package org.javacs; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption; import java.util.List; import; import org.javacs.lsp.*; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; public class CompletionsTest extends CompletionsBase { // TODO rename Autocomplete Complete because Autocomplete is long and ugly @Test public void staticMember() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; // Static methods var suggestions = insertText(file, 5, 38); assertThat(suggestions, hasItems("testFieldStatic", "testMethodStatic", "class")); assertThat(suggestions, not(hasItems("testField", "testMethod", "getClass"))); } @Test public void staticReference() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; // Static methods var suggestions = insertText(file, 7, 48); assertThat(suggestions, hasItems("testMethod", "testMethodStatic", "new")); assertThat(suggestions, not(hasItems("class"))); } @Test public void member() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; // Virtual testMethods var suggestions = insertText(file, 5, 14); assertThat( "excludes static members", suggestions, not( hasItems( "testFieldStatic", "testMethodStatic", "testFieldStaticPrivate", "testMethodStaticPrivate", "class", "AutocompleteMember"))); assertThat( "includes non-static members", suggestions, hasItems("testFields", "testMethods", "testFieldsPrivate", "testMethodsPrivate", "getClass")); assertThat("excludes constructors", suggestions, not(hasItem(startsWith("AutocompleteMember")))); } @Test public void enumMapMembers() { var suggestions = insertTemplate("/org/javacs/example/", 9, 13); assertThat( suggestions, hasItems( "clear", "clone", "containsKey", "containsValue", "entrySet", "equals", "get", "hashCode", "keySet", "put", "putAll", "remove", "size", "values")); } @Test public void fieldFromInitBlock() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; // f var suggestions = insertText(file, 8, 10); assertThat(suggestions, hasItems("testFields", "testFieldStatic", "testMethods", "testMethodStatic")); } @Test public void thisDotFieldFromInitBlock() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; // this.f var suggestions = insertText(file, 9, 15); assertThat(suggestions, hasItems("testFields", "testMethods")); assertThat(suggestions, not(hasItems("testFieldStatic", "testMethodStatic"))); } @Test public void classDotFieldFromInitBlock() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; // AutocompleteMembers.f var suggestions = insertText(file, 10, 30); assertThat(suggestions, hasItems("testFieldStatic", "testMethodStatic")); assertThat(suggestions, not(hasItems("testFields", "testMethods"))); } @Test public void fieldFromMethod() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; // f var suggestions = insertText(file, 22, 10); assertThat( suggestions, hasItems("testFields", "testFieldStatic", "testMethods", "testMethodStatic", "testArguments")); } @Test public void thisDotFieldFromMethod() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; // this.f var suggestions = insertText(file, 23, 15); assertThat(suggestions, hasItems("testFields", "testMethods")); assertThat(suggestions, not(hasItems("testFieldStatic", "testMethodStatic", "testArguments"))); } @Test public void classDotFieldFromMethod() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; // AutocompleteMembers.f var suggestions = insertText(file, 24, 30); assertThat(suggestions, hasItems("testFieldStatic", "testMethodStatic")); assertThat(suggestions, not(hasItems("testFields", "testMethods", "testArguments"))); } @Test public void thisRefMethodFromMethod() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; // this::m var suggestions = insertText(file, 25, 59); assertThat(suggestions, hasItems("testMethods")); assertThat(suggestions, not(hasItems("testFields", "testFieldStatic", "testMethodStatic"))); } @Test public void classRefMethodFromMethod() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; // AutocompleteMembers::m var suggestions = insertText(file, 26, 74); assertThat(suggestions, hasItems("testMethodStatic", "testMethods")); assertThat(suggestions, not(hasItems("testFields", "testFieldStatic"))); } @Test @Ignore // javac doesn't give us helpful info about the fact that static initializers are static public void fieldFromStaticInitBlock() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; // f var suggestions = insertText(file, 16, 10); assertThat(suggestions, hasItems("testFieldStatic", "testMethodStatic")); assertThat(suggestions, not(hasItems("testFields", "testMethods"))); } @Test public void