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diff --git a/docs/help/in/ b/docs/help/in/
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+Message levels (or in short, levels) are used almost everywhere.
+They describe what kind of messages we're dealing with. Here's a
+list of them all:
+ CRAP - Can be almost anything
+ MSGS - Private messages
+ PUBLIC - Public messages in channel
+ NOTICES - Notices
+ SNOTES - Server notices
+ CTCPS - CTCP messages
+ ACTIONS - Actions (/me) - usually ORed with PUBLIC or MSGS
+ JOINS - Someone joins a channel
+ PARTS - Someone parts a channel
+ QUITS - Someone quits IRC
+ KICKS - Someone gets kicked from channel
+ MODES - Channel mode is changed
+ TOPICS - Channel topic is changed
+ WALLOPS - Wallop is received
+ INVITES - Invite is received
+ NICKS - Someone changes nick
+ DCC - DCC related messages
+ DCCMSGS - DCC chat messages
+ CLIENTNOTICES - Irssi's notices
+ CLIENTERRORS - Irssi's error messages
+ CLIENTCRAP - Some other messages from Irssi
+And a few special ones that could be included with the
+levels above:
+ HILIGHT - Text is highlighted
+ NOHILIGHT - Don't check highlighting for this message
+ NO_ACT - Don't trigger channel activity when printing
+ this message
+ NEVER - Never ignore or log this message
diff --git a/docs/help/in/ b/docs/help/in/
index baccf1f8..6fe61d42 100644
--- a/docs/help/in/
+++ b/docs/help/in/
@@ -1,51 +1,97 @@
-Both channels and users have modes associated with them. For channels,
-they determine who is a channel operator, the number of people who may
-join the channel, who may not enter the channel, and myriad other things.
-For users, they determine whether the user is an IRC operator, whether
-the user will receive special server notices, etc.
-Modes are enabled when prepended with a "+", and disabled when with a "-".
-Standard User Modes:
- i When enabled, you are "invisible" to NAMES and WHO queries from
- anyone not on a channel common to you. Additionally, you are also
- hidden from WHOIS unless you exact nickname is specified.
- o When enabled, this gives you IRC operator status.
- s When enabled, you will receive special server notices.
- w When enabled, you will receive IRC operator WALLOPS, as well as
- notices of any remote CONNECTs or SQUITs.
-Standard Channel Modes:
- b When enabled, this prevents the specified nick!user@host mask from
- entering the channel.
- i When enabled, users may only join the channel if INVITEd.
- k When enabled, users may only join the channel if they specify the
- proper "key".
- l When enabled, only the specified number of users may enter the channel.
- m When enabled, only users with +o or +v may speak on the channel.
- n When enabled, public messages from outside the channel are not allowed.
- o When enabled, grants the specified nickname channel operator status.
- p When enabled, the channel is made private. The channel name will not show
- up in WHO, WHOIS, NAMES, or LIST replies.
- s When enabled, makes the channel secret. This is the same as +p, except
- the channel will not show up in any WHO/WHOIS /etc. queries from a
- person not on the channel. Anyone who is on a +s channel is effectively
- invisible, as per user mode +i.
- t When enabled, only channnel operators may set a topic.
- v When enabled, grants the specified nickname voice status.
- /MODE your_nick +sw - Receive operator WALLOPS and server notices
- /MODE your_nick +s+w (both examples are equivalent).
- /MODE #channel +l 35 - Set a channel limit
- /MODE #channel +o theirnick
- - Make theirnick a channel operator.
- /MODE #channel +bk-o *!*some@* Secret_Key foobar
- - Set a ban, a key, and remove chanop status
- from 'foobar'.
+Irssi knows these channel modes:
+ i - Invite only - People can't join to channel without being
+ /INVITEd, or being in invite list (+I, see below).
+ m - Moderated - People who don't have voices (+v) can't send
+ messages to channel
+ p - Private - People who aren't joined to channel can't see it
+ for example with /WHOISing people who are in channel.
+ s - Secret - Like private, but the channel isn't displayed in
+ /LIST's output.
+ n - No external msgs - Without this mode, anyone can send messages
+ to channel without even being joined.
+ t - Topic can be changed only by channel operators.
+ k <key> - Channel password (aka. key) - The channel can't be joined
+ without specifying the channel key (see section 6.2).
+ l <count> - User limit - No more than <count> people can join to
+ channel. This can be overridden with /INVITE with some
+ servers.
+ This is usually used for protecting channel from join
+ flooding, like some bot allows max. 5 users to join in
+ one minute or so.
+ a - Anonymous - No-one's nick name, host or anything else can be
+ seen. All messages, joins, parts, modes, etc. are seen as coming
+ from nick "anonymous", this could be pretty confusing but nice
+ feature if you want total anonymity. This mode can only be set,
+ never unset. This mode isn't supported by all servers.
+ NOTE: there is/was one bug :) Channel operators can guess if some
+ nick might be in the channel and try to kick it. If nick was in
+ channel, everyone will see the nick that was kicked.
+ r - Re-op - If channel becomes opless for longer than 45 (?) minutes,
+ op everyone in the channel. This works only in !channels. This
+ mode can only be set, not unset by channel creator.
+ b - Set/remove ban. For example MODE #channel +b *!*@*.org bans
+ everyone from .org domain.
+ If someone from .org domain was already in channel before the
+ ban was set, he/she couldn't be able to write any messages to
+ channel (doesn't work with all servers).
+ Ban can also be overridden with /INVITE, although many stupid
+ IRC clients automatically kick the user out because they see
+ the ban and think that because of it the user shouldn't be in
+ the channel (doesn't work with all servers).
+ e - Ban exceptions. You could for example ban everyone from
+ *!*@*.org but set ban exception to *!*@* - works only
+ in IRCnet/EFnet servers.
+ I - Invite list. If channel is invite only (+i), people in this
+ list can join it without being /INVITEd - works only in
+ IRCnet/EFnet servers.
+ This is excellent for in-country channels that don't want
+ foreigners (spammers!) to join the channel, for example setting
+ channel's mode to +i and +I *!*@*.fi allows only finnish people
+ to join the channel. In addition to this, there's usually a bot
+ in the channels and sending /MSG bot invite command to it
+ /INVITEs you to the channel.
+ The ':' feature in channel modes is quite similiar, see section
+ 6.2.
+ O - Channel owner, the nick who creates a !channel receives this
+ mode. It isn't displayed anywhere, you can't pass it to anyone
+ else and you can't regain it again. This is needed for setting
+ +r mode in channel when it's first created.
+ o <nick> - Grant or revoke channel operator status from nick
+ v <nick> - Grant or revoke voice status from nick, only people with
+ +v (or +o) can talk to channel when it's moderated (+m).
+You can send multiple mode changes with one mode command:
+/MODE #channel +nto-o+v nick1,nick2,nick3
+This would set channel's mode to +nt, give ops to nick1, take ops
+from nick2 and give voices to nick3.
+You can set only limited number of modes that requires argument in
+one command. In IRCnet it's 3, in EFnet it's 4 and in many others
+it's 6. If it's not known, Irssi defaults to 3. Irssi will also
+automatically split them, so you can use /MODE +oooooo n1,n2,..
+command to op 6 people and Irssi will split it to two commands in