v0.7.16 1999-09-xx Timo Sirainen [unstable] * This is a development version - not the final one! + Started bot plugin, it has simple user management functions and auto-opping/voicing done + "channel synced" text doesn't trigger channel activity anymore + Rawlog displays where event was redirected + /wjoin - you can join multiple channels in same window + /window goto #channel - moves you to window with the channel, query or dcc chat + /window goto active - moves you to first window with activity + /list and /names complains if they're run without any arguments, -YES overrides this + /list -nogui doesn't use the GUI list display + /list and /who dialog changes: you can resize columns, sort the list by clicking the headers, displays total number of channels and the list is searchable - Notifylist and checking of who uses your nick uses WHOIS again, WHO didn't display user info unless s/he was -i or in same channels.. - You had to run /list a couple of times until it worked.. - WHO was sent to people who joined channel to find out who they were, unfortunately it had a small bug and didn't work.. - DCC didn't work with IPv6 v0.7.15-3 1999-08-31 Timo Sirainen [unstable] * _TOO_ many bugs in .15, mostly compilation problems, I really should test things better when I release them. This will be the last time, I swear :) + Rawlog window, /rawlog also saves it. + --without-imlib configure switch - After opened themes dialog, "(none)" window appeared, after opening it, irssi crashed. - "day changed" message was displayed at startup - Addresses in DCC connections were displayed wrong - Didn't compile without gnome - The first .15 didn't compile without IPv6 support, -2 fixed it v0.7.15 1999-08-29 Timo Sirainen [unstable] * Only week since last version, much better :) Lots of internal changes, hope they work right. No "weird crashes" found since last version, 0.8.0 can't be too far away :) CVS is also working again, no anonymous but I can give access if someone wants. + IPv6 support - yet another thing irssi is one of the first to support ;) Give --enable-ipv6 switch to configure to compile it. Because of IPv6 addresses naming style (xxx:xxx:xxx..), /server server:port doesn't work anymore, you have to use /server server port instead. + Sound plugin updates, should work much better + Default config file is build into irssi, it's used if no other configuration file is found + Implemented "idle queue", list of commands which should be sent to server when there's nothing else to send.. Changed CTCPs to use this. + "massjoin" signal is sent when people join to channel, if many people join to channel quickly (netjoins), it waits for a while before everyone are joined and then sends the signal. This is used to update nicklist more quickly and some other internal stuff. + /msg completion: after you send msg to someone, the nick will go first in completion list. + Giving --with-servertest to configure now builds test irc server which you can use to try crash irc clients :) + /sv displays system name and revision and irssi's website url + You can give server password to /server as /server server port pass + /unban completion, eg. /unban *!*@*.de unbans *!*@hu232hu2.blah.de + /rmreconns removes all servers from reconnect list. I hate it when some server is down and irssi tries to reconnect it every 5 minutes and there was no way to cancel it.. + Displays day change message in all windows if you're using timestamps + Realname is displayed in statusbar when mouse is moved over nick in nicklist + /last displays the last buffer only from the current window + option: beep when you receive private message + Typing /dcc without any arguments is same as /dcc list + Some code rearranging, moved more code to ui-common from gui-xxx + IPv6 for /ban, it bans all the last 64k addresses .. not sure if it's THAT good idea but did it anyway. - DCC resume was broken. - If someone quit from one ircnet but stayed on another, the nick was removed from both ircnets' channels. - Irssi tried to find it's default config from $prefix/etc/irssi/irssi/config (one irssi too much :) - You couldn't use ~/ when saving window buffer - Trying to save window buffer twice crashed irssi - ZVT transparency couldn't be removed on the fly - Using find/new/close buttons in toolbar crashed - Doesn't complain anymore about "You're not channel operator" with some irc networks that don't understand e or I modes - /ban removed ident-character from username (~blah@ -> blah@) so bans didn't work.. - /knockout calculated the time left wrongly. - irssi added -I/usr/include to compile parameters which broke compiling with several platforms.. - Irssibot notified about new development version when there was none - Some problems/crashes fixed with plugin support - --without-socks didn't do anything.. - Password should first be sent to server first, not after nick/user. At least MUH (irc proxy) didn't like it. v0.7.14 1999-08-22 Timo Sirainen [unstable] !!! My E-mail changed to cras@irccrew.org, don't use the old one !!! anymore! * Hm.. Again a month since last version, 3 weeks should be max :) Hopefully this one will be bugfree, so I could finally release a "stable" version.. (somehow I think I'll end up with 0.7.14-2 anyway.. ;) * Irssi uses now libPropList to read and save configuration file, so you need to have libPropList installed, it's also in different format so