--- layout: post title: Contributing articles to irssi.org author: Nicolas Kuttler web: http://kuttler.eu --- Forking the upstream repository == If you would like to contribute an article to [irssi.org](http://irssi.org) fork the [website's github repository](https://github.com/irssi/irssi.github.io) and add your article to the `_articles` directory. Use an existing article as template. If you like you can verify that your articles displays properly by installing [jekyll](http://jekyllrb.com) and running a command like `jekyll serve` inside the repository and connecting to `http://localhost:4000` with your web browser. TODO -- - Make forking/git usage optional. - We could build a form with a [markdown editor](http://vuejs.org/examples/), where should we submit it to though? - Policy for images and other included content? - Email and web address and are optional