


    -:          Doesn't print the 'Lastlog:' and 'End of Lastlog' messages.
    -file:      Output the lastlog to a file instead of the active window.
    -window:    Specifies the window to check.
    -new:       Only displays results since the previous lastlog.
    -away:      Only displays results since you previous away status.
    -<level>:   Specifies the levels to check (e.g. -joins -quits -hilight)
    -clear:     Removes the previous results from the active window.
    -count:     Displays how many lines match.
    -case:      Performs a case-sensitive matching.
    -date:      Prepends each row with the message's date
    -regexp:    The given text pattern is a regular expression.
    -word:      The text must match full words.
    -force:     Forces to display the lastlog, even if it exceeds 1000 lines.
    -after:     Include this many lines of content after the match.
    -before:    Include this many lines of content before the match.
    -<#>:       Include this many lines of content around the match.
    <count>:    Display a maximum number of `count' lines.
    <start>:    Skip the last `start' lines.

    The pattern to search for and the maximum of lines to display; if no
    parameter is given, the entire window buffer will be displayed.


    Searches the active window for a pattern and displays the result.


    /LASTLOG holiday
    /LASTLOG 'is on vacation' 10
    /LASTLOG -force -file ~/mike.log 'mike'
    /LASTLOG -hilight
    /LASTLOG -5 searchterm