classDotFieldFromStaticInitBlock() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; // AutocompleteMembers.f var suggestions = insertText(file, 17, 30); assertThat(suggestions, hasItems("testFieldStatic", "testMethodStatic")); assertThat(suggestions, not(hasItems("testFields", "testMethods"))); } @Test public void classRefFieldFromStaticInitBlock() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; // AutocompleteMembers::m var suggestions = insertText(file, 17, 30); assertThat(suggestions, hasItems("testMethodStatic")); assertThat(suggestions, not(hasItems("testFields", "testFieldStatic", "testMethods"))); } @Test public void fieldFromStaticMethod() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; // f var suggestions = insertText(file, 30, 10); assertThat(suggestions, hasItems("testFieldStatic", "testMethodStatic", "testArguments")); assertThat(suggestions, not(hasItems("testFields", "testMethods"))); } @Test public void classDotFieldFromStaticMethod() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; // AutocompleteMembers.f var suggestions = insertText(file, 31, 30); assertThat(suggestions, hasItems("testFieldStatic", "testMethodStatic")); assertThat(suggestions, not(hasItems("testFields", "testMethods", "testArguments"))); } @Test public void classRefFieldFromStaticMethod() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; // TODO // AutocompleteMembers::m var suggestions = insertText(file, 17, 30); assertThat(suggestions, hasItems("testMethodStatic")); assertThat(suggestions, not(hasItems("testFields", "testFieldStatic", "testMethods"))); } private static String sortText(CompletionItem i) { if (i.sortText != null) return i.sortText; else return i.label; } @Test public void otherMethod() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; // new AutocompleteMember(). var suggestions = insertText(file, 5, 34); assertThat(suggestions, not(hasItems("testFieldStatic", "testMethodStatic", "class"))); assertThat(suggestions, not(hasItems("testFieldStaticPrivate", "testMethodStaticPrivate"))); assertThat(suggestions, not(hasItems("testFieldsPrivate", "testMethodsPrivate"))); assertThat(suggestions, hasItems("testFields", "testMethods", "getClass")); } @Test public void otherStatic() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; // AutocompleteMember. var suggestions = insertText(file, 7, 28); assertThat(suggestions, hasItems("testFieldStatic", "testMethodStatic", "class")); assertThat(suggestions, not(hasItems("testFieldStaticPrivate", "testMethodStaticPrivate"))); assertThat(suggestions, not(hasItems("testFieldsPrivate", "testMethodsPrivate"))); assertThat(suggestions, not(hasItems("testFields", "testMethods", "getClass"))); } @Test public void otherDotClassDot() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; // AutocompleteMember.class. var suggestions = insertText(file, 8, 33); assertThat(suggestions, hasItems("getName", "getClass")); assertThat(suggestions, not(hasItems("testFieldStatic", "testMethodStatic", "class"))); assertThat(suggestions, not(hasItems("testFieldStaticPrivate", "testMethodStaticPrivate"))); assertThat(suggestions, not(hasItems("testFieldsPrivate", "testMethodsPrivate"))); assertThat(suggestions, not(hasItems("testFields", "testMethods"))); } @Test public void otherClass() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; // Auto? var suggestions = insertText(file, 6, 13); assertThat(suggestions, hasItems("AutocompleteOther", "AutocompleteMember")); } @Test public void arrayLength() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; // a.? var suggestions = insertText(file, 7, 11); assertThat(suggestions, hasItems("length")); } @Test public void indirectSuper() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; // a.? var suggestions = insertText(file, 5, 14); assertThat(suggestions, hasItems("selfMethod", "super1Method", "super2Method")); } @Ignore // We are now managing imports with FixImports @Test public void addImport() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; // Name of class var items = items(file, 9, 17); for (var item : items) { if ("ArrayList".equals(item.label)) { assertThat(item.additionalTextEdits, not(nullValue())); assertThat(item.additionalTextEdits, not(empty())); return; } } fail("No ArrayList in " + items); } @Ignore // We are now managing imports with FixImports @Test public void dontImportSamePackage() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; // Name of class var items = items(file, 6, 10); for (var item : items) { if ("AutocompleteMember".equals(item.label)) { assertThat(item.additionalTextEdits, either(empty()).or(nullValue())); return; } } fail("No