/* term-terminfo.c : irssi Copyright (C) 2001 Timo Sirainen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "module.h" #include "signals.h" #include "term.h" #include "terminfo-core.h" #include "utf8.h" #include /* returns number of characters in the beginning of the buffer being a a single character, or -1 if more input is needed. The character will be saved in result */ typedef int (*TERM_INPUT_FUNC)(const unsigned char *buffer, int size, unichar *result); struct _TERM_WINDOW { /* Terminal to use for window */ TERM_REC *term; /* Area for window in terminal */ int x, y; int width, height; }; TERM_WINDOW *root_window; static char *term_lines_empty; /* 1 if line is entirely empty */ static int vcmove, vcx, vcy, curs_visible; static int crealx, crealy, cforcemove; static int curs_x, curs_y; static int auto_detach; static int last_fg, last_bg, last_attrs; static int redraw_needed, redraw_tag; static int freeze_counter; static TERM_INPUT_FUNC input_func; static unsigned char term_inbuf[256]; static int term_inbuf_pos; /* SIGCONT handler */ static void sig_cont(int p) { redraw_needed = TRUE; terminfo_cont(current_term); } static int redraw_timeout(void) { if (redraw_needed) { irssi_redraw(); redraw_needed = FALSE; } return 1; } int term_init(void) { struct sigaction act; int width, height; last_fg = last_bg = -1; last_attrs = 0; vcx = vcy = 0; crealx = crealy = -1; vcmove = FALSE; cforcemove = TRUE; curs_visible = TRUE; current_term = terminfo_core_init(stdin, stdout); if (current_term == NULL) return FALSE; if (term_get_size(&width, &height)) { current_term->width = width; current_term->height = height; } /* grab CONT signal */ sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask); act.sa_flags = 0; act.sa_handler = sig_cont; sigaction(SIGCONT, &act, NULL); redraw_tag = g_timeout_add(500, (GSourceFunc) redraw_timeout, NULL); curs_x = curs_y = 0; term_width = current_term->width; term_height = current_term->height; root_window = term_window_create(0, 0, term_width, term_height); term_detached = FALSE; term_lines_empty = g_new0(char, term_height); term_set_input_type(TERM_TYPE_8BIT); term_common_init(); g_atexit(term_deinit); return TRUE; } void term_deinit(void) { if (current_term != NULL) { signal(SIGCONT, SIG_DFL); g_source_remove(redraw_tag); term_common_deinit(); terminfo_core_deinit(current_term); current_term = NULL; } } static void term_move_real(void) { if (term_detached) return; if (vcx != crealx || vcy != crealy || cforcemove) { if (curs_visible) { terminfo_set_cursor_visible(FALSE); curs_visible = FALSE; } if (cforcemove) { crealx = crealy = -1; cforcemove = FALSE; } terminfo_move_relative(crealx, crealy, vcx, vcy); crealx = vcx; crealy = vcy; } vcmove = FALSE; } /* Cursor position is unknown - move it immediately to known position */ static void term_move_reset(int x, int y) { if (x >= term_width) x = term_width-1; if (y >= term_height) y = term_height-1; vcx = x; vcy = y; cforcemove = TRUE; term_move_real(); } /* Resize terminal - if width or height is negative, the new size is unknown and should be figured out somehow */ void term_resize(int width, int height) { if (width < 0 || height < 0) { width = current_term->width; height = current_term->height; } if (term_width != width || term_height != height) { term_width = current_term->width = width; term_height = current_term->height = height; term_window_move(root_window, 0, 0, term_width, term_height); g_free(term_lines_empty); term_lines_empty = g_new0(char, term_height); } term_move_reset(0, 0); } void term_resize_final(int width, int height) { } /* Returns TRUE if terminal has colors */ int term_has_colors(void) { return current_term->TI_colors > 0; } /* Force the colors on any way you can */ void term_force_colors(int set) { if (term_detached) return; terminfo_setup_colors(current_term, set); } /* Clear screen */ void term_clear(void) { if (term_detached) return; term_set_color(root_window, ATTR_RESET); terminfo_clear(); term_move_reset(0, 0); memset(term_lines_empty, 1, term_height); } /* Beep */ void term_beep(void) { if (term_detached) return; terminfo_beep(current_term); } /* Create a new window in terminal */ TERM_WINDOW *term_window_create(int