIndex) end
----* Returns the batch node object if this sprite is rendered by SpriteBatchNode.<br>
----* return The SpriteBatchNode object if this sprite is rendered by SpriteBatchNode,<br>
----* nullptr if the sprite isn't used batch node.
----@return cc.SpriteBatchNode
-function Sprite:getBatchNode () end
----* Gets the offset position of the sprite. Calculated automatically by editors like Zwoptex.
----@return vec2_table
-function Sprite:getOffsetPosition () end
----* brief Returns the Cap Insets rect<br>
----* return Scale9Sprite's cap inset.
----@return rect_table
-function Sprite:getCenterRect () end
----* setCenterRectNormalized<br>
----* Useful to implement "9 sliced" sprites.<br>
----* The default value is (0,0) - (1,1), which means that only one "slice" will be used: From top-left (0,0) to bottom-right (1,1).<br>
----* If the value is different than (0,0), (1,1), then the sprite will be sliced into a 3 x 3 grid. The four corners of this grid are applied without<br>
----* performing any scaling. The upper- and lower-middle parts are scaled horizontally, and the left- and right-middle parts are scaled vertically.<br>
----* The center is scaled in both directions.<br>
----* Important: The scaling is based the Sprite's trimmed size.<br>
----* Limitations: Does not work when the sprite is part of `SpriteBatchNode`.
----@param rect rect_table
----@return self
-function Sprite:setCenterRectNormalized (rect) end
----* returns whether or not contentSize stretches the sprite's texture
----@return boolean
-function Sprite:isStretchEnabled () end
----@overload fun(rect_table:rect_table,boolean:boolean,size_table:size_table):self
----@overload fun(rect_table:rect_table):self
----@param rect rect_table
----@param rotated boolean
----@param untrimmedSize size_table
----@return self
-function Sprite:setTextureRect (rect,rotated,untrimmedSize) end
----* Initializes a sprite with an sprite frame name.<br>
----* A SpriteFrame will be fetched from the SpriteFrameCache by name.<br>
----* If the SpriteFrame doesn't exist it will raise an exception.<br>
----* param spriteFrameName A key string that can fetched a valid SpriteFrame from SpriteFrameCache.<br>
----* return True if the sprite is initialized properly, false otherwise.
----@param spriteFrameName string
----@return boolean
-function Sprite:initWithSpriteFrameName (spriteFrameName) end
----* whether or not contentSize stretches the sprite's texture
----@param enabled boolean
----@return self
-function Sprite:setStretchEnabled (enabled) end
----* Returns whether or not a SpriteFrame is being displayed.
----@param frame cc.SpriteFrame
----@return boolean
-function Sprite:isFrameDisplayed (frame) end
----* Returns the index used on the TextureAtlas.
----@return unsigned_int
-function Sprite:getAtlasIndex () end
----* Sets the weak reference of the TextureAtlas when the sprite is rendered using via SpriteBatchNode.
----@param textureAtlas cc.TextureAtlas
----@return self
-function Sprite:setTextureAtlas (textureAtlas) end
----* Sets the batch node to sprite.<br>
----* warning This method is not recommended for game developers. Sample code for using batch node<br>
----* code<br>
----* SpriteBatchNode *batch = SpriteBatchNode::create("Images/grossini_dance_atlas.png", 15);<br>
----* Sprite *sprite = Sprite::createWithTexture(batch->getTexture(), Rect(0, 0, 57, 57));<br>
----* batch->addChild(sprite);<br>
----* layer->addChild(batch);<br>
----* endcode
----@param spriteBatchNode cc.SpriteBatchNode
----@return self
-function Sprite:setBatchNode (spriteBatchNode) end
----* js NA<br>
----* lua NA
----@return cc.BlendFunc
-function Sprite:getBlendFunc () end
----@param rect rect_table
----@return self
-function Sprite:setCenterRect (rect) end
----* Returns the current displayed frame.
----@return cc.SpriteFrame
-function Sprite:getSpriteFrame () end
----@return self
-function Sprite:setVertexLayout () end
----@param cleanup boolean
----@return self
-function Sprite:removeAllChildrenWithCleanup (cleanup) end
----@return string
-function Sprite:getResourceName () end
----* Whether or not the Sprite needs to be updated in the Atlas.<br>
----* return True if the sprite needs to be updated in the Atlas, false otherwise.
----@return boolean
-function Sprite:isDirty () end
----* getCenterRectNormalized<br>
----* Returns the CenterRect in normalized coordinates
----@return rect_table
-function Sprite:getCenterRectNormalized () end
----* Sets the index used on the TextureAtlas.<br>
----* warning Don't modify this value unless you know what you are doing.
----@param atlasIndex unsigned_int
----@return self
-function Sprite:setAtlasIndex (atlasIndex) end
----@overload fun(cc.Texture2D:cc.Texture2D,rect_table:rect_table):self
----@overload fun(cc.Texture2D:cc.Texture2D):self
----@overload fun(cc.Texture2D:cc.Texture2D,rect_table:rect_table,boolean:boolean):self
----@param texture cc.Texture2D
----@param rect rect_table
----@param rotated boolean
----@return boolean
-function Sprite:initWithTexture (texture,rect,rotated) end
----* Makes the Sprite to be updated in the Atlas.
----@param dirty boolean
----@return self
-function Sprite:setDirty (dirty) end
----* Returns whether or not the texture rectangle is rotated.
----@return boolean
-function Sprite:isTextureRectRotated () end
----* Returns the rect of the Sprite in points.
----@return rect_table
-function Sprite:getTextureRect () end
----@overload fun(string:string,rect_table:rect_table):self
----@overload fun(string:string):self
----@param filename string
----@param rect rect_table
----@return boolean
-function Sprite:initWithFile (filename,rect) end
----* / @{/ @name Functions inherited from TextureProtocol.<br>
----* code<br>
----* When this function bound into js or lua,the parameter will be changed.<br>
----* In js: var setBlendFunc(var src, var dst).<br>
----* In lua: local setBlendFunc(local src, local dst).<br>
----* endcode
----@param blendFunc cc.BlendFunc
----@return self
-function Sprite:setBlendFunc (blendFunc) end
----@param vert char
----@param frag char
----@return self
-function Sprite:updateShaders (vert,frag) end
----* Gets the weak reference of the TextureAtlas when the sprite is rendered using via SpriteBatchNode.
----@return cc.TextureAtlas
-function Sprite:getTextureAtlas () end
----* Initializes a sprite with an SpriteFrame. The texture and rect in SpriteFrame will be applied on this sprite.<br>
----* param spriteFrame A SpriteFrame object. It should includes a valid texture and a rect.<br>
----* return True if the sprite is initialized properly, false otherwise.
----@param spriteFrame cc.SpriteFrame
----@return boolean
-function Sprite:initWithSpriteFrame (spriteFrame) end
----* Returns the flag which indicates whether the sprite is flipped horizontally or not.<br>
----* It only flips the texture of the sprite, and not the texture of the sprite's children.<br>
----* Also, flipping the texture doesn't alter the anchorPoint.<br>
----* If you want to flip the anchorPoint too, and/or to flip the children too use:<br>
----* sprite->setScaleX(sprite->getScaleX() * -1);<br>
----* return true if the sprite is flipped horizontally, false otherwise.
----@return boolean
-function Sprite:isFlippedX () end
----* Return the flag which indicates whether the sprite is flipped vertically or not.<br>
----* It only flips the texture of the sprite, and not the texture of the sprite's children.<br>
----* Also, flipping the texture doesn't alter the anchorPoint.<br>
----* If you want to flip the anchorPoint too, and/or to flip the children too use:<br>
----* sprite->setScaleY(sprite->getScaleY() * -1);<br>
----* return true if the sprite is flipped vertically, false otherwise.
----@return boolean
-function Sprite:isFlippedY () end
----* Sets the vertex rect.<br>
----* It will be called internally by setTextureRect.<br>
----* Useful if you want to create 2x images from SD images in Retina Display.<br>
----* Do not call it manually. Use setTextureRect instead.
----@param rect rect_table
----@return self
-function Sprite:setVertexRect (rect) end
----@overload fun(cc.Texture2D:cc.Texture2D,rect_table:rect_table,boolean:boolean):self
----@overload fun(cc.Texture2D:cc.Texture2D):self
----@param texture cc.Texture2D
----@param rect rect_table
----@param rotated boolean
----@return self
-function Sprite:createWithTexture (texture,rect,rotated) end
----* Creates a sprite with an sprite frame name.<br>
----* A SpriteFrame will be fetched from the SpriteFrameCache by spriteFrameName param.<br>
----* If the SpriteFrame doesn't exist it will raise an exception.<br>
----* param spriteFrameName The name of sprite frame.<br>
----* return An autoreleased sprite object.
----@param spriteFrameName string
----@return self
-function Sprite:createWithSpriteFrameName (spriteFrameName) end
----* Creates a sprite with an sprite frame.<br>
----* param spriteFrame A sprite frame which involves a texture and a rect.<br>
----* return An autoreleased sprite object.
----@param spriteFrame cc.SpriteFrame
----@return self
-function Sprite:createWithSpriteFrame (spriteFrame) end
----@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int,int2:string):self
----@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int,int:int):self
----@param child cc.Node
----@param zOrder int
----@param tag int
----@return self
-function Sprite:addChild (child,zOrder,tag) end
----@param anchor vec2_table
----@return self
-function Sprite:setAnchorPoint (anchor) end
----@param rotationX float
----@return self
-function Sprite:setRotationSkewX (rotationX) end
----@param scaleY float
----@return self
-function Sprite:setScaleY (scaleY) end
----@overload fun(float:float):self
----@overload fun(float:float,float:float):self
----@param scaleX float
----@param scaleY float
----@return self
-function Sprite:setScale (scaleX,scaleY) end
----* Set ProgramState
----@param programState cc.backend.ProgramState
----@return self
-function Sprite:setProgramState (programState) end
----@param size size_table
----@return self
-function Sprite:setContentSize (size) end
----@return boolean
-function Sprite:isOpacityModifyRGB () end
----@param modify boolean
----@return self
-function Sprite:setOpacityModifyRGB (modify) end
----@return boolean
-function Sprite:init () end
----@param rotation float
----@return self
-function Sprite:setRotation (rotation) end
----@param value boolean
----@return self
-function Sprite:setIgnoreAnchorPointForPosition (value) end
----@param renderer cc.Renderer
----@param transform mat4_table
----@param flags unsigned_int
----@return self
-function Sprite:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end
----* / @{/ @name Functions inherited from Node.
----@param scaleX float
----@return self
-function Sprite:setScaleX (scaleX) end
----* js NA
----@return string
-function Sprite:getDescription () end
----@param rotationY float
----@return self
-function Sprite:setRotationSkewY (rotationY) end
----* Get current ProgramState
----@return cc.backend.ProgramState
-function Sprite:getProgramState () end
----@return self
-function Sprite:sortAllChildren () end
----@param child cc.Node
----@param zOrder int
----@return self
-function Sprite:reorderChild (child,zOrder) end
----@param positionZ float
----@return self
-function Sprite:setPositionZ (positionZ) end
----@param child cc.Node
----@param cleanup boolean
----@return self
-function Sprite:removeChild (child,cleanup) end
----* Updates the quad according the rotation, position, scale values.
----@return self
-function Sprite:updateTransform () end
----@param sx float
----@return self
-function Sprite:setSkewX (sx) end
----@param sy float
----@return self
-function Sprite:setSkewY (sy) end
----@param bVisible boolean
----@return self
-function Sprite:setVisible (bVisible) end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function Sprite:Sprite () end \ No newline at end of file
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index a7929c0e..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Sprite3D.lua
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@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Sprite3D :cc.Node@all parent class: Node,BlendProtocol
-local Sprite3D={ }
----@param enable boolean
----@return self
-function Sprite3D:setCullFaceEnabled (enable) end
----@overload fun(string0:cc.Texture2D):self
----@overload fun(string:string):self
----@param texFile string
----@return self
-function Sprite3D:setTexture (texFile) end
----@return unsigned_int
-function Sprite3D:getLightMask () end
----* Adds a new material to a particular mesh of the sprite.<br>
----* meshIndex is the mesh that will be applied to.<br>
----* if meshIndex == -1, then it will be applied to all the meshes that belong to the sprite.
----@param meshIndex int
----@return cc.Material
-function Sprite3D:getMaterial (meshIndex) end
----@param side int
----@return self
-function Sprite3D:setCullFace (side) end
----* Get meshes used in sprite 3d
----@return array_table
-function Sprite3D:getMeshes () end
----* remove all attach nodes
----@return self
-function Sprite3D:removeAllAttachNode () end
----@overload fun(cc.Material:cc.Material,int:int):self
----@overload fun(cc.Material:cc.Material):self
----@param material cc.Material
----@param meshIndex int
----@return self
-function Sprite3D:setMaterial (material,meshIndex) end
----* get mesh
----@return cc.Mesh
-function Sprite3D:getMesh () end
----* get mesh count
----@return int
-function Sprite3D:getMeshCount () end
----* get Mesh by index
----@param index int
----@return cc.Mesh
-function Sprite3D:getMeshByIndex (index) end
----@return boolean
-function Sprite3D:isForceDepthWrite () end
----@return cc.BlendFunc
-function Sprite3D:getBlendFunc () end
----* light mask getter & setter, light works only when _lightmask & light's flag is true, default value of _lightmask is 0xffff
----@param mask unsigned_int
----@return self
-function Sprite3D:setLightMask (mask) end
----* get AttachNode by bone name, return nullptr if not exist
----@param boneName string
----@return cc.AttachNode
-function Sprite3D:getAttachNode (boneName) end
----@param blendFunc cc.BlendFunc
----@return self
-function Sprite3D:setBlendFunc (blendFunc) end
----* force set this Sprite3D to 2D render queue
----@param force2D boolean
----@return self
-function Sprite3D:setForce2DQueue (force2D) end
----* generate default material
----@return self
-function Sprite3D:genMaterial () end
----* remove attach node
----@param boneName string
----@return self
-function Sprite3D:removeAttachNode (boneName) end
----@return cc.Skeleton3D
-function Sprite3D:getSkeleton () end
----* Force to write to depth buffer, this is useful if you want to achieve effects like fading.
----@param value boolean
----@return self
-function Sprite3D:setForceDepthWrite (value) end
----* get Mesh by Name, it returns the first one if there are more than one mesh with the same name
----@param name string
----@return cc.Mesh
-function Sprite3D:getMeshByName (name) end
----@overload fun(string:string):self
----@overload fun():self
----@overload fun(string:string,string:string):self
----@param modelPath string
----@param texturePath string
----@return self
-function Sprite3D:create (modelPath,texturePath) end
----* draw
----@param renderer cc.Renderer
----@param transform mat4_table
----@param flags unsigned_int
----@return self
-function Sprite3D:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end
----* Executes an action, and returns the action that is executed. For Sprite3D special logic are needed to take care of Fading.<br>
----* This node becomes the action's target. Refer to Action::getTarget()<br>
----* warning Actions don't retain their target.<br>
----* return An Action pointer
----@param action cc.Action
----@return cc.Action
-function Sprite3D:runAction (action) end
----* set ProgramState, you should bind attributes by yourself
----@param programState cc.backend.ProgramState
----@return self
-function Sprite3D:setProgramState (programState) end
----* Returns 2d bounding-box<br>
----* Note: the bounding-box is just get from the AABB which as Z=0, so that is not very accurate.
----@return rect_table
-function Sprite3D:getBoundingBox () end \ No newline at end of file
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--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Sprite3DCache.lua
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----@class cc.Sprite3DCache
-local Sprite3DCache={ }
----* remove the SpriteData from Sprite3D by given the specified key
----@param key string
----@return self
-function Sprite3DCache:removeSprite3DData (key) end
----* remove all the SpriteData from Sprite3D
----@return self
-function Sprite3DCache:removeAllSprite3DData () end
----@return self
-function Sprite3DCache:destroyInstance () end
----* get & destroy
----@return self
-function Sprite3DCache:getInstance () end
----@return self
-function Sprite3DCache:Sprite3DCache () end \ No newline at end of file
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@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Sprite3DMaterial :cc.Material
-local Sprite3DMaterial={ }
----* Get material type<br>
----* return Material type
----@return int
-function Sprite3DMaterial:getMaterialType () end
----* Create material with file name, it creates material from cache if it is previously loaded<br>
----* param path Path of material file<br>
----* return Created material
----@param path string
----@return self
-function Sprite3DMaterial:createWithFilename (path) end
----* Release all cached materials
----@return self
-function Sprite3DMaterial:releaseCachedMaterial () end
----@overload fun():self
----@overload fun(int:int,boolean:boolean):self
----@param type int
----@param skinned boolean
----@return self
-function Sprite3DMaterial:createBuiltInMaterial (type,skinned) end
----* Release all built in materials
----@return self
-function Sprite3DMaterial:releaseBuiltInMaterial () end
----@param programState cc.backend.ProgramState
----@return self
-function Sprite3DMaterial:createWithProgramState (programState) end
----* Clone material
----@return cc.Material
-function Sprite3DMaterial:clone () end \ No newline at end of file
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index 56dd97ce..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/SpriteBatchNode.lua
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@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.SpriteBatchNode :cc.Node@all parent class: Node,TextureProtocol
-local SpriteBatchNode={ }
----* Append the child. <br>
----* param sprite A Sprite.
----@param sprite cc.Sprite
----@return self
-function SpriteBatchNode:appendChild (sprite) end
----@param reorder boolean
----@return self
-function SpriteBatchNode:reorderBatch (reorder) end
----@return cc.Texture2D
-function SpriteBatchNode:getTexture () end
----@param texture cc.Texture2D
----@return self
-function SpriteBatchNode:setTexture (texture) end
----* Removes a child given a certain index. It will also cleanup the running actions depending on the cleanup parameter.<br>
----* param index A certain index.<br>
----* param doCleanup Whether or not to cleanup the running actions.<br>
----* warning Removing a child from a SpriteBatchNode is very slow.
----@param index int
----@param doCleanup boolean
----@return self
-function SpriteBatchNode:removeChildAtIndex (index,doCleanup) end
----* Remove a sprite from Atlas. <br>
----* param sprite A Sprite.
----@param sprite cc.Sprite
----@return self
-function SpriteBatchNode:removeSpriteFromAtlas (sprite) end
----@param child cc.Sprite
----@param z int
----@param aTag int
----@return self
-function SpriteBatchNode:addSpriteWithoutQuad (child,z,aTag) end
----* Get the nearest index from the sprite in z.<br>
----* param sprite The parent sprite.<br>
----* param z Z order for drawing priority.<br>
----* return Index.
----@param sprite cc.Sprite
----@param z int
----@return int
-function SpriteBatchNode:atlasIndexForChild (sprite,z) end
----* Increase the Atlas Capacity.
----@return self
-function SpriteBatchNode:increaseAtlasCapacity () end
----* Get the Min image block index,in all child. <br>
----* param sprite The parent sprite.<br>
----* return Index.
----@param sprite cc.Sprite
----@return int
-function SpriteBatchNode:lowestAtlasIndexInChild (sprite) end
----* lua NA
----@return cc.BlendFunc
-function SpriteBatchNode:getBlendFunc () end
----* initializes a SpriteBatchNode with a texture2d and capacity of children.<br>
----* The capacity will be increased in 33% in runtime if it runs out of space.
----@param tex cc.Texture2D
----@param capacity int
----@return boolean
-function SpriteBatchNode:initWithTexture (tex,capacity) end
----* Sets the TextureAtlas object. <br>
----* param textureAtlas The TextureAtlas object.
----@param textureAtlas cc.TextureAtlas
----@return self
-function SpriteBatchNode:setTextureAtlas (textureAtlas) end
----* reserves capacity for the batch node.<br>
----* If the current capacity is bigger, nothing happens.<br>
----* otherwise, a new capacity is allocated
----@param newCapacity int
----@return self
-function SpriteBatchNode:reserveCapacity (newCapacity) end
----* js NA
----@param cleanup boolean
----@return self
-function SpriteBatchNode:removeAllChildrenWithCleanup (cleanup) end
----* Inserts a quad at a certain index into the texture atlas. The Sprite won't be added into the children array.<br>
----* This method should be called only when you are dealing with very big AtlasSprite and when most of the Sprite won't be updated.<br>
----* For example: a tile map (TMXMap) or a label with lots of characters (LabelBMFont).
----@param sprite cc.Sprite
----@param index int
----@return self
-function SpriteBatchNode:insertQuadFromSprite (sprite,index) end
----* initializes a SpriteBatchNode with a file image (.png, .jpeg, .pvr, etc) and a capacity of children.<br>
----* The capacity will be increased in 33% in runtime if it runs out of space.<br>
----* The file will be loaded using the TextureMgr.<br>
----* js init<br>
----* lua init
----@param fileImage string
----@param capacity int
----@return boolean
-function SpriteBatchNode:initWithFile (fileImage,capacity) end
----* code<br>
----* When this function bound into js or lua,the parameter will be changed.<br>
----* In js: var setBlendFunc(var src, var dst).<br>
----* endcode<br>
----* lua NA
----@param blendFunc cc.BlendFunc
----@return self
-function SpriteBatchNode:setBlendFunc (blendFunc) end
----* Rebuild index with a sprite all child. <br>
----* param parent The parent sprite.<br>
----* param index The child index.<br>
----* return Index.
----@param parent cc.Sprite
----@param index int
----@return int
-function SpriteBatchNode:rebuildIndexInOrder (parent,index) end
----* Returns the TextureAtlas object. <br>
----* return The TextureAtlas object.
----@return cc.TextureAtlas
-function SpriteBatchNode:getTextureAtlas () end
----* Get the Max image block index,in all child.<br>
----* param sprite The parent sprite.<br>
----* return Index.
----@param sprite cc.Sprite
----@return int
-function SpriteBatchNode:highestAtlasIndexInChild (sprite) end
----* Creates a SpriteBatchNode with a file image (.png, .jpeg, .pvr, etc) and capacity of children.<br>
----* The capacity will be increased in 33% in runtime if it runs out of space.<br>
----* The file will be loaded using the TextureMgr.<br>
----* param fileImage A file image (.png, .jpeg, .pvr, etc).<br>
----* param capacity The capacity of children.<br>
----* return Return an autorelease object.
----@param fileImage string
----@param capacity int
----@return self
-function SpriteBatchNode:create (fileImage,capacity) end
----* Creates a SpriteBatchNode with a texture2d and capacity of children.<br>
----* The capacity will be increased in 33% in runtime if it runs out of space.<br>
----* param tex A texture2d.<br>
----* param capacity The capacity of children.<br>
----* return Return an autorelease object.
----@param tex cc.Texture2D
----@param capacity int
----@return self
-function SpriteBatchNode:createWithTexture (tex,capacity) end
----@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int,int2:string):self
----@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int,int:int):self
----@param child cc.Node
----@param zOrder int
----@param tag int
----@return self
-function SpriteBatchNode:addChild (child,zOrder,tag) end
----* js NA
----@param renderer cc.Renderer
----@param transform mat4_table
----@param flags unsigned_int
----@return self
-function SpriteBatchNode:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end
----* js NA
----@return string
-function SpriteBatchNode:getDescription () end
----* js NA
----@param renderer cc.Renderer
----@param parentTransform mat4_table
----@param parentFlags unsigned_int
----@return self
-function SpriteBatchNode:visit (renderer,parentTransform,parentFlags) end
----@return self
-function SpriteBatchNode:sortAllChildren () end
----@param child cc.Node
----@param cleanup boolean
----@return self
-function SpriteBatchNode:removeChild (child,cleanup) end
----@return boolean
-function SpriteBatchNode:init () end
----* Set ProgramState
----@param programState cc.backend.ProgramState
----@return self
-function SpriteBatchNode:setProgramState (programState) end
----@param child cc.Node
----@param zOrder int
----@return self
-function SpriteBatchNode:reorderChild (child,zOrder) end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function SpriteBatchNode:SpriteBatchNode () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/SpriteFrame.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/SpriteFrame.lua
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index 9c4bf522..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/SpriteFrame.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.SpriteFrame :cc.Ref
-local SpriteFrame={ }
----* Set anchor point of the frame.<br>
----* param anchorPoint The anchor point of the sprite frame.
----@param anchorPoint vec2_table
----@return self
-function SpriteFrame:setAnchorPoint (anchorPoint) end
----* Set texture of the frame, the texture is retained.<br>
----* param pobTexture The texture of the sprite frame.
----@param pobTexture cc.Texture2D
----@return self
-function SpriteFrame:setTexture (pobTexture) end
----* Get texture of the frame.<br>
----* return The texture of the sprite frame.
----@return cc.Texture2D
-function SpriteFrame:getTexture () end
----* Set offset of the frame.<br>
----* param offsetInPixels The offset of the sprite frame, in pixels.
----@param offsetInPixels vec2_table
----@return self
-function SpriteFrame:setOffsetInPixels (offsetInPixels) end
----* Get original size of the trimmed image.<br>
----* return The original size of the trimmed image, in pixels.
----@return size_table
-function SpriteFrame:getOriginalSizeInPixels () end
----* Set original size of the trimmed image.<br>
----* param sizeInPixels The original size of the trimmed image.
----@param sizeInPixels size_table
----@return self
-function SpriteFrame:setOriginalSize (sizeInPixels) end
----* Get center rect of the frame.<br>
----* Useful to create 9-slice sprites<br>
----* return The center rect of the sprite frame in points
----@return rect_table
-function SpriteFrame:getCenterRect () end
----* Set rect of the sprite frame.<br>
----* param rectInPixels The rect of the sprite frame, in pixels.
----@param rectInPixels rect_table
----@return self
-function SpriteFrame:setRectInPixels (rectInPixels) end
----* Get rect of the frame.<br>
----* return The rect of the sprite frame.
----@return rect_table
-function SpriteFrame:getRect () end
----* setCenterRect<br>
----* Useful to implement "9 sliced" sprites.<br>
----* The sprite will be sliced into a 3 x 3 grid. The four corners of this grid are applied without<br>
----* performing any scaling. The upper- and lower-middle parts are scaled horizontally, and the left- and right-middle parts are scaled vertically.<br>
----* The center is scaled in both directions.<br>
----* Important: The scaling is based the Sprite's trimmed size.<br>
----* Limitations: Does not work when the sprite is part of `SpriteBatchNode`.<br>
----* param centerRect the Rect in points
----@param centerRect rect_table
----@return self
-function SpriteFrame:setCenterRectInPixels (centerRect) end
----* Set offset of the frame.<br>
----* param offsets The offset of the sprite frame.
----@param offsets vec2_table
----@return self
-function SpriteFrame:setOffset (offsets) end
----@overload fun(string:string,rect_table:rect_table,boolean:boolean,vec2_table:vec2_table,size_table:size_table):self
----@overload fun(string:string,rect_table:rect_table):self
----@param filename string
----@param rect rect_table
----@param rotated boolean
----@param offset vec2_table
----@param originalSize size_table
----@return boolean
-function SpriteFrame:initWithTextureFilename (filename,rect,rotated,offset,originalSize) end
----* Set rect of the frame.<br>
----* param rect The rect of the sprite.
----@param rect rect_table
----@return self
-function SpriteFrame:setRect (rect) end
----@overload fun(cc.Texture2D:cc.Texture2D,rect_table:rect_table,boolean:boolean,vec2_table:vec2_table,size_table:size_table):self
----@overload fun(cc.Texture2D:cc.Texture2D,rect_table:rect_table):self
----@param pobTexture cc.Texture2D
----@param rect rect_table
----@param rotated boolean
----@param offset vec2_table
----@param originalSize size_table
----@return boolean
-function SpriteFrame:initWithTexture (pobTexture,rect,rotated,offset,originalSize) end
----* Get original size of the trimmed image.<br>
----* return The original size of the trimmed image.
----@return size_table
-function SpriteFrame:getOriginalSize () end
----@return self
-function SpriteFrame:clone () end
----* Get rect of the sprite frame.<br>
----* return The rect of the sprite frame, in pixels.
----@return rect_table
-function SpriteFrame:getRectInPixels () end
----* Is the sprite frame rotated or not.<br>
----* return Is rotated if true.
----@return boolean
-function SpriteFrame:isRotated () end
----* hasCenterRect<br>
----* return Whether or not it has a centerRect
----@return boolean
-function SpriteFrame:hasCenterRect () end
----* Set rotated of the sprite frame.<br>
----* param rotated Rotated the sprite frame if true.
----@param rotated boolean
----@return self
-function SpriteFrame:setRotated (rotated) end
----* Get offset of the frame.<br>
----* return The offset of the sprite frame.
----@return vec2_table
-function SpriteFrame:getOffset () end
----* Set original size of the trimmed image.<br>
----* param sizeInPixels The original size of the trimmed image, in pixels.
----@param sizeInPixels size_table
----@return self
-function SpriteFrame:setOriginalSizeInPixels (sizeInPixels) end
----* Get anchor point of the frame.<br>
----* return The anchor point of the sprite frame.
----@return vec2_table
-function SpriteFrame:getAnchorPoint () end
----* Check if anchor point is defined for the frame.<br>
----* return true if anchor point is available.
----@return boolean
-function SpriteFrame:hasAnchorPoint () end
----* Get offset of the frame.<br>
----* return The offset of the sprite frame, in pixels.
----@return vec2_table
-function SpriteFrame:getOffsetInPixels () end
----@overload fun(string:string,rect_table:rect_table,boolean:boolean,vec2_table:vec2_table,size_table:size_table):self
----@overload fun(string:string,rect_table:rect_table):self
----@param filename string
----@param rect rect_table
----@param rotated boolean
----@param offset vec2_table
----@param originalSize size_table
----@return self
-function SpriteFrame:create (filename,rect,rotated,offset,originalSize) end
----@overload fun(cc.Texture2D:cc.Texture2D,rect_table:rect_table,boolean:boolean,vec2_table:vec2_table,size_table:size_table):self
----@overload fun(cc.Texture2D:cc.Texture2D,rect_table:rect_table):self
----@param pobTexture cc.Texture2D
----@param rect rect_table
----@param rotated boolean
----@param offset vec2_table
----@param originalSize size_table
----@return self
-function SpriteFrame:createWithTexture (pobTexture,rect,rotated,offset,originalSize) end
----* lua NA
----@return self
-function SpriteFrame:SpriteFrame () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/SpriteFrameCache.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/SpriteFrameCache.lua
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index ae3b3307..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/SpriteFrameCache.lua
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@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.SpriteFrameCache :cc.Ref
-local SpriteFrameCache={ }
----@param plist string
----@return boolean
-function SpriteFrameCache:reloadTexture (plist) end
----* Adds multiple Sprite Frames from a plist file content. The texture will be associated with the created sprite frames. <br>
----* js NA<br>
----* lua addSpriteFrames<br>
----* param plist_content Plist file content string.<br>
----* param texture Texture pointer.
----@param plist_content string
----@param texture cc.Texture2D
----@return self
-function SpriteFrameCache:addSpriteFramesWithFileContent (plist_content,texture) end
----* Adds an sprite frame with a given name.<br>
----* If the name already exists, then the contents of the old name will be replaced with the new one.<br>
----* param frame A certain sprite frame.<br>
----* param frameName The name of the sprite frame.
----@param frame cc.SpriteFrame
----@param frameName string
----@return self
-function SpriteFrameCache:addSpriteFrame (frame,frameName) end
----@overload fun(string:string,cc.Texture2D1:string):self
----@overload fun(string:string):self
----@overload fun(string:string,cc.Texture2D:cc.Texture2D):self
----@param plist string
----@param texture cc.Texture2D
----@return self
-function SpriteFrameCache:addSpriteFramesWithFile (plist,texture) end
----* Returns an Sprite Frame that was previously added.<br>
----* If the name is not found it will return nil.<br>
----* You should retain the returned copy if you are going to use it.<br>
----* js getSpriteFrame<br>
----* lua getSpriteFrame<br>
----* param name A certain sprite frame name.<br>
----* return The sprite frame.
----@param name string
----@return cc.SpriteFrame
-function SpriteFrameCache:getSpriteFrameByName (name) end
----* Removes multiple Sprite Frames from a plist file.<br>
----* Sprite Frames stored in this file will be removed.<br>
----* It is convenient to call this method when a specific texture needs to be removed.<br>
----* since v0.99.5<br>
----* param plist The name of the plist that needs to removed.
----@param plist string
----@return self
-function SpriteFrameCache:removeSpriteFramesFromFile (plist) end
----* Initialize method.<br>
----* return if success return true.
----@return boolean
-function SpriteFrameCache:init () end
----* Purges the dictionary of loaded sprite frames.<br>
----* Call this method if you receive the "Memory Warning".<br>
----* In the short term: it will free some resources preventing your app from being killed.<br>
----* In the medium term: it will allocate more resources.<br>
----* In the long term: it will be the same.
----@return self
-function SpriteFrameCache:removeSpriteFrames () end
----* Removes unused sprite frames.<br>
----* Sprite Frames that have a retain count of 1 will be deleted.<br>
----* It is convenient to call this method after when starting a new Scene.<br>
----* js NA
----@return self
-function SpriteFrameCache:removeUnusedSpriteFrames () end
----* Removes multiple Sprite Frames from a plist file content.<br>
----* Sprite Frames stored in this file will be removed.<br>
----* It is convenient to call this method when a specific texture needs to be removed.<br>
----* param plist_content The string of the plist content that needs to removed.<br>
----* js NA
----@param plist_content string
----@return self
-function SpriteFrameCache:removeSpriteFramesFromFileContent (plist_content) end
----* Deletes an sprite frame from the sprite frame cache. <br>
----* param name The name of the sprite frame that needs to removed.
----@param name string
----@return self
-function SpriteFrameCache:removeSpriteFrameByName (name) end
----* Check if multiple Sprite Frames from a plist file have been loaded.<br>
----* js NA<br>
----* lua NA<br>
----* param plist Plist file name.<br>
----* return True if the file is loaded.
----@param plist string
----@return boolean
-function SpriteFrameCache:isSpriteFramesWithFileLoaded (plist) end
----* Removes all Sprite Frames associated with the specified textures.<br>
----* It is convenient to call this method when a specific texture needs to be removed.<br>
----* since v0.995.<br>
----* param texture The texture that needs to removed.
----@param texture cc.Texture2D
----@return self
-function SpriteFrameCache:removeSpriteFramesFromTexture (texture) end
----* Destroys the cache. It releases all the Sprite Frames and the retained instance.<br>
----* js NA
----@return self
-function SpriteFrameCache:destroyInstance () end
----* Returns the shared instance of the Sprite Frame cache.<br>
----* return The instance of the Sprite Frame Cache.<br>
----* js NA
----@return self
-function SpriteFrameCache:getInstance () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/StopGrid.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/StopGrid.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 446323cf..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/StopGrid.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.StopGrid :cc.ActionInstant
-local StopGrid={ }
----* brief Create a StopGrid Action.<br>
----* return Return a pointer of StopGrid. When the creation failed, return nil.
----@return self
-function StopGrid:create () end
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function StopGrid:startWithTarget (target) end
----@return self
-function StopGrid:clone () end
----@return self
-function StopGrid:reverse () end
----@return self
-function StopGrid:StopGrid () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TMXLayer.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TMXLayer.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 718603b9..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TMXLayer.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TMXLayer :cc.SpriteBatchNode
-local TMXLayer={ }
----* Returns the position in points of a given tile coordinate.<br>
----* param tileCoordinate The tile coordinate.<br>
----* return The position in points of a given tile coordinate.
----@param tileCoordinate vec2_table
----@return vec2_table
-function TMXLayer:getPositionAt (tileCoordinate) end
----* Set layer orientation, which is the same as the map orientation.<br>
----* param orientation Layer orientation,which is the same as the map orientation.
----@param orientation int
----@return self
-function TMXLayer:setLayerOrientation (orientation) end
----* Dealloc the map that contains the tile position from memory.<br>
----* Unless you want to know at runtime the tiles positions, you can safely call this method.<br>
----* If you are going to call layer->tileGIDAt() then, don't release the map.
----@return self
-function TMXLayer:releaseMap () end
----* Size of the layer in tiles.<br>
----* return Size of the layer in tiles.
----@return size_table
-function TMXLayer:getLayerSize () end
----* Set the size of the map's tile.<br>
----* param size The size of the map's tile.
----@param size size_table
----@return self
-function TMXLayer:setMapTileSize (size) end
----* Layer orientation, which is the same as the map orientation.<br>
----* return Layer orientation, which is the same as the map orientation.
----@return int
-function TMXLayer:getLayerOrientation () end
----* Set an Properties from to layer.<br>
----* param properties It is used to set the layer Properties.
----@param properties map_table
----@return self
-function TMXLayer:setProperties (properties) end
----* Set the layer name.<br>
----* param layerName The layer name.
----@param layerName string
----@return self
-function TMXLayer:setLayerName (layerName) end
----* Removes a tile at given tile coordinate. <br>
----* param tileCoordinate The tile coordinate.
----@param tileCoordinate vec2_table
----@return self
-function TMXLayer:removeTileAt (tileCoordinate) end
----* Initializes a TMXLayer with a tileset info, a layer info and a map info.<br>
----* param tilesetInfo An tileset info.<br>
----* param layerInfo A layer info.<br>
----* param mapInfo A map info.<br>
----* return If initializes successfully, it will return true.
----@param tilesetInfo cc.TMXTilesetInfo
----@param layerInfo cc.TMXLayerInfo
----@param mapInfo cc.TMXMapInfo
----@return boolean
-function TMXLayer:initWithTilesetInfo (tilesetInfo,layerInfo,mapInfo) end
----* Creates the tiles.
----@return self
-function TMXLayer:setupTiles () end
----@overload fun(unsigned_int:unsigned_int,vec2_table:vec2_table,int:int):self
----@overload fun(unsigned_int:unsigned_int,vec2_table:vec2_table):self
----@param gid unsigned_int
----@param tileCoordinate vec2_table
----@param flags int
----@return self
-function TMXLayer:setTileGID (gid,tileCoordinate,flags) end
----* Size of the map's tile (could be different from the tile's size).<br>
----* return The size of the map's tile.
----@return size_table
-function TMXLayer:getMapTileSize () end
----* Return the value for the specific property name.<br>
----* param propertyName The specific property name.<br>
----* return Return the value for the specific property name.
----@param propertyName string
----@return cc.Value
-function TMXLayer:getProperty (propertyName) end
----* Set size of the layer in tiles.<br>
----* param size Size of the layer in tiles.
----@param size size_table
----@return self
-function TMXLayer:setLayerSize (size) end
----* Get the layer name. <br>
----* return The layer name.
----@return string
-function TMXLayer:getLayerName () end
----* Set tileset information for the layer.<br>
----* param info The tileset information for the layer.<br>
----* js NA
----@param info cc.TMXTilesetInfo
----@return self
-function TMXLayer:setTileSet (info) end
----* Tileset information for the layer. <br>
----* return Tileset information for the layer.
----@return cc.TMXTilesetInfo
-function TMXLayer:getTileSet () end
----@overload fun():self
----@overload fun():self
----@return map_table
-function TMXLayer:getProperties () end
----* Returns the tile (Sprite) at a given a tile coordinate.<br>
----* The returned Sprite will be already added to the TMXLayer. Don't add it again.<br>
----* The Sprite can be treated like any other Sprite: rotated, scaled, translated, opacity, color, etc.<br>
----* You can remove either by calling:<br>
----* - layer->removeChild(sprite, cleanup);<br>
----* - or layer->removeTileAt(Vec2(x,y));<br>
----* param tileCoordinate A tile coordinate.<br>
----* return Returns the tile (Sprite) at a given a tile coordinate.
----@param tileCoordinate vec2_table
----@return cc.Sprite
-function TMXLayer:getTileAt (tileCoordinate) end
----* Creates a TMXLayer with an tileset info, a layer info and a map info.<br>
----* param tilesetInfo An tileset info.<br>
----* param layerInfo A layer info.<br>
----* param mapInfo A map info.<br>
----* return An autorelease object.
----@param tilesetInfo cc.TMXTilesetInfo
----@param layerInfo cc.TMXLayerInfo
----@param mapInfo cc.TMXMapInfo
----@return self
-function TMXLayer:create (tilesetInfo,layerInfo,mapInfo) end
----@param child cc.Node
----@param zOrder int
----@param tag int
----@return self
-function TMXLayer:addChild (child,zOrder,tag) end
----* js NA
----@return string
-function TMXLayer:getDescription () end
----@param child cc.Node
----@param cleanup boolean
----@return self
-function TMXLayer:removeChild (child,cleanup) end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function TMXLayer:TMXLayer () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TMXLayerInfo.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TMXLayerInfo.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 734d52d3..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TMXLayerInfo.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TMXLayerInfo :cc.Ref
-local TMXLayerInfo={ }
----@param properties map_table
----@return self
-function TMXLayerInfo:setProperties (properties) end
----@return map_table
-function TMXLayerInfo:getProperties () end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function TMXLayerInfo:TMXLayerInfo () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TMXMapInfo.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TMXMapInfo.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index ffb02745..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TMXMapInfo.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TMXMapInfo
-local TMXMapInfo={ }
----@param currentString string
----@return self
-function TMXMapInfo:setCurrentString (currentString) end
----* / map hexsidelength
----@return int
-function TMXMapInfo:getHexSideLength () end
----@param tileSize size_table
----@return self
-function TMXMapInfo:setTileSize (tileSize) end
----* / map orientation
----@return int
-function TMXMapInfo:getOrientation () end
----@param groups array_table
----@return self
-function TMXMapInfo:setObjectGroups (groups) end
----@param layers array_table
----@return self
-function TMXMapInfo:setLayers (layers) end
----* initializes parsing of an XML file, either a tmx (Map) file or tsx (Tileset) file
----@param xmlFilename string
----@return boolean
-function TMXMapInfo:parseXMLFile (xmlFilename) end
----* / parent element
----@return int
-function TMXMapInfo:getParentElement () end
----@param fileName string
----@return self
-function TMXMapInfo:setTMXFileName (fileName) end
----@param xmlString string
----@return boolean
-function TMXMapInfo:parseXMLString (xmlString) end
----@overload fun():self
----@overload fun():self
----@return array_table
-function TMXMapInfo:getLayers () end
----* / map staggeraxis
----@return int
-function TMXMapInfo:getStaggerAxis () end
----@param hexSideLength int
----@return self
-function TMXMapInfo:setHexSideLength (hexSideLength) end
----* initializes a TMX format with a tmx file
----@param tmxFile string
----@return boolean
-function TMXMapInfo:initWithTMXFile (tmxFile) end
----* / parent GID
----@return int
-function TMXMapInfo:getParentGID () end
----@overload fun():self
----@overload fun():self
----@return array_table
-function TMXMapInfo:getTilesets () end
----@param element int
----@return self
-function TMXMapInfo:setParentElement (element) end
----* initializes a TMX format with an XML string and a TMX resource path
----@param tmxString string
----@param resourcePath string
----@return boolean
-function TMXMapInfo:initWithXML (tmxString,resourcePath) end
----@param gid int
----@return self
-function TMXMapInfo:setParentGID (gid) end
----* / layer attribs
----@return int
-function TMXMapInfo:getLayerAttribs () end
----* / tiles width & height
----@return size_table
-function TMXMapInfo:getTileSize () end
----@return map_table
-function TMXMapInfo:getTileProperties () end
----* / is storing characters?
----@return boolean
-function TMXMapInfo:isStoringCharacters () end
----@return string
-function TMXMapInfo:getExternalTilesetFileName () end
----@overload fun():self
----@overload fun():self
----@return array_table
-function TMXMapInfo:getObjectGroups () end
----@return string
-function TMXMapInfo:getTMXFileName () end
----@param staggerIndex int
----@return self
-function TMXMapInfo:setStaggerIndex (staggerIndex) end
----@param properties map_table
----@return self
-function TMXMapInfo:setProperties (properties) end
----@param orientation int
----@return self
-function TMXMapInfo:setOrientation (orientation) end
----@param tileProperties map_table
----@return self
-function TMXMapInfo:setTileProperties (tileProperties) end
----@param mapSize size_table
----@return self
-function TMXMapInfo:setMapSize (mapSize) end
----@return string
-function TMXMapInfo:getCurrentString () end
----@param storingCharacters boolean
----@return self
-function TMXMapInfo:setStoringCharacters (storingCharacters) end
----@param staggerAxis int
----@return self
-function TMXMapInfo:setStaggerAxis (staggerAxis) end
----* / map width & height
----@return size_table
-function TMXMapInfo:getMapSize () end
----@param tilesets array_table
----@return self
-function TMXMapInfo:setTilesets (tilesets) end
----@overload fun():self
----@overload fun():self
----@return map_table
-function TMXMapInfo:getProperties () end
----* / map stagger index
----@return int
-function TMXMapInfo:getStaggerIndex () end
----@param layerAttribs int
----@return self
-function TMXMapInfo:setLayerAttribs (layerAttribs) end
----* creates a TMX Format with a tmx file
----@param tmxFile string
----@return self
-function TMXMapInfo:create (tmxFile) end
----* creates a TMX Format with an XML string and a TMX resource path
----@param tmxString string
----@param resourcePath string
----@return self
-function TMXMapInfo:createWithXML (tmxString,resourcePath) end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function TMXMapInfo:TMXMapInfo () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TMXObjectGroup.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TMXObjectGroup.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e6088d7..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TMXObjectGroup.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TMXObjectGroup :cc.Ref
-local TMXObjectGroup={ }
----* Sets the offset position of child objects. <br>
----* param offset The offset position of child objects.
