/* gui-windows.c : irssi Copyright (C) 1999 Timo Sirainen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "module.h" #include "signals.h" #include "commands.h" #include "server.h" #include "misc.h" #include "irc.h" #include "channels.h" #include "windows.h" #include "screen.h" #include "gui-entry.h" #include "gui-mainwindows.h" #include "gui-windows.h" #include #define DEFAULT_INDENT_POS 10 int first_text_line = 0, last_text_line = 0; static GUI_WINDOW_REC *gui_window_init(WINDOW_REC *window, MAIN_WINDOW_REC *parent) { GUI_WINDOW_REC *gui; gui = g_new0(GUI_WINDOW_REC, 1); gui->parent = parent; gui->bottom = TRUE; gui->line_chunk = g_mem_chunk_new("line chunk", sizeof(LINE_REC), sizeof(LINE_REC)*100, G_ALLOC_AND_FREE); gui->empty_linecount = last_text_line-first_text_line-1; return gui; } static void gui_window_deinit(GUI_WINDOW_REC *gui) { g_slist_foreach(gui->text_chunks, (GFunc) g_free, NULL); g_slist_free(gui->text_chunks); g_mem_chunk_destroy(gui->line_chunk); g_list_free(gui->lines); g_free(gui); } static void gui_window_created(WINDOW_REC *window) { MAIN_WINDOW_REC *parent; g_return_if_fail(window != NULL); parent = (active_win == NULL || WINDOW_GUI(active_win) == NULL) ? gui_mainwindow_create() : WINDOW_GUI(active_win)->parent; if (parent->children == NULL) parent->active = window; parent->children = g_list_append(parent->children, window); window->gui_data = gui_window_init(window, parent); signal_emit("gui window created", 1, window); } static void gui_window_destroyed(WINDOW_REC *window) { MAIN_WINDOW_REC *parent; GUI_WINDOW_REC *gui; g_return_if_fail(window != NULL); gui = WINDOW_GUI(window); parent = gui->parent; parent->children = g_list_remove(parent->children, window); signal_emit("gui window destroyed", 1, window); gui_window_deinit(gui); window->gui_data = NULL; if (parent->children == NULL) gui_mainwindow_destroy(parent); if (windows != NULL && active_win == window && !quitting) window_set_active(windows->data); } void gui_window_clear(WINDOW_REC *window) { MAIN_WINDOW_REC *parent; g_return_if_fail(window != NULL); parent = WINDOW_GUI(window)->parent; gui_window_deinit(WINDOW_GUI(window)); window->gui_data = gui_window_init(window, parent); window->lines = 0; if (is_window_visible(window)) gui_window_redraw(window); } gint gui_window_update_bottom(GUI_WINDOW_REC *gui, gint lines) { gint linecount, last_linecount; if (gui->bottom_startline == NULL) return -1; while (lines < 0) { if (gui->bottom_subline > 0) gui->bottom_subline--; else { if (gui->bottom_startline->prev == NULL) return -1; gui->bottom_startline = gui->bottom_startline->prev; linecount = gui_window_get_linecount(gui, gui->bottom_startline->data); gui->bottom_subline = linecount-1; } lines++; } last_linecount = linecount = -1; while (lines > 0) { if (linecount == -1) last_linecount = linecount = gui_window_get_linecount(gui, gui->bottom_startline->data); if (linecount > gui->bottom_subline+1) gui->bottom_subline++; else { gui->bottom_subline = 0; linecount = -1; if (gui->bottom_startline->next == NULL) break; gui->bottom_startline = gui->bottom_startline->next; } lines--; } return last_linecount; } void gui_window_newline(GUI_WINDOW_REC *gui, gboolean visible) { gboolean last_line; gint linecount; g_return_if_fail(gui != NULL); gui->xpos = 0; last_line = gui->ypos >= last_text_line-first_text_line-1; if (gui->empty_linecount > 0) { /* window buffer height isn't even the size of the screen yet */ gui->empty_linecount--; linecount = gui_window_get_linecount(gui, gui->startline->data); } else { linecount = gui_window_update_bottom(gui, 1); } if (!last_line || !gui->bottom) { gui->ypos++; } else if (gui->bottom) { if (gui->subline >= linecount) { /* after screen gets full after /CLEAR we end up here.. */ gui->startline = gui->startline->next; gui->subline = 0; linecount = gui_window_update_bottom(gui, 1); } if (linecount > 1+gui->subline) gui->subline++; else { gui->startline = gui->startline->next; gui->subline = 0; } if (visible) { scroll_up(first_text_line, last_text_line-1); move(last_text_line-1, 0); clrtoeol(); } } } /* get number of real lines that line record takes - this really should share at least some code with gui_window_line_draw().. */ gint gui_window_get_linecount(GUI_WINDOW_REC *gui, LINE_REC *line) { gchar *ptr, *last_space_ptr, *tmp; gint lines, xpos, indent_pos, last_space; g_return_val_if_fail(gui != NULL, -1); g_return_val_if_fail(line != NULL, -1); if (line->text == NULL) return 0; xpos = 0; lines = 1; indent_pos = DEFAULT_INDENT_POS; last_space = 0; last_space_ptr = NULL; for (ptr = line->text;; ptr++) { if (*ptr == '\0') { /* command */ ptr++; switch ((guchar) *ptr) { case LINE_CMD_EOL: return lines; case LINE_CMD_CONTINUE: memcpy(&tmp, ptr+1, sizeof(gchar *)); ptr = tmp-1; break; case LINE_CMD_INDENT: indent_pos = xpos; break; } continue; } if (xpos == COLS) { xpos = indent_pos >= COLS-5 ? DEFAULT_INDENT_POS : indent_pos; if (last_space > indent_pos && last_space > 10) { ptr = last_space_ptr; while (*ptr == ' ') ptr++; } last_space = 0; lines++; ptr--; continue; } xpos++; if (*ptr == ' ') { last_space = xpos-1; last_space_ptr = ptr+1; } } } /* draw line - ugly code.. */ gint gui_window_line_draw(GUI_WINDOW_REC *gui, LINE_REC *line, gint ypos, gint skip, gint max) { gchar *ptr, *last_space_ptr, *tmp; gint lines, xpos, color, indent_pos, last_space, last_space_color; g_return_val_if_fail(gui != NULL, -1); g_return_val_if_fail(line != NULL, -1); if (line->text == NULL) return 0; move(ypos, 0); xpos = 0; color = 0; lines = -1; indent_pos = DEFAULT_INDENT_POS; last_space = last_space_color = 0; last_space_ptr = NULL; for (ptr = line->text;; ptr++) { if (*ptr == '\0') { /* command */ ptr++; if ((*ptr & 0x80) == 0) { /* set color */ color = (color & ATTR_UNDERLINE) | *ptr; } else switch ((guchar) *ptr) { case LINE_CMD_EOL: return lines; case LINE_CMD_CONTINUE: memcpy(&tmp, ptr+1, sizeof(gchar *)); ptr = tmp-1; break; case LINE_CMD_UNDERLINE: color ^= ATTR_UNDERLINE; break; case LINE_CMD_COLOR8: color &= 0xfff0; color |= 8|ATTR_COLOR8; break; case LINE_CMD_BEEP: beep(); break; case LINE_CMD_INDENT: indent_pos = xpos; break; } set_color(color); continue; } if (xpos == COLS) { xpos = indent_pos >= COLS-5 ? DEFAULT_INDENT_POS : indent_pos; if (last_space > indent_pos && last_space > 10) { /* remove the last word */ if (!skip) { move(ypos, last_space); set_color(0); clrtoeol(); } /* skip backwards to draw the line again. */ ptr = last_space_ptr; color = last_space_color; if (!skip) set_color(color); while (*ptr == ' ') ptr++; } last_space = 0; if (skip > 0) { if (--skip == 0) set_color(color); } else { if (lines == max) return lines; if (max != -1) ypos++; else { gui_window_newline(gui, TRUE); ypos = first_text_line+gui->ypos; } lines++; } move(ypos, indent_pos); /* we could have \0.. */ ptr--; continue; } xpos++; if (*ptr == ' ') { last_space = xpos-1; last_space_color = color; last_space_ptr = ptr+1; } if (skip) continue; if (lines == -1) lines = 0; if ((guchar) *ptr >= 32) addch((guchar) *ptr); else { /* low-ascii */ set_color(ATTR_REVERSE); addch(*ptr+'A'-1); set_color(color); } } } void gui_window_redraw(WINDOW_REC *window) { GUI_WINDOW_REC *gui; GList *line; gint ypos, lines, skip, max; g_return_if_fail(window != NULL); gui = WINDOW_GUI(window); for (ypos = first_text_line; ypos < last_text_line; ypos++) { set_color(0); move(ypos, 0); clrtoeol(); } skip = gui->subline; ypos = first_text_line; for (line = gui->startline; line != NULL; line = line->next) { LINE_REC *rec = line->data; max = last_text_line - ypos-1; if (max < 0) break; lines = gui_window_line_draw(gui, rec, ypos, skip, max); skip = 0; ypos += lines+1; } screen_refresh(); } static void gui_window_scroll_up(GUI_WINDOW_REC *gui, gint lines) { LINE_REC *line; gint count, linecount; if (gui->startline == NULL) return; count = lines-gui->subline; gui->ypos += gui->subline; gui->subline = 0; while (gui->startline->prev != NULL && count > 0) { gui->startline = gui->startline->prev; line = gui->startline->data; linecount = gui_window_get_linecount(gui, line); count -= linecount; gui->ypos += linecount; } if (count < 0) { gui->subline = -count; gui->ypos -= -count; } gui->bottom = (gui->ypos >= -1 && gui->ypos <= last_text_line-first_text_line-1); } static void gui_window_scroll_down(GUI_WINDOW_REC *gui, gint lines) { LINE_REC *line; gint count, linecount; if (gui->startline == gui->bottom_startline && gui->subline == gui->bottom_subline) return; count = lines+gui->subline; gui->ypos += gui->subline; gui->subline = 0; while (count > 0) { line = gui->startline->data; linecount = gui_window_get_linecount(gui, line); count -= linecount; gui->ypos -= linecount; if (gui->startline == gui->bottom_startline && linecount+count > gui->bottom_subline) { /* reached the last screenful of text */ gui->subline = gui->bottom_subline; gui->ypos += linecount; gui->ypos -= gui->subline; break; } if (count <= 0) { gui->subline = linecount+count; gui->ypos += -count; break; } if (gui->startline->next == NULL) { gui->subline = linecount; break; } gui->startline = gui->startline->next; } gui->bottom = (gui->ypos >= -1 && gui->ypos <= last_text_line-first_text_line-1); } void gui_window_scroll(WINDOW_REC *window, gint lines) { GUI_WINDOW_REC *gui; g_return_if_fail(window != NULL); gui = WINDOW_GUI(window); if (lines < 0) gui_window_scroll_up(gui, -lines); else gui_window_scroll_down(gui, lines); if (is_window_visible(window)) gui_window_redraw(window); signal_emit("gui page scrolled", 1, window); } static void window_update_prompt(WINDOW_REC *window) { WI_ITEM_REC *item; char *text, *str; item = window->active; if (item != NULL) text = item->name; else if (window->name != NULL) text = window->name; else { gui_entry_set_prompt(""); return; } /* set prompt */ str = g_strdup_printf("[%1.17s] ", text); gui_entry_set_prompt(str); if (*str != '\0') g_free(str); } static void signal_window_changed(WINDOW_REC *window) { g_return_if_fail(window != NULL); WINDOW_GUI(window)->parent->active = window; screen_refresh_freeze(); window_update_prompt(window); gui_window_redraw(window); screen_refresh_thaw(); } static void signal_window_item_update(WINDOW_REC *window) { CHANNEL_REC *channel; channel = irc_item_channel(window->active); if (channel != NULL) { /* redraw channel widgets */ signal_emit("channel topic changed", 1, channel); signal_emit("channel mode changed", 1, channel); } window_update_prompt(window); } GList *gui_window_find_text(WINDOW_REC *window, gchar *text, GList *startline, int regexp, int fullword) { regex_t preg; GList *tmp; GList *matches; gchar *str, *ptr; gint n, size; g_return_val_if_fail(window != NULL, NULL); g_return_val_if_fail(text != NULL, NULL); text = g_strdup(text); g_strup(text); matches = NULL; size = 1024; str = g_malloc(1024); if (regcomp(&preg, text, REG_EXTENDED|REG_NOSUB) != 0) { g_free(text); return 0; } if (startline == NULL) startline = WINDOW_GUI(window)->lines; for (tmp = startline; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next) { LINE_REC *rec = tmp->data; for (n = 0, ptr = rec->text; ; ptr++) { if (*ptr != 0) { if (n+2 > size) { size += 1024; str = g_realloc(str, size); } str[n++] = toupper(*ptr); } else { ptr++; if ((guchar) *ptr == LINE_CMD_CONTINUE) { gchar *tmp; memcpy(&tmp, ptr+1, sizeof(gchar *)); ptr = tmp-1; } else if ((guchar) *ptr == LINE_CMD_EOL) break; } } str[n] = '\0'; if (regexp ? /*regexec(&preg, str, 0, NULL, 0) == 0*/regexp_match(str, text) : fullword ? stristr_full(str, text) != NULL : strstr(str, text) != NULL) { /* matched */ matches = g_list_append(matches, rec); } } regfree(&preg); if (str != NULL) g_free(str); g_free(text); return matches; } static void gui_window_horiz_resize(WINDOW_REC *window) { GUI_WINDOW_REC *gui; gint linecount; gui = WINDOW_GUI(window); if (gui->lines == NULL) return; linecount = gui_window_get_linecount(gui, g_list_last(gui->lines)->data); gui->last_subline = linecount-1; /* fake a /CLEAR and scroll window up one page */ gui->ypos = -1; gui->bottom = TRUE; gui->empty_linecount = last_text_line-first_text_line-1; gui->bottom_startline = gui->startline = g_list_last(gui->lines); gui->bottom_subline = gui->subline = gui->last_subline+1; gui_window_scroll(window, -gui->empty_linecount-1); gui->bottom_startline = gui->startline; gui->bottom_subline = gui->subline; /* remove the empty lines from the end */ if (gui->bottom && gui->startline == gui->lines) gui->empty_linecount = (last_text_line-first_text_line-1); else gui->empty_linecount = 0; } void gui_windows_resize(gint ychange, gboolean xchange) { GUI_WINDOW_REC *gui; WINDOW_REC *window; GSList *tmp; screen_refresh_freeze(); for (tmp = windows; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next) { window = tmp->data; gui = WINDOW_GUI(window); if (xchange) { /* window width changed, we'll need to recalculate a few things.. */ gui_window_horiz_resize(window); continue; } if (ychange < 0 && gui->empty_linecount > 0) { /* empty space at the bottom of the screen - just eat it. */ gui->empty_linecount += ychange; if (gui->empty_linecount < 0) gui->empty_linecount = 0; } else if (gui->bottom && gui->startline == gui->lines && ychange > 0) { /* less than screenful of text, add empty space */ gui->empty_linecount += ychange; } else { gui_window_update_bottom(WINDOW_GUI(window), -ychange); gui_window_scroll(window, -ychange); } } irssi_redraw(); screen_refresh_thaw(); } static void cmd_window_move(gchar *data) { GSList *w1, *w2; WINDOW_REC *window; g_return_if_fail(data != NULL); window = active_win; w1 = g_slist_find(windows, window); if (g_strcasecmp(data, "LEFT") == 0 || g_strncasecmp(data, "PREV", 4) == 0) { w2 = g_slist_nth(windows, g_slist_index(windows, window)-1); if (w2 == NULL) { window = w1->data; windows = g_slist_remove(windows, window); windows = g_slist_append(windows, window); w2 = g_slist_last(windows); } } else if (g_strcasecmp(data, "RIGHT") == 0 || g_strcasecmp(data, "NEXT") == 0) { w2 = w1->next; if (w2 == NULL) { window = w1->data; windows = g_slist_remove(windows, window); windows = g_slist_prepend(windows, window); } } else return; if (w2 != NULL) { window = w1->data; w1->data = w2->data; w2->data = window; } window_set_active(window); } void gui_windows_init(void) { signal_add("window created", (SIGNAL_FUNC) gui_window_created); signal_add("window destroyed", (SIGNAL_FUNC) gui_window_destroyed); signal_add("window changed", (SIGNAL_FUNC) signal_window_changed); signal_add("window item changed", (SIGNAL_FUNC) signal_window_item_update); signal_add("window name changed", (SIGNAL_FUNC) signal_window_item_update); signal_add("window item remove", (SIGNAL_FUNC) signal_window_item_update); command_bind("window move", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) cmd_window_move); } void gui_windows_deinit(void) { signal_remove("window created", (SIGNAL_FUNC) gui_window_created); signal_remove("window destroyed", (SIGNAL_FUNC) gui_window_destroyed); signal_remove("window changed", (SIGNAL_FUNC) signal_window_changed); signal_remove("window item changed", (SIGNAL_FUNC) signal_window_item_update); signal_remove("window name changed", (SIGNAL_FUNC) signal_window_item_update); signal_remove("window item remove", (SIGNAL_FUNC) signal_window_item_update); command_unbind("window move", (SIGNAL_FUNC) cmd_window_move); }