--- layout: post title: Hacking irssi.org author: Nicolas Kuttler web: http://kuttler.eu --- Get a local copy ---------------- If you would like to work on the source code of [irssi.org](http://irssi.org) 1. Fork [the code](https://github.com/irssi/irssi.github.io). 2. Clone your repository to your local machine. 3. `gem install github-pages` if you have not already. 4. Run `jekyll serve` to start the jekyll webserver. Make your changes previewable ----------------------------- If you want your changes merged it might be a good idea to make them previewable. To do this: 1. Create a branch called `gh-pages` with `git checkout -b gh-pages` and `git push origin gh-pages` 2. In this branch, and in this branch only, edit the `_config.yml` file and modify the `baseurl` setting to `"/irssi.github.io"` (the project name). 3. Never work on this branch again. But when you create a pull request for your main work branch merge your main work branch into `gh-pages` and push it to github. So it will be possible to preview your changes under `http://username.github.io/irssi.github.io/` which displays your `gh-pages` branch. Notes ----- {% raw %} All urls should be prefixed with `{{ site.baseurl }}`. {% endraw %}