----@param offset vec2_table
----@return self
-function TMXObjectGroup:setPositionOffset (offset) end
----* Return the value for the specific property name. <br>
----* param propertyName The specific property name.<br>
----* return Return the value for the specific property name.<br>
----* js NA
----@param propertyName string
----@return cc.Value
-function TMXObjectGroup:getProperty (propertyName) end
----* Gets the offset position of child objects. <br>
----* return The offset position of child objects.
----@return vec2_table
-function TMXObjectGroup:getPositionOffset () end
----* Return the dictionary for the specific object name.<br>
----* It will return the 1st object found on the array for the given name.<br>
----* return Return the dictionary for the specific object name.
----@param objectName string
----@return map_table
-function TMXObjectGroup:getObject (objectName) end
----@overload fun():self
----@overload fun():self
----@return array_table
-function TMXObjectGroup:getObjects () end
----* Set the group name. <br>
----* param groupName A string,it is used to set the group name.
----@param groupName string
----@return self
-function TMXObjectGroup:setGroupName (groupName) end
----@overload fun():self
----@overload fun():self
----@return map_table
-function TMXObjectGroup:getProperties () end
----* Get the group name. <br>
----* return The group name.
----@return string
-function TMXObjectGroup:getGroupName () end
----* Sets the list of properties.<br>
----* param properties The list of properties.
----@param properties map_table
----@return self
-function TMXObjectGroup:setProperties (properties) end
----* Sets the array of the objects.<br>
----* param objects The array of the objects.
----@param objects array_table
----@return self
-function TMXObjectGroup:setObjects (objects) end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function TMXObjectGroup:TMXObjectGroup () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TMXTiledMap.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TMXTiledMap.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 50a1c5ed..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TMXTiledMap.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TMXTiledMap :cc.Node
-local TMXTiledMap={ }
----* Set the object groups. <br>
----* param groups The object groups.
----@param groups array_table
----@return self
-function TMXTiledMap:setObjectGroups (groups) end
----* Return the value for the specific property name. <br>
----* param propertyName The specific property name.<br>
----* return Return the value for the specific property name.
----@param propertyName string
----@return cc.Value
-function TMXTiledMap:getProperty (propertyName) end
----@return int
-function TMXTiledMap:getLayerNum () end
----* Set the map's size property measured in tiles. <br>
----* param mapSize The map's size property measured in tiles.
----@param mapSize size_table
----@return self
-function TMXTiledMap:setMapSize (mapSize) end
----* Return the TMXObjectGroup for the specific group. <br>
----* param groupName The group Name.<br>
----* return A Type of TMXObjectGroup.
----@param groupName string
----@return cc.TMXObjectGroup
-function TMXTiledMap:getObjectGroup (groupName) end
----@overload fun():self
----@overload fun():self
----@return array_table
-function TMXTiledMap:getObjectGroups () end
----@return string
-function TMXTiledMap:getResourceFile () end
----* initializes a TMX Tiled Map with a TMX file
----@param tmxFile string
----@return boolean
-function TMXTiledMap:initWithTMXFile (tmxFile) end
----* The tiles's size property measured in pixels. <br>
----* return The tiles's size property measured in pixels.
----@return size_table
-function TMXTiledMap:getTileSize () end
----* The map's size property measured in tiles. <br>
----* return The map's size property measured in tiles.
----@return size_table
-function TMXTiledMap:getMapSize () end
----* initializes a TMX Tiled Map with a TMX formatted XML string and a path to TMX resources
----@param tmxString string
----@param resourcePath string
----@return boolean
-function TMXTiledMap:initWithXML (tmxString,resourcePath) end
----* Properties. <br>
----* return Properties.
----@return map_table
-function TMXTiledMap:getProperties () end
----* Set the tiles's size property measured in pixels. <br>
----* param tileSize The tiles's size property measured in pixels.
----@param tileSize size_table
----@return self
-function TMXTiledMap:setTileSize (tileSize) end
----* Set the properties.<br>
----* param properties A Type of ValueMap to set the properties.
----@param properties map_table
----@return self
-function TMXTiledMap:setProperties (properties) end
----* Return the TMXLayer for the specific layer. <br>
----* param layerName A specific layer.<br>
----* return The TMXLayer for the specific layer.
----@param layerName string
----@return cc.TMXLayer
-function TMXTiledMap:getLayer (layerName) end
----* Map orientation. <br>
----* return Map orientation.
----@return int
-function TMXTiledMap:getMapOrientation () end
----* Set map orientation. <br>
----* param mapOrientation The map orientation.
----@param mapOrientation int
----@return self
-function TMXTiledMap:setMapOrientation (mapOrientation) end
----* Creates a TMX Tiled Map with a TMX file.<br>
----* param tmxFile A TMX file.<br>
----* return An autorelease object.
----@param tmxFile string
----@return self
-function TMXTiledMap:create (tmxFile) end
----* Initializes a TMX Tiled Map with a TMX formatted XML string and a path to TMX resources. <br>
----* param tmxString A TMX formatted XML string.<br>
----* param resourcePath The path to TMX resources.<br>
----* return An autorelease object.<br>
----* js NA
----@param tmxString string
----@param resourcePath string
----@return self
-function TMXTiledMap:createWithXML (tmxString,resourcePath) end
----* Get the description.<br>
----* js NA
----@return string
-function TMXTiledMap:getDescription () end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function TMXTiledMap:TMXTiledMap () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TMXTilesetInfo.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TMXTilesetInfo.lua
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index d6427059..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TMXTilesetInfo.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TMXTilesetInfo :cc.Ref
-local TMXTilesetInfo={ }
----@param gid unsigned_int
----@return rect_table
-function TMXTilesetInfo:getRectForGID (gid) end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function TMXTilesetInfo:TMXTilesetInfo () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TableView.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TableView.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index f7465ff7..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TableView.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TableView :ccui.ScrollView@all parent class: ScrollView,ScrollViewDelegate
-local TableView={ }
----* Updates the content of the cell at a given index.<br>
----* param idx index to find a cell
----@param idx int
----@return self
-function TableView:updateCellAtIndex (idx) end
----* determines how cell is ordered and filled in the view.
----@param order int
----@return self
-function TableView:setVerticalFillOrder (order) end
----@return self
-function TableView:_updateContentSize () end
----@return int
-function TableView:getVerticalFillOrder () end
----* Removes a cell at a given index<br>
----* param idx index to find a cell
----@param idx int
----@return self
-function TableView:removeCellAtIndex (idx) end
----@param size size_table
----@param container cc.Node
----@return boolean
-function TableView:initWithViewSize (size,container) end
----@param view cc.ScrollView
----@return self
-function TableView:scrollViewDidScroll (view) end
----* reloads data from data source. the view will be refreshed.
----@return self
-function TableView:reloadData () end
----@param view cc.ScrollView
----@return self
-function TableView:scrollViewDidZoom (view) end
----* Inserts a new cell at a given index<br>
----* param idx location to insert
----@param idx int
----@return self
-function TableView:insertCellAtIndex (idx) end
----* Returns an existing cell at a given index. Returns nil if a cell is nonexistent at the moment of query.<br>
----* param idx index<br>
----* return a cell at a given index
----@param idx int
----@return cc.TableViewCell
-function TableView:cellAtIndex (idx) end
----* Dequeues a free cell if available. nil if not.<br>
----* return free cell
----@return cc.TableViewCell
-function TableView:dequeueCell () end
----@param pTouch cc.Touch
----@param pEvent cc.Event
----@return self
-function TableView:onTouchMoved (pTouch,pEvent) end
----@param pTouch cc.Touch
----@param pEvent cc.Event
----@return self
-function TableView:onTouchEnded (pTouch,pEvent) end
----@param pTouch cc.Touch
----@param pEvent cc.Event
----@return self
-function TableView:onTouchCancelled (pTouch,pEvent) end
----@param pTouch cc.Touch
----@param pEvent cc.Event
----@return boolean
-function TableView:onTouchBegan (pTouch,pEvent) end
----* js ctor<br>
----* lua new
----@return self
-function TableView:TableView () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TableViewCell.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TableViewCell.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 15b6f772..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TableViewCell.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TableViewCell :cc.Node
-local TableViewCell={ }
----* Cleans up any resources linked to this cell and resets <code>idx</code> property.
----@return self
-function TableViewCell:reset () end
----* The index used internally by SWTableView and its subclasses
----@return int
-function TableViewCell:getIdx () end
----@param uIdx int
----@return self
-function TableViewCell:setIdx (uIdx) end
----@return self
-function TableViewCell:create () end
----@return self
-function TableViewCell:TableViewCell () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TargetedAction.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TargetedAction.lua
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index f3d88acf..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TargetedAction.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TargetedAction :cc.ActionInterval
-local TargetedAction={ }
----@overload fun():cc.Node
----@overload fun():cc.Node
----@return cc.Node
-function TargetedAction:getForcedTarget () end
----* Init an action with the specified action and forced target
----@param target cc.Node
----@param action cc.FiniteTimeAction
----@return boolean
-function TargetedAction:initWithTarget (target,action) end
----* Sets the target that the action will be forced to run with.<br>
----* param forcedTarget The target that the action will be forced to run with.
----@param forcedTarget cc.Node
----@return self
-function TargetedAction:setForcedTarget (forcedTarget) end
----* Create an action with the specified action and forced target.<br>
----* param target The target needs to override.<br>
----* param action The action needs to override.<br>
----* return An autoreleased TargetedAction object.
----@param target cc.Node
----@param action cc.FiniteTimeAction
----@return self
-function TargetedAction:create (target,action) end
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function TargetedAction:startWithTarget (target) end
----@return self
-function TargetedAction:clone () end
----@return self
-function TargetedAction:stop () end
----@return self
-function TargetedAction:reverse () end
----* param time In seconds.
----@param time float
----@return self
-function TargetedAction:update (time) end
----@return self
-function TargetedAction:TargetedAction () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Technique.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Technique.lua
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index 0c21dd2c..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Technique.lua
+++ /dev/null
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----@class cc.Technique :cc.Ref
-local Technique={ }
----* Returns the number of Passes in the Technique
----@return int
-function Technique:getPassCount () end
----@param material cc.Material
----@return self
-function Technique:setMaterial (material) end
----* Returns a new clone of the Technique
----@return self
-function Technique:clone () end
----* Adds a new pass to the Technique.<br>
----* Order matters. First added, first rendered
----@param pass cc.Pass
----@return self
-function Technique:addPass (pass) end
----* Returns the list of passes
----@return array_table
-function Technique:getPasses () end
----* Returns the name of the Technique
----@return string
-function Technique:getName () end
----* Returns the Pass at given index
----@param index int
----@return cc.Pass
-function Technique:getPassByIndex (index) end
----* Creates a new Technique with a GLProgramState.<br>
----* Method added to support legacy code
----@param parent cc.Material
----@param state cc.backend.ProgramState
----@return self
-function Technique:createWithProgramState (parent,state) end
----@param parent cc.Material
----@return self
-function Technique:create (parent) end \ No newline at end of file
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index cf489926..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Terrain.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Terrain :cc.Node
-local Terrain={ }
----* initialize heightMap data
----@param heightMap string
----@return boolean
-function Terrain:initHeightMap (heightMap) end
----* set the MaxDetailAmount.
----@param maxValue int
----@return self
-function Terrain:setMaxDetailMapAmount (maxValue) end
----* show the wireline instead of the surface,Debug Use only.<br>
----* Note only support desktop platform
----@param boolValue boolean
----@return self
-function Terrain:setDrawWire (boolValue) end
----* get the terrain's height data
----@return array_table
-function Terrain:getHeightData () end
----* set the Detail Map
----@param index unsigned_int
----@param detailMap cc.Terrain.DetailMap
----@return self
-function Terrain:setDetailMap (index,detailMap) end
----* reset the heightmap data.
----@param heightMap string
----@return self
-function Terrain:resetHeightMap (heightMap) end
----* set directional light for the terrain<br>
----* param lightDir The direction of directional light, Note that lightDir is in the terrain's local space. Most of the time terrain is placed at (0,0,0) and without rotation, so lightDir is also in the world space.
----@param lightDir vec3_table
----@return self
-function Terrain:setLightDir (lightDir) end
----* set the alpha map
----@param newAlphaMapTexture cc.Texture2D
----@return self
-function Terrain:setAlphaMap (newAlphaMapTexture) end
----* set the skirt height ratio
----@param ratio float
----@return self
-function Terrain:setSkirtHeightRatio (ratio) end
----* Convert a world Space position (X,Z) to terrain space position (X,Z)
----@param worldSpace vec2_table
----@return vec2_table
-function Terrain:convertToTerrainSpace (worldSpace) end
----* initialize alphaMap ,detailMaps textures
----@return boolean
-function Terrain:initTextures () end
----* initialize all Properties which terrain need
----@return boolean
-function Terrain:initProperties () end
----@param parameter cc.Terrain.TerrainData
----@param fixedType int
----@return boolean
-function Terrain:initWithTerrainData (parameter,fixedType) end
----* Set threshold distance of each LOD level,must equal or greater than the chunk size<br>
----* Note when invoke initHeightMap, the LOD distance will be automatic calculated.
----@param lod1 float
----@param lod2 float
----@param lod3 float
----@return self
-function Terrain:setLODDistance (lod1,lod2,lod3) end
----* get the terrain's size
----@return size_table
-function Terrain:getTerrainSize () end
----* get the normal of the specified position in terrain<br>
----* return the normal vector of the specified position of the terrain.<br>
----* note the fast normal calculation may not get precise normal vector.
----@param pixelX int
----@param pixelY int
----@return vec3_table
-function Terrain:getNormal (pixelX,pixelY) end
----@return self
-function Terrain:reload () end
----* get height from the raw height filed
----@param pixelX int
----@param pixelY int
----@return float
-function Terrain:getImageHeight (pixelX,pixelY) end
----* set light map texture
----@param fileName string
----@return self
-function Terrain:setLightMap (fileName) end
----* Switch frustum Culling Flag<br>
----* Note frustum culling will remarkable improve your terrain rendering performance.
----@param boolValue boolean
----@return self
-function Terrain:setIsEnableFrustumCull (boolValue) end
----* get the terrain's minimal height.
----@return float
-function Terrain:getMinHeight () end
----* get the terrain's maximal height.
----@return float
-function Terrain:getMaxHeight () end
----@param renderer cc.Renderer
----@param transform mat4_table
----@param flags unsigned_int
----@return self
-function Terrain:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end
----@return self
-function Terrain:Terrain () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Texture2D.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Texture2D.lua
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index 96de66d8..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Texture2D.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Texture2D :cc.Ref
-local Texture2D={ }
----* Gets max T.
----@return float
-function Texture2D:getMaxT () end
----@param alphaTexture cc.Texture2D
----@return self
-function Texture2D:setAlphaTexture (alphaTexture) end
----* Returns the pixel format.<br>
----* since v2.0
----@return char
-function Texture2D:getStringForFormat () end
----@overload fun(cc.Image:cc.Image,int:int):self
----@overload fun(cc.Image:cc.Image):self
----@param image cc.Image
----@param format int
----@return boolean
-function Texture2D:initWithImage (image,format) end
----* Gets max S.
----@return float
-function Texture2D:getMaxS () end
----* Whether or not the texture has their Alpha premultiplied.
----@return boolean
-function Texture2D:hasPremultipliedAlpha () end
----* Gets the height of the texture in pixels.
----@return int
-function Texture2D:getPixelsHigh () end
----@return boolean
-function Texture2D:getAlphaTextureName () end
----@overload fun(int:int):self
----@overload fun():self
----@param format int
----@return unsigned_int
-function Texture2D:getBitsPerPixelForFormat (format) end
----* Sets max S.
----@param maxS float
----@return self
-function Texture2D:setMaxS (maxS) end
----@overload fun(char:char,string1:cc.FontDefinition):self
----@overload fun(char:char,string:string,float:float,size_table:size_table,int:int,int:int,boolean:boolean,int:int):self
----@param text char
----@param fontName string
----@param fontSize float
----@param dimensions size_table
----@param hAlignment int
----@param vAlignment int
----@param enableWrap boolean
----@param overflow int
----@return boolean
-function Texture2D:initWithString (text,fontName,fontSize,dimensions,hAlignment,vAlignment,enableWrap,overflow) end
----* Sets max T.
----@param maxT float
----@return self
-function Texture2D:setMaxT (maxT) end
----@return string
-function Texture2D:getPath () end
----* Draws a texture inside a rect.
----@param rect rect_table
----@param globalZOrder float
----@return self
-function Texture2D:drawInRect (rect,globalZOrder) end
----@return boolean
-function Texture2D:isRenderTarget () end
----* Get the texture content size.
----@return size_table
-function Texture2D:getContentSize () end
----* Sets alias texture parameters:<br>
----* warning Calling this method could allocate additional texture memory.<br>
----* since v0.8
----@return self
-function Texture2D:setAliasTexParameters () end
----* Sets antialias texture parameters:<br>
----* warning Calling this method could allocate additional texture memory.<br>
----* since v0.8
----@return self
-function Texture2D:setAntiAliasTexParameters () end
----* Generates mipmap images for the texture.<br>
----* It only works if the texture size is POT (power of 2).<br>
----* since v0.99.0
----@return self
-function Texture2D:generateMipmap () end
----@return self
-function Texture2D:getAlphaTexture () end
----* Gets the pixel format of the texture.
----@return int
-function Texture2D:getPixelFormat () end
----@return cc.backend.TextureBackend
-function Texture2D:getBackendTexture () end
----* Get content size.
----@return size_table
-function Texture2D:getContentSizeInPixels () end
----* Gets the width of the texture in pixels.
----@return int
-function Texture2D:getPixelsWide () end
----* Drawing extensions to make it easy to draw basic quads using a Texture2D object.<br>
----* These functions require GL_TEXTURE_2D and both GL_VERTEX_ARRAY and GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY client states to be enabled.<br>
----* Draws a texture at a given point.
----@param point vec2_table
----@param globalZOrder float
----@return self
-function Texture2D:drawAtPoint (point,globalZOrder) end
----* Whether or not the texture has mip maps.
----@return boolean
-function Texture2D:hasMipmaps () end
----@param renderTarget boolean
----@return self
-function Texture2D:setRenderTarget (renderTarget) end
----@param texture cc.backend.TextureBackend
----@param preMultipliedAlpha boolean
----@return boolean
-function Texture2D:initWithBackendTexture (texture,preMultipliedAlpha) end
----* sets the default pixel format for UIImagescontains alpha channel.<br>
----* param format<br>
----* If the UIImage contains alpha channel, then the options are:<br>
----* - generate 32-bit textures: backend::PixelFormat::RGBA8888 (default one)<br>
----* - generate 24-bit textures: backend::PixelFormat::RGB888<br>
----* - generate 16-bit textures: backend::PixelFormat::RGBA4444<br>
----* - generate 16-bit textures: backend::PixelFormat::RGB5A1<br>
----* - generate 16-bit textures: backend::PixelFormat::RGB565<br>
----* - generate 8-bit textures: backend::PixelFormat::A8 (only use it if you use just 1 color)<br>
----* How does it work ?<br>
----* - If the image is an RGBA (with Alpha) then the default pixel format will be used (it can be a 8-bit, 16-bit or 32-bit texture)<br>
----* - If the image is an RGB (without Alpha) then: If the default pixel format is RGBA8888 then a RGBA8888 (32-bit) will be used. Otherwise a RGB565 (16-bit texture) will be used.<br>
----* This parameter is not valid for PVR / PVR.CCZ images.<br>
----* since v0.8
----@param format int
----@return self
-function Texture2D:setDefaultAlphaPixelFormat (format) end
----* Returns the alpha pixel format.<br>
----* since v0.8
----@return int
-function Texture2D:getDefaultAlphaPixelFormat () end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function Texture2D:Texture2D () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TextureCache.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TextureCache.lua
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index 55753f10..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TextureCache.lua
+++ /dev/null
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----@class cc.TextureCache :cc.Ref
-local TextureCache={ }
----* Reload texture from the image file.<br>
----* If the file image hasn't loaded before, load it.<br>
----* Otherwise the texture will be reloaded from the file image.<br>
----* param fileName It's the related/absolute path of the file image.<br>
----* return True if the reloading is succeed, otherwise return false.
----@param fileName string
----@return boolean
-function TextureCache:reloadTexture (fileName) end
----* Unbind all bound image asynchronous load callbacks.<br>
----* since v3.1
----@return self
-function TextureCache:unbindAllImageAsync () end
----* Deletes a texture from the cache given a its key name.<br>
----* param key It's the related/absolute path of the file image.<br>
----* since v0.99.4
----@param key string
----@return self
-function TextureCache:removeTextureForKey (key) end
----* Purges the dictionary of loaded textures.<br>
----* Call this method if you receive the "Memory Warning".<br>
----* In the short term: it will free some resources preventing your app from being killed.<br>
----* In the medium term: it will allocate more resources.<br>
----* In the long term: it will be the same.
----@return self
-function TextureCache:removeAllTextures () end
----* js NA<br>
----* lua NA
----@return string
-function TextureCache:getDescription () end
----* Output to CCLOG the current contents of this TextureCache.<br>
----* This will attempt to calculate the size of each texture, and the total texture memory in use.<br>
----* since v1.0
----@return string
-function TextureCache:getCachedTextureInfo () end
----@overload fun(cc.Image:cc.Image,string:string):cc.Texture2D
----@overload fun(cc.Image0:string):cc.Texture2D
----@param image cc.Image
----@param key string
----@return cc.Texture2D
-function TextureCache:addImage (image,key) end
----* Unbind a specified bound image asynchronous callback.<br>
----* In the case an object who was bound to an image asynchronous callback was destroyed before the callback is invoked,<br>
----* the object always need to unbind this callback manually.<br>
----* param filename It's the related/absolute path of the file image.<br>
----* since v3.1
----@param filename string
----@return self
-function TextureCache:unbindImageAsync (filename) end
----* Returns an already created texture. Returns nil if the texture doesn't exist.<br>
----* param key It's the related/absolute path of the file image.<br>
----* since v0.99.5
----@param key string
----@return cc.Texture2D
-function TextureCache:getTextureForKey (key) end
----* Get the file path of the texture<br>
----* param texture A Texture2D object pointer.<br>
----* return The full path of the file.
----@param texture cc.Texture2D
----@return string
-function TextureCache:getTextureFilePath (texture) end
----* Reload texture from a new file.<br>
----* This function is mainly for editor, won't suggest use it in game for performance reason.<br>
----* param srcName Original texture file name.<br>
----* param dstName New texture file name.<br>
----* since v3.10
----@param srcName string
----@param dstName string
----@return self
-function TextureCache:renameTextureWithKey (srcName,dstName) end
----* Removes unused textures.<br>
----* Textures that have a retain count of 1 will be deleted.<br>
----* It is convenient to call this method after when starting a new Scene.<br>
----* since v0.8
----@return self
-function TextureCache:removeUnusedTextures () end
----* Deletes a texture from the cache given a texture.
----@param texture cc.Texture2D
----@return self
-function TextureCache:removeTexture (texture) end
----* Called by director, please do not called outside.
----@return self
-function TextureCache:waitForQuit () end
----@param suffix string
----@return self
-function TextureCache:setETC1AlphaFileSuffix (suffix) end
----@return string
-function TextureCache:getETC1AlphaFileSuffix () end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function TextureCache:TextureCache () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TextureCube.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TextureCube.lua
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index b51d2a9c..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TextureCube.lua
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@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TextureCube :cc.Ref
-local TextureCube={ }
----* reload texture cube after GLESContext reconstructed.
----@return boolean
-function TextureCube:reloadTexture () end
----@return cc.backend.TextureBackend
-function TextureCube:getBackendTexture () end
----* Sets the min filter, mag filter, wrap s and wrap t texture parameters.<br>
----* If the texture size is NPOT (non power of 2), then in can only use GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE in GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_{S,T}.
----@param r cc.backend.SamplerDescripto
----@return self
-function TextureCube:setTexParameters (r) end
----* create cube texture from 6 textures.<br>
----* param positive_x texture for the right side of the texture cube face.<br>
----* param negative_x texture for the up side of the texture cube face.<br>
----* param positive_y texture for the top side of the texture cube face<br>
----* param negative_y texture for the bottom side of the texture cube face<br>
----* param positive_z texture for the forward side of the texture cube face.<br>
----* param negative_z texture for the rear side of the texture cube face.<br>
----* return A new texture cube inited with given parameters.
----@param positive_x string
----@param negative_x string
----@param positive_y string
----@param negative_y string
----@param positive_z string
----@param negative_z string
----@return self
-function TextureCube:create (positive_x,negative_x,positive_y,negative_y,positive_z,negative_z) end
----* Constructor.
----@return self
-function TextureCube:TextureCube () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TileMapAtlas.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TileMapAtlas.lua
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index ba326bb0..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TileMapAtlas.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TileMapAtlas :cc.AtlasNode
-local TileMapAtlas={ }
----* initializes a TileMap with a tile file (atlas) with a map file and the width and height of each tile in points.<br>
----* The file will be loaded using the TextureMgr.
----@param tile string
----@param mapFile string
----@param tileWidth int
----@param tileHeight int
----@return boolean
-function TileMapAtlas:initWithTileFile (tile,mapFile,tileWidth,tileHeight) end
----* dealloc the map from memory
----@return self
-function TileMapAtlas:releaseMap () end
----* Returns a tile from position x,y.<br>
----* For the moment only channel R is used
----@param position vec2_table
----@return color3b_table
-function TileMapAtlas:getTileAt (position) end
----* sets a tile at position x,y.<br>
----* For the moment only channel R is used
----@param tile color3b_table
----@param position vec2_table
----@return self
-function TileMapAtlas:setTile (tile,position) end
----* creates a TileMap with a tile file (atlas) with a map file and the width and height of each tile in points.<br>
----* The tile file will be loaded using the TextureMgr.
----@param tile string
----@param mapFile string
----@param tileWidth int
----@param tileHeight int
----@return self
-function TileMapAtlas:create (tile,mapFile,tileWidth,tileHeight) end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function TileMapAtlas:TileMapAtlas () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TiledGrid3D.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TiledGrid3D.lua
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--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TiledGrid3D.lua
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@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TiledGrid3D :cc.GridBase
-local TiledGrid3D={ }
----@overload fun(size_table:size_table,cc.Texture2D1:rect_table):self
----@overload fun(size_table:size_table):self
----@overload fun(size_table:size_table,cc.Texture2D:cc.Texture2D,boolean:boolean):self
----@overload fun(size_table:size_table,cc.Texture2D:cc.Texture2D,boolean:boolean,rect_table:rect_table):self
----@param gridSize size_table
----@param texture cc.Texture2D
----@param flipped boolean
----@param rect rect_table
----@return self
-function TiledGrid3D:create (gridSize,texture,flipped,rect) end
----@return self
-function TiledGrid3D:calculateVertexPoints () end
----* Implementations for interfaces in base class.
----@return self
-function TiledGrid3D:blit () end
----@return self
-function TiledGrid3D:reuse () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TiledGrid3DAction.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TiledGrid3DAction.lua
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--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TiledGrid3DAction.lua
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@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TiledGrid3DAction :cc.GridAction
-local TiledGrid3DAction={ }
----@return self
-function TiledGrid3DAction:clone () end
----* returns the grid
----@return cc.GridBase
-function TiledGrid3DAction:getGrid () end \ No newline at end of file
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--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Timer.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Timer :cc.Ref
-local Timer={ }
----@param seconds float
----@param _repeat unsigned_int
----@param delay float
----@return self
-function Timer:setupTimerWithInterval (seconds,_repeat,delay) end
----* triggers the timer
----@param dt float
----@return self
-function Timer:update (dt) end
----@return boolean
-function Timer:isAborted () end
----@return boolean
-function Timer:isExhausted () end
----@param dt float
----@return self
-function Timer:trigger (dt) end
----@return self
-function Timer:cancel () end
----@return self
-function Timer:setAborted () end \ No newline at end of file
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index 14c6f298..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TintBy.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TintBy :cc.ActionInterval
-local TintBy={ }
----* initializes the action with duration and color
----@param duration float
----@param deltaRed short
----@param deltaGreen short
----@param deltaBlue short
----@return boolean
-function TintBy:initWithDuration (duration,deltaRed,deltaGreen,deltaBlue) end
----* Creates an action with duration and color.<br>
----* param duration Duration time, in seconds.<br>
----* param deltaRed Delta red color.<br>
----* param deltaGreen Delta green color.<br>
----* param deltaBlue Delta blue color.<br>
----* return An autoreleased TintBy object.
----@param duration float
----@param deltaRed short
----@param deltaGreen short
----@param deltaBlue short
----@return self
-function TintBy:create (duration,deltaRed,deltaGreen,deltaBlue) end
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function TintBy:startWithTarget (target) end
----@return self
-function TintBy:clone () end
----@return self
-function TintBy:reverse () end
----* param time In seconds.
----@param time float
----@return self
-function TintBy:update (time) end
----@return self
-function TintBy:TintBy () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TintTo.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TintTo.lua
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index 90421783..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TintTo.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TintTo :cc.ActionInterval
-local TintTo={ }
----* initializes the action with duration and color
----@param duration float
----@param red unsigned_char
----@param green unsigned_char
----@param blue unsigned_char
----@return boolean
-function TintTo:initWithDuration (duration,red,green,blue) end
----@overload fun(float:float,unsigned_char1:color3b_table):self
----@overload fun(float:float,unsigned_char:unsigned_char,unsigned_char:unsigned_char,unsigned_char:unsigned_char):self
----@param duration float
----@param red unsigned_char
----@param green unsigned_char
----@param blue unsigned_char
----@return self
-function TintTo:create (duration,red,green,blue) end
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function TintTo:startWithTarget (target) end
----@return self
-function TintTo:clone () end
----@return self
-function TintTo:reverse () end
----* param time In seconds.
----@param time float
----@return self
-function TintTo:update (time) end
----@return self
-function TintTo:TintTo () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ToggleVisibility.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ToggleVisibility.lua
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index 905a91d0..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ToggleVisibility.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.ToggleVisibility :cc.ActionInstant
-local ToggleVisibility={ }
----* Allocates and initializes the action.<br>
----* return An autoreleased ToggleVisibility object.
----@return self
-function ToggleVisibility:create () end
----@return self
-function ToggleVisibility:clone () end
----* param time In seconds.
----@param time float
----@return self
-function ToggleVisibility:update (time) end
----@return self
-function ToggleVisibility:reverse () end
----@return self
-function ToggleVisibility:ToggleVisibility () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Touch.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Touch.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index a862efbf..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Touch.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Touch :cc.Ref
-local Touch={ }
----* Returns the previous touch location in screen coordinates. <br>
----* return The previous touch location in screen coordinates.
----@return vec2_table
-function Touch:getPreviousLocationInView () end
----* Returns the current touch location in OpenGL coordinates.<br>
----* return The current touch location in OpenGL coordinates.
----@return vec2_table
-function Touch:getLocation () end
----* Returns the delta of 2 current touches locations in screen coordinates.<br>
----* return The delta of 2 current touches locations in screen coordinates.
----@return vec2_table
-function Touch:getDelta () end
----* Returns the start touch location in screen coordinates.<br>
----* return The start touch location in screen coordinates.
----@return vec2_table
-function Touch:getStartLocationInView () end
----* Returns the current touch force for 3d touch.<br>
----* return The current touch force for 3d touch.
----@return float
-function Touch:getCurrentForce () end
----* Returns the start touch location in OpenGL coordinates.<br>
----* return The start touch location in OpenGL coordinates.
----@return vec2_table
-function Touch:getStartLocation () end
----* Get touch id.<br>
----* js getId<br>
----* lua getId<br>
----* return The id of touch.
----@return int
-function Touch:getID () end
----@overload fun(int:int,float:float,float:float,float:float,float:float):self
----@overload fun(int:int,float:float,float:float):self
----@param id int
----@param x float
----@param y float
----@param force float
----@param maxForce float
----@return self
-function Touch:setTouchInfo (id,x,y,force,maxForce) end
----* Returns the maximum touch force for 3d touch.<br>
----* return The maximum touch force for 3d touch.
----@return float
-function Touch:getMaxForce () end
----* Returns the current touch location in screen coordinates.<br>
----* return The current touch location in screen coordinates.
----@return vec2_table
-function Touch:getLocationInView () end
----* Returns the previous touch location in OpenGL coordinates.<br>
----* return The previous touch location in OpenGL coordinates.
----@return vec2_table
-function Touch:getPreviousLocation () end
----* Constructor.<br>
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function Touch:Touch () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionCrossFade.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionCrossFade.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 2015fda8..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionCrossFade.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TransitionCrossFade :cc.TransitionScene
-local TransitionCrossFade={ }
----* Creates a transition with duration and incoming scene.<br>
----* param t Duration time, in seconds.<br>
----* param scene A given scene.<br>
----* return A autoreleased TransitionCrossFade object.
----@param t float
----@param scene cc.Scene
----@return self
-function TransitionCrossFade:create (t,scene) end
----* lua NA
----@param renderer cc.Renderer
----@param transform mat4_table
----@param flags unsigned_int
----@return self
-function TransitionCrossFade:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end
----@return self
-function TransitionCrossFade:TransitionCrossFade () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionEaseScene.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionEaseScene.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f4bdb72..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionEaseScene.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TransitionEaseScene
-local TransitionEaseScene={ }
----* Returns the Ease action that will be performed on a linear action.<br>
----* since v0.8.2<br>
----* param action A given interval action.<br>
----* return The Ease action that will be performed on a linear action.
----@param action cc.ActionInterval
----@return cc.ActionInterval
-function TransitionEaseScene:easeActionWithAction (action) end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionFade.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionFade.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 20ed7ed1..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionFade.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TransitionFade :cc.TransitionScene
-local TransitionFade={ }
----@overload fun(float:float,cc.Scene:cc.Scene):self
----@overload fun(float:float,cc.Scene:cc.Scene,color3b_table:color3b_table):self
----@param t float
----@param scene cc.Scene
----@param color color3b_table
----@return boolean
-function TransitionFade:initWithDuration (t,scene,color) end
----@overload fun(float:float,cc.Scene:cc.Scene):self
----@overload fun(float:float,cc.Scene:cc.Scene,color3b_table:color3b_table):self
----@param duration float
----@param scene cc.Scene
----@param color color3b_table
----@return self
-function TransitionFade:create (duration,scene,color) end
----@return self
-function TransitionFade:TransitionFade () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionFadeBL.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionFadeBL.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index c92a3116..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionFadeBL.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TransitionFadeBL :cc.TransitionFadeTR
-local TransitionFadeBL={ }
----* Creates a transition with duration and incoming scene.<br>
----* param t Duration time, in seconds.<br>
----* param scene A given scene.<br>
----* return A autoreleased TransitionFadeBL object.
----@param t float
----@param scene cc.Scene
----@return self
-function TransitionFadeBL:create (t,scene) end
----@param size size_table
----@return cc.ActionInterval
-function TransitionFadeBL:actionWithSize (size) end
----@return self
-function TransitionFadeBL:TransitionFadeBL () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionFadeDown.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionFadeDown.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 16909432..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionFadeDown.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TransitionFadeDown :cc.TransitionFadeTR
-local TransitionFadeDown={ }
----* Creates a transition with duration and incoming scene.<br>
----* param t Duration time, in seconds.<br>
----* param scene A given scene.<br>
----* return A autoreleased TransitionFadeDown object.
----@param t float
----@param scene cc.Scene
----@return self
-function TransitionFadeDown:create (t,scene) end
----@param size size_table
----@return cc.ActionInterval
-function TransitionFadeDown:actionWithSize (size) end
----@return self
-function TransitionFadeDown:TransitionFadeDown () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionFadeTR.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionFadeTR.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 82ec16fb..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionFadeTR.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TransitionFadeTR :cc.TransitionScene@all parent class: TransitionScene,TransitionEaseScene
-local TransitionFadeTR={ }
----@param action cc.ActionInterval
----@return cc.ActionInterval
-function TransitionFadeTR:easeActionWithAction (action) end
----* Returns the action that will be performed with size.<br>
----* param size A given size.<br>
----* return The action that will be performed.
----@param size size_table
----@return cc.ActionInterval
-function TransitionFadeTR:actionWithSize (size) end
----* Creates a transition with duration and incoming scene.<br>
----* param t Duration time, in seconds.<br>
----* param scene A given scene.<br>
----* return A autoreleased TransitionFadeTR object.
----@param t float
----@param scene cc.Scene
----@return self
-function TransitionFadeTR:create (t,scene) end
----@param renderer cc.Renderer
----@param transform mat4_table
----@param flags unsigned_int
----@return self
-function TransitionFadeTR:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end
----@return self
-function TransitionFadeTR:TransitionFadeTR () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionFadeUp.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionFadeUp.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index d0e59d42..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionFadeUp.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TransitionFadeUp :cc.TransitionFadeTR
-local TransitionFadeUp={ }
----* Creates a transition with duration and incoming scene.<br>
----* param t Duration time, in seconds.<br>
----* param scene A given scene.<br>
----* return A autoreleased TransitionFadeUp object.
----@param t float
----@param scene cc.Scene
----@return self
-function TransitionFadeUp:create (t,scene) end
----@param size size_table
----@return cc.ActionInterval
-function TransitionFadeUp:actionWithSize (size) end
----@return self
-function TransitionFadeUp:TransitionFadeUp () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionFlipAngular.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionFlipAngular.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b684e54..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionFlipAngular.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TransitionFlipAngular :cc.TransitionSceneOriented
-local TransitionFlipAngular={ }
----@overload fun(float:float,cc.Scene:cc.Scene):self
----@overload fun(float:float,cc.Scene:cc.Scene,int:int):self
----@param t float
----@param s cc.Scene
----@param o int
----@return self
-function TransitionFlipAngular:create (t,s,o) end
----@return self
-function TransitionFlipAngular:TransitionFlipAngular () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionFlipX.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionFlipX.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 17b84c98..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionFlipX.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TransitionFlipX :cc.TransitionSceneOriented
-local TransitionFlipX={ }
----@overload fun(float:float,cc.Scene:cc.Scene):self
----@overload fun(float:float,cc.Scene:cc.Scene,int:int):self
----@param t float
----@param s cc.Scene
----@param o int
----@return self
-function TransitionFlipX:create (t,s,o) end
----@return self
-function TransitionFlipX:TransitionFlipX () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionFlipY.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionFlipY.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 0594172d..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionFlipY.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TransitionFlipY :cc.TransitionSceneOriented
-local TransitionFlipY={ }
----@overload fun(float:float,cc.Scene:cc.Scene):self
----@overload fun(float:float,cc.Scene:cc.Scene,int:int):self
----@param t float
----@param s cc.Scene
----@param o int
----@return self
-function TransitionFlipY:create (t,s,o) end
----@return self
-function TransitionFlipY:TransitionFlipY () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionJumpZoom.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionJumpZoom.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index bbce19bd..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionJumpZoom.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TransitionJumpZoom :cc.TransitionScene
-local TransitionJumpZoom={ }
----* Creates a transition with duration and incoming scene.<br>
----* param t Duration time, in seconds.<br>
----* param scene A given scene.<br>
----* return A autoreleased TransitionJumpZoom object.
----@param t float
----@param scene cc.Scene
----@return self
-function TransitionJumpZoom:create (t,scene) end
----@return self
-function TransitionJumpZoom:TransitionJumpZoom () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionMoveInB.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionMoveInB.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b99a21b..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionMoveInB.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TransitionMoveInB :cc.TransitionMoveInL
-local TransitionMoveInB={ }
----* Creates a transition with duration and incoming scene.<br>
----* param t Duration time, in seconds.<br>
----* param scene A given scene.<br>
----* return A autoreleased TransitionMoveInB object.
----@param t float
----@param scene cc.Scene
----@return self
-function TransitionMoveInB:create (t,scene) end
----@return self
-function TransitionMoveInB:TransitionMoveInB () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionMoveInL.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionMoveInL.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c84908f..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionMoveInL.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TransitionMoveInL :cc.TransitionScene@all parent class: TransitionScene,TransitionEaseScene
-local TransitionMoveInL={ }
----* Returns the action that will be performed. <br>
----* return The action that will be performed.
----@return cc.ActionInterval
-function TransitionMoveInL:action () end
----@param action cc.ActionInterval
----@return cc.ActionInterval
-function TransitionMoveInL:easeActionWithAction (action) end
----* Creates a transition with duration and incoming scene.<br>
----* param t Duration time, in seconds.<br>
----* param scene A given scene.<br>
----* return A autoreleased TransitionMoveInL object.
----@param t float
----@param scene cc.Scene
----@return self
-function TransitionMoveInL:create (t,scene) end
----@return self
-function TransitionMoveInL:TransitionMoveInL () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionMoveInR.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionMoveInR.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 88a5dc8b..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionMoveInR.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TransitionMoveInR :cc.TransitionMoveInL
-local TransitionMoveInR={ }
----* Creates a transition with duration and incoming scene.<br>
----* param t Duration time, in seconds.<br>
----* param scene A given scene.<br>
----* return A autoreleased TransitionMoveInR object.
----@param t float
----@param scene cc.Scene
----@return self
-function TransitionMoveInR:create (t,scene) end
----@return self
-function TransitionMoveInR:TransitionMoveInR () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionMoveInT.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionMoveInT.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index b6ecc183..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionMoveInT.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TransitionMoveInT :cc.TransitionMoveInL
-local TransitionMoveInT={ }
----* Creates a transition with duration and incoming scene.<br>
----* param t Duration time, in seconds.<br>
----* param scene A given scene.<br>
----* return A autoreleased TransitionMoveInT object.
----@param t float
----@param scene cc.Scene
----@return self
-function TransitionMoveInT:create (t,scene) end
----@return self
-function TransitionMoveInT:TransitionMoveInT () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionPageTurn.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionPageTurn.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index fe75e962..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionPageTurn.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TransitionPageTurn :cc.TransitionScene
-local TransitionPageTurn={ }
----* Returns the action that will be performed with size.<br>
----* param vector A given size.<br>
----* return The action that will be performed.
----@param vector size_table
----@return cc.ActionInterval
-function TransitionPageTurn:actionWithSize (vector) end
----* Creates a base transition with duration and incoming scene.<br>
----* If back is true then the effect is reversed to appear as if the incoming<br>
----* scene is being turned from left over the outgoing scene.<br>
----* param t Duration time, in seconds.<br>
----* param scene A given scene.<br>
----* param backwards If back is true then the effect is reversed to appear as if the incoming scene is being turned from left over the outgoing scene.<br>
----* return True if initialize success.
----@param t float
----@param scene cc.Scene
----@param backwards boolean
----@return boolean
-function TransitionPageTurn:initWithDuration (t,scene,backwards) end
----* Creates a base transition with duration and incoming scene.<br>
----* If back is true then the effect is reversed to appear as if the incoming<br>
----* scene is being turned from left over the outgoing scene.<br>
----* param t Duration time, in seconds.<br>
----* param scene A given scene.<br>
----* param backwards If back is true then the effect is reversed to appear as if the incoming scene is being turned from left over the outgoing scene.<br>
----* return An autoreleased TransitionPageTurn object.
----@param t float
----@param scene cc.Scene
----@param backwards boolean
----@return self
-function TransitionPageTurn:create (t,scene,backwards) end
----@param renderer cc.Renderer
----@param transform mat4_table
----@param flags unsigned_int
----@return self
-function TransitionPageTurn:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function TransitionPageTurn:TransitionPageTurn () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionProgress.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionProgress.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e788373..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionProgress.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TransitionProgress :cc.TransitionScene
-local TransitionProgress={ }
----* Creates a transition with duration and incoming scene.<br>
----* param t Duration time, in seconds.<br>
----* param scene A given scene.<br>
----* return An autoreleased TransitionProgress object.
----@param t float
----@param scene cc.Scene
----@return self
-function TransitionProgress:create (t,scene) end
----@return self
-function TransitionProgress:TransitionProgress () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionProgressHorizontal.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionProgressHorizontal.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 4da6689d..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionProgressHorizontal.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TransitionProgressHorizontal :cc.TransitionProgress
-local TransitionProgressHorizontal={ }
----* Creates a transition with duration and incoming scene.<br>
----* param t Duration time, in seconds.<br>
----* param scene A given scene.<br>
----* return An autoreleased TransitionProgressHorizontal object.
----@param t float
----@param scene cc.Scene
----@return self
-function TransitionProgressHorizontal:create (t,scene) end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function TransitionProgressHorizontal:TransitionProgressHorizontal () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionProgressInOut.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionProgressInOut.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 07190fc4..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionProgressInOut.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TransitionProgressInOut :cc.TransitionProgress
-local TransitionProgressInOut={ }
----* Creates a transition with duration and incoming scene.<br>
----* param t Duration time, in seconds.<br>
----* param scene A given scene.<br>
----* return An autoreleased TransitionProgressInOut object.
----@param t float
----@param scene cc.Scene
----@return self
-function TransitionProgressInOut:create (t,scene) end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function TransitionProgressInOut:TransitionProgressInOut () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionProgressOutIn.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionProgressOutIn.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c3eec85..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionProgressOutIn.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TransitionProgressOutIn :cc.TransitionProgress
-local TransitionProgressOutIn={ }
----* Creates a transition with duration and incoming scene.<br>
----* param t Duration time, in seconds.<br>
----* param scene A given scene.<br>
----* return An autoreleased TransitionProgressOutIn object.