AutocompleteMember in " + items); } @Ignore // We are now managing imports with FixImports @Test public void dontImportJavaLang() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; // Name of class var items = items(file, 11, 38); for (var item : items) { if ("ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException".equals(item.label)) { assertThat(item.additionalTextEdits, either(empty()).or(nullValue())); return; } } fail("No ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in " + items); } @Ignore // We are now managing imports with FixImports @Test public void dontImportSelf() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; // Name of class var items = items(file, 6, 10); for (var item : items) { if ("AutocompleteOther".equals(item.label)) { assertThat(item.additionalTextEdits, either(empty()).or(nullValue())); return; } } fail("No AutocompleteOther in " + items); } @Ignore // We are now managing imports with FixImports @Test public void dontImportAlreadyImported() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; // Name of class var items = items(file, 12, 14); for (var item : items) { if ("Arrays".equals(item.label)) { assertThat(item.additionalTextEdits, either(empty()).or(nullValue())); return; } } fail("No Arrays in " + items); } @Ignore // We are now managing imports with FixImports @Test public void dontImportAlreadyImportedStar() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; // Name of class var items = items(file, 10, 26); for (var item : items) { if ("ArrayBlockingQueue".equals(item.label)) { assertThat(item.additionalTextEdits, either(empty()).or(nullValue())); return; } } fail("No ArrayBlockingQueue in " + items); } @Test public void fromClasspath() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; // Static methods var items = items(file, 8, 17); var suggestions = -> i.label).collect(Collectors.toSet()); assertThat(suggestions, hasItems("add", "addAll")); } @Test public void betweenLines() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; // Static methods var suggestions = insertText(file, 9, 18); assertThat(suggestions, hasItems("add")); } @Test public void reference() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; // Static methods var suggestions = insertTemplate(file, 7, 21); assertThat(suggestions, not(hasItems("testMethodStatic"))); assertThat(suggestions, hasItems("testMethods", "getClass")); } @Test @Ignore // This has been subsumed by Javadocs public void docstring() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; var docstrings = documentation(file, 8, 14); assertThat(docstrings, hasItems("A testMethods", "A testFields")); docstrings = documentation(file, 12, 31); assertThat(docstrings, hasItems("A testFieldStatic", "A testMethodStatic")); } @Test public void classes() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; // Fix? var suggestions = insertText(file, 5, 12); assertThat(suggestions, hasItems("FixParseErrorAfter")); // Some? suggestions = insertText(file, 6, 13); assertThat(suggestions, hasItems("SomeInnerClass")); // List? suggestions = insertText(file, 7, 12); assertThat(suggestions, hasItems("List")); } @Test public void editMethodName() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; // Static methods var suggestions = insertText(file, 5, 21); assertThat(suggestions, hasItems("getClass")); } @Test @Ignore // This has been subsumed by Javadocs public void restParams() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; // Static methods var items = items(file, 5, 18); var suggestions = -> i.label).collect(Collectors.toSet()); var details = -> i.detail).collect(Collectors.toSet()); assertThat(suggestions, hasItems("restMethod")); assertThat(details, hasItems("void (String... params)")); } @Test public void constructor() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; // Static methods var suggestions = insertText(file, 5, 25); assertThat(suggestions, hasItem(startsWith("AutocompleteConstructor"))); assertThat(suggestions, hasItem(startsWith("AutocompleteMember"))); } @Ignore // We are now managing imports with FixImports @Test public void autoImportConstructor() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; // Static methods var items = items(file, 6, 19); var suggestions = -> i.insertText).collect(Collectors.toList()); assertThat(suggestions, hasItems("ArrayList<>($0)")); for (var each : items) { if (each.insertText.equals("ArrayList<>")) assertThat("new ? auto-imports", each.additionalTextEdits, both(not(empty())).and(not(nullValue()))); } } @Ignore @Test public void importFromSource() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; var