/* gui-entry.c : irssi Copyright (C) 1999 Timo Sirainen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "module.h" #include "formats.h" #include "gui-entry.h" #include "gui-printtext.h" #include "term.h" GUI_ENTRY_REC *active_entry; GUI_ENTRY_REC *gui_entry_create(int xpos, int ypos, int width) { GUI_ENTRY_REC *rec; rec = g_new0(GUI_ENTRY_REC, 1); rec->xpos = xpos; rec->ypos = ypos; rec->width = width; rec->text = g_string_new(NULL); return rec; } void gui_entry_destroy(GUI_ENTRY_REC *entry) { g_return_if_fail(entry != NULL); if (active_entry == entry) gui_entry_set_active(NULL); g_free_not_null(entry->prompt); g_string_free(entry->text, TRUE); g_free(entry); } /* Fixes the cursor position in screen */ static void gui_entry_fix_cursor(GUI_ENTRY_REC *entry) { int old_scrstart; old_scrstart = entry->scrstart; if (entry->pos - entry->scrstart < entry->width-2 - entry->promptlen && entry->pos - entry->scrstart > 0) { entry->scrpos = entry->pos - entry->scrstart; } else if (entry->pos < entry->width-1 - entry->promptlen) { entry->scrstart = 0; entry->scrpos = entry->pos; } else { entry->scrpos = (entry->width - entry->promptlen)*2/3; entry->scrstart = entry->pos - entry->scrpos; } if (old_scrstart != entry->scrstart) entry->redraw_needed_from = 0; } static void gui_entry_draw_from(GUI_ENTRY_REC *entry, int pos) { char *p; int xpos, end_xpos; xpos = entry->xpos + entry->promptlen + pos; end_xpos = entry->xpos + entry->width; if (xpos > end_xpos) return; term_set_color(root_window, ATTR_RESET); term_move(root_window, xpos, entry->ypos); p = entry->scrstart + pos >= entry->text->len ? "" : entry->text->str + entry->scrstart + pos; for (; *p != '\0' && xpos < end_xpos; p++, xpos++) { if (entry->hidden) term_addch(root_window, ' '); else if ((unsigned char) *p >= 32) term_addch(root_window, (unsigned char) *p); else { term_set_color(root_window, ATTR_RESET|ATTR_REVERSE); term_addch(root_window, *p+'A'-1); term_set_color(root_window, ATTR_RESET); } } /* clear the rest of the input line */ if (end_xpos == term_width) term_clrtoeol(root_window); else { while (xpos < end_xpos) { term_addch(root_window, ' '); xpos++; } } } static void gui_entry_draw(GUI_ENTRY_REC *entry) { if (entry->redraw_needed_from >= 0) { gui_entry_draw_from(entry, entry->redraw_needed_from); entry->redraw_needed_from = -1; } term_move_cursor(entry->xpos + entry->scrpos + entry->promptlen, entry->ypos); term_refresh(NULL); } static void gui_entry_redraw_from(GUI_ENTRY_REC *entry, int pos) { pos -= entry->scrstart; if (pos < 0) pos = 0; if (entry->redraw_needed_from == -1 || entry->redraw_needed_from > pos) entry->redraw_needed_from = pos; } void gui_entry_move(GUI_ENTRY_REC *entry, int xpos, int ypos, int width) { int old_width; g_return_if_fail(entry != NULL); if (entry->xpos != xpos || entry->ypos != ypos) { /* position in screen changed - needs a full redraw */ entry->xpos = xpos; entry->ypos = ypos; entry->width = width; gui_entry_redraw(entry); return; } if (entry->width == width) return; /* no changes */ if (width > entry->width) { /* input line grew - need to draw text at the end */ old_width = width; entry->width = width; gui_entry_redraw_from(entry, old_width); } else { /* input line shrinked - make sure the cursor is inside the input line */ entry->width = width; if (entry->pos - entry->scrstart > entry->width-2 - entry->promptlen) { gui_entry_fix_cursor(entry); } } gui_entry_draw(entry); } void gui_entry_set_active(GUI_ENTRY_REC *entry) { active_entry = entry; if (entry != NULL) { term_move_cursor(entry->xpos + entry->scrpos + entry->promptlen, entry->ypos); term_refresh(NULL); } } void gui_entry_set_prompt(GUI_ENTRY_REC *entry, const char *str) { int oldlen; g_return_if_fail(entry != NULL); oldlen = entry->promptlen; if (str != NULL) { g_free_not_null(entry->prompt); entry->prompt = g_strdup(str); entry->promptlen = format_get_length(str); } if (entry->prompt != NULL) gui_printtext(entry->xpos, entry->ypos, entry->prompt); if (entry->promptlen != oldlen) { gui_entry_fix_cursor(entry); gui_entry_draw(entry); } } void gui_entry_set_hidden(GUI_ENTRY_REC *entry, int hidden) { g_return_if_fail(entry != NULL); entry->hidden = hidden; } void gui_entry_set_text(GUI_ENTRY_REC *entry, const char *str) { g_return_if_fail(entry != NULL); g_return_if_fail(str != NULL); g_string_assign(entry->text, str); entry->pos = entry->text->len; gui_entry_redraw_from(entry, 0); gui_entry_fix_cursor(entry); gui_entry_draw(entry); } char *gui_entry_get_text(GUI_ENTRY_REC *entry) { g_return_val_if_fail(entry != NULL, NULL); return entry->text->str; } void gui_entry_insert_text(GUI_ENTRY_REC *entry, const char *str) { g_return_if_fail(entry != NULL); g_return_if_fail(str != NULL); gui_entry_redraw_from(entry, entry->pos); g_string_insert(entry->text, entry->pos, str); entry->pos += strlen(str); gui_entry_fix_cursor(entry); gui_entry_draw(entry); } void gui_entry_insert_char(GUI_ENTRY_REC *entry, char chr) { g_return_if_fail(entry != NULL); if (chr == 0 || chr == 13 || chr == 10) return; /* never insert NUL, CR or LF characters */ gui_entry_redraw_from(entry, entry->pos); g_string_insert_c(entry->text, entry->pos, chr); entry->pos++; gui_entry_fix_cursor(entry); gui_entry_draw(entry); } void gui_entry_erase(GUI_ENTRY_REC *entry, int size) { g_return_if_fail(entry != NULL); if (entry->pos < size) return; #ifdef WANT_BIG5 if (is_big5(entry->text->str[entry->pos-2], entry->text->str[entry->pos-1])) size++; #endif entry->pos -= size; g_string_erase(entry->text, entry->pos, size); gui_entry_redraw_from(entry, entry->pos); gui_entry_fix_cursor(entry); gui_entry_draw(entry); } void gui_entry_erase_word(GUI_ENTRY_REC *entry, int to_space) { int to; g_return_if_fail(entry != NULL); if (entry->pos == 0) return; to = entry->pos - 1; if (to_space) { while (entry->text->str[to] == ' ' && to > 0) to--; while (entry->text->str[to] != ' ' && to > 0) to--; } else { while (!isalnum(entry->text->str[to]) && to > 0) to--; while (isalnum(entry->text->str[to]) && to > 0) to--; } if (to > 0) to++; g_string_erase(entry->text, to, entry->pos - to); entry->pos = to; gui_entry_redraw_from(entry, entry->pos); gui_entry_fix_cursor(entry); gui_entry_draw(entry); } void gui_entry_erase_next_word(GUI_ENTRY_REC *entry, int to_space) { int to; g_return_if_fail(entry != NULL); if (entry->pos == entry->text->len) return; to = entry->pos; if (to_space) { while (entry->text->str[to] == ' ' && to < entry->text->len) to++; while (entry->text->str[to] != ' ' && to < entry->text->len) to++; } else { while (!isalnum(entry->text->str[to]) && to < entry->text->len) to++; while (isalnum(entry->text->str[to]) && to < entry->text->len) to++; } g_string_erase(entry->text, entry->pos, to - entry->pos); gui_entry_redraw_from(entry, entry->pos); gui_entry_fix_cursor(entry); gui_entry_draw(entry); } int gui_entry_get_pos(GUI_ENTRY_REC *entry) { g_return_val_if_fail(entry != NULL, 0); return entry->pos; } void gui_entry_set_pos(GUI_ENTRY_REC *entry, int pos) { g_return_if_fail(entry != NULL); if (pos >= 0 && pos <= entry->text->len) entry->pos = pos; gui_entry_fix_cursor(entry); gui_entry_draw(entry); } void gui_entry_move_pos(GUI_ENTRY_REC *entry, int pos) { g_return_if_fail(entry != NULL); #ifdef WANT_BIG5 if (pos > 0 && is_big5(entry->text->str[entry->pos], entry->text->str[entry->pos+1])) pos++; else if (pos < 0 && is_big5(entry->text->str[entry->pos-1], entry->text->str[entry->pos])) pos--; #endif if (entry->pos+pos >= 0 && entry->pos+pos <= entry->text->len) entry->pos += pos; gui_entry_fix_cursor(entry); gui_entry_draw(entry); } static void gui_entry_move_words_left(GUI_ENTRY_REC *entry, int count, int to_space) { int pos; pos = entry->pos; while (count > 0 && pos > 0) { if (to_space) { while (pos > 0 && entry->text->str[pos-1] == ' ') pos--; while (pos > 0 && entry->text->str[pos-1] != ' ') pos--; } else { while (pos > 0 && !isalnum(entry->text->str[pos-1])) pos--; while (pos > 0 && isalnum(entry->text->str[pos-1])) pos--; } count--; } entry->pos = pos; } static void gui_entry_move_words_right(GUI_ENTRY_REC *entry, int count, int to_space) { int pos; pos = entry->pos; while (count > 0 && pos < entry->text->len) { if (to_space) { while (pos < entry->text->len && entry->text->str[pos] == ' ') pos++; while (pos < entry->text->len && entry->text->str[pos] != ' ') pos++; } else { while (pos < entry->text->len && !isalnum(entry->text->str[pos])) pos++; while (pos < entry->text->len && isalnum(entry->text->str[pos])) pos++; } count--; } entry->pos = pos; } void gui_entry_move_words(GUI_ENTRY_REC *entry, int count, int to_space) { g_return_if_fail(entry != NULL); if (count < 0) gui_entry_move_words_left(entry, -count, to_space); else if (count > 0) gui_entry_move_words_right(entry, count, to_space); gui_entry_fix_cursor(entry); gui_entry_draw(entry); } void gui_entry_redraw(GUI_ENTRY_REC *entry) { g_return_if_fail(entry != NULL); gui_entry_set_prompt(entry, NULL); gui_entry_redraw_from(entry, 0); gui_entry_fix_cursor(entry); gui_entry_draw(entry); }