--- layout: post title: "The GNOME Foundation Needs Your Help" author: "Geert Hauwaerts" email: "geert@irssi.org" --- The [GNOME](http://www.gnome.org) foundation [trademark is under attack](http://www.gnome.org/groupon) by well funded corporate interests. As a fellow open source project with a vibrant and passionate user and contributor community, we feel strongly about this issue. We will not stand by idly while corporate bullies are trying to water down the value and image of open-source projects and their communities, create confusion, and spread FUD. To this end, our core contributors have [donated 1,000 USD](/images/gnome.png) to the GNOME Foundation defense fund; we encourage you to do the same! Remember to check out Irssi's [Facebook fan page](https://facebook.com/irssi), [LinkedIn group](http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=147751), [Twitter profile](https://twitter.com/IrssiProject) or pop into `#irssi` on freenode. The Irssi Team.