%9Syntax:%9 @SYNTAX:log@ %9Parameters:%9 OPEN: Opens a log file. CLOSE: Closes a log file. START: Starts logging a log entry. STOP: Stops logging a log entry. -noopen: Saves the entry in the configuration, but doesn't actually start logging. -autoopen: Automatically opens the log at startup. -window: Displays the output to the active window, or the window specified in the targets parameter. -<server tag>: The server tag the targets must be on. -targets: Logs the specified nicknames or channels. -colors: Also log the color codes of the messages. The filename of the log and the levels to match; if no argument is given, the list of open logs will be displayed. %9Description:%9 Opens a log file and stores the messages of the given targets into it; the log files will be locked so multiple clients cannot log to the same file. You may use any of the date formats to create a log rotation; we strongly recommend you to enable autolog if you are interested in keeping logs. %9Examples:%9 /LOG OPEN -targets mike ~/irclogs/mike.log MSGS /LOG OPEN -targets #irssi-freenode ~/irclogs/freenode/irssi-%%Y-%%m-%%d /LOG CLOSE ~/irclogs/freenode/irssi-%%Y-%%m-%%d /LOG STOP ~/irclogs/freenode/irssi-%%Y-%%m-%%d /LOG START ~/irclogs/freenode/irssi-%%Y-%%m-%%d /SET autolog ON %9References:%9 https://github.com/irssi/irssi/blob/master/docs/formats.txt %9See also:%9 SET LOG, WINDOW LOG