suggestions = insertText(file, 3, 12); assertThat("Does not have own package class", suggestions, hasItems("javacs")); } @Test public void importFromClasspath() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; var suggestions = insertText(file, 5, 13); assertThat("Has class from classpath", suggestions, hasItems("util")); } // TODO top level of import @Ignore @Test public void importFirstId() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; // import ? var suggestions = insertText(file, 7, 9); assertThat("Has class from classpath", suggestions, hasItems("com", "org")); } @Test public void emptyClasspath() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; // Static methods var suggestions = insertText(file, 6, 12); assertThat("Has deeply nested class", suggestions, not(hasItems("google.common.collect.Lists"))); } @Test public void importClass() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; // Static methods var items = items(file, 4, 25); var suggestions = -> i.label).collect(Collectors.toList()); assertThat(suggestions, hasItems("OtherPackagePublic")); assertThat(suggestions, not(hasItems("OtherPackagePrivate"))); // Imports are now being managed by FixImports // for (var item : items) { // if (item.label.equals("OtherPackagePublic")) // assertThat( // "Don't import when completing imports", // item.additionalTextEdits, // either(empty()).or(nullValue())); // } } @Test public void otherPackageId() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; // Static methods var items = items(file, 5, 14); var suggestions = -> i.label).collect(Collectors.toList()); assertThat(suggestions, hasItems("OtherPackagePublic")); assertThat(suggestions, not(hasItems("OtherPackagePrivate"))); // for (var item : items) { // if (item.label.equals("OtherPackagePublic")) // assertThat("Auto-import OtherPackagePublic", item.additionalTextEdits, not(empty())); // } } @Test public void fieldFromStaticInner() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; // Initializer of static inner class var suggestions = insertText(file, 12, 14); assertThat(suggestions, hasItems("testMethodStatic", "testFieldStatic")); // TODO this is not visible // assertThat(suggestions, not(hasItems("testMethods", "testFields"))); } @Test public void fieldFromInner() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; // Initializer of inner class var suggestions = insertText(file, 18, 14); assertThat(suggestions, hasItems("testMethodStatic", "testFieldStatic")); assertThat(suggestions, hasItems("testMethods", "testFields")); } @Test public void classDotClassFromMethod() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; // AutocompleteInners.I var suggestions = insertText(file, 5, 29); assertThat("suggests qualified inner class declaration", suggestions, hasItem("InnerClass")); assertThat("suggests qualified inner enum declaration", suggestions, hasItem("InnerEnum")); } @Test public void innerClassFromMethod() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; // I var suggestions = insertText(file, 6, 10); assertThat("suggests unqualified inner class declaration", suggestions, hasItem("InnerClass")); assertThat("suggests unqualified inner enum declaration", suggestions, hasItem("InnerEnum")); } @Test public void newClassDotInnerClassFromMethod() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; // new AutocompleteInners.I var suggestions = insertText(file, 10, 33); assertThat("suggests qualified inner class declaration", suggestions, hasItem("InnerClass")); // TODO you can't actually make an inner enum // assertThat("does not suggest enum", suggestions, not(hasItem("InnerEnum"))); } @Test public void newInnerClassFromMethod() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; // new Inner? var suggestions = insertText(file, 11, 18); assertThat("suggests unqualified inner class declaration", suggestions, hasItem("InnerClass")); // TODO you can't actually make an inner enum // assertThat("does not suggest enum", suggestions, not(hasItem("InnerEnum"))); } @Test public void innerEnum() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; var suggestions = insertText(file, 15, 40); assertThat("suggests enum constants", suggestions, hasItems("Foo")); } @Test public void enumConstantFromSourcePath() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; var suggestions = insertText(file, 6, 18); assertThat("suggests enum options", suggestions, containsInAnyOrder("Foo", "Bar")); } @Test public void enumConstantFromClassPath() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; var suggestions = insertText(file, 