----@param t float
----@param scene cc.Scene
----@return self
-function TransitionProgressOutIn:create (t,scene) end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function TransitionProgressOutIn:TransitionProgressOutIn () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionProgressRadialCCW.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionProgressRadialCCW.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 66045707..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionProgressRadialCCW.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TransitionProgressRadialCCW :cc.TransitionProgress
-local TransitionProgressRadialCCW={ }
----* Creates a transition with duration and incoming scene.<br>
----* param t Duration time, in seconds.<br>
----* param scene A given scene.<br>
----* return An autoreleased TransitionProgressRadialCCW object.
----@param t float
----@param scene cc.Scene
----@return self
-function TransitionProgressRadialCCW:create (t,scene) end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function TransitionProgressRadialCCW:TransitionProgressRadialCCW () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionProgressRadialCW.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionProgressRadialCW.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index ce6682e7..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionProgressRadialCW.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TransitionProgressRadialCW :cc.TransitionProgress
-local TransitionProgressRadialCW={ }
----* Creates a transition with duration and incoming scene.<br>
----* param t Duration time, in seconds.<br>
----* param scene A given scene.<br>
----* return An autoreleased TransitionProgressRadialCW object.
----@param t float
----@param scene cc.Scene
----@return self
-function TransitionProgressRadialCW:create (t,scene) end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function TransitionProgressRadialCW:TransitionProgressRadialCW () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionProgressVertical.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionProgressVertical.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 4bdf31dc..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionProgressVertical.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TransitionProgressVertical :cc.TransitionProgress
-local TransitionProgressVertical={ }
----* Creates a transition with duration and incoming scene.<br>
----* param t Duration time, in seconds.<br>
----* param scene A given scene.<br>
----* return An autoreleased TransitionProgressVertical object.
----@param t float
----@param scene cc.Scene
----@return self
-function TransitionProgressVertical:create (t,scene) end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function TransitionProgressVertical:TransitionProgressVertical () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionRotoZoom.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionRotoZoom.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c94d87f..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionRotoZoom.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TransitionRotoZoom :cc.TransitionScene
-local TransitionRotoZoom={ }
----* Creates a transition with duration and incoming scene.<br>
----* param t Duration time, in seconds.<br>
----* param scene A given scene.<br>
----* return A autoreleased TransitionRotoZoom object.
----@param t float
----@param scene cc.Scene
----@return self
-function TransitionRotoZoom:create (t,scene) end
----@return self
-function TransitionRotoZoom:TransitionRotoZoom () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionScene.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionScene.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 110aec3d..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionScene.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TransitionScene :cc.Scene
-local TransitionScene={ }
----@return cc.Scene
-function TransitionScene:getInScene () end
----* Called after the transition finishes.
----@return self
-function TransitionScene:finish () end
----* initializes a transition with duration and incoming scene
----@param t float
----@param scene cc.Scene
----@return boolean
-function TransitionScene:initWithDuration (t,scene) end
----@return float
-function TransitionScene:getDuration () end
----* Used by some transitions to hide the outer scene.
----@return self
-function TransitionScene:hideOutShowIn () end
----* Creates a base transition with duration and incoming scene.<br>
----* param t Duration time, in seconds.<br>
----* param scene A given scene.<br>
----* return A autoreleased TransitionScene object.
----@param t float
----@param scene cc.Scene
----@return self
-function TransitionScene:create (t,scene) end
----@param renderer cc.Renderer
----@param transform mat4_table
----@param flags unsigned_int
----@return self
-function TransitionScene:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end
----@return self
-function TransitionScene:cleanup () end
----@return self
-function TransitionScene:TransitionScene () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionSceneOriented.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionSceneOriented.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 903a6a52..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionSceneOriented.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TransitionSceneOriented :cc.TransitionScene
-local TransitionSceneOriented={ }
----* initializes a transition with duration and incoming scene
----@param t float
----@param scene cc.Scene
----@param orientation int
----@return boolean
-function TransitionSceneOriented:initWithDuration (t,scene,orientation) end
----* Creates a transition with duration, incoming scene and orientation.<br>
----* param t Duration time, in seconds.<br>
----* param scene A given scene.<br>
----* param orientation A given orientation: LeftOver, RightOver, UpOver, DownOver.<br>
----* return A autoreleased TransitionSceneOriented object.
----@param t float
----@param scene cc.Scene
----@param orientation int
----@return self
-function TransitionSceneOriented:create (t,scene,orientation) end
----@return self
-function TransitionSceneOriented:TransitionSceneOriented () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionShrinkGrow.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionShrinkGrow.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 55106958..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionShrinkGrow.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TransitionShrinkGrow :cc.TransitionScene@all parent class: TransitionScene,TransitionEaseScene
-local TransitionShrinkGrow={ }
----@param action cc.ActionInterval
----@return cc.ActionInterval
-function TransitionShrinkGrow:easeActionWithAction (action) end
----* Creates a transition with duration and incoming scene.<br>
----* param t Duration time, in seconds.<br>
----* param scene A given scene.<br>
----* return A autoreleased TransitionShrinkGrow object.
----@param t float
----@param scene cc.Scene
----@return self
-function TransitionShrinkGrow:create (t,scene) end
----@return self
-function TransitionShrinkGrow:TransitionShrinkGrow () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionSlideInB.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionSlideInB.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 4179b479..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionSlideInB.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TransitionSlideInB :cc.TransitionSlideInL
-local TransitionSlideInB={ }
----* Creates a transition with duration and incoming scene.<br>
----* param t Duration time, in seconds.<br>
----* param scene A given scene.<br>
----* return A autoreleased TransitionSlideInB object.
----@param t float
----@param scene cc.Scene
----@return self
-function TransitionSlideInB:create (t,scene) end
----* returns the action that will be performed by the incoming and outgoing scene
----@return cc.ActionInterval
-function TransitionSlideInB:action () end
----@return self
-function TransitionSlideInB:TransitionSlideInB () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionSlideInL.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionSlideInL.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 49af57b3..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionSlideInL.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TransitionSlideInL :cc.TransitionScene@all parent class: TransitionScene,TransitionEaseScene
-local TransitionSlideInL={ }
----* Returns the action that will be performed by the incoming and outgoing scene.<br>
----* return The action that will be performed by the incoming and outgoing scene.
----@return cc.ActionInterval
-function TransitionSlideInL:action () end
----@param action cc.ActionInterval
----@return cc.ActionInterval
-function TransitionSlideInL:easeActionWithAction (action) end
----* Creates a transition with duration and incoming scene.<br>
----* param t Duration time, in seconds.<br>
----* param scene A given scene.<br>
----* return A autoreleased TransitionSlideInL object.
----@param t float
----@param scene cc.Scene
----@return self
-function TransitionSlideInL:create (t,scene) end
----@return self
-function TransitionSlideInL:TransitionSlideInL () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionSlideInR.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionSlideInR.lua
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index 5b21e0a7..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionSlideInR.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TransitionSlideInR :cc.TransitionSlideInL
-local TransitionSlideInR={ }
----* Creates a transition with duration and incoming scene.<br>
----* param t Duration time, in seconds.<br>
----* param scene A given scene.<br>
----* return A autoreleased TransitionSlideInR object.
----@param t float
----@param scene cc.Scene
----@return self
-function TransitionSlideInR:create (t,scene) end
----* Returns the action that will be performed by the incoming and outgoing scene.
----@return cc.ActionInterval
-function TransitionSlideInR:action () end
----@return self
-function TransitionSlideInR:TransitionSlideInR () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionSlideInT.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionSlideInT.lua
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index d5b1f773..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionSlideInT.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TransitionSlideInT :cc.TransitionSlideInL
-local TransitionSlideInT={ }
----* Creates a transition with duration and incoming scene.<br>
----* param t Duration time, in seconds.<br>
----* param scene A given scene.<br>
----* return A autoreleased TransitionSlideInT object.
----@param t float
----@param scene cc.Scene
----@return self
-function TransitionSlideInT:create (t,scene) end
----* returns the action that will be performed by the incoming and outgoing scene
----@return cc.ActionInterval
-function TransitionSlideInT:action () end
----@return self
-function TransitionSlideInT:TransitionSlideInT () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionSplitCols.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionSplitCols.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 73dd6759..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionSplitCols.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TransitionSplitCols :cc.TransitionScene@all parent class: TransitionScene,TransitionEaseScene
-local TransitionSplitCols={ }
----* Returns the action that will be performed.<br>
----* return The action that will be performed.
----@return cc.ActionInterval
-function TransitionSplitCols:action () end
----@param action cc.ActionInterval
----@return cc.ActionInterval
-function TransitionSplitCols:easeActionWithAction (action) end
----* Creates a transition with duration and incoming scene.<br>
----* param t Duration time, in seconds.<br>
----* param scene A given scene.<br>
----* return A autoreleased TransitionSplitCols object.
----@param t float
----@param scene cc.Scene
----@return self
-function TransitionSplitCols:create (t,scene) end
----@param renderer cc.Renderer
----@param transform mat4_table
----@param flags unsigned_int
----@return self
-function TransitionSplitCols:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end
----@return self
-function TransitionSplitCols:TransitionSplitCols () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionSplitRows.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionSplitRows.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index c7d2fd42..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionSplitRows.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TransitionSplitRows :cc.TransitionSplitCols
-local TransitionSplitRows={ }
----* Creates a transition with duration and incoming scene.<br>
----* param t Duration time, in seconds.<br>
----* param scene A given scene.<br>
----* return A autoreleased TransitionSplitRows object.
----@param t float
----@param scene cc.Scene
----@return self
-function TransitionSplitRows:create (t,scene) end
----@return cc.ActionInterval
-function TransitionSplitRows:action () end
----@return self
-function TransitionSplitRows:TransitionSplitRows () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionTurnOffTiles.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionTurnOffTiles.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index f0a18701..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionTurnOffTiles.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TransitionTurnOffTiles :cc.TransitionScene@all parent class: TransitionScene,TransitionEaseScene
-local TransitionTurnOffTiles={ }
----@param action cc.ActionInterval
----@return cc.ActionInterval
-function TransitionTurnOffTiles:easeActionWithAction (action) end
----* Creates a transition with duration and incoming scene.<br>
----* param t Duration time, in seconds.<br>
----* param scene A given scene.<br>
----* return A autoreleased TransitionTurnOffTiles object.
----@param t float
----@param scene cc.Scene
----@return self
-function TransitionTurnOffTiles:create (t,scene) end
----* js NA
----@param renderer cc.Renderer
----@param transform mat4_table
----@param flags unsigned_int
----@return self
-function TransitionTurnOffTiles:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end
----@return self
-function TransitionTurnOffTiles:TransitionTurnOffTiles () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionZoomFlipAngular.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionZoomFlipAngular.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 18240a6c..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionZoomFlipAngular.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TransitionZoomFlipAngular :cc.TransitionSceneOriented
-local TransitionZoomFlipAngular={ }
----@overload fun(float:float,cc.Scene:cc.Scene):self
----@overload fun(float:float,cc.Scene:cc.Scene,int:int):self
----@param t float
----@param s cc.Scene
----@param o int
----@return self
-function TransitionZoomFlipAngular:create (t,s,o) end
----@return self
-function TransitionZoomFlipAngular:TransitionZoomFlipAngular () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionZoomFlipX.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionZoomFlipX.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 21618e93..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionZoomFlipX.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TransitionZoomFlipX :cc.TransitionSceneOriented
-local TransitionZoomFlipX={ }
----@overload fun(float:float,cc.Scene:cc.Scene):self
----@overload fun(float:float,cc.Scene:cc.Scene,int:int):self
----@param t float
----@param s cc.Scene
----@param o int
----@return self
-function TransitionZoomFlipX:create (t,s,o) end
----@return self
-function TransitionZoomFlipX:TransitionZoomFlipX () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionZoomFlipY.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionZoomFlipY.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 0371ccf6..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionZoomFlipY.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TransitionZoomFlipY :cc.TransitionSceneOriented
-local TransitionZoomFlipY={ }
----@overload fun(float:float,cc.Scene:cc.Scene):self
----@overload fun(float:float,cc.Scene:cc.Scene,int:int):self
----@param t float
----@param s cc.Scene
----@param o int
----@return self
-function TransitionZoomFlipY:create (t,s,o) end
----@return self
-function TransitionZoomFlipY:TransitionZoomFlipY () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TurnOffTiles.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TurnOffTiles.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 41bb79e2..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TurnOffTiles.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.TurnOffTiles :cc.TiledGrid3DAction
-local TurnOffTiles={ }
----* brief Show the tile at specified position.<br>
----* param pos The position index of the tile should be shown.
----@param pos vec2_table
----@return self
-function TurnOffTiles:turnOnTile (pos) end
----* brief Hide the tile at specified position.<br>
----* param pos The position index of the tile should be hide.
----@param pos vec2_table
----@return self
-function TurnOffTiles:turnOffTile (pos) end
----* brief Initializes the action with grid size, random seed and duration.<br>
----* param duration Specify the duration of the TurnOffTiles action. It's a value in seconds.<br>
----* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.<br>
----* param seed Specify the random seed.<br>
----* return If the Initialization success, return true; otherwise, return false.
----@param duration float
----@param gridSize size_table
----@param seed unsigned_int
----@return boolean
-function TurnOffTiles:initWithDuration (duration,gridSize,seed) end
----@overload fun(float:float,size_table:size_table,unsigned_int:unsigned_int):self
----@overload fun(float:float,size_table:size_table):self
----@param duration float
----@param gridSize size_table
----@param seed unsigned_int
----@return self
-function TurnOffTiles:create (duration,gridSize,seed) end
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function TurnOffTiles:startWithTarget (target) end
----@return self
-function TurnOffTiles:clone () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function TurnOffTiles:update (time) end
----@return self
-function TurnOffTiles:TurnOffTiles () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Twirl.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Twirl.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index cf839c24..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Twirl.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Twirl :cc.Grid3DAction
-local Twirl={ }
----* brief Set the amplitude rate of the effect.<br>
----* param amplitudeRate The value of amplitude rate will be set.
----@param amplitudeRate float
----@return self
-function Twirl:setAmplitudeRate (amplitudeRate) end
----* brief Initializes the action with center position, number of twirls, amplitude, a grid size and duration.<br>
----* param duration Specify the duration of the Twirl action. It's a value in seconds.<br>
----* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.<br>
----* param position Specify the center position of the twirl action.<br>
----* param twirls Specify the twirls count of the Twirl action.<br>
----* param amplitude Specify the amplitude of the Twirl action.<br>
----* return If the initialization success, return true; otherwise, return false.
----@param duration float
----@param gridSize size_table
----@param position vec2_table
----@param twirls unsigned_int
----@param amplitude float
----@return boolean
-function Twirl:initWithDuration (duration,gridSize,position,twirls,amplitude) end
----* brief Get the amplitude rate of the effect.<br>
----* return Return the amplitude rate of the effect.
----@return float
-function Twirl:getAmplitudeRate () end
----* brief Set the amplitude to the effect.<br>
----* param amplitude The value of amplitude will be set.
----@param amplitude float
----@return self
-function Twirl:setAmplitude (amplitude) end
----* brief Get the amplitude of the effect.<br>
----* return Return the amplitude of the effect.
----@return float
-function Twirl:getAmplitude () end
----* brief Set the center position of twirl action.<br>
----* param position The center position of twirl action will be set.
----@param position vec2_table
----@return self
-function Twirl:setPosition (position) end
----* brief Get the center position of twirl action.<br>
----* return The center position of twirl action.
----@return vec2_table
-function Twirl:getPosition () end
----* brief Create the action with center position, number of twirls, amplitude, a grid size and duration.<br>
----* param duration Specify the duration of the Twirl action. It's a value in seconds.<br>
----* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.<br>
----* param position Specify the center position of the twirl action.<br>
----* param twirls Specify the twirls count of the Twirl action.<br>
----* param amplitude Specify the amplitude of the Twirl action.<br>
----* return If the creation success, return a pointer of Twirl action; otherwise, return nil.
----@param duration float
----@param gridSize size_table
----@param position vec2_table
----@param twirls unsigned_int
----@param amplitude float
----@return self
-function Twirl:create (duration,gridSize,position,twirls,amplitude) end
----@return self
-function Twirl:clone () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function Twirl:update (time) end
----@return self
-function Twirl:Twirl () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/UserDefault.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/UserDefault.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 40778719..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/UserDefault.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.UserDefault
-local UserDefault={ }
----* Set integer value by key.<br>
----* param key The key to set.<br>
----* param value A integer value to set to the key.<br>
----* js NA
----@param key char
----@param value int
----@return self
-function UserDefault:setIntegerForKey (key,value) end
----* delete any value by key,<br>
----* param key The key to delete value.<br>
----* js NA
----@param key char
----@return self
-function UserDefault:deleteValueForKey (key) end
----@overload fun(char:char,float:float):self
----@overload fun(char:char):self
----@param key char
----@param defaultValue float
----@return float
-function UserDefault:getFloatForKey (key,defaultValue) end
----@overload fun(char:char,boolean:boolean):self
----@overload fun(char:char):self
----@param key char
----@param defaultValue boolean
----@return boolean
-function UserDefault:getBoolForKey (key,defaultValue) end
----* Set double value by key.<br>
----* param key The key to set.<br>
----* param value A double value to set to the key.<br>
----* js NA
----@param key char
----@param value double
----@return self
-function UserDefault:setDoubleForKey (key,value) end
----* Set float value by key.<br>
----* param key The key to set.<br>
----* param value A float value to set to the key.<br>
----* js NA
----@param key char
----@param value float
----@return self
-function UserDefault:setFloatForKey (key,value) end
----@overload fun(char:char,string:string):self
----@overload fun(char:char):self
----@param key char
----@param defaultValue string
----@return string
-function UserDefault:getStringForKey (key,defaultValue) end
----* Set string value by key.<br>
----* param key The key to set.<br>
----* param value A string value to set to the key.<br>
----* js NA
----@param key char
----@param value string
----@return self
-function UserDefault:setStringForKey (key,value) end
----* You should invoke this function to save values set by setXXXForKey().<br>
----* js NA
----@return self
-function UserDefault:flush () end
----@overload fun(char:char,int:int):self
----@overload fun(char:char):self
----@param key char
----@param defaultValue int
----@return int
-function UserDefault:getIntegerForKey (key,defaultValue) end
----@overload fun(char:char,double:double):self
----@overload fun(char:char):self
----@param key char
----@param defaultValue double
----@return double
-function UserDefault:getDoubleForKey (key,defaultValue) end
----* Set bool value by key.<br>
----* param key The key to set.<br>
----* param value A bool value to set to the key.<br>
----* js NA
----@param key char
----@param value boolean
----@return self
-function UserDefault:setBoolForKey (key,value) end
----* js NA
----@return self
-function UserDefault:destroyInstance () end
----* All supported platforms other iOS & Android use xml file to save values. This function is return the file path of the xml path.<br>
----* js NA
----@return string
-function UserDefault:getXMLFilePath () end
----* All supported platforms other iOS & Android use xml file to save values. This function checks whether the xml file exists or not.<br>
----* return True if the xml file exists, false if not.<br>
----* js NA
----@return boolean
-function UserDefault:isXMLFileExist () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Waves.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Waves.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 725bd16d..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Waves.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.Waves :cc.Grid3DAction
-local Waves={ }
----* brief Set the amplitude rate of the effect.<br>
----* param amplitudeRate The value of amplitude rate will be set.
----@param amplitudeRate float
----@return self
-function Waves:setAmplitudeRate (amplitudeRate) end
----* brief Initializes the action with amplitude, horizontal sin, vertical sin, grid size, waves count and duration.<br>
----* param duration Specify the duration of the Waves action. It's a value in seconds.<br>
----* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.<br>
----* param waves Specify the waves count of the Waves action.<br>
----* param amplitude Specify the amplitude of the Waves action.<br>
----* param horizontal Specify whether waves on horizontal.<br>
----* param vertical Specify whether waves on vertical.<br>
----* return If the initialization success, return true; otherwise, return false.
----@param duration float
----@param gridSize size_table
----@param waves unsigned_int
----@param amplitude float
----@param horizontal boolean
----@param vertical boolean
----@return boolean
-function Waves:initWithDuration (duration,gridSize,waves,amplitude,horizontal,vertical) end
----* brief Get the amplitude of the effect.<br>
----* return Return the amplitude of the effect.
----@return float
-function Waves:getAmplitude () end
----* brief Get the amplitude rate of the effect.<br>
----* return Return the amplitude rate of the effect.
----@return float
-function Waves:getAmplitudeRate () end
----* brief Set the amplitude to the effect.<br>
----* param amplitude The value of amplitude will be set.
----@param amplitude float
----@return self
-function Waves:setAmplitude (amplitude) end
----* brief Create the action with amplitude, horizontal sin, vertical sin, grid size, waves count and duration.<br>
----* param duration Specify the duration of the Waves action. It's a value in seconds.<br>
----* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.<br>
----* param waves Specify the waves count of the Waves action.<br>
----* param amplitude Specify the amplitude of the Waves action.<br>
----* param horizontal Specify whether waves on horizontal.<br>
----* param vertical Specify whether waves on vertical.<br>
----* return If the creation success, return a pointer of Waves action; otherwise, return nil.
----@param duration float
----@param gridSize size_table
----@param waves unsigned_int
----@param amplitude float
----@param horizontal boolean
----@param vertical boolean
----@return self
-function Waves:create (duration,gridSize,waves,amplitude,horizontal,vertical) end
----@return self
-function Waves:clone () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function Waves:update (time) end
----@return self
-function Waves:Waves () end \ No newline at end of file
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--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Waves3D.lua
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----@class cc.Waves3D :cc.Grid3DAction
-local Waves3D={ }
----* brief Set the amplitude rate of the effect.<br>
----* param amplitudeRate The value of amplitude rate will be set.
----@param amplitudeRate float
----@return self
-function Waves3D:setAmplitudeRate (amplitudeRate) end
----* brief Initializes an action with duration, grid size, waves and amplitude.<br>
----* param duration Specify the duration of the Waves3D action. It's a value in seconds.<br>
----* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.<br>
----* param waves Specify the waves count of the Waves3D action.<br>
----* param amplitude Specify the amplitude of the Waves3D action.<br>
----* return If the initialization success, return true; otherwise, return false.
----@param duration float
----@param gridSize size_table
----@param waves unsigned_int
----@param amplitude float
----@return boolean
-function Waves3D:initWithDuration (duration,gridSize,waves,amplitude) end
----* brief Get the amplitude of the effect.<br>
----* return Return the amplitude of the effect.
----@return float
-function Waves3D:getAmplitude () end
----* brief Get the amplitude rate of the effect.<br>
----* return Return the amplitude rate of the effect.
----@return float
-function Waves3D:getAmplitudeRate () end
----* brief Set the amplitude to the effect.<br>
----* param amplitude The value of amplitude will be set.
----@param amplitude float
----@return self
-function Waves3D:setAmplitude (amplitude) end
----* brief Create an action with duration, grid size, waves and amplitude.<br>
----* param duration Specify the duration of the Waves3D action. It's a value in seconds.<br>
----* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.<br>
----* param waves Specify the waves count of the Waves3D action.<br>
----* param amplitude Specify the amplitude of the Waves3D action.<br>
----* return If the creation success, return a pointer of Waves3D action; otherwise, return nil.
----@param duration float
----@param gridSize size_table
----@param waves unsigned_int
----@param amplitude float
----@return self
-function Waves3D:create (duration,gridSize,waves,amplitude) end
----@return self
-function Waves3D:clone () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function Waves3D:update (time) end
----@return self
-function Waves3D:Waves3D () end \ No newline at end of file
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--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/WavesTiles3D.lua
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----@class cc.WavesTiles3D :cc.TiledGrid3DAction
-local WavesTiles3D={ }
----* brief Set the amplitude rate of the effect.<br>
----* param amplitudeRate The value of amplitude rate will be set.
----@param amplitudeRate float
----@return self
-function WavesTiles3D:setAmplitudeRate (amplitudeRate) end
----* brief Initializes an action with duration, grid size, waves count and amplitude.<br>
----* param duration Specify the duration of the WavesTiles3D action. It's a value in seconds.<br>
----* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.<br>
----* param waves Specify the waves count of the WavesTiles3D action.<br>
----* param amplitude Specify the amplitude of the WavesTiles3D action.<br>
----* return If the initialization success, return true; otherwise, return false.
----@param duration float
----@param gridSize size_table
----@param waves unsigned_int
----@param amplitude float
----@return boolean
-function WavesTiles3D:initWithDuration (duration,gridSize,waves,amplitude) end
----* brief Get the amplitude of the effect.<br>
----* return Return the amplitude of the effect.
----@return float
-function WavesTiles3D:getAmplitude () end
----* brief Get the amplitude rate of the effect.<br>
----* return Return the amplitude rate of the effect.
----@return float
-function WavesTiles3D:getAmplitudeRate () end
----* brief Set the amplitude to the effect.<br>
----* param amplitude The value of amplitude will be set.
----@param amplitude float
----@return self
-function WavesTiles3D:setAmplitude (amplitude) end
----* brief Create the action with a number of waves, the waves amplitude, the grid size and the duration.<br>
----* param duration Specify the duration of the WavesTiles3D action. It's a value in seconds.<br>
----* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.<br>
----* param waves Specify the waves count of the WavesTiles3D action.<br>
----* param amplitude Specify the amplitude of the WavesTiles3D action.<br>
----* return If the creation success, return a pointer of WavesTiles3D action; otherwise, return nil.
----@param duration float
----@param gridSize size_table
----@param waves unsigned_int
----@param amplitude float
----@return self
-function WavesTiles3D:create (duration,gridSize,waves,amplitude) end
----@return self
-function WavesTiles3D:clone () end
----@param time float
----@return self
-function WavesTiles3D:update (time) end
----@return self
-function WavesTiles3D:WavesTiles3D () end \ No newline at end of file
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--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccb/Program.lua
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----@class ccb.Program :cc.Ref
-local Program={ }
----* Get maximum vertex location.<br>
----* return Maximum vertex locaiton.
----@return int
-function Program:getMaxVertexLocation () end
----* Get maximum fragment location.<br>
----* return Maximum fragment location.
----@return int
-function Program:getMaxFragmentLocation () end
----* Get fragment shader.<br>
----* Fragment shader.
----@return string
-function Program:getFragmentShader () end
----* Get uniform buffer size in bytes that can hold all the uniforms.<br>
----* param stage Specifies the shader stage. The symbolic constant can be either VERTEX or FRAGMENT.<br>
----* return The uniform buffer size in bytes.
----@param stage int
----@return unsigned_int
-function Program:getUniformBufferSize (stage) end
----@overload fun(string0:int):self
----@overload fun(string:string):self
----@param uniform string
----@return cc.backend.UniformLocation
-function Program:getUniformLocation (uniform) end
----* Get engine built-in program type.<br>
----* return The built-in program type.
----@return int
-function Program:getProgramType () end
----* Get active vertex attributes.<br>
----* return Active vertex attributes. key is active attribute name, Value is corresponding attribute info.
----@return map_table
-function Program:getActiveAttributes () end
----@overload fun(string0:int):self
----@overload fun(string:string):self
----@param name string
----@return int
-function Program:getAttributeLocation (name) end
----* Get vertex shader.<br>
----* return Vertex shader.
----@return string
-function Program:getVertexShader () end
----* Get engine built-in program.<br>
----* param type Specifies the built-in program type.
----@param type int
----@return cc.backend.Program
-function Program:getBuiltinProgram (type) end \ No newline at end of file
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--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccb/ProgramState.lua
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@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
----@class ccb.ProgramState :cc.Ref
-local ProgramState={ }
----* Set texture.<br>
----* param uniformLocation Specifies texture location.<br>
----* param slot Specifies texture slot selector.<br>
----* param texture Specifies a pointer to backend texture.
----@param uniformLocation cc.backend.UniformLocation
----@param slot unsigned_int
----@param texture cc.backend.TextureBackend
----@return cc.backend.ProgramState
-function ProgramState:setTexture (uniformLocation,slot,texture) end
----* Deep clone ProgramState
----@return cc.backend.ProgramState
-function ProgramState:clone () end
----* Sets a uniform auto-binding.<br>
----* This method parses the passed in autoBinding string and attempts to convert it<br>
----* to an enumeration value. If it matches to one of the predefined strings, it will create a<br>
----* callback to get the correct value at runtime.<br>
----* param uniformName The name of the material parameter to store an auto-binding for.<br>
----* param autoBinding A string matching one of the built-in AutoBinding enum constants.
----@param uniformName string
----@param autoBinding string
----@return cc.backend.ProgramState
-function ProgramState:setParameterAutoBinding (uniformName,autoBinding) end
----* Get the program object.
----@return cc.backend.Program
-function ProgramState:getProgram () end
----@overload fun(string0:int):self
----@overload fun(string:string):self
----@param name string
----@return int
-function ProgramState:getAttributeLocation (name) end
----* param program Specifies the program.
----@param program cc.backend.Program
----@return cc.backend.ProgramState
-function ProgramState:ProgramState (program) end \ No newline at end of file
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--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccb/Texture2DBackend.lua
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----@class ccb.Texture2DBackend :ccb.TextureBackend
-local Texture2DBackend={ }
----* Get texture height.<br>
----* return Texture height.
----@return unsigned_int
-function Texture2DBackend:getHeight () end
----* Get texture width.<br>
----* return Texture width.
----@return unsigned_int
-function Texture2DBackend:getWidth () end
----* Update a two-dimensional texture image<br>
----* param data Specifies a pointer to the image data in memory.<br>
----* param width Specifies the width of the texture image.<br>
----* param height Specifies the height of the texture image.<br>
----* param level Specifies the level-of-detail number. Level 0 is the base image level. Level n is the nth mipmap reduction image.
----@param data unsigned_char
----@param width unsigned_int
----@param height unsigned_int
----@param level unsigned_int
----@return cc.backend.Texture2DBackend
-function Texture2DBackend:updateData (data,width,height,level) end
----* Update a two-dimensional texture image in a compressed format<br>
----* param data Specifies a pointer to the compressed image data in memory.<br>
----* param width Specifies the width of the texture image.<br>
----* param height Specifies the height of the texture image.<br>
----* param dataLen Specifies the totoal size of compressed image in bytes.<br>
----* param level Specifies the level-of-detail number. Level 0 is the base image level. Level n is the nth mipmap reduction image.
----@param data unsigned_char
----@param width unsigned_int
----@param height unsigned_int
----@param dataLen unsigned_int
----@param level unsigned_int
----@return cc.backend.Texture2DBackend
-function Texture2DBackend:updateCompressedData (data,width,height,dataLen,level) end
----* Update a two-dimensional texture subimage<br>
----* param xoffset Specifies a texel offset in the x direction within the texture array.<br>
----* param yoffset Specifies a texel offset in the y direction within the texture array.<br>
----* param width Specifies the width of the texture subimage.<br>
----* param height Specifies the height of the texture subimage.<br>
----* param level Specifies the level-of-detail number. Level 0 is the base image level. Level n is the nth mipmap reduction image.<br>
----* param data Specifies a pointer to the image data in memory.
----@param xoffset unsigned_int
----@param yoffset unsigned_int
----@param width unsigned_int
----@param height unsigned_int
----@param level unsigned_int
----@param data unsigned_char
----@return cc.backend.Texture2DBackend
-function Texture2DBackend:updateSubData (xoffset,yoffset,width,height,level,data) end
----* Update a two-dimensional texture subimage in a compressed format<br>
----* param xoffset Specifies a texel offset in the x direction within the texture array.<br>
----* param yoffset Specifies a texel offset in the y direction within the texture array.<br>
----* param width Specifies the width of the texture subimage.<br>
----* param height Specifies the height of the texture subimage.<br>
----* param dataLen Specifies the totoal size of compressed subimage in bytes.<br>
----* param level Specifies the level-of-detail number. Level 0 is the base image level. Level n is the nth mipmap reduction image.<br>
----* param data Specifies a pointer to the compressed image data in memory.
----@param xoffset unsigned_int
----@param yoffset unsigned_int
----@param width unsigned_int
----@param height unsigned_int
----@param dataLen unsigned_int
----@param level unsigned_int
----@param data unsigned_char
----@return cc.backend.Texture2DBackend
-function Texture2DBackend:updateCompressedSubData (xoffset,yoffset,width,height,dataLen,level,data) end \ No newline at end of file
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--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccb/TextureBackend.lua
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----@class ccb.TextureBackend :cc.Ref
-local TextureBackend={ }
----* Get texture format.<br>
----* return Texture format.
----@return int
-function TextureBackend:getTextureFormat () end
----* Get texture type. Symbolic constant value can be either TEXTURE_2D or TEXTURE_CUBE.<br>
----* return Texture type.
----@return int
-function TextureBackend:getTextureType () end
----* Update sampler<br>
----* param sampler Specifies the sampler descriptor.
----@param sampler cc.backend.SamplerDescriptor
----@return cc.backend.TextureBackend
-function TextureBackend:updateSamplerDescriptor (sampler) end
----* Update texture description.<br>
----* param descriptor Specifies texture and sampler descriptor.
----@param descriptor cc.backend.TextureDescriptor
----@return cc.backend.TextureBackend
-function TextureBackend:updateTextureDescriptor (descriptor) end
----* Get texture usage. Symbolic constant can be READ, WRITE or RENDER_TARGET.<br>
----* return Texture usage.
----@return int
-function TextureBackend:getTextureUsage () end
----* Check if mipmap had generated before.<br>
----* return true if the mipmap has always generated before, otherwise false.
----@return boolean
-function TextureBackend:hasMipmaps () end
----* / Generate mipmaps.
----@return cc.backend.TextureBackend
-function TextureBackend:generateMipmaps () end
----* Read a block of pixels from the drawable texture<br>
----* param x,y Specify the window coordinates of the first pixel that is read from the drawable texture. This location is the lower left corner of a rectangular block of pixels.<br>
----* param width,height Specify the dimensions of the pixel rectangle. width and height of one correspond to a single pixel.<br>
----* param flipImage Specifies if needs to flip the image.<br>
----* param callback Specifies a call back function to deal with the image.
----@param x unsigned_int
----@param y unsigned_int
----@param width unsigned_int
----@param height unsigned_int
----@param flipImage boolean
----@param callback function
----@return cc.backend.TextureBackend
-function TextureBackend:getBytes (x,y,width,height,flipImage,callback) end \ No newline at end of file
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--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccb/TextureCubemapBackend.lua
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----@class ccb.TextureCubemapBackend :ccb.TextureBackend
-local TextureCubemapBackend={ }
----* Update texutre cube data in give slice side.<br>
----* param side Specifies which slice texture of cube to be update.<br>
----* param data Specifies a pointer to the image data in memory.
----@param side int
----@param data void
----@return cc.backend.TextureCubemapBackend
-function TextureCubemapBackend:updateFaceData (side,data) end \ No newline at end of file
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----@class ccb.VertexLayout
-local VertexLayout={ }
----* Get vertex step function. Default value is VERTEX.<br>
----* return Vertex step function.<br>
----* note Used in metal.
----@return int
-function VertexLayout:getVertexStepMode () end
----* Check if vertex layout has been set.
----@return boolean
-function VertexLayout:isValid () end
----* Set stride of vertices.<br>
----* param stride Specifies the distance between the data of two vertices, in bytes.
----@param stride unsigned_int
----@return cc.backend.VertexLayout
-function VertexLayout:setLayout (stride) end
----* Set attribute values to name.<br>
----* param name Specifies the attribute name.<br>
----* param index Specifies the index of the generic vertex attribute to be modified.<br>
----* param format Specifies how the vertex attribute data is laid out in memory.<br>
----* param offset Specifies the byte offset to the first component of the first generic vertex attribute.<br>
----* param needToBeNormallized Specifies whether fixed-point data values should be normalized (true) or converted directly as fixed-point values (false) when they are accessed.
----@param name string
----@param index unsigned_int
----@param format int
----@param offset unsigned_int
----@param needToBeNormallized boolean
----@return cc.backend.VertexLayout
-function VertexLayout:setAttribute (name,index,format,offset,needToBeNormallized) end
----* Get the distance between the data of two vertices, in bytes.<br>
----* return The distance between the data of two vertices, in bytes.
----@return unsigned_int
-function VertexLayout:getStride () end
----@return cc.backend.VertexLayout
-function VertexLayout:VertexLayout () end \ No newline at end of file
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--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ActionFadeFrame.lua
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----@class ccs.ActionFadeFrame :ccs.ActionFrame
-local ActionFadeFrame={ }
----* Gets the fade action opacity.<br>
----* return the fade action opacity.
----@return int
-function ActionFadeFrame:getOpacity () end
----* Gets the ActionInterval of ActionFrame.<br>
----* param duration the duration time of ActionFrame<br>
----* return ActionInterval
----@param duration float
----@return cc.ActionInterval
-function ActionFadeFrame:getAction (duration) end
----* Changes the fade action opacity.<br>
----* param opacity the fade action opacity
----@param opacity int
----@return self
-function ActionFadeFrame:setOpacity (opacity) end
----* Default constructor
----@return self
-function ActionFadeFrame:ActionFadeFrame () end \ No newline at end of file
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index 1443e921..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ActionFrame.lua
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----@class ccs.ActionFrame :cc.Ref
-local ActionFrame={ }
----@overload fun(float:float,ccs.ActionFrame:ccs.ActionFrame):self
----@overload fun(float:float):self
----@param duration float
----@param srcFrame ccs.ActionFrame
----@return cc.ActionInterval
-function ActionFrame:getAction (duration,srcFrame) end
----* Gets the type of action frame<br>
----* return the type of action frame
----@return int
-function ActionFrame:getFrameType () end
----* Changes the time of action frame<br>
----* param fTime the time of action frame
----@param fTime float
----@return self
-function ActionFrame:setFrameTime (fTime) end
----* Changes the easing type.<br>
----* param easingType the easing type.
----@param easingType int
----@return self
-function ActionFrame:setEasingType (easingType) end
----* Gets the time of action frame<br>
----* return fTime the time of action frame
----@return float
-function ActionFrame:getFrameTime () end
----* Gets the index of action frame<br>
----* return the index of action frame
----@return int
-function ActionFrame:getFrameIndex () end
----* Changes the type of action frame<br>
----* param frameType the type of action frame
----@param frameType int
----@return self
-function ActionFrame:setFrameType (frameType) end
----* Changes the index of action frame<br>
----* param index the index of action frame
----@param index int
----@return self
-function ActionFrame:setFrameIndex (index) end
----* Set the ActionInterval easing parameter.<br>
----* param parameter the parameter for frame ease
----@param parameter array_table
----@return self
-function ActionFrame:setEasingParameter (parameter) end
----* Gets the easing type.<br>
----* return the easing type.
----@return int
-function ActionFrame:getEasingType () end
----* Default constructor
----@return self
-function ActionFrame:ActionFrame () end \ No newline at end of file
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--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ActionManagerEx.lua
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@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.ActionManagerEx :cc.Ref
-local ActionManagerEx={ }
----* Stop an Action with a name.<br>
----* param jsonName UI file name<br>
----* param actionName action name in the UIfile.<br>
----* return ActionObject which named as the param name
----@param jsonName char
----@param actionName char
----@return ccs.ActionObject
-function ActionManagerEx:stopActionByName (jsonName,actionName) end
----* Gets an ActionObject with a name.<br>
----* param jsonName UI file name<br>
----* param actionName action name in the UI file.<br>
----* return ActionObject which named as the param name
----@param jsonName char
----@param actionName char
----@return ccs.ActionObject
-function ActionManagerEx:getActionByName (jsonName,actionName) end
----@return int
-function ActionManagerEx:getStudioVersionNumber () end
----@overload fun(char:char,char:char,cc.CallFunc:cc.CallFunc):self
----@overload fun(char:char,char:char):self
----@param jsonName char
----@param actionName char
----@param func cc.CallFunc
----@return ccs.ActionObject
-function ActionManagerEx:playActionByName (jsonName,actionName,func) end
----* Release all actions.
----@return self
-function ActionManagerEx:releaseActions () end
----* Purges ActionManager point.<br>
----* js purge<br>
----* lua destroyActionManager
----@return self
-function ActionManagerEx:destroyInstance () end
----* Gets the static instance of ActionManager.<br>
----* js getInstance<br>
----* lua getInstance
----@return self
-function ActionManagerEx:getInstance () end \ No newline at end of file
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index 5deb7bfd..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ActionMoveFrame.lua
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@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.ActionMoveFrame :ccs.ActionFrame
-local ActionMoveFrame={ }
----* Changes the move action position.<br>
----* param the move action position.
----@param pos vec2_table
----@return self
-function ActionMoveFrame:setPosition (pos) end
----* Gets the ActionInterval of ActionFrame.<br>
----* param duration the duration time of ActionFrame<br>
----* return ActionInterval
----@param duration float
----@return cc.ActionInterval
-function ActionMoveFrame:getAction (duration) end
----* Gets the move action position.<br>
----* return the move action position.
----@return vec2_table
-function ActionMoveFrame:getPosition () end
----* Default constructor
----@return self
-function ActionMoveFrame:ActionMoveFrame () end \ No newline at end of file
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--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ActionObject.lua
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@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.ActionObject :cc.Ref
-local ActionObject={ }
----* Sets the current time of frame.<br>
----* param fTime the current time of frame
----@param fTime float
----@return self
-function ActionObject:setCurrentTime (fTime) end
----* Pause the action.
----@return self
-function ActionObject:pause () end
----* Sets name for object<br>
----* param name name of object
----@param name char
----@return self
-function ActionObject:setName (name) end
----* Sets the time interval of frame.<br>
----* param fTime the time interval of frame
----@param fTime float
----@return self
-function ActionObject:setUnitTime (fTime) end
----* Gets the total time of frame.<br>
----* return the total time of frame
----@return float
-function ActionObject:getTotalTime () end
----* Gets name of object<br>
----* return name of object
----@return char
-function ActionObject:getName () end
----* Stop the action.
----@return self
-function ActionObject:stop () end
----@overload fun(cc.CallFunc:cc.CallFunc):self
----@overload fun():self
----@param func cc.CallFunc
----@return self
-function ActionObject:play (func) end
----* Gets the current time of frame.<br>
----* return the current time of frame
----@return float
-function ActionObject:getCurrentTime () end
----* Removes a ActionNode which play the action.<br>
----* param node the ActionNode which play the action
----@param node ccs.ActionNode
----@return self
-function ActionObject:removeActionNode (node) end
----* Gets if the action will loop play.<br>
----* return that if the action will loop play
----@return boolean
-function ActionObject:getLoop () end
----* Adds a ActionNode to play the action.<br>
----* param node the ActionNode which will play the action
----@param node ccs.ActionNode
----@return self
-function ActionObject:addActionNode (node) end
----* Gets the time interval of frame.<br>
----* return the time interval of frame
----@return float
-function ActionObject:getUnitTime () end
----* Return if the action is playing.<br>
----* return true if the action is playing, false the otherwise
----@return boolean
-function ActionObject:isPlaying () end
----@param fTime float
----@return self
-function ActionObject:updateToFrameByTime (fTime) end
----* Sets if the action will loop play.<br>
----* param bLoop that if the action will loop play
----@param bLoop boolean
----@return self
-function ActionObject:setLoop (bLoop) end
----@param dt float
----@return self
-function ActionObject:simulationActionUpdate (dt) end
----* Default constructor
----@return self
-function ActionObject:ActionObject () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ActionRotationFrame.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ActionRotationFrame.lua
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index 656e27f6..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ActionRotationFrame.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.ActionRotationFrame :ccs.ActionFrame
-local ActionRotationFrame={ }
----* Changes rotate action rotation.<br>
----* param rotation rotate action rotation.
----@param rotation float
----@return self
-function ActionRotationFrame:setRotation (rotation) end
----@overload fun(float:float,ccs.ActionFrame:ccs.ActionFrame):cc.ActionInterval
----@overload fun(float:float):cc.ActionInterval
----@param duration float
----@param srcFrame ccs.ActionFrame
----@return cc.ActionInterval
-function ActionRotationFrame:getAction (duration,srcFrame) end
----* Gets the rotate action rotation.<br>
----* return the rotate action rotation.
----@return float
-function ActionRotationFrame:getRotation () end
----* Default constructor
----@return self
-function ActionRotationFrame:ActionRotationFrame () end \ No newline at end of file
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index 638e1a77..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ActionScaleFrame.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.ActionScaleFrame :ccs.ActionFrame
-local ActionScaleFrame={ }
----* Changes the scale action scaleY.<br>
----* param rotation the scale action scaleY.
----@param scaleY float
----@return self
-function ActionScaleFrame:setScaleY (scaleY) end
----* Changes the scale action scaleX.<br>
----* param the scale action scaleX.
----@param scaleX float
----@return self
-function ActionScaleFrame:setScaleX (scaleX) end
----* Gets the scale action scaleY.<br>
----* return the scale action scaleY.
----@return float
-function ActionScaleFrame:getScaleY () end
----* Gets the scale action scaleX.<br>
----* return the scale action scaleX.
----@return float
-function ActionScaleFrame:getScaleX () end
----* Gets the ActionInterval of ActionFrame.<br>
----* param duration the duration time of ActionFrame<br>
----* return ActionInterval
----@param duration float
----@return cc.ActionInterval
-function ActionScaleFrame:getAction (duration) end
----* Default constructor
----@return self
-function ActionScaleFrame:ActionScaleFrame () end \ No newline at end of file
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index 71987d4a..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ActionTimeline.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.ActionTimeline :cc.Action@all parent class: Action,PlayableProtocol
-local ActionTimeline={ }
----@return self
-function ActionTimeline:clearFrameEndCallFuncs () end
----* add a frame end call back to animation's end frame<br>
----* param animationName @addFrameEndCallFunc, make the animationName as funcKey<br>
----* param func the callback function
----@param animationName string
----@param func function
----@return self
-function ActionTimeline:setAnimationEndCallFunc (animationName,func) end
----* add Timeline to ActionTimeline
----@param timeline ccs.Timeline
----@return self
-function ActionTimeline:addTimeline (timeline) end
----* Get current frame.