x, int y, int width, int height) { TERM_WINDOW *window; window = g_new0(TERM_WINDOW, 1); window->term = current_term; window->x = x; window->y = y; window->width = width; window->height = height; return window; } /* Destroy a terminal window */ void term_window_destroy(TERM_WINDOW *window) { g_free(window); } /* Move/resize a window */ void term_window_move(TERM_WINDOW *window, int x, int y, int width, int height) { window->x = x; window->y = y; window->width = width; window->height = height; } /* Clear window */ void term_window_clear(TERM_WINDOW *window) { int y; if (term_detached) return; terminfo_set_normal(); if (window->y == 0 && window->height == term_height) { term_clear(); } else { for (y = 0; y < window->height; y++) { term_move(window, 0, y); term_clrtoeol(window); } } } /* Scroll window up/down */ void term_window_scroll(TERM_WINDOW *window, int count) { int y; if (term_detached) return; terminfo_scroll(window->y, window->y+window->height-1, count); term_move_reset(vcx, vcy); /* set the newly scrolled area dirty */ for (y = 0; y < window->height; y++) term_lines_empty[window->y+y] = FALSE; } /* Change active color */ void term_set_color(TERM_WINDOW *window, int col) { int set_normal; if (term_detached) return; set_normal = ((col & ATTR_RESETFG) && last_fg != -1) || ((col & ATTR_RESETBG) && last_bg != -1); if (((last_attrs & ATTR_BOLD) && (col & ATTR_BOLD) == 0) || ((last_attrs & ATTR_BLINK) && (col & ATTR_BLINK) == 0)) { /* we'll need to get rid of bold/blink - this can only be done with setting the default color */ set_normal = TRUE; } if (set_normal) { last_fg = last_bg = -1; last_attrs = 0; terminfo_set_normal(); } if (!term_use_colors && (col & 0xf0) != 0) col |= ATTR_REVERSE; /* reversed text (use standout) */ if (col & ATTR_REVERSE) { if ((last_attrs & ATTR_REVERSE) == 0) terminfo_set_standout(TRUE); } else if (last_attrs & ATTR_REVERSE) terminfo_set_standout(FALSE); /* set foreground color */ if ((col & 0x0f) != last_fg && ((col & 0x0f) != 0 || (col & ATTR_RESETFG) == 0)) { if (term_use_colors) { last_fg = col & 0x0f; terminfo_set_fg(last_fg); } } /* set background color */ if (col & 0x80) col |= ATTR_BLINK; if (col & ATTR_BLINK) current_term->set_blink(current_term); if ((col & 0xf0) >> 4 != last_bg && ((col & 0xf0) != 0 || (col & ATTR_RESETBG) == 0)) { if (term_use_colors) { last_bg = (col & 0xf0) >> 4; terminfo_set_bg(last_bg); } } /* bold */ if (col & 0x08) col |= ATTR_BOLD; if (col & ATTR_BOLD) terminfo_set_bold(); /* underline */ if (col & ATTR_UNDERLINE) { if ((last_attrs & ATTR_UNDERLINE) == 0) terminfo_set_uline(TRUE); } else if (last_attrs & ATTR_UNDERLINE) terminfo_set_uline(FALSE); last_attrs = col & ~0xff; } void term_move(TERM_WINDOW *window, int x, int y) { if (x >= 0 && y >= 0) { vcmove = TRUE; vcx = x+window->x; vcy = y+window->y; if (vcx >= term_width) vcx = term_width-1; if (vcy >= term_height) vcy = term_height-1; } } static void term_printed_text(int count) { term_lines_empty[vcy] = FALSE; /* if we continued writing past the line, wrap to next line. However, next term_move() really shouldn't try to cache the move, otherwise terminals would try to combine the last word in upper line with first word in lower line. */ vcx += count; while (vcx >= term_width) { vcx -= term_width; if (vcy < term_height-1) vcy++; if (vcx > 0) term_lines_empty[vcy] = FALSE; } crealx += count; if (crealx >= term_width) cforcemove = TRUE; } void term_addch(TERM_WINDOW *window, int chr) { if (term_detached) return; if (vcmove) term_move_real(); if (vcy < term_height-1 || vcx < term_width-1) { /* With UTF-8, move cursor only if this char is either single-byte (8. bit off) or beginning of multibyte (7. bit off) */ if (term_type != TERM_TYPE_UTF8 || (chr & 0x80) == 0 || (chr & 0x40) == 0) { term_printed_text(1); } putc(chr, window->term->out); } } static void term_addch_utf8(TERM_WINDOW *window, unichar chr) { char buf[10]; int i, len; len = utf16_char_to_utf8(chr, buf); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) putc(buf[i], window->term->out); } void term_add_unichar(TERM_WINDOW *window, unichar chr) { if (term_detached) return; if (vcmove) term_move_real(); if (vcy == term_height-1 && vcx == term_width-1) return; /* last char in screen */ switch (term_type) { case TERM_TYPE_UTF8: term_printed_text(unichar_isprint(chr) ? mk_wcwidth(chr) : 1); term_addch_utf8(window, chr); break; case TERM_TYPE_BIG5: if (chr > 0xff) { term_printed_text(2); putc((chr >> 8) & 0xff, window->term->out); } else { term_printed_text(1); } putc((chr & 0xff), window->term->out); break; default: term_printed_text(1); putc(chr, window->term->out); break; } } void term_addstr(TERM_WINDOW *window, const char *str) { int len; if (term_detached) return; if (vcmove) term_move_real(); len = strlen(str); /* FIXME utf8 or big5 */ term_printed_text(len); if (vcy != term_height || vcx != 0) fputs(str, window->term->out); else fwrite(str, 1, len-1, window->term->out); } void term_clrtoeol(TERM_WINDOW *window) { if (term_detached) return; /* clrtoeol() doesn't necessarily understand colors */ if (last_fg == -1 && last_bg == -1 && (last_attrs & (ATTR_UNDERLINE|ATTR_REVERSE)) == 0) { if (!term_lines_empty[vcy]) { if (vcmove) term_move_real(); terminfo_clrtoeol(); if (vcx == 0) term_lines_empty[vcy] = TRUE; } } else if (vcx < term_width) { /* we'll need to fill the line ourself. */ if (vcmove) term_move_real(); terminfo_repeat(' ', term_width-vcx); terminfo_move(vcx, vcy); term_lines_empty[vcy] = FALSE; } } void term_move_cursor(int x, int y) { curs_x = x; curs_y = y; } void term_refresh(TERM_WINDOW *window) { if (term_detached || freeze_counter > 0) return; term_move(root_window, curs_x, curs_y); term_move_real(); if (!curs_visible) { terminfo_set_cursor_visible(TRUE); curs_visible = TRUE; } term_set_color(window, ATTR_RESET); fflush(window != NULL ? window->term->out : current_term->out); } void term_refresh_freeze(void) { freeze_counter++; } void term_refresh_thaw(void) { if (--freeze_counter == 0) term_refresh(NULL); } void term_auto_detach(int set) { auto_detach = set; } void term_detach(void) { terminfo_stop(current_term); fclose(current_term->in); fclose(current_term->out); current_term->in = NULL; current_term->out = NULL; term_detached = TRUE; } void term_attach(FILE *in, FILE *out) { current_term->in = in; current_term->out = out; term_detached = FALSE; terminfo_cont(current_term); irssi_redraw(); } void term_stop(void) { if (term_detached) { kill(getpid(), SIGTSTP); } else { terminfo_stop(current_term); kill(getpid(), SIGTSTP); terminfo_cont(current_term); irssi_redraw(); } } static int input_utf8(const unsigned char *buffer, int size, unichar *result) { unichar c = g_utf8_get_char_validated(buffer, size); switch (c) { case (unichar)-1: /* not UTF8 - fallback to 8bit ascii */ *result = *buffer; return 1; case (unichar)-2: /* need more data */ return -1; default: *result = c; return g_utf8_skip[*buffer]; } } static int input_big5(const unsigned char *buffer, int size, unichar *result) { if (is_big5_hi(*buffer)) { /* could be */ if (size == 1) return -1; if (is_big5_los(buffer[1]) || is_big5_lox(buffer[1])) { *result = buffer[1] + ((int) *buffer << 8); return 2; } } *result = *buffer; return 1; } static int input_8bit(const unsigned char *buffer, int size, unichar *result) { *result = *buffer; return 1; } void term_set_input_type(int type) { switch (type) { case TERM_TYPE_UTF8: input_func = input_utf8; break; case TERM_TYPE_BIG5: input_func = input_big5; break; default: input_func = input_8bit; } } int term_gets(unichar *buffer, int size) { int ret, i, char_len; if (term_detached) return 0; /* fread() doesn't work */ if (size > sizeof(term_inbuf)-term_inbuf_pos) size = sizeof(term_inbuf)-term_inbuf_pos; ret = read(fileno(current_term->in), term_inbuf + term_inbuf_pos, size); if (ret == 0) { /* EOF - terminal got lost */ if (auto_detach) term_detach(); ret = -1; } else if (ret == -1 && (errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN)) ret = 0; if (ret > 0) { /* convert input to unichars. */ term_inbuf_pos += ret; ret = 0; for (i = 0; i < term_inbuf_pos; ) { char_len = input_func(term_inbuf+i, term_inbuf_pos-i, buffer); if (char_len < 0) break; i += char_len; buffer++; ret++; } if (i >= term_inbuf_pos) term_inbuf_pos = 0; else if (i > 0) { memmove(term_inbuf, term_inbuf+i, term_inbuf_pos-i); term_inbuf_pos -= i; } } return ret; }