path: root/locale/zh-cn
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author最萌小汐 <>2022-06-15 14:39:00 +0800
committer最萌小汐 <>2022-06-15 14:39:00 +0800
commited2fd90278a6e913186ddfbbb8939733c640102b (patch)
treef338ce623c7cbdfd6ef6a18358a06d3b55350961 /locale/zh-cn
parent48c8f89ed799356f5325168ebd7f6ff42eb435d2 (diff)
sync locales
Diffstat (limited to 'locale/zh-cn')
1 files changed, 448 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/locale/zh-cn/script.lua b/locale/zh-cn/script.lua
index a5a5a34c..4f9b0dd5 100644
--- a/locale/zh-cn/script.lua
+++ b/locale/zh-cn/script.lua
@@ -546,3 +546,451 @@ CLI_CHECK_SUCCESS =
'诊断完成,共有 {} 个问题,请查看 {}'
+LUADOC_DESC_CLASS = -- TODO: need translate!
+Defines a class/table structure
+## Syntax
+`---@class <name> [: <parent>[, <parent>]...]`
+## Usage
+---@class Manager: Person, Human
+Manager = {}
+[View Wiki](
+LUADOC_DESC_TYPE = -- TODO: need translate!
+Specify the type of a certain variable
+Default types: `nil`, `any`, `boolean`, `string`, `number`, `integer`,
+`function`, `table`, `thread`, `userdata`, `lightuserdata`
+(Custom types can be provided using `@alias`)
+## Syntax
+`---@type <type>[| [type]...`
+## Usage
+### General
+---@type nil|table|myClass
+local Example = nil
+### Arrays
+---@type number[]
+local phoneNumbers = {}
+### Enums
+---@type "red"|"green"|"blue"
+local color = ""
+### Tables
+---@type table<string, boolean>
+local settings = {
+ disableLogging = true,
+ preventShutdown = false,
+---@type { [string]: true }
+local x --x[""] is true
+### Functions
+---@type fun(mode?: "r"|"w"): string
+local myFunction
+[View Wiki](
+LUADOC_DESC_ALIAS = -- TODO: need translate!
+Create your own custom type that can be used with `@param`, `@type`, etc.
+## Syntax
+`---@alias <name> <type> [description]`\
+---@alias <name>
+---| 'value' [# comment]
+---| 'value2' [# comment]
+## Usage
+### Expand to other type
+---@alias filepath string Path to a file
+---@param path filepath Path to the file to search in
+function find(path, pattern) end
+### Enums
+---@alias font-style
+---| '"underlined"' # Underline the text
+---| '"bold"' # Bolden the text
+---| '"italic"' # Make the text italicized
+---@param style font-style Style to apply
+function setFontStyle(style) end
+[View Wiki](
+LUADOC_DESC_PARAM = -- TODO: need translate!
+Declare a function parameter
+## Syntax
+`@param <name>[?] <type> [comment]`
+## Usage
+### General
+---@param url string The url to request
+---@param headers? table<string, string> HTTP headers to send
+---@param timeout? number Timeout in seconds
+function get(url, headers, timeout) end
+### Variable Arguments
+---@param base string The base to concat to
+---@param ... string The values to concat
+function concat(base, ...) end
+[View Wiki](
+LUADOC_DESC_RETURN = -- TODO: need translate!
+Declare a return value
+## Syntax
+`@return <type> [name] [description]`\
+`@return <type> [# description]`
+## Usage
+### General
+---@return number
+---@return number # The green component
+---@return number b The blue component
+function hexToRGB(hex) end
+### Type & name only
+---@return number x, number y
+function getCoords() end
+### Type only
+---@return string, string
+function getFirstLast() end
+### Return variable values
+---@return string ... The tags of the item
+function getTags(item) end
+[View Wiki](
+LUADOC_DESC_FIELD = -- TODO: need translate!
+Decalare a field in a class/table. This allows you to provide more in-depth
+documentation for a table.
+## Syntax
+`---@field <name> <type> [description]`
+## Usage
+---@class HTTP_RESPONSE
+---@field status HTTP_STATUS
+---@field headers table<string, string> The headers of the response
+---@class HTTP_STATUS
+---@field code number The status code of the response
+---@field message string A message reporting the status
+---@return HTTP_RESPONSE response The response from the server
+function get(url) end
+--This response variable has all of the fields defined above
+response = get("localhost")
+--Extension provided intellisense for the below assignment
+statusCode = response.status.code
+[View Wiki](
+LUADOC_DESC_GENERIC = -- TODO: need translate!
+Simulates generics. Generics can allow types to be re-used as they help define
+a "generic shape" that can be used with different types.
