#! /bin/bash BASEDIR=~/Work/Debian/ EXTRACT=${BASEDIR}d-i/trunk/scripts/l10n/l10n-spellcheck/extract_msg.pl SPELLCHECKER=/usr/bin/enchant WORDLISTPREFIX=${BASEDIR}d-i/trunk/scripts/l10n/l10n-spellcheck/cfg/level WORDLISTPOSTFIX=/wls/di_common_wl.txt if [ -f fi_all.po ] ; then rm fi_all.po fi # no fi_all.po at *.po time for f in *.po ; do ${EXTRACT} -msgstr ${f} > $$.temp1 tail --lines=+3 $$.temp1 > $$.temp2 cut --delimiter=\" --fields=2 < $$.temp2 >> fi_all.po done rm $$.temp1 $$.temp2 #Combine the di_common_wl.txt files from subdirectories #of WORDLIST if [ -f ok_words.txt ] ; then rm ok_words.txt fi for i in 1 2 3 ; do cat ${WORDLISTPREFIX}${i}${WORDLISTPOSTFIX} >> $$.temp4 done sort $$.temp4 | uniq > ok_words.txt rm $$.temp4 # Make list of words spellchecker does not accept ${SPELLCHECKER} -l -d fi < fi_all.po > $$.temp3 sort $$.temp3 | uniq --count > finnish_unkn_wl.txt rm $$.temp3 echo "Tuntemattomia sanoja " `wc -l finnish_unkn_wl.txt`