----@return int
-function ActionTimeline:getCurrentFrame () end
----* Start frame index of this action
----@return int
-function ActionTimeline:getStartFrame () end
----* Pause the animation.
----@return self
-function ActionTimeline:pause () end
----* / @{/ @name implement Playable Protocol
----@return self
-function ActionTimeline:start () end
----@return boolean
-function ActionTimeline:init () end
----@param timeline ccs.Timeline
----@return self
-function ActionTimeline:removeTimeline (timeline) end
----@return self
-function ActionTimeline:clearFrameEventCallFunc () end
----* Last frame callback will call when arriving last frame
----@param listener function
----@return self
-function ActionTimeline:setLastFrameCallFunc (listener) end
----@return array_table
-function ActionTimeline:getTimelines () end
----@param animationName string
----@param loop boolean
----@return self
-function ActionTimeline:play (animationName,loop) end
----@param animationName string
----@return ccs.AnimationInfo
-function ActionTimeline:getAnimationInfo (animationName) end
----* Resume the animation.
----@return self
-function ActionTimeline:resume () end
----* add a callback function after played frameIndex<br>
----* param frameIndex the frame index call back after<br>
----* param funcKey for identity the callback function<br>
----* param func the callback function
----@param frameIndex int
----@param funcKey string
----@param func function
----@return self
-function ActionTimeline:addFrameEndCallFunc (frameIndex,funcKey,func) end
----@param animationName string
----@return self
-function ActionTimeline:removeAnimationInfo (animationName) end
----* Get current animation speed.
----@return float
-function ActionTimeline:getTimeSpeed () end
----* AnimationInfo
----@param animationInfo ccs.AnimationInfo
----@return self
-function ActionTimeline:addAnimationInfo (animationInfo) end
----@return int
-function ActionTimeline:getDuration () end
----* Goto the specified frame index, and pause at this index.<br>
----* param startIndex The animation will pause at this index.
----@param startIndex int
----@return self
-function ActionTimeline:gotoFrameAndPause (startIndex) end
----* Whether or not Action is playing.
----@return boolean
-function ActionTimeline:isPlaying () end
----@param frameIndex int
----@return self
-function ActionTimeline:removeFrameEndCallFuncs (frameIndex) end
----@overload fun(int:int,int1:boolean):self
----@overload fun(int:int):self
----@overload fun(int:int,int:int,int2:boolean):self
----@overload fun(int:int,int:int,int:int,boolean:boolean):self
----@param startIndex int
----@param endIndex int
----@param currentFrameIndex int
----@param loop boolean
----@return self
-function ActionTimeline:gotoFrameAndPlay (startIndex,endIndex,currentFrameIndex,loop) end
----@param animationName string
----@return boolean
-function ActionTimeline:IsAnimationInfoExists (animationName) end
----* End frame of this action.<br>
----* When action play to this frame, if action is not loop, then it will stop, <br>
----* or it will play from start frame again.
----@return int
-function ActionTimeline:getEndFrame () end
----* Set the animation speed, this will speed up or slow down the speed.
----@param speed float
----@return self
-function ActionTimeline:setTimeSpeed (speed) end
----@return self
-function ActionTimeline:clearLastFrameCallFunc () end
----* duration of the whole action
----@param duration int
----@return self
-function ActionTimeline:setDuration (duration) end
----* Set current frame index, this will cause action plays to this frame.
----@param frameIndex int
----@return self
-function ActionTimeline:setCurrentFrame (frameIndex) end
----@param frameIndex int
----@param funcKey string
----@return self
-function ActionTimeline:removeFrameEndCallFunc (frameIndex,funcKey) end
----@return self
-function ActionTimeline:create () end
----@param target cc.Node
----@return self
-function ActionTimeline:startWithTarget (target) end
----* Returns a reverse of ActionTimeline. <br>
----* Not implement yet.
----@return self
-function ActionTimeline:reverse () end
----* Returns a clone of ActionTimeline
----@return self
-function ActionTimeline:clone () end
----@return self
-function ActionTimeline:stop () end
----@param delta float
----@return self
-function ActionTimeline:step (delta) end
----@return boolean
-function ActionTimeline:isDone () end
----@return self
-function ActionTimeline:ActionTimeline () end \ No newline at end of file
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index 36d0afba..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ActionTimelineCache.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.ActionTimelineCache
-local ActionTimelineCache={ }
----* Clone a action with the specified name from the container.
----@param fileName string
----@return ccs.ActionTimeline
-function ActionTimelineCache:createActionFromJson (fileName) end
----@param fileName string
----@return ccs.ActionTimeline
-function ActionTimelineCache:createActionWithFlatBuffersFile (fileName) end
----@param fileName string
----@return ccs.ActionTimeline
-function ActionTimelineCache:loadAnimationActionWithFlatBuffersFile (fileName) end
----@param fileName string
----@param content string
----@return ccs.ActionTimeline
-function ActionTimelineCache:createActionFromContent (fileName,content) end
----@return self
-function ActionTimelineCache:purge () end
----@return self
-function ActionTimelineCache:init () end
----@param fileName string
----@param content string
----@return ccs.ActionTimeline
-function ActionTimelineCache:loadAnimationActionWithContent (fileName,content) end
----@param fileName string
----@return ccs.ActionTimeline
-function ActionTimelineCache:loadAnimationActionWithFile (fileName) end
----* Remove action with filename, and also remove other resource relate with this file
----@param fileName string
----@return self
-function ActionTimelineCache:removeAction (fileName) end
----@param fileName string
----@return ccs.ActionTimeline
-function ActionTimelineCache:createActionWithFlatBuffersForSimulator (fileName) end
----* Destroys the singleton
----@return self
-function ActionTimelineCache:destroyInstance () end
----@param fileName string
----@return ccs.ActionTimeline
-function ActionTimelineCache:createAction (fileName) end \ No newline at end of file
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index 3cce40a6..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ActionTimelineData.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.ActionTimelineData :cc.Ref
-local ActionTimelineData={ }
----@param actionTag int
----@return self
-function ActionTimelineData:setActionTag (actionTag) end
----@param actionTag int
----@return boolean
-function ActionTimelineData:init (actionTag) end
----@return int
-function ActionTimelineData:getActionTag () end
----@param actionTag int
----@return self
-function ActionTimelineData:create (actionTag) end
----@return self
-function ActionTimelineData:ActionTimelineData () end \ No newline at end of file
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index 373e5643..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ActionTimelineNode.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.ActionTimelineNode :cc.Node
-local ActionTimelineNode={ }
----@return cc.Node
-function ActionTimelineNode:getRoot () end
----@return ccs.ActionTimeline
-function ActionTimelineNode:getActionTimeline () end
----@param action ccs.ActionTimeline
----@return self
-function ActionTimelineNode:setActionTimeline (action) end
----@param root cc.Node
----@param action ccs.ActionTimeline
----@return boolean
-function ActionTimelineNode:init (root,action) end
----@param root cc.Node
----@return self
-function ActionTimelineNode:setRoot (root) end
----@param root cc.Node
----@param action ccs.ActionTimeline
----@return self
-function ActionTimelineNode:create (root,action) end
----@return boolean
-function ActionTimelineNode:init () end
----@return self
-function ActionTimelineNode:ActionTimelineNode () end \ No newline at end of file
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index 79d08383..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ActionTintFrame.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.ActionTintFrame :ccs.ActionFrame
-local ActionTintFrame={ }
----* Gets the tint action color.<br>
----* return the tint action color.
----@return color3b_table
-function ActionTintFrame:getColor () end
----* Gets the ActionInterval of ActionFrame.<br>
----* param duration the duration time of ActionFrame<br>
----* return ActionInterval
----@param duration float
----@return cc.ActionInterval
-function ActionTintFrame:getAction (duration) end
----* Changes the tint action color.<br>
----* param ccolor the tint action color
----@param ccolor color3b_table
----@return self
-function ActionTintFrame:setColor (ccolor) end
----* Default constructor
----@return self
-function ActionTintFrame:ActionTintFrame () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/AlphaFrame.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/AlphaFrame.lua
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index 6cea459b..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/AlphaFrame.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.AlphaFrame :ccs.Frame
-local AlphaFrame={ }
----@return unsigned_char
-function AlphaFrame:getAlpha () end
----@param alpha unsigned_char
----@return self
-function AlphaFrame:setAlpha (alpha) end
----@return self
-function AlphaFrame:create () end
----@return ccs.Frame
-function AlphaFrame:clone () end
----@return self
-function AlphaFrame:AlphaFrame () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/AnchorPointFrame.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/AnchorPointFrame.lua
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index bcda480d..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/AnchorPointFrame.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.AnchorPointFrame :ccs.Frame
-local AnchorPointFrame={ }
----@param point vec2_table
----@return self
-function AnchorPointFrame:setAnchorPoint (point) end
----@return vec2_table
-function AnchorPointFrame:getAnchorPoint () end
----@return self
-function AnchorPointFrame:create () end
----@return ccs.Frame
-function AnchorPointFrame:clone () end
----@return self
-function AnchorPointFrame:AnchorPointFrame () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/AnimationData.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/AnimationData.lua
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index be213ea8..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/AnimationData.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.AnimationData :cc.Ref
-local AnimationData={ }
----@param movementName string
----@return ccs.MovementData
-function AnimationData:getMovement (movementName) end
----@return int
-function AnimationData:getMovementCount () end
----@param movData ccs.MovementData
----@return self
-function AnimationData:addMovement (movData) end
----@return self
-function AnimationData:create () end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function AnimationData:AnimationData () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/Armature.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/Armature.lua
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index c5b6dc1a..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/Armature.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.Armature :cc.Node@all parent class: Node,BlendProtocol
-local Armature={ }
----* Get a bone with the specified name<br>
----* param name The bone's name you want to get
----@param name string
----@return ccs.Bone
-function Armature:getBone (name) end
----* Change a bone's parent with the specified parent name.<br>
----* param bone The bone you want to change parent<br>
----* param parentName The new parent's name.
----@param bone ccs.Bone
----@param parentName string
----@return self
-function Armature:changeBoneParent (bone,parentName) end
----@param animation ccs.ArmatureAnimation
----@return self
-function Armature:setAnimation (animation) end
----@param x float
----@param y float
----@return ccs.Bone
-function Armature:getBoneAtPoint (x,y) end
----@return boolean
-function Armature:getArmatureTransformDirty () end
----@param version float
----@return self
-function Armature:setVersion (version) end
----* Set contentsize and Calculate anchor point.
----@return self
-function Armature:updateOffsetPoint () end
----@return ccs.Bone
-function Armature:getParentBone () end
----* Remove a bone with the specified name. If recursion it will also remove child Bone recursionly.<br>
----* param bone The bone you want to remove<br>
----* param recursion Determine whether remove the bone's child recursion.
----@param bone ccs.Bone
----@param recursion boolean
----@return self
-function Armature:removeBone (bone,recursion) end
----@return ccs.BatchNode
-function Armature:getBatchNode () end
----@overload fun(string:string,ccs.Bone:ccs.Bone):self
----@overload fun(string:string):self
----@param name string
----@param parentBone ccs.Bone
----@return boolean
-function Armature:init (name,parentBone) end
----@param parentBone ccs.Bone
----@return self
-function Armature:setParentBone (parentBone) end
----@param batchNode ccs.BatchNode
----@return self
-function Armature:setBatchNode (batchNode) end
----* js NA<br>
----* lua NA
----@return cc.BlendFunc
-function Armature:getBlendFunc () end
----@param armatureData ccs.ArmatureData
----@return self
-function Armature:setArmatureData (armatureData) end
----* Add a Bone to this Armature,<br>
----* param bone The Bone you want to add to Armature<br>
----* param parentName The parent Bone's name you want to add to . If it's nullptr, then set Armature to its parent
----@param bone ccs.Bone
----@param parentName string
----@return self
-function Armature:addBone (bone,parentName) end
----@return ccs.ArmatureData
-function Armature:getArmatureData () end
----@return float
-function Armature:getVersion () end
----@return ccs.ArmatureAnimation
-function Armature:getAnimation () end
----@return vec2_table
-function Armature:getOffsetPoints () end
----* js NA<br>
----* lua NA
----@param blendFunc cc.BlendFunc
----@return self
-function Armature:setBlendFunc (blendFunc) end
----* Get Armature's bone dictionary<br>
----* return Armature's bone dictionary
----@return map_table
-function Armature:getBoneDic () end
----@overload fun(string:string):self
----@overload fun():self
----@overload fun(string:string,ccs.Bone:ccs.Bone):self
----@param name string
----@param parentBone ccs.Bone
----@return self
-function Armature:create (name,parentBone) end
----@param point vec2_table
----@return self
-function Armature:setAnchorPoint (point) end
----@param renderer cc.Renderer
----@param transform mat4_table
----@param flags unsigned_int
----@return self
-function Armature:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end
----@return vec2_table
-function Armature:getAnchorPointInPoints () end
----@param dt float
----@return self
-function Armature:update (dt) end
----* Init the empty armature
----@return boolean
-function Armature:init () end
----@return mat4_table
-function Armature:getNodeToParentTransform () end
----* This boundingBox will calculate all bones' boundingBox every time
----@return rect_table
-function Armature:getBoundingBox () end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function Armature:Armature () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ArmatureAnimation.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ArmatureAnimation.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index a27dca21..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ArmatureAnimation.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.ArmatureAnimation
-local ArmatureAnimation={ }
----@return float
-function ArmatureAnimation:getSpeedScale () end
----* Play animation by animation name.<br>
----* param animationName The animation name you want to play<br>
----* param durationTo The frames between two animation changing-over.<br>
----* It's meaning is changing to this animation need how many frames<br>
----* -1 : use the value from MovementData get from flash design panel<br>
----* param loop Whether the animation is loop<br>
----* loop < 0 : use the value from MovementData get from flash design panel<br>
----* loop = 0 : this animation is not loop<br>
----* loop > 0 : this animation is loop
----@param animationName string
----@param durationTo int
----@param loop int
----@return self
-function ArmatureAnimation:play (animationName,durationTo,loop) end
----* Go to specified frame and pause current movement.
----@param frameIndex int
----@return self
-function ArmatureAnimation:gotoAndPause (frameIndex) end
----@param movementIndexes array_table
----@param durationTo int
----@param loop boolean
----@return self
-function ArmatureAnimation:playWithIndexes (movementIndexes,durationTo,loop) end
----@param data ccs.AnimationData
----@return self
-function ArmatureAnimation:setAnimationData (data) end
----* Scale animation play speed.<br>
----* param animationScale Scale value
----@param speedScale float
----@return self
-function ArmatureAnimation:setSpeedScale (speedScale) end
----@return ccs.AnimationData
-function ArmatureAnimation:getAnimationData () end
----* Go to specified frame and play current movement.<br>
----* You need first switch to the movement you want to play, then call this function.<br>
----* example : playByIndex(0);<br>
----* gotoAndPlay(0);<br>
----* playByIndex(1);<br>
----* gotoAndPlay(0);<br>
----* gotoAndPlay(15);
----@param frameIndex int
----@return self
-function ArmatureAnimation:gotoAndPlay (frameIndex) end
----* Init with a Armature<br>
----* param armature The Armature ArmatureAnimation will bind to
----@param armature ccs.Armature
----@return boolean
-function ArmatureAnimation:init (armature) end
----@param movementNames array_table
----@param durationTo int
----@param loop boolean
----@return self
-function ArmatureAnimation:playWithNames (movementNames,durationTo,loop) end
----* Get movement count
----@return int
-function ArmatureAnimation:getMovementCount () end
----@param animationIndex int
----@param durationTo int
----@param loop int
----@return self
-function ArmatureAnimation:playWithIndex (animationIndex,durationTo,loop) end
----* Get current movementID<br>
----* return The name of current movement
----@return string
-function ArmatureAnimation:getCurrentMovementID () end
----* Create with a Armature<br>
----* param armature The Armature ArmatureAnimation will bind to
----@param armature ccs.Armature
----@return self
-function ArmatureAnimation:create (armature) end
----* Pause the Process
----@return self
-function ArmatureAnimation:pause () end
----* Stop the Process
----@return self
-function ArmatureAnimation:stop () end
----@param dt float
----@return self
-function ArmatureAnimation:update (dt) end
----* Resume the Process
----@return self
-function ArmatureAnimation:resume () end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function ArmatureAnimation:ArmatureAnimation () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ArmatureData.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ArmatureData.lua
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index 6fcdc0d8..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ArmatureData.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.ArmatureData :cc.Ref
-local ArmatureData={ }
----@param boneData ccs.BoneData
----@return self
-function ArmatureData:addBoneData (boneData) end
----@return boolean
-function ArmatureData:init () end
----@param boneName string
----@return ccs.BoneData
-function ArmatureData:getBoneData (boneName) end
----@return self
-function ArmatureData:create () end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function ArmatureData:ArmatureData () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ArmatureDataManager.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ArmatureDataManager.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index be1883c6..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ArmatureDataManager.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.ArmatureDataManager :cc.Ref
-local ArmatureDataManager={ }
----* brief remove animation data<br>
----* param id the id of the animation data
----@param id string
----@return self
-function ArmatureDataManager:removeAnimationData (id) end
----* Add armature data<br>
----* param id The id of the armature data<br>
----* param armatureData ArmatureData *
----@param id string
----@param armatureData ccs.ArmatureData
----@param configFilePath string
----@return self
-function ArmatureDataManager:addArmatureData (id,armatureData,configFilePath) end
----@overload fun(string:string,string:string,string:string):self
----@overload fun(string:string):self
----@param imagePath string
----@param plistPath string
----@param configFilePath string
----@return self
-function ArmatureDataManager:addArmatureFileInfo (imagePath,plistPath,configFilePath) end
----@param configFilePath string
----@return self
-function ArmatureDataManager:removeArmatureFileInfo (configFilePath) end
----@return map_table
-function ArmatureDataManager:getTextureDatas () end
----* brief get texture data<br>
----* param id the id of the texture data you want to get<br>
----* return TextureData *
----@param id string
----@return ccs.TextureData
-function ArmatureDataManager:getTextureData (id) end
----* brief get armature data<br>
----* param id the id of the armature data you want to get<br>
----* return ArmatureData *
----@param id string
----@return ccs.ArmatureData
-function ArmatureDataManager:getArmatureData (id) end
----* brief get animation data from _animationDatas(Dictionary)<br>
----* param id the id of the animation data you want to get<br>
----* return AnimationData *
----@param id string
----@return ccs.AnimationData
-function ArmatureDataManager:getAnimationData (id) end
----* brief add animation data<br>
----* param id the id of the animation data<br>
----* return AnimationData *
----@param id string
----@param animationData ccs.AnimationData
----@param configFilePath string
----@return self
-function ArmatureDataManager:addAnimationData (id,animationData,configFilePath) end
----* Init ArmatureDataManager
----@return boolean
-function ArmatureDataManager:init () end
----* brief remove armature data<br>
----* param id the id of the armature data you want to get
----@param id string
----@return self
-function ArmatureDataManager:removeArmatureData (id) end
----@return map_table
-function ArmatureDataManager:getArmatureDatas () end
----* brief remove texture data<br>
----* param id the id of the texture data you want to get
----@param id string
----@return self
-function ArmatureDataManager:removeTextureData (id) end
----* brief add texture data<br>
----* param id the id of the texture data<br>
----* return TextureData *
----@param id string
----@param textureData ccs.TextureData
----@param configFilePath string
----@return self
-function ArmatureDataManager:addTextureData (id,textureData,configFilePath) end
----@return map_table
-function ArmatureDataManager:getAnimationDatas () end
----* brief Judge whether or not need auto load sprite file
----@return boolean
-function ArmatureDataManager:isAutoLoadSpriteFile () end
----* brief Add sprite frame to CCSpriteFrameCache, it will save display name and it's relative image name
----@param plistPath string
----@param imagePath string
----@param configFilePath string
----@return self
-function ArmatureDataManager:addSpriteFrameFromFile (plistPath,imagePath,configFilePath) end
----@return self
-function ArmatureDataManager:destroyInstance () end
----@return self
-function ArmatureDataManager:getInstance () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ArmatureDisplayData.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ArmatureDisplayData.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index b6092573..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ArmatureDisplayData.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.ArmatureDisplayData :ccs.DisplayData
-local ArmatureDisplayData={ }
----@return self
-function ArmatureDisplayData:create () end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function ArmatureDisplayData:ArmatureDisplayData () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/BaseData.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/BaseData.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a417041..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/BaseData.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.BaseData :cc.Ref
-local BaseData={ }
----@return color4b_table
-function BaseData:getColor () end
----@param color color4b_table
----@return self
-function BaseData:setColor (color) end
----@return self
-function BaseData:create () end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function BaseData:BaseData () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/BatchNode.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/BatchNode.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index a73467aa..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/BatchNode.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.BatchNode :cc.Node
-local BatchNode={ }
----@return self
-function BatchNode:create () end
----@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int,int2:string):self
----@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int,int:int):self
----@param pChild cc.Node
----@param zOrder int
----@param tag int
----@return self
-function BatchNode:addChild (pChild,zOrder,tag) end
----* js NA
----@return boolean
-function BatchNode:init () end
----@param renderer cc.Renderer
----@param transform mat4_table
----@param flags unsigned_int
----@return self
-function BatchNode:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end
----@param child cc.Node
----@param cleanup boolean
----@return self
-function BatchNode:removeChild (child,cleanup) end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/BlendFuncFrame.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/BlendFuncFrame.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 10c1a4eb..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/BlendFuncFrame.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.BlendFuncFrame :ccs.Frame
-local BlendFuncFrame={ }
----@return cc.BlendFunc
-function BlendFuncFrame:getBlendFunc () end
----@param blendFunc cc.BlendFunc
----@return self
-function BlendFuncFrame:setBlendFunc (blendFunc) end
----@return self
-function BlendFuncFrame:create () end
----@return ccs.Frame
-function BlendFuncFrame:clone () end
----@return self
-function BlendFuncFrame:BlendFuncFrame () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/Bone.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/Bone.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index a69c9323..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/Bone.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.Bone :cc.Node
-local Bone={ }
----@return boolean
-function Bone:isTransformDirty () end
----@param blendFunc cc.BlendFunc
----@return self
-function Bone:setBlendFunc (blendFunc) end
----@return boolean
-function Bone:isIgnoreMovementBoneData () end
----* Update zorder
----@return self
-function Bone:updateZOrder () end
----@return cc.Node
-function Bone:getDisplayRenderNode () end
----@return boolean
-function Bone:isBlendDirty () end
----* Add a child to this bone, and it will let this child call setParent(Bone *parent) function to set self to it's parent<br>
----* param child the child you want to add
----@param child ccs.Bone
----@return self
-function Bone:addChildBone (child) end
----@return ccs.BaseData
-function Bone:getWorldInfo () end
----@return ccs.Tween
-function Bone:getTween () end
----* Get parent bone<br>
----* return parent bone
----@return self
-function Bone:getParentBone () end
----* Update color to render display
----@return self
-function Bone:updateColor () end
----@param dirty boolean
----@return self
-function Bone:setTransformDirty (dirty) end
----@return int
-function Bone:getDisplayRenderNodeType () end
----@param index int
----@return self
-function Bone:removeDisplay (index) end
----@param boneData ccs.BoneData
----@return self
-function Bone:setBoneData (boneData) end
----* Initializes a Bone with the specified name<br>
----* param name Bone's name.
----@param name string
----@return boolean
-function Bone:init (name) end
----* Set parent bone.<br>
----* If parent is null, then also remove this bone from armature.<br>
----* It will not set the Armature, if you want to add the bone to a Armature, you should use Armature::addBone(Bone *bone, const char* parentName).<br>
----* param parent the parent bone.<br>
----* nullptr : remove this bone from armature
----@param parent ccs.Bone
----@return self
-function Bone:setParentBone (parent) end
----@overload fun(ccs.DisplayData0:cc.Node,int:int):self
----@overload fun(ccs.DisplayData:ccs.DisplayData,int:int):self
----@param displayData ccs.DisplayData
----@param index int
----@return self
-function Bone:addDisplay (displayData,index) end
----@return cc.BlendFunc
-function Bone:getBlendFunc () end
----* Remove itself from its parent.<br>
----* param recursion whether or not to remove childBone's display
----@param recursion boolean
----@return self
-function Bone:removeFromParent (recursion) end
----@return ccs.ColliderDetector
-function Bone:getColliderDetector () end
----@return ccs.Armature
-function Bone:getChildArmature () end
----@return ccs.FrameData
-function Bone:getTweenData () end
----@param index int
----@param force boolean
----@return self
-function Bone:changeDisplayWithIndex (index,force) end
----@param name string
----@param force boolean
----@return self
-function Bone:changeDisplayWithName (name,force) end
----@param armature ccs.Armature
----@return self
-function Bone:setArmature (armature) end
----@param dirty boolean
----@return self
-function Bone:setBlendDirty (dirty) end
----* Removes a child Bone<br>
----* param bone the bone you want to remove
----@param bone ccs.Bone
----@param recursion boolean
----@return self
-function Bone:removeChildBone (bone,recursion) end
----@param childArmature ccs.Armature
----@return self
-function Bone:setChildArmature (childArmature) end
----@return mat4_table
-function Bone:getNodeToArmatureTransform () end
----@return ccs.DisplayManager
-function Bone:getDisplayManager () end
----@return ccs.Armature
-function Bone:getArmature () end
----@return ccs.BoneData
-function Bone:getBoneData () end
----@overload fun(string:string):self
----@overload fun():self
----@param name string
----@return self
-function Bone:create (name) end
----@return mat4_table
-function Bone:getNodeToWorldTransform () end
----@param zOrder int
----@return self
-function Bone:setLocalZOrder (zOrder) end
----@param delta float
----@return self
-function Bone:update (delta) end
----@param parentOpacity unsigned_char
----@return self
-function Bone:updateDisplayedOpacity (parentOpacity) end
----* Initializes an empty Bone with nothing init.
----@return boolean
-function Bone:init () end
----@param parentColor color3b_table
----@return self
-function Bone:updateDisplayedColor (parentColor) end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function Bone:Bone () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/BoneData.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/BoneData.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index bea88fac..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/BoneData.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.BoneData :ccs.BaseData
-local BoneData={ }
----@param index int
----@return ccs.DisplayData
-function BoneData:getDisplayData (index) end
----@return boolean
-function BoneData:init () end
----@param displayData ccs.DisplayData
----@return self
-function BoneData:addDisplayData (displayData) end
----@return self
-function BoneData:create () end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function BoneData:BoneData () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/BoneNode.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/BoneNode.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index ad68dcb9..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/BoneNode.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.BoneNode :cc.Node@all parent class: Node,BlendProtocol
-local BoneNode={ }
----@return float
-function BoneNode:getDebugDrawWidth () end
----@overload fun():self
----@overload fun():self
----@return array_table
-function BoneNode:getChildBones () end
----@return cc.BlendFunc
-function BoneNode:getBlendFunc () end
----* brief: get all bones in this bone tree
----@return array_table
-function BoneNode:getAllSubBones () end
----@param blendFunc cc.BlendFunc
----@return self
-function BoneNode:setBlendFunc (blendFunc) end
----@param isDebugDraw boolean
----@return self
-function BoneNode:setDebugDrawEnabled (isDebugDraw) end
----* get displayings rect in self transform
----@return rect_table
-function BoneNode:getVisibleSkinsRect () end
----* brief: get all skins in this bone tree
----@return array_table
-function BoneNode:getAllSubSkins () end
----@overload fun(cc.Node0:string,boolean:boolean):self
----@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,boolean:boolean):self
----@param skin cc.Node
----@param hideOthers boolean
----@return self
-function BoneNode:displaySkin (skin,hideOthers) end
----@return boolean
-function BoneNode:isDebugDrawEnabled () end
----@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,boolean:boolean,boolean:boolean):self
----@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,boolean:boolean):self
----@param skin cc.Node
----@param display boolean
----@param hideOthers boolean
----@return self
-function BoneNode:addSkin (skin,display,hideOthers) end
----@return ccs.SkeletonNode
-function BoneNode:getRootSkeletonNode () end
----@param length float
----@return self
-function BoneNode:setDebugDrawLength (length) end
----@overload fun():self
----@overload fun():self
----@return array_table
-function BoneNode:getSkins () end
----@return array_table
-function BoneNode:getVisibleSkins () end
----@param width float
----@return self
-function BoneNode:setDebugDrawWidth (width) end
----@return float
-function BoneNode:getDebugDrawLength () end
----@param color color4f_table
----@return self
-function BoneNode:setDebugDrawColor (color) end
----@return color4f_table
-function BoneNode:getDebugDrawColor () end
----@overload fun(int:int):self
----@overload fun():self
----@param length int
----@return self
-function BoneNode:create (length) end
----@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int,string2:int):self
----@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int,string:string):self
----@param child cc.Node
----@param localZOrder int
----@param name string
----@return self
-function BoneNode:addChild (child,localZOrder,name) end
----@param renderer cc.Renderer
----@param transform mat4_table
----@param flags unsigned_int
----@return self
-function BoneNode:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end
----@param name string
----@return self
-function BoneNode:setName (name) end
----@param anchorPoint vec2_table
----@return self
-function BoneNode:setAnchorPoint (anchorPoint) end
----@param localZOrder int
----@return self
-function BoneNode:setLocalZOrder (localZOrder) end
----@param child cc.Node
----@param cleanup boolean
----@return self
-function BoneNode:removeChild (child,cleanup) end
----@return boolean
-function BoneNode:init () end
----@return rect_table
-function BoneNode:getBoundingBox () end
----@param contentSize size_table
----@return self
-function BoneNode:setContentSize (contentSize) end
----@param visible boolean
----@return self
-function BoneNode:setVisible (visible) end
----@return self
-function BoneNode:BoneNode () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ColorFrame.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ColorFrame.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 27bedcdd..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ColorFrame.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.ColorFrame :ccs.Frame
-local ColorFrame={ }
----@return color3b_table
-function ColorFrame:getColor () end
----@param color color3b_table
----@return self
-function ColorFrame:setColor (color) end
----@return self
-function ColorFrame:create () end
----@return ccs.Frame
-function ColorFrame:clone () end
----@return self
-function ColorFrame:ColorFrame () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ComAttribute.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ComAttribute.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 34cf9270..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ComAttribute.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.ComAttribute :cc.Component
-local ComAttribute={ }
----@param key string
----@param def float
----@return float
-function ComAttribute:getFloat (key,def) end
----@param key string
----@param def string
----@return string
-function ComAttribute:getString (key,def) end
----@param key string
----@param value float
----@return self
-function ComAttribute:setFloat (key,value) end
----@param key string
----@param value string
----@return self
-function ComAttribute:setString (key,value) end
----@param key string
----@param def boolean
----@return boolean
-function ComAttribute:getBool (key,def) end
----@param key string
----@param value int
----@return self
-function ComAttribute:setInt (key,value) end
----@param jsonFile string
----@return boolean
-function ComAttribute:parse (jsonFile) end
----@param key string
----@param def int
----@return int
-function ComAttribute:getInt (key,def) end
----@param key string
----@param value boolean
----@return self
-function ComAttribute:setBool (key,value) end
----@return self
-function ComAttribute:create () end
----@return cc.Ref
-function ComAttribute:createInstance () end
----@return boolean
-function ComAttribute:init () end
----@param r void
----@return boolean
-function ComAttribute:serialize (r) end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ComAudio.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ComAudio.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index d198e2ef..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ComAudio.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.ComAudio :cc.Component@all parent class: Component,PlayableProtocol
-local ComAudio={ }
----@return self
-function ComAudio:stopAllEffects () end
----@return float
-function ComAudio:getEffectsVolume () end
----@param nSoundId unsigned_int
----@return self
-function ComAudio:stopEffect (nSoundId) end
----@return float
-function ComAudio:getBackgroundMusicVolume () end
----@return boolean
-function ComAudio:willPlayBackgroundMusic () end
----@param volume float
----@return self
-function ComAudio:setBackgroundMusicVolume (volume) end
----* / @{/ @name implement Playable Protocol
----@return self
-function ComAudio:start () end
----@overload fun():self
----@overload fun(boolean:boolean):self
----@param bReleaseData boolean
----@return self
-function ComAudio:stopBackgroundMusic (bReleaseData) end
----@return self
-function ComAudio:pauseBackgroundMusic () end
----@return boolean
-function ComAudio:isBackgroundMusicPlaying () end
----@return boolean
-function ComAudio:isLoop () end
----@return self
-function ComAudio:resumeAllEffects () end
----@return self
-function ComAudio:pauseAllEffects () end
----@param pszFilePath char
----@return self
-function ComAudio:preloadBackgroundMusic (pszFilePath) end
----@overload fun(char:char):self
----@overload fun(char:char,boolean:boolean):self
----@overload fun():self
----@param pszFilePath char
----@param bLoop boolean
----@return self
-function ComAudio:playBackgroundMusic (pszFilePath,bLoop) end
----@return self
-function ComAudio:stop () end
----* lua endToLua
----@return self
-function ComAudio:endToLua () end
----@overload fun(char:char):self
----@overload fun(char:char,boolean:boolean):self
----@overload fun():self
----@param pszFilePath char
----@param bLoop boolean
----@return unsigned_int
-function ComAudio:playEffect (pszFilePath,bLoop) end
----@param pszFilePath char
----@return self
-function ComAudio:preloadEffect (pszFilePath) end
----@param bLoop boolean
----@return self
-function ComAudio:setLoop (bLoop) end
----@param pszFilePath char
----@return self
-function ComAudio:unloadEffect (pszFilePath) end
----@return self
-function ComAudio:rewindBackgroundMusic () end
----@param nSoundId unsigned_int
----@return self
-function ComAudio:pauseEffect (nSoundId) end
----@return self
-function ComAudio:resumeBackgroundMusic () end
----@param pszFilePath char
----@return self
-function ComAudio:setFile (pszFilePath) end
----@param volume float
----@return self
-function ComAudio:setEffectsVolume (volume) end
----@return char
-function ComAudio:getFile () end
----@param nSoundId unsigned_int
----@return self
-function ComAudio:resumeEffect (nSoundId) end
----@return self
-function ComAudio:create () end
----@return cc.Ref
-function ComAudio:createInstance () end
----* js NA<br>
----* lua NA
----@return self
-function ComAudio:onRemove () end
----@param r void
----@return boolean
-function ComAudio:serialize (r) end
----@return boolean
-function ComAudio:init () end
----* js NA<br>
----* lua NA
----@return self
-function ComAudio:onAdd () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ComController.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ComController.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 49c7deae..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ComController.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.ComController :cc.Component@all parent class: Component,InputDelegate
-local ComController={ }
----@return self
-function ComController:create () end
----@return cc.Ref
-function ComController:createInstance () end
----* js NA<br>
----* lua NA
----@return self
-function ComController:onRemove () end
----@param delta float
----@return self
-function ComController:update (delta) end
----@return boolean
-function ComController:init () end
----* js NA<br>
----* lua NA
----@return self
-function ComController:onAdd () end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function ComController:ComController () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ComExtensionData.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ComExtensionData.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 8136debb..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ComExtensionData.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.ComExtensionData :cc.Component
-local ComExtensionData={ }
----@param actionTag int
----@return self
-function ComExtensionData:setActionTag (actionTag) end
----@return string
-function ComExtensionData:getCustomProperty () end
----@return int
-function ComExtensionData:getActionTag () end
----@param customProperty string
----@return self
-function ComExtensionData:setCustomProperty (customProperty) end
----@return self
-function ComExtensionData:create () end
----@return cc.Ref
-function ComExtensionData:createInstance () end
----@return boolean
-function ComExtensionData:init () end
----* js NA<br>
----* lua NA
----@return self
-function ComExtensionData:onRemove () end
----* js NA<br>
----* lua NA
----@return self
-function ComExtensionData:onAdd () end
----@return self
-function ComExtensionData:ComExtensionData () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ComRender.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ComRender.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 9600711c..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ComRender.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.ComRender :cc.Component
-local ComRender={ }
----@param node cc.Node
----@return self
-function ComRender:setNode (node) end
----@return cc.Node
-function ComRender:getNode () end
----@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,char:char):self
----@overload fun():self
----@param node cc.Node
----@param comName char
----@return self
-function ComRender:create (node,comName) end
----@return cc.Ref
-function ComRender:createInstance () end
----@param r void
----@return boolean
-function ComRender:serialize (r) end
----* js NA<br>
----* lua NA
----@return self
-function ComRender:onRemove () end
----* js NA<br>
----* lua NA
----@return self
-function ComRender:onAdd () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ContourData.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ContourData.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 2bbb1fd6..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ContourData.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.ContourData :cc.Ref
-local ContourData={ }
----@return boolean
-function ContourData:init () end
----@param vertex vec2_table
----@return self
-function ContourData:addVertex (vertex) end
----@return self
-function ContourData:create () end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function ContourData:ContourData () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/DisplayData.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/DisplayData.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 91233cd2..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/DisplayData.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.DisplayData :cc.Ref
-local DisplayData={ }
----@param displayData ccs.DisplayData
----@return self
-function DisplayData:copy (displayData) end
----@param displayName string
----@return string
-function DisplayData:changeDisplayToTexture (displayName) end
----@return self
-function DisplayData:create () end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function DisplayData:DisplayData () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/DisplayManager.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/DisplayManager.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 64fa7b3a..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/DisplayManager.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.DisplayManager :cc.Ref
-local DisplayManager={ }
----@return cc.Node
-function DisplayManager:getDisplayRenderNode () end
----@return vec2_table
-function DisplayManager:getAnchorPointInPoints () end
----@return int
-function DisplayManager:getDisplayRenderNodeType () end
----@param index int
----@return self
-function DisplayManager:removeDisplay (index) end
----@param force boolean
----@return self
-function DisplayManager:setForceChangeDisplay (force) end
----@param bone ccs.Bone
----@return boolean
-function DisplayManager:init (bone) end
----@return size_table
-function DisplayManager:getContentSize () end
----@return rect_table
-function DisplayManager:getBoundingBox () end
----@overload fun(ccs.DisplayData0:cc.Node,int:int):self
----@overload fun(ccs.DisplayData:ccs.DisplayData,int:int):self
----@param displayData ccs.DisplayData
----@param index int
----@return self
-function DisplayManager:addDisplay (displayData,index) end
----@overload fun(float:float,float:float):self
----@overload fun(float0:vec2_table):self
----@param x float
----@param y float
----@return boolean
-function DisplayManager:containPoint (x,y) end
----* Change display by index. You can just use this method to change display in the display list.<br>
----* The display list is just used for this bone, and it is the displays you may use in every frame.<br>
----* Note : if index is the same with prev index, the method will not effect<br>
----* param index The index of the display you want to change<br>
----* param force If true, then force change display to specified display, or current display will set to display index edit in the flash every key frame.
----@param index int
----@param force boolean
----@return self
-function DisplayManager:changeDisplayWithIndex (index,force) end
----@param name string
----@param force boolean
----@return self
-function DisplayManager:changeDisplayWithName (name,force) end
----@return boolean
-function DisplayManager:isForceChangeDisplay () end
----@return int
-function DisplayManager:getCurrentDisplayIndex () end
----@return vec2_table
-function DisplayManager:getAnchorPoint () end
----@return array_table
-function DisplayManager:getDecorativeDisplayList () end
----* Determines if the display is visible<br>
----* see setVisible(bool)<br>
----* return true if the node is visible, false if the node is hidden.
----@return boolean
-function DisplayManager:isVisible () end
----* Sets whether the display is visible<br>
----* The default value is true, a node is default to visible<br>
----* param visible true if the node is visible, false if the node is hidden.
