--- layout: post title: "Irssi 0.8.16-rc1 Released" author: "Alexander Færøy" email: "ahf@irssi.org" --- Irssi 0.8.16-rc1 has been released. The changes are mostly bugfixes, experimental DANE support and other small enhancements. Check the NEWS file for all changes and please report bugs back to us. The release can be downloaded from [http://irssi.org/files/irssi-0.8.16-rc1.tar.gz](http://irssi.org/files/irssi-0.8.16-rc1.tar.gz). Remember to check out Irssi's [Facebook fan page](http://www.facebook.com/irssi), [Google+ Community](https://plus.google.com/communities/112792798498391615694) and [LinkedIn group](http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=147751) as well. The Irssi Team.