--- layout: post title: "Irssi 0.8.18-beta2 Released" --- **Irssi 0.8.18-beta2 has been released.** Beta 2 has only a few minor changes compared to [beta 1](/2015/12/21/irssi-0.8.18-beta-released/) and fixes one regression in /hilight reported from beta 1 testing. **Thanks to everyone who helped test beta 1!** See our [Github](https://github.com/irssi/irssi) repository for details. **New in this release** (unchanged from beta 1). CAP SASL supported natively. ZNC "self messages" shown in the correct window. Line splitting now splits on space. Bracketed paste markers supported for better paste detection. Nick is hilighted everywhere in a message. Config parser is more robust. And as usual many fixes, see the [NEWS](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/irssi/irssi/0.8.18-beta2/NEWS) for details. This pre-release can be downloaded from [our releases page](https://github.com/irssi/irssi/releases). Thanks to the [Open Build Service](https://build.opensuse.org/) testing packages for some distributions were prepared on [ailin_nemui:irssi-test](http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/ailin_nemui:/irssi-test/). We are always looking for contributors so if you find any [Issues](https://github.com/irssi/irssi/issues) report them, and if you can fix any of them do not hesitate to send in a [Patch](https://github.com/irssi/irssi/pulls)! Remember to check out Irssi's [Facebook fan page](https://facebook.com/irssi), [LinkedIn group](http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=147751), [Twitter profile](https://twitter.com/IrssiProject) or pop into `#irssi` on freenode. The Irssi Team.