--- layout: post title: "Irssi 0.8.13 Released" author: "Geert Hauwaerts" email: "geert@irssi.org" --- It has been a while since we last released. First off, this is ***NOT*** an April Fool's joke! Irssi 0.8.13 is out and we ask that you check the [NEWS file](/NEWS/#v0-8-13) for changes! It can be downloaded from [our download page](/NEWS/#v0-8-13). This release was brought to you by the Irssi Core Development teams tears, sweat and hard work and with invaluable contributions from our fabulous users. We'd also like to take this opportunity to welcome two new developers to the team; ***Alexander Færøy (ahf)*** and ***Tom Wesley (tomaw)*** Alexander has been involved with Irssi for a while and joined the development team back in October 2008. He's also involved with the [Exherbo project](http://www.exherbo.org/) and he will be implementing some nifty new features for the next release! So keep your eyes peeled on the changelog and look out for his contributions! Tom has also been around for some time, a long time Irssi user who over the years has dedicated much of his time to helping other users and easing the load on developers in the various #irssi support channels. He's recently agreed to take over the responsibility of maintaining the Scripts & Themes archives, so if you have updates, new scripts or themes and you would like them added to the site he's the person to talk to! So, here's to Alex and Tom, two valuable contributors -- Welcome to the team! If you want to get involved with Irssi, please get in touch with us! You can do so by having a chat with us in [#irssi @ IRCnet](irc://irc.ircnet.com/irssi) or by starting work on some of the outstanding issues in the [Irssi bug](https://github.com/irssi/irssi/issues) list! We don't bite, much! ;) If you just *love* Irssi you might want to join our [LinkedIn group](http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=147751) or the [Facebook fan page](http://www.facebook.com/pages/IRSSI/40806744458?ref=mf). The Irssi Team.