your old config file doesn't work anymore. Configuration file is located now in ~/.irssi/config file. Themes are also now stored in separate files in ~/.irssi/*.theme + Irssi can now notify you about new versions, you can also directly download them with DCC. (This will probably be changed to HTTP instead of using irssibot in IRC..) + User interface changes (settings, menus) as suggested by James M. Cape + You can use ctrl-b,c,g,v,- when setting realname + /version [server] - prints irssi version and irc server's version + /ver [nick/channel] - sends ctcp version to nick/channel + /sv [nick/channel] - sends irssi version text to nick/channel + Added widget depends to several places, changed several modal dialogs to use gui_widget_depends() instead + Added Socks5 initialization, maybe it works now? + You can specify what host address you want to use if you have many.. + Away and kick reason dialog have history + irssi-text option: activity list can be sorted by window number You can change this with /set toggle_actlist_moves=yes/no + /msg completes now people in current channel too + You can set channel password in channel dialog + /SET [key [=value / [key [key..]] - /SET displays all settings, /set key key2 displays values of key and key2, /set key=value sets key to value. + DCC GET now gets all the files coming from user if file name isn't specified. DCC CLOSE also can close all dcc connections from user. + The whole usermode is now displayed in statusbar, it used to display only the modes it knew (+iwsr) + Ctrl-N and Ctrl-P go to next/previous window - When using zvt and joining to new channels, window size grew bigger - /msg completion was a bit buggy, if someone sent you multiple messages, you had to press tab multiple times until the nick changed to someone else.. - Defaut format for signon time in whois displayed nick instead of the signon time.. - Disconnecting server while it was still trying to connect hung irssi - If old configuration file wasn't found, irssi (could have?) crashed on startup .. Could this really happen?!? Why did nobody tell me?? - irssi-text finally handles screen resizing right - Gnome panel applet works with "old" (like non-cvs now :) panels too. - If you left from channel before syncing was done, syncing stopped working after it.. - Removing ban exceptions didn't update irssi's internal list - Rejecting dcc chat didn't work properly, when receiving reject get/send irssi didn't remove it from dcc lists - Save/find dialogs weren't working after being closed. - irssi-text complained about "Not enough parameters given" when pressing entry in empty line - Mirc colors weren't removed properly for logs and could have crashed irssi - Using /ban with mask (x!x@x) instead of nick crashed - gui_widget_depends() wasn't working properly - didn't harm much :) v0.7.13-2 1999-07-22 Timo Sirainen [unstable] * Again, a small bugfix release + You can specify what string to send to IRC proxy after connected, this lets at least some proxies work with irssi. + Notifylist now displays which irc network nick joined/left (or if unknown, just IRC) - After closing some window, the numbers in window tabs didn't get updated - /window next and prev didn't work properly - status/msgs windows got destroyed a while after joining to channel.. or simply by doing "/mode (status)" command .. - We don't try to DCC SEND file via dcc chat if the other side is using mirc ctcps. - Default setting or autodetection of mirc ctcps weren't working. - Actions from mirc users in dcc chat was displayed in double. v0.7.13 1999-07-21 Timo Sirainen [unstable] * %p in text formats is changed to $, looks much cleaner :) Old formats in configuration files are automatically converted. * I got some documentation done! :) I wrote a list of all commands irssi knows with (very) short descriptions, see COMMANDS file + Hebrew support by Ronen Tzur - see README-HEBREW + Users with gone-flag are displayed with different color in nicklist List is updated with USERHOST commands in small pieces every now and then.. + Statusbar with some information in it .. + Away message is displayed differently in /whois and /msged people who's gone + /window goto , /window prev, /window next + /window level [+/-]pub/msgs/... /window level msgs - creates messages window /window level all -msgs - creates status window + /bantype - Normal - *!user@*.domain.net - Host - *!*@host.domain.net - Domain - *!*@*.domain.net - Custom [nick] [user] [host] [domain] eg. /bantype custom nick domain - nick!*@*.domain.net eg. /bantype custom user host - *!user@host.domain.net + /version - just displays version number.. + You can use different font in each channel + Alt-q..o changes channels to 11..19 + Color configuration changes.. + irssi-text : Reading manuals help ;) Text's backgound color isn't changed to black anymore so pixmaps etc. should show up nicely :) + /notify nick!mask@* [ircnets], /unnotify + When trying to connect to server, you can abort it with the cancel button in statusbar + First parameter of /disconnect is now * (current server) or server tag + You can now use !channels with their short names (not always) + Right clicking nick in channel pops up nicklist menu + You can select multiple nicks from nicklist and execute the command for all of them. + Panel applet supports panel size changes + Window tabs have numbers now + Ctrl-N changes to next