8, 18); assertThat("suggests enum options", suggestions, containsInAnyOrder("FULL", "LONG", "MEDIUM", "SHORT")); } @Test public void staticStarImport() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; var suggestions = insertText(file, 9, 15); assertThat("suggests star-imported static method", suggestions, hasItems("emptyList")); } @Test public void staticImport() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; var suggestions = insertText(file, 10, 10); assertThat("suggests star-imported static field", suggestions, hasItems("BC")); } @Test public void staticImportSourcePath() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; var suggestions = insertText(file, 11, 10); assertThat( "suggests star-imported public static field from source path", suggestions, hasItems("publicStaticFinal")); assertThat( "suggests star-imported package-private static field from source path", suggestions, hasItems("packagePrivateStaticFinal")); } @Test public void withinConstructor() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; var suggestions = insertText(file, 8, 38); assertThat("suggests local variable", suggestions, hasItems("length")); } @Test @Ignore public void onlySuggestOnce() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; var suggestions = insertCount(file, 5, 18); assertThat("suggests Signatures", suggestions, hasKey("Signatures")); assertThat("suggests Signatures only once", suggestions, hasEntry("Signatures", 1)); } @Test public void overloadedOnSourcePath() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; var detail = detail(file, 9, 13); assertThat("suggests empty method", detail, hasItem("void overloaded()")); assertThat("suggests int method", detail, hasItem("void overloaded(i)")); assertThat("suggests string method", detail, hasItem("void overloaded(s)")); } @Test public void overloadedOnClassPath() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; var detail = detail(file, 10, 26); assertThat("suggests empty method", detail, hasItem("List of()")); assertThat("suggests one-arg method", detail, hasItem("List of(e1)")); // assertThat("suggests vararg method", detail, hasItem("of(elements)")); } @Test public void packageName() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; var suggestions = insertText(file, 1, 5); assertThat(suggestions, hasItem(startsWith("package org.javacs.example;"))); } @Test public void className() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; var suggestions = insertText(file, 1, 2); assertThat(suggestions, hasItem(startsWith("class AutocompleteClassName"))); } @Test public void annotationInInnerClass() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; var suggestions = insertText(file, 6, 17); assertThat(suggestions, hasItem(startsWith("Override"))); } @Test public void overrideMethod() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; var suggestions = insertText(file, 8, 15); assertThat(suggestions, hasItem(containsString("void superMethod() {"))); } @Test public void stringBuilderLength() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; var suggestions = insertText(file, 6, 12); assertThat(suggestions, hasItem(containsString("length"))); } @Test public void implementsKeyword() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; var suggestions = insertText(file, 3, 34); assertThat(suggestions, hasItem(containsString("implements"))); } @Test public void importStaticPackage() { var file = "/org/javacs/example/"; var suggestions = insertText(file, 3, 20); assertThat(suggestions, hasItem(containsString("util"))); } @Test public void newlyCreatedClass() throws IOException { var file = FindResource.path("/org/javacs/example/"); try { // Create a file that didn't exist when we created the server try (var writer = Files.newBufferedWriter(file, StandardOpenOption.CREATE_NEW)) { writer.write("package org.javacs.example;\nclass NewlyCreatedFile { }"); } // Send a 'file created' notification var created = new FileEvent(); created.uri = file.toUri(); created.type = FileChangeType.Created; var changes = new DidChangeWatchedFilesParams(); changes.changes = List.of(created); server.didChangeWatchedFiles(changes); // Autocomplete `New` var suggestions = insertText("/org/javacs/example/", 5, 12); assertThat(suggestions, hasItem(containsString("NewlyCreatedFile"))); } finally { Files.delete(file); // Send a 'file deleted' notification var deleted = new FileEvent(); deleted.uri = file.toUri(); deleted.type = FileChangeType.Deleted; var changes = new DidChangeWatchedFilesParams(); changes.changes = List.of(deleted); server.didChangeWatchedFiles(changes); } } }