----@param visible boolean
----@return self
-function DisplayManager:setVisible (visible) end
----@param bone ccs.Bone
----@return self
-function DisplayManager:create (bone) end
----@return self
-function DisplayManager:DisplayManager () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/EventFrame.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/EventFrame.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b7e3262..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/EventFrame.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.EventFrame :ccs.Frame
-local EventFrame={ }
----@param event string
----@return self
-function EventFrame:setEvent (event) end
----@return self
-function EventFrame:init () end
----@return string
-function EventFrame:getEvent () end
----@return self
-function EventFrame:create () end
----@return ccs.Frame
-function EventFrame:clone () end
----@param node cc.Node
----@return self
-function EventFrame:setNode (node) end
----@return self
-function EventFrame:EventFrame () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/Frame.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/Frame.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 174224b7..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/Frame.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.Frame :cc.Ref
-local Frame={ }
----@return self
-function Frame:clone () end
----@param tweenType int
----@return self
-function Frame:setTweenType (tweenType) end
----@param node cc.Node
----@return self
-function Frame:setNode (node) end
----@param timeline ccs.Timeline
----@return self
-function Frame:setTimeline (timeline) end
----@return boolean
-function Frame:isEnterWhenPassed () end
----@return int
-function Frame:getTweenType () end
----@return array_table
-function Frame:getEasingParams () end
----@param easingParams array_table
----@return self
-function Frame:setEasingParams (easingParams) end
----@return unsigned_int
-function Frame:getFrameIndex () end
----@param percent float
----@return self
-function Frame:apply (percent) end
----@return boolean
-function Frame:isTween () end
----@param frameIndex unsigned_int
----@return self
-function Frame:setFrameIndex (frameIndex) end
----@param tween boolean
----@return self
-function Frame:setTween (tween) end
----@return ccs.Timeline
-function Frame:getTimeline () end
----@return cc.Node
-function Frame:getNode () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/FrameData.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/FrameData.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e867fb6..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/FrameData.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.FrameData :ccs.BaseData
-local FrameData={ }
----@param baseData ccs.BaseData
----@return self
-function FrameData:copy (baseData) end
----@return self
-function FrameData:create () end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function FrameData:FrameData () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/GUIReader.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/GUIReader.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index b39b65ef..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/GUIReader.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.GUIReader :cc.Ref
-local GUIReader={ }
----@param strFilePath string
----@return self
-function GUIReader:setFilePath (strFilePath) end
----@param fileName char
----@return ccui.Widget
-function GUIReader:widgetFromJsonFile (fileName) end
----@return string
-function GUIReader:getFilePath () end
----@param fileName char
----@return ccui.Widget
-function GUIReader:widgetFromBinaryFile (fileName) end
----@param str char
----@return int
-function GUIReader:getVersionInteger (str) end
----@return self
-function GUIReader:destroyInstance () end
----@return self
-function GUIReader:getInstance () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/InnerActionFrame.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/InnerActionFrame.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index ea5002ea..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/InnerActionFrame.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.InnerActionFrame :ccs.Frame
-local InnerActionFrame={ }
----@return int
-function InnerActionFrame:getEndFrameIndex () end
----@return int
-function InnerActionFrame:getStartFrameIndex () end
----@return int
-function InnerActionFrame:getInnerActionType () end
----@param frameIndex int
----@return self
-function InnerActionFrame:setEndFrameIndex (frameIndex) end
----@param isEnterWithName boolean
----@return self
-function InnerActionFrame:setEnterWithName (isEnterWithName) end
----@param frameIndex int
----@return self
-function InnerActionFrame:setSingleFrameIndex (frameIndex) end
----@param frameIndex int
----@return self
-function InnerActionFrame:setStartFrameIndex (frameIndex) end
----@return int
-function InnerActionFrame:getSingleFrameIndex () end
----@param type int
----@return self
-function InnerActionFrame:setInnerActionType (type) end
----@param animationNamed string
----@return self
-function InnerActionFrame:setAnimationName (animationNamed) end
----@return self
-function InnerActionFrame:create () end
----@return ccs.Frame
-function InnerActionFrame:clone () end
----@return self
-function InnerActionFrame:InnerActionFrame () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/MovementBoneData.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/MovementBoneData.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a04a3c8..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/MovementBoneData.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.MovementBoneData :cc.Ref
-local MovementBoneData={ }
----@return boolean
-function MovementBoneData:init () end
----@param index int
----@return ccs.FrameData
-function MovementBoneData:getFrameData (index) end
----@param frameData ccs.FrameData
----@return self
-function MovementBoneData:addFrameData (frameData) end
----@return self
-function MovementBoneData:create () end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function MovementBoneData:MovementBoneData () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/MovementData.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/MovementData.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index b7cda9fd..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/MovementData.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.MovementData :cc.Ref
-local MovementData={ }
----@param boneName string
----@return ccs.MovementBoneData
-function MovementData:getMovementBoneData (boneName) end
----@param movBoneData ccs.MovementBoneData
----@return self
-function MovementData:addMovementBoneData (movBoneData) end
----@return self
-function MovementData:create () end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function MovementData:MovementData () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ParticleDisplayData.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ParticleDisplayData.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 895a932e..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ParticleDisplayData.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.ParticleDisplayData :ccs.DisplayData
-local ParticleDisplayData={ }
----@return self
-function ParticleDisplayData:create () end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function ParticleDisplayData:ParticleDisplayData () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/PlayableFrame.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/PlayableFrame.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 861a22e4..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/PlayableFrame.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.PlayableFrame :ccs.Frame
-local PlayableFrame={ }
----@param playact string
----@return self
-function PlayableFrame:setPlayableAct (playact) end
----@return string
-function PlayableFrame:getPlayableAct () end
----@return self
-function PlayableFrame:create () end
----@return ccs.Frame
-function PlayableFrame:clone () end
----@return self
-function PlayableFrame:PlayableFrame () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/PositionFrame.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/PositionFrame.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index c9aa38be..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/PositionFrame.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.PositionFrame :ccs.Frame
-local PositionFrame={ }
----@return float
-function PositionFrame:getX () end
----@return float
-function PositionFrame:getY () end
----@param position vec2_table
----@return self
-function PositionFrame:setPosition (position) end
----@param x float
----@return self
-function PositionFrame:setX (x) end
----@param y float
----@return self
-function PositionFrame:setY (y) end
----@return vec2_table
-function PositionFrame:getPosition () end
----@return self
-function PositionFrame:create () end
----@return ccs.Frame
-function PositionFrame:clone () end
----@return self
-function PositionFrame:PositionFrame () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/RotationFrame.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/RotationFrame.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index ca2f9652..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/RotationFrame.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.RotationFrame :ccs.Frame
-local RotationFrame={ }
----@param rotation float
----@return self
-function RotationFrame:setRotation (rotation) end
----@return float
-function RotationFrame:getRotation () end
----@return self
-function RotationFrame:create () end
----@return ccs.Frame
-function RotationFrame:clone () end
----@return self
-function RotationFrame:RotationFrame () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/RotationSkewFrame.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/RotationSkewFrame.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index e7baa172..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/RotationSkewFrame.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.RotationSkewFrame :ccs.SkewFrame
-local RotationSkewFrame={ }
----@return self
-function RotationSkewFrame:create () end
----@return ccs.Frame
-function RotationSkewFrame:clone () end
----@return self
-function RotationSkewFrame:RotationSkewFrame () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ScaleFrame.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ScaleFrame.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 00c2d9a4..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ScaleFrame.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.ScaleFrame :ccs.Frame
-local ScaleFrame={ }
----@param scaleY float
----@return self
-function ScaleFrame:setScaleY (scaleY) end
----@param scaleX float
----@return self
-function ScaleFrame:setScaleX (scaleX) end
----@return float
-function ScaleFrame:getScaleY () end
----@return float
-function ScaleFrame:getScaleX () end
----@param scale float
----@return self
-function ScaleFrame:setScale (scale) end
----@return self
-function ScaleFrame:create () end
----@return ccs.Frame
-function ScaleFrame:clone () end
----@return self
-function ScaleFrame:ScaleFrame () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/SceneReader.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/SceneReader.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index e9692b80..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/SceneReader.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.SceneReader
-local SceneReader={ }
----@param selector function
----@return self
-function SceneReader:setTarget (selector) end
----@param fileName string
----@param attachComponent int
----@return cc.Node
-function SceneReader:createNodeWithSceneFile (fileName,attachComponent) end
----@return int
-function SceneReader:getAttachComponentType () end
----@param nTag int
----@return cc.Node
-function SceneReader:getNodeByTag (nTag) end
----* js purge<br>
----* lua destroySceneReader
----@return self
-function SceneReader:destroyInstance () end
----@return char
-function SceneReader:sceneReaderVersion () end
----@return self
-function SceneReader:getInstance () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/SkeletonNode.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/SkeletonNode.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index b467be90..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/SkeletonNode.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.SkeletonNode :ccs.BoneNode
-local SkeletonNode={ }
----* get bonenode in skeleton node by bone name
----@param boneName string
----@return ccs.BoneNode
-function SkeletonNode:getBoneNode (boneName) end
----@overload fun(map_table0:string):self
----@overload fun(map_table:map_table):self
----@param boneSkinNameMap map_table
----@return self
-function SkeletonNode:changeSkins (boneSkinNameMap) end
----* brief: add a boneSkinNameMap as a SkinGroup named groupName<br>
----* param: groupName, key<br>
----* param: boneSkinNameMap, map <name of bone, name of skin to display which added to bone>
----@param groupName string
----@param boneSkinNameMap map_table
----@return self
-function SkeletonNode:addSkinGroup (groupName,boneSkinNameMap) end
----* get All bones in this skeleton, <bone's name, BoneNode>
----@return map_table
-function SkeletonNode:getAllSubBonesMap () end
----@return self
-function SkeletonNode:create () end
----@return rect_table
-function SkeletonNode:getBoundingBox () end
----@return boolean
-function SkeletonNode:init () end
----@return self
-function SkeletonNode:SkeletonNode () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/SkewFrame.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/SkewFrame.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index a8285224..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/SkewFrame.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.SkewFrame :ccs.Frame
-local SkewFrame={ }
----@return float
-function SkewFrame:getSkewY () end
----@param skewx float
----@return self
-function SkewFrame:setSkewX (skewx) end
----@param skewy float
----@return self
-function SkewFrame:setSkewY (skewy) end
----@return float
-function SkewFrame:getSkewX () end
----@return self
-function SkewFrame:create () end
----@return ccs.Frame
-function SkewFrame:clone () end
----@return self
-function SkewFrame:SkewFrame () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/Skin.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/Skin.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index dfc24f15..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/Skin.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.Skin :cc.Sprite
-local Skin={ }
----@return ccs.Bone
-function Skin:getBone () end
----@return mat4_table
-function Skin:getNodeToWorldTransformAR () end
----@return string
-function Skin:getDisplayName () end
----@return self
-function Skin:updateArmatureTransform () end
----@param bone ccs.Bone
----@return self
-function Skin:setBone (bone) end
----@overload fun(string:string):self
----@overload fun():self
----@param pszFileName string
----@return self
-function Skin:create (pszFileName) end
----@param pszSpriteFrameName string
----@return self
-function Skin:createWithSpriteFrameName (pszSpriteFrameName) end
----@param renderer cc.Renderer
----@param transform mat4_table
----@param flags unsigned_int
----@return self
-function Skin:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end
----@return mat4_table
-function Skin:getNodeToWorldTransform () end
----@param spriteFrameName string
----@return boolean
-function Skin:initWithSpriteFrameName (spriteFrameName) end
----@param filename string
----@return boolean
-function Skin:initWithFile (filename) end
----@return self
-function Skin:updateTransform () end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function Skin:Skin () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/SpriteDisplayData.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/SpriteDisplayData.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 84649ab3..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/SpriteDisplayData.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.SpriteDisplayData :ccs.DisplayData
-local SpriteDisplayData={ }
----@param displayData ccs.DisplayData
----@return self
-function SpriteDisplayData:copy (displayData) end
----@return self
-function SpriteDisplayData:create () end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function SpriteDisplayData:SpriteDisplayData () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/TextureData.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/TextureData.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 2fbb79d9..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/TextureData.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.TextureData :cc.Ref
-local TextureData={ }
----@param index int
----@return ccs.ContourData
-function TextureData:getContourData (index) end
----@return boolean
-function TextureData:init () end
----@param contourData ccs.ContourData
----@return self
-function TextureData:addContourData (contourData) end
----@return self
-function TextureData:create () end
----* js ctor
----@return self
-function TextureData:TextureData () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/TextureFrame.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/TextureFrame.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e3a5aab..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/TextureFrame.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.TextureFrame :ccs.Frame
-local TextureFrame={ }
----@return string
-function TextureFrame:getTextureName () end
----@param textureName string
----@return self
-function TextureFrame:setTextureName (textureName) end
----@return self
-function TextureFrame:create () end
----@return ccs.Frame
-function TextureFrame:clone () end
----@param node cc.Node
----@return self
-function TextureFrame:setNode (node) end
----@return self
-function TextureFrame:TextureFrame () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/Timeline.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/Timeline.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index d73c7aa6..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/Timeline.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.Timeline :cc.Ref
-local Timeline={ }
----@return self
-function Timeline:clone () end
----@param frameIndex int
----@return self
-function Timeline:gotoFrame (frameIndex) end
----@param node cc.Node
----@return self
-function Timeline:setNode (node) end
----@return ccs.ActionTimeline
-function Timeline:getActionTimeline () end
----@param frame ccs.Frame
----@param index int
----@return self
-function Timeline:insertFrame (frame,index) end
----@param tag int
----@return self
-function Timeline:setActionTag (tag) end
----@param frame ccs.Frame
----@return self
-function Timeline:addFrame (frame) end
----@return array_table
-function Timeline:getFrames () end
----@return int
-function Timeline:getActionTag () end
----@return cc.Node
-function Timeline:getNode () end
----@param frame ccs.Frame
----@return self
-function Timeline:removeFrame (frame) end
----@param action ccs.ActionTimeline
----@return self
-function Timeline:setActionTimeline (action) end
----@param frameIndex int
----@return self
-function Timeline:stepToFrame (frameIndex) end
----@return self
-function Timeline:create () end
----@return self
-function Timeline:Timeline () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/Tween.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/Tween.lua
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index 58f978bf..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/Tween.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.Tween
-local Tween={ }
----@return ccs.ArmatureAnimation
-function Tween:getAnimation () end
----@param frameIndex int
----@return self
-function Tween:gotoAndPause (frameIndex) end
----* Start the Process<br>
----* param movementBoneData the MovementBoneData include all FrameData<br>
----* param durationTo the number of frames changing to this animation needs.<br>
----* param durationTween the number of frames this animation actual last.<br>
----* param loop whether the animation is loop<br>
----* loop < 0 : use the value from MovementData get from Action Editor<br>
----* loop = 0 : this animation is not loop<br>
----* loop > 0 : this animation is loop<br>
----* param tweenEasing tween easing is used for calculate easing effect<br>
----* TWEEN_EASING_MAX : use the value from MovementData get from Action Editor<br>
----* -1 : fade out<br>
----* 0 : line<br>
----* 1 : fade in<br>
----* 2 : fade in and out
----@param movementBoneData ccs.MovementBoneData
----@param durationTo int
----@param durationTween int
----@param loop int
----@param tweenEasing int
----@return self
-function Tween:play (movementBoneData,durationTo,durationTween,loop,tweenEasing) end
----@param frameIndex int
----@return self
-function Tween:gotoAndPlay (frameIndex) end
----* Init with a Bone<br>
----* param bone the Bone Tween will bind to
----@param bone ccs.Bone
----@return boolean
-function Tween:init (bone) end
----@param animation ccs.ArmatureAnimation
----@return self
-function Tween:setAnimation (animation) end
----* Create with a Bone<br>
----* param bone the Bone Tween will bind to
----@param bone ccs.Bone
----@return self
-function Tween:create (bone) end
----@return self
-function Tween:Tween () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/VisibleFrame.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/VisibleFrame.lua
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index 25dd30d6..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/VisibleFrame.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.VisibleFrame :ccs.Frame
-local VisibleFrame={ }
----@return boolean
-function VisibleFrame:isVisible () end
----@param visible boolean
----@return self
-function VisibleFrame:setVisible (visible) end
----@return self
-function VisibleFrame:create () end
----@return ccs.Frame
-function VisibleFrame:clone () end
----@return self
-function VisibleFrame:VisibleFrame () end \ No newline at end of file
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index b0d4d1eb..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ZOrderFrame.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
----@class ccs.ZOrderFrame :ccs.Frame
-local ZOrderFrame={ }
----@return int
-function ZOrderFrame:getZOrder () end
----@param zorder int
----@return self
-function ZOrderFrame:setZOrder (zorder) end
----@return self
-function ZOrderFrame:create () end
----@return ccs.Frame
-function ZOrderFrame:clone () end
----@return self
-function ZOrderFrame:ZOrderFrame () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/AbstractCheckButton.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/AbstractCheckButton.lua
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index 2a2ae13c..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/AbstractCheckButton.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
----@class ccui.AbstractCheckButton :ccui.Widget
-local AbstractCheckButton={ }
----@return cc.ResourceData
-function AbstractCheckButton:getCrossDisabledFile () end
----@return cc.ResourceData
-function AbstractCheckButton:getBackDisabledFile () end
----* Load background selected state texture for check button.<br>
----* param backGroundSelected The background selected state image name.<br>
----* param texType @see `Widget::TextureResType`
----@param backGroundSelected string
----@param texType int
----@return self
-function AbstractCheckButton:loadTextureBackGroundSelected (backGroundSelected,texType) end
----* Load background disabled state texture for checkbox.<br>
----* param backGroundDisabled The background disabled state texture name.<br>
----* param texType @see `Widget::TextureResType`
----@param backGroundDisabled string
----@param texType int
----@return self
-function AbstractCheckButton:loadTextureBackGroundDisabled (backGroundDisabled,texType) end
----@return cc.ResourceData
-function AbstractCheckButton:getCrossNormalFile () end
----* Change CheckBox state.<br>
----* Set to true will cause the CheckBox's state to "selected", false otherwise.<br>
----* param selected Set to true will change CheckBox to selected state, false otherwise.
----@param selected boolean
----@return self
-function AbstractCheckButton:setSelected (selected) end
----@return cc.ResourceData
-function AbstractCheckButton:getBackPressedFile () end
----* brief Return the sprite instance of front cross when disabled<br>
----* return the sprite instance of front cross when disabled
----@return cc.Sprite
-function AbstractCheckButton:getRendererFrontCrossDisabled () end
----* brief Return the sprite instance of background<br>
----* return the sprite instance of background.
----@return cc.Sprite
-function AbstractCheckButton:getRendererBackground () end
----* Load cross texture for check button.<br>
----* param crossTextureName The cross texture name.<br>
----* param texType @see `Widget::TextureResType`
----@param crossTextureName string
----@param texType int
----@return self
-function AbstractCheckButton:loadTextureFrontCross (crossTextureName,texType) end
----* brief Return the sprite instance of background when disabled<br>
----* return the sprite instance of background when disabled
----@return cc.Sprite
-function AbstractCheckButton:getRendererBackgroundDisabled () end
----* Query whether CheckBox is selected or not.<br>
----* return true means "selected", false otherwise.
----@return boolean
-function AbstractCheckButton:isSelected () end
----@param backGround string
----@param backGroundSelected string
----@param cross string
----@param backGroundDisabled string
----@param frontCrossDisabled string
----@param texType int
----@return boolean
-function AbstractCheckButton:init (backGround,backGroundSelected,cross,backGroundDisabled,frontCrossDisabled,texType) end
----@return cc.ResourceData
-function AbstractCheckButton:getBackNormalFile () end
----* Load all textures for initializing a check button.<br>
----* param background The background image name.<br>
----* param backgroundSelected The background selected image name.<br>
----* param cross The cross image name.<br>
----* param backgroundDisabled The background disabled state texture.<br>
----* param frontCrossDisabled The front cross disabled state image name.<br>
----* param texType @see `Widget::TextureResType`
----@param background string
----@param backgroundSelected string
----@param cross string
----@param backgroundDisabled string
----@param frontCrossDisabled string
----@param texType int
----@return self
-function AbstractCheckButton:loadTextures (background,backgroundSelected,cross,backgroundDisabled,frontCrossDisabled,texType) end
----* brief Return a zoom scale<br>
----* return A zoom scale of Checkbox.<br>
----* since v3.3
----@return float
-function AbstractCheckButton:getZoomScale () end
----* brief Return the sprite instance of front cross<br>
----* return the sprite instance of front cross
----@return cc.Sprite
-function AbstractCheckButton:getRendererFrontCross () end
----* brief Return the sprite instance of background when selected<br>
----* return the sprite instance of background when selected
----@return cc.Sprite
-function AbstractCheckButton:getRendererBackgroundSelected () end
----* Load background texture for check button.<br>
----* param backGround The background image name.<br>
----* param type @see `Widget::TextureResType`
----@param backGround string
----@param type int
----@return self
-function AbstractCheckButton:loadTextureBackGround (backGround,type) end
----* When user pressed the CheckBox, the button will zoom to a scale.<br>
----* The final scale of the CheckBox equals (CheckBox original scale + _zoomScale)<br>
----* since v3.3
----@param scale float
----@return self
-function AbstractCheckButton:setZoomScale (scale) end
----* Load frontcross disabled texture for checkbox.<br>
----* param frontCrossDisabled The front cross disabled state texture name.<br>
----* param texType @see `Widget::TextureResType`
----@param frontCrossDisabled string
----@param texType int
----@return self
-function AbstractCheckButton:loadTextureFrontCrossDisabled (frontCrossDisabled,texType) end
----@return cc.Node
-function AbstractCheckButton:getVirtualRenderer () end
----@return boolean
-function AbstractCheckButton:init () end
----@return size_table
-function AbstractCheckButton:getVirtualRendererSize () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/Button.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/Button.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d68bd91..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/Button.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
----@class ccui.Button :ccui.Widget
-local Button={ }
----@return size_table
-function Button:getNormalTextureSize () end
----* Query the button title content.<br>
----* return Get the button's title content.
----@return string
-function Button:getTitleText () end
----* replaces the current Label node with a new one
----@param label cc.Label
----@return self
-function Button:setTitleLabel (label) end
----* Change the font size of button's title<br>
----* param size Title font size in float.
----@param size float
----@return self
-function Button:setTitleFontSize (size) end
----@return self
-function Button:resetPressedRender () end
----* Enable scale9 renderer.<br>
----* param enable Set to true will use scale9 renderer, false otherwise.
----@param enable boolean
----@return self
-function Button:setScale9Enabled (enable) end
----@return self
-function Button:resetDisabledRender () end
----* Return the inner title renderer of Button.<br>
----* return The button title.<br>
----* since v3.3
----@return cc.Label
-function Button:getTitleRenderer () end
----* brief Return the nine-patch sprite of clicked state<br>
----* return the nine-patch sprite of clicked state<br>
----* since v3.9
----@return ccui.Scale9Sprite
-function Button:getRendererClicked () end
----@return cc.ResourceData
-function Button:getDisabledFile () end
----* brief Return a zoom scale<br>
----* return the zoom scale in float<br>
----* since v3.3
----@return float
-function Button:getZoomScale () end
----* Return the capInsets of disabled state scale9sprite.<br>
----* return The disabled scale9 renderer capInsets.
----@return rect_table
-function Button:getCapInsetsDisabledRenderer () end
----* Change the color of button's title.<br>
----* param color The title color in Color3B.
----@param color color3b_table
----@return self
-function Button:setTitleColor (color) end
----@return cc.ResourceData
-function Button:getNormalFile () end
----@return self
-function Button:resetNormalRender () end
----* brief Return the nine-patch sprite of disabled state<br>
----* return the nine-patch sprite of disabled state<br>
----* since v3.9
----@return ccui.Scale9Sprite
-function Button:getRendererDisabled () end
----* Sets capInsets for button, only the disabled state scale9 renderer will be affected.<br>
----* param capInsets capInsets in Rect.
----@param capInsets rect_table
----@return self
-function Button:setCapInsetsDisabledRenderer (capInsets) end
----* Sets capInsets for button.<br>
----* The capInset affects all button scale9 renderer only if `setScale9Enabled(true)` is called<br>
----* param capInsets capInset in Rect.
----@param capInsets rect_table
----@return self
-function Button:setCapInsets (capInsets) end
----* Load disabled state texture for button.<br>
----* param disabled dark state texture.<br>
----* param texType @see `TextureResType`
----@param disabled string
----@param texType int
----@return self
-function Button:loadTextureDisabled (disabled,texType) end
----@param normalImage string
----@param selectedImage string
----@param disableImage string
----@param texType int
----@return boolean
-function Button:init (normalImage,selectedImage,disableImage,texType) end
----* Change the content of button's title.<br>
----* param text The title in std::string.
----@param text string
----@return self
-function Button:setTitleText (text) end
----* Sets capInsets for button, only the normal state scale9 renderer will be affected.<br>
----* param capInsets capInsets in Rect.
----@param capInsets rect_table
----@return self
-function Button:setCapInsetsNormalRenderer (capInsets) end
----* Load selected state texture for button.<br>
----* param selected selected state texture.<br>
----* param texType @see `TextureResType`
----@param selected string
----@param texType int
----@return self
-function Button:loadTexturePressed (selected,texType) end
----* Change the font name of button's title<br>
----* param fontName a font name string.
----@param fontName string
----@return self
-function Button:setTitleFontName (fontName) end
----* Return the capInsets of normal state scale9sprite.<br>
----* return The normal scale9 renderer capInsets.
----@return rect_table
-function Button:getCapInsetsNormalRenderer () end
----@overload fun(int:int,int:int):self
----@overload fun(int:int):self
----@param hAlignment int
----@param vAlignment int
----@return self
-function Button:setTitleAlignment (hAlignment,vAlignment) end
----* Return the capInsets of pressed state scale9sprite.<br>
----* return The pressed scale9 renderer capInsets.
----@return rect_table
-function Button:getCapInsetsPressedRenderer () end
----* Load textures for button.<br>
----* param normal normal state texture name.<br>
----* param selected selected state texture name.<br>
----* param disabled disabled state texture name.<br>
----* param texType @see `TextureResType`
----@param normal string
----@param selected string
----@param disabled string
----@param texType int
----@return self
-function Button:loadTextures (normal,selected,disabled,texType) end
----* Query whether button is using scale9 renderer or not.<br>
----* return whether button use scale9 renderer or not.
----@return boolean
-function Button:isScale9Enabled () end
----* Load normal state texture for button.<br>
----* param normal normal state texture.<br>
----* param texType @see `TextureResType`
----@param normal string
----@param texType int
----@return self
-function Button:loadTextureNormal (normal,texType) end
----* Sets capInsets for button, only the pressed state scale9 renderer will be affected.<br>
----* param capInsets capInsets in Rect
----@param capInsets rect_table
----@return self
-function Button:setCapInsetsPressedRenderer (capInsets) end
----@return cc.ResourceData
-function Button:getPressedFile () end
----* returns the current Label being used
----@return cc.Label
-function Button:getTitleLabel () end
----* Query the font size of button title<br>
----* return font size in float.
----@return float
-function Button:getTitleFontSize () end
----* brief Return the nine-patch sprite of normal state<br>
----* return the nine-patch sprite of normal state<br>
----* since v3.9
----@return ccui.Scale9Sprite
-function Button:getRendererNormal () end
----* Query the font name of button's title<br>
----* return font name in std::string
----@return string
-function Button:getTitleFontName () end
----* Query the button title color.<br>
----* return Color3B of button title.
----@return color3b_table
-function Button:getTitleColor () end
----* Enable zooming action when button is pressed.<br>
----* param enabled Set to true will enable zoom effect, false otherwise.
----@param enabled boolean
----@return self
-function Button:setPressedActionEnabled (enabled) end
----* @brief When user pressed the button, the button will zoom to a scale.<br>
----* The final scale of the button equals (button original scale + _zoomScale)<br>
----* since v3.3
----@param scale float
----@return self
-function Button:setZoomScale (scale) end
----@overload fun(string:string,string:string,string:string,int:int):self
----@overload fun():self
----@param normalImage string
----@param selectedImage string
----@param disableImage string
----@param texType int
----@return self
-function Button:create (normalImage,selectedImage,disableImage,texType) end
----@return cc.Ref
-function Button:createInstance () end
----@return cc.Node
-function Button:getVirtualRenderer () end
----@return boolean
-function Button:init () end
----@return string
-function Button:getDescription () end
----@return size_table
-function Button:getVirtualRendererSize () end
----@param ignore boolean
----@return self
-function Button:ignoreContentAdaptWithSize (ignore) end
----* Default constructor.
----@return self
-function Button:Button () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/CheckBox.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/CheckBox.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index b4079bfb..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/CheckBox.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
----@class ccui.CheckBox :ccui.AbstractCheckButton
-local CheckBox={ }
----* Add a callback function which would be called when checkbox is selected or unselected.<br>
----* param callback A std::function with type @see `ccCheckBoxCallback`
----@param callback function
----@return self
-function CheckBox:addEventListener (callback) end
----@overload fun(string:string,string:string,string:string,string:string,string:string,int:int):self
----@overload fun():self
----@overload fun(string:string,string:string,string2:int):self
----@param backGround string
----@param backGroundSelected string
----@param cross string
----@param backGroundDisabled string
----@param frontCrossDisabled string
----@param texType int
----@return self
-function CheckBox:create (backGround,backGroundSelected,cross,backGroundDisabled,frontCrossDisabled,texType) end
----@return cc.Ref
-function CheckBox:createInstance () end
----@return string
-function CheckBox:getDescription () end
----* Default constructor.<br>
----* lua new
----@return self
-function CheckBox:CheckBox () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/EditBox.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/EditBox.lua
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index 1cd1fb9b..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/EditBox.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,323 +0,0 @@
----@class ccui.EditBox :ccui.Widget@all parent class: Widget,IMEDelegate
-local EditBox={ }
----* Get the font size.<br>
----* return The font size.
----@return int
-function EditBox:getFontSize () end
----* js NA<br>
----* lua NA
----@param info cc.IMEKeyboardNotificationInfo
----@return self
-function EditBox:keyboardDidShow (info) end
----* Sets the maximum input length of the edit box.<br>
----* Setting this value enables multiline input mode by default.<br>
----* Available on Android, iOS and Windows Phone.<br>
----* param maxLength The maximum length.
----@param maxLength int
----@return self
-function EditBox:setMaxLength (maxLength) end
----@return self
-function EditBox:openKeyboard () end
----* Set the font size.<br>
----* param fontSize The font size.
----@param fontSize int
----@return self
-function EditBox:setFontSize (fontSize) end
----* Get the text entered in the edit box.<br>
----* return The text entered in the edit box.
----@return char
-function EditBox:getText () end
----* Get the input mode of the edit box.<br>
----* return One of the EditBox::InputMode constants.
----@return int
-function EditBox:getInputMode () end
----@overload fun(size_table:size_table,ccui.Scale9Sprite:ccui.Scale9Sprite):self
----@overload fun(size_table:size_table,ccui.Scale9Sprite1:string,ccui.Scale9Sprite2:int):self
----@overload fun(size_table:size_table,ccui.Scale9Sprite:ccui.Scale9Sprite,ccui.Scale9Sprite:ccui.Scale9Sprite,ccui.Scale9Sprite:ccui.Scale9Sprite):self
----@param size size_table
----@param normalSprite ccui.Scale9Sprite
----@param pressedSprite ccui.Scale9Sprite
----@param disabledSprite ccui.Scale9Sprite
----@return boolean
-function EditBox:initWithSizeAndBackgroundSprite (size,normalSprite,pressedSprite,disabledSprite) end
----* Get the placeholder's font name. only system font is allowed.<br>
----* return The font name.
----@return char
-function EditBox:getPlaceholderFontName () end
----* js NA<br>
----* lua NA
----@param info cc.IMEKeyboardNotificationInfo
----@return self
-function EditBox:keyboardDidHide (info) end
----* Set the placeholder's font name. only system font is allowed.<br>
----* param pFontName The font name.
----@param pFontName char
----@return self
-function EditBox:setPlaceholderFontName (pFontName) end
----* Get the placeholder's font size.<br>
----* return The font size.
----@return int
-function EditBox:getPlaceholderFontSize () end
----* Return the capInsets of disabled state scale9sprite.<br>
----* return The disabled scale9 renderer capInsets.
----@return rect_table
-function EditBox:getCapInsetsDisabledRenderer () end
----* Get a text in the edit box that acts as a placeholder when an<br>
----* edit box is empty.
----@return char
-function EditBox:getPlaceHolder () end
----* Set the font name. Only system font is allowed.<br>
----* param pFontName The font name.
----@param pFontName char
----@return self
-function EditBox:setFontName (pFontName) end
----* Registers a script function that will be called for EditBox events.<br>
----* This handler will be removed automatically after onExit() called.<br>
----* code<br>
----* -- lua sample<br>
----* local function editboxEventHandler(eventType)<br>
----* if eventType == "began" then<br>
----* -- triggered when an edit box gains focus after keyboard is shown<br>
----* elseif eventType == "ended" then<br>
----* -- triggered when an edit box loses focus after keyboard is hidden.<br>
----* elseif eventType == "changed" then<br>
----* -- triggered when the edit box text was changed.<br>
----* elseif eventType == "return" then<br>
----* -- triggered when the return button was pressed or the outside area of keyboard was touched.<br>
----* end<br>
----* end<br>
----* local editbox = EditBox:create(Size(...), Scale9Sprite:create(...))<br>
----* editbox = registerScriptEditBoxHandler(editboxEventHandler)<br>
----* endcode<br>
----* param handler A number that indicates a lua function.<br>
----* js NA<br>
----* lua NA
----@param handler int
----@return self
-function EditBox:registerScriptEditBoxHandler (handler) end
----* Sets capInsets for edit box, only the disabled state scale9 renderer will be affected.<br>
----* param capInsets capInsets in Rect.
----@param capInsets rect_table
----@return self
-function EditBox:setCapInsetsDisabledRenderer (capInsets) end
----* Set the placeholder's font size.<br>
----* param fontSize The font size.
----@param fontSize int
----@return self
-function EditBox:setPlaceholderFontSize (fontSize) end
----* Load disabled state texture for edit box.<br>
----* param disabled dark state texture.<br>
----* param texType @see `TextureResType`
----@param disabled string
----@param texType int
----@return self
-function EditBox:loadTextureDisabled (disabled,texType) end
----* Set the input mode of the edit box.<br>
----* param inputMode One of the EditBox::InputMode constants.
----@param inputMode int
----@return self
-function EditBox:setInputMode (inputMode) end
----* Unregisters a script function that will be called for EditBox events.<br>
----* js NA<br>
----* lua NA
----@return self
-function EditBox:unregisterScriptEditBoxHandler () end
----* js NA<br>
----* lua NA
----@param info cc.IMEKeyboardNotificationInfo
----@return self
-function EditBox:keyboardWillShow (info) end
----@overload fun(color3b_table0:color4b_table):self
----@overload fun(color3b_table:color3b_table):self
----@param color color3b_table
----@return self
-function EditBox:setPlaceholderFontColor (color) end
----* Get the return type that are to be applied to the edit box.<br>
----* return One of the EditBox::KeyboardReturnType constants.
----@return int
-function EditBox:getReturnType () end
----@overload fun(color3b_table0:color4b_table):self
----@overload fun(color3b_table:color3b_table):self
----@param color color3b_table
----@return self
-function EditBox:setFontColor (color) end
----* Get the font name.<br>
----* return The font name.
----@return char
-function EditBox:getFontName () end
----* js NA<br>
----* lua NA
----@param info cc.IMEKeyboardNotificationInfo
----@return self
-function EditBox:keyboardWillHide (info) end
----* Sets capInsets for edit box, only the normal state scale9 renderer will be affected.<br>
----* param capInsets capInsets in Rect.
----@param capInsets rect_table
----@return self
-function EditBox:setCapInsetsNormalRenderer (capInsets) end
----* Load pressed state texture for edit box.<br>
----* param pressed pressed state texture.<br>
----* param texType @see `TextureResType`
----@param pressed string
----@param texType int
----@return self
-function EditBox:loadTexturePressed (pressed,texType) end
----* Get the font color of the widget's text.
----@return color4b_table
-function EditBox:getFontColor () end
----* Get the input flags that are to be applied to the edit box.<br>
----* return One of the EditBox::InputFlag constants.
----@return int
-function EditBox:getInputFlag () end
----* Init edit box with specified size. This method should be invoked right after constructor.<br>
----* param size The size of edit box.<br>
----* param normalImage normal state texture name.<br>
----* param pressedImage pressed state texture name.<br>
----* param disabledImage disabled state texture name.<br>
----* return Whether initialization is successfully or not.
----@param size size_table
----@param normalImage string
----@param pressedImage string
----@param disabledImage string
----@param texType int
----@return boolean
-function EditBox:initWithSizeAndTexture (size,normalImage,pressedImage,disabledImage,texType) end
----* Get the text horizontal alignment.
----@return int
-function EditBox:getTextHorizontalAlignment () end
----* Return the capInsets of normal state scale9sprite.<br>
----* return The normal scale9 renderer capInsets.
----@return rect_table
-function EditBox:getCapInsetsNormalRenderer () end
----* Return the capInsets of pressed state scale9sprite.<br>
----* return The pressed scale9 renderer capInsets.
----@return rect_table
-function EditBox:getCapInsetsPressedRenderer () end
----* get a script Handler<br>
----* js NA<br>
----* lua NA
----@return int
-function EditBox:getScriptEditBoxHandler () end
----* Load textures for edit box.<br>
----* param normal normal state texture name.<br>
----* param pressed pressed state texture name.<br>
----* param disabled disabled state texture name.<br>
----* param texType @see `TextureResType`
----@param normal string
----@param pressed string
----@param disabled string
----@param texType int
----@return self
-function EditBox:loadTextures (normal,pressed,disabled,texType) end
----* Set a text in the edit box that acts as a placeholder when an<br>
----* edit box is empty.<br>
----* param pText The given text.
----@param pText char
----@return self
-function EditBox:setPlaceHolder (pText) end
----* Set the input flags that are to be applied to the edit box.<br>
----* param inputFlag One of the EditBox::InputFlag constants.
----@param inputFlag int
----@return self
-function EditBox:setInputFlag (inputFlag) end
----* Set the return type that are to be applied to the edit box.<br>
----* param returnType One of the EditBox::KeyboardReturnType constants.
----@param returnType int
----@return self
-function EditBox:setReturnType (returnType) end
----* Load normal state texture for edit box.<br>
----* param normal normal state texture.<br>
----* param texType @see `TextureResType`
----@param normal string
----@param texType int
----@return self
-function EditBox:loadTextureNormal (normal,texType) end
----* Gets the maximum input length of the edit box.<br>
----* return Maximum input length.
----@return int
-function EditBox:getMaxLength () end
----* Sets capInsets for edit box, only the pressed state scale9 renderer will be affected.<br>
----* param capInsets capInsets in Rect
----@param capInsets rect_table
----@return self
-function EditBox:setCapInsetsPressedRenderer (capInsets) end
----* Set the text entered in the edit box.<br>
----* param pText The given text.
----@param pText char
----@return self
-function EditBox:setText (pText) end
----* Set the placeholder's font. Only system font is allowed.<br>
----* param pFontName The font name.<br>
----* param fontSize The font size.
----@param pFontName char
----@param fontSize int
----@return self
-function EditBox:setPlaceholderFont (pFontName,fontSize) end
----* Get the font color of the placeholder text when the edit box is empty.
----@return color4b_table
-function EditBox:getPlaceholderFontColor () end
----* Sets capInsets for edit box.<br>
----* param capInsets capInset in Rect.
----@param capInsets rect_table
----@return self
-function EditBox:setCapInsets (capInsets) end
----* Set the font. Only system font is allowed.<br>
----* param pFontName The font name.<br>
----* param fontSize The font size.
----@param pFontName char
----@param fontSize int
----@return self
-function EditBox:setFont (pFontName,fontSize) end
----* Set the text horizontal alignment.
----@param alignment int
----@return self
-function EditBox:setTextHorizontalAlignment (alignment) end
----@overload fun(size_table:size_table,string:string,string2:int):self
----@overload fun(size_table:size_table,string1:ccui.Scale9Sprite,string2:ccui.Scale9Sprite,string3:ccui.Scale9Sprite):self
----@overload fun(size_table:size_table,string:string,string:string,string:string,int:int):self
----@param size size_table
----@param normalImage string
----@param pressedImage string
----@param disabledImage string
----@param texType int
----@return self
-function EditBox:create (size,normalImage,pressedImage,disabledImage,texType) end
----@param anchorPoint vec2_table
----@return self
-function EditBox:setAnchorPoint (anchorPoint) end
----* js NA<br>
----* lua NA
----@param renderer cc.Renderer
----@param parentTransform mat4_table
----@param parentFlags unsigned_int
----@return self
-function EditBox:draw (renderer,parentTransform,parentFlags) end
----* Returns the "class name" of widget.
----@return string
-function EditBox:getDescription () end
----@param pos vec2_table
----@return self
-function EditBox:setPosition (pos) end
----@param visible boolean
----@return self
-function EditBox:setVisible (visible) end
----@param size size_table
----@return self
-function EditBox:setContentSize (size) end
----* Constructor.<br>
----* js ctor<br>
----* lua new
----@return self
-function EditBox:EditBox () end \ No newline at end of file
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index 1bf9ae87..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/HBox.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
----@class ccui.HBox :ccui.Layout
-local HBox={ }
----@param size size_table
----@return boolean
-function HBox:initWithSize (size) end
----@overload fun(size_table:size_table):self
----@overload fun():self
----@param size size_table
----@return self
-function HBox:create (size) end
----@return boolean
-function HBox:init () end
----* Default constructor<br>
----* js ctor<br>
----* lua new
----@return self
-function HBox:HBox () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/Helper.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/Helper.lua
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index 742cdcce..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/Helper.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
----@class ccui.Helper
-local Helper={ }
----* brief Get a UTF8 substring from a std::string with a given start position and length<br>
----* Sample: std::string str = "中国中国中国"; substr = getSubStringOfUTF8String(str,0,2) will = "中国"<br>
----* param str The source string.<br>
----* param start The start position of the substring.<br>
----* param length The length of the substring in UTF8 count<br>
----* return a UTF8 substring<br>
----* js NA
----@param str string
----@param start unsigned_int
----@param length unsigned_int
----@return string
-function Helper:getSubStringOfUTF8String (str,start,length) end
----* brief Convert a node's boundingBox rect into screen coordinates.<br>
----* param node Any node pointer.<br>
----* return A Rect in screen coordinates.
----@param node cc.Node
----@return rect_table
-function Helper:convertBoundingBoxToScreen (node) end
----* Change the active property of Layout's @see `LayoutComponent`<br>
----* param active A boolean value.
----@param active boolean
----@return self
-function Helper:changeLayoutSystemActiveState (active) end
----* Find a widget with a specific action tag from root widget<br>
----* This search will be recursive through all child widgets.<br>
----* param root The be searched root widget.<br>
----* param tag The widget action's tag.<br>
----* return Widget instance pointer.
----@param root ccui.Widget
----@param tag int
----@return ccui.Widget
-function Helper:seekActionWidgetByActionTag (root,tag) end
----* Find a widget with a specific name from root widget.<br>
----* This search will be recursive through all child widgets.<br>
----* param root The be searched root widget.<br>
----* param name The widget name.<br>
----* return Widget instance pointer.
----@param root ccui.Widget
----@param name string
----@return ccui.Widget
-function Helper:seekWidgetByName (root,name) end
----* Find a widget with a specific tag from root widget.<br>
----* This search will be recursive through all child widgets.<br>
----* param root The be searched root widget.<br>
----* param tag The widget tag.<br>
----* return Widget instance pointer.
----@param root ccui.Widget
----@param tag int
----@return ccui.Widget
-function Helper:seekWidgetByTag (root,tag) end
----* brief restrict capInsetSize, when the capInsets's width is larger than the textureSize, it will restrict to 0,<br>
----* the height goes the same way as width.<br>
----* param capInsets A user defined capInsets.<br>
----* param textureSize The size of a scale9enabled texture<br>
----* return a restricted capInset.
----@param capInsets rect_table
----@param textureSize size_table
----@return rect_table
-function Helper:restrictCapInsetRect (capInsets,textureSize) end
----* Refresh object and it's children layout state<br>
----* param rootNode A Node* or Node* descendant instance pointer.
----@param rootNode cc.Node
----@return self
-function Helper:doLayout (rootNode) end \ No newline at end of file
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index 0297e1ae..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/ImageView.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
----@class ccui.ImageView :ccui.Widget@all parent class: Widget,BlendProtocol
-local ImageView={ }
----* Returns the blending function that is currently being used.<br>
----* return A BlendFunc structure with source and destination factor which specified pixel arithmetic.<br>
----* js NA<br>
----* lua NA
----@return cc.BlendFunc
-function ImageView:getBlendFunc () end
----* Load texture for imageview.<br>
----* param fileName file name of texture.<br>
----* param texType @see `Widget::TextureResType`
----@param fileName string
----@param texType int
----@return self
-function ImageView:loadTexture (fileName,texType) end
----* Sets the source blending function.<br>
----* param blendFunc A structure with source and destination factor to specify pixel arithmetic. e.g. {BlendFactor::ONE, BlendFactor::ONE}, {BlendFactor::SRC_ALPHA, BlendFactor::ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA}.<br>
----* js NA<br>
----* lua NA
----@param blendFunc cc.BlendFunc
----@return self
-function ImageView:setBlendFunc (blendFunc) end
----@param imageFileName string
----@param texType int
----@return boolean
-function ImageView:init (imageFileName,texType) end
----* Enable scale9 renderer.<br>
----* param enabled Set to true will use scale9 renderer, false otherwise.
----@param enabled boolean
----@return self
-function ImageView:setScale9Enabled (enabled) end
----* Updates the texture rect of the ImageView in points.<br>
----* It will call setTextureRect:rotated:untrimmedSize with rotated = NO, and utrimmedSize = rect.size.
----@param rect rect_table
----@return self
-function ImageView:setTextureRect (rect) end
----* Sets capInsets for imageview.<br>
----* The capInsets affects the ImageView's renderer only if `setScale9Enabled(true)` is called.<br>
----* param capInsets capinsets for imageview
----@param capInsets rect_table
----@return self
-function ImageView:setCapInsets (capInsets) end
----@return cc.ResourceData
-function ImageView:getRenderFile () end
----* Get ImageView's capInsets size.<br>
----* return Query capInsets size in Rect<br>
----* see `setCapInsets(const Rect&)`
----@return rect_table
-function ImageView:getCapInsets () end
----* Query whether button is using scale9 renderer or not.<br>
----* return whether button use scale9 renderer or not.
----@return boolean
-function ImageView:isScale9Enabled () end
----@overload fun(string:string,int:int):self
----@overload fun():self
----@param imageFileName string
----@param texType int
----@return self
-function ImageView:create (imageFileName,texType) end
----@return cc.Ref
-function ImageView:createInstance () end
----@return cc.Node
-function ImageView:getVirtualRenderer () end
----@return boolean
-function ImageView:init () end
----@return string
-function ImageView:getDescription () end
----@return size_table
-function ImageView:getVirtualRendererSize () end
----@param ignore boolean
----@return self
-function ImageView:ignoreContentAdaptWithSize (ignore) end
----* Default constructor<br>
----* js ctor<br>
----* lua new
----@return self
-function ImageView:ImageView () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/Layout.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/Layout.lua
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index ca634f28..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/Layout.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
----@class ccui.Layout :ccui.Widget@all parent class: Widget,LayoutProtocol
-local Layout={ }
----* Sets background color vector for layout.<br>
----* This setting only take effect when layout's color type is BackGroundColorType::GRADIENT<br>
----* param vector The color vector in `Vec2`.
----@param vector vec2_table
----@return self
-function Layout:setBackGroundColorVector (vector) end
----* Change the clipping type of layout.<br>
----* On default, the clipping type is `ClippingType::STENCIL`.<br>
----* see `ClippingType`<br>
----* param type The clipping type of layout.
----@param type int
----@return self
-function Layout:setClippingType (type) end
----* Sets Color Type for layout's background<br>
----* param type @see `BackGroundColorType`
----@param type int
----@return self
-function Layout:setBackGroundColorType (type) end
----* If a layout is loop focused which means that the focus movement will be inside the layout<br>
----* param loop pass true to let the focus movement loop inside the layout
----@param loop boolean
----@return self
-function Layout:setLoopFocus (loop) end
----* Set layout's background image color.<br>
----* param color Background color value in `Color3B`.
----@param color color3b_table
----@return self
-function Layout:setBackGroundImageColor (color) end
----* Get the layout's background color vector.<br>
----* return Background color vector.
----@return vec2_table
-function Layout:getBackGroundColorVector () end
----* see `setClippingType(ClippingType)`
----@return int
-function Layout:getClippingType () end
----@return cc.ResourceData
-function Layout:getRenderFile () end
----* return If focus loop is enabled, then it will return true, otherwise it returns false. The default value is false.
----@return boolean
-function Layout:isLoopFocus () end
----* Remove the background image of layout.
----@return self
-function Layout:removeBackGroundImage () end
----* Get the layout's background color opacity.<br>
----* return Background color opacity value.
----@return unsigned_char
-function Layout:getBackGroundColorOpacity () end
----* Gets if layout is clipping enabled.<br>
----* return if layout is clipping enabled.
----@return boolean
-function Layout:isClippingEnabled () end
----* Set opacity of background image.<br>
----* param opacity Background image opacity in GLubyte.
----@param opacity unsigned_char
----@return self
-function Layout:setBackGroundImageOpacity (opacity) end
----* Sets a background image for layout.<br>
----* param fileName image file path.<br>
----* param texType @see TextureResType.
----@param fileName string
----@param texType int
----@return self
-function Layout:setBackGroundImage (fileName,texType) end
----@overload fun(color3b_table:color3b_table,color3b_table:color3b_table):self
----@overload fun(color3b_table:color3b_table):self
----@param startColor color3b_table
----@param endColor color3b_table
----@return self
-function Layout:setBackGroundColor (startColor,endColor) end
----* request to refresh widget layout
----@return self
-function Layout:requestDoLayout () end
----* Query background image's capInsets size.<br>
----* return The background image capInsets.
----@return rect_table
-function Layout:getBackGroundImageCapInsets () end
----* Query the layout's background color.<br>
----* return Background color in Color3B.
----@return color3b_table
-function Layout:getBackGroundColor () end
----* Toggle layout clipping.<br>
----* If you do need clipping, you pass true to this function.<br>
----* param enabled Pass true to enable clipping, false otherwise.
----@param enabled boolean
----@return self
-function Layout:setClippingEnabled (enabled) end
----* Get color of layout's background image.<br>
----* return Layout's background image color.
----@return color3b_table
-function Layout:getBackGroundImageColor () end
----* Query background image scale9 enable status.<br>
----* return Whether background image is scale9 enabled or not.
----@return boolean
-function Layout:isBackGroundImageScale9Enabled () end
----* Query the layout's background color type.<br>
----* return The layout's background color type.
