/* massjoin.c : irssi Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Timo Sirainen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "module.h" #include "signals.h" #include "settings.h" #include "irc-servers.h" #include "irc-channels.h" #include "irc-nicklist.h" static int massjoin_tag; static int massjoin_max_joins; /* Massjoin support - really useful when trying to do things (like op/deop) to people after netjoins. It sends "massjoin #channel nick!user@host nick2!user@host ..." signals */ static void event_join(IRC_SERVER_REC *server, const char *data, const char *nick, const char *address) { char *params, *channel, *ptr; IRC_CHANNEL_REC *chanrec; NICK_REC *nickrec; GSList *nicks, *tmp; g_return_if_fail(data != NULL); if (g_strcasecmp(nick, server->nick) == 0) { /* You joined, no need to do anything here */ return; } params = event_get_params(data, 1, &channel); ptr = strchr(channel, 7); /* ^G does something weird.. */ if (ptr != NULL) *ptr = '\0'; /* find channel */ chanrec = irc_channel_find(server, channel); g_free(params); if (chanrec == NULL) return; /* check that the nick isn't already in nicklist. seems to happen sometimes (server desyncs or something?) */ nickrec = nicklist_find(CHANNEL(chanrec), nick); if (nickrec != NULL) { /* destroy the old record */ nicklist_remove(CHANNEL(chanrec), nickrec); } /* add user to nicklist */ nickrec = irc_nicklist_insert(chanrec, nick, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE); nicklist_set_host(CHANNEL(chanrec), nickrec, address); if (chanrec->massjoins == 0) { /* no nicks waiting in massjoin queue */ chanrec->massjoin_start = time(NULL); chanrec->last_massjoins = 0; } if (nickrec->realname == NULL) { /* Check if user is already in some other channel, get the realname and other stuff from there */ nicks = nicklist_get_same(SERVER(server), nick); for (tmp = nicks; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next->next) { NICK_REC *rec = tmp->next->data; if (rec->realname != NULL) { nickrec->last_check = rec->last_check; nickrec->realname = g_strdup(rec->realname); nickrec->gone = rec->gone; break; } } g_slist_free(nicks); } chanrec->massjoins++; } static void event_part(IRC_SERVER_REC *server, const char *data, const char *nick, const char *addr) { char *params, *channel, *reason; IRC_CHANNEL_REC *chanrec; NICK_REC *nickrec; g_return_if_fail(data != NULL); if (g_strcasecmp(nick, server->nick) == 0) { /* you left channel, no need to do anything here */ return; } params = event_get_params(data, 2, &channel, &reason); /* find channel */ chanrec = irc_channel_find(server, channel); if (chanrec == NULL) { g_free(params); return; } /* remove user from nicklist */ nickrec = nicklist_find(CHANNEL(chanrec), nick); if (nickrec != NULL) { if (nickrec->send_massjoin) { /* quick join/part after which it's useless to send nick in massjoin */ chanrec->massjoins--; } nicklist_remove(CHANNEL(chanrec), nickrec); } g_free(params); } static void event_quit(IRC_SERVER_REC *server, const char *data, const char *nick) { IRC_CHANNEL_REC *channel; NICK_REC *nickrec; GSList *nicks, *tmp; g_return_if_fail(data != NULL); if (g_strcasecmp(nick, server->nick) == 0) { /* you quit, don't do anything here */ return; } /* Remove nick from all channels */ nicks = nicklist_get_same(SERVER(server), nick); for (tmp = nicks; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next->next) { channel = tmp->data; nickrec = tmp->next->data; if (nickrec->send_massjoin) { /* quick join/quit after which it's useless to send nick in massjoin */ channel->massjoins--; } nicklist_remove(CHANNEL(channel), nickrec); } g_slist_free(nicks); } static void event_kick(IRC_SERVER_REC *server, const char *data) { char *params, *channel, *nick, *reason; IRC_CHANNEL_REC *chanrec; NICK_REC *nickrec; g_return_if_fail(data != NULL); params = event_get_params(data, 3, &channel, &nick, &reason); if (g_strcasecmp(nick, server->nick) == 0) { /* you were kicked, no need to do anything */ g_free(params); return; } /* Remove user from nicklist */ chanrec = irc_channel_find(server, channel); nickrec = chanrec == NULL ? NULL : nicklist_find(CHANNEL(chanrec), nick); if (chanrec != NULL && nickrec != NULL) { if (nickrec->send_massjoin) { /* quick join/kick after which it's useless to send nick in massjoin */ chanrec->massjoins--; } nicklist_remove(CHANNEL(chanrec), nickrec); } g_free(params); } static void massjoin_send_hash(gpointer key, NICK_REC *nick, GSList **list) { if (nick->send_massjoin) { nick->send_massjoin = FALSE; *list = g_slist_append(*list, nick); } } /* Send channel's massjoin list signal */ static void massjoin_send(IRC_CHANNEL_REC *channel) { GSList *list; list = NULL; g_hash_table_foreach(channel->nicks, (GHFunc) massjoin_send_hash, &list); channel->massjoins = 0; signal_emit("massjoin", 2, channel, list); g_slist_free(list); } static void server_check_massjoins(IRC_SERVER_REC *server, time_t max) { GSList *tmp; /* Scan all channels through for massjoins */ for (tmp = server->channels; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next) { IRC_CHANNEL_REC *rec = tmp->data; if (!IS_IRC_CHANNEL(rec) || rec->massjoins <= 0) continue; if (rec->massjoin_start < max || /* We've waited long enough */ rec->massjoins-massjoin_max_joins < rec->last_massjoins) { /* Less than x joins since last check */ /* send them */ massjoin_send(rec); } else { /* Wait for some more.. */ rec->last_massjoins = rec->massjoins; } } } static int sig_massjoin_timeout(void) { GSList *tmp; time_t max; max = time(NULL)-settings_get_int("massjoin_max_wait"); for (tmp = servers; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next) { IRC_SERVER_REC *server = tmp->data; if (IS_IRC_SERVER(server)) server_check_massjoins(server, max); } return 1; } static void read_settings(void) { massjoin_max_joins = settings_get_int("massjoin_max_joins"); } void massjoin_init(void) { settings_add_int("misc", "massjoin_max_wait", 5000); settings_add_int("misc", "massjoin_max_joins", 3); massjoin_tag = g_timeout_add(1000, (GSourceFunc) sig_massjoin_timeout, NULL); read_settings(); signal_add_first("event join", (SIGNAL_FUNC) event_join); signal_add("event part", (SIGNAL_FUNC) event_part); signal_add("event kick", (SIGNAL_FUNC) event_kick); signal_add("event quit", (SIGNAL_FUNC) event_quit); signal_add("setup changed", (SIGNAL_FUNC) read_settings); } void massjoin_deinit(void) { g_source_remove(massjoin_tag); signal_remove("event join", (SIGNAL_FUNC) event_join); signal_remove("event part", (SIGNAL_FUNC) event_part); signal_remove("event kick", (SIGNAL_FUNC) event_kick); signal_remove("event quit", (SIGNAL_FUNC) event_quit); signal_remove("setup changed", (SIGNAL_FUNC) read_settings); }