/* gui-readline.c : irssi Copyright (C) 1999 Timo Sirainen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "module.h" #include "module-formats.h" #include "signals.h" #include "misc.h" #include "settings.h" #include "special-vars.h" #include "levels.h" #include "servers.h" #include "completion.h" #include "command-history.h" #include "keyboard.h" #include "printtext.h" #include "term.h" #include "gui-entry.h" #include "gui-windows.h" #include "utf8.h" #include typedef void (*ENTRY_REDIRECT_KEY_FUNC) (int key, void *data, SERVER_REC *server, WI_ITEM_REC *item); typedef void (*ENTRY_REDIRECT_ENTRY_FUNC) (const char *line, void *data, SERVER_REC *server, WI_ITEM_REC *item); typedef struct { SIGNAL_FUNC func; int flags; void *data; } ENTRY_REDIRECT_REC; static KEYBOARD_REC *keyboard; static ENTRY_REDIRECT_REC *redir; static int escape_next_key; static int readtag; static unichar prev_key; static GTimeVal last_keypress; static int paste_detect_time, paste_detect_keycount, paste_verify_line_count; static int paste_state, paste_keycount; static char *paste_entry, *prev_entry; static int paste_entry_pos, prev_entry_pos; static GArray *paste_buffer; static char *paste_old_prompt; static int paste_prompt, paste_line_count; static int paste_join_multiline; static void sig_input(void); void input_listen_init(int handle) { GIOChannel *stdin_channel; stdin_channel = g_io_channel_unix_new(handle); readtag = g_input_add_full(stdin_channel, G_PRIORITY_HIGH, G_INPUT_READ, (GInputFunction) sig_input, NULL); g_io_channel_unref(stdin_channel); } void input_listen_deinit(void) { g_source_remove(readtag); readtag = -1; } static void handle_key_redirect(int key) { ENTRY_REDIRECT_KEY_FUNC func; void *data; func = (ENTRY_REDIRECT_KEY_FUNC) redir->func; data = redir->data; g_free_and_null(redir); gui_entry_set_prompt(active_entry, ""); if (func != NULL) func(key, data, active_win->active_server, active_win->active); } static void handle_entry_redirect(const char *line) { ENTRY_REDIRECT_ENTRY_FUNC func; void *data; gui_entry_set_hidden(active_entry, FALSE); func = (ENTRY_REDIRECT_ENTRY_FUNC) redir->func; data = redir->data; g_free_and_null(redir); gui_entry_set_prompt(active_entry, ""); if (func != NULL) { func(line, data, active_win->active_server, active_win->active); } } static int get_scroll_count(void) { const char *str; double count; str = settings_get_str("scroll_page_count"); count = atof(str + (*str == '/')); if (count == 0) count = 1; else if (count < 0) count = active_mainwin->height-active_mainwin->statusbar_lines+count; else if (count < 1) count = 1.0/count; if (*str == '/') { count = (active_mainwin->height-active_mainwin->statusbar_lines)/count; } return (int)count; } static void window_prev_page(void) { gui_window_scroll(active_win, -get_scroll_count()); } static void window_next_page(void) { gui_window_scroll(active_win, get_scroll_count()); } static void paste_buffer_join_lines(GArray *buf) { #define IS_WHITE(c) ((c) == ' ' || (c) == '\t') unsigned int i, count, indent, line_len; unichar *arr, *dest, *last_lf_pos; int last_lf; /* first check if we actually want to join anything. This is assuming that we only want to join lines if a) first line doesn't begin with whitespace b) subsequent lines begin with same amount of whitespace c) whenever there's no whitespace, goto a) For example: line 1 line 2 line 3 line 4 line 5 line 6 -> line1 line2 line 3 line4 line5 line 6 */ if (buf->len == 0) return; arr = (unichar *) paste_buffer->data; /* first line */ if (IS_WHITE(arr[0])) return; /* find the first beginning of indented line */ for (i = 1; i < buf->len; i++) { if (arr[i-1] == '\n' && IS_WHITE(arr[i])) break; } if (i == buf->len) return; /* get how much indentation we have.. */ for (indent = 0; i < buf->len; i++, indent++) { if (!IS_WHITE(arr[i])) break; } if (i == buf->len) return; /* now, enforce these to all subsequent lines */ count = indent; last_lf = TRUE; for (; i < buf->len; i++) { if (last_lf) { if (IS_WHITE(arr[i])) count++; else { last_lf = FALSE; if (count != 0 && count != indent) return; count = 0; } } if (arr[i] == '\n') last_lf = TRUE; } /* all looks fine - now remove the whitespace, but don't let lines get longer than 400 chars */ dest = arr; last_lf = TRUE; last_lf_pos = NULL; line_len = 0; for (i = 0; i < buf->len; i++) { if (last_lf && IS_WHITE(arr[i])) { /* whitespace, ignore */ } else if (arr[i] == '\n') { if (!last_lf && i+1 != buf->len && IS_WHITE(arr[i+1])) { last_lf_pos = dest; *dest++ = ' '; } else { *dest++ = '\n'; /* double-LF */ line_len = 0; last_lf_pos = NULL; } last_lf = TRUE; } else { last_lf = FALSE; if (++line_len >= 400 && last_lf_pos != NULL) { memmove(last_lf_pos+1, last_lf_pos, dest - last_lf_pos); *last_lf_pos = '\n'; last_lf_pos = NULL; line_len = 