


    -normal:    Uses the *!*user@*.domain.tld format.
    -user:      Uses the *!*user@* format.
    -host:      Uses the *!*@host.domain.tld format.
    -domain:    Uses the *!*@*.domain.tld format.
    -custom:    Uses the custom format.

    A channel and the nicknames or hostnames to ban; if no arguments are given
    the bans in the active channel are displayed.

    If no ban format parameter is given, the value of the ban_type setting will
    be used to generate the hostmask to ban.


    Adds one or more bans to a channel.

%9Configuring the custom format:%9

    You must set the custom ban_type to the format you would like to use. For
    example, if you set the custom ban_type to 'nick domain', it will generate
    a ban based on the nick!*@*.domain.tld format.


    /BAN mike
    /BAN -host bob
    /BAN *!*@*.irssi.org
    /BAN -domain sarah

    /SET ban_type custom nick domain
    /SET ban_type custom user host