+## Syntax
+`---@generic <name> [:parent_type] [, <name> [:parent_type]]`
+## Usage
+### General
+---@generic T
+---@param value T The value to return
+---@return T value The exact same value
+function echo(value)
+ return value
+-- Type is string
+s = echo("e")
+-- Type is number
+n = echo(10)
+-- Type is boolean
+b = echo(true)
+-- We got all of this info from just using
+-- @generic rather than manually specifying
+-- each allowed type
+### Capture name of generic type
+---@class Foo
+local Foo = {}
+function Foo:Bar() end
+---@generic T
+---@param name `T` # the name generic type is captured here
+---@return T # generic type is returned
+function Generic(name) end
+local v = Generic("Foo") -- v is an object of Foo
+### How Lua tables use generics
+---@class table<K, V>: { [K]: V }
+-- This is what allows us to create a table
+-- and intellisense keeps track of any type
+-- we give for key (K) or value (V)
+[View Wiki](
+LUADOC_DESC_VARARG = -- TODO: need translate!
+Primarily for legacy support for EmmyLua annotations. `@vararg` does not
+provide typing or allow descriptions.
+**You should instead use `@param` when documenting parameters (variable or not).**
+## Syntax
+`@vararg <type>`
+## Usage
+---Concat strings together
+---@vararg string
+function concat(...) end
+[View Wiki](
+LUADOC_DESC_OVERLOAD = -- TODO: need translate!
+Allows defining of multiple function signatures.
+## Syntax
+`---@overload fun(<name>[: <type>] [, <name>[: <type>]]...)[: <type>[, <type>]...]`
+## Usage
+---@overload fun(t: table, value: any): number
+function table.insert(t, position, value) end
+[View Wiki](
+LUADOC_DESC_DEPRECATED = -- TODO: need translate!
+Marks a function as deprecated. This results in any deprecated function calls
+being ~~struck through~~.
+## Syntax
+[View Wiki](
+LUADOC_DESC_META = -- TODO: need translate!
+Indicates that this is a meta file and should be used for definitions and intellisense only.
+There are 3 main distinctions to note with meta files:
+1. There won't be any context-based intellisense in a meta file
+2. Hovering a `require` filepath in a meta file shows `[meta]` instead of an absolute path
+3. The `Find Reference` function will ignore meta files
+## Syntax
+[View Wiki](
+LUADOC_DESC_VERSION = -- TODO: need translate!
+Specifies Lua versions that this function is exclusive to.
+Lua versions: `5.1`, `5.2`, `5.3`, `5.4`, `JIT`.
+Requires configuring the `Diagnostics: Needed File Status` setting.
+## Syntax
+`---@version <version>[, <version>]...`
+## Usage
+### General
+---@version JIT
+function onlyWorksInJIT() end
+### Specify multiple versions
+---@version <5.2,JIT
+function oldLuaOnly() end
+[View Wiki](
+LUADOC_DESC_SEE = -- TODO: need translate!
+Define something that can be viewed for more information
+## Syntax
+`---@see <text>`
+[View Wiki](
+LUADOC_DESC_DIAGNOSTIC = -- TODO: need translate!
+Enable/disable diagnostics for error/warnings/etc.
+Actions: `disable`, `enable`, `disable-line`, `disable-next-line`
+## Syntax
+`---@diagnostic <action>[: <name>]`
+## Usage
+### Disable next line
+---@diagnostic disable-next-line: undefined-global
+### Manually toggle
+---@diagnostic disable: unused-local
+local unused = "hello world"
+---@diagnostic enable: unused-local
+[View Wiki](
+LUADOC_DESC_MODULE = -- TODO: need translate!
+Provides the semantics of `reqire`.
+## Syntax
+`---@module <'module_name'>`
+## Usage
+---@module 'string.utils'
+local stringUtils
+-- This is functionally the same as:
+local module = require('string.utils')
+[View Wiki](
+LUADOC_DESC_ASYNC = -- TODO: need translate!
+Marks a function as asynchronous.
+## Syntax
+[View Wiki](
+LUADOC_DESC_NODISCARD = -- TODO: need translate!
+Prevents this function's return values from being discarded/ignored.
+This will raise the `discard-returns` warning should the return values
+be ignored.
+## Syntax
+[View Wiki](
+LUADOC_DESC_CAST = -- TODO: need translate!
+Allows type casting (type conversion).
+⚠️ **Not Finalized**
+## Syntax
+`@cast <variable> <[+|-]type>[, <[+|-]type>]...`
+## Usage
+### Overwrite type
+---@type integer
+local x --> integer
+---@cast x string
+print(x) --> string
+### Add Type
+---@type string
+local x --> string
+---@cast x +boolean, +number
+print(x) --> string|boolean|number
+### Remove Type
+---@type string|table
+local x --> string|table
+---@cast x -string
+print(x) --> table
+[View Proposal](