#!/bin/sh # This script is used for translations using .po files. # It creates the initial .po files for a language where there # already is a translation. # This script is meant to be used only once for the transition # from translating the .xml files to using .po files. if [ "$1" = "--help" ] ; then echo "Usage: $0 " exit 0 fi language=${1:-pl} [ -d ./$language/ ] || exit 1 SCRIPTDIR="./scripts" WORKDIR="./integrated" SOURCEDIR="$WORKDIR/$language" PODIR="./po" if [ ! -d "$PODIR" ] ; then echo "Error: directory $PODIR does not exist." exit 1 fi mkdir -p $PODIR/$language if [ -n "$PODIR/$language/*.po" ] ; then echo "Deleting old PO files for '$language'..." rm $PODIR/$language/*.po fi XMLLIST=$(find $SOURCEDIR -name "*.xml") echo "Creating PO files for language '$language'..." export NO_CREDITS=1 # Repress KDE specific credits # Note: not yet supported by split2po for SOURCEXML in $XMLLIST ; do SUBDIR=$(dirname $SOURCEXML | sed "s:$SOURCEDIR::" | sed "s:^/::") XML=$(basename $SOURCEXML) ORIGXML=$WORKDIR/en/$SUBDIR/$XML PO=$PODIR/$language/$(basename $SOURCEXML .xml).po echo "Converting translated $SUBDIR/$XML to PO file" split2po $ORIGXML $SOURCEXML >$PO if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then echo "** Error during conversion." continue fi done # Check the results echo "" echo "Checking whether translation matches corresponding POT file..." for PO in `find $PODIR/$language -name "*.po"` ; do POT="$PODIR/pot/$(basename $PO .po).pot" if [ -s $PO ] ; then if [ -f $POT ] ; then count_POT=$(egrep "^msgid " $POT | wc -l) count_PO=$(egrep "^msgstr " $PO | wc -l) if [ $count_PO != $count_POT ] ; then echo "** Warning: translation for $PO has $count_PO strings, while original has $count_POT strings." fi # Missing strings: If a line with 'msgstr ""' is followed by an empty line. count_missing_PO=$(egrep -A 1 "^msgstr \"\"$" $PO | egrep "^$" | wc -l) if [ $count_missing_PO -ne 0 ] ; then echo "** Warning: translation for $PO has $count_missing_PO missing strings." fi else echo "** Error: corresponding POT file not found for $PO." fi else echo "** Error: $PO is empty (conversion error)." fi done echo "Done." # Checking for untranslated strings echo "" echo "Checking for untranslated strings in the PO files..." for PO in `find $PODIR/$language -name "*.po"` ; do echo "Checking $PO..." awk -f $SCRIPTDIR/mark_untranslated.awk $PO done echo "" echo "The conversion has finished successfully." echo "The PO files for $language have been saved in '$PODIR/$language'." echo "" echo "Please check all messages above very carefully." echo "If any translations are shown to have a different amount of strings than the original," echo "you should probably correct the cause of this and run the conversion again." echo "" echo "Strings that are shown as 'looking untranslated', this could just be a string that" echo "does not need translation, but could also indicate parts of the original that really" echo "are untranslated but are not marked as such." echo "In that case, you can use the set_untranslated script to mark these strings as" echo "untranslated (enter 'set_untranslated --help' for usage)." rm /tmp/tmp.po.$$ /tmp/$$.xml &>/dev/null exit 0