0; dest++; } *dest++ = arr[i]; } } g_array_set_size(buf, dest - arr); } static void paste_send(void) { HISTORY_REC *history; unichar *arr; GString *str; char out[10], *text; unsigned int i; if (paste_join_multiline) paste_buffer_join_lines(paste_buffer); arr = (unichar *) paste_buffer->data; if (active_entry->text_len == 0) i = 0; else { /* first line has to be kludged kind of to get pasting in the middle of line right.. */ for (i = 0; i < paste_buffer->len; i++) { if (arr[i] == '\r' || arr[i] == '\n') { i++; break; } gui_entry_insert_char(active_entry, arr[i]); } text = gui_entry_get_text(active_entry); history = command_history_current(active_win); command_history_add(history, text); signal_emit("send command", 3, text, active_win->active_server, active_win->active); g_free(text); } /* rest of the lines */ str = g_string_new(NULL); for (; i < paste_buffer->len; i++) { if (arr[i] == '\r' || arr[i] == '\n') { history = command_history_current(active_win); command_history_add(history, str->str); signal_emit("send command", 3, str->str, active_win->active_server, active_win->active); g_string_truncate(str, 0); } else if (active_entry->utf8) { out[utf16_char_to_utf8(arr[i], out)] = '\0'; g_string_append(str, out); } else if (term_type == TERM_TYPE_BIG5) { if (arr[i] > 0xff) g_string_append_c(str, (arr[i] >> 8) & 0xff); g_string_append_c(str, arr[i] & 0xff); } else { g_string_append_c(str, arr[i]); } } gui_entry_set_text(active_entry, str->str); g_string_free(str, TRUE); } static void paste_flush(int send) { gui_entry_set_text(active_entry, paste_entry); gui_entry_set_pos(active_entry, paste_entry_pos); if (send) paste_send(); g_array_set_size(paste_buffer, 0); gui_entry_set_prompt(active_entry, paste_old_prompt == NULL ? "" : paste_old_prompt); g_free(paste_old_prompt); paste_old_prompt = NULL; paste_prompt = FALSE; paste_line_count = 0; paste_state = 0; gui_entry_redraw(active_entry); } static void insert_paste_prompt(void) { char *str; paste_prompt = TRUE; paste_old_prompt = g_strdup(active_entry->prompt); printformat_window(active_win, MSGLEVEL_CLIENTNOTICE, TXT_PASTE_WARNING, paste_line_count, active_win->active == NULL ? "window" : active_win->active->visible_name); str = format_get_text(MODULE_NAME, active_win, NULL, NULL, TXT_PASTE_PROMPT, 0, 0); gui_entry_set_prompt(active_entry, str); gui_entry_set_text(active_entry, ""); g_free(str); } static gboolean paste_timeout(gpointer data) { GTimeVal now; int diff; if (paste_state == 0) { /* gone already */ return FALSE; } g_get_current_time(&now); diff = (now.tv_sec - last_keypress.tv_sec) * 1000 + (now.tv_usec - last_keypress.tv_usec)/1000; if (diff < paste_detect_time) { /* still pasting */ return TRUE; } if (paste_line_count < paste_verify_line_count || active_win->active == NULL) { /* paste without asking */ paste_flush(TRUE); } else if (!paste_prompt) { insert_paste_prompt(); } return TRUE; } static int check_pasting(unichar key, int diff) { if (paste_state < 0) return FALSE; if (paste_state == 0) { /* two keys hit together quick. possibly pasting */ if (diff > paste_detect_time) return FALSE; g_free(paste_entry); paste_entry = g_strdup(prev_entry); paste_entry_pos = prev_entry_pos; paste_state++; paste_line_count = 0; paste_keycount = 0; g_array_set_size(paste_buffer, 0); if (prev_key != '\r' && prev_key != '\n') { paste_keycount++; g_array_append_val(paste_buffer, prev_key); } } else if (paste_state > 0 && diff > paste_detect_time && paste_line_count == 0) { /* reset paste state */ paste_state = 0; return FALSE; } /* continuing quick hits */ if ((key == 11 || key == 3) && paste_prompt) { paste_flush(key == 11); return TRUE; } g_array_append_val(paste_buffer, key); if ((key == '\r' || key == '\n') && (prev_key != '\r' && prev_key != '\n')) { if (paste_state == 1) { if (paste_keycount < paste_detect_keycount) { /* not enough keypresses to determine if this is pasting or not. don't reset paste_keycount, but send this line as non-pasted */ g_array_set_size(paste_buffer, 0); *paste_entry = '\0'; return FALSE; } /* newline - assume this line was pasted */ paste_state = 2; gui_entry_set_text(active_entry, paste_entry); gui_entry_set_pos(active_entry, paste_entry_pos); if (paste_verify_line_count > 0) g_timeout_add(100, paste_timeout, NULL); } if (paste_verify_line_count <= 0) { /* paste previous line */ paste_send(); g_array_set_size(paste_buffer, 0); } else { paste_line_count++; } } return paste_state == 2; } static void sig_gui_key_pressed(gpointer keyp) { GTimeVal now; unichar key; char str[20]; int ret, diff; key = GPOINTER_TO_INT(keyp); if (redir != NULL && redir->flags & ENTRY_REDIRECT_FLAG_HOTKEY) { handle_key_redirect(key); return; } g_get_current_time(&now); diff = (now.tv_sec - last_keypress.tv_sec) * 1000 + (now.tv_usec - last_keypress.tv_usec)/1000; if (check_pasting(key, diff)) { last_keypress = now; prev_key = key; return; } if (key < 32) { /* control key */ str[0] = '^'; str[1] = (char)key+'@'; str[2] = '\0'; } else if (key == 127) { str[0] = '^'; str[1] = '?'; str[2] = '\0'; } else if (!active_entry->utf8) { if (key <= 0xff) { str[0] = (char)key; str[1] = '\0'; } else { str[0] = (char) (key >> 8); str[1] = (char) (key & 0xff); str[2] = '\0'; } } else { /* need to convert to utf8 */ str[utf16_char_to_utf8(key, str)] = '\0'; } if (strcmp(str, "^") == 0) { /* change it as ^^ */ str[1] = '^'; str[2] = '\0'; } g_free(prev_entry); prev_entry = gui_entry_get_text(active_entry); prev_entry_pos = gui_entry_get_pos(active_entry); if (escape_next_key) { escape_next_key = FALSE; gui_entry_insert_char(active_entry, key); ret = 1; } else { ret = key_pressed(keyboard, str); if (ret < 0) { /* key wasn't used for anything, print it */ gui_entry_insert_char(active_entry, key); } } /* ret = 0 : some key create multiple characters - we're in the middle of one. try to detect the keycombo as a single keypress rather than multiple small onces to avoid incorrect paste detection. don't count repeated keys so paste detection won't go on when you're holding some key down */ if (ret != 0 && key != prev_key) { last_keypress = now; paste_keycount++; } prev_key = key; } static void key_send_line(void) { HISTORY_REC *history; char *str, *add_history; str = gui_entry_get_text(active_entry); /* we can't use gui_entry_get_text() later, since the entry might have been destroyed after we get back */ add_history = *str == '\0' ? NULL : g_strdup(str); history = command_history_current(active_win); if (redir == NULL) { signal_emit("send command", 3, str, active_win->active_server, active_win->active); } else { if (redir->flags & ENTRY_REDIRECT_FLAG_HIDDEN) g_free_and_null(add_history); handle_entry_redirect(str); } if (add_history != NULL) { history = command_history_find(history); if (history != NULL) command_history_add(history, add_history); g_free(add_history); } if (active_entry != NULL) gui_entry_set_text(active_entry, ""); command_history_clear_pos(active_win); g_free(str); } static void key_combo(void) { } static void key_backward_history(void) { const char *text; char *line; line = gui_entry_get_text(active_entry); text = command_history_prev(active_win, line); gui_entry_set_text(active_entry, text); g_free(line); } static void key_forward_history(void) { const char *text; char *line; line = gui_entry_get_text(active_entry); text = command_history_next(active_win, line); gui_entry_set_text(active_entry, text); g_free(line); } static void key_beginning_of_line(void) { gui_entry_set_pos(active_entry, 0); } static void key_end_of_line(void) { gui_entry_set_pos(active_entry, active_entry->text_len); } static void key_backward_character(void) { gui_entry_move_pos(active_entry, -1); } static void key_forward_character(void) { gui_entry_move_pos(active_entry, 1); } static void key_backward_word(void) { gui_entry_move_words(active_entry, -1, FALSE); } static void key_forward_word(void) { gui_entry_move_words(active_entry, 1, FALSE); } static void key_backward_to_space(void) { gui_entry_move_words(active_entry, -1, TRUE); } static void key_forward_to_space(void) { gui_entry_move_words(active_entry, 1, TRUE); } static void key_erase_line(void) { gui_entry_set_pos(active_entry, active_entry->text_len); gui_entry_erase(active_entry, active_entry->text_len, TRUE); } static void key_erase_to_beg_of_line(void) { int pos; pos = gui_entry_get_pos(active_entry); gui_entry_erase(active_entry, pos, TRUE); } static void key_erase_to_end_of_line(void) { int pos; pos = gui_entry_get_pos(active_entry); gui_entry_set_pos(active_entry, active_entry->text_len); gui_entry_erase(active_entry, active_entry->text_len - pos, TRUE); } static void key_yank_from_cutbuffer(void) { char *cutbuffer; cutbuffer = gui_entry_get_cutbuffer(active_entry); if (cutbuffer != NULL) { gui_entry_insert_text(active_entry, cutbuffer); g_free(cutbuffer); } } static void key_transpose_characters(void) { gui_entry_transpose_chars(active_entry); } static void key_transpose_words(void) { gui_entry_transpose_words(active_entry); } static void key_capitalize_word(void) { gui_entry_capitalize_word(active_entry); } static void key_downcase_word(void) { gui_entry_downcase_word(active_entry); } static void key_upcase_word(void) { gui_entry_upcase_word(active_entry); } static void key_delete_character(void) { if (gui_entry_get_pos(active_entry) < active_entry->text_len) { gui_entry_erase_cell(active_entry); } } static void key_backspace(void) { gui_entry_erase(active_entry, 1, FALSE); } static void key_delete_previous_word(void) { gui_entry_erase_word(active_entry, FALSE); } static void