window, Ctrl-P changes to previous window - Max. autoget size didn't work right, it got the file if the file was bigger than the max. size.. and it was compared as bytes, not kB's. - Panel applet should now work right - Hilight words feature was completely broken - DCC Chats were displayed twice in status dialog - Closing DCC chat still had a few problems - After trying to join to channel where you could get in (invite only, banned, etc.) the created channel window wasn't destroyed. - configure didn't check -lnsl right.. - Channel settings weren't read in the correct order -> autojoining to channels created the windows in reverse order every time. - ZVT in GNOME CVS broke irssi.. Fixed. - Quit message wasn't displayed if there was some commands waiting for transmit - quit was added to transmit queue and connection closed.. - Matching irc masks (nick!host@address) was case-sensitive.. v0.7.12 1999-07-06 Timo Sirainen [unstable] * #irssi is now started in IRCnet * Release #2 :) The next day.. + configure checks for -lnsl too + changed default font to fixed size so I wouldn't have to hear all the time how screen is messed up with zvt :) - background color couldn't be changed with zvt - irssi-text sometimes crashed at startup because of uninitialized variable.. - you had to use --without-gnome-panel even if you didn't build fwith gnome + Colorless theme, should be easy to start a new theme with using this. You need to copy the [theme:colorless] section to ~/.irssi.conf (or ~/.gnome/irssi whatever you happen to use..) from included irssi.conf to use this.. + You can DCC send and get files via DCC chat (don't need to be connected to server), don't know if this works with any other client or if any other client has this ability.. BitchX didn't seem to have. + /WALL [#channel] message - Send notice to all ops in channel + /last [-pub -msgs etc..] for text mode version + Text mode version statusbar: -- more --, away (zZzZ) + The "-!-" and "-!- Irssi:" texts and timestamp is now configurable + Channel windows aren't destroyed anymore after getting disconnected + /window close + Outgoing flood protection: all commands you send to server are are queued and sent every 2 seconds. (if queue is empty, the command is sent immediately) + Notify list popup dialogs are now optional + /unalias (you could already do this with /alias) + You can send Mirc style CTCPs now in DCC chat (preferences/dcc), also if mirc user first sends ctcp, it's automatically set to default for that dcc chat session.. You can also set it with /mircdcc [y|n] or select from menu. + Default color number in setup, this color is used if nothing else is specified. + Server reconnection - you can add several irc servers to setup with same ircnet and autoconnect set and irssi goes through that list every time server gets disconnected unintentionally. + irssi-text word splits the lines. also if it needs to split the line it leaves 10 empty spaces at the start of the next line. + --without-gnome-panel switch to configure - http://blah@a.b opened e-mail client instead of http client - I set the socket non-blocking AFTER connect(), argh! This caused irssi to hang when trying to dcc get from bogus IPs or something. - Background color wasn't read right - Log dialog had some bugs - Banning ip addresses didn't work right - Some DCC problems fixed.. - Some irssi-text bugs fixed v0.7.11 1999-06-06 Timo Sirainen [unstable] * Because of the color system changes, remove the [colors] section from irssi's configuration file or you will get some weird colors.. The colors are pretty much taken from BitchX, IMO it looks nice :) But somehow I think many of you don't like it, so I made theme selector. Just need to make a few default themes.. + Color system changed, the old one looked pretty ugly especially in text mode version.. You can now have more than one color/line by adding %fg[,bg] codes to text formats.. fg and bg are the normal 0-15 colors, in GUI version (without ZVT) you can use up to 99 user specified colors. + Theme selector + Text mode version: Entry line editing is working great! Command line history works, scrollback buffer works, statusbar is working (again, copying bitchx..), reads configuration file .. This is starting to become usable :) + ZVT working better: font can be changed, transparency and background pixmap can be changed on the fly, the ugly block cursor isn't displayed anymore and wordclicking (urls, etc.) works. + New GUI dialogs for /list, /who, /gwhois and when receiving invites to channels. + Channels dialog changed a bit. New "Quick join" dialog where you can specify server and channel to join + Mirc DCC resumes are working. By Trever Adams (trever_adams@bigfoot.com) + List of text strings to hilight + Notify dialog is created when someone in notify list joins irc. + Nick completion improvements, /msg nick works and in channels you can complete nicks anywhere in the entry. + Window save size/position dialog + DCC send added to popup menus + Removing lines from GtkText is really slow, so now they're removed with several lines at a time. (default is 20) + /window new [hidden] creates new window, /window server changes server in current channel, useful in text mode version.. + You can try to find memory leaks with giving --with-memdebug switch to configure - Still some bugs with DCC SEND fixed.. - DCC list dialog crashed if there were dcc