--- layout: page title: Getting Irssi permalink: /download/ categories: [ _nav, _6 ] version: 1.1.1 --- There are several ways you can get Irssi [Security information](/security)
## Binary Packages
{% include dl_os_icon.html name="Windows" text="**Windows**" %}{% include dl_os_icon.html name="debian" text="**Debian**" %}{% include dl_os_icon.html name="ubuntu" text="**Ubuntu**" %}{% include dl_os_icon.html name="macosx" text="**OS X**" %}{% include dl_os_icon.html name="gentoo" text="**Gentoo**" %}{% include dl_os_icon.html name="openSUSE" text="**SUSE**" %}{% include dl_os_icon.html name="arch" text="**ArchLinux**" %}{% include dl_os_icon.html name="fedora" text="**Fedora/RHEL**" %}{% include dl_os_icon.html name="opencsw" text="**Solaris**" %}{% include dl_os_icon.html name="slackware" text="**Slackware**"%}{% include dl_os_icon.html name="freebsd" text="**FreeBSD**" %}{% include dl_os_icon.html name="nixos" text="**NixOS**" %}
### Windows Download setup.exe from [Cygwin][2]{:rel='external'} and select irssi during the package selection step. To start irssi, open MinTTY (link should be on your Desktop) and type `irssi` [2]: https://www.cygwin.com/
### Debian `apt-get install irssi`. You may find more up to date version on [Debian Backports][5]{:rel='external'} [5]: http://backports.debian.org/
### Ubuntu `apt-get install irssi`.
### OS X Install [Homebrew][7]{:rel='external'}, then `brew install irssi` You can also install Git with `--HEAD` [7]: http://brew.sh/
### Gentoo `emerge irssi`
### openSUSE/SUSE `zypper in irssi`. You may find more up to date versions on [openSUSE Package Search][20]{:rel='external'} For SLES and SLED, you can also find irssi in the [SUSE Package Hub](https://packagehub.suse.com/){:rel='external'} [20]: http://software.opensuse.org/package/irssi
### ArchLinux `pacman -S irssi`
### Fedora `dnf install irssi` or `yum install irssi`
### Solaris `pkg-get install irssi`
### Slackware `slackpkg install irssi`
### FreeBSD `pkg install irssi`
### Nix/NixOS `nix-env -i irssi`
If your system is not listed, you can still check your systems' package manager or otherwise compile Irssi from source.
The [openSUSE Build Service](http://build.opensuse.org/){:rel='external'} is building Irssi release packages and Irssi git snapshot packages for Debian, Fedora, Ubuntu, and openSUSE.
[Install irssi-git](//software.opensuse.org/download.html?project=home:ailin_nemui:irssi-git;package=irssi-git){:class='btn btn-info'}
[Install irssi release](//software.opensuse.org/download.html?project=home:ailin_nemui:irssi-test;package=irssi){:class='btn btn-success'}
## Release Sources Latest release version: **{{ page.version }}** – [NEWS][14]   {% include relnews_artef_block.markdown ver=page.version %} See the included [INSTALL][15]{:rel='external'} file for building instructions To verify the signatures: gpg --keyserver wwwkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys '7EE6 5E30 82A5 FB06 AC7C 368D 00CC B587 DDBE F0E1' You shouldn't really trust this key without verifying its fingerprint. See it with `gpg --fingerprint staff@irssi.org` and ask someone if it matches (eg. on [#irssi][20]). gpg --verify irssi-{{ page.version }}.tar.xz.asc (This key is different from the one used to sign binaries of versions before 0.8.10. More gpg help can be found from GPG manual) ## Development sources [Source on GitHub][16]{:rel='external'} – You can also get the development version. To check it out, run git clone https://github.com/irssi/irssi After check-out, you **must** run `./autogen.sh`. It may be necessary to install additional packages. More information can be found on [the wiki.][17]{:rel='external'} See also: [Commit Log][18]{:rel='external'}
[14]: {{ site.baseurl }}/NEWS/#v{{page.version|slugify}} [15]: //github.com/irssi/irssi/blob/master/INSTALL [16]: //github.com/irssi/irssi [17]: //github.com/shabble/irssi-docs/wiki/Irssi-0.8.17#compiling-from-git [18]: //github.com/irssi/irssi/commits/master [19]: {{ site.baseurl }}/assets/obs.png [20]: {{ site.baseurl }}/support/irc