/* botnet-users.c : IRC bot plugin for irssi Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Timo Sirainen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "module.h" #include "signals.h" #include "commands.h" #include "irc.h" #include "irc-server.h" #include "channels.h" #include "nicklist.h" #include "masks.h" #include "bot-users.h" #include "botnet.h" void botcmd_user_add(const char *nick) { char *str; botuser_add(nick); str = g_strdup_printf("USER_ADD %s", nick); botnet_broadcast(NULL, NULL, NULL, str); g_free(str); } void botcmd_user_set_flags(USER_REC *user, int flags) { char *str, *flagstr; botuser_set_flags(user, flags); flagstr = botuser_value2flags(flags); str = g_strdup_printf("USER_FLAGS %s %s", user->nick, flagstr); g_free(flagstr); botnet_broadcast(NULL, NULL, NULL, str); g_free(str); } void botcmd_user_set_channel_flags(USER_REC *user, const char *channel, int flags) { char *str, *flagstr; botuser_set_channel_flags(user, channel, flags); flagstr = botuser_value2flags(flags); str = g_strdup_printf("USER_CHAN_FLAGS %s %s %s", user->nick, channel, flagstr); g_free(flagstr); botnet_broadcast(NULL, NULL, NULL, str); g_free(str); } void botcmd_user_add_mask(USER_REC *user, const char *mask) { char *str; botuser_add_mask(user, mask); str = g_strdup_printf("USER_ADD_MASK %s %s", user->nick, mask); botnet_broadcast(NULL, NULL, NULL, str); g_free(str); } void botcmd_user_set_mask_notflags(USER_REC *user, const char *mask, int not_flags) { char *str, *flagstr; botuser_set_mask_notflags(user, mask, not_flags); flagstr = botuser_value2flags(not_flags); str = g_strdup_printf("USER_MASK_NOTFLAGS %s %s %s", user->nick, mask, flagstr); g_free(flagstr); botnet_broadcast(NULL, NULL, NULL, str); g_free(str); } void botcmd_user_set_password(USER_REC *user, const char *password) { char *str; botuser_set_password(user, password); str = g_strdup_printf("USER_PASS %s %s", user->nick, password); botnet_broadcast(NULL, NULL, NULL, str); g_free(str); } static void botnet_event_user_add(BOT_REC *bot, const char *data, const char *sender) { char *nick; void *free_arg; if (!cmd_get_params(data, &free_arg, 1, &nick)) return; botuser_add(nick); cmd_params_free(free_arg); } static void botnet_event_user_flags(BOT_REC *bot, const char *data, const char *sender) { USER_REC *user; char *nick, *flags; void *free_arg; if (!cmd_get_params(data, &free_arg, 2, &nick, &flags)) return; user = botuser_find(nick, NULL); if (user == NULL) user = botuser_add(nick); botuser_set_flags(user, botuser_flags2value(flags)); cmd_params_free(free_arg); } static void botnet_event_user_chan_flags(BOT_REC *bot, const char *data, const char *sender) { USER_REC *user; char *nick, *channel, *flags; void *free_arg; if (!cmd_get_params(data, &free_arg, 3, &nick, &channel, &flags)) return; user = botuser_find(nick, NULL); if (user == NULL) user = botuser_add(nick); botuser_set_channel_flags(user, channel, botuser_flags2value(flags)); cmd_params_free(free_arg); } static void botnet_event_user_add_mask(BOT_REC *bot, const char *data, const char *sender) { USER_REC *user; char *nick, *mask; void *free_arg; if (!cmd_get_params(data, &free_arg, 2, &nick, &mask)) return; user = botuser_find(nick, NULL); if (user == NULL) user = botuser_add(nick); botuser_add_mask(user, mask); cmd_params_free(free_arg); } static void botnet_event_user_mask_notflags(BOT_REC *bot, const char *data, const char *sender) { USER_REC *user; char *nick, *mask, *not_flags; void *free_arg; if (!cmd_get_params(data, &free_arg, 3, &nick, &mask, ¬_flags)) return; user = botuser_find(nick, NULL); if (user == NULL) user = botuser_add(nick); botuser_set_mask_notflags(user, mask, botuser_flags2value(not_flags)); cmd_params_free(free_arg); } static void botnet_event_user_pass(BOT_REC *bot, const char *data, const char *sender) { USER_REC *user; char *nick, *pass; void *free_arg; if (!cmd_get_params(data, &free_arg, 2, &nick, &pass)) return; user = botuser_find(nick, NULL); if (user == NULL) user = botuser_add(nick); botuser_set_password(user, pass); cmd_params_free(free_arg); } void botnet_users_init(void) { signal_add("botnet event user_add", (SIGNAL_FUNC) botnet_event_user_add); signal_add("botnet event user_flags", (SIGNAL_FUNC) botnet_event_user_flags); signal_add("botnet event user_chan_flags", (SIGNAL_FUNC) botnet_event_user_chan_flags); signal_add("botnet event user_add_mask", (SIGNAL_FUNC) botnet_event_user_add_mask); signal_add("botnet event user_mask_notflags", (SIGNAL_FUNC) botnet_event_user_mask_notflags); signal_add("botnet event user_pass", (SIGNAL_FUNC) botnet_event_user_pass); } void botnet_users_deinit(void) { signal_remove("botnet event user_add", (SIGNAL_FUNC) botnet_event_user_add); signal_remove("botnet event user_flags", (SIGNAL_FUNC) botnet_event_user_flags); signal_remove("botnet event user_chan_flags", (SIGNAL_FUNC) botnet_event_user_chan_flags); signal_remove("botnet event user_add_mask", (SIGNAL_FUNC) botnet_event_user_add_mask); signal_remove("botnet event user_mask_notflags", (SIGNAL_FUNC) botnet_event_user_mask_notflags); signal_remove("botnet event user_pass", (SIGNAL_FUNC) botnet_event_user_pass); }