chats open, it also caused some random crashes when running.. - Maybe window size/position saving finally works right? - g_(s)list_remove_link() didn't work as I had always thought .. It moves the link into separate list and doesn't free memory used by it like I thought.. So, inserted a few g_list_free_1() calls. - When not using menubars, popup menu should have displayed all the items in it, it got broken in .10. - signal_add_after() didn't work right.. actually it had a wrong name too, changed to signal_add_first() and made it to run these events before the normal events. This makes ignoring work again. - /notice was buggy - Configuration file handling (GTK version) was still a bit buggy.. - Lots of small bug fixes here and there.. v0.7.10 1999-05-09 Timo Sirainen [unstable] * ALL KNOWN CRASHES FIXED !! Weird, after changing the code with creating channels to empty windows, GtkText widget started working again, it used to crash after running the test ircserver for a while.. Maybe a few more versions and I'll release a "stable" labeled version again (08.0). + GNOME version can use ZVT widget to draw texts. This is a lot faster than GtkText and with it you can use nice non-scrolling backgrounds and transparency! However, you'll have to use the default colors with it for now and Window/Save Buffer or Find doesn't work in it. !!NOTE!! ZVT in gnome 1.0.9 is buggy, it sometimes crashes when destroying zvt widget (leaving channels). It should be fixed in next version (which doesn't currently exist..) + DCC transfer dialog, display list of all going dcc transfers, the old dialogs can also be created. + Channel specific background pixmaps, if you don't have Imlib you can use only .xpm images. + /ban and /unban changed, they accept multiple arguments and channel name may be specified as the first argument + dcc actions from mirc should work now - Text widget size is now saved instead of the window's size, should work better. - Right clicking text widget created a popup menu, but select selection got broken after it - Some potential bugs fixed after got kicked from channel - Log dialog was buggy - If dcc chat was closed but the query window was still there, trying to chat again with the same nick created another query window but used the old one.. - C-C, C-B, etc. add the character at the end of the entry, not at the current position - Redirecting commands was a bit buggy, it always expected to receive the specified events. This worked with ISON command, but I forgot that WHOIS could also return "no such nick" events.. So, notifylist should now work right instead of sometimes printing whois results. - You couldn't use the normal control-? keys (c-left, c-right, c-insert, ..) - mirc colors were displayed with wrong colors - Changed all isspace(), isdigit() and isalnum() calls to cast their argument as (gint) to remove warnings when compiling with IRIX. - Speech plugin wasn't working again.. - After changing text format from setup, you couldn't change any other lines without closing setup dialog first - Font couldn't be changed by editing the entry line - /knockout format changed, it's now /knockout [timeout] nick reason (so the reason can have number at the start of it..), it also used to crash when unbanning - DCC send fixed, fast send didn't work and without it it was eating all cpu. - DCC sending files with spaces in their name didn't work (they're changed to _ now.) v0.7.9 1999-04-22 Timo Sirainen [unstable] + Server/status dialog, displays list of all connected servers, channels, queries and dcc chats. + Host resolving is now done in a child processes. Hopefully works better than threads which aren't used anywhere anymore.. + Window/Save window size and Save window position, next time the same window (status, msgs, channel, query) is opened the saved size and/or position will be used. + gui_widget_depends_data(), widget will be automatically destroyed if the specified signal is called with the specified argument. Used to destroy DCC request dialogs when they're closed manually, timed out or rejected at the other end.. - Fixed lots of memory leaks which some might have caused crashes.. src/memdebug.c has the debug functions I used .. - DCC CLOSE closed always the last dcc connection instead of the one that matched the parameters - Commented out all GUI_INPUT_EXCEPTIONs .. I don't even know when exceptions are sent and why (I thought that only when some error occured..), Linux doesn't seem to send them ever? IRIX however sends them all the time which made irssi eating all cpu. - Fixed compiling gui-text with systems that had only slang/slang.h - gui_widget_depends() had some bugs - adding irc networks by typing it's name when adding server didn't update the GUI of ircnets list. - If some plugins were already loaded, and loading new plugin failed and it called plugin_deinit(), the call (might have) called some other plugin's plugin_deinit() and crash.. Some updated to change all global plugin functions to plugin_name_* calls so they wouldn't call other modules functions.. - If day changed when logging, the log file contained the day change lines before each line after that.. - Channel labels were hilighted even when the channel was selected.. v0.7.8 1999-04-12 Timo Sirainen [unstable] * This version has lots of internal changes, I haven't tried them much so hopefully everything works right.. + external