--- layout: page title: Getting Irssi permalink: /download/ categories: [ _nav, _6 ] --- There are several ways you can get Irssi: # "Ready-Made Packages":#packages # "Compiling from Sources":#sources h2(#packages). Distributions' Packages
div{margin-bottom:1ex}. !{padding-right:1ex}/assets/Windows.png!*Windows* p. Download setup.exe from "(rel-external)Cygwin":https://www.cygwin.com/ and select irssi during the package selection step. To start irssi, open MinTTY (link should be on your Desktop) and type @irssi@
div{margin-bottom:1ex}. !/assets/debian.png!!{padding-right:1ex}/assets/ubuntu.png!*Debian/Ubuntu* @apt-get install irssi@. You may find more up to date version on "(rel-external)Debian Backports":http://backports.debian.org/
div{margin-bottom:1ex}. !{padding-right:1ex}/assets/macosx.png!*OS X* Install "(rel-external)Homebrew":http://brew.sh/, then @brew install irssi@ You can also install Git with @--HEAD@
div{margin-bottom:1ex}. !{padding-right:1ex}/assets/gentoo.png!*Gentoo* @emerge irssi@
div{margin-bottom:1ex}. !{padding-right:1ex}/assets/openSUSE.png!*SuSE* @zypper in irssi@. You may find more up to date versions on "(rel-external)openSUSE Package Search":http://software.opensuse.org/package/irssi
div{margin-bottom:1ex}. !{padding-right:1ex}/assets/arch.png!*ArchLinux* @pacman -S irssi@
div{margin-bottom:1ex}. !{padding-right:1ex}/assets/fedora.png!*Fedora/Red Hat* @dnf install irssi@ or @yum install irssi@
div{margin-bottom:1ex}. !{padding-right:1ex}/assets/opencsw.png!*Solaris* @pkg-get install irssi@
div{margin-bottom:1ex}. !{padding-right:1ex}/assets/slackware.png!*Slackware* @slackpkg install irssi@
h2(#sources). Sources Latest release version: *0.8.17* - "(rel-external)Downloads"://github.com/irssi-import/irssi/releases See the included "(rel-external)INSTALL"://github.com/irssi/irssi/blob/master/INSTALL file for building instructions To verify the signatures: bc. gpg --keyserver wwwkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys DDBEF0E1 You shouldn't really trust this key without verifying its fingerprint. See it with [@gpg --fingerprint staff@irssi.org@] and ask someone if it matches (eg. on @#irssi@). bc. gpg --verify irssi-0.8.17.tar.gz.asc (This key is different from the one used to sign binaries of versions before 0.8.10. More gpg help can be found from GPG manual) h3. Development sources "(rel-external)Git":1 - You can also get the development version. To check it out, run bc. git clone https://github.com/irssi/irssi After check-out, you *must* run @./autogen.sh@. It may be necessary to install additional packages. More information can be found on "(rel-external)the wiki.":https://github.com/shabble/irssi-docs/wiki/Irssi-0.8.17#compiling-from-git See also: "(rel-external)Commit Log"://github.com/irssi/irssi/commits/master [1]https://github.com/irssi/irssi