/* fe-irc-messages.c : irssi Copyright (C) 2001 Timo Sirainen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "module.h" #include "signals.h" #include "levels.h" #include "channels.h" #include "ignore.h" #include "settings.h" #include "irc-servers.h" #include "irc-channels.h" #include "irc-queries.h" #include "../core/module-formats.h" #include "module-formats.h" #include "printtext.h" #include "fe-messages.h" #include "fe-queries.h" #include "window-items.h" #include "fe-irc-channels.h" static void sig_message_own_public(SERVER_REC *server, const char *msg, const char *target, const char *origtarget) { const char *oldtarget; char *nickmode; if (!IS_IRC_SERVER(server)) return; oldtarget = target; target = fe_channel_skip_prefix(IRC_SERVER(server), target); if (target != oldtarget) { /* Hybrid 6 / Bahamut feature, send msg to all ops / ops+voices in channel */ nickmode = channel_get_nickmode(channel_find(server, target), server->nick); printformat_module("fe-common/core", server, target, MSGLEVEL_PUBLIC | MSGLEVEL_NOHILIGHT | MSGLEVEL_NO_ACT, TXT_OWN_MSG_CHANNEL, server->nick, oldtarget, msg, nickmode); g_free(nickmode); signal_stop(); } } /* received msg to all ops in channel */ static void sig_message_irc_op_public(SERVER_REC *server, const char *msg, const char *nick, const char *address, const char *target) { char *nickmode, *optarget; nickmode = channel_get_nickmode(channel_find(server, target), nick); optarget = g_strconcat("@", target, NULL); printformat_module("fe-common/core", server, target, MSGLEVEL_PUBLIC, TXT_PUBMSG_CHANNEL, nick, optarget, msg, nickmode); g_free(nickmode); g_free(optarget); } static void sig_message_own_wall(SERVER_REC *server, const char *msg, const char *target) { char *nickmode, *optarget; nickmode = channel_get_nickmode(channel_find(server, target), server->nick); optarget = g_strconcat("@", target, NULL); printformat_module("fe-common/core", server, target, MSGLEVEL_PUBLIC | MSGLEVEL_NOHILIGHT | MSGLEVEL_NO_ACT, TXT_OWN_MSG_CHANNEL, server->nick, optarget, msg, nickmode); g_free(nickmode); g_free(optarget); } static void sig_message_own_action(IRC_SERVER_REC *server, const char *msg, const char *target) { void *item; const char *oldtarget; char *freemsg = NULL; oldtarget = target; target = fe_channel_skip_prefix(IRC_SERVER(server), target); if (server_ischannel(SERVER(server), target)) item = irc_channel_find(server, target); else item = irc_query_find(server, target); if (settings_get_bool("emphasis")) msg = freemsg = expand_emphasis(item, msg); printformat(server, target, MSGLEVEL_ACTIONS | MSGLEVEL_NOHILIGHT | MSGLEVEL_NO_ACT | (server_ischannel(SERVER(server), target) ? MSGLEVEL_PUBLIC : MSGLEVEL_MSGS), item != NULL && oldtarget == target ? IRCTXT_OWN_ACTION : IRCTXT_OWN_ACTION_TARGET, server->nick, msg, oldtarget); g_free_not_null(freemsg); } static void sig_message_irc_action(IRC_SERVER_REC *server, const char *msg, const char *nick, const char *address, const char *target) { void *item; const char *oldtarget; char *freemsg = NULL; int level; int own = FALSE; oldtarget = target; target = fe_channel_skip_prefix(IRC_SERVER(server), target); level = MSGLEVEL_ACTIONS | (server_ischannel(SERVER(server), target) ? MSGLEVEL_PUBLIC : MSGLEVEL_MSGS); if (ignore_check(SERVER(server), nick, address, target, msg, level)) return; if (ignore_check(SERVER(server), nick, address, target, msg, level | MSGLEVEL_NO_ACT)) level |= MSGLEVEL_NO_ACT; if (server_ischannel(SERVER(server), target)) { item = irc_channel_find(server, target); } else { own = (!g_strcmp0(nick, server->nick)); item = privmsg_get_query(SERVER(server), own ? target : nick, FALSE, level); } if (settings_get_bool("emphasis")) msg = freemsg = expand_emphasis(item, msg); if (server_ischannel(SERVER(server), target)) { /* channel action */ if (window_item_is_active(item) && target == oldtarget) { /* message to active channel in window */ printformat(server, target, level, IRCTXT_ACTION_PUBLIC, nick, msg); } else { /* message to not existing/active channel, or to @/+ */ printformat(server, target, level, IRCTXT_ACTION_PUBLIC_CHANNEL, nick, oldtarget, msg); } } else { if (own) { /* own action bounced */ printformat(server, target, MSGLEVEL_ACTIONS | MSGLEVEL_MSGS, item != NULL && oldtarget == target ? IRCTXT_OWN_ACTION : IRCTXT_OWN_ACTION_TARGET, server->nick, msg, oldtarget); } else { /* private action */ printformat(server, nick, MSGLEVEL_ACTIONS | MSGLEVEL_MSGS, item == NULL ? IRCTXT_ACTION_PRIVATE : IRCTXT_ACTION_PRIVATE_QUERY, nick, address == NULL ? "" : address, msg); } } g_free_not_null(freemsg); } static void sig_message_own_notice(IRC_SERVER_REC *server, const char *msg, const char *target) { printformat(server, fe_channel_skip_prefix(server, target), MSGLEVEL_NOTICES | MSGLEVEL_NOHILIGHT | MSGLEVEL_NO_ACT, IRCTXT_OWN_NOTICE, target, msg); } static void sig_message_irc_notice(SERVER_REC *server, const char *msg, const char *nick, const char *address, const char *target) { const char *oldtarget; int level = MSGLEVEL_NOTICES; oldtarget = target; target = fe_channel_skip_prefix(IRC_SERVER(server), target); if (address == NULL || *address == '\0') { /* notice from server */ if (!ignore_check(server, nick, "", target, msg, MSGLEVEL_SNOTES)) { printformat(server, target, MSGLEVEL_SNOTES, IRCTXT_NOTICE_SERVER, nick, msg); } return; } if (ignore_check(server, nick, address, server_ischannel(SERVER(server), target) ? target : NULL, msg, level)) return; if (ignore_check(server, nick, address, server_ischannel(SERVER(server), target) ? target : NULL, msg, level | MSGLEVEL_NO_ACT)) level |= MSGLEVEL_NO_ACT; if (server_ischannel(SERVER(server), target)) { /* notice in some channel */ printformat(server, target, level, IRCTXT_NOTICE_PUBLIC, nick, oldtarget, msg); } else { /* private notice */ privmsg_get_query(SERVER(server), nick, FALSE, MSGLEVEL_NOTICES); printformat(server, nick, level, IRCTXT_NOTICE_PRIVATE, nick, address, msg); } } static void sig_message_own_ctcp(IRC_SERVER_REC *server, const char *cmd, const char *data, const char *target) { printformat(server, fe_channel_skip_prefix(server, target), MSGLEVEL_CTCPS | MSGLEVEL_NOHILIGHT | MSGLEVEL_NO_ACT, IRCTXT_OWN_CTCP, target, cmd, data); } static void sig_message_irc_ctcp(IRC_SERVER_REC *server, const char *cmd, const char *data, const char *nick, const char *addr, const char *target) { const char *oldtarget; oldtarget = target; target = fe_channel_skip_prefix(server, target); printformat(server, server_ischannel(SERVER(server), target) ? target : nick, MSGLEVEL_CTCPS, IRCTXT_CTCP_REQUESTED, nick, addr, cmd, data, oldtarget); } void fe_irc_messages_init(void) { signal_add_last("message own_public", (SIGNAL_FUNC) sig_message_own_public); signal_add_last("message irc op_public", (SIGNAL_FUNC) sig_message_irc_op_public); signal_add_last("message irc own_wall", (SIGNAL_FUNC) sig_message_own_wall); signal_add_last("message irc own_action", (SIGNAL_FUNC) sig_message_own_action); signal_add_last("message irc action", (SIGNAL_FUNC) sig_message_irc_action); signal_add_last("message irc own_notice", (SIGNAL_FUNC) sig_message_own_notice); signal_add_last("message irc notice", (SIGNAL_FUNC) sig_message_irc_notice); signal_add_last("message irc own_ctcp", (SIGNAL_FUNC) sig_message_own_ctcp); signal_add_last("message irc ctcp", (SIGNAL_FUNC) sig_message_irc_ctcp); } void fe_irc_messages_deinit(void) { signal_remove("message own_public", (SIGNAL_FUNC) sig_message_own_public); signal_remove("message irc op_public", (SIGNAL_FUNC) sig_message_irc_op_public); signal_remove("message irc own_wall", (SIGNAL_FUNC) sig_message_own_wall); signal_remove("message irc own_action", (SIGNAL_FUNC) sig_message_own_action); signal_remove("message irc action", (SIGNAL_FUNC) sig_message_irc_action); signal_remove("message irc own_notice", (SIGNAL_FUNC) sig_message_own_notice); signal_remove("message irc notice", (SIGNAL_FUNC) sig_message_irc_notice); signal_remove("message irc own_ctcp", (SIGNAL_FUNC) sig_message_own_ctcp); signal_remove("message irc ctcp", (SIGNAL_FUNC) sig_message_irc_ctcp); }