key_delete_next_word(void) { gui_entry_erase_next_word(active_entry, FALSE); } static void key_delete_to_previous_space(void) { gui_entry_erase_word(active_entry, TRUE); } static void key_delete_to_next_space(void) { gui_entry_erase_next_word(active_entry, TRUE); } static void sig_input(void) { unichar buffer[128]; int ret, i; if (!active_entry) { /* no active entry yet - wait until we have it */ return; } ret = term_gets(buffer, sizeof(buffer)/sizeof(buffer[0])); if (ret == -1) { /* lost terminal */ if (!term_detached) signal_emit("command quit", 1, "Lost terminal"); } else { for (i = 0; i < ret; i++) { signal_emit("gui key pressed", 1, GINT_TO_POINTER(buffer[i])); } } } time_t get_idle_time(void) { return last_keypress.tv_sec; } static void key_scroll_backward(void) { window_prev_page(); } static void key_scroll_forward(void) { window_next_page(); } static void key_scroll_start(void) { signal_emit("command scrollback home", 3, NULL, active_win->active_server, active_win->active); } static void key_scroll_end(void) { signal_emit("command scrollback end", 3, NULL, active_win->active_server, active_win->active); } static void key_change_window(const char *data) { signal_emit("command window goto", 3, data, active_win->active_server, active_win->active); } static void key_completion(int erase) { char *text, *line; int pos; text = gui_entry_get_text_and_pos(active_entry, &pos); line = word_complete(active_win, text, &pos, erase); g_free(text); if (line != NULL) { gui_entry_set_text(active_entry, line); gui_entry_set_pos(active_entry, pos); g_free(line); } } static void key_word_completion(void) { key_completion(FALSE); } static void key_erase_completion(void) { key_completion(TRUE); } static void key_check_replaces(void) { char *text, *line; int pos; text = gui_entry_get_text_and_pos(active_entry, &pos); line = auto_word_complete(text, &pos); g_free(text); if (line != NULL) { gui_entry_set_text(active_entry, line); gui_entry_set_pos(active_entry, pos); g_free(line); } } static void key_previous_window(void) { signal_emit("command window previous", 3, "", active_win->active_server, active_win->active); } static void key_next_window(void) { signal_emit("command window next", 3, "", active_win->active_server, active_win->active); } static void key_left_window(void) { signal_emit("command window left", 3, "", active_win->active_server, active_win->active); } static void key_right_window(void) { signal_emit("command window right", 3, "", active_win->active_server, active_win->active); } static void key_upper_window(void) { signal_emit("command window up", 3, "", active_win->active_server, active_win->active); } static void key_lower_window(void) { signal_emit("command window down", 3, "", active_win->active_server, active_win->active); } static void key_active_window(void) { signal_emit("command window goto", 3, "active", active_win->active_server, active_win->active); } static SERVER_REC *get_prev_server(SERVER_REC *current) { int pos; if (current == NULL) { return servers != NULL ? g_slist_last(servers)->data : lookup_servers != NULL ? g_slist_last(lookup_servers)->data : NULL; } /* connect2 -> connect1 -> server2 -> server1 -> connect2 -> .. */ pos = g_slist_index(servers, current); if (pos != -1) { if (pos > 0) return g_slist_nth(servers, pos-1)->data; if (lookup_servers != NULL) return g_slist_last(lookup_servers)->data; return g_slist_last(servers)->data; } pos = g_slist_index(lookup_servers, current); g_assert(pos >= 0); if (pos > 0) return g_slist_nth(lookup_servers, pos-1)->data; if (servers != NULL) return g_slist_last(servers)->data; return g_slist_last(lookup_servers)->data; } static SERVER_REC *get_next_server(SERVER_REC *current) { GSList *pos; if (current == NULL) { return servers != NULL ? servers->data : lookup_servers != NULL ? lookup_servers->data : NULL; } /* server1 -> server2 -> connect1 -> connect2 -> server1 -> .. */ pos = g_slist_find(servers, current); if (pos != NULL) { if (pos->next != NULL) return pos->next->data; if (lookup_servers != NULL) return lookup_servers->data; return servers->data; } pos = g_slist_find(lookup_servers, current); g_assert(pos != NULL); if (pos->next != NULL) return pos->next->data; if (servers != NULL) return servers->data; return lookup_servers->data; } static void key_previous_window_item(void) { SERVER_REC *server; if (active_win->items != NULL) { signal_emit("command window item prev", 3, "", active_win->active_server, active_win->active); } else if (servers != NULL || lookup_servers != NULL) { /* change server */ server = active_win->active_server; if (server == NULL) server = active_win->connect_server; server = get_prev_server(server); signal_emit("command window server", 3, server->tag, active_win->active_server, active_win->active); } } static void