----@return int
-function Layout:getBackGroundColorType () end
----* Get the gradient background end color.<br>
----* return Gradient background end color value.
----@return color3b_table
-function Layout:getBackGroundEndColor () end
----* Sets background color opacity of layout.<br>
----* param opacity The opacity in `GLubyte`.
----@param opacity unsigned_char
----@return self
-function Layout:setBackGroundColorOpacity (opacity) end
----* Get the opacity of layout's background image.<br>
----* return The opacity of layout's background image.
----@return unsigned_char
-function Layout:getBackGroundImageOpacity () end
----* return To query whether the layout will pass the focus to its children or not. The default value is true
----@return boolean
-function Layout:isPassFocusToChild () end
----* Sets a background image capinsets for layout, it only affects the scale9 enabled background image<br>
----* param capInsets The capInsets in Rect.
----@param capInsets rect_table
----@return self
-function Layout:setBackGroundImageCapInsets (capInsets) end
----* Gets background image texture size.<br>
----* return background image texture size.
----@return size_table
-function Layout:getBackGroundImageTextureSize () end
----* force refresh widget layout
----@return self
-function Layout:forceDoLayout () end
----* Query layout type.<br>
----* return Get the layout type.
----@return int
-function Layout:getLayoutType () end
----* param pass To specify whether the layout pass its focus to its child
----@param pass boolean
----@return self
-function Layout:setPassFocusToChild (pass) end
----* Get the gradient background start color.<br>
----* return Gradient background start color value.
----@return color3b_table
-function Layout:getBackGroundStartColor () end
----* Enable background image scale9 rendering.<br>
----* param enabled True means enable scale9 rendering for background image, false otherwise.
----@param enabled boolean
----@return self
-function Layout:setBackGroundImageScale9Enabled (enabled) end
----* Change the layout type.<br>
----* param type Layout type.
----@param type int
----@return self
-function Layout:setLayoutType (type) end
----* Create a empty layout.
----@return self
-function Layout:create () end
----@return cc.Ref
-function Layout:createInstance () end
----@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int):self
----@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node):self
----@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int,string2:int):self
----@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int,string:string):self
----@param child cc.Node
----@param localZOrder int
----@param name string
----@return self
-function Layout:addChild (child,localZOrder,name) end
----* Returns the "class name" of widget.
----@return string
-function Layout:getDescription () end
----* Removes all children from the container, and do a cleanup to all running actions depending on the cleanup parameter.<br>
----* param cleanup true if all running actions on all children nodes should be cleanup, false otherwise.<br>
----* js removeAllChildren<br>
----* lua removeAllChildren
----@param cleanup boolean
----@return self
-function Layout:removeAllChildrenWithCleanup (cleanup) end
----* Removes all children from the container with a cleanup.<br>
----* see `removeAllChildrenWithCleanup(bool)`
----@return self
-function Layout:removeAllChildren () end
----* When a widget is in a layout, you could call this method to get the next focused widget within a specified direction.<br>
----* If the widget is not in a layout, it will return itself<br>
----* param direction the direction to look for the next focused widget in a layout<br>
----* param current the current focused widget<br>
----* return the next focused widget in a layout
----@param direction int
----@param current ccui.Widget
----@return ccui.Widget
-function Layout:findNextFocusedWidget (direction,current) end
----@param child cc.Node
----@param cleanup boolean
----@return self
-function Layout:removeChild (child,cleanup) end
----@return boolean
-function Layout:init () end
----* Override function. Set camera mask, the node is visible by the camera whose camera flag & node's camera mask is true. <br>
----* param mask Mask being set<br>
----* param applyChildren If true call this function recursively from this node to its children.
----@param mask unsigned short
----@param applyChildren boolean
----@return self
-function Layout:setCameraMask (mask,applyChildren) end
----@param globalZOrder float
----@return self
-function Layout:setGlobalZOrder (globalZOrder) end
----* Default constructor<br>
----* js ctor<br>
----* lua new
----@return self
-function Layout:Layout () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/LayoutComponent.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/LayoutComponent.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 32f71986..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/LayoutComponent.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
----@class ccui.LayoutComponent :cc.Component
-local LayoutComponent={ }
----* Toggle enable stretch width.<br>
----* param isUsed True if enable stretch width, false otherwise.
----@param isUsed boolean
----@return self
-function LayoutComponent:setStretchWidthEnabled (isUsed) end
----* Change percent width of owner.<br>
----* param percentWidth Percent Width in float.
----@param percentWidth float
----@return self
-function LayoutComponent:setPercentWidth (percentWidth) end
----* Query the anchor position.<br>
----* return Anchor position to it's parent
----@return vec2_table
-function LayoutComponent:getAnchorPosition () end
----* Toggle position percentX enabled.<br>
----* param isUsed True if enable position percentX, false otherwise.
----@param isUsed boolean
----@return self
-function LayoutComponent:setPositionPercentXEnabled (isUsed) end
----* Toggle enable stretch height.<br>
----* param isUsed True if stretch height is enabled, false otherwise.
----@param isUsed boolean
----@return self
-function LayoutComponent:setStretchHeightEnabled (isUsed) end
----* Toggle active enabled of LayoutComponent's owner.<br>
----* param enable True if active layout component, false otherwise.
----@param enable boolean
----@return self
-function LayoutComponent:setActiveEnabled (enable) end
----* Query the right margin of owner relative to its parent.<br>
----* return Right margin in float.
----@return float
-function LayoutComponent:getRightMargin () end
----* Query owner's content size.<br>
----* return Owner's content size.
----@return size_table
-function LayoutComponent:getSize () end
----* Change the anchor position to it's parent.<br>
----* param point A value in (x,y) format.
----@param point vec2_table
----@return self
-function LayoutComponent:setAnchorPosition (point) end
----* Refresh layout of the owner.
----@return self
-function LayoutComponent:refreshLayout () end
----* Query whether percent width is enabled or not.<br>
----* return True if percent width is enabled, false, otherwise.
----@return boolean
-function LayoutComponent:isPercentWidthEnabled () end
----* Change element's vertical dock type.<br>
----* param vEage Vertical dock type @see `VerticalEdge`.
----@param vEage int
----@return self
-function LayoutComponent:setVerticalEdge (vEage) end
----* Query the top margin of owner relative to its parent.<br>
----* return Top margin in float.
----@return float
-function LayoutComponent:getTopMargin () end
----* Change content size width of owner.<br>
----* param width Content size width in float.
----@param width float
----@return self
-function LayoutComponent:setSizeWidth (width) end
----* Query the percent content size value.<br>
----* return Percent (x,y) in Vec2.
----@return vec2_table
-function LayoutComponent:getPercentContentSize () end
----* Query element vertical dock type.<br>
----* return Vertical dock type.
----@return int
-function LayoutComponent:getVerticalEdge () end
----* Toggle enable percent width.<br>
----* param isUsed True if percent width is enabled, false otherwise.
----@param isUsed boolean
----@return self
-function LayoutComponent:setPercentWidthEnabled (isUsed) end
----* Query whether stretch width is enabled or not.<br>
----* return True if stretch width is enabled, false otherwise.
----@return boolean
-function LayoutComponent:isStretchWidthEnabled () end
----* Change left margin of owner relative to its parent.<br>
----* param margin Margin in float.
----@param margin float
----@return self
-function LayoutComponent:setLeftMargin (margin) end
----* Query content size width of owner.<br>
----* return Content size width in float.
----@return float
-function LayoutComponent:getSizeWidth () end
----* Toggle position percentY enabled.<br>
----* param isUsed True if position percentY is enabled, false otherwise.
----@param isUsed boolean
----@return self
-function LayoutComponent:setPositionPercentYEnabled (isUsed) end
----* Query size height of owner.<br>
----* return Size height in float.
----@return float
-function LayoutComponent:getSizeHeight () end
----* Query the position percentY Y value.<br>
----* return Position percent Y value in float.
----@return float
-function LayoutComponent:getPositionPercentY () end
----* Query the position percent X value.<br>
----* return Position percent X value in float.
----@return float
-function LayoutComponent:getPositionPercentX () end
----* Change the top margin of owner relative to its parent.<br>
----* param margin Margin in float.
----@param margin float
----@return self
-function LayoutComponent:setTopMargin (margin) end
----* Query percent height of owner. <br>
----* return Percent height in float.
----@return float
-function LayoutComponent:getPercentHeight () end
----* Query whether use percent content size or not.<br>
----* return True if using percent content size, false otherwise.
----@return boolean
-function LayoutComponent:getUsingPercentContentSize () end
----* Change position percentY value.<br>
----* param percentMargin Margin in float.
----@param percentMargin float
----@return self
-function LayoutComponent:setPositionPercentY (percentMargin) end
----* Change position percent X value.<br>
----* param percentMargin Margin in float.
----@param percentMargin float
----@return self
-function LayoutComponent:setPositionPercentX (percentMargin) end
----* Change right margin of owner relative to its parent.<br>
----* param margin Margin in float.
----@param margin float
----@return self
-function LayoutComponent:setRightMargin (margin) end
----* Whether position percentY is enabled or not.<br>
----* see `setPositionPercentYEnabled`<br>
----* return True if position percentY is enabled, false otherwise.
----@return boolean
-function LayoutComponent:isPositionPercentYEnabled () end
----* Change percent height value of owner.<br>
----* param percentHeight Percent height in float.
----@param percentHeight float
----@return self
-function LayoutComponent:setPercentHeight (percentHeight) end
----* Toggle enable percent only.<br>
----* param enable True if percent only is enabled, false otherwise.
----@param enable boolean
----@return self
-function LayoutComponent:setPercentOnlyEnabled (enable) end
----* Change element's horizontal dock type.<br>
----* param hEage Horizontal dock type @see `HorizontalEdge`
----@param hEage int
----@return self
-function LayoutComponent:setHorizontalEdge (hEage) end
----* Change the position of component owner.<br>
----* param position A position in (x,y)
----@param position vec2_table
----@return self
-function LayoutComponent:setPosition (position) end
----* Percent content size is used to adapt node's content size based on parent's content size.<br>
----* If set to true then node's content size will be changed based on the value set by @see setPercentContentSize<br>
----* param isUsed True to enable percent content size, false otherwise.
----@param isUsed boolean
----@return self
-function LayoutComponent:setUsingPercentContentSize (isUsed) end
----* Query left margin of owner relative to its parent.<br>
----* return Left margin in float.
----@return float
-function LayoutComponent:getLeftMargin () end
----* Query the owner's position.<br>
----* return The owner's position.
----@return vec2_table
-function LayoutComponent:getPosition () end
----* Change size height of owner.<br>
----* param height Size height in float.
----@param height float
----@return self
-function LayoutComponent:setSizeHeight (height) end
----* Whether position percentX is enabled or not. <br>
----* return True if position percentX is enable, false otherwise.
----@return boolean
-function LayoutComponent:isPositionPercentXEnabled () end
----* Query the bottom margin of owner relative to its parent.<br>
----* return Bottom margin in float.
----@return float
-function LayoutComponent:getBottomMargin () end
----* Toggle enable percent height.<br>
----* param isUsed True if percent height is enabled, false otherwise.
----@param isUsed boolean
----@return self
-function LayoutComponent:setPercentHeightEnabled (isUsed) end
----* Set percent content size.<br>
----* The value should be [0-1], 0 means the child's content size will be 0<br>
----* and 1 means the child's content size is the same as its parents.<br>
----* param percent The percent (x,y) of the node in [0-1] scope.
----@param percent vec2_table
----@return self
-function LayoutComponent:setPercentContentSize (percent) end
----* Query whether percent height is enabled or not.<br>
----* return True if percent height is enabled, false otherwise.
----@return boolean
-function LayoutComponent:isPercentHeightEnabled () end
----* Query percent width of owner.<br>
----* return percent width in float.
----@return float
-function LayoutComponent:getPercentWidth () end
----* Query element horizontal dock type.<br>
----* return Horizontal dock type.
----@return int
-function LayoutComponent:getHorizontalEdge () end
----* Query whether stretch height is enabled or not.<br>
----* return True if stretch height is enabled, false otherwise.
----@return boolean
-function LayoutComponent:isStretchHeightEnabled () end
----* Change the bottom margin of owner relative to its parent.<br>
----* param margin in float.
----@param margin float
----@return self
-function LayoutComponent:setBottomMargin (margin) end
----* Change the content size of owner.<br>
----* param size Content size in @see `Size`.
----@param size size_table
----@return self
-function LayoutComponent:setSize (size) end
----@return self
-function LayoutComponent:create () end
----* Bind a LayoutComponent to a specified node.<br>
----* If the node has already binded a LayoutComponent named __LAYOUT_COMPONENT_NAME, just return the LayoutComponent.<br>
----* Otherwise, create a new LayoutComponent and bind the LayoutComponent to the node.<br>
----* param node A Node* instance pointer.<br>
----* return The binded LayoutComponent instance pointer.
----@param node cc.Node
----@return self
-function LayoutComponent:bindLayoutComponent (node) end
----@return boolean
-function LayoutComponent:init () end
----* Default constructor<br>
----* lua new
----@return self
-function LayoutComponent:LayoutComponent () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/LayoutParameter.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/LayoutParameter.lua
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index 72769f8e..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/LayoutParameter.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
----@class ccui.LayoutParameter :cc.Ref
-local LayoutParameter={ }
----* Create a copy of original LayoutParameter.<br>
----* return A LayoutParameter pointer.
----@return self
-function LayoutParameter:clone () end
----* Gets LayoutParameterType of LayoutParameter.<br>
----* see LayoutParameterType.<br>
----* return LayoutParameterType
----@return int
-function LayoutParameter:getLayoutType () end
----* Create a cloned instance of LayoutParameter.<br>
----* return A LayoutParameter pointer.
----@return self
-function LayoutParameter:createCloneInstance () end
----* Copy all the member field from argument LayoutParameter to self.<br>
----* param model A LayoutParameter instance.
----@param model ccui.LayoutParameter
----@return self
-function LayoutParameter:copyProperties (model) end
----* Create a empty LayoutParameter.<br>
----* return A autorelease LayoutParameter instance.
----@return self
-function LayoutParameter:create () end
----* Default constructor.<br>
----* lua new
----@return self
-function LayoutParameter:LayoutParameter () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/LinearLayoutParameter.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/LinearLayoutParameter.lua
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index 10adc000..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/LinearLayoutParameter.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
----@class ccui.LinearLayoutParameter :ccui.LayoutParameter
-local LinearLayoutParameter={ }
----* Sets LinearGravity parameter for LayoutParameter.<br>
----* see LinearGravity<br>
----* param gravity Gravity in LinearGravity.
----@param gravity int
----@return self
-function LinearLayoutParameter:setGravity (gravity) end
----* Gets LinearGravity parameter for LayoutParameter.<br>
----* see LinearGravity<br>
----* return LinearGravity
----@return int
-function LinearLayoutParameter:getGravity () end
----* Create a empty LinearLayoutParameter instance.<br>
----* return A initialized LayoutParameter which is marked as "autorelease".
----@return self
-function LinearLayoutParameter:create () end
----@return ccui.LayoutParameter
-function LinearLayoutParameter:createCloneInstance () end
----@param model ccui.LayoutParameter
----@return self
-function LinearLayoutParameter:copyProperties (model) end
----* Default constructor.<br>
----* lua new
----@return self
-function LinearLayoutParameter:LinearLayoutParameter () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/ListView.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/ListView.lua
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index 56bd28d4..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/ListView.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,305 +0,0 @@
----@class ccui.ListView :ccui.ScrollView
-local ListView={ }
----* Set the gravity of ListView.<br>
----* see `ListViewGravity`
----@param gravity int
----@return self
-function ListView:setGravity (gravity) end
----* Removes the last item of ListView.
----@return self
-function ListView:removeLastItem () end
----* Get the left padding in ListView<br>
----* return Left padding in float
----@return float
-function ListView:getLeftPadding () end
----* brief Query the center item<br>
----* return An item instance.
----@return ccui.Widget
-function ListView:getCenterItemInCurrentView () end
----* brief Query current selected widget's index.<br>
----* return An index of a selected item.
----@return int
-function ListView:getCurSelectedIndex () end
----* Get the time in seconds to scroll between items.<br>
----* return The time in seconds to scroll between items<br>
----* see setScrollDuration(float)
----@return float
-function ListView:getScrollDuration () end
----* Query whether the magnetic out of boundary is allowed.
----@return boolean
-function ListView:getMagneticAllowedOutOfBoundary () end
----* brief Query margin between each item in ListView.<br>
----* return A margin in float.
----@return float
-function ListView:getItemsMargin () end
----@overload fun(int:int,vec2_table:vec2_table,vec2_table:vec2_table,float:float):self
----@overload fun(int:int,vec2_table:vec2_table,vec2_table:vec2_table):self
----@param itemIndex int
----@param positionRatioInView vec2_table
----@param itemAnchorPoint vec2_table
----@param timeInSec float
----@return self
-function ListView:scrollToItem (itemIndex,positionRatioInView,itemAnchorPoint,timeInSec) end
----* brief Jump to specific item<br>
----* param itemIndex Specifies the item's index<br>
----* param positionRatioInView Specifies the position with ratio in list view's content size.<br>
----* param itemAnchorPoint Specifies an anchor point of each item for position to calculate distance.
----@param itemIndex int
----@param positionRatioInView vec2_table
----@param itemAnchorPoint vec2_table
----@return self
-function ListView:jumpToItem (itemIndex,positionRatioInView,itemAnchorPoint) end
----* Change padding with top padding<br>
----* param t Top padding in float
----@param t float
----@return self
-function ListView:setTopPadding (t) end
----* Return the index of specified widget.<br>
----* param item A widget pointer.<br>
----* return The index of a given widget in ListView.
----@param item ccui.Widget
----@return int
-function ListView:getIndex (item) end
----* Insert a custom item into the end of ListView.<br>
----* param item An item in `Widget*`.
----@param item ccui.Widget
----@return self
-function ListView:pushBackCustomItem (item) end
----* brief Set current selected widget's index and call TouchEventType::ENDED event.<br>
----* param itemIndex A index of a selected item.
----@param itemIndex int
----@return self
-function ListView:setCurSelectedIndex (itemIndex) end
----* Insert a default item(create by cloning model) into listview at a give index.<br>
----* param index An index in ssize_t.
----@param index int
----@return self
-function ListView:insertDefaultItem (index) end
----* Set magnetic type of ListView.<br>
----* see `MagneticType`
----@param magneticType int
----@return self
-function ListView:setMagneticType (magneticType) end
----* Set magnetic allowed out of boundary.
----@param magneticAllowedOutOfBoundary boolean
----@return self
-function ListView:setMagneticAllowedOutOfBoundary (magneticAllowedOutOfBoundary) end
----* Add an event click callback to ListView, then one item of Listview is clicked, the callback will be called.<br>
----* param callback A callback function with type of `ccListViewCallback`.
----@param callback function
----@return self
-function ListView:addEventListener (callback) end
----@return self
-function ListView:doLayout () end
----* brief Query the topmost item in horizontal list<br>
----* return An item instance.
----@return ccui.Widget
-function ListView:getTopmostItemInCurrentView () end
----* Change padding with left, top, right, and bottom padding.<br>
----* param l Left padding in float.<br>
----* param t Top margin in float.<br>
----* param r Right margin in float.<br>
----* param b Bottom margin in float.
----@param l float
----@param t float
----@param r float
----@param b float
----@return self
-function ListView:setPadding (l,t,r,b) end
----* brief Remove all items in current ListView.
----@return self
-function ListView:removeAllItems () end
----* Get the right padding in ListView<br>
----* return Right padding in float
----@return float
-function ListView:getRightPadding () end
----* brief Query the bottommost item in horizontal list<br>
----* return An item instance.
----@return ccui.Widget
-function ListView:getBottommostItemInCurrentView () end
----* Return all items in a ListView.<br>
----* returns A vector of widget pointers.
----@return array_table
-function ListView:getItems () end
----* brief Query the leftmost item in horizontal list<br>
----* return An item instance.
----@return ccui.Widget
-function ListView:getLeftmostItemInCurrentView () end
----* Set the margin between each item in ListView.<br>
----* param margin A margin in float.
----@param margin float
----@return self
-function ListView:setItemsMargin (margin) end
----* Get magnetic type of ListView.
----@return int
-function ListView:getMagneticType () end
----* Return an item at a given index.<br>
----* param index A given index in ssize_t.<br>
----* return A widget instance.
----@param index int
----@return ccui.Widget
-function ListView:getItem (index) end
----* Remove an item at given index.<br>
----* param index A given index in ssize_t.
----@param index int
----@return self
-function ListView:removeItem (index) end
----* Get the top padding in ListView<br>
----* return Top padding in float
----@return float
-function ListView:getTopPadding () end
----* Insert a default item(create by a cloned model) at the end of the listview.
----@return self
-function ListView:pushBackDefaultItem () end
----* Change padding with left padding<br>
----* param l Left padding in float.
----@param l float
----@return self
-function ListView:setLeftPadding (l) end
----* brief Query the closest item to a specific position in inner container.<br>
----* param targetPosition Specifies the target position in inner container's coordinates.<br>
----* param itemAnchorPoint Specifies an anchor point of each item for position to calculate distance.<br>
----* return An item instance if list view is not empty. Otherwise, returns null.
----@param targetPosition vec2_table
----@param itemAnchorPoint vec2_table
----@return ccui.Widget
-function ListView:getClosestItemToPosition (targetPosition,itemAnchorPoint) end
----* Change padding with bottom padding<br>
----* param b Bottom padding in float
----@param b float
----@return self
-function ListView:setBottomPadding (b) end
----* Set the time in seconds to scroll between items.<br>
----* Subsequent calls of function 'scrollToItem', will take 'time' seconds for scrolling.<br>
----* param time The seconds needed to scroll between two items. 'time' must be >= 0<br>
----* see scrollToItem(ssize_t, const Vec2&, const Vec2&)
----@param time float
----@return self
-function ListView:setScrollDuration (time) end
----* brief Query the closest item to a specific position in current view.<br>
----* For instance, to find the item in the center of view, call 'getClosestItemToPositionInCurrentView(Vec2::ANCHOR_MIDDLE, Vec2::ANCHOR_MIDDLE)'.<br>
----* param positionRatioInView Specifies the target position with ratio in list view's content size.<br>
----* param itemAnchorPoint Specifies an anchor point of each item for position to calculate distance.<br>
----* return An item instance if list view is not empty. Otherwise, returns null.
----@param positionRatioInView vec2_table
----@param itemAnchorPoint vec2_table
----@return ccui.Widget
-function ListView:getClosestItemToPositionInCurrentView (positionRatioInView,itemAnchorPoint) end
----* brief Query the rightmost item in horizontal list<br>
----* return An item instance.
----@return ccui.Widget
-function ListView:getRightmostItemInCurrentView () end
----* Change padding with right padding<br>
----* param r Right padding in float
----@param r float
----@return self
-function ListView:setRightPadding (r) end
----* Set an item model for listview.<br>
----* When calling `pushBackDefaultItem`, the model will be used as a blueprint and new model copy will be inserted into ListView.<br>
----* param model Model in `Widget*`.
----@param model ccui.Widget
----@return self
-function ListView:setItemModel (model) end
----* Get the bottom padding in ListView<br>
----* return Bottom padding in float
----@return float
-function ListView:getBottomPadding () end
----* brief Insert a custom widget into ListView at a given index.<br>
----* param item A widget pointer to be inserted.<br>
----* param index A given index in ssize_t.
----@param item ccui.Widget
----@param index int
----@return self
-function ListView:insertCustomItem (item,index) end
----* Create an empty ListView.<br>
----* return A ListView instance.
----@return self
-function ListView:create () end
----@return cc.Ref
-function ListView:createInstance () end
----@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int):self
----@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node):self
----@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int,string2:int):self
----@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int,string:string):self
----@param child cc.Node
----@param zOrder int
----@param name string
----@return self
-function ListView:addChild (child,zOrder,name) end
----* Override functions
----@return self
-function ListView:jumpToBottom () end
----@return boolean
-function ListView:init () end
----* Changes scroll direction of scrollview.<br>
----* Direction Direction::VERTICAL means vertical scroll, Direction::HORIZONTAL means horizontal scroll.<br>
----* param dir Set the list view's scroll direction.
----@param dir int
----@return self
-function ListView:setDirection (dir) end
----@return self
-function ListView:jumpToTopRight () end
----@return self
-function ListView:jumpToLeft () end
----@param cleanup boolean
----@return self
-function ListView:removeAllChildrenWithCleanup (cleanup) end
----@return self
-function ListView:requestDoLayout () end
----@return self
-function ListView:removeAllChildren () end
----@return self
-function ListView:jumpToTopLeft () end
----@param child cc.Node
----@param cleanup boolean
----@return self
-function ListView:removeChild (child,cleanup) end
----@return self
-function ListView:jumpToBottomRight () end
----@return self
-function ListView:jumpToTop () end
----@return self
-function ListView:jumpToBottomLeft () end
----@param percent vec2_table
----@return self
-function ListView:jumpToPercentBothDirection (percent) end
----@param percent float
----@return self
-function ListView:jumpToPercentHorizontal (percent) end
----@return self
-function ListView:jumpToRight () end
----@return string
-function ListView:getDescription () end
----@param percent float
----@return self
-function ListView:jumpToPercentVertical (percent) end
----* Default constructor<br>
----* js ctor<br>
----* lua new
----@return self
-function ListView:ListView () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/LoadingBar.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/LoadingBar.lua
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index 9f2cfbf4..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/LoadingBar.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
----@class ccui.LoadingBar :ccui.Widget
-local LoadingBar={ }
----* Changes the progress value of LoadingBar.<br>
----* param percent Percent value from 1 to 100.
----@param percent float
----@return self
-function LoadingBar:setPercent (percent) end
----* Load texture for LoadingBar.<br>
----* param texture File name of texture.<br>
----* param texType Texture resource type,@see TextureResType.
----@param texture string
----@param texType int
----@return self
-function LoadingBar:loadTexture (texture,texType) end
----* Change the progress direction of LoadingBar.<br>
----* see Direction `LEFT` means progress left to right, `RIGHT` otherwise.<br>
----* param direction Direction
----@param direction int
----@return self
-function LoadingBar:setDirection (direction) end
----@return cc.ResourceData
-function LoadingBar:getRenderFile () end
----* Enable scale9 renderer.<br>
----* param enabled Set to true will use scale9 renderer, false otherwise.
----@param enabled boolean
----@return self
-function LoadingBar:setScale9Enabled (enabled) end
----* Set capInsets for LoadingBar.<br>
----* This setting only take effect when enable scale9 renderer.<br>
----* param capInsets CapInset in `Rect`.
----@param capInsets rect_table
----@return self
-function LoadingBar:setCapInsets (capInsets) end
----* Get the progress direction of LoadingBar.<br>
----* see Direction `LEFT` means progress left to right, `RIGHT` otherwise.<br>
----* return LoadingBar progress direction.
----@return int
-function LoadingBar:getDirection () end
----* brief Query LoadingBar's capInsets.<br>
----* return CapInsets of LoadingBar.
----@return rect_table
-function LoadingBar:getCapInsets () end
----* brief Query whether LoadingBar is using scale9 renderer or not.<br>
----* return Whether LoadingBar uses scale9 renderer or not.
----@return boolean
-function LoadingBar:isScale9Enabled () end
----* Get the progress value of LoadingBar.<br>
----* return Progress value from 1 to 100.
----@return float
-function LoadingBar:getPercent () end
----@overload fun(string:string,int1:float):self
----@overload fun():self
----@overload fun(string:string,int:int,float:float):self
----@param textureName string
----@param texType int
----@param percentage float
----@return self
-function LoadingBar:create (textureName,texType,percentage) end
----@return cc.Ref
-function LoadingBar:createInstance () end
----@return cc.Node
-function LoadingBar:getVirtualRenderer () end
----@return string
-function LoadingBar:getDescription () end
----@return size_table
-function LoadingBar:getVirtualRendererSize () end
----@param ignore boolean
----@return self
-function LoadingBar:ignoreContentAdaptWithSize (ignore) end
----* Default constructor.<br>
----* js ctor<br>
----* lua new
----@return self
-function LoadingBar:LoadingBar () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/PageView.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/PageView.lua
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index 98f6b6a3..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/PageView.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
----@class ccui.PageView :ccui.ListView
-local PageView={ }
----* brief Set space between page indicator's index nodes.<br>
----* param spaceBetweenIndexNodes Space between nodes in pixel.
----@param spaceBetweenIndexNodes float
----@return self
-function PageView:setIndicatorSpaceBetweenIndexNodes (spaceBetweenIndexNodes) end
----* Insert a page into PageView at a given index.<br>
----* param page Page to be inserted.<br>
----* param idx A given index.
----@param page ccui.Widget
----@param idx int
----@return self
-function PageView:insertPage (page,idx) end
----* brief Set opacity of page indicator's index nodes.<br>
----* param opacity New indicator node opacity.
----@param opacity unsigned_char
----@return self
-function PageView:setIndicatorIndexNodesOpacity (opacity) end
----* brief Set opacity of page indicator's selected index.<br>
----* param color New opacity for selected (current) index.
----@param opacity unsigned_char
----@return self
-function PageView:setIndicatorSelectedIndexOpacity (opacity) end
----* brief Remove all pages of the PageView.
----@return self
-function PageView:removeAllPages () end
----@param epsilon float
----@return self
-function PageView:setAutoScrollStopEpsilon (epsilon) end
----* brief Set scale of page indicator's index nodes.<br>
----* param indexNodesScale Scale of index nodes.
----@param indexNodesScale float
----@return self
-function PageView:setIndicatorIndexNodesScale (indexNodesScale) end
----* brief Toggle page indicator enabled.<br>
----* param enabled True if enable page indicator, false otherwise.
----@param enabled boolean
----@return self
-function PageView:setIndicatorEnabled (enabled) end
----* brief Set color of page indicator's selected index.<br>
----* param color New color for selected (current) index.
----@param color color3b_table
----@return self
-function PageView:setIndicatorSelectedIndexColor (color) end
----* brief Add a page turn callback to PageView, then when one page is turning, the callback will be called.<br>
----* param callback A page turning callback.
----@param callback function
----@return self
-function PageView:addEventListener (callback) end
----* brief Get the page indicator's position.<br>
----* return positionAsAnchorPoint
----@return vec2_table
-function PageView:getIndicatorPosition () end
----* Jump to a page with a given index without scrolling.<br>
----* This is the different between scrollToPage.<br>
----* param index A given index in PageView. Index start from 0 to pageCount -1.
----@param index int
----@return self
-function PageView:setCurrentPageIndex (index) end
----* brief Get the color of page indicator's index nodes.<br>
----* return color
----@return color3b_table
-function PageView:getIndicatorIndexNodesColor () end
----* brief Get the color of page indicator's selected index.<br>
----* return color
----@return color3b_table
-function PageView:getIndicatorSelectedIndexColor () end
----* brief Get scale of page indicator's index nodes.<br>
----* return indexNodesScale
----@return float
-function PageView:getIndicatorIndexNodesScale () end
----* brief Set the page indicator's position in page view.<br>
----* param position The position in page view
----@param position vec2_table
----@return self
-function PageView:setIndicatorPosition (position) end
----* brief Get the opacity of page indicator's selected index.<br>
----* return opacity
----@return unsigned_char
-function PageView:getIndicatorSelectedIndexOpacity () end
----@overload fun(int:int,float:float):self
----@overload fun(int:int):self
----@param idx int
----@param time float
----@return self
-function PageView:scrollToPage (idx,time) end
----* brief Set the page indicator's position using anchor point.<br>
----* param positionAsAnchorPoint The position as anchor point.
----@param positionAsAnchorPoint vec2_table
----@return self
-function PageView:setIndicatorPositionAsAnchorPoint (positionAsAnchorPoint) end
----@overload fun(int:int,float:float):self
----@overload fun(int:int):self
----@param idx int
----@param time float
----@return self
-function PageView:scrollToItem (idx,time) end
----* brief Set color of page indicator's index nodes.<br>
----* param color New indicator node color.
----@param color color3b_table
----@return self
-function PageView:setIndicatorIndexNodesColor (color) end
----* brief Get the opacity of page indicator's index nodes.<br>
----* return opacity
----@return unsigned_char
-function PageView:getIndicatorIndexNodesOpacity () end
----* brief Get the page indicator's position as anchor point.<br>
----* return positionAsAnchorPoint
----@return vec2_table
-function PageView:getIndicatorPositionAsAnchorPoint () end
----* Gets current displayed page index.<br>
----* return current page index.
----@return int
-function PageView:getCurrentPageIndex () end
----* Remove a page of PageView.<br>
----* param page Page to be removed.
----@param page ccui.Widget
----@return self
-function PageView:removePage (page) end
----* sets texture for index nodes.<br>
----* param fileName File name of texture.<br>
----* param resType @see TextureResType .
----@param texName string
----@param texType int
----@return self
-function PageView:setIndicatorIndexNodesTexture (texName,texType) end
----* brief Query page indicator state.<br>
----* return True if page indicator is enabled, false otherwise.
----@return boolean
-function PageView:getIndicatorEnabled () end
----* Remove a page at a given index of PageView.<br>
----* param index A given index.
----@param index int
----@return self
-function PageView:removePageAtIndex (index) end
----* brief Get the space between page indicator's index nodes.<br>
----* return spaceBetweenIndexNodes
----@return float
-function PageView:getIndicatorSpaceBetweenIndexNodes () end
----* Insert a page into the end of PageView.<br>
----* param page Page to be inserted.
----@param page ccui.Widget
----@return self
-function PageView:addPage (page) end
----* Create an empty PageView.<br>
----* return A PageView instance.
----@return self
-function PageView:create () end
----@return cc.Ref
-function PageView:createInstance () end
----@return self
-function PageView:doLayout () end
----@return boolean
-function PageView:init () end
----@return string
-function PageView:getDescription () end
----* Changes direction<br>
----* Direction Direction::VERTICAL means vertical scroll, Direction::HORIZONTAL means horizontal scroll.<br>
----* param direction Set the page view's scroll direction.
----@param direction int
----@return self
-function PageView:setDirection (direction) end
----* Default constructor<br>
----* js ctor<br>
----* lua new
----@return self
-function PageView:PageView () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RadioButton.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RadioButton.lua
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index 10b6c137..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RadioButton.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
----@class ccui.RadioButton :ccui.AbstractCheckButton
-local RadioButton={ }
----* Add a callback function which would be called when radio button is selected or unselected.<br>
----* param callback A std::function with type @see `ccRadioButtonCallback`
----@param callback function
----@return self
-function RadioButton:addEventListener (callback) end
----@overload fun(string:string,string:string,string:string,string:string,string:string,int:int):self
----@overload fun():self
----@overload fun(string:string,string:string,string2:int):self
----@param backGround string
----@param backGroundSelected string
----@param cross string
----@param backGroundDisabled string
----@param frontCrossDisabled string
----@param texType int
----@return self
-function RadioButton:create (backGround,backGroundSelected,cross,backGroundDisabled,frontCrossDisabled,texType) end
----@return cc.Ref
-function RadioButton:createInstance () end
----@return string
-function RadioButton:getDescription () end
----* Default constructor.<br>
----* lua new
----@return self
-function RadioButton:RadioButton () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RadioButtonGroup.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RadioButtonGroup.lua
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index 2dab4ebc..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RadioButtonGroup.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
----@class ccui.RadioButtonGroup :ccui.Widget
-local RadioButtonGroup={ }
----* Remove a radio button from this group.<br>
----* param radio button instance
----@param radioButton ccui.RadioButton
----@return self
-function RadioButtonGroup:removeRadioButton (radioButton) end
----* Query whether no-selection is allowed or not.<br>
----* param true means no-selection is allowed, false means no-selection is not allowed.
----@return boolean
-function RadioButtonGroup:isAllowedNoSelection () end
----* Get the index of selected radio button.<br>
----* return the selected button's index. Returns -1 if no button is selected.
----@return int
-function RadioButtonGroup:getSelectedButtonIndex () end
----* Set a flag for allowing no-selection feature.<br>
----* If it is allowed, no radio button can be selected.<br>
----* If it is not allowed, one radio button must be selected all time except it is empty.<br>
----* Default is not allowed.<br>
----* param true means allowing no-selection, false means disallowing no-selection.
----@param allowedNoSelection boolean
----@return self
-function RadioButtonGroup:setAllowedNoSelection (allowedNoSelection) end
----@overload fun(int0:ccui.RadioButton):self
----@overload fun(int:int):self
----@param index int
----@return self
-function RadioButtonGroup:setSelectedButtonWithoutEvent (index) end
----* Add a callback function which would be called when radio button is selected or unselected.<br>
----* param callback A std::function with type @see `ccRadioButtonGroupCallback`
----@param callback function
----@return self
-function RadioButtonGroup:addEventListener (callback) end
----* Remove all radio button from this group.
----@return self
-function RadioButtonGroup:removeAllRadioButtons () end
----* Get a radio button in this group by index.<br>
----* param index of the radio button<br>
----* return radio button instance. Returns nullptr if out of index.
----@param index int
----@return ccui.RadioButton
-function RadioButtonGroup:getRadioButtonByIndex (index) end
----* Get the number of radio buttons in this group.<br>
----* return the number of radio buttons in this group
----@return int
-function RadioButtonGroup:getNumberOfRadioButtons () end
----* Add a radio button into this group.<br>
----* param radio button instance
----@param radioButton ccui.RadioButton
----@return self
-function RadioButtonGroup:addRadioButton (radioButton) end
----@overload fun(int0:ccui.RadioButton):self
----@overload fun(int:int):self
----@param index int
----@return self
-function RadioButtonGroup:setSelectedButton (index) end
----* Create and return a empty RadioButtonGroup instance pointer.
----@return self
-function RadioButtonGroup:create () end
----@return string
-function RadioButtonGroup:getDescription () end
----* Default constructor.<br>
----* lua new
----@return self
-function RadioButtonGroup:RadioButtonGroup () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RelativeBox.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RelativeBox.lua
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index f4845c69..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RelativeBox.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
----@class ccui.RelativeBox :ccui.Layout
-local RelativeBox={ }
----@param size size_table
----@return boolean
-function RelativeBox:initWithSize (size) end
----@overload fun(size_table:size_table):self
----@overload fun():self
----@param size size_table
----@return self
-function RelativeBox:create (size) end
----@return boolean
-function RelativeBox:init () end
----* Default constructor.<br>
----* js ctor<br>
----* lua new
----@return self
-function RelativeBox:RelativeBox () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RelativeLayoutParameter.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RelativeLayoutParameter.lua
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index 2a46c3a9..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RelativeLayoutParameter.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
----@class ccui.RelativeLayoutParameter :ccui.LayoutParameter
-local RelativeLayoutParameter={ }
----* Sets RelativeAlign parameter for LayoutParameter.<br>
----* see RelativeAlign<br>
----* param align Relative align in `RelativeAlign`.
----@param align int
----@return self
-function RelativeLayoutParameter:setAlign (align) end
----* Set widget name your widget want to relative to.<br>
----* param name Relative widget name.
----@param name string
----@return self
-function RelativeLayoutParameter:setRelativeToWidgetName (name) end
----* Get a name of LayoutParameter in Relative Layout.<br>
----* return name Relative name in string.
----@return string
-function RelativeLayoutParameter:getRelativeName () end
----* Get the relative widget name.<br>
----* return name A relative widget name in string.
----@return string
-function RelativeLayoutParameter:getRelativeToWidgetName () end
----* Set a name for LayoutParameter in Relative Layout.<br>
----* param name A string name.
----@param name string
----@return self
-function RelativeLayoutParameter:setRelativeName (name) end
----* Get RelativeAlign parameter for LayoutParameter.<br>
----* see RelativeAlign<br>
----* return A RelativeAlign variable.
----@return int
-function RelativeLayoutParameter:getAlign () end
----* Create a RelativeLayoutParameter instance.<br>
----* return A initialized LayoutParameter which is marked as "autorelease".
----@return self
-function RelativeLayoutParameter:create () end
----@return ccui.LayoutParameter
-function RelativeLayoutParameter:createCloneInstance () end
----@param model ccui.LayoutParameter
----@return self
-function RelativeLayoutParameter:copyProperties (model) end
----* Default constructor<br>
----* lua new
----@return self
-function RelativeLayoutParameter:RelativeLayoutParameter () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RichElement.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RichElement.lua
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index 6e303f70..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RichElement.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
----@class ccui.RichElement :cc.Ref
-local RichElement={ }
----@param type int
----@return boolean
-function RichElement:equalType (type) end
----* brief Initialize a rich element with different arguments.<br>
----* param tag A integer tag value.<br>
----* param color A color in @see `Color3B`.<br>
----* param opacity A opacity value in `GLubyte`.<br>
----* return True if initialize success, false otherwise.
----@param tag int
----@param color color3b_table
----@param opacity unsigned_char
----@return boolean
-function RichElement:init (tag,color,opacity) end
----@param color color3b_table
----@return self
-function RichElement:setColor (color) end
----* brief Default constructor.<br>
----* js ctor<br>
----* lua new
----@return self
-function RichElement:RichElement () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RichElementCustomNode.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RichElementCustomNode.lua
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index c9f03fb4..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RichElementCustomNode.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
----@class ccui.RichElementCustomNode :ccui.RichElement
-local RichElementCustomNode={ }
----* brief Initialize a RichElementCustomNode with various arguments.<br>
----* param tag A integer tag value.<br>
----* param color A color in Color3B.<br>
----* param opacity A opacity in GLubyte.<br>
----* param customNode A custom node pointer.<br>
----* return True if initialize success, false otherwise.
----@param tag int
----@param color color3b_table
----@param opacity unsigned_char
----@param customNode cc.Node
----@return boolean
-function RichElementCustomNode:init (tag,color,opacity,customNode) end
----* brief Create a RichElementCustomNode with various arguments.<br>
----* param tag A integer tag value.<br>
----* param color A color in Color3B.<br>
----* param opacity A opacity in GLubyte.<br>
----* param customNode A custom node pointer.<br>
----* return A RichElementCustomNode instance.
----@param tag int
----@param color color3b_table
----@param opacity unsigned_char
----@param customNode cc.Node
----@return self
-function RichElementCustomNode:create (tag,color,opacity,customNode) end
----* brief Default constructor.<br>
----* js ctor<br>
----* lua new
----@return self
-function RichElementCustomNode:RichElementCustomNode () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RichElementImage.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RichElementImage.lua
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index fc14a694..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RichElementImage.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
----@class ccui.RichElementImage :ccui.RichElement
-local RichElementImage={ }
----@param height int
----@return self
-function RichElementImage:setHeight (height) end
----* brief Initialize a RichElementImage with various arguments.<br>
----* param tag A integer tag value.<br>
----* param color A color in Color3B.<br>
----* param opacity A opacity in GLubyte.<br>
----* param filePath A image file name.<br>
----* param url uniform resource locator<br>
----* param texType texture type, may be a valid file path, or a sprite frame name<br>
----* return True if initialize success, false otherwise.
----@param tag int
----@param color color3b_table
----@param opacity unsigned_char
----@param filePath string
----@param url string
----@param texType int
----@return boolean
-function RichElementImage:init (tag,color,opacity,filePath,url,texType) end
----@param width int
----@return self
-function RichElementImage:setWidth (width) end
----@param url string
----@return self
-function RichElementImage:setUrl (url) end
----* brief Create a RichElementImage with various arguments.<br>
----* param tag A integer tag value.<br>
----* param color A color in Color3B.<br>
----* param opacity A opacity in GLubyte.<br>
----* param filePath A image file name.<br>
----* param url uniform resource locator<br>
----* param texType texture type, may be a valid file path, or a sprite frame name<br>
----* return A RichElementImage instance.
----@param tag int
----@param color color3b_table
----@param opacity unsigned_char
----@param filePath string
----@param url string
----@param texType int
----@return self
-function RichElementImage:create (tag,color,opacity,filePath,url,texType) end
----* brief Default constructor.<br>
----* js ctor<br>
----* lua new
----@return self
-function RichElementImage:RichElementImage () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RichElementNewLine.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RichElementNewLine.lua
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index 58f49462..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RichElementNewLine.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
----@class ccui.RichElementNewLine :ccui.RichElement
-local RichElementNewLine={ }
----* brief Create a RichElementNewLine with various arguments.<br>
----* param tag A integer tag value.<br>
----* param color A color in Color3B.<br>
----* param opacity A opacity in GLubyte.<br>
----* return A RichElementNewLine instance.
----@param tag int
----@param color color3b_table
----@param opacity unsigned_char
----@return self
-function RichElementNewLine:create (tag,color,opacity) end
----* brief Default constructor.<br>
----* js ctor<br>
----* lua new
----@return self
-function RichElementNewLine:RichElementNewLine () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RichElementText.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RichElementText.lua
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index 77d0aff0..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RichElementText.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
----@class ccui.RichElementText :ccui.RichElement
-local RichElementText={ }
----* brief Initialize a RichElementText with various arguments.<br>
----* param tag A integer tag value.<br>
----* param color A color in Color3B.<br>
----* param opacity A opacity in GLubyte.<br>
----* param text Content string.<br>
----* param fontName Content font name.<br>
----* param fontSize Content font size.<br>
----* param flags italics, bold, underline, strikethrough, url, outline, shadow or glow<br>
----* param url uniform resource locator<br>
----* param outlineColor the color of the outline<br>
----* param outlineSize the outline effect size value<br>
----* param shadowColor the shadow effect color value<br>
----* param shadowOffset shadow effect offset value<br>
----* param shadowBlurRadius the shadow effect blur radius<br>
----* param glowColor glow color<br>
----* return True if initialize success, false otherwise.