plugin, reads commands from named pipe and executes them + sample plugin updated, creating new plugins should when based on this one + gui-none is built, it tries to run bot plugin which doesn't exist.. + Moved the configuration code to the lowest level, made settings to be common with all guis. + /set command: /set [category[/key[=value]]] [all] + /alias, /ignore and /unignore commands work again + Nick completion finally working, and better than ever (unless it has bugs of course ;). It tries to be smart when completing, first it checks if someone with same letters had recently written message to you, then it checks for nicks that recently wrote messages and finally for the rest of the nicks in channel. Clicking tab more scans the list. Clicking tab in empty line completes to /msg . Before trying to complete nicks, tab completion checks if the word is in setup's completion list. + Wrote some functions to make possible handling events in different places depending where the command which created the event was sent. This is useful for example to notify list which needs to send ISON requests but user should still be able to use /ison command normally (this has always worked btw). + Notify list's notify event now displays user's host and real name (made with the previous functions which grabbed WHOIS). Notify list GUI also updated for this + You can use user/host masks with notify lists, wildcards are allowed. Nick must always be specified (could be fixed but everyone is invisible anyway so it would be useless). Examples: friend!*friend*@*, friend_!*friend*@*, another!*@*.blah.com, altnick!*@*.blah.com + "your nick is owned by blah (blah@blah.org)" when connected + Text formats page uses now GtkText widget, it displays colors too. It's not perfect but better than before... + There's now three different colors indicating what's happened in channel: red = some text was written there, bright red = public message, magenta = public message to you + Ignore checking is now done by stopping the entire signal so plugins etc. don't have to deal with them. + You can use user/host masks with ignores + Autoraise (in window menu) window when new message comes to channel + Channel settings: You can specify list of bots (masks) and command to send the first one found bot (nice for auto-opping ourself) - Changing user modes from menus didn't work. Moved the menu under server menu. - Speech plugin problems fixed.. It didn't compile without gnome libraries and with gnome libraries it didn't say anything because for some reason one line in sources was commented out.. - IRC network things and server password didn't work because of stupid little bug - Configuration file handling was a bit broken in GTK version - Rewrote menu handling in GTK version, it was crashing when trying to load plugins.. v0.7.7 1999-04-05 Timo Sirainen [unstable] + speech plugin :) This is currently made to work with festival (http://www.cstr.ed.ac.uk/projects/festival/), it's not very usable but nice to play with :) + C-b (bold), C-c (color), C-g (bell), C-v (reverse), C-- (underline) keys work now but they don't display anything in entry line. + Beel character beeps are now optional + Fixes and new features for plugins. Each plugin has now it's own menu under plugin menu and "Unload" menuitem there by default. - GTK version didn't build .. again.. - I broke DCC send in 0.7.5 - SIGPIPE is ignored, maybe fixes some "crashes" when server connection is lost (I never got this btw.) - Using irssi with click to focus sent commands to window where mouse cursor was.. - Fixed some bugs when scrollback buffer got full (GTK's text widget seems to crash sometimes with small scrollback buffer and _lots_ of text!) - Plugin dialog didn't show any plugins - Plugins are now created with automake things to make them portable for compilers/linkers that don't work with -shared switch. The disadvantage is that a lot of unnecessary files are created for each plugin (.a, .la, .so.0, .so.0.0, .so.0.0.0) while irssi uses only libplugin.so, could be fixed somehow but too difficult for me.. - Joining to +k channel crashed v0.7.6 1999-03-29 Timo Sirainen [unstable] * New default colors .. I think they're better, not the best possible but anyway, I'm not good with these :) + Text mode version working again with colors! :) + New settings/servers dialog, changed connect and channels dialogs. You can now automatically connect to multiple servers at startup. All this made by Kari Lavikka (tuner@bdb.fi) + Server password support + IRC proxy support + Right clicking the channel name in panel pops up channel menu + private ctcp and notice messages now show up in query windows if it exists for sender - Fixed logging a bit, you can now log stuff from nicks without having query window for them. - If time stamps were enabled, log files had time stamps twice in each line - Color settings had some bugs - GNOME version crashed if ~/.irssi.conf didn't exist .. because I read the configuration file before gnome_init() which was necessary for "create gnome panel applet" option in setup -> removed it v0.7.5 1999-03-17 Timo Sirainen [unstable] * Text mode version is broken and isn't built. * Configuration file has changed quite a lot, might be better if you would just erase the old one.. Server configuration is also going to change soon.. + Plugins are back! But unfortunately I can't get perl