key_next_window_item(void) { SERVER_REC *server; if (active_win->items != NULL) { signal_emit("command window item next", 3, "", active_win->active_server, active_win->active); } else if (servers != NULL || lookup_servers != NULL) { /* change server */ server = active_win->active_server; if (server == NULL) server = active_win->connect_server; server = get_next_server(server); signal_emit("command window server", 3, server->tag, active_win->active_server, active_win->active); } } static void key_escape(void) { escape_next_key = TRUE; } static void key_insert_text(const char *data) { char *str; str = parse_special_string(data, active_win->active_server, active_win->active, "", NULL, 0); gui_entry_insert_text(active_entry, str); g_free(str); } static void key_sig_stop(void) { term_stop(); } static void sig_window_auto_changed(void) { char *text; if (active_entry == NULL) return; text = gui_entry_get_text(active_entry); command_history_next(active_win, text); gui_entry_set_text(active_entry, ""); g_free(text); } static void sig_gui_entry_redirect(SIGNAL_FUNC func, const char *entry, void *flags, void *data) { redir = g_new0(ENTRY_REDIRECT_REC, 1); redir->func = func; redir->flags = GPOINTER_TO_INT(flags); redir->data = data; if (redir->flags & ENTRY_REDIRECT_FLAG_HIDDEN) gui_entry_set_hidden(active_entry, TRUE); gui_entry_set_prompt(active_entry, entry); } static void setup_changed(void) { paste_detect_time = settings_get_time("paste_detect_time"); if (paste_detect_time == 0) paste_state = -1; else if (paste_state == -1) paste_state = 0; paste_detect_keycount = settings_get_int("paste_detect_keycount"); if (paste_detect_keycount < 2) paste_state = -1; paste_verify_line_count = settings_get_int("paste_verify_line_count"); paste_join_multiline = settings_get_bool("paste_join_multiline"); } void gui_readline_init(void) { static char changekeys[] = "1234567890qwertyuio"; char *key, data[MAX_INT_STRLEN]; int n; escape_next_key = FALSE; redir = NULL; prev_entry = NULL; paste_state = 0; paste_keycount = 0; paste_entry = NULL; paste_entry_pos = 0; paste_buffer = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(unichar)); paste_old_prompt = NULL; g_get_current_time(&last_keypress); input_listen_init(STDIN_FILENO); settings_add_str("history", "scroll_page_count", "/2"); settings_add_time("misc", "paste_detect_time", "5msecs"); settings_add_int("misc", "paste_detect_keycount", 5); /* NOTE: function keys can generate at least 5 characters long keycodes. this must be larger to allow them to work. */ settings_add_int("misc", "paste_verify_line_count", 5); settings_add_bool("misc", "paste_join_multiline", TRUE); setup_changed(); keyboard = keyboard_create(NULL); key_configure_freeze(); key_bind("key", NULL, " ", "space", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_combo); key_bind("key", NULL, "^M", "return", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_combo); key_bind("key", NULL, "^J", "return", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_combo); key_bind("key", NULL, "^H", "backspace", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_combo); key_bind("key", NULL, "^?", "backspace", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_combo); key_bind("key", NULL, "^I", "tab", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_combo); /* meta */ key_bind("key", NULL, "^[", "meta", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_combo); key_bind("key", NULL, "meta-[", "meta2", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_combo); key_bind("key", NULL, "meta-O", "meta2", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_combo); key_bind("key", NULL, "meta-[O", "meta2", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_combo); /* arrow keys */ key_bind("key", NULL, "meta2-A", "up", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_combo); key_bind("key", NULL, "meta2-B", "down", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_combo); key_bind("key", NULL, "meta2-C", "right", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_combo); key_bind("key", NULL, "meta2-D", "left", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_combo); key_bind("key", NULL, "meta2-1~", "home", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_combo); key_bind("key", NULL, "meta2-7~", "home", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_combo); key_bind("key", NULL, "meta2-H", "home", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_combo); key_bind("key", NULL, "meta2-4~", "end", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_combo); key_bind("key", NULL, "meta2-8~", "end", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_combo); key_bind("key", NULL, "meta2-F", "end", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_combo); key_bind("key", NULL, "meta2-5~", "prior", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_combo); key_bind("key", NULL, "meta2-I", "prior", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_combo); key_bind("key", NULL, "meta2-6~", "next", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_combo); key_bind("key", NULL, "meta2-G", "next", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_combo); key_bind("key", NULL, "meta2-2~", "insert", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_combo); key_bind("key", NULL, "meta2-3~", "delete", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_combo); key_bind("key", NULL, "meta2-d", "cleft", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_combo); key_bind("key", NULL, "meta2-c", "cright", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_combo); key_bind("key", NULL, "meta2-5D", "cleft", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_combo); key_bind("key", NULL, "meta2-5C", "cright", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_combo); key_bind("key", NULL, "meta2-1;5D", "cleft", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_combo); key_bind("key", NULL, "meta2-1;5C", "cright", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_combo); key_bind("key", NULL, "meta2-1;3A", "mup", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_combo); key_bind("key", NULL, "meta2-1;3B", "mdown", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_combo); key_bind("key", NULL, "meta2-1;3D", "mleft", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_combo); key_bind("key", NULL, "meta2-1;3C", "mright", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_combo); key_bind("key", NULL, "meta-up", "mup", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_combo); key_bind("key", NULL, "meta-down", "mdown", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_combo); key_bind("key", NULL, "meta-left", "mleft", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_combo); key_bind("key", NULL, "meta-right", "mright", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_combo); /* cursor movement */ key_bind("backward_character", "", "left", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_backward_character); key_bind("forward_character", "", "right", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_forward_character); key_bind("backward_word", "", "cleft", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_backward_word); key_bind("backward_word", NULL, "meta-b", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_backward_word); key_bind("forward_word", "", "cright", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_forward_word); key_bind("forward_word", NULL, "meta-f", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_forward_word); key_bind("backward_to_space", "", NULL, NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_backward_to_space); key_bind("forward_to_space", "", NULL, NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_forward_to_space); key_bind("beginning_of_line", "", "home", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_beginning_of_line); key_bind("beginning_of_line", NULL, "^A", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_beginning_of_line); key_bind("end_of_line", "", "end", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_end_of_line); key_bind("end_of_line", NULL, "^E", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_end_of_line); /* history */ key_bind("backward_history", "", "up", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_backward_history); key_bind("forward_history", "", "down", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_forward_history); /* line editing */ key_bind("backspace", "", "backspace", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_backspace); key_bind("delete_character", "", "delete", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_delete_character); key_bind("delete_character", NULL, "^D", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_delete_character); key_bind("delete_next_word", "", "meta-d", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_delete_next_word); key_bind("delete_previous_word", "", "meta-backspace", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_delete_previous_word); key_bind("delete_to_previous_space", "", "^W", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_delete_to_previous_space); key_bind("delete_to_next_space", "", "", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_delete_to_next_space); key_bind("erase_line", "", "^U", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_erase_line); key_bind("erase_to_beg_of_line", "", NULL, NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_erase_to_beg_of_line); key_bind("erase_to_end_of_line", "", "^K", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_erase_to_end_of_line); key_bind("yank_from_cutbuffer", "", "^Y", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_yank_from_cutbuffer); key_bind("transpose_characters", "Swap