----@param tag int
----@param color color3b_table
----@param opacity unsigned_char
----@param text string
----@param fontName string
----@param fontSize float
----@param flags unsigned_int
----@param url string
----@param outlineColor color3b_table
----@param outlineSize int
----@param shadowColor color3b_table
----@param shadowOffset size_table
----@param shadowBlurRadius int
----@param glowColor color3b_table
----@return boolean
-function RichElementText:init (tag,color,opacity,text,fontName,fontSize,flags,url,outlineColor,outlineSize,shadowColor,shadowOffset,shadowBlurRadius,glowColor) end
----* brief Create a RichElementText with various arguments.<br>
----* param tag A integer tag value.<br>
----* param color A color in Color3B.<br>
----* param opacity A opacity in GLubyte.<br>
----* param text Content string.<br>
----* param fontName Content font name.<br>
----* param fontSize Content font size.<br>
----* param flags italics, bold, underline, strikethrough, url, outline, shadow or glow<br>
----* param url uniform resource locator<br>
----* param outlineColor the color of the outline<br>
----* param outlineSize the outline effect size value<br>
----* param shadowColor the shadow effect color value<br>
----* param shadowOffset shadow effect offset value<br>
----* param shadowBlurRadius the shadow effect blur radius<br>
----* param glowColor glow color<br>
----* return RichElementText instance.
----@param tag int
----@param color color3b_table
----@param opacity unsigned_char
----@param text string
----@param fontName string
----@param fontSize float
----@param flags unsigned_int
----@param url string
----@param outlineColor color3b_table
----@param outlineSize int
----@param shadowColor color3b_table
----@param shadowOffset size_table
----@param shadowBlurRadius int
----@param glowColor color3b_table
----@return self
-function RichElementText:create (tag,color,opacity,text,fontName,fontSize,flags,url,outlineColor,outlineSize,shadowColor,shadowOffset,shadowBlurRadius,glowColor) end
----* brief Default constructor.<br>
----* js ctor<br>
----* lua new
----@return self
-function RichElementText:RichElementText () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RichText.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RichText.lua
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index c00940fa..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RichText.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
----@class ccui.RichText :ccui.Widget
-local RichText={ }
----* brief Insert a RichElement at a given index.<br>
----* param element A RichElement type.<br>
----* param index A given index.
----@param element ccui.RichElement
----@param index int
----@return self
-function RichText:insertElement (element,index) end
----* @brief enable the outline of a-tag
----@param enable boolean
----@param outlineColor color3b_table
----@param outlineSize int
----@return self
-function RichText:setAnchorTextOutline (enable,outlineColor,outlineSize) end
----@return float
-function RichText:getFontSize () end
----* brief Add a RichElement at the end of RichText.<br>
----* param element A RichElement instance.
----@param element ccui.RichElement
----@return self
-function RichText:pushBackElement (element) end
----@param enable boolean
----@return self
-function RichText:setAnchorTextBold (enable) end
----@return string
-function RichText:getAnchorFontColor () end
----@return int
-function RichText:getAnchorTextShadowBlurRadius () end
----* @brief enable the shadow of a-tag
----@param enable boolean
----@param shadowColor color3b_table
----@param offset size_table
----@param blurRadius int
----@return self
-function RichText:setAnchorTextShadow (enable,shadowColor,offset,blurRadius) end
----@return boolean
-function RichText:isAnchorTextItalicEnabled () end
----@param color string
----@return self
-function RichText:setAnchorFontColor (color) end
----@param face string
----@return self
-function RichText:setFontFace (face) end
----@param enable boolean
----@param glowColor color3b_table
----@return self
-function RichText:setAnchorTextGlow (enable,glowColor) end
----@return int
-function RichText:getHorizontalAlignment () end
----@param a int
----@return self
-function RichText:setHorizontalAlignment (a) end
----@param enable boolean
----@return self
-function RichText:setAnchorTextDel (enable) end
----@return color3b_table
-function RichText:getAnchorTextOutlineColor3B () end
----@param color4b color4b_table
----@return string
-function RichText:stringWithColor4B (color4b) end
----@param xml string
----@param defaults map_table
----@param handleOpenUrl function
----@return boolean
-function RichText:initWithXML (xml,defaults,handleOpenUrl) end
----@return color3b_table
-function RichText:getAnchorFontColor3B () end
----* brief Rearrange all RichElement in the RichText.<br>
----* It's usually called internally.
----@return self
-function RichText:formatText () end
----@return color3b_table
-function RichText:getAnchorTextGlowColor3B () end
----@param url string
----@return self
-function RichText:openUrl (url) end
----@return string
-function RichText:getFontFace () end
----@param color string
----@return self
-function RichText:setFontColor (color) end
----@return boolean
-function RichText:isAnchorTextGlowEnabled () end
----@return map_table
-function RichText:getDefaults () end
----@return boolean
-function RichText:isAnchorTextUnderlineEnabled () end
----@return string
-function RichText:getFontColor () end
----@return boolean
-function RichText:isAnchorTextShadowEnabled () end
----@return int
-function RichText:getAnchorTextOutlineSize () end
----* brief Set vertical space between each RichElement.<br>
----* param space Point in float.
----@param space float
----@return self
-function RichText:setVerticalSpace (space) end
----@return boolean
-function RichText:isAnchorTextDelEnabled () end
----@param defaults map_table
----@return self
-function RichText:setDefaults (defaults) end
----@param wrapMode int
----@return self
-function RichText:setWrapMode (wrapMode) end
----@param size float
----@return self
-function RichText:setFontSize (size) end
----@overload fun(int0:ccui.RichElement):self
----@overload fun(int:int):self
----@param index int
----@return self
-function RichText:removeElement (index) end
----@param enable boolean
----@return self
-function RichText:setAnchorTextItalic (enable) end
----@return size_table
-function RichText:getAnchorTextShadowOffset () end
----@return boolean
-function RichText:isAnchorTextBoldEnabled () end
----@return color3b_table
-function RichText:getAnchorTextShadowColor3B () end
----@param color3b color3b_table
----@return string
-function RichText:stringWithColor3B (color3b) end
----@return boolean
-function RichText:isAnchorTextOutlineEnabled () end
----@return color3b_table
-function RichText:getFontColor3B () end
----@return int
-function RichText:getWrapMode () end
----@param enable boolean
----@return self
-function RichText:setAnchorTextUnderline (enable) end
----@param color string
----@return color3b_table
-function RichText:color3BWithString (color) end
----* brief Create a empty RichText.<br>
----* return RichText instance.
----@return self
-function RichText:create () end
----* brief Create a RichText from an XML<br>
----* return RichText instance.
----@param xml string
----@param defaults map_table
----@param handleOpenUrl function
----@return self
-function RichText:createWithXML (xml,defaults,handleOpenUrl) end
----@return boolean
-function RichText:init () end
----@return string
-function RichText:getDescription () end
----@param ignore boolean
----@return self
-function RichText:ignoreContentAdaptWithSize (ignore) end
----* brief Default constructor.<br>
----* js ctor<br>
----* lua new
----@return self
-function RichText:RichText () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/Scale9Sprite.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/Scale9Sprite.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 56442b04..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/Scale9Sprite.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
----@class ccui.Scale9Sprite :cc.Sprite
-local Scale9Sprite={ }
----@overload fun(cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,rect_table:rect_table,boolean:boolean,vec2_table:vec2_table,size_table:size_table,rect_table:rect_table):self
----@overload fun(cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,rect_table:rect_table,boolean:boolean,vec2_table3:rect_table):self
----@param sprite cc.Sprite
----@param rect rect_table
----@param rotated boolean
----@param offset vec2_table
----@param originalSize size_table
----@param capInsets rect_table
----@return boolean
-function Scale9Sprite:updateWithSprite (sprite,rect,rotated,offset,originalSize,capInsets) end
----* Creates and returns a new sprite object with the specified cap insets.<br>
----* You use this method to add cap insets to a sprite or to change the existing<br>
----* cap insets of a sprite. In both cases, you get back a new image and the<br>
----* original sprite remains untouched.<br>
----* param capInsets The values to use for the cap insets.<br>
----* return A Scale9Sprite instance.
----@param capInsets rect_table
----@return self
-function Scale9Sprite:resizableSpriteWithCapInsets (capInsets) end
----* Returns the Cap Insets
----@return rect_table
-function Scale9Sprite:getCapInsets () end
----* Change the state of 9-slice sprite.<br>
----* see `State`<br>
----* param state A enum value in State.<br>
----* since v3.4
----@param state int
----@return self
-function Scale9Sprite:setState (state) end
----* brief Change the bottom sprite's cap inset.<br>
----* param bottomInset The values to use for the cap inset.
----@param bottomInset float
----@return self
-function Scale9Sprite:setInsetBottom (bottomInset) end
----* Initializes a 9-slice sprite with an sprite frame name and with the specified<br>
----* cap insets.<br>
----* Once the sprite is created, you can then call its "setContentSize:" method<br>
----* to resize the sprite will all it's 9-slice goodness interact.<br>
----* It respects the anchorPoint too.<br>
----* param spriteFrameName The sprite frame name.<br>
----* param capInsets The values to use for the cap insets.<br>
----* return True if initializes success, false otherwise.
----@param spriteFrameName string
----@param capInsets rect_table
----@return boolean
-function Scale9Sprite:initWithSpriteFrameName (spriteFrameName,capInsets) end
----* brief Get the original no 9-sliced sprite<br>
----* return A sprite instance.
----@return cc.Sprite
-function Scale9Sprite:getSprite () end
----* brief Change the top sprite's cap inset.<br>
----* param topInset The values to use for the cap inset.
----@param topInset float
----@return self
-function Scale9Sprite:setInsetTop (topInset) end
----* Set the slice sprite rendering type.<br>
----* When setting to SIMPLE, only 4 vertexes is used to rendering.<br>
----* otherwise 16 vertexes will be used to rendering.<br>
----* see RenderingType
----@param type int
----@return self
-function Scale9Sprite:setRenderingType (type) end
----@overload fun(cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,rect_table:rect_table,boolean2:rect_table):self
----@overload fun(cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,rect_table:rect_table,boolean:boolean,vec2_table3:rect_table):self
----@overload fun(cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,rect_table:rect_table,boolean:boolean,vec2_table:vec2_table,size_table:size_table,rect_table:rect_table):self
----@param sprite cc.Sprite
----@param rect rect_table
----@param rotated boolean
----@param offset vec2_table
----@param originalSize size_table
----@param capInsets rect_table
----@return boolean
-function Scale9Sprite:init (sprite,rect,rotated,offset,originalSize,capInsets) end
----* brief Change the preferred size of Scale9Sprite.<br>
----* param size A delimitation zone.
----@param size size_table
----@return self
-function Scale9Sprite:setPreferredSize (size) end
----* brief copies self to copy
----@param copy ccui.Scale9Sprite
----@return self
-function Scale9Sprite:copyTo (copy) end
----* brief Change inner sprite's sprite frame.<br>
----* param spriteFrame A sprite frame pointer.<br>
----* param capInsets The values to use for the cap insets.
----@param spriteFrame cc.SpriteFrame
----@param capInsets rect_table
----@return self
-function Scale9Sprite:setSpriteFrame (spriteFrame,capInsets) end
----* Query the current bright state.<br>
----* return @see `State`<br>
----* since v3.7
----@return int
-function Scale9Sprite:getState () end
----* brief Query the bottom sprite's cap inset.<br>
----* return The bottom sprite's cap inset.
----@return float
-function Scale9Sprite:getInsetBottom () end
----* brief Toggle 9-slice feature.<br>
----* If Scale9Sprite is 9-slice disabled, the Scale9Sprite will rendered as a normal sprite.<br>
----* warning: Don't use setScale9Enabled(false), use setRenderingType(RenderingType::SIMPLE) instead.<br>
----* The setScale9Enabled(false) is kept only for back back compatibility.<br>
----* param enabled True to enable 9-slice, false otherwise.<br>
----* js NA
----@param enabled boolean
----@return self
-function Scale9Sprite:setScale9Enabled (enabled) end
----* brief Query whether the Scale9Sprite is enable 9-slice or not.<br>
----* return True if 9-slice is enabled, false otherwise.<br>
----* js NA
----@return boolean
-function Scale9Sprite:isScale9Enabled () end
----@return self
-function Scale9Sprite:resetRender () end
----* Return the slice sprite rendering type.
----@return int
-function Scale9Sprite:getRenderingType () end
----* brief Query the right sprite's cap inset.<br>
----* return The right sprite's cap inset.
----@return float
-function Scale9Sprite:getInsetRight () end
----* brief Query the sprite's original size.<br>
----* return Sprite size.
----@return size_table
-function Scale9Sprite:getOriginalSize () end
----@overload fun(string0:rect_table,rect_table1:string):self
----@overload fun(string:string,rect_table:rect_table,rect_table:rect_table):self
----@param file string
----@param rect rect_table
----@param capInsets rect_table
----@return boolean
-function Scale9Sprite:initWithFile (file,rect,capInsets) end
----* brief Query the top sprite's cap inset.<br>
----* return The top sprite's cap inset.
----@return float
-function Scale9Sprite:getInsetTop () end
----* brief Change the left sprite's cap inset.<br>
----* param leftInset The values to use for the cap inset.
----@param leftInset float
----@return self
-function Scale9Sprite:setInsetLeft (leftInset) end
----* Initializes a 9-slice sprite with an sprite frame and with the specified<br>
----* cap insets.<br>
----* Once the sprite is created, you can then call its "setContentSize:" method<br>
----* to resize the sprite will all it's 9-slice goodness interact.<br>
----* It respects the anchorPoint too.<br>
----* param spriteFrame The sprite frame object.<br>
----* param capInsets The values to use for the cap insets.<br>
----* return True if initializes success, false otherwise.
----@param spriteFrame cc.SpriteFrame
----@param capInsets rect_table
----@return boolean
-function Scale9Sprite:initWithSpriteFrame (spriteFrame,capInsets) end
----* brief Query the Scale9Sprite's preferred size.<br>
----* return Scale9Sprite's preferred size.
----@return size_table
-function Scale9Sprite:getPreferredSize () end
----* Set the Cap Insets in Points using the untrimmed size as reference
----@param insets rect_table
----@return self
-function Scale9Sprite:setCapInsets (insets) end
----* brief Query the left sprite's cap inset.<br>
----* return The left sprite's cap inset.
----@return float
-function Scale9Sprite:getInsetLeft () end
----* brief Change the right sprite's cap inset.<br>
----* param rightInset The values to use for the cap inset.
----@param rightInset float
----@return self
-function Scale9Sprite:setInsetRight (rightInset) end
----@overload fun(string:string,rect_table:rect_table,rect_table:rect_table):self
----@overload fun():self
----@overload fun(string0:rect_table,rect_table1:string):self
----@overload fun(string:string,rect_table:rect_table):self
----@overload fun(string:string):self
----@param file string
----@param rect rect_table
----@param capInsets rect_table
----@return self
-function Scale9Sprite:create (file,rect,capInsets) end
----@overload fun(string:string,rect_table:rect_table):self
----@overload fun(string:string):self
----@param spriteFrameName string
----@param capInsets rect_table
----@return self
-function Scale9Sprite:createWithSpriteFrameName (spriteFrameName,capInsets) end
----@overload fun(cc.SpriteFrame:cc.SpriteFrame,rect_table:rect_table):self
----@overload fun(cc.SpriteFrame:cc.SpriteFrame):self
----@param spriteFrame cc.SpriteFrame
----@param capInsets rect_table
----@return self
-function Scale9Sprite:createWithSpriteFrame (spriteFrame,capInsets) end
----* Initializes a 9-slice sprite with an sprite frame name.<br>
----* Once the sprite is created, you can then call its "setContentSize:" method<br>
----* to resize the sprite will all it's 9-slice goodness interact.<br>
----* It respects the anchorPoint too.<br>
----* param spriteFrameName The sprite frame name.<br>
----* return True if initializes success, false otherwise.
----@param spriteFrameName string
----@return boolean
-function Scale9Sprite:initWithSpriteFrameName (spriteFrameName) end
----@overload fun(string:string):self
----@overload fun(string:string,rect_table:rect_table):self
----@param file string
----@param rect rect_table
----@return boolean
-function Scale9Sprite:initWithFile (file,rect) end
----@return boolean
-function Scale9Sprite:init () end
----* Default constructor.<br>
----* js ctor<br>
----* lua new
----@return self
-function Scale9Sprite:Scale9Sprite () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/ScrollView.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/ScrollView.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index afa425d8..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/ScrollView.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,378 +0,0 @@
----@class ccui.ScrollView :ccui.Layout
-local ScrollView={ }
----* Scroll inner container to top boundary of scrollview.<br>
----* param timeInSec Time in seconds.<br>
----* param attenuated Whether scroll speed attenuate or not.
----@param timeInSec float
----@param attenuated boolean
----@return self
-function ScrollView:scrollToTop (timeInSec,attenuated) end
----* Scroll inner container to horizontal percent position of scrollview.<br>
----* param percent A value between 0 and 100.<br>
----* param timeInSec Time in seconds.<br>
----* param attenuated Whether scroll speed attenuate or not.
----@param percent float
----@param timeInSec float
----@param attenuated boolean
----@return self
-function ScrollView:scrollToPercentHorizontal (percent,timeInSec,attenuated) end
----* brief Set the scroll bar's opacity<br>
----* param the scroll bar's opacity
----@param opacity unsigned_char
----@return self
-function ScrollView:setScrollBarOpacity (opacity) end
----* brief Toggle scroll bar enabled.<br>
----* param enabled True if enable scroll bar, false otherwise.
----@param enabled boolean
----@return self
-function ScrollView:setScrollBarEnabled (enabled) end
----* brief Query inertia scroll state.<br>
----* return True if inertia is enabled, false otherwise.
----@return boolean
-function ScrollView:isInertiaScrollEnabled () end
----* Scroll inner container to bottom boundary of scrollview.<br>
----* param timeInSec Time in seconds.<br>
----* param attenuated Whether scroll speed attenuate or not.
----@param timeInSec float
----@param attenuated boolean
----@return self
-function ScrollView:scrollToBottom (timeInSec,attenuated) end
----* return How far the scroll view is scrolled in both axes, combined as a Vec2
----@return vec2_table
-function ScrollView:getScrolledPercentBothDirection () end
----* Query scroll direction of scrollview.<br>
----* see `Direction` Direction::VERTICAL means vertical scroll, Direction::HORIZONTAL means horizontal scroll<br>
----* return Scrollview scroll direction.
----@return int
-function ScrollView:getDirection () end
----* brief Set the scroll bar's color<br>
----* param the scroll bar's color
----@param color color3b_table
----@return self
-function ScrollView:setScrollBarColor (color) end
----* Scroll inner container to bottom and left boundary of scrollview.<br>
----* param timeInSec Time in seconds.<br>
----* param attenuated Whether scroll speed attenuate or not.
----@param timeInSec float
----@param attenuated boolean
----@return self
-function ScrollView:scrollToBottomLeft (timeInSec,attenuated) end
----* Get inner container of scrollview.<br>
----* Inner container is a child of scrollview.<br>
----* return Inner container pointer.
----@return ccui.Layout
-function ScrollView:getInnerContainer () end
----* Move inner container to bottom boundary of scrollview.
----@return self
-function ScrollView:jumpToBottom () end
----* Set inner container position<br>
----* param pos Inner container position.
----@param pos vec2_table
----@return self
-function ScrollView:setInnerContainerPosition (pos) end
----* Changes scroll direction of scrollview.<br>
----* see `Direction`<br>
----* param dir Scroll direction enum.
----@param dir int
----@return self
-function ScrollView:setDirection (dir) end
----* Scroll inner container to top and left boundary of scrollview.<br>
----* param timeInSec Time in seconds.<br>
----* param attenuated Whether scroll speed attenuate or not.
----@param timeInSec float
----@param attenuated boolean
----@return self
-function ScrollView:scrollToTopLeft (timeInSec,attenuated) end
----* Move inner container to top and right boundary of scrollview.
----@return self
-function ScrollView:jumpToTopRight () end
----* Scroll inner container to both direction percent position of scrollview.<br>
----* param percent A value between 0 and 100.<br>
----* param timeInSec Time in seconds.<br>
----* param attenuated Whether scroll speed attenuate or not.
----@param percent vec2_table
----@param timeInSec float
----@param attenuated boolean
----@return self
-function ScrollView:scrollToPercentBothDirection (percent,timeInSec,attenuated) end
----* Change inner container size of scrollview.<br>
----* Inner container size must be larger than or equal scrollview's size.<br>
----* param size Inner container size.
----@param size size_table
----@return self
-function ScrollView:setInnerContainerSize (size) end
----* Get inner container position<br>
----* return The inner container position.
----@return vec2_table
-function ScrollView:getInnerContainerPosition () end
----* Move inner container to top boundary of scrollview.
----@return self
-function ScrollView:jumpToTop () end
----* return How far the scroll view is scrolled in the vertical axis
----@return float
-function ScrollView:getScrolledPercentVertical () end
----* brief Query bounce state.<br>
----* return True if bounce is enabled, false otherwise.
----@return boolean
-function ScrollView:isBounceEnabled () end
----* Move inner container to vertical percent position of scrollview.<br>
----* param percent A value between 0 and 100.
----@param percent float
----@return self
-function ScrollView:jumpToPercentVertical (percent) end
----* Add callback function which will be called when scrollview event triggered.<br>
----* param callback A callback function with type of `ccScrollViewCallback`.
----@param callback function
----@return self
-function ScrollView:addEventListener (callback) end
----* brief Set scroll bar auto hide time<br>
----* param scroll bar auto hide time
----@param autoHideTime float
----@return self
-function ScrollView:setScrollBarAutoHideTime (autoHideTime) end
----* Immediately stops inner container scroll (auto scrolling is not affected).
----@return self
-function ScrollView:stopScroll () end
----* brief Set the horizontal scroll bar position from left-bottom corner.<br>
----* param positionFromCorner The position from left-bottom corner
----@param positionFromCorner vec2_table
----@return self
-function ScrollView:setScrollBarPositionFromCornerForHorizontal (positionFromCorner) end
----* brief Toggle whether enable scroll inertia while scrolling.<br>
----* param enabled True if enable inertia, false otherwise.
----@param enabled boolean
----@return self
-function ScrollView:setInertiaScrollEnabled (enabled) end
----* brief Set scroll bar auto hide state<br>
----* param scroll bar auto hide state
----@param autoHideEnabled boolean
----@return self
-function ScrollView:setScrollBarAutoHideEnabled (autoHideEnabled) end
----* brief Get the scroll bar's color<br>
----* return the scroll bar's color
----@return color3b_table
-function ScrollView:getScrollBarColor () end
----* Move inner container to top and left boundary of scrollview.
----@return self
-function ScrollView:jumpToTopLeft () end
----* brief Query scroll bar state.<br>
----* return True if scroll bar is enabled, false otherwise.
----@return boolean
-function ScrollView:isScrollBarEnabled () end
----* return Whether the ScrollView is currently scrolling because of a bounceback or inertia slowdown.
----@return boolean
-function ScrollView:isAutoScrolling () end
----* Move inner container to bottom and right boundary of scrollview.
----@return self
-function ScrollView:jumpToBottomRight () end
----* brief Set the touch total time threshold<br>
----* param the touch total time threshold
----@param touchTotalTimeThreshold float
----@return self
-function ScrollView:setTouchTotalTimeThreshold (touchTotalTimeThreshold) end
----* brief Get the touch total time threshold<br>
----* return the touch total time threshold
----@return float
-function ScrollView:getTouchTotalTimeThreshold () end
----* brief Get the horizontal scroll bar's position from right-top corner.<br>
----* return positionFromCorner
----@return vec2_table
-function ScrollView:getScrollBarPositionFromCornerForHorizontal () end
----* return How far the scroll view is scrolled in the horizontal axis
----@return float
-function ScrollView:getScrolledPercentHorizontal () end
----* brief Toggle bounce enabled when scroll to the edge.<br>
----* param enabled True if enable bounce, false otherwise.
----@param enabled boolean
----@return self
-function ScrollView:setBounceEnabled (enabled) end
----* Immediately stops inner container scroll initiated by any of the "scrollTo*" member functions
----@return self
-function ScrollView:stopAutoScroll () end
----* Scroll inner container to top and right boundary of scrollview.<br>
----* param timeInSec Time in seconds.<br>
----* param attenuated Whether scroll speed attenuate or not.
----@param timeInSec float
----@param attenuated boolean
----@return self
-function ScrollView:scrollToTopRight (timeInSec,attenuated) end
----* return Whether the user is currently dragging the ScrollView to scroll it
----@return boolean
-function ScrollView:isScrolling () end
----* Scroll inner container to left boundary of scrollview.<br>
----* param timeInSec Time in seconds.<br>
----* param attenuated Whether scroll speed attenuate or not.
----@param timeInSec float
----@param attenuated boolean
----@return self
-function ScrollView:scrollToLeft (timeInSec,attenuated) end
----* Move inner container to both direction percent position of scrollview.<br>
----* param percent A value between 0 and 100.
----@param percent vec2_table
----@return self
-function ScrollView:jumpToPercentBothDirection (percent) end
----* Immediately stops inner container scroll if any.
----@return self
-function ScrollView:stopOverallScroll () end
----* Scroll inner container to vertical percent position of scrollview.<br>
----* param percent A value between 0 and 100.<br>
----* param timeInSec Time in seconds.<br>
----* param attenuated Whether scroll speed attenuate or not.
----@param percent float
----@param timeInSec float
----@param attenuated boolean
----@return self
-function ScrollView:scrollToPercentVertical (percent,timeInSec,attenuated) end
----* brief Set the scroll bar's width<br>
----* param width The scroll bar's width
----@param width float
----@return self
-function ScrollView:setScrollBarWidth (width) end
----* brief Get the scroll bar's opacity<br>
----* return the scroll bar's opacity
----@return unsigned_char
-function ScrollView:getScrollBarOpacity () end
----* Scroll inner container to bottom and right boundary of scrollview.<br>
----* param timeInSec Time in seconds<br>
----* param attenuated Whether scroll speed attenuate or not.
----@param timeInSec float
----@param attenuated boolean
----@return self
-function ScrollView:scrollToBottomRight (timeInSec,attenuated) end
----* brief Set the scroll bar positions from the left-bottom corner (horizontal) and right-top corner (vertical).<br>
----* param positionFromCorner The position from the left-bottom corner (horizontal) and right-top corner (vertical).
----@param positionFromCorner vec2_table
----@return self
-function ScrollView:setScrollBarPositionFromCorner (positionFromCorner) end
----* brief Set the vertical scroll bar position from right-top corner.<br>
----* param positionFromCorner The position from right-top corner
----@param positionFromCorner vec2_table
----@return self
-function ScrollView:setScrollBarPositionFromCornerForVertical (positionFromCorner) end
----* brief Get the scroll bar's auto hide time<br>
----* return the scroll bar's auto hide time
----@return float
-function ScrollView:getScrollBarAutoHideTime () end
----* Move inner container to left boundary of scrollview.
----@return self
-function ScrollView:jumpToLeft () end
----* Scroll inner container to right boundary of scrollview.<br>
----* param timeInSec Time in seconds.<br>
----* param attenuated Whether scroll speed attenuate or not.
----@param timeInSec float
----@param attenuated boolean
----@return self
-function ScrollView:scrollToRight (timeInSec,attenuated) end
----* brief Get the vertical scroll bar's position from right-top corner.<br>
----* return positionFromCorner
----@return vec2_table
-function ScrollView:getScrollBarPositionFromCornerForVertical () end
----* brief Get the scroll bar's width<br>
----* return the scroll bar's width
----@return float
-function ScrollView:getScrollBarWidth () end
----* brief Query scroll bar auto hide state<br>
----* return True if scroll bar auto hide is enabled, false otherwise.
----@return boolean
-function ScrollView:isScrollBarAutoHideEnabled () end
----* Move inner container to bottom and left boundary of scrollview.
----@return self
-function ScrollView:jumpToBottomLeft () end
----* Move inner container to right boundary of scrollview.
----@return self
-function ScrollView:jumpToRight () end
----* Get inner container size of scrollview.<br>
----* Inner container size must be larger than or equal scrollview's size.<br>
----* return The inner container size.
----@return size_table
-function ScrollView:getInnerContainerSize () end
----* Move inner container to horizontal percent position of scrollview.<br>
----* param percent A value between 0 and 100.
----@param percent float
----@return self
-function ScrollView:jumpToPercentHorizontal (percent) end
----* Create an empty ScrollView.<br>
----* return A ScrollView instance.
----@return self
-function ScrollView:create () end
----@return cc.Ref
-function ScrollView:createInstance () end
----@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int):self
----@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node):self
----@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int,string2:int):self
----@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int,string:string):self
----@param child cc.Node
----@param localZOrder int
----@param name string
----@return self
-function ScrollView:addChild (child,localZOrder,name) end
----@return boolean
-function ScrollView:init () end
----@param name string
----@return cc.Node
-function ScrollView:getChildByName (name) end
----* Return the "class name" of widget.
----@return string
-function ScrollView:getDescription () end
----@param dt float
----@return self
-function ScrollView:update (dt) end
----* Get the layout type for scrollview.<br>
----* see `Layout::Type`<br>
----* return LayoutType
----@return int
-function ScrollView:getLayoutType () end
----@param cleanup boolean
----@return self
-function ScrollView:removeAllChildrenWithCleanup (cleanup) end
----@return self
-function ScrollView:removeAllChildren () end
----* When a widget is in a layout, you could call this method to get the next focused widget within a specified direction.<br>
----* If the widget is not in a layout, it will return itself<br>
----* param direction the direction to look for the next focused widget in a layout<br>
----* param current the current focused widget<br>
----* return the next focused widget in a layout
----@param direction int
----@param current ccui.Widget
----@return ccui.Widget
-function ScrollView:findNextFocusedWidget (direction,current) end
----@param child cc.Node
----@param cleanup boolean
----@return self
-function ScrollView:removeChild (child,cleanup) end
----@overload fun():self
----@overload fun():self
----@return array_table
-function ScrollView:getChildren () end
----@param tag int
----@return cc.Node
-function ScrollView:getChildByTag (tag) end
----@return int
-function ScrollView:getChildrenCount () end
----* Set layout type for scrollview.<br>
----* see `Layout::Type`<br>
----* param type Layout type enum.
----@param type int
----@return self
-function ScrollView:setLayoutType (type) end
----* Default constructor<br>
----* js ctor<br>
----* lua new
----@return self
-function ScrollView:ScrollView () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/Slider.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/Slider.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index cc9c92ff..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/Slider.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
----@class ccui.Slider :ccui.Widget
-local Slider={ }
----* Changes the progress direction of slider.<br>
----* param percent Percent value from 1 to 100.
----@param percent int
----@return self
-function Slider:setPercent (percent) end
----* Query the maximum percent of Slider. The default value is 100.<br>
----* since v3.7<br>
----* return The maximum percent of the Slider.
----@return int
-function Slider:getMaxPercent () end
----* Load normal state texture for slider ball.<br>
----* param normal Normal state texture.<br>
----* param resType @see TextureResType .
----@param normal string
----@param resType int
----@return self
-function Slider:loadSlidBallTextureNormal (normal,resType) end
----* Load dark state texture for slider progress bar.<br>
----* param fileName File path of texture.<br>
----* param resType @see TextureResType .
----@param fileName string
----@param resType int
----@return self
-function Slider:loadProgressBarTexture (fileName,resType) end
----@return cc.ResourceData
-function Slider:getBallNormalFile () end
----@return cc.Sprite
-function Slider:getSlidBallDisabledRenderer () end
----* Sets if slider is using scale9 renderer.<br>
----* param able True that using scale9 renderer, false otherwise.
----@param able boolean
----@return self
-function Slider:setScale9Enabled (able) end
----@return cc.ResourceData
-function Slider:getBallPressedFile () end
----* brief Return a zoom scale<br>
----* since v3.3
----@return float
-function Slider:getZoomScale () end
----* Sets capinsets for progress bar slider, if slider is using scale9 renderer.<br>
----* param capInsets Capinsets for progress bar slider.<br>
----* js NA
----@param capInsets rect_table
----@return self
-function Slider:setCapInsetProgressBarRenderer (capInsets) end
----* Load textures for slider ball.<br>
----* param normal Normal state texture.<br>
----* param pressed Pressed state texture.<br>
----* param disabled Disabled state texture.<br>
----* param texType @see TextureResType .
----@param normal string
----@param pressed string
----@param disabled string
----@param texType int
----@return self
-function Slider:loadSlidBallTextures (normal,pressed,disabled,texType) end
----@return cc.Node
-function Slider:getSlidBallRenderer () end
----* Add call back function called when slider's percent has changed to slider.<br>
----* param callback An given call back function called when slider's percent has changed to slider.
----@param callback function
----@return self
-function Slider:addEventListener (callback) end
----* Set a large value could give more control to the precision.<br>
----* since v3.7<br>
----* param percent The max percent of Slider.
----@param percent int
----@return self
-function Slider:setMaxPercent (percent) end
----* Load texture for slider bar.<br>
----* param fileName File name of texture.<br>
----* param resType @see TextureResType .
----@param fileName string
----@param resType int
----@return self
-function Slider:loadBarTexture (fileName,resType) end
----@return cc.ResourceData
-function Slider:getProgressBarFile () end
----* Gets capinsets for bar slider, if slider is using scale9 renderer.<br>
----* return capInsets Capinsets for bar slider.
----@return rect_table
-function Slider:getCapInsetsBarRenderer () end
----* Updates the visual elements of the slider.
----@return self
-function Slider:updateVisualSlider () end
----* Gets capinsets for progress bar slider, if slider is using scale9 renderer.<br>
----* return Capinsets for progress bar slider.<br>
----* js NA
----@return rect_table
-function Slider:getCapInsetsProgressBarRenderer () end
----@return cc.Sprite
-function Slider:getSlidBallPressedRenderer () end
----* Load pressed state texture for slider ball.<br>
----* param pressed Pressed state texture.<br>
----* param resType @see TextureResType .
----@param pressed string
----@param resType int
----@return self
-function Slider:loadSlidBallTexturePressed (pressed,resType) end
----@return cc.ResourceData
-function Slider:getBackFile () end
----* Gets If slider is using scale9 renderer.<br>
----* return True that using scale9 renderer, false otherwise.
----@return boolean
-function Slider:isScale9Enabled () end
----@return cc.ResourceData
-function Slider:getBallDisabledFile () end
----* Sets capinsets for bar slider, if slider is using scale9 renderer.<br>
----* param capInsets Capinsets for bar slider.
----@param capInsets rect_table
----@return self
-function Slider:setCapInsetsBarRenderer (capInsets) end
----* Gets the progress direction of slider.<br>
----* return percent Percent value from 1 to 100.
----@return int
-function Slider:getPercent () end
----* Sets capinsets for slider, if slider is using scale9 renderer.<br>
----* param capInsets Capinsets for slider.
----@param capInsets rect_table
----@return self
-function Slider:setCapInsets (capInsets) end
----* Load disabled state texture for slider ball.<br>
----* param disabled Disabled state texture.<br>
----* param resType @see TextureResType .
----@param disabled string
----@param resType int
----@return self
-function Slider:loadSlidBallTextureDisabled (disabled,resType) end
----@return cc.Sprite
-function Slider:getSlidBallNormalRenderer () end
----* When user pressed the button, the button will zoom to a scale.<br>
----* The final scale of the button equals (button original scale + _zoomScale)<br>
----* since v3.3
----@param scale float
----@return self
-function Slider:setZoomScale (scale) end
----@overload fun(string:string,string:string,int:int):self
----@overload fun():self
----@param barTextureName string
----@param normalBallTextureName string
----@param resType int
----@return self
-function Slider:create (barTextureName,normalBallTextureName,resType) end
----@return cc.Ref
-function Slider:createInstance () end
----@return cc.Node
-function Slider:getVirtualRenderer () end
----@param ignore boolean
----@return self
-function Slider:ignoreContentAdaptWithSize (ignore) end
----* Returns the "class name" of widget.
----@return string
-function Slider:getDescription () end
----@param pt vec2_table
----@param camera cc.Camera
----@param p vec3_table
----@return boolean
-function Slider:hitTest (pt,camera,p) end
----@return boolean
-function Slider:init () end
----@return size_table
-function Slider:getVirtualRendererSize () end
----* Default constructor.<br>
----* js ctor<br>
----* lua new
----@return self
-function Slider:Slider () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/TabControl.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/TabControl.lua
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index 98cb14ab..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/TabControl.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
----@class ccui.TabControl :ccui.Widget
-local TabControl={ }
----* set header width, affect all tab<br>
----* param headerWidth each tab header's width
----@param headerWidth float
----@return self
-function TabControl:setHeaderWidth (headerWidth) end
----* remove the tab from this TabControl<br>
----* param index The index of tab
----@param index int
----@return self
-function TabControl:removeTab (index) end
----* get the count of tabs in this TabControl<br>
----* return the count of tabs
----@return unsigned_int
-function TabControl:getTabCount () end
----@return int
-function TabControl:getHeaderDockPlace () end
----* get current selected tab's index<br>
----* return the current selected tab index
----@return int
-function TabControl:getSelectedTabIndex () end
----* insert tab, and init the position of header and container<br>
----* param index The index tab should be<br>
----* param header The header Button, will be a protected child in TabControl<br>
----* param container The container, will be a protected child in TabControl
----@param index int
----@param header ccui.TabHeader
----@param container ccui.Layout
----@return self
-function TabControl:insertTab (index,header,container) end
----* ignore the textures' size in header, scale them with _headerWidth and _headerHeight<br>
----* param ignore is `true`, the header's texture scale with _headerWidth and _headerHeight<br>
----* ignore is `false`, use the texture's size, do not scale them
----@param ignore boolean
----@return self
-function TabControl:ignoreHeadersTextureSize (ignore) end
----* get tab header's width<br>
----* return header's width
----@return float
-function TabControl:getHeaderWidth () end
----* the header dock place of header in TabControl<br>
----* param dockPlace The strip place
----@param dockPlace int
----@return self
-function TabControl:setHeaderDockPlace (dockPlace) end
----@overload fun(int0:ccui.TabHeader):self
----@overload fun(int:int):self
----@param index int
----@return self
-function TabControl:setSelectTab (index) end
----* get TabHeader<br>
----* param index The index of tab
----@param index int
----@return ccui.TabHeader
-function TabControl:getTabHeader (index) end
----* get whether ignore the textures' size in header, scale them with _headerWidth and _headerHeight<br>
----* return whether ignore the textures' size in header
----@return boolean
-function TabControl:isIgnoreHeadersTextureSize () end
----* Add a callback function which would be called when selected tab changed<br>
----* param callback A std::function with type @see `ccTabControlCallback`
----@param callback function
----@return self
-function TabControl:setTabChangedEventListener (callback) end
----* set the delta zoom of selected tab<br>
----* param zoom The delta zoom
----@param zoom float
----@return self
-function TabControl:setHeaderSelectedZoom (zoom) end
----* set header height, affect all tab<br>
----* param headerHeight each tab header's height
----@param headerHeight float
----@return self
-function TabControl:setHeaderHeight (headerHeight) end
----* get the index of tabCell in TabView, return -1 if not exists in.<br>
----* return the index of tabCell in TabView, `-1` means not exists in.
----@param tabCell ccui.TabHeader
----@return int
-function TabControl:indexOfTabHeader (tabCell) end
----* get Container<br>
----* param index The index of tab
----@param index int
----@return ccui.Layout
-function TabControl:getTabContainer (index) end
----* get the delta zoom of selected tab<br>
----* return zoom, the delta zoom
----@return float
-function TabControl:getHeaderSelectedZoom () end
----* get tab header's height<br>
----* return header's height
----@return int
-function TabControl:getHeaderHeight () end
----@return self
-function TabControl:create () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/TabHeader.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/TabHeader.lua
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index 9377970b..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/TabHeader.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
----@class ccui.TabHeader :ccui.AbstractCheckButton
-local TabHeader={ }
----* get the index this header in the TabControl<br>
----* return -1 means not in any TabControl
----@return int
-function TabHeader:getIndexInTabControl () end
----* get the TabHeader text<br>
----* return he TabHeader text
----@return string
-function TabHeader:getTitleText () end
----* Change the font size of TabHeader text<br>
----* param size TabHeader text's font size in float.
----@param size float
----@return self
-function TabHeader:setTitleFontSize (size) end
----* Change the font name of TabHeader text<br>
----* param fontName a font name string.
----@param fontName string
----@return self
-function TabHeader:setTitleFontName (fontName) end
----* get the font size of TabHeader text<br>
----* return TabHeader text's font size in float.
----@return float
-function TabHeader:getTitleFontSize () end
----* get the font name of TabHeader text<br>
----* return font name in std::string
----@return string
-function TabHeader:getTitleFontName () end
----* get the TabHeader text color.<br>
----* return Color4B of TabHeader text.
----@return color4b_table
-function TabHeader:getTitleColor () end
----* Return the inner Label renderer of TabHeader.<br>
----* return The TabHeader Label.
----@return cc.Label
-function TabHeader:getTitleRenderer () end
----* Change the content of Header's text.<br>
----* param text The Header's text.
----@param text string
----@return self
-function TabHeader:setTitleText (text) end
----* Change the color of he TabHeader text<br>
----* param color The he TabHeader text's color in Color4B.
----@param color color4b_table
----@return self
-function TabHeader:setTitleColor (color) end
----@overload fun(string:string,string:string,string:string,string3:int):self
----@overload fun():self
----@overload fun(string:string,string:string,string:string,string:string,string:string,string:string,int:int):self
----@param titleStr string
----@param backGround string
----@param backGroundSelected string
----@param cross string
----@param backGroundDisabled string
----@param frontCrossDisabled string
----@param texType int
----@return self
-function TabHeader:create (titleStr,backGround,backGroundSelected,cross,backGroundDisabled,frontCrossDisabled,texType) end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/Text.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/Text.lua
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index a82addf3..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/Text.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
----@class ccui.Text :ccui.Widget@all parent class: Widget,BlendProtocol
-local Text={ }
----* Enable shadow for the label.<br>
----* todo support blur for shadow effect<br>
----* param shadowColor The color of shadow effect.<br>
----* param offset The offset of shadow effect.<br>
----* param blurRadius The blur radius of shadow effect.
----@return self
-function Text:enableShadow () end
----* Gets the font size of label.<br>
----* return The font size.
----@return float
-function Text:getFontSize () end
----* Gets the string value of label.<br>
----* return String value.
----@return string
-function Text:getString () end
----@overload fun(int:int):self
----@overload fun():self
----@param effect int
----@return self
-function Text:disableEffect (effect) end
----* Return current effect type.
----@return int
-function Text:getLabelEffectType () end
----* Gets text color.<br>
----* return Text color.
----@return color4b_table
-function Text:getTextColor () end
----* Returns the blending function that is currently being used.<br>
----* return A BlendFunc structure with source and destination factor which specified pixel arithmetic.<br>
----* js NA<br>
----* lua NA
----@return cc.BlendFunc
-function Text:getBlendFunc () end
----* Sets text vertical alignment.<br>
----* param alignment vertical text alignment type
----@param alignment int
----@return self
-function Text:setTextVerticalAlignment (alignment) end
----* Sets the font name of label.<br>
----* If you are trying to use a system font, you could just pass a font name<br>
----* If you are trying to use a TTF, you should pass a file path to the TTF file<br>
----* Usage:<br>
----* code<br>
----* create a system font UIText<br>
----* Text *text = Text::create("Hello", "Arial", 20);<br>
----* it will change the font to system font no matter the previous font type is TTF or system font<br>
----* text->setFontName("Marfelt");<br>
----* it will change the font to TTF font no matter the previous font type is TTF or system font<br>
----* text->setFontName("xxxx/xxx.ttf");<br>
----* endcode<br>
----* param name Font name.
----@param name string
----@return self
-function Text:setFontName (name) end
----* Sets the touch scale enabled of label.<br>
----* param enabled Touch scale enabled of label.
----@param enabled boolean
----@return self
-function Text:setTouchScaleChangeEnabled (enabled) end
----* Return shadow effect offset value.
----@return size_table
-function Text:getShadowOffset () end
----* Changes the string value of label.<br>
----* param text String value.
----@param text string
----@return self
-function Text:setString (text) end
----* Return the outline effect size value.
----@return int
-function Text:getOutlineSize () end
----@param textContent string
----@param fontName string
----@param fontSize float
----@return boolean
-function Text:init (textContent,fontName,fontSize) end
----* Return the shadow effect blur radius.
----@return float
-function Text:getShadowBlurRadius () end
----* Gets the touch scale enabled of label.<br>
----* return Touch scale enabled of label.
----@return boolean
-function Text:isTouchScaleChangeEnabled () end
----* Gets the font name.<br>
----* return Font name.
----@return string
-function Text:getFontName () end
----* Sets the rendering size of the text, you should call this method<br>
----* along with calling `ignoreContentAdaptWithSize(false)`, otherwise the text area<br>
----* size is calculated by the real size of the text content.<br>
----* param size The text rendering area size.
----@param size size_table
----@return self
-function Text:setTextAreaSize (size) end
----* Gets the string length of the label.<br>
----* Note: This length will be larger than the raw string length,<br>
----* if you want to get the raw string length,<br>
----* you should call this->getString().size() instead.<br>
----* return String length.
----@return int
-function Text:getStringLength () end
----* Gets the render size in auto mode.<br>
----* return The size of render size in auto mode.
----@return size_table
-function Text:getAutoRenderSize () end
----* Enable outline for the label.<br>
----* It only works on IOS and Android when you use System fonts.<br>
----* param outlineColor The color of outline.<br>
----* param outlineSize The size of outline.
