path: root/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/cc.EventDispatcher.lua
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author最萌小汐 <>2021-07-05 20:51:43 +0800
committer最萌小汐 <>2021-07-05 20:51:43 +0800
commit8fefb8f3e100976235dc83d6ae3785952d11c710 (patch)
tree459117e6cecc70824273c4d32285cb6eec468098 /meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/cc.EventDispatcher.lua
parentb6c18d05410fd4ca209f9c34e0992caf40cf3701 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/cc.EventDispatcher.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 114 deletions
diff --git a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/cc.EventDispatcher.lua b/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/cc.EventDispatcher.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index c8298080..00000000
--- a/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/cc.EventDispatcher.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
----@class cc.EventDispatcher :cc.Ref
-local EventDispatcher={ }
----* Pauses all listeners which are associated the specified target.<br>
----* param target A given target node.<br>
----* param recursive True if pause recursively, the default value is false.
----@param target cc.Node
----@param recursive boolean
----@return self
-function EventDispatcher:pauseEventListenersForTarget (target,recursive) end
----* Adds a event listener for a specified event with the priority of scene graph.<br>
----* param listener The listener of a specified event.<br>
----* param node The priority of the listener is based on the draw order of this node.<br>
----* note The priority of scene graph will be fixed value 0. So the order of listener item<br>
----* in the vector will be ' <0, scene graph (0 priority), >0'.
----@param listener cc.EventListener
----@param node cc.Node
----@return self
-function EventDispatcher:addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority (listener,node) end
----* Whether to enable dispatching events.<br>
----* param isEnabled True if enable dispatching events.
----@param isEnabled boolean
----@return self
-function EventDispatcher:setEnabled (isEnabled) end
----* Adds a event listener for a specified event with the fixed priority.<br>
----* param listener The listener of a specified event.<br>
----* param fixedPriority The fixed priority of the listener.<br>
----* note A lower priority will be called before the ones that have a higher value.<br>
----* 0 priority is forbidden for fixed priority since it's used for scene graph based priority.
----@param listener cc.EventListener
----@param fixedPriority int
----@return self
-function EventDispatcher:addEventListenerWithFixedPriority (listener,fixedPriority) end
----* Remove a listener.<br>
----* param listener The specified event listener which needs to be removed.
----@param listener cc.EventListener
----@return self
-function EventDispatcher:removeEventListener (listener) end
----* Dispatches a Custom Event with a event name an optional user data.<br>
----* param eventName The name of the event which needs to be dispatched.<br>
----* param optionalUserData The optional user data, it's a void*, the default value is nullptr.
----@param eventName string
----@param optionalUserData void
----@return self
-function EventDispatcher:dispatchCustomEvent (eventName,optionalUserData) end
----* Resumes all listeners which are associated the specified target.<br>
----* param target A given target node.<br>
----* param recursive True if resume recursively, the default value is false.
----@param target cc.Node
----@param recursive boolean
----@return self
-function EventDispatcher:resumeEventListenersForTarget (target,recursive) end
----* Removes all listeners which are associated with the specified target.<br>
----* param target A given target node.<br>
----* param recursive True if remove recursively, the default value is false.
----@param target cc.Node
----@param recursive boolean
----@return self
-function EventDispatcher:removeEventListenersForTarget (target,recursive) end
----* Sets listener's priority with fixed value.<br>
----* param listener A given listener.<br>
----* param fixedPriority The fixed priority value.
----@param listener cc.EventListener
----@param fixedPriority int
----@return self
-function EventDispatcher:setPriority (listener,fixedPriority) end
----* Adds a Custom event listener.<br>
----* It will use a fixed priority of 1.<br>
----* param eventName A given name of the event.<br>
----* param callback A given callback method that associated the event name.<br>
----* return the generated event. Needed in order to remove the event from the dispatcher
----@param eventName string
----@param callback function
----@return cc.EventListenerCustom
-function EventDispatcher:addCustomEventListener (eventName,callback) end
----* Dispatches the event.<br>
----* Also removes all EventListeners marked for deletion from the<br>
----* event dispatcher list.<br>
----* param event The event needs to be dispatched.
----@param event cc.Event
----@return self
-function EventDispatcher:dispatchEvent (event) end
----* Query whether the specified event listener id has been added.<br>
----* param listenerID The listenerID of the event listener id.<br>
----* return True if dispatching events is exist
----@param listenerID string
----@return boolean
-function EventDispatcher:hasEventListener (listenerID) end
----* Removes all listeners.
----@return self
-function EventDispatcher:removeAllEventListeners () end
----* Removes all custom listeners with the same event name.<br>
----* param customEventName A given event listener name which needs to be removed.
----@param customEventName string
----@return self
-function EventDispatcher:removeCustomEventListeners (customEventName) end
----* Checks whether dispatching events is enabled.<br>
----* return True if dispatching events is enabled.
----@return boolean
-function EventDispatcher:isEnabled () end
----* Removes all listeners with the same event listener type.<br>
----* param listenerType A given event listener type which needs to be removed.
----@param listenerType int
----@return self
-function EventDispatcher:removeEventListenersForType (listenerType) end
----* Constructor of EventDispatcher.
----@return self
-function EventDispatcher:EventDispatcher () end \ No newline at end of file