current and previous character", "^T", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_transpose_characters); key_bind("transpose_words", "Swap current and previous word", NULL, NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_transpose_words); key_bind("capitalize_word", "Capitalize word", NULL, NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_capitalize_word); key_bind("downcase_word", "Downcase word", NULL, NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_downcase_word); key_bind("upcase_word", "Upcase word", NULL, NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_upcase_word); /* line transmitting */ key_bind("send_line", "Execute the input line", "return", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_send_line); key_bind("word_completion", "", "tab", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_word_completion); key_bind("erase_completion", "", "meta-k", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_erase_completion); key_bind("check_replaces", "Check word replaces", NULL, NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_check_replaces); /* window managing */ key_bind("previous_window", "Previous window", "^P", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_previous_window); key_bind("next_window", "Next window", "^N", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_next_window); key_bind("upper_window", "Upper window", "mup", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_upper_window); key_bind("lower_window", "Lower window", "mdown", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_lower_window); key_bind("left_window", "Window in left", "mleft", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_left_window); key_bind("right_window", "Window in right", "mright", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_right_window); key_bind("active_window", "Go to next window with the highest activity", "meta-a", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_active_window); key_bind("next_window_item", "Next channel/query", "^X", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_next_window_item); key_bind("previous_window_item", "Previous channel/query", NULL, NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_previous_window_item); key_bind("refresh_screen", "Redraw screen", "^L", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) irssi_redraw); key_bind("scroll_backward", "Previous page", "prior", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_scroll_backward); key_bind("scroll_backward", NULL, "meta-p", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_scroll_backward); key_bind("scroll_forward", "Next page", "next", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_scroll_forward); key_bind("scroll_forward", NULL, "meta-n", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_scroll_forward); key_bind("scroll_start", "Beginning of the window", "", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_scroll_start); key_bind("scroll_end", "End of the window", "", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_scroll_end); /* inserting special input characters to line.. */ key_bind("escape_char", "Escape the next keypress", NULL, NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_escape); key_bind("insert_text", "Append text to line", NULL, NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_insert_text); /* autoreplaces */ key_bind("multi", NULL, "return", "check_replaces;send_line", NULL); key_bind("multi", NULL, "space", "check_replaces;insert_text ", NULL); /* moving between windows */ for (n = 0; changekeys[n] != '\0'; n++) { key = g_strdup_printf("meta-%c", changekeys[n]); ltoa(data, n+1); key_bind("change_window", "Change window", key, data, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_change_window); g_free(key); } /* misc */ key_bind("stop_irc", "Send SIGSTOP to client", "^Z", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_sig_stop); key_configure_thaw(); signal_add("window changed automatic", (SIGNAL_FUNC) sig_window_auto_changed); signal_add("gui entry redirect", (SIGNAL_FUNC) sig_gui_entry_redirect); signal_add("gui key pressed", (SIGNAL_FUNC) sig_gui_key_pressed); signal_add("setup changed", (SIGNAL_FUNC) setup_changed); } void