----@param outlineColor color4b_table
----@param outlineSize int
----@return self
-function Text:enableOutline (outlineColor,outlineSize) end
----* Return current effect color value.
----@return color4b_table
-function Text:getEffectColor () end
----* Gets the font type.<br>
----* return The font type.
----@return int
-function Text:getType () end
----* Gets text horizontal alignment.<br>
----* return Horizontal text alignment type
----@return int
-function Text:getTextHorizontalAlignment () end
----* Return whether the shadow effect is enabled.
----@return boolean
-function Text:isShadowEnabled () end
----* Sets the font size of label.<br>
----* param size The font size.
----@param size float
----@return self
-function Text:setFontSize (size) end
----* Return the shadow effect color value.
----@return color4b_table
-function Text:getShadowColor () end
----* Sets text color.<br>
----* param color Text color.
----@param color color4b_table
----@return self
-function Text:setTextColor (color) end
----* Only support for TTF.<br>
----* param glowColor The color of glow.
----@param glowColor color4b_table
----@return self
-function Text:enableGlow (glowColor) end
----* Provides a way to treat each character like a Sprite.<br>
----* warning No support system font.
----@param lettetIndex int
----@return cc.Sprite
-function Text:getLetter (lettetIndex) end
----* Sets the source blending function.<br>
----* param blendFunc A structure with source and destination factor to specify pixel arithmetic. e.g. {BlendFactor::ONE, BlendFactor::ONE}, {BlendFactor::SRC_ALPHA, BlendFactor::ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA}.<br>
----* js NA<br>
----* lua NA
----@param blendFunc cc.BlendFunc
----@return self
-function Text:setBlendFunc (blendFunc) end
----* Gets text vertical alignment.<br>
----* return Vertical text alignment type
----@return int
-function Text:getTextVerticalAlignment () end
----* Return the text rendering area size.<br>
----* return The text rendering area size.
----@return size_table
-function Text:getTextAreaSize () end
----* Sets text horizontal alignment.<br>
----* param alignment Horizontal text alignment type
----@param alignment int
----@return self
-function Text:setTextHorizontalAlignment (alignment) end
----@overload fun(string:string,string:string,float:float):self
----@overload fun():self
----@param textContent string
----@param fontName string
----@param fontSize float
----@return self
-function Text:create (textContent,fontName,fontSize) end
----@return cc.Ref
-function Text:createInstance () end
----@return cc.Node
-function Text:getVirtualRenderer () end
----@return boolean
-function Text:init () end
----* Returns the "class name" of widget.
----@return string
-function Text:getDescription () end
----@return size_table
-function Text:getVirtualRendererSize () end
----* Default constructor.<br>
----* js ctor<br>
----* lua new
----@return self
-function Text:Text () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/TextAtlas.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/TextAtlas.lua
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index 9f9170ba..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/TextAtlas.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
----@class ccui.TextAtlas :ccui.Widget
-local TextAtlas={ }
----* Gets the string length of the label.<br>
----* Note: This length will be larger than the raw string length,<br>
----* if you want to get the raw string length, you should call this->getString().size() instead<br>
----* return string length.
----@return int
-function TextAtlas:getStringLength () end
----* Get string value for labelatlas.<br>
----* return The string value of TextAtlas.
----@return string
-function TextAtlas:getString () end
----* Set string value for labelatlas.<br>
----* param value A given string needs to be displayed.
----@param value string
----@return self
-function TextAtlas:setString (value) end
----@return cc.ResourceData
-function TextAtlas:getRenderFile () end
----* Initializes the LabelAtlas with a string, a char map file(the atlas), the width and height of each element and the starting char of the atlas.<br>
----* param stringValue A given string needs to be displayed.<br>
----* param charMapFile A given char map file name.<br>
----* param itemWidth The element width.<br>
----* param itemHeight The element height.<br>
----* param startCharMap The starting char of the atlas.
----@param stringValue string
----@param charMapFile string
----@param itemWidth int
----@param itemHeight int
----@param startCharMap string
----@return self
-function TextAtlas:setProperty (stringValue,charMapFile,itemWidth,itemHeight,startCharMap) end
----* js NA
----@return self
-function TextAtlas:adaptRenderers () end
----@overload fun(string:string,string:string,int:int,int:int,string:string):self
----@overload fun():self
----@param stringValue string
----@param charMapFile string
----@param itemWidth int
----@param itemHeight int
----@param startCharMap string
----@return self
-function TextAtlas:create (stringValue,charMapFile,itemWidth,itemHeight,startCharMap) end
----@return cc.Ref
-function TextAtlas:createInstance () end
----@return cc.Node
-function TextAtlas:getVirtualRenderer () end
----* Returns the "class name" of widget.
----@return string
-function TextAtlas:getDescription () end
----@return size_table
-function TextAtlas:getVirtualRendererSize () end
----* Default constructor.<br>
----* lua new
----@return self
-function TextAtlas:TextAtlas () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/TextBMFont.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/TextBMFont.lua
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index 8f535439..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/TextBMFont.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
----@class ccui.TextBMFont :ccui.Widget
-local TextBMFont={ }
----* Gets the string length of the label.<br>
----* Note: This length will be larger than the raw string length,<br>
----* if you want to get the raw string length, you should call this->getString().size() instead<br>
----* return string length.
----@return int
-function TextBMFont:getStringLength () end
----* get string value for labelbmfont
----@return string
-function TextBMFont:getString () end
----* set string value for labelbmfont
----@param value string
----@return self
-function TextBMFont:setString (value) end
----@return cc.ResourceData
-function TextBMFont:getRenderFile () end
----* init a bitmap font atlas with an initial string and the FNT file
----@param fileName string
----@return self
-function TextBMFont:setFntFile (fileName) end
----* reset TextBMFont inner label
----@return self
-function TextBMFont:resetRender () end
----@overload fun(string:string,string:string):self
----@overload fun():self
----@param text string
----@param filename string
----@return self
-function TextBMFont:create (text,filename) end
----@return cc.Ref
-function TextBMFont:createInstance () end
----@return cc.Node
-function TextBMFont:getVirtualRenderer () end
----* Returns the "class name" of widget.
----@return string
-function TextBMFont:getDescription () end
----@return size_table
-function TextBMFont:getVirtualRendererSize () end
----* Default constructor<br>
----* js ctor<br>
----* lua new
----@return self
-function TextBMFont:TextBMFont () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/TextField.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/TextField.lua
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index 8b1c2f61..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/TextField.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
----@class ccui.TextField :ccui.Widget
-local TextField={ }
----* brief Toggle attach with IME.<br>
----* param attach True if attach with IME, false otherwise.
----@param attach boolean
----@return self
-function TextField:setAttachWithIME (attach) end
----* brief Query the font size.<br>
----* return The integer font size.
----@return int
-function TextField:getFontSize () end
----* Query the content of TextField.<br>
----* return The string value of TextField.
----@return string
-function TextField:getString () end
----* brief Change password style text.<br>
----* param styleText The styleText for password mask, the default value is "*".
----@param styleText char
----@return self
-function TextField:setPasswordStyleText (styleText) end
----* brief Whether it is ready to delete backward in TextField.<br>
----* return True is the delete backward is enabled, false otherwise.
----@return boolean
-function TextField:getDeleteBackward () end
----* brief Query the text string color.<br>
----* return The color of the text.
----@return color4b_table
-function TextField:getTextColor () end
----* brief Get the placeholder of TextField.<br>
----* return A placeholder string.
----@return string
-function TextField:getPlaceHolder () end
----* brief Query whether the IME is attached or not.<br>
----* return True if IME is attached, false otherwise.
----@return boolean
-function TextField:getAttachWithIME () end
----* brief Change the font name of TextField.<br>
----* param name The font name string.
----@param name string
----@return self
-function TextField:setFontName (name) end
----* brief Whether it is ready to get the inserted text or not.<br>
----* return True if the insert text is ready, false otherwise.
----@return boolean
-function TextField:getInsertText () end
----* brief Toggle enable insert text mode<br>
----* param insertText True if enable insert text, false otherwise.
----@param insertText boolean
----@return self
-function TextField:setInsertText (insertText) end
----* Change content of TextField.<br>
----* param text A string content.
----@param text string
----@return self
-function TextField:setString (text) end
----* brief Query whether IME is detached or not.<br>
----* return True if IME is detached, false otherwise.
----@return boolean
-function TextField:getDetachWithIME () end
----* brief Change the vertical text alignment.<br>
----* param alignment A alignment arguments in @see `TextVAlignment`.
----@param alignment int
----@return self
-function TextField:setTextVerticalAlignment (alignment) end
----* Add a event listener to TextField, when some predefined event happens, the callback will be called.<br>
----* param callback A callback function with type of `ccTextFieldCallback`.
----@param callback function
----@return self
-function TextField:addEventListener (callback) end
----* brief Detach the IME.
----@return self
-function TextField:didNotSelectSelf () end
----* brief Query the TextField's font name.<br>
----* return The font name string.
----@return string
-function TextField:getFontName () end
----* brief Change the text area size.<br>
----* param size A delimitation zone.
----@param size size_table
----@return self
-function TextField:setTextAreaSize (size) end
----* brief Attach the IME for inputing.
----@return self
-function TextField:attachWithIME () end
----* brief Query the input string length.<br>
----* return A integer length value.
----@return int
-function TextField:getStringLength () end
----* brief Get the renderer size in auto mode.<br>
----* return A delimitation zone.
----@return size_table
-function TextField:getAutoRenderSize () end
----* brief Toggle enable password input mode.<br>
----* param enable True if enable password input mode, false otherwise.
----@param enable boolean
----@return self
-function TextField:setPasswordEnabled (enable) end
----* brief Query the placeholder string color.<br>
----* return The color of placeholder.
----@return color4b_table
-function TextField:getPlaceHolderColor () end
----* brief Query the password style text.<br>
----* return A password style text.
----@return char
-function TextField:getPasswordStyleText () end
----* brief Toggle maximize length enable<br>
----* param enable True if enable maximize length, false otherwise.
----@param enable boolean
----@return self
-function TextField:setMaxLengthEnabled (enable) end
----* brief Query whether password is enabled or not.<br>
----* return True if password is enabled, false otherwise.
----@return boolean
-function TextField:isPasswordEnabled () end
----* brief Toggle enable delete backward mode.<br>
----* param deleteBackward True is delete backward is enabled, false otherwise.
----@param deleteBackward boolean
----@return self
-function TextField:setDeleteBackward (deleteBackward) end
----* Set cursor position, if enabled<br>
----* js NA
----@param cursorPosition unsigned_int
----@return self
-function TextField:setCursorPosition (cursorPosition) end
----* brief Inquire the horizontal alignment<br>
----* return The horizontal alignment
----@return int
-function TextField:getTextHorizontalAlignment () end
----* brief Change font size of TextField.<br>
----* param size The integer font size.
----@param size int
----@return self
-function TextField:setFontSize (size) end
----* brief Set placeholder of TextField.<br>
----* param value The string value of placeholder.
----@param value string
----@return self
-function TextField:setPlaceHolder (value) end
----* Set cursor position to hit letter, if enabled<br>
----* js NA
----@param point vec2_table
----@param camera cc.Camera
----@return self
-function TextField:setCursorFromPoint (point,camera) end
----@overload fun(color3b_table0:color4b_table):self
----@overload fun(color3b_table:color3b_table):self
----@param color color3b_table
----@return self
-function TextField:setPlaceHolderColor (color) end
----* brief Change horizontal text alignment.<br>
----* param alignment A alignment arguments in @see `TextHAlignment`.
----@param alignment int
----@return self
-function TextField:setTextHorizontalAlignment (alignment) end
----* brief Change the text color.<br>
----* param textColor The color value in `Color4B`.
----@param textColor color4b_table
----@return self
-function TextField:setTextColor (textColor) end
----* Set char showing cursor.<br>
----* js NA
----@param cursor char
----@return self
-function TextField:setCursorChar (cursor) end
----* brief Query maximize input length of TextField.<br>
----* return The integer value of maximize input length.
----@return int
-function TextField:getMaxLength () end
----* brief Query whether max length is enabled or not.<br>
----* return True if maximize length is enabled, false otherwise.
----@return boolean
-function TextField:isMaxLengthEnabled () end
----* brief Toggle detach with IME.<br>
----* param detach True if detach with IME, false otherwise.
----@param detach boolean
----@return self
-function TextField:setDetachWithIME (detach) end
----* brief Inquire the horizontal alignment<br>
----* return The horizontal alignment
----@return int
-function TextField:getTextVerticalAlignment () end
----* brief Toggle enable touch area.<br>
----* param enable True if enable touch area, false otherwise.
----@param enable boolean
----@return self
-function TextField:setTouchAreaEnabled (enable) end
----* brief Change maximize input length limitation.<br>
----* param length A character count in integer.
----@param length int
----@return self
-function TextField:setMaxLength (length) end
----* Set enable cursor use.<br>
----* js NA
----@param enabled boolean
----@return self
-function TextField:setCursorEnabled (enabled) end
----* brief Set the touch size<br>
----* The touch size is used for @see `hitTest`.<br>
----* param size A delimitation zone.
----@param size size_table
----@return self
-function TextField:setTouchSize (size) end
----* brief Get current touch size of TextField.<br>
----* return The TextField's touch size.
----@return size_table
-function TextField:getTouchSize () end
----@overload fun(string:string,string:string,int:int):self
----@overload fun():self
----@param placeholder string
----@param fontName string
----@param fontSize int
----@return self
-function TextField:create (placeholder,fontName,fontSize) end
----@return cc.Ref
-function TextField:createInstance () end
----@return cc.Node
-function TextField:getVirtualRenderer () end
----* Returns the "class name" of widget.
----@return string
-function TextField:getDescription () end
----@param dt float
----@return self
-function TextField:update (dt) end
----@param pt vec2_table
----@param camera cc.Camera
----@param p vec3_table
----@return boolean
-function TextField:hitTest (pt,camera,p) end
----@return boolean
-function TextField:init () end
----@return size_table
-function TextField:getVirtualRendererSize () end
----* brief Default constructor.
----@return self
-function TextField:TextField () end \ No newline at end of file
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index 8fbea878..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/VBox.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
----@class ccui.VBox :ccui.Layout
-local VBox={ }
----@param size size_table
----@return boolean
-function VBox:initWithSize (size) end
----@overload fun(size_table:size_table):self
----@overload fun():self
----@param size size_table
----@return self
-function VBox:create (size) end
----@return boolean
-function VBox:init () end
----* Default constructor<br>
----* js ctor<br>
----* lua new
----@return self
-function VBox:VBox () end \ No newline at end of file
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index c976116f..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/VideoPlayer.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
----@class ccui.VideoPlayer :ccui.Widget
-local VideoPlayer={ }
----* brief Get the local video file name.<br>
----* return The video file name.
----@return string
-function VideoPlayer:getFileName () end
----* brief Get the URL of remoting video source.<br>
----* return A remoting URL address.
----@return string
-function VideoPlayer:getURL () end
----* Starts playback.
----@return self
-function VideoPlayer:play () end
----* Checks whether the VideoPlayer is set to listen user input to resume and pause the video<br>
----* return true if the videoplayer user input is set, false otherwise.
----@return boolean
-function VideoPlayer:isUserInputEnabled () end
----* Causes the video player to keep aspect ratio or no when displaying the video.<br>
----* param enable Specify true to keep aspect ratio or false to scale the video until <br>
----* both dimensions fit the visible bounds of the view exactly.
----@param enable boolean
----@return self
-function VideoPlayer:setKeepAspectRatioEnabled (enable) end
----* Stops playback.
----@return self
-function VideoPlayer:stop () end
----* Causes the video player to enter or exit full-screen mode.<br>
----* param fullscreen Specify true to enter full-screen mode or false to exit full-screen mode.
----@param fullscreen boolean
----@return self
-function VideoPlayer:setFullScreenEnabled (fullscreen) end
----* Sets a file path as a video source for VideoPlayer.
----@param videoPath string
----@return self
-function VideoPlayer:setFileName (videoPath) end
----* Sets a URL as a video source for VideoPlayer.
----@param _videoURL string
----@return self
-function VideoPlayer:setURL (_videoURL) end
----* Set the style of the player<br>
----* param style The corresponding style
----@param style int
----@return self
-function VideoPlayer:setStyle (style) end
----* Seeks to specified time position.<br>
----* param sec The offset in seconds from the start to seek to.
----@param sec float
----@return self
-function VideoPlayer:seekTo (sec) end
----* Indicates whether the video player keep aspect ratio when displaying the video.
----@return boolean
-function VideoPlayer:isKeepAspectRatioEnabled () end
----* brief A function which will be called when video is playing.<br>
----* param event @see VideoPlayer::EventType.
----@param event int
----@return self
-function VideoPlayer:onPlayEvent (event) end
----* Indicates whether the video player is in full-screen mode.<br>
----* return True if the video player is in full-screen mode, false otherwise.
----@return boolean
-function VideoPlayer:isFullScreenEnabled () end
----* Checks whether the VideoPlayer is set with looping mode.<br>
----* return true if the videoplayer is set to loop, false otherwise.
----@return boolean
-function VideoPlayer:isLooping () end
----* Checks whether the VideoPlayer is playing.<br>
----* return True if currently playing, false otherwise.
----@return boolean
-function VideoPlayer:isPlaying () end
----* brief Set if playback is done in loop mode<br>
----* param looping the video will or not automatically restart at the end
----@param looping boolean
----@return self
-function VideoPlayer:setLooping (looping) end
----* Set if the player will enable user input for basic pause and resume of video<br>
----* param enableInput If true, input will be handled for basic functionality (pause/resume)
----@param enableInput boolean
----@return self
-function VideoPlayer:setUserInputEnabled (enableInput) end
----@return self
-function VideoPlayer:create () end
----@param renderer cc.Renderer
----@param transform mat4_table
----@param flags unsigned_int
----@return self
-function VideoPlayer:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end
----* Pauses playback.
----@return self
-function VideoPlayer:pause () end
----@return self
-function VideoPlayer:onEnter () end
----@return self
-function VideoPlayer:onExit () end
----* Resumes playback.
----@return self
-function VideoPlayer:resume () end
----@param visible boolean
----@return self
-function VideoPlayer:setVisible (visible) end
----@return self
-function VideoPlayer:VideoPlayer () end \ No newline at end of file
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index b89cfbd1..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/WebView.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
----@class ccui.WebView :ccui.Widget
-local WebView={ }
----* SetOpacity of webview.
----@param opacity float
----@return self
-function WebView:setOpacityWebView (opacity) end
----* Gets whether this WebView has a back history item.<br>
----* return WebView has a back history item.
----@return boolean
-function WebView:canGoBack () end
----* Sets the main page content and base URL.<br>
----* param string The content for the main page.<br>
----* param baseURL The base URL for the content.
----@param string string
----@param baseURL string
----@return self
-function WebView:loadHTMLString (string,baseURL) end
----* Goes forward in the history.
----@return self
-function WebView:goForward () end
----* Goes back in the history.
----@return self
-function WebView:goBack () end
----* Set WebView should support zooming. The default value is false.
----@param scalesPageToFit boolean
----@return self
-function WebView:setScalesPageToFit (scalesPageToFit) end
----* Loads the given fileName.<br>
----* param fileName Content fileName.
----@param fileName string
----@return self
-function WebView:loadFile (fileName) end
----@overload fun(string:string,boolean:boolean):self
----@overload fun(string:string):self
----@param url string
----@param cleanCachedData boolean
----@return self
-function WebView:loadURL (url,cleanCachedData) end
----* Set whether the webview bounces at end of scroll of WebView.
----@param bounce boolean
----@return self
-function WebView:setBounces (bounce) end
----* Evaluates JavaScript in the context of the currently displayed page.
----@param js string
----@return self
-function WebView:evaluateJS (js) end
----* set the background transparent
----@return self
-function WebView:setBackgroundTransparent () end
----* Get the Javascript callback.
----@return function
-function WebView:getOnJSCallback () end
----* Gets whether this WebView has a forward history item.<br>
----* return WebView has a forward history item.
----@return boolean
-function WebView:canGoForward () end
----* Stops the current load.
----@return self
-function WebView:stopLoading () end
----* getOpacity of webview.
----@return float
-function WebView:getOpacityWebView () end
----* Reloads the current URL.
----@return self
-function WebView:reload () end
----* Set javascript interface scheme.<br>
----* see WebView::setOnJSCallback()
----@param scheme string
----@return self
-function WebView:setJavascriptInterfaceScheme (scheme) end
----* Allocates and initializes a WebView.
----@return self
-function WebView:create () end
----@return self
-function WebView:onEnter () end
----* Toggle visibility of WebView.
----@param visible boolean
----@return self
-function WebView:setVisible (visible) end
----@return self
-function WebView:onExit () end
----* Default constructor.
----@return self
-function WebView:WebView () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/Widget.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/Widget.lua
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index 44c79f9b..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/Widget.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,399 +0,0 @@
----@class ccui.Widget :cc.ProtectedNode@all parent class: ProtectedNode,LayoutParameterProtocol
-local Widget={ }
----* Toggle layout component enable.<br>
----* param enable Layout Component of a widget
----@param enable boolean
----@return self
-function Widget:setLayoutComponentEnabled (enable) end
----* Changes the percent that is widget's percent size<br>
----* param percent that is widget's percent size
----@param percent vec2_table
----@return self
-function Widget:setSizePercent (percent) end
----* Get the user defined widget size.<br>
----* return User defined size.
----@return size_table
-function Widget:getCustomSize () end
----* Gets the left boundary position of this widget in parent's coordination system.<br>
----* return The left boundary position of this widget.
----@return float
-function Widget:getLeftBoundary () end
----* Sets whether the widget should be flipped horizontally or not.<br>
----* param flippedX true if the widget should be flipped horizontally, false otherwise.
----@param flippedX boolean
----@return self
-function Widget:setFlippedX (flippedX) end
----* Set callback name.<br>
----* param callbackName A string representation of callback name.
----@param callbackName string
----@return self
-function Widget:setCallbackName (callbackName) end
----* Gets the inner Renderer node of widget.<br>
----* For example, a button's Virtual Renderer is it's texture renderer.<br>
----* return Node pointer.
----@return cc.Node
-function Widget:getVirtualRenderer () end
----* brief Allow widget touch events to propagate to its parents. Set false will disable propagation<br>
----* param isPropagate True to allow propagation, false otherwise.<br>
----* since v3.3
----@param isPropagate boolean
----@return self
-function Widget:setPropagateTouchEvents (isPropagate) end
----* Query whether unify size enable state. <br>
----* return true represent the widget use Unify Size, false represent the widget couldn't use Unify Size
----@return boolean
-function Widget:isUnifySizeEnabled () end
----* Get size percent of widget.<br>
----* return Percent size.
----@return vec2_table
-function Widget:getSizePercent () end
----* Set the percent(x,y) of the widget in OpenGL coordinates<br>
----* param percent The percent (x,y) of the widget in OpenGL coordinates
----@param percent vec2_table
----@return self
-function Widget:setPositionPercent (percent) end
----* Toggle widget swallow touch option.<br>
----* brief Specify widget to swallow touches or not<br>
----* param swallow True to swallow touch, false otherwise.<br>
----* since v3.3
----@param swallow boolean
----@return self
-function Widget:setSwallowTouches (swallow) end
----* Get the content size of widget.<br>
----* warning This API exists mainly for keeping back compatibility.<br>
----* return
----@return size_table
-function Widget:getLayoutSize () end
----* Sets whether the widget is highlighted<br>
----* The default value is false, a widget is default to not highlighted<br>
----* param highlight true if the widget is highlighted, false if the widget is not highlighted.
----@param highlight boolean
----@return self
-function Widget:setHighlighted (highlight) end
----* Changes the position type of the widget<br>
----* see `PositionType`<br>
----* param type the position type of widget
----@param type int
----@return self
-function Widget:setPositionType (type) end
----* Query whether the widget ignores user defined content size or not<br>
----* return True means ignore user defined content size, false otherwise.
----@return boolean
-function Widget:isIgnoreContentAdaptWithSize () end
----* Get the virtual renderer's size<br>
----* return Widget virtual renderer size.
----@return size_table
-function Widget:getVirtualRendererSize () end
----* Determines if the widget is highlighted<br>
----* return true if the widget is highlighted, false if the widget is not highlighted.
----@return boolean
-function Widget:isHighlighted () end
----* Gets LayoutParameter of widget.<br>
----* see LayoutParameter<br>
----* return LayoutParameter
----@return ccui.LayoutParameter
-function Widget:getLayoutParameter () end
----* Gets the position type of the widget<br>
----* see `PositionType`<br>
----* return type the position type of widget
----@return int
-function Widget:getPositionType () end
----* Gets the top boundary position of this widget in parent's coordination system.<br>
----* return The top boundary position of this widget.
----@return float
-function Widget:getTopBoundary () end
----* Toggle whether ignore user defined content size for widget.<br>
----* Set true will ignore user defined content size which means <br>
----* the widget size is always equal to the return value of `getVirtualRendererSize`.<br>
----* param ignore set member variable _ignoreSize to ignore
----@param ignore boolean
----@return self
-function Widget:ignoreContentAdaptWithSize (ignore) end
----* When a widget is in a layout, you could call this method to get the next focused widget within a specified direction. <br>
----* If the widget is not in a layout, it will return itself<br>
----* param direction the direction to look for the next focused widget in a layout<br>
----* param current the current focused widget<br>
----* return the next focused widget in a layout
----@param direction int
----@param current ccui.Widget
----@return self
-function Widget:findNextFocusedWidget (direction,current) end
----* Determines if the widget is enabled or not.<br>
----* return true if the widget is enabled, false if the widget is disabled.
----@return boolean
-function Widget:isEnabled () end
----* Query whether widget is focused or not.<br>
----* return whether the widget is focused or not
----@return boolean
-function Widget:isFocused () end
----* Gets the touch began point of widget when widget is selected.<br>
----* return the touch began point.
----@return vec2_table
-function Widget:getTouchBeganPosition () end
----* Determines if the widget is touch enabled<br>
----* return true if the widget is touch enabled, false if the widget is touch disabled.
----@return boolean
-function Widget:isTouchEnabled () end
----* Query callback name.<br>
----* return The callback name.
----@return string
-function Widget:getCallbackName () end
----* Get the action tag.<br>
----* return Action tag.
----@return int
-function Widget:getActionTag () end
----* Gets position of widget in world space.<br>
----* return Position of widget in world space.
----@return vec2_table
-function Widget:getWorldPosition () end
----* Query widget's focus enable state.<br>
----* return true represent the widget could accept focus, false represent the widget couldn't accept focus
----@return boolean
-function Widget:isFocusEnabled () end
----* Toggle widget focus status.<br>
----* param focus pass true to let the widget get focus or pass false to let the widget lose focus
----@param focus boolean
----@return self
-function Widget:setFocused (focus) end
----* Set the tag of action.<br>
----* param tag A integer tag value.
----@param tag int
----@return self
-function Widget:setActionTag (tag) end
----* Sets whether the widget is touch enabled.<br>
----* The default value is false, a widget is default to touch disabled.<br>
----* param enabled True if the widget is touch enabled, false if the widget is touch disabled.
----@param enabled boolean
----@return self
-function Widget:setTouchEnabled (enabled) end
----* Sets whether the widget should be flipped vertically or not.<br>
----* param flippedY true if the widget should be flipped vertically, false otherwise.
----@param flippedY boolean
----@return self
-function Widget:setFlippedY (flippedY) end
----* Sets whether the widget is enabled<br>
----* true if the widget is enabled, widget may be touched , false if the widget is disabled, widget cannot be touched.<br>
----* Note: If you want to change the widget's appearance to disabled state, you should also call `setBright(false)`.<br>
----* The default value is true, a widget is default to enable touch.<br>
----* param enabled Set to true to enable touch, false otherwise.
----@param enabled boolean
----@return self
-function Widget:setEnabled (enabled) end
----* Gets the right boundary position of this widget in parent's coordination system.<br>
----* return The right boundary position of this widget.
----@return float
-function Widget:getRightBoundary () end
----* To set the bright style of widget.<br>
----* see BrightStyle<br>
----* param style BrightStyle::NORMAL means the widget is in normal state, BrightStyle::HIGHLIGHT means the widget is in highlight state.
----@param style int
----@return self
-function Widget:setBrightStyle (style) end
----* Sets a LayoutParameter to widget.<br>
----* see LayoutParameter<br>
----* param parameter LayoutParameter pointer
----@param parameter ccui.LayoutParameter
----@return self
-function Widget:setLayoutParameter (parameter) end
----* Create a new widget copy of the original one.<br>
----* return A cloned widget copy of original.
----@return self
-function Widget:clone () end
----* Allow widget to accept focus.<br>
----* param enable pass true/false to enable/disable the focus ability of a widget
----@param enable boolean
----@return self
-function Widget:setFocusEnabled (enable) end
----* Gets the bottom boundary position of this widget in parent's coordination system.<br>
----* return The bottom boundary position of this widget.
----@return float
-function Widget:getBottomBoundary () end
----* Determines if the widget is bright<br>
----* return true if the widget is bright, false if the widget is dark.
----@return boolean
-function Widget:isBright () end
----* Dispatch a EventFocus through a EventDispatcher<br>
----* param widgetLoseFocus The widget which lose its focus<br>
----* param widgetGetFocus he widget which get its focus
----@param widgetLoseFocus ccui.Widget
----@param widgetGetFocus ccui.Widget
----@return self
-function Widget:dispatchFocusEvent (widgetLoseFocus,widgetGetFocus) end
----* Toggle use unify size.<br>
----* param enable True to use unify size, false otherwise.
----@param enable boolean
----@return self
-function Widget:setUnifySizeEnabled (enable) end
----* Return whether the widget is propagate touch events to its parents or not<br>
----* return whether touch event propagation is allowed or not.<br>
----* since v3.3
----@return boolean
-function Widget:isPropagateTouchEvents () end
----* Checks a point is in widget's content space.<br>
----* This function is used for determining touch area of widget.<br>
----* param pt The point in `Vec2`.<br>
----* param camera The camera look at widget, used to convert GL screen point to near/far plane.<br>
----* param p Point to a Vec3 for store the intersect point, if don't need them set to nullptr.<br>
----* return true if the point is in widget's content space, false otherwise.
----@param pt vec2_table
----@param camera cc.Camera
----@param p vec3_table
----@return boolean
-function Widget:hitTest (pt,camera,p) end
----* Query whether layout component is enabled or not. <br>
----* return true represent the widget use Layout Component, false represent the widget couldn't use Layout Component.
----@return boolean
-function Widget:isLayoutComponentEnabled () end
----* when a widget calls this method, it will get focus immediately.
----@return self
-function Widget:requestFocus () end
----@overload fun(size_table:size_table):self
----@overload fun():self
----@param parentSize size_table
----@return self
-function Widget:updateSizeAndPosition (parentSize) end
----* This method is called when a focus change event happens<br>
----* param widgetLostFocus The widget which lose its focus<br>
----* param widgetGetFocus The widget which get its focus
----@param widgetLostFocus ccui.Widget
----@param widgetGetFocus ccui.Widget
----@return self
-function Widget:onFocusChange (widgetLostFocus,widgetGetFocus) end
----@return vec2_table
-function Widget:getTouchMovePosition () end
----* Gets the size type of widget.<br>
----* see `SizeType`
----@return int
-function Widget:getSizeType () end
----* Query callback type.<br>
----* return Callback type string.
----@return string
-function Widget:getCallbackType () end
----@return vec2_table
-function Widget:getTouchEndPosition () end
----* Gets the percent (x,y) of the widget in OpenGL coordinates<br>
----* see setPosition(const Vec2&)<br>
----* return The percent (x,y) of the widget in OpenGL coordinates
----@return vec2_table
-function Widget:getPositionPercent () end
----* brief Propagate touch events to its parents
----@param event int
----@param sender ccui.Widget
----@param touch cc.Touch
----@return self
-function Widget:propagateTouchEvent (event,sender,touch) end
----* Returns the flag which indicates whether the widget is flipped horizontally or not.<br>
----* It not only flips the texture of the widget, but also the texture of the widget's children.<br>
----* Also, flipping relies on widget's anchor point.<br>
----* Internally, it just use setScaleX(-1) to flip the widget.<br>
----* return true if the widget is flipped horizontally, false otherwise.
----@return boolean
-function Widget:isFlippedX () end
----* Return the flag which indicates whether the widget is flipped vertically or not.<br>
----* It not only flips the texture of the widget, but also the texture of the widget's children.<br>
----* Also, flipping relies on widget's anchor point.<br>
----* Internally, it just use setScaleY(-1) to flip the widget.<br>
----* return true if the widget is flipped vertically, false otherwise.
----@return boolean
-function Widget:isFlippedY () end
----* Checks a point if in parent's area.<br>
----* param pt A point in `Vec2`.<br>
----* return true if the point is in parent's area, false otherwise.
----@param pt vec2_table
----@return boolean
-function Widget:isClippingParentContainsPoint (pt) end
----* Changes the size type of widget.<br>
----* see `SizeType`<br>
----* param type that is widget's size type
----@param type int
----@return self
-function Widget:setSizeType (type) end
----@param event int
----@param sender ccui.Widget
----@param touch cc.Touch
----@return self
-function Widget:interceptTouchEvent (event,sender,touch) end
----* Sets whether the widget is bright<br>
----* The default value is true, a widget is default to bright<br>
----* param bright true if the widget is bright, false if the widget is dark.
----@param bright boolean
----@return self
-function Widget:setBright (bright) end
----* Set callback type.<br>
----* param callbackType A string representation of callback type.
----@param callbackType string
----@return self
-function Widget:setCallbackType (callbackType) end
----* Return whether the widget is swallowing touch or not<br>
----* return Whether touch is swallowed.<br>
----* since v3.3
----@return boolean
-function Widget:isSwallowTouches () end
----@param enable boolean
----@return self
-function Widget:enableDpadNavigation (enable) end
----* Return a current focused widget in your UI scene.<br>
----* No matter what widget object you call this method on , it will return you the exact one focused widget.
----@return self
-function Widget:getCurrentFocusedWidget () end
----* Create and return a empty Widget instance pointer.
----@return self
-function Widget:create () end
----@param scaleY float
----@return self
-function Widget:setScaleY (scaleY) end
----@param scaleX float
----@return self
-function Widget:setScaleX (scaleX) end
----@return float
-function Widget:getScaleY () end
----@return float
-function Widget:getScaleX () end
----* Returns the string representation of widget class name<br>
----* return get the class description.
----@return string
-function Widget:getDescription () end
----@overload fun(float:float,float:float):self
----@overload fun(float:float):self
----@param scalex float
----@param scaley float
----@return self
-function Widget:setScale (scalex,scaley) end
----@return boolean
-function Widget:init () end
----* Changes the position (x,y) of the widget in OpenGL coordinates<br>
----* Usually we use p(x,y) to compose a Vec2 object.<br>
----* The original point (0,0) is at the left-bottom corner of screen.<br>
----* param pos The position (x,y) of the widget in OpenGL coordinates
----@param pos vec2_table
----@return self
-function Widget:setPosition (pos) end
----* Changes the size that is widget's size<br>
----* param contentSize A content size in `Size`.
----@param contentSize size_table
----@return self
-function Widget:setContentSize (contentSize) end
----@return float
-function Widget:getScale () end
----* Default constructor<br>
----* js ctor<br>
----* lua new
----@return self
-function Widget:Widget () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/global.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/global.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ccdbb66..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/global.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
----require emmylua 0.3.36
----@class ccui
----@class cc
----@class ccs
----@class ccb
----@class sp
----@class cc.ResourceData
----@class int
----@class float
----@class size_table
----@class unsigned_int
----@class vec3_table
----@class array_table
----@class char
----@class vec2_table
----@class ccs.ActionNode
----@class ccs.AnimationInfo
----@class color3b_table
----@class unsigned_char
----@class map_table
----@class rect_table
----@class cc.Animation3DData
----@class cc.BlendFunc
----@class mat4_table
----@class void
----@class cc.TextureAtlas
----@class cc.Bone3D
----@class color4b_table
----@class cc._ccBezierConfig
----@class ccs.ColliderDetector
----@class color4f_table
----@class cc.SkinData
----@class cc.MaterialDatas
----@class cc.NodeDatas
----@class cc.AABB
----@class cc.Viewport
----@class cc.Camer
----@class point_table
----@class unsigned short
----@class color3b_tabl
----@class double
----@class cc.IMEKeyboardNotificationInfo
----@class cc.Value
----@class floa
----@class boo
----@class GLContextAttrs
----@class cc._ttfConfig
----@class cc.FontAtlas
----@class cc.backend.ProgramState
----@class cc.MeshCommand
----@class cc.backend.Buffer
----@class cc.MeshVertexAttrib
----@class vec4_table
----@class cc.MeshIndexData
----@class cc.MeshSkin
----@class cc.Quaternion
----@class cc.OffMeshLinkData
----@class cc.NavMeshAgentParam
----@class cc.AffineTransform
----@class cc.Particle3DAffector
----@class cc.Particle3DRender
----@class cc.Particle3DEmitter
----@class voi
----@class unsigned in
----@class cc.VertexAttribBinding
----@class cc.backend.TextureBacken
----@class btTypedConstraint
----@class btRigidBody
----@class cc.Physics3DRigidBodyDes
----@class btCollisionShape
----@class cpBody
----@class cc.PhysicsMaterial
----@class cc.PhysicsContactData
----@class cc.V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad
----@class cc.TrianglesCommand.Triangles
----@class cc.backend.UniformLocation
----@class cc.backend.Program
----@class cc.backend.TextureBackend
----@class long
----@class cc.PUEmitter
----@class cc.PUListener
----@class cc.PUBehaviour
----@class cc.PUParticle3D
----@class cc.PUObserver
----@class cc.RenderCommand
----@class cc.ScissorRect
----@class cc.MeshComman
----@class cc.backend.ShaderCache
----@class cc.backend.ShaderModule
----@class spTrackEntry
----@class spAnimation
----@class spAtlas
----@class spSkeletonData
----@class spVertexEffect
----@class spSkeleton
----@class cc.TextureCub
----@class cc.ScrollView
----@class cc.Terrain.DetailMap
----@class cc.Terrain.TerrainData
----@class cc.FontDefinition
----@class cc.backend.Texture2DBackend
----@class cc.backend.SamplerDescriptor
----@class cc.backend.TextureDescriptor
----@class cc.backend.SamplerDescripto
----@class cc.backend.TextureCubemapBackend
----@class short
----@class cc.backend.VertexLayout
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/sp/SkeletonAnimation.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/sp/SkeletonAnimation.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index da925d3c..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/sp/SkeletonAnimation.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
----@class sp.SkeletonAnimation :sp.SkeletonRenderer
-local SkeletonAnimation={ }
----@param entry spTrackEntry
----@param listener function
----@return self
-function SkeletonAnimation:setTrackCompleteListener (entry,listener) end
----@param name string
----@return spAnimation
-function SkeletonAnimation:findAnimation (name) end
----@param listener function
----@return self
-function SkeletonAnimation:setCompleteListener (listener) end
----@param fromAnimation string
----@param toAnimation string
----@param duration float
----@return self
-function SkeletonAnimation:setMix (fromAnimation,toAnimation,duration) end
----@param entry spTrackEntry
----@param listener function
----@return self
-function SkeletonAnimation:setTrackStartListener (entry,listener) end
----@param trackIndex int
----@param mixDuration float
----@param delay float
----@return spTrackEntry
-function SkeletonAnimation:addEmptyAnimation (trackIndex,mixDuration,delay) end
----@param listener function
----@return self
-function SkeletonAnimation:setDisposeListener (listener) end
----@param entry spTrackEntry
----@param listener function
----@return self
-function SkeletonAnimation:setTrackInterruptListener (entry,listener) end
----@param listener function
----@return self
-function SkeletonAnimation:setEndListener (listener) end
----@param entry spTrackEntry
----@param listener function
----@return self
-function SkeletonAnimation:setTrackDisposeListener (entry,listener) end
----@param listener function
----@return self
-function SkeletonAnimation:setEventListener (listener) end
----@param trackIndex int
----@param mixDuration float
----@return spTrackEntry
-function SkeletonAnimation:setEmptyAnimation (trackIndex,mixDuration) end
----@param entry spTrackEntry
----@param listener function
----@return self
-function SkeletonAnimation:setTrackEventListener (entry,listener) end
----@return self
-function SkeletonAnimation:clearTrack () end
----@param listener function
----@return self
-function SkeletonAnimation:setInterruptListener (listener) end
----@param mixDuration float
----@return self
-function SkeletonAnimation:setEmptyAnimations (mixDuration) end
----@return self
-function SkeletonAnimation:clearTracks () end
----@param entry spTrackEntry
----@param listener function
----@return self
-function SkeletonAnimation:setTrackEndListener (entry,listener) end
----@param listener function
----@return self
-function SkeletonAnimation:setStartListener (listener) end
----@overload fun(string:string,spAtlas1:string,float:float):self
----@overload fun(string:string,spAtlas:spAtlas,float:float):self
----@param skeletonBinaryFile string
----@param atlas spAtlas
----@param scale float
----@return self
-function SkeletonAnimation:createWithBinaryFile (skeletonBinaryFile,atlas,scale) end
----@return self
-function SkeletonAnimation:create () end
----@overload fun(string:string,spAtlas1:string,float:float):self
----@overload fun(string:string,spAtlas:spAtlas,float:float):self
----@param skeletonJsonFile string
----@param atlas spAtlas
----@param scale float
----@return self
-function SkeletonAnimation:createWithJsonFile (skeletonJsonFile,atlas,scale) end
----@return self
-function SkeletonAnimation:initialize () end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/sp/SkeletonRenderer.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/sp/SkeletonRenderer.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index c8a618d7..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/sp/SkeletonRenderer.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
----@class sp.SkeletonRenderer :cc.Node@all parent class: Node,BlendProtocol
-local SkeletonRenderer={ }
----@param scale float
----@return self
-function SkeletonRenderer:setTimeScale (scale) end
----@return boolean
-function SkeletonRenderer:getDebugSlotsEnabled () end
----@return self
-function SkeletonRenderer:setBonesToSetupPose () end
----@param skeletonData spSkeletonData
----@param ownsSkeletonData boolean
----@return self
-function SkeletonRenderer:initWithData (skeletonData,ownsSkeletonData) end
----@param enabled boolean
----@return self
-function SkeletonRenderer:setDebugSlotsEnabled (enabled) end
----@overload fun(string:string,spAtlas1:string,float:float):self
----@overload fun(string:string,spAtlas:spAtlas,float:float):self
----@param skeletonDataFile string
----@param atlas spAtlas
----@param scale float
----@return self
-function SkeletonRenderer:initWithJsonFile (skeletonDataFile,atlas,scale) end
----@return self
-function SkeletonRenderer:setSlotsToSetupPose () end
----@overload fun(string:string,spAtlas1:string,float:float):self
----@overload fun(string:string,spAtlas:spAtlas,float:float):self
----@param skeletonDataFile string
----@param atlas spAtlas
----@param scale float
----@return self
-function SkeletonRenderer:initWithBinaryFile (skeletonDataFile,atlas,scale) end
----@return self
-function SkeletonRenderer:setToSetupPose () end
----@param enabled boolean
----@return self
-function SkeletonRenderer:setDebugMeshesEnabled (enabled) end
----@return boolean
-function SkeletonRenderer:isTwoColorTint () end
----@return cc.BlendFunc
-function SkeletonRenderer:getBlendFunc () end
----@return self
-function SkeletonRenderer:initialize () end
----@param enabled boolean
----@return self
-function SkeletonRenderer:setDebugBonesEnabled (enabled) end
----@return boolean
-function SkeletonRenderer:getDebugBonesEnabled () end
----@return float
-function SkeletonRenderer:getTimeScale () end
----@param enabled boolean
----@return self
-function SkeletonRenderer:setTwoColorTint (enabled) end
----@return boolean
-function SkeletonRenderer:getDebugMeshesEnabled () end
----@param blendFunc cc.BlendFunc
----@return self
-function SkeletonRenderer:setBlendFunc (blendFunc) end
----@param effect spVertexEffect
----@return self
-function SkeletonRenderer:setVertexEffect (effect) end
----@overload fun(string0:char):self
----@overload fun(string:string):self
----@param skinName string
----@return boolean
-function SkeletonRenderer:setSkin (skinName) end
----@return spSkeleton
-function SkeletonRenderer:getSkeleton () end
----@overload fun(string:string,spAtlas1:string,float:float):self
----@overload fun(string:string,spAtlas:spAtlas,float:float):self
----@param skeletonDataFile string
----@param atlas spAtlas
----@param scale float
----@return self
-function SkeletonRenderer:createWithFile (skeletonDataFile,atlas,scale) end
----@return self
-function SkeletonRenderer:create () end
----@return self
-function SkeletonRenderer:onEnter () end
----@return self
-function SkeletonRenderer:onExit () end
----@param value boolean
----@return self
-function SkeletonRenderer:setOpacityModifyRGB (value) end
----@return rect_table
-function SkeletonRenderer:getBoundingBox () end
----@return boolean
-function SkeletonRenderer:isOpacityModifyRGB () end
----@overload fun(string0:spSkeletonData,string1:boolean):self
----@overload fun():self
----@overload fun(string:string,string1:spAtlas,float:float):self
----@overload fun(string:string,string:string,float:float):self
----@param skeletonDataFile string
----@param atlasFile string
----@param scale float
----@return self
-function SkeletonRenderer:SkeletonRenderer (skeletonDataFile,atlasFile,scale) end \ No newline at end of file