plugin to work. See TODO for more information. + I divided setup dialogs to separate windows and grouped the options to different frames so they actually make some sense now :) Also some new options: - Create GNOME panel applet - Lots of DCC options, the page looked so lonely that I had to put more options there :) - get: autorename file if it exists (currently this is done always..) - autoget: max. file size to get - fast send (don't wait for responses from the other side, just keep sending the data..) - upload path - block size - timeout + Checks for slang/slang.h too .. + Text mode version doesn't have my name/nick hardcoded in it anymore :) Uses IRCNAME and IRCNICK environment variables. + Status window is now optional, when enabled it grabs all "status" messages there. This needed quite a lot of inner changes, hopefully works :) + /nctcp - send ctcp reply + Window size is now saved when quitting and it's used when creating windows in next session - Fixed lots of GLib-CRITICAL messages when disconnected from server while it was still trying to find ip address. - Window/find should now scroll to right position and it doesn't corrupt the text widget with inserting new texts to found texts positions.. It's also case-insensitive now. - Fixed compile error when building without gnome panel.. v0.7.4 1999-03-13 Timo Sirainen [unstable] + Applet for GNOME panel working again + You don't have to specify --without-gnome anymore, configure checks this for you (finally) + Some widget packing changes and tooltips for channel mode buttons by Kari Lavikka + Window/find moves the scrollbar to position where you can actually see the found text (usually, find prev misses it sometimes..) - Disconnect button in disconnect dialog still wasn't working. - Channel mode buttons didn't change if channel wasn't focused - I added separators to menus in v0.7.3, but forgot to make GTK version work with them - Closing DCC chat crashed - Destroying window with WM now really destroys the window, no hide it like it used to.. - Several fixes with window handling.. v0.7.3 1999-03-11 Timo Sirainen [unstable] * Text mode version is not called irssi-text so make install can install both of them without overwriting the other.. + Window menu: find text, save window buffer, close window, new, new tabbed .. And lots of fixing code to make empty windows possible. + After kicked from channel, the window isn't destroyed - While connecting to server and receiving "nick is temporarily unavailable" irssi didn't try different nick but got just stuck there. v0.7.2 1999-03-10 Timo Sirainen [unstable] + GUI for logging, /log start, /log stop + You can drag file from GMC over to nick in nicklist to send the file with DCC + Nicklist changed to GtkCList, ops and voices are marked with pixmaps (stolen from X-Chat, someone want to do better ones?). Had to be done because adding drag'n'drop to GtkList was too slow.. - Pretty bad bugs with GTK version fixed, using several dialogs' buttons crashed.. - WHOIS's idle line displayed seconds wrong. Maybe I finally got it fixed right this time.. :) - Unknown commands still didn't work. They were sent to server with the / character at start.. v0.7.1 1999-03-08 Timo Sirainen [unstable] * The 0.7.0 was actually quite stable, I thought it would crash all the time by itself and do some weird things :) * Hopefully now that GTK 1.2 is finished more people start using it and don't ask me to continue supporting GTK 1.0. So, this version requires GTK 1.1/1.2. + Started gui-text.. Should work somehow :) Prefers SLang but should work with curses also, except in X terminals I couldn't get colors out of it. + Logging, still lacks GUI. Syntax: /log create [<+/->level ...] [#channel/nick [ [<+/->level ...] ...] /log close /log list Example: /log create mylog -all +msgs #linux +chan +public +notices (or simply #linux +all logs everything that appears in #linux window). You can use these levels, ALL is set by default: ALL, CRAP, PUBLIC, MSGS, NOTICES, WALLOPS, SNOTES, ACTIONS, DCC, CTCP, CLIENTNOTICES, CLIENTERRORS + Automatically create query window when received msg (option) + No more "WHO: unknown commmand"s, all unknown commands are sent to server just like they were written + Working again: msgs window, aliases, /kickban, /knockout + Changed quite a lot of GString's to g_strdup_printf + cleaned configure.in - Disconnect button in disconnect dialog didn't work. - Writing to DCC chat only sent the first word.. - setting ircnet to server record was done without strdup()ing from setup server record, so after disconnecting preferences or reconnecting could have crashed. v0.7.0 1999-02-25 Timo Sirainen [unstable] * Lots and lots and LOTS of rewriting code. Hope you like it :) At least I do, mostly. GUI still needs rewriting but.. well, it works anyway now. The [unstable] tag in this version really means that IT IS UNSTABLE. See TODO for what features that 0.6.0 have are still missing. Because of the new great signaling system :) lots of things can be done easier. Now all the dialogs should be up to date, like channel mode dialog. When you receive ops, widgets come sensitive, when you lose your ops, the widgets become unsensitive. irssi source is now also divided in to separate directories: irc-base: this shouldn't change much, it has all basic functionality needed to create a working IRC client. irc-extra: all kinds of extra