--- layout: page title: "Help: ping" --- {% comment %} Please submit changes to - https://github.com/irssi/irssi/blob/master/docs/help/in/ping.in - https://github.com/irssi/irssi/blob/master/src/irc/core/irc-commands.c {% endcomment %} [Help index](/documentation/help) ### Syntax ###
PING [<nick> | <channel> | *]
### Parameters ### The nickname or channel to ping, you can use the asterisk '*' character to ping every user on a channel. ### Description ### Sends a CTCP PING request to a nickname or a channel; this is used to find out the latency on the network. ### Examples ### /PING bob /PING #irssi ### See also ### [CTCP](/documentation/help/ctcp), [MSG](/documentation/help/msg)