path: root/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love.filesystem.lua
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author最萌小汐 <>2021-10-25 16:44:08 +0800
committer最萌小汐 <>2021-10-25 16:44:08 +0800
commit8ced2703cc4598fe880cf27f2f82a90e947b532f (patch)
tree0e4c8e0de8128d5fcccb217581a907170256d01a /meta/3rd/love2d/library/love.filesystem.lua
parent916bec18c8384f14404b2b79d762855d1610411a (diff)
update love2d-api
Diffstat (limited to 'meta/3rd/love2d/library/love.filesystem.lua')
1 files changed, 8 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love.filesystem.lua b/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love.filesystem.lua
index 1d00c798..9f2d9ce8 100644
--- a/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love.filesystem.lua
+++ b/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love.filesystem.lua
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ love.filesystem = {}
---@overload fun(name: string, data: love.Data, size: number):boolean, string
---@param name string # The name (and path) of the file.
---@param data string # The string data to append to the file.
----@param size number # How many bytes to write.
+---@param size? number # How many bytes to write.
---@return boolean success # True if the operation was successful, or nil if there was an error.
---@return string errormsg # The error message on failure.
function love.filesystem.append(name, data, size) end
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ function love.filesystem.getIdentity() end
---@overload fun(path: string, info: table):table
---@overload fun(path: string, filtertype: love.FileType, info: table):table
---@param path string # The file or directory path to check.
----@param filtertype love.FileType # If supplied, this parameter causes getInfo to only return the info table if the item at the given path matches the specified file type.
+---@param filtertype? love.FileType # If supplied, this parameter causes getInfo to only return the info table if the item at the given path matches the specified file type.
---@return {type: love.FileType, size: number, modtime: number} info # A table containing information about the specified path, or nil if nothing exists at the path. The table contains the following fields:
function love.filesystem.getInfo(path, filtertype) end
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ function love.filesystem.load(name) end
---@overload fun(data: love.Data, archivename: string, mountpoint: string, appendToPath: boolean):boolean
---@param archive string # The folder or zip file in the game's save directory to mount.
---@param mountpoint string # The new path the archive will be mounted to.
----@param appendToPath boolean # Whether the archive will be searched when reading a filepath before or after already-mounted archives. This includes the game's source and save directories.
+---@param appendToPath? boolean # Whether the archive will be searched when reading a filepath before or after already-mounted archives. This includes the game's source and save directories.
---@return boolean success # True if the archive was successfully mounted, false otherwise.
function love.filesystem.mount(archive, mountpoint, appendToPath) end
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ function love.filesystem.newFileData(contents, name) end
---@overload fun(container: love.ContainerType, name: string, size: number):love.FileData|string, number, nil, string
---@param name string # The name (and path) of the file.
----@param size number # How many bytes to read.
+---@param size? number # How many bytes to read.
---@return string contents # The file contents.
---@return number size # How many bytes have been read.
---@return nil contents # returns nil as content.
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ function love.filesystem.unmount(archive) end
---@overload fun(name: string, data: love.Data, size: number):boolean, string
---@param name string # The name (and path) of the file.
---@param data string # The string data to write to the file.
----@param size number # How many bytes to write.
+---@param size? number # How many bytes to write.
---@return boolean success # If the operation was successful.
---@return string message # Error message if operation was unsuccessful.
function love.filesystem.write(name, data, size) end
@@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ function File:open(mode) end
---Read a number of bytes from a file.
---@overload fun(container: love.ContainerType, bytes: number):love.FileData|string, number
----@param bytes number # The number of bytes to read.
+---@param bytes? number # The number of bytes to read.
---@return string contents # The contents of the read bytes.
---@return number size # How many bytes have been read.
function File:read(bytes) end
@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ function File:seek(pos) end
---File:flush will force any buffered data to be written to the disk.
---@param mode love.BufferMode # The buffer mode to use.
----@param size number # The maximum size in bytes of the file's buffer.
+---@param size? number # The maximum size in bytes of the file's buffer.
---@return boolean success # Whether the buffer mode was successfully set.
---@return string errorstr # The error string, if the buffer mode could not be set and an error occurred.
function File:setBuffer(mode, size) end
@@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ function File:tell() end
---@overload fun(data: love.Data, size: number):boolean, string
---@param data string # The string data to write.
----@param size number # How many bytes to write.
+---@param size? number # How many bytes to write.
---@return boolean success # Whether the operation was successful.
---@return string err # The error string if an error occurred.
function File:write(data, size) end