gui_readline_deinit(void) { input_listen_deinit(); key_configure_freeze(); key_unbind("backward_character", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_backward_character); key_unbind("forward_character", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_forward_character); key_unbind("backward_word", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_backward_word); key_unbind("forward_word", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_forward_word); key_unbind("backward_to_space", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_backward_to_space); key_unbind("forward_to_space", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_forward_to_space); key_unbind("beginning_of_line", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_beginning_of_line); key_unbind("end_of_line", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_end_of_line); key_unbind("backward_history", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_backward_history); key_unbind("forward_history", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_forward_history); key_unbind("backspace", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_backspace); key_unbind("delete_character", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_delete_character); key_unbind("delete_next_word", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_delete_next_word); key_unbind("delete_previous_word", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_delete_previous_word); key_unbind("delete_to_next_space", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_delete_to_next_space); key_unbind("delete_to_previous_space", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_delete_to_previous_space); key_unbind("erase_line", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_erase_line); key_unbind("erase_to_beg_of_line", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_erase_to_beg_of_line); key_unbind("erase_to_end_of_line", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_erase_to_end_of_line); key_unbind("yank_from_cutbuffer", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_yank_from_cutbuffer); key_unbind("transpose_characters", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_transpose_characters); key_unbind("transpose_words", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_transpose_words); key_unbind("capitalize_word", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_capitalize_word); key_unbind("downcase_word", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_downcase_word); key_unbind("upcase_word", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_upcase_word); key_unbind("send_line", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_send_line); key_unbind("word_completion", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_word_completion); key_unbind("erase_completion", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_erase_completion); key_unbind("check_replaces", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_check_replaces); key_unbind("previous_window", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_previous_window); key_unbind("next_window", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_next_window); key_unbind("upper_window", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_upper_window); key_unbind("lower_window", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_lower_window); key_unbind("left_window", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_left_window); key_unbind("right_window", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_right_window); key_unbind("active_window", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_active_window); key_unbind("next_window_item", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_next_window_item); key_unbind("previous_window_item", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_previous_window_item); key_unbind("refresh_screen", (SIGNAL_FUNC) irssi_redraw); key_unbind("scroll_backward", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_scroll_backward); key_unbind("scroll_forward", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_scroll_forward); key_unbind("scroll_start", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_scroll_start); key_unbind("scroll_end", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_scroll_end); key_unbind("escape_char", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_escape); key_unbind("insert_text", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_insert_text); key_unbind("change_window", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_change_window); key_unbind("stop_irc", (SIGNAL_FUNC) key_sig_stop); keyboard_destroy(keyboard); g_array_free(paste_buffer, TRUE); key_configure_thaw(); signal_remove("window changed automatic", (SIGNAL_FUNC) sig_window_auto_changed); signal_remove("gui entry redirect", (SIGNAL_FUNC) sig_gui_entry_redirect); signal_remove("gui key pressed", (SIGNAL_FUNC) sig_gui_key_pressed); signal_remove("setup changed", (SIGNAL_FUNC) setup_changed); }