--- layout: post title: "Irssi 0.8.17 Released" author: "Alexander Færøy" email: "ahf@irssi.org" --- Irssi 0.8.17 has been released. This release contains many new goodies including documentation cleanup, 256 colour support, truecolour support and tons of other smaller enhancements. For a complete list of changes and bugfixes, since 0.8.16, please have a look at the [ChangeLog](/NEWS/#v0-8-17). The release can be downloaded from [our download page](/NEWS/#v0-8-17). Please report bugs at our [Github issue tracker](https://github.com/irssi/irssi/issues). Remember to check out Irssi's [Facebook fan page](https://facebook.com/irssi), [LinkedIn group](http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=147751), [Twitter profile](https://twitter.com/IrssiProject) or pop into `#irssi` on freenode. The Irssi Team.