--- layout: post title: "Irssi 0.8.15 Released" author: "Alexander Færøy" email: "ahf@irssi.org" --- The Irssi team is pleased to announce the 0.8.15 release of Irssi. It has been quite some time since our last release and there has been various feature enhancements and bugfixes added since then. This release fixes two security issues: The first being that Irssi didn't check hostname on SSL connections and the other being a hard to exploit remote crash bug. For a complete listing of the changes and bugfixes since 0.8.14, please have a look at the [ChangeLog](/news/ChangeLog). Remember to check out Irssi's [Facebook fan page](http://www.facebook.com/irssi) and [LinkedIn](http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=147751) as well. The Irssi Team.