# these characters are automatically replaced with specified color replaces = { "[]<>=" = "%K$0-%n"; }; # %n specifies the color set in higher level, like in # {ctcp {nick $0-} requested ... } # if the ctcp was specified as "%g$0-" and nick was "%W$0-%n", the # "requested" text would be green abstracts = { # generic line_start = "%B-%W!%B-%n "; hilight = "%_$0-%_"; error = "%R$0-%n"; channel = "%_$0-%_"; nick = "%_$0-%_"; nickhost = "[$0-]"; server = "%_$0-%_"; reason = "[$0-]"; # channel specific messages channick_hilight = "%C$0-%n"; chanhost_hilight = "{nickhost %c$0-%n}"; channick = "%c$0-%n"; chanhost = "{nickhost $0-}"; channelhilight = "%c$0-%n"; ban = "%c$0-%n"; # messages msgnick = "<$0-> %|"; msgownnick = "%W$0-%n"; msgchannel = "%K:%c$0-%n"; msgme = "%Y$0-%n"; privmsg = "[$0-] " privmsgnick = "%R$0-%n" privmsghost = "%K(%r$0-%K)%n"; ownprivmsg = "[%r$0-%n] "; ownprivmsgdest = "%K(%R$0-%K)"; # actions action = "%W * $0-%n "; ownaction = "{action $0-}"; pvtaction = "%W (*) $0-%n "; pvtaction_query = "{action $0-}"; pubaction = "{action $0-}"; # notices ownnotice = "[%r$0-]%n "; ownnotice_target = "%K(%R$0-%K)"; notice = "%K-%M$0-%K-%n "; pubnotice_channel = "%K:%m$0-"; pvtnotice_nick = "%K(%m$0-%K)"; servernotice = "%g!$0-%n "; # ctcp ownctcp = "[%r$0-] "; ownctcp_target = "%K(%R$0-%K)"; ctcp = "%g$0-%n"; # wall ownwall = "[%W$0-] "; ownwall_channel = "%K/%c$0-"; # wallops wallop = "%W$0-%n: "; wallop_nick = "%n$0-"; wallop_action = "%W * $0-%n "; # netsplits netsplit = "%R$0-%n"; netjoin = "%C$0-%n"; # /names list names_nickstat = "%_$0-%_"; names_users = "[%g$0-%n]"; names_channel = "%G$0-%n"; # dcc dcc = "%g$0-%n"; dccfile = "%_$0-%_"; dccownmsg = "[%r$0-%n] "; dccownnick = "%K(%R$0-%K)%n"; dccownaction = "{action $0-}"; dccmsg = "[%G$0-%n] " dccmsghost = "%K(%g$0-%K)%n"; dccquerynick = "%G$0-%n"; dccaction = "%W (*dcc*) $0-%n %|"; };