CPU and Main Boards Support Sparc-based hardware is divided into a number of different subarchitectures, identified by one of the following names: sun4, sun4c, sun4d, sun4m, sun4u or sun4v. The following list describes what machines they include and what level of support may be expected for each of them. sun4, sun4c, sun4d These subarchitectures include some very old 32-bit machines, which are no longer supported. For a complete list please consult the Wikipedia SPARCstation page. sun4m sun4m is the only 32-bit subarchitecture (sparc32) that is currently supported. The most popular machines belonging to this class are Sparcstation 4, 5, 10 and 20. Note that symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) — the ability to run processes on multiple processors — is not supported on this hardware, due to stability problems with such configurations. The available uniprocessor (UP) sparc32 kernel will boot fine on multiprocessor machines, although it will activate and use only the first CPU. sun4, sun4c, sun4d, sun4m None of these 32-bit sparc subarchitectures (sparc32) is supported. For a complete list of machines belonging to these subarchitectures, please consult the Wikipedia SPARCstation page. The last Debian release to support sparc32 was Etch, but even then only for sun4m systems. Support for the other 32-bits subarchitectures had already been discontinued after earlier releases. sun4u This subarchitecture includes all 64-bit machines (sparc64) based on the UltraSparc processor and its clones. Most of the machines are well supported, even though for some you may experience problems booting from CD due to firmware or bootloader bugs (this problem may be worked around by using netbooting). Use the sparc64 or sparc64-smp kernel in UP and SMP configurations respectively. sun4v This is the newest addition to the Sparc family, which includes machines based on the Niagara multi-core CPUs. At the moment such CPUs are only available in T1000 and T2000 servers by Sun, and are well supported. Use the sparc64-smp kernel. Note that Fujitsu's SPARC64 CPUs used in PRIMEPOWER family of servers are not supported due to lack of support in the Linux kernel.