/* commands.c : irssi Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Timo Sirainen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "module.h" #include "modules.h" #include "signals.h" #include "commands.h" #include "misc.h" #include "server.h" #include "server-redirect.h" #include "special-vars.h" #include "lib-config/iconfig.h" #include "settings.h" GSList *commands; char *current_command; static GSList *cmdget_funcs; static int signal_default_command; COMMAND_REC *command_find(const char *cmd) { GSList *tmp; g_return_val_if_fail(cmd != NULL, NULL); for (tmp = commands; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next) { COMMAND_REC *rec = tmp->data; if (g_strcasecmp(rec->cmd, cmd) == 0) return rec; } return NULL; } int command_have_sub(const char *command) { GSList *tmp; int len; g_return_val_if_fail(command != NULL, FALSE); /* find "command "s */ len = strlen(command); for (tmp = commands; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next) { COMMAND_REC *rec = tmp->data; if (g_strncasecmp(rec->cmd, command, len) == 0 && rec->cmd[len] == ' ') return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void command_bind_to(int pos, const char *cmd, const char *category, SIGNAL_FUNC func) { COMMAND_REC *rec; char *str; g_return_if_fail(cmd != NULL); rec = command_find(cmd); if (rec == NULL) { rec = g_new0(COMMAND_REC, 1); rec->cmd = g_strdup(cmd); rec->category = category == NULL ? NULL : g_strdup(category); commands = g_slist_append(commands, rec); } rec->count++; if (func != NULL) { str = g_strconcat("command ", cmd, NULL); signal_add_to(MODULE_NAME, pos, str, func); g_free(str); } signal_emit("commandlist new", 1, rec); } void command_free(COMMAND_REC *rec) { commands = g_slist_remove(commands, rec); signal_emit("commandlist remove", 1, rec); g_free_not_null(rec->category); g_strfreev(rec->options); g_free(rec->cmd); g_free(rec); } void command_unbind(const char *cmd, SIGNAL_FUNC func) { COMMAND_REC *rec; char *str; g_return_if_fail(cmd != NULL); rec = command_find(cmd); if (rec != NULL && --rec->count == 0) command_free(rec); if (func != NULL) { str = g_strconcat("command ", cmd, NULL); signal_remove(str, func); g_free(str); } } /* Expand `cmd' - returns `cmd' if not found, NULL if more than one match is found */ static const char *command_expand(char *cmd) { GSList *tmp; const char *match; int len, multiple; g_return_val_if_fail(cmd != NULL, NULL); multiple = FALSE; match = NULL; len = strlen(cmd); for (tmp = commands; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next) { COMMAND_REC *rec = tmp->data; if (g_strncasecmp(rec->cmd, cmd, len) == 0 && strchr(rec->cmd+len, ' ') == NULL) { if (rec->cmd[len] == '\0') { /* full match */ return rec->cmd; } if (match != NULL) { /* multiple matches, we still need to check if there's some command left that is a full match.. */ multiple = TRUE; } /* check that this is the only match */ match = rec->cmd; } } if (multiple) { signal_emit("error command", 2, GINT_TO_POINTER(CMDERR_AMBIGUOUS), cmd); return NULL; } return match != NULL ? match : cmd; } void command_runsub(const char *cmd, const char *data, void *server, void *item) { const char *newcmd; char *orig, *subcmd, *defcmd, *args; g_return_if_fail(data != NULL); if (*data == '\0') { /* no subcommand given - unknown command? */ signal_emit("error command", 2, GINT_TO_POINTER(CMDERR_UNKNOWN), cmd); return; } /* get command.. */ orig = subcmd = g_strdup_printf("command %s %s", cmd, data); args = strchr(subcmd+8 + strlen(cmd)+1, ' '); if (args != NULL) *args++ = '\0'; else args = ""; while (*args == ' ') args++; /* check if this command can be expanded */ newcmd = command_expand(subcmd+8); if (newcmd == NULL) { /* ambiguous command */ g_free(orig); return; } subcmd = g_strconcat("command ", newcmd, NULL); g_strdown(subcmd); if (!signal_emit(subcmd, 3, args, server, item)) { defcmd = g_strdup_printf("default command %s", cmd); if (!signal_emit(defcmd, 3, data, server, item)) { signal_emit("error command", 2, GINT_TO_POINTER(CMDERR_UNKNOWN), subcmd+8); } g_free(defcmd); } g_free(subcmd); g_free(orig); } static GSList *optlist_find(GSList *optlist, const char *option) { while (optlist != NULL) { char *name = optlist->data; if (iscmdtype(*name)) name++; if (g_strcasecmp(name, option) == 0) return optlist; optlist = optlist->next; } return NULL; } void command_set_options(const char *cmd, const char *options) { COMMAND_REC *rec; char **optlist, **tmp, *name, *str; GSList *list, *oldopt; g_return_if_fail(cmd != NULL); g_return_if_fail(options != NULL); rec = command_find(cmd); g_return_if_fail(rec != NULL); optlist = g_strsplit(options, " ", -1); if (rec->options == NULL) { /* first call - use specified args directly */ rec->options = optlist; return; } /* save old options to linked list */ list = NULL; for (tmp = rec->options; *tmp != NULL; tmp++) list = g_slist_append(list, g_strdup(*tmp)); g_strfreev(rec->options); /* merge the options */ for (tmp = optlist; *tmp != NULL; tmp++) { name = iscmdtype(**tmp) ? (*tmp)+1 : *tmp; oldopt = optlist_find(list, name); if (oldopt != NULL) { /* already specified - overwrite old defination */ g_free(oldopt->data); oldopt->data = g_strdup(*tmp); } else { /* new option, append to list */ list = g_slist_append(list, g_strdup(*tmp)); } } g_strfreev(optlist); /* linked list -> string[] */ g_free(rec->options); str = gslist_to_string(list, " "); rec->options = g_strsplit(str, " ", -1); g_free(str); g_slist_foreach(list, (GFunc) g_free, NULL); g_slist_free(list); } char *cmd_get_param(char **data) { char *pos; g_return_val_if_fail(data != NULL, NULL); g_return_val_if_fail(*data != NULL, NULL); while (**data == ' ') (*data)++; pos = *data; while (**data != '\0' && **data != ' ') (*data)++; if (**data == ' ') *(*data)++ = '\0'; return pos; } static char *cmd_get_quoted_param(char **data) { char *pos, quote; g_return_val_if_fail(data != NULL, NULL); g_return_val_if_fail(*data != NULL, NULL); while (**data == ' ') (*data)++; if (**data != '\'' && **data != '"') return cmd_get_param(data); quote = **data; (*data)++; pos = *data; while (**data != '\0' && **data != quote) { if (**data == '\\' && (*data)[1] != '\0') g_memmove(*data, (*data)+1, strlen(*data)); (*data)++; } if (**data != '\0') *(*data)++ = '\0'; return pos; } /* Find specified option from list of options - the `option' might be shortened version of the full command. Returns index where the option was found, -1 if not found or -2 if there was multiple matches. */ static int option_find(char **array, const char *option) { char **tmp; int index, found, len, multiple; g_return_val_if_fail(array != NULL, -1); g_return_val_if_fail(option != NULL, -1); len = strlen(option); g_return_val_if_fail(len > 0, -1); found = -1; index = 0; multiple = FALSE; for (tmp = array; *tmp != NULL; tmp++, index++) { const char *text = *tmp + iscmdtype(**tmp); if (g_strncasecmp(text, option, len) == 0) { if (text[len] == '\0') { /* full match */ return index; } if (found != -1) { /* multiple matches - we still need to check if there's a full match left.. */ multiple = TRUE; } /* partial match, check that it's the only one */ found = index; } } if (multiple) return -2; return found; } static int get_cmd_options(char **data, int ignore_unknown, const char *cmd, GHashTable *options) { COMMAND_REC *rec; char *option, *arg, **optlist; int pos; /* get option definations */ rec = cmd == NULL ? NULL : command_find(cmd); optlist = rec == NULL ? NULL : rec->options; option = NULL; pos = -1; for (;;) { if (**data == '-') { if (option != NULL && *optlist[pos] == '+') { /* required argument missing! */ *data = optlist[pos] + 1; return CMDERR_OPTION_ARG_MISSING; } (*data)++; if (**data == '-') { /* -- option means end of options even if next word starts with - */ (*data)++; while (isspace(**data)) (*data)++; break; } option = cmd_get_param(data); /* check if this option can have argument */ pos = optlist == NULL ? -1 : option_find(optlist, option); if (pos == -1 && !ignore_unknown) { /* unknown option! */ *data = option; return CMDERR_OPTION_UNKNOWN; } if (pos == -2 && !ignore_unknown) { /* multiple matches */ *data = option; return CMDERR_OPTION_AMBIGUOUS; } if (pos >= 0) { /* if we used a shortcut of parameter, put the whole parameter name in options table */ option = optlist[pos] + iscmdtype(*optlist[pos]); } if (options != NULL) g_hash_table_insert(options, option, ""); if (pos == -1 || !iscmdtype(*optlist[pos])) option = NULL; while (isspace(**data)) (*data)++; continue; } if (option == NULL) break; if (*optlist[pos] == '@' && !isdigit(**data)) break; /* expected a numeric argument */ /* save the argument */ arg = cmd_get_quoted_param(data); if (options != NULL) { g_hash_table_remove(options, option); g_hash_table_insert(options, option, arg); } option = NULL; while (isspace(**data)) (*data)++; } return 0; } char *cmd_get_callfuncs(const char *data, int *count, va_list *args) { CMD_GET_FUNC func; GSList *tmp; char *ret, *old; ret = g_strdup(data); for (tmp = cmdget_funcs; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next) { func = (CMD_GET_FUNC) tmp->data; old = ret; ret = func(ret, count, args); g_free(old); } return ret; } typedef struct { char *data; GHashTable *options; } CMD_TEMP_REC; int cmd_get_params(const char *data, gpointer *free_me, int count, ...) { CMD_TEMP_REC *rec; GHashTable **opthash; char **str, *arg, *datad, *old; va_list args; int cnt, error, len, ignore_unknown; g_return_val_if_fail(data != NULL, FALSE); va_start(args, count); /* get the length of the options in string */ if ((count & PARAM_FLAG_OPTIONS) == 0) len = 0; else { old = datad = g_strdup(data); get_cmd_options(&datad, TRUE, NULL, NULL); len = (int) (datad-old); g_free(old); } /* send the text to custom functions to handle - skip options */ old = datad = cmd_get_callfuncs(data+len, &count, &args); if (len > 0) { /* put the options + the new data to one string */ datad = g_malloc(len+1 + strlen(old)+1); memcpy(datad, data, len); datad[len] = ' '; memcpy(datad+len+1, old, strlen(old)+1); g_free(old); old = datad; } rec = g_new0(CMD_TEMP_REC, 1); rec->data = old; *free_me = rec; /* and now handle the string */ error = FALSE; cnt = PARAM_WITHOUT_FLAGS(count); while (cnt-- > 0) { if (count & PARAM_FLAG_OPTIONS) { arg = (char *) va_arg(args, char *); opthash = (GHashTable **) va_arg(args, GHashTable **); rec->options = *opthash = g_hash_table_new((GHashFunc) g_istr_hash, (GCompareFunc) g_istr_equal); ignore_unknown = count & PARAM_FLAG_UNKNOWN_OPTIONS; error = get_cmd_options(&datad, ignore_unknown, arg, *opthash); if (error) break; count &= ~PARAM_FLAG_OPTIONS; cnt++; continue; } else if (cnt == 0 && count & PARAM_FLAG_GETREST) { /* get rest */ arg = datad; } else { arg = (count & PARAM_FLAG_NOQUOTES) ? cmd_get_param(&datad) : cmd_get_quoted_param(&datad); } str = (char **) va_arg(args, char **); if (str != NULL) *str = arg; } va_end(args); if (error) { signal_emit("error command", 2, GINT_TO_POINTER(error), datad); signal_stop(); cmd_params_free(rec); *free_me = NULL; } return !error; } void cmd_params_free(void *free_me) { CMD_TEMP_REC *rec = free_me; if (rec->options != NULL) g_hash_table_destroy(rec->options); g_free(rec->data); g_free(rec); } void cmd_get_add_func(CMD_GET_FUNC func) { cmdget_funcs = g_slist_prepend(cmdget_funcs, (void *) func); } void cmd_get_remove_func(CMD_GET_FUNC func) { cmdget_funcs = g_slist_prepend(cmdget_funcs, (void *) func); } static void parse_command(const char *command, int expand_aliases, SERVER_REC *server, void *item) { const char *alias, *newcmd; char *cmd, *orig, *args, *oldcmd; cmd = orig = g_strconcat("command ", command, NULL); args = strchr(cmd+8, ' '); if (args != NULL) *args++ = '\0'; else args = ""; /* check if there's an alias for command */ alias = expand_aliases ? alias_find(cmd+8) : NULL; if (alias != NULL) { eval_special_string(alias, args, server, item); g_free(orig); return; } /* check if this command can be expanded */ newcmd = command_expand(cmd+8); if (newcmd == NULL) { /* ambiguous command */ g_free(orig); return; } cmd = g_strconcat("command ", newcmd, NULL); if (server != NULL) server_redirect_default((SERVER_REC *) server, cmd); g_strdown(cmd); oldcmd = current_command; current_command = cmd+8; if (!signal_emit(cmd, 3, args, server, item)) { signal_emit_id(signal_default_command, 3, command, server, item); } current_command = oldcmd; g_free(cmd); g_free(orig); } static void event_command(const char *line, SERVER_REC *server, void *item) { char *cmdchar; int expand_aliases = TRUE; g_return_if_fail(line != NULL); if (*line == '\0') { /* empty line, forget it. */ signal_stop(); return; } cmdchar = strchr(settings_get_str("cmdchars"), *line); if (cmdchar != NULL && line[1] == ' ') { /* "/ text" = same as sending "text" to active channel. */ line += 2; cmdchar = NULL; } if (cmdchar == NULL) { /* non-command - let someone else handle this */ signal_emit("send text", 3, line, server, item); return; } /* same cmdchar twice ignores aliases ignores aliases */ line++; if (*line == *cmdchar) { line++; expand_aliases = FALSE; } /* ^command hides the output - we'll do this at fe-common but we have to skip the ^ char here.. */ if (*line == '^') line++; parse_command(line, expand_aliases, server, item); } static void cmd_eval(const char *data, SERVER_REC *server, void *item) { g_return_if_fail(data != NULL); eval_special_string(data, "", server, item); } static void cmd_cd(const char *data) { char *str; g_return_if_fail(data != NULL); if (*data == '\0') return; str = convert_home(data); chdir(str); g_free(str); } static void cmd_reload(const char *data) { char *fname; fname = *data != '\0' ? g_strdup(data) : g_strdup_printf("%s/.irssi/config", g_get_home_dir()); settings_reread(fname); g_free(fname); } static void cmd_save(const char *data) { settings_save(*data != '\0' ? data : NULL); } void commands_init(void) { commands = NULL; cmdget_funcs = NULL; current_command = NULL; signal_default_command = signal_get_uniq_id("default command"); settings_add_str("misc", "cmdchars", "/"); signal_add("send command", (SIGNAL_FUNC) event_command); command_bind("eval", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) cmd_eval); command_bind("cd", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) cmd_cd); command_bind("reload", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) cmd_reload); command_bind("save", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) cmd_save); } void commands_deinit(void) { g_free_not_null(current_command); g_slist_free(cmdget_funcs); signal_remove("send command", (SIGNAL_FUNC) event_command); command_unbind("eval", (SIGNAL_FUNC) cmd_eval); command_unbind("cd", (SIGNAL_FUNC) cmd_cd); command_unbind("reload", (SIGNAL_FUNC) cmd_reload); command_unbind("save", (SIGNAL_FUNC) cmd_save); }