--- layout: page title: Tips and Tricks --- ### zsh completion for irssi options. you can download/see it [here][1] the extensions in included in default zsh distribution since 2002-03-07 (should be version 4.0.1) ### hide aliases sometimes i found it quite useful to have a much more quiet irssi :) /alias hideadd eval set activity_hide_targets $activity_hide_targets $- /alias hideclear set -c activity_hide_targets /alias hidelevels.clear set -c activity_hide_level /alias hidelevels.set set activity_hide_level parts joins quits nicks modes /alias hidelist set activity_hide_targets /alias hideset set activity_hide_targets $- i have replaced the aliases with a simple script. see [hide.pl][2] ([source][3]) ### mIRC-like flashing with putty to get notified off activities, while im working, i use the following setup: #### irssi /set beep_when_window_active ON /set beep_when_away ON /set beep_msg_level MSGS NOTICES DCC DCCMSGS HILIGHT /set bell_beeps ON #### screen Audible bell (switch Ctrl+a Ctrl+g) #### putty - no bell and steady on bell ### right aligned nicks /format own_msg {ownmsgnick $2 {ownnick $[-9]0}}$1 /format own_msg_channel {ownmsgnick $3 {ownnick $[-9]0}{msgchannel $1}}$2 /format pubmsg_me {pubmsgmenick $2 {menick $[-9]0}}$1 /format pubmsg_me_channel {pubmsgmenick $3 {menick $[-9]0}{msgchannel $1}}$2 /format pubmsg_hilight {pubmsghinick $0 $3 $[-9]1}$2 /format pubmsg_hilight_channel {pubmsghinick $0 $4 $[-9]1{msgchannel $2}}$3 /format pubmsg {pubmsgnick $2 {pubnick $[-9]0}}$1 /format pubmsg_channel {pubmsgnick $3 {pubnick $[-9]0}{msgchannel $1}}$2 ### uptime alias put it in your .irssi/config in the alias section as one line: ``UPTIME = "eval exec - expr `date +%s` - \$F | awk '{print "Irssi uptime: "int(\\$1/3600/24)"d "int(\\$1/3600%24)"h "int(\\$1/60%60)"m "int(\\$1%60)"s" }'";`` ### ssh/telnet alias /alias TELNET window new hidden;window name telnet;exec -name telnet -nosh -interactive -window telnet $- /alias SSH window new hidden;window name ssh;exec -name ssh -nosh -interactive -window ssh $- happy mudding, telnetting :) ### icq client in irssi?:) `/alias MICQ window new hidden;window name micq;exec -name micq -nosh -interactive -window micq $-` but you could also try [BitlBee][5] ### news reader in irssi?:) no problem: `/alias NNTP window new hide;window name news;exec printf 'article <$0> quit '|nc news.helsinki.fi nntp|tr -d ' '` hmm now there is a script for this purpose too. checkout [news.pl][6] ([source][7]) ### autocorrect feature in irssi? /completion -auto .) :) /completion -auto anywya anyway /completion sio http://scripts.irssi.org/ Write `sio` press `` key and it will be replaced with `http://irssi.org/scripts/`. ### Where are my completions/replaces gone? With latest irssi cvs the format changed a bit. cras merged replaces and completions completions = { wid = { value = ""; }; sid = { value = "http://scripts.irssi.de/"; }; ios = { value = "http://irssi.org/scripts/"; }; ":9" = { value = ":)"; auto = "yes"; }; }; And there is now a command to maintain the completions: /completion [-auto] /completion -delete To get the replaces like behavior add the completion with `-auto` to the commandline. ### `/ame` & `/asay` /alias AME foreach channel /me $-; foreach query /me $T $- /alias ASAY foreach channel /eval msg $$C $$-; foreach query /eval msg $$T $$- for latest CVS you could use (cvs from 2002-10-14.18:24 or later) /alias AME foreach channel ${k}me $-; foreach query ${k}me $- /alias ASAY foreach channel ${k}msg * $-; foreach query ${k}msg * $- the alias is command char independed now. ### Automatically updating the changed date in vim. For editing Irssi scripts with vim auto-change timestamp on closing autocmd BufWrite *.pl %s/changed => '.*/="changed => '" . strftime("%c") . "',"/e on the .vimrc ### How to dump irssi perl variables for debugging? `/alias dump script exec use Data::Dumper \; print Data::Dumper->new([\$0-])->Dump` ### how to send messages without showing up in scrollback/log? I use `/alias QMSG quote privmsg $0 :$1-` for this purpose. it has the advantage over `/^msg` that it works with command char `^`. if you want to auth against some service like Q/Chanserv you now can use: `/network add -autosendcmd "qmsg Q@CServe.quakenet.org AUTH nick pass" Quakenet` ### How to protect irssi from being closed accidently? `/alias quit echo dont do this at home` if you like to close irssi for some reason use `//quit`. ### my anti annoyance filters ;) /ignore -channels #chan1,#chan2,#chan3 * JOINS PARTS QUITS NICKS /ignore -channels #chan1,#chan2,#chan3 -regexp -pattern (away|gone|back|playin|weg|wech|returned) * ACTIONS Disclaimer: of course you will miss some stuff with this ignores. but for me it makes it more readable. Another way to get rid of some message levels is `/scrollback levelclear` I use: `/sb levelclear -levels JOINS,PARTS,QUITS,NICKS,CLIENTCRAP,CRAP,MODE,TOPICS,KICKS`. ### How to update all irssi scripts at once? Use `git pull` ### How to use different formats for the statusbar clock and the timestamp in scrollback? #### to set the scrollback format use: /format timestamp {timestamp %%H:%%M:%%S } (default: `/format timestamp {timestamp $Z}`) #### to set the statusbar clock format use: /set timestamp_format %H:%M:00 ### How to toggle between 2 windows? /bind meta-x command window last now pressing meta/alt+x toggles between 2 windows. ### The fastest way to close a query is...? just type `/q` (without any parameters) in the query window. ### How to show the prompt in the active split window? first make it only visible in the active window with /statusbar prompt visible active Then make it a window-statusbar /statusbar prompt type window ### How can i change the timezone of the clock in irssi? /script exec $ENV{'TZ'}='' e.g. `/script exec $ENV{'TZ'}='UTC'` to run the clock in irssi on UTC while your system is maybe using CET. ### How can i add all my open channels to the irssi channel list? /alias ADDALLCHANNELS script exec foreach my $$channel (Irssi::channels()) { Irssi::command("channel add -auto $$channel->{name} $$channel->{server}->{tag} $$channel->{key}") } this adds all your channels with auto join enabled. if you just wanna add them remove the `-auto`. thanks to Valentin Batz (senneth) for the alias. ### how can i disable snotes in the statuswindow again? /window level ALL -snotes /window new hidden /window level +snotes ### How can i force irssi to redraw the whole screen? you can use `/redraw`. on most terminals pressing `ctrl+l` (in screen `ctrl+a l`) should do the same. of course you can bind it in irssi aswell: `/bind ^L redraw`. [1]: http://sourceforge.net/p/zsh/code/ci/master/tree/Completion/Unix/Command/_irssi?format=raw [2]: http://scripts.irssi.org/scripts/hide.pl [3]: //github.com/irssi/scripts.irssi.org/blob/gh-pages/scripts/hide.pl [5]: https://www.bitlbee.org/ [6]: http://scripts.irssi.org/scripts/news.pl [7]: //github.com/irssi/scripts/blob/gh-pages/scripts/news.pl