functionality: dcc, flood detection, ignore lists, (logging soon), notify lists and plugins. common-ui: here's all the functions that need to print some texts to screen. gui-gnome: GTK/GNOME specific code These haven't been started yet: ui-none: make irssi work as a bot with plugins/scripts ui-text: text mode interface gui-kde, ...: I'm not going to do these, anyone? v0.6.0 1999-02-12 Timo Sirainen [unstable] + Plugins! See plugins/* and src/plugin-commands.h for more information + Small PERL plugin, anyone want to continue developing this? + Show menubar option - Some fixes and changes with clicking words. - Notify list didn't work if ircnet was specified. - socks5 needed -DSOCKS to work (but this is still untested..) v0.5.1 1999-02-10 Timo Sirainen * A big bugfix release, hopefully no crashes anymore? :) * Removed intl directory, we don't have any i18n support yet so it's not needed... + Time stamps + Use --with-pthreads=no if they don't work right + socks4/5 support (untested), use --with-socks=no if you don't want them. - If you got kicked from channel irssi was in quite unstable state - Using channel mode buttons in the upper right corner crashed - Whois displayed idle time wrong - Adding first item to empty list (notify, completions, aliases, ignores) crashed. - It didn't actually compile without pthreads lib.. - If any texts contained %s, %d, etc.. irssi tried to expand them - Solaris (and probably some others) need -D_REENTRANT flag to make threads work corretly. - gtk_container_add() should be used instead of gtk_scrolled_window_add_with_viewport() when handling clists.. v0.5.0 1999-02-08 Timo Sirainen + DCC CHAT, SEND, GET + pthread support, no more blocking server connections. + Notify list + Getting more paranoid :) Added a lot of g_return_if_fail()s. Hopefully not in wrong places :) But these surely save some crashes with buggy code.. + BUILD_DOCK, HAVE_GNOME, etc. defines are now placed in config.h instead of being in -D arguments for gcc. + Format strings are more flexible now, you can change the order of the parameters and you don't need to specify if the argument is supposed to be string or integer or .. Should be easy to use, %p1 matches the first argument, %p2 the seconds, etc. + /PING - Changing topic from topic entry widget didn't work. - If window had only one channel, the channel widgets (topic, modes, etc) didn't show up. - Using popup menu from status window's channel lists crashed. - Channel menu didn't work v0.4.1 1999-02-04 Timo Sirainen + Preferences: completion - if you type in entry field and press tab it gets completed, like setting homepage to http://blah and typing: home page is homepage -> home page is http://blah + Tab nick completion. + ':' nick completion also changed a bit.. If it fits to more than one nick it's completed in bash style. Like if there's mynick1 and mynik2, "my:" gets completed to "myni:" + glib 1.0.6 didn't have g_get_user_name(), g_get_real_name(), g_get_home_dir() and g_strncasecmp(), made them.. - Using --no-applet crashed.. - Using items in user modes menu crashed - Several small bugs fixed.. v0.4.0 1999-02-01 Timo Sirainen [unstable] + *Lots* of internal changes with window handling, fixed some memory leaks also while doing them. You can now have multiple real windows with tabbed subwindows in them. It's also possible to have multiple channels in one subwindow. Commands for handling these.. : - /join - Works like before, creates real or subwindow depending if "use tabbed windows" is set in setup. - /wjoin - Joins channel to current window - /hjoin - Creates new subwindow and joins there - /njoin - Creates new real window and join there + Changed URL max length from 20 to 200.. Didn't realize it was that low :) + Shows the nick who sent wallop, you need to change the second line in format texts from "%s" to "%s: %s" to make this it work. Need to do some kind of autoupgrading for formats that change.. + Found new functions from glib :) - g_getenv("HOME") -> g_get_home_dir() - getpw() -> g_get_user_name() and g_get_real_name() - strcasecmp() -> g_strcasecmp() - strncasecmp() -> g_strncasecmp() + GNOME version uses ~/.irssi.conf if it exists - Opping/deopping anyone made irssi think that you were opped/deopped - read_line() had some pretty bad bugs... v0.3.6 1999-01-29 Timo Sirainen [unstable] + irssi.spec to easily build .rpm + Preferences: - Alternative nick which is used when default nick is in use. - Create own window for msgs - Tab orientation - Flood settings - Max lines to keep in command line history - Scrollback buffer size - Text formats + Toolbar .. we need pixmaps .. Needs also window (channel/query) specific items. + Using horizontal panel works right now. + Alt-1..0 changes between windows - Private actions didn't show up in query windows where they should have. - Alias and ignores lists were mixed together and didn't work. - Setting max channels to display in panel to -1 (which is default..) displayed actually only one channel.. Also setting this to 0 works. - Topic didn't change when changing between windows in tabbed windows mode. - When op received +v, @ was changed to + in nick list - Connect/disconnect/channels dialogs fixed so that they won't crash when clicking buttons with empty lists. v0.3.5 1999-01-26 Timo Sirainen + Finished the channels dialog, you can automatically join to channels in specific irc networks. + Changed the look of connect and disconnect dialogs + servertest/ directory, just a test program to try if irssi crashes with _HEAVY_ network load (ie. if there's buffer overflows or some other weird bugs). It doesn't :) + Preferences: Maximum number of channels to display in panel - When leaving from channels, panel didn't redraw it's list correctly - Leaving channels in tabbed window mode crashed - Fixed crash if connection got lost v0.3.4 1999-01-24 Timo Sirainen [unstable] + Tabbed windows work a lot better + User mode menu + Preferences: default user mode - Connecting to more than one server crashed... - Nick list redrawing was broken - Dock applet wrote the texts to pixmap but didn't draw the pixmap into screen then properly.. v0.3.3 1999-01-23 Timo Sirainen [unstable] + /ignore never - never autoignore nick + You can hide/show channel nick list from Channel menu, default state can be set from preferences. + Preferences: Strip styles from text, misc options + Launching URLs work! + More str[nnn] -> GString changes, should be no more potential buffer overflows + Started the tabbed windows, probably quite buggy and the window_create() code is getting REALLY ugly.. - Servers didn't display QUIT message.. Couldn't think of any better way to fix this than not to disconnect the link but let the server do it. - ANSI colors didn't work right v0.3.2 1999-01-22 Timo Sirainen [unstable] + Dock applet, works at least with Enlightenment.. - GTK version tried to move temp config file to real config file with rename() .. didn't work if /tmp and home were in different partitions. - Some servers sent a mode change before /names list, irssi didn't like that and crashed.. - No more Gtk-Critical messages if irssi is run with --no-applet v0.3.1 1999-01-22 Timo Sirainen * 4 days since last relase. too long :) I'm now starting to create "unstable" versions of irssi. They have the latest and greatest features while they might not build/work too well. Check http://www.sicom.fi/~ikioma/irssi-download.html, new versions will probably be released quite often. * GNOME version now builds without GNOME panel applet library * Works with GTK+ 1.0.6 now, maybe with older too. + Connect / disconnect dialogs, channel dialog also started + Server setup dialog changed some. + Status window has a list of channels, queries and (yet not implemented) DCC chats. Also the tiny panel window isn't displayed unless you're running irssi in panel.. + Menu bar in all windows + Cleaned read_line() to use GStrings. + $(sysconfdir)/irssi.conf is copied to default user file if it isn't found. + If you get kicked from channel the channel window won't get destroyed. - Query was in op submenu in nicklist's popup menu .. whops. - 0.3.0 broke server tag generation so using multiple servers didn't work. v0.3.0 1999-01-18 Timo Sirainen * Config changes in GTK version, delete old .irssi.conf file (or change all "tag = values" to "tag=values") * Default set of servers and aliases can be found from irssi.conf, copy that to ~/.gnome/irssi (if build with GNOME) or ~/.irssi.conf (if build without GNOME). + servers page added to preferences. Without connect dialog this is quite useless though :) But if you set "connect to IRC server at startup" on, irssi connects you to first local server. + aliases : - /ALIAS - alias page added to preferences - these codes are extracted in commands: %0 : alias name %1, %2, %3 .. : word % &1, &2, &3 .. : word & + the rest of the text after it %c : channel name - typing extra / before /command (//command) ignores any aliases + ignore list : - /IGNORE - /UNIGNORE - ignore page added to preferences - ignore levels: ALL, CRAP, CHAN, PUBLIC, MSGS, NOTICES, WALLOPS, SNOTES, ACTIONS, DCC, CTCP, CLIENTNOTICES, CLIENTERRORS + autoignoring msg and ctcp flooders + options page added to preferences + invite lists (channel mode I) + !channels should work now + replaced quite a lot of g_new()'s with GStrings. fixed one buffer overflow with this also.. + /AWAYALL - sends /away to all connected servers + /KNOCKOUT [secs] - kick+ban+delay (5min)+unban - nick completion was case-sensitive - again some minor bugs fixed and features added v0.2.1 1999-01-17 Timo Sirainen + Preferences: color and font selection + gnome-stuff.c has some gnome_* compatible functions to get GTK+ version work. They're pretty slow and dum and maybe even buggy so if you want better, just compile the gnome libs :) + Doubleclicking in topic sets the entry editable/uneditable - nick completion was buggy - some minor bugs and features fixed v0.2.0 1999-01-16 Timo Sirainen + CTCP VERSION returns system name and revisions + msgs window has now autoraise set on as default + status window is used only when there's no window active.. + Done server handing: /server = /disconnect + /connect /connect = connects to new server without disconnecting from any old ones /disconnect = disconnect from current server + msgs and status window have a server selector menu + clicking a server tag in msgs window changes server + channel information box + --no-panel command line switch so you can build with GNOME support but don't need to be running it in panel. - some automake fixes - If someone was kicked, the kicker was removed from nick list insted of the kicked.. - Fixed some weird situtation where snapshot window wouldn't disappear from screen.. v0.1